Keyblade Master, Variant (5e Class)
Please note the following may contain spoilers for the Kingdom Hearts series of video games and is considered DM knowledge not player knowledge. This is my interpretation of Kingdom Hearts lore and how it connects with D&D.
Keyblade Master[edit]
All living things are made up of three parts, a body, a heart, and a soul. It is in fact common for these parts to split and reform. The heart and soul can be removed from the body by processes like astral projection, and death. Bodies themselves are not very important. It is when the heart and the soul are separated from one another that things become problematic.
The nature of the soul is to give life and animate. When a soul is left alone it will seek out a body and bring to life an incomplete creature. Creating a Nobody.
The nature of the heart is to connect. When a Heart is left alone it will seek out other hearts to bond with. Because hearts are containers for light and darkness, this can sometimes result in a keyblade.
Keyblades are created from light, darkness, and the hearts of living creatures. They are extrodinary weapons capable of granting great power to their wielder and objects of great magical power allowing the unlocking of many things. Because Keyblades are made from hearts they desire to connect with the hearts of other living things and are slightly sentient.
Keyblade Masters are a rare breed almost always driven to the life of adventure, though some do retire. They are chosen by the Keyblade a powerful artifact and living entity deeply connected to all worlds. Some eventually learn to use the keyblade to create portals to entire new worlds beyond the planes. Keyblade masters rarely know why they are chosen and will thus usually adventure to explore the world or worlds looking for their purpose all the while shaping it with their deeds. No one really understands how the keyblade picks its chosen or it’s true motivation.
Keyblade Master, 3rd Variant (5e Class) in the works due to differing visons of balance. . .
Creating a Keyblade Master[edit]
When making a Keyblade Master, Dexterity or Strength should be your highest ability score, followed by Charisma.
Refer to this list of Keyblades
Class Features
As a Keyblade Master you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Keyblade Master level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Keyblade Master level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light and Medium Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, longswords, rapiers, scimitars, shortswords
Tools: Choose one from Alchemist's, Tinkerer's, Smith's
Saving Throws: Wisdom and Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Acrobatics, Arcana, Insight, Investigation, Perception, and Persuasion.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) A Base Keyblade (your starting keyblade) or (b) {{{item1b}}}
- (a) scale mail or (b) leather armor
- (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
- (a) Potion 5x (HP restoration) or (b) Ether 5x (MP restoration)
- (a) A set of tools (Your choice) or (b) 100 Munny (Gold pieces)
Class Features[edit]
Unbreakable: The item can't be broken. Special means must be used to destroy it I.E. magic being used to destroy it, godly interference, ect.
The Keyblade is a magic weapon. Any creature attuned to the keyblade is considered proficient with it. These are the abilities of the Keybearer class.
Weapon (keyblade, damage type-slashing)
Starting at first level, You can summon a Keyblade. If you do not already have one attuned to you, spend a long rest in a dream state. What happens in this dream state is up to the DM.
You can have a number of keyblades equal to your CHA MOD +1, and can change them as a bonus action. The keyblade can be summoned to an attuned user's hand as a free action. For an opposing creature to hold the keyblade, their wisdom score has to be higher than yours. If a creature is holding the Keyblade the wielder can use an action to start an opposed charisma check. The winner of this check gain or retains control of The Keyblade. The Keyblade can also be dismissed to a pocket dimension as a free action.
The magic of this weapon is unaffected by spells such as antimagic field and it's magic can not be removed. The spells of a keyblades user are still affected as normal.
The Keyblade Master can cast Arcane Lock at will as a free action once per long rest. The user of The Keyblade can open or lock any object. An object locked with the Keyblade can only be unlocked by other keyblades, Dispel Magic, or the Wish spell.
Keyblade Spellcasting[edit]
By the time you reach 2nd level, you have learned to draw magic from your keyblade in order to cast spells.
- Magic Points
You have a pool of magic points which you use to cast your spells. To cast a spell, you spend a number of magic points (MP) to cast spells. At the end of every long rest, you regain all your MP back, half on a short rest rounded up.
Known Spells
Starting at level 2, choose 3 from the following:
(Each spell costs 5 MP to cast)
Fire (Fire Bolt)
Blizzard (Frostbite)
Cure (Cure Wounds)
Thunder (Shocking Grasp)
Aero (Thunderclap)
- Spellcasting Ability
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your Keybearer spells. You use your Charisma whenever a spells refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a keybearer spell and when making an attack roll with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
- Spellcasting Focus
You can use your keyblade as a spellcasting focus for your keybearer spells.
Fighting Style[edit]
At 2nd level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty.
Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.
- Dueling
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
- Great Weapon Fighting
When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can re-roll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.
- Two-Weapon Fighting
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
Key Style[edit]
At 3rd level you adopt a particular fighting style which shapes how you approach combat, and how you wield your keyblade. Choose from the subclasses at the bottom of the page
With your keen eyes, you have managed to see the current states of creatures around you.
Examples of states of creatures are; Status Effects, like poisoned, diseased, etc.Emotional States.Alignments. Abnormalities in behavior & physical appearance.
You are also able to locate items that you are familiar with easily.
AT 3rd level, you have advantage on perception checks
Ability Points[edit]
Ability points are what keybearers use for their limit abilities. Each Limit has a cost of AP (ability points) and each have different effects, but are all offensive. Use them wisely, for they can manipulate the battlefield more than you know. Keybearers are either strategic fighters, or full on brutal warriors. At the end of every long rest, you regain all your AP back, half on a short rest rounded up.
Ability Score Increase[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of you choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Keyblade Transformations[edit]
Starting at 4th level, you can hone in the magic resonating in you and your keyblade and manipulate it causing your keyblade to shift forms. When you would make 3 successful attacks on a creature, you can go into an alternative form as a bonus action giving your clothing the same color as your keyblade. While in this form, you deal an additional +5 to damage rolls with your Keyblade. The form ends after 6 turns at which point you will turn back to your normal form without injuring yourself or others around you. At 8th level you can undergo a second transformation in addition to your first as a bonus action which lasts only 3 turns. When in the 2nd transformation, your movement speed increases by 20ft and your attacks have advantage. You must be in your first transformation as well as acquire 3 hits without fail to go into your second transformation. When your form disengages, all creatures with 30ft of your position must make a dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature(s) take 2d10 of (magical) bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone, and take half that and remain standing on a successful save.
Dimension Link[edit]
As an action you can create a close bond with an individual. You always know the approximate location of someone you've bonded with reguardless of distance or plane.
You can bond with 1+ (Charisma modifier) people.
When a strong bond is made, a crown card with the individuals image is created.
At 4th level, You have unlocked the secrets to the keyblade and how its keychain changes its properties. Once per long rest, you can spend 5 AP to take an item that you have acquired and turn it into a keychain for your keyblade. Your keyblade gains additional damage properties based on the keychained item (GM choice) and you keep that keychain.
Starting at 5th level, as a bonus action, with a cost of 3 AP, you can make an attack that deals 1d6 force damage, plus proficiency, and blast all foes within 5 feet of you. All foes hit must make a constitution saving throw, on succeeded throws, they are not blasted back, if they fail, they are pushed back 5 feet and are stunned for their turn.
Extra Attack[edit]
At 5th level, you are more adept wielding your keyblade. You gain the Extra Attack Feature.
At 5th level, you can concentrate with all your might to either act offensively or defensively. As an action, you can focus on a creature within 60ft of your position and take the dash action (airstep) to get to their position as a small orb of light/darkness. Alternatively, as a bonus action, you can initiate a shotlock attack. The attack does 3d10 damage (depending on your subclass). You can only use the shotlock command 4 times per long rest. Do note, when you move, this does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If the target creature is not watching when you do this or is currently incapacitated, you may initiate an attack of opportunity.
High Jump[edit]
When you reach 6th level, you can now use magic to increase your physical abilities aside from fighting. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 AP to jump 30'.
Combo Plus[edit]
Once you reach the 6th level, you can continue a combo attack that you are locked in. Using 2 AP to hit once again, you are able to use your Keyblade to give your enemy another blunt smack with your Keyblade. You can use this once at 6th level, twice at 10th level, three times at 14th level, and four times at 18th level. At 20th level, you can make this feat cost no AP once per long rest. This is treated as a bonus action. The feat's AP cost increases by 1 per use (up to 5 uses per creature)
Friend Summon[edit]
Using your bonds, your allies aid you in battle. Starting when you reach 6th level, three times per long rest, you can use any crown card you have to summon your friends to the fight. They stay for the duration of the battle, or until they are knocked unconscious. If they are knocked unconscious, they disappear immediately.
Strike Raid[edit]
No enemy can escape your wrath no matter how far they run thanks to the knowledge of Strike Raid.
At 7th level, you can use the Strike Raid technique. As a bonus action, by spending 3 AP you can make a ranged throw with your Keyblade on a creature up to 60ft in front of you dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage upon which, your Keyblade returns to your hand. On a successful hit, the Combo Plus Feature can be added to make additional ranged attacks.
Drive Forms[edit]
Starting at 7th level, you have access to Drive forms.
These are your inner light and darkness manifesting themselves to aid you in combat. You can spend 4 MP to go into 1 of these Drive Forms as a bonus action. The form ends after 2 turns or ends prematurely if you haven't attacked, cast a spell, or if you are knocked unconscious. You can also choose to end your drive form as a bonus action. You can extend the time limit of your current drive form by spending 2 AP. When you go into a drive form (exception of Limit and Anti forms) you roll 1d100. The failure rate starts at 0 and increases by 10 every successful drive change. If you roll under the failure rate (For example if the failure rate is 50 and you roll a 40) you are forcefully put into Anti form for the duration of your drive form timer and cannot prematurely end it. If you are forced into Anti form, the failure rate resets to 0. If drive form Final is chosen, the failure rate is instead 50 always. Also, willingly going into Anti form does not reset the failure rate.
Anti Form[edit]
When you go into this form, your Keyblade disappears and you are left with swift melee attacks Healing items and spells have no effect Movement speed is doubled Attacks only deal 1d4 non magical slashing damage If an attack is successful, the attack keeps going (no AP used) until a failed attempt, upon which, the opposing creature get's an attack of opportunity with advantage.
Limit Form[edit]
When you go into Limit Form, every successful attack on a creature heals you for half the damage dealt rounded down.
Final Form[edit]
To go into final form, the user must be at full hp When this form is triggered, automatically cast Levitate without needing concentration
2 keyblades levitate behind the user and are manipulated by mind, no concentration needed Spells cost 0 MP to cast
Second Chance[edit]
At 8th level, your heart is so persistent that it allows you to power through even the toughest of attacks. When you would die or drop to 0 hitpoints, you can instead drop to 1 hitpoint. You can only do this once per long rest.
Spell Upgrade[edit]
At level 8, your magic still needs fine tuning but you do gain some new spells to help supplement that. Choose 3 spells from the list below (4 if using path of arcane) (Each spell costs 5 MP to cast)
Fira (Fireball)
Blizzara (Sleet Storm)
Cura (Mass Healing Word)
Reflect (Reflect)
Gravity (Gravity Surge)
Spark (Lightning Sphere)
Aerora (Wind Wall)
Thundara (Lightning Bolt)
Magnet (Magnetic Field)
Confuse (Confusion)
Dream Eater Companion[edit]
At 8th level, your dreams have manifested themselves into the material world and you gain a dream eater companion of your choice. This creature can interact with the physical world and answers your command without fail. This creature has 50hp, a natural AC of 12 deals 2d6 slashing damage when attacking creatures. When they would be knocked to 0 or more, they turn into a small orb of darkness which you would have to revive after combat. At level 11th level its damage increases to 2d10 radiant damage, at 14th to 5d6, and at 17th to 5d10.
Dual Wield[edit]
Your heart and ability as a Keyblade wielder has allowed you to use another Keyblade without strain. Starting at 8th level, you can make another Keyblade appear in your off hand and fight with it. It is treated as a separate weapon than your normal Keyblade and can be used on your second attack. This extra Keyblade deals the same damage that your normal Keyblade does and has its damage increase as you level up accordingly.
Second Chance[edit]
At 9th level, your heart is so persistent that it allows you to power through even the toughest of attacks. When you would die or drop to 0 hitpoints, you can instead drop to 1 hitpoint. You can only do this once per long rest
Key Armor[edit]
At 9th level, as a bonus action you spend 30 AP to become enveloped in fully body armor that is considered magical and is immune to Anti Magic Field. This Armor gives you an AC of 25 and is immune to non-magical slashing, piercing and bludgeoning. You are considered proficient with this armor. This armor lasts up until your next rest, upon which, it disengages without damaging nearby creatures, your until you manually disengage it. You can still use keyblade transformations, spells and abilities while in this armor, but no drive forms. While you wear the armor, you have resistance to necrotic damage and advantage on saving throws against being charmed, frightened, or possessed.
With quick thinking, you now can react to nullify an enemy's attack.
At level 10, when a creature would make an attack on you, as a reaction, you can spend 5 AP to use your keyblade(s) to take half damage.
Dodge Roll[edit]
The battle terrain has open your eyes to new points of safety. At level 10, you can spend 3 AP to take "Dash" or "Disengage" as a bonus action.
Counter Guard[edit]
More and more battle tendencies are being discovered by you, as now enemies aren't safe when they try to attack you. At 11th level, when you successfully defend against a creature, you can use 3 AP to initiate a counter attack. However, you cannot use spells when counter attacking.
Retaliating Slash[edit]
When reaching 11th level, your body is more attuned to being active, even when struck. By spending 7 AP, when you would be knocked prone, as a reaction, you can get up and counterattack the enemy. This retaliating attack is with disadvantage and damage is calculated normally.
At 11th level, your keyblade allows you to defy gravity and take flight. You gain a flying speed of 60 feet.
Key Glider[edit]
At 12th level, you have unlocked a form of keyblade allowing you to transport yourself and others. You gain access to a glide and treat it as a mount. This glider has an AC of 13 and can travel up to 100ft. Any attacks on you are with disadvantage except for attacks of opportunity.
Key Absorption[edit]
Your keyblade has now acquired the innate ability to absorb and dispel magic. Starting at 13th level, when you would fail a spell saving throw, you can spend 4 AP to absorb the spell into your keyblade, take half the damage, and attack a creature with the magic or completely dispell the magic.
Keyblade Morphing[edit]
Once you have reached 14th level, your heart has allowed you to push your fighting capabilities to their limits and beyond. Once per long rest, as a bonus, at the cost of 10 AP, you can force your keyblade to entirely shift its looks taking on the appearance of a large cannon that you can carry with ease. This cannon does 3d10 of damage of a failed save, half on a successful save (damage is determined by Path taken: Light; radiant, Darkness;necrotic, Arcane; force). A creature must make a constitution saving throw or risk being knocked prone and stunned for their turn.
Ultima Weapon[edit]
Somehow, the recipe for the strongest keyblade has stumbled into your possession. To obtain the Ultima Weapon, you must obtain the following: 3 Adamantium 1 Ice Shard 1 Fire Shard 1 Lightning shard 1 Shard of light 1 Shard of darkness 1 Crystal heart
Once these ingredients are obtained, take them to a blacksmith and hand over the recipe, or if you have, and are proficient with blacksmiths tools, you can make it yourself (You do not roll for chance at failure. This keyblade does not count toward your maximum keyblade capacity limit.)
Forteller Prowess[edit]
The first of the keyblade masters, known as the original fortellers, have noticed your abilities and have taken a liking to you. At 15th Level, you may take 1 keyblade whose description tells of it being used by a forteller. (If you are at your keyblade maximum capacity, trade one of your other keyblades for it. You cannot trade out your base keyblade.)
Spell Evolution[edit]
Your spells have reached their maximum potential at level 16. Choose 3 from the following spells (choose 4 if Path of Arcane is your subclass):
Firaga (Firestorm)
Blizzaga (Cone of Cold)
Curaga (Mass Cure Wounds)
Gravity (Gravity Surge)
Spark (Lightning Sphere)
Aerorga (Wind Wall)
Thundaga (Chain Lightning)
Magnet (Magnetic Field)
Confuse (Confusion)
Each spell costs 10 MP to cast
Once More[edit]
By 17th level, your heart has grown strong enough to withstand a thousand consecutive blows. When you successfully use your Second Chance feature, you become immune to all damage until the end of your next turn.
Dream Eater Companion Upgrade[edit]
Your Dream Eater now has ascended to its full potential. It is now a large creature and now deals 5d10 radiant damage, has 100 hp, and has an AC of 20.
Auto Recovery[edit]
At 18th level, your body is so akin to certain reactions that it sometimes may react on its own. When you would take damage and be knocked in the air or prone, your body recovers without having to spend AP.
Combo Master[edit]
At 19th level, you are no longer hindered by your own heart. When you would successfully attack a creature, you can keep attacking until you would fail to hit. (This is done without spending AP)
Mark of Mastery[edit]
At 20th level, your bond with your keyblade becomes unbreakable. You can’t be disarmed of your keyblade unless you are incapacitated, and you have advantage on contested Charisma checks to summon your keyblade.
In addition, the keyblade’s magic infuses your strikes with supernatural power. Weapon attacks with your keyblade inflict an extra 2d4 damage. This extra damage is radiant (if you are good), force (if you are neutral), or necrotic (if you are evil).
You also gain the Keyblade Master title, and obtain the X-blade
Path of Darkness[edit]
Shadow Striker[edit]
When dealing with dark magic or area of dark influence, you see through the greatest of false illusions and are resistant to necrotic damage. As a bonus, when fighting at night or in places where light ceases to touch, you gain a +3 to attacks made with your keyblade.
Seeker of Darkness[edit]
At 6th level you get the title Seeker of Darkness and have the ability to control the darkness with concentration. Once per long rest, you can spend 3 AP to summon a heartless to your side and can control it as if you were casting the Find Familiar spell, and must make a Charisma save at the end of every turn to keep control of the heartless. On a failed save, the heartless breaks free from control and attacks the closest creature to it. To regain control, you must make a successful charisma save with disadvantage. (See Heartless)
Valor Form[edit]
When you go into Valor Form, you make a second Keyblade appears in your offhand. This Keyblade has the same damage die and properties as your regular Keyblade You have advantage on Dexterity based checks. When you make your first attack on your turn, you can decide to attack recklessly. This gives advantage on attacks against you, as well as give you advantage on attack rolls.
Sonic Blade[edit]
Once you reach level 8, as an action, you can spend 10 magic points to lunge forward in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. You can then use a bonus action and spend an additional 10 magic points to return to your original position, forcing each creature in the line to make the save again.
At 10th level, as an action, you can spend 20 MP to launch fifteen necrotic darts from your keyblade. Each dart hits a creature of your choice that you can see within 60 feet. A dart deals 1d4 + 1 necrotic damage to its target. The darts all strike simultaneously, and you can direct them to hit one creature or several.
Darkness's Curse[edit]
At 12th level, you have fully mastered the dark arts and are fully immune to necrotic damage.
Dark Prowess[edit]
At 15th level you have perfected dark magic and can summon up to 3 heartless at a time but you must make saving throws on all of them to keep them under control
Harbinger of Darkness[edit]
The darkness will forever be in your heart at level 20. You gain a +5 necrotic damage to damage done with your keyblade
Path of Light[edit]
Ray of Hope[edit]
When dealing with light magic or area of light influence, you use the light to your advantage allowing you to weaponize it and are resistant to radiant damage. As a bonus, when fighting during the day or in places where light shines the brightest, you gain a +3 to attacks made with your keyblade.
Master Form[edit]
When Master form is triggered, movement speed is doubled and a keyblade levitates just out of reach in your off hand. Your offhand keyblade has its attack doubled on a successful hit if used after your on hand keyblade. You AP recharges by 1 every turn (this includes enemy turns.) You have advantage on all athletic and acrobatic checks.
Guardian of Light[edit]
At 6th level, you get the title Guardian of Light and can deal 1d10 radiant damage as a reaction for a successful attack on a target 3 times per long rest.
Oath Keeper[edit]
At level 8, You obtain the Oath Keeper keyblade.
Ars Arcanum[edit]
You heart has grown more aggressive with each new power it gains. At 10th level, when you take the Attack action, you can use a bonus action to make up to four additional attacks. You must spend 5 AP for every attack you make with this bonus action, and these attacks must be made against a single creature.
Light's Blessing[edit]
At 12th level, the light holds no danger for you as you are now immune to radiant damage.
Trinity Limit[edit]
At 15th level you can now fully weaponize light even in the darkest of spaces. Once per long rest you can spend 20 MP to summon a large rune circle at your feet that surrounds the area up to 60ft and large rays of light rapidly shoot out of the rune dealing 4d10 radiant damage on a failed save, half on a successful save.
Bringer of Light[edit]
At level 20 can use the power of the light to give yourself a +5 radiant damage to damage rolls.
Path of Arcane[edit]
Magic Surge[edit]
At level 3, most magic is not a mystery to you and you know how to use it as well as defend against it as you have advantage on saving throws on spells that aren't Radiant or Necrotic. As a bonus, when you would cast a spell on a target, you have advantage for the duration of the spells effects.
Magic Master[edit]
At 6th level you get the title Magic Master and your magic prowess amplifies making your offensives spells deal an additional 1d6 (damage decided on the type of spell used).
Wisdom Form[edit]
The damage with spells you cast increases with Keyblade Master level
The user automatically cast Levitate without needing concentration The user have advantage on Wisdom based checks You do not make physical attacks. Instead you cast Wisdom Shot. You fire a magical dart at a targeted creature and deal 1d6 per keyblade Master level. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 AP (up to 3 times) to fire more Wisdom Shot's
Star Seeker[edit]
At level 8, You obtain the Star Seeker keyblade
Ripple Drive[edit]
Starting at 9th level, when making a melee aerial attack against a target, you can spend 2 AP and 2 MP to strike enemies with a ball that does 1d8 force damage. This ball is a 10 foot sphere centered around your location.
Cure Arts[edit]
At 12th level, once a day, you can spend 5 AP points to heal for and additional 2d10 when casting Cure, Cura, or Curaga.
Magical Restorer[edit]
At 15th level, you can spend 10 AP points as an action to restore your MP by 20.
Magic Lock-On[edit]
By 20th level, your spells never missed a hit. Whenever you would cast a spell on a creature, the spell does not miss.
Path of Balancer[edit]
At level 3, you have mastered the strength of the light & harnessed the power of darkness. When you’re in darkness, including magical, gain advantage on offensive attack rolls, you also may dispel magical & non-magical darkness in a 20ft radius originating from your keyblade.
Yin Yang Master[edit]
At 6th level you get the title Yin Yang Master and can cause your offensives attacks to deal an additional 1d8 radiant or necrotic damage on attack your choice.
Balance Form[edit]
The user's speed is tripled, and you can move across water.
The user automatically casts Spider Climb without needing concentration. The user has advantage on Dexterity based checks.
When you cast a spell or make a keyblade attack, add 1d4 radiant and 1d4 necrotic damage per your proficiency.
Way to the Dawn[edit]
At level 8, You obtain the Way to the Dawn keyblade
Balancer Drive[edit]
Starting at 9th level, when making a melee aerial attack against a target, you can spend 2 AP and 2 MP to strike enemies with a ball that does 1d8 force damage. This ball is a 10 foot sphere centered around your location.
Cure Arts[edit]
At 12th level, once a day, you can spend 5 AP points to heal for and additional 2d10 when casting Cure, Cura, or Curaga.
Magical Restorer[edit]
At 15th level, you can spend 10 AP points as an action to restore your MP by 20.
Magic Lock-On[edit]
By 20th level, your spells never missed a hit. Whenever you would cast a spell on a creature, the spell does not miss.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Keybearer class, you must meet these prerequisites: Possess or be chosen by a Keyblade, or in a lesser campaign: 13 Strength or Dexterity and Charisma
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Keybearer class, you gain the following proficiencies: Keyblade, Light and Medium Armor
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