Gladiator, Variant (5e Class)

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Gladiators are armed combatants bred to entertain audiences in the Roman Empire in violent engagements with feral animals, condemned criminals, and other gladiators. Some are even choose to participate in these games, and risk their lives and legal, or social status by appearing in the arena. Most gladiators are despised slaves socially insignificant, and segregated even in death. Their thirst for blood, glory, and vengeance fuels their battle hardened spirits.

Creating a Gladiator[edit]

When creating a gladiator take some time to conceptualize what they do in the ring. Do they go in with their trusty gladius, murderous intent supplemented with the cestus, or do they come in with a net and trident? Either way ready to put down their enemy into submission before they plunge their weapon into their opponent.

Quick Build

You can make a gladiator by following these suggestions. First, make Charisma or Dexterity your highest ability score, depending on what type of weapon you wield. Your next-highest score should be Constitution. Second, choose the arena Gladiator background.. Third, choose your equipment.

Class Features

As a Gladiator you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Gladiator level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Gladiator level after 1st


Armor: Light, and shields
Weapons: Simple Melee & Martial Melee weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Constitution and Charisma
Skills: Choose three skills from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Medicine, Insight, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion, Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Leather Armor & Buckler Shield: + 1 AC 1d4 damage bludgeoning (takes no handslot except for shields) or (b) Studded Leather Armor
  • (a) 1 Glaive & Spear or (b) 2 Martial Melee Weapon
  • (a) 1 Simple Weapon, 1 Explorer's Pack, and a Wooden Shield

Alternatively, you can ignore the equipment from your class and background, and start with 6d4 x 10 gp. or (b) {{{item3b}}}

Table: The Gladiator

Level Proficiency
1st +2 Arena Conditioning
2nd +2 Glory Dice
3rd +2 Gladiator Archetype
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Increase
5th +3 Extra Reaction, Extra Attack (1)
6th +3 Desperate Deflection
7th +3 Gladiator Archetype Feature, Glory Dice
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Increase
9th +4 Blindsense, Glory Dice
10th +4 Gladiator Archetype Feature
11th +4 Combat Glory, Extra Attack (2)
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Increase
13th +5 Crowd Pleaser, Glory Dice
14th +5 Ability Score Improvement
15th +5 Gladiator Archetype Feature, Glory Dice
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Increase
17th +6 Marvelous escapade
18th +6 Gladiator Archetype Improvement, Executioner
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Increase
20th +6 Timentibus se

Arena Conditioning[edit]

At first level, choose one of the following options.

Handsome Champion: Your Gladiator makes his choice to live as a showman, giving the crowd what they want in combat, preferring to let them make the choices as to who lives and dies, rather than himself. You gain proficiency in your Performance checks. If you are already proficient, you gain expertise.

Ideal Philistine: Your Gladiator loves to watch the undue suffering of his enemies, making him take extra time to perfect the shape and condition of his muscles so that he can be in complete control. You gain proficiency in your Intimidation checks. If you are already proficient, you gain expertise.

Hardened Slave: Your Gladiator has never wanted to be here. He is forced to fight in the arena by a cruel tyrant of a master. This has led to his body becoming hardened to the beatings, eviscerations, and lacerations. You gain proficiency in your Survival checks. If you are already proficient, you gain expertise.

Unpredictable: Your Gladiator has had a rich past; entailing unique skills that most others couldn't dream of gaining. You can choose a skill to be proficient in or gain expertise in it if you are already proficient.

Familia Gladiatorium[edit]

At the 1st level, you've been trained extensively in Gladiatorial Arts to not only fight effectively with skill, but to also dazzle and impress anyone watching. You can now use your Charisma Modifier for attack and damage rolls in place of your Strength or Dexterity modifier on melee attacks you are proficient in.

Any features of this class that requires a saving throw is calculated with the following DC:

Gladiator DC: 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Charisma Modifier

Limelight Addiction[edit]

From the amount of time you've spent traveling the world and fighting people, you've grown accustomed to taking initiative to help impress the crowds watching.

Starting at level 1, your speed increases by 5 feet if you are not wearing medium or heavy armor and you can add half your proficiency bonus on initiative rolls.

Starting at level 11, this speed increase goes up by another 5 feet.

Glory Dice[edit]

Starting at 2nd level, you gain a number equal to 1 + your Charisma Modifier in glory dice. You can use these dice to fuel you gladiator arts and regain all expended uses of glory dice back when you complete a short or long rest.

The glory die's strength scales according to the table below:

1d6 at lvl 2 - 7,

1d8 at lvls 8 - 13,

1d10 at lvls 13 - 17,

1d12 starting level 18 and you can roll a 1d8 in place of your glory die to avoid expending one of them.

You gain additional glory dice at 7th level and one more at 15th level.

Gladiatorial Arts[edit]

As a gladiator, you've been trained to pull off exceptional feats in battle fueled your glory dice. At 2nd level you learn three special arts. You can only use one gladiatorial art per attack.

You learn one additional art of your choice at 5th, 7th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level. Each time you learn new arts, you can also replace one art you know with a different one.

At 18th level, you cannot use your substitute dice for "Parry" Gladiatorial Arts

If an art uses a saving throw, the saving throw is calculated by 8 + proficiency bonus + Charisma Modifier.

Adaptable: You've learned the how to improvise and adapt to adversity, to overcome any obstacles that come your way. When rolling for an ability saving throw, you can use your reaction to expend one glory die and add it to your roll for the saving throw. You can use this after you make the saving throw roll but before you know whether it succeeds or fails. Note: Does not work on death saves

Cheap Shot: When your opponent misses you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction and expend one glory die to make a melee attack against your opponent. If you hit, you add the number rolled to the attack’s damage against the target.

Cautious Fighting: After hitting an opponent with an attack, you can expend one glory die to increase your AC by half of your proficiency bonus rounded down. This effect lasts until the end of your next turn. Also add the number rolled on the glory die to the first melee weapon attack's damage you do during this period as well. Note: If use any other Gladiator arts during this duration, you lose the benefits granted by Cautious Fighting

Defensive Parry: When your opponent hits you with an attack you can see, as a reaction you can expend one glory die to halve the damage, and you could subtract the number rolled on the glory die (roll again each succeeding attack) from further damage rolls made against you by the same opponent. You may only use one type of "Parry" Gladiatorial Art per turn of combat.

Disarm: When you hit an opponent with a weapon attack, you can expend one glory dice to attempt to disarm the target and force it to drop one item of your choice that it is holding if they fail a Strength saving throw against your Glory DC. If successful, roll the expended glory die again and multiply it by 2, the total is the feet the weapon was knocked away rounded down to the nearest multiple of 5 (though minimum is 10 ft away). Also, add the number rolled to the attack’s damage against the target.

Evasive Fighting: After striking your target you try to leap away. Expend one glory die, you can now move up to half your speed. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks, and add the number rolled to the next melee attack’s damage you make.

Feinting Mix-up: When you make an attack roll against an enemy expend a glory die, doing so allows you to add your glory die to next melee attack against the target. You can do so after you have made the attack roll but before it is declared whether to have hit or not.

Foreground Fighting: When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one glory die to use your charisma to goad the target into attacking you. You add the glory die to the attack's damage roll, and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target has disadvantage on all attack rolls against targets other than you until the end of your next turn.

Gladiator's Foresight: As a bonus action, you can expend one glory die to learn certain information about your opponent's capabilities compared to your own. The DM tells you if the creature is your equal, superior, or inferior in regard to one of the following characteristics of your choice: Strength score, Dexterity score, Constitution score, Armor Class, Current hit points. You must be able to see the opponent to use this Gladiatorial art.

Gladiator's Battle-cry: As a bonus action, you may expend one glory die to bolster the resolve of you and one ally within 15 feet who can see and hear you. You and that creature gains temporary hit points equal to the glory die roll + your Charisma modifier.

Gloat: When you hit an opponent with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one glory die to attempt to goad a target within 5 feet into attacking you, provoking a melee attack. The opponent must make a Wisdom saving throw or perform a melee attack against you with Disadvantage. Regardless of whether the target hits or misses, you can perform a counter attack with Advantage. On a hit, the damage is treated as dealing the maximum damage dice and does critical damage on rolls of 19-20. You also regain health equal to the the number rolled on the glory die + Charisma modifier.

Martial Mandate: Whenever an opponent you see within your reach casts a spell, you can use your reaction to expend a glory die to make a melee attack against that creature. Add the glory die's roll to the damage total.

Offensive Parry: When an opponent you see hits you with a melee attack, as a reaction you can expend one glory die to quickly glide your weapon against the incoming attack and open up their guard for a counter attack; Parrying it and reducing the damage by the number you roll + your Charisma modifier and make one melee attack against them with advantage. You may only use one type of "Parry" Gladiatorial Art per turn of combat.

Pommel: When you hit an opponent with a melee weapon attack, Expend one glory die, the opponent must roll a Constitution Saving throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn. Regardless, add the glory die's roll to the attack's damage total.

Star of the Show: When using an ability check for athletics, acrobatics, or performance, expend a glory die to add the roll to one of the previously mentioned above.

Shield Shove: When a target hits you with a melee attack, you can expend one glory die and a reaction to attempt to push the target away from you, the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a fail, the target is pushed 15 feet away from you and they take bludgeoning damage equal to the number you rolled on your glory die. You must be wearing a shield to use this gladiator art, you can don and doff a shield as part of this reaction, however you do not get the shield's AC bonus until after the enemy's attack has been made. This counts as a "Parry" Gladiatorial Art and may only be used once per turn of combat.

Trip: . As part of your melee attack, you can Expend one glory die to attempt to sweep your opponent off their feet. Add the number rolled to the attack’s damage against the target and the target must make a Strength saving throw, on a fail the target is knocked prone.

Wrangle: Immediately after you hit a creature with a melee attack on your turn, you can expend one glory die and then try to grapple the target as a bonus action (see the Player's Handbook for rules on grappling). Add the glory die to your Strength (Athletics) check.

Gladiator Archetype[edit]

At 3rd level, you choose an archetype that you strive to emulate in your combat styles and techniques. It grants you a feature at 3rd level, and again at 7th, 10th, 15th and 18th level.

Gladiator Archetypes

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this feature to take a feat of your choice instead.

Reaction to Glory[edit]

After being used to fighting multiple enemies at a time, you've honed your senses greatly.

Beginning at 5th level if you have yet to use your reaction for the round of combat, you can expend one glory die in place of your reaction. You cannot use this feature using the substitute dice you acquire at the 18th level.

Extra Attack[edit]

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. The number of Attacks increases to three when you reach 11th level in this class. These attacks should be made as melee attacks.

Desperate Deflection[edit]

While others have focused on offensive, you've invested more time into learning defensive fighting; particularly against multiple enemies, so when someone hits you with a melee attack that you can see, you can deflect before counterattacking. At 6th level as a reaction to a melee attack, roll a die equal to your glory die's, you can reduce the damage by a number equal to your glory die's + your Charisma + your gladiator level. You may also make a melee counterattack as part of the same reaction.

You can also use this feature as a Reaction to deflect or catch the missile when you are hit by a ranged weapon Attack. When you do so, the damage you take from the Attack is reduced by a number equal to your glory die's + your Charisma + your gladiator level. You can use the caught projectile to make a ranged attack on your enemy, you have proficiency in this attack roll but it must be made with your Dexterity Modifier.

You cannot use this feature together with your Gladiatorial Arts. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain uses of this feature once you finish a long rest.


At 9th level your thorough knowledge of the skills of combat has allowed you to perceive enemies within the battlefield no matter the situation. If you are able to hear, you are aware of the location of any hidden or invisible creature within 10 feet of you

Combat Glory[edit]

At 11th level, you revel in the excitement of battle. You gain advantage on dexterity saving throws. You also now regain one glory dice upon slaying or landing a critical hit on a target.

Crowd Pleaser[edit]

At 13th level, your performance is explicitly tied to your combat prowess. When making an attack you lunge off of your rear leg striking an opponent with a powerful attack from above, plunging deep into the neck of the opponent causing them to hemorrhage. Until the creature makes a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier), the creature is now bleeding and takes 1d6 necrotic damage per round. If left unattended for 2 successive rounds damage increases to 2d6 damage per round, and the creature must make two consecutive Constitution saving throws (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your charisma modifier). You can use this feature once between short rests starting at 13th level and twice between short rests starting at 17th level.

Marvelous escapade[edit]

At 17th level, daring or desperate you may choose two rounds at the start of combat to perform at your highest maximum. You gain +3 AC, an extra action, as well as an added damage die equal to your glory die to all of your 1st attacks per round. You can use this feature twice, before needing to take a long rest to restore the ability, but must use them in different battles.

Cocky Executioner[edit]

At 18th level, When you reduce a creature's hp to zero, you have the option to activate an execution, doing so requires an entire turn and the execution can be described however the player wants: (within reason). The execution has hyper armor; meaning that it can't be interrupted unless you are reduced to zero hitpoints or die. Upon a successful execution, you double the amount of health gained from Familia Gladiatorium, all allies that see you gain a hit die of 1d10 + your charisma modifier of health back, and any enemies that can see or feel the execution must roll a wisdom saving throw. On success, nothing happens, on fail, they become frightened of the Gladiator, and reduce a 1d4 to any attack or saving throw they make until they successfully use an action to try to end the fear's effects with another wisdom saving throw.

Timentibus se[edit]

At 20th level, those that dare face you shudder in your presence. All living or sentient creatures you are within view of reduce their AC by your proficiency mod and their attacks against you are made with disadvantage while affected and you cannot be frightened. The duration of this feature is your Charisma modifier + 1d6 rounds upon entering combat.

Additionally, when rolling a performance check, you may now treat any roll of 9 or lower as a 10!

Gladiator Archetypes[edit]

At third level, you choose an archetype that you strive to emulate in your combat styles and techniques. It grants you a feature at 3rd level, and again at 7th, 10th, 15th and 18th level.



Gain an additional glory die at 7th level, and two additional glory die at 15th level.


Starting at 3rd level, if you are using a shield you can, as a reaction to an attack or bonus action, interpose your shield between yourself and the enemy. Your AC is increased by your proficiency bonus, and movement within 5ft of you becomes difficult terrain.

Mind Games

Starting at 3rd level, you've gotten quite a fearsome reputation as you continuously learn how to break down your opponents with mind games, you gain proficiency in the intimidation skill, or expertise if you are already proficient in it. You also learn the vicious mockery cantrip and wrathful smite spell. Note: the wrathful smite spell is casted by expending a glory die with extra damage equal to what was rolled, and although you can still cast vicious mockery as a cantip, you can also expend a glory die to cast it as a bonus action and deal extra psychic damage equal to the number rolled on the die. Note: If multiclassing, you cannot use the spell above with spell slots unless it is relearned through magic from another class.

Wicked Edge

Starting at 7th level, you learned that if you don’t fail your equipment, it will never fail you. You spend an extra 2 hours every night maintaining your weapons, and they have a wicked edge, that lesser weapons do not. At 7th level if you spend an extra 2 hours maintaining your weapons, you can have them deal an extra weapon die of damage per hit. At 11th level, this increases your weapons damage die by one (1d4 -> 1d6 -> 1d8 -> 1d10 -> 1d12 -> 2d6 -> 2d8 -> 3d6 -> 3d8 -> 4d6 -> 4d8).

War through Attrition

At 10th level, as combat continues, you can tire out your foe. You must melee weapon attack the same opponent for at least 3 consecutive rounds. The target must be no more than one size larger than you and must be within your reach. After your third attack, your opponent must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier) to avoid taking damage equal to your glory die from Exhaustion for each consecutive round you continue to attack them. The DC for this save starts at 8 and increases by 1 for every round after the third. If you do not attack for one round, the count resets to zero.


At 15th level as a Bonus action, you can provoke to a creature within 30ft. The creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier), or take disadvantage on attacks against creatures other than you until the end of your next turn. You may also choose to expend a glory die to increase your AC. Add the number to your current AC for the rest of the battle up to a maximum of 6. You can use this feature twice between long rests starting at 15th level and three times at 17th level.



Gain an additional glory die at 7th level, and two additional glory die at 15th level.

Fast Movement

Starting at 3rd level, you gain 10 feet of movement speed.

Fuscina Ictus

At 3rd level, you can stab your opponent in one of their foot as part of an melee attack once per turn. On a hit, the opponent must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or be crippled in one foot, only allowing them to move at half speed and have disadvantage on their first melee or ranged attack of the turn. The effect lasts until the end of your next turn. If both legs are crippled your opponent is knocked prone. You may perform this a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, and regains uses after a short or long rest. This attack can combo with crowd pleaser.

Man Of Culture

As one of the hardest gladiatorial classes to master, many are easily wooed by your extended charisma in comparison to your heavier armored counterparts. Starting at 3rd level, double your charisma check bonus when attempting to charm someone either romantically or for favors, gain advantage against being charmed, and learn the two spells: Charm Person, and Suggestion that are fueled by two glory dice to use each, not spell slots. Note: If multiclassing, you cannot use the spells above with spell slots unless they are relearned through magic.


At 7th level, as part of your melee weapon attack using a weapon that deals piercing damage, you can attempt to skewer your opponent, though doing so would prevent you from performing succeeding attacks. The creature makes a Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or 2d6 take necrotic damage on a failed save, and half as much on a successful one. Following the attack, you can use your reaction to force the enemy who was skewered to make a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier), if the creature fails, then they fall prone. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, and regains uses after a short or long rest. You may not use Fuscina Ictus on the turn you used Skewer and vice versa, and this attack combos with Crowd pleaser.

Intimidating attack

At 10th level, when performing an attack roll with Fuscina Ictus or Skewer, you now have the option to use your extended charisma to attempt to scare your enemies. You can use your reaction make an Intimidation check against your opponent's Constitution saving throw. On a success, you can make the attack with advantage.

Dominus Rete

At 15th level you can wield both a net and shield in your off hand, your AC is increased by 1. Additionally, when your opponent hits with a melee attack you can use your net as a reaction to deflect that attack. The damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d6 + your Dexterity modifier. You may also choose to expend a glory die to pin the opponent's weapon. If the number rolled is equal to or greater than the target’s Strength modifier, you force it to drop the weapon used in the attack. You can use this feature twice between long rests starting at 15th level and three times at 17th level.



Gain an additional glory die at 7th level, and two additional glory die at 15th level.

Light-Armoured Movement

Starting at 3rd level,your movement speed increases by 10 whilst in combat

Pre-Born Olympian

After years of some of the hardest training that both Gladiators and Olympians alike can be put through, you've become a master at utilizing both speed and quickness to your advantage; both for show, and the battlefield! Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in dex saves, and can dash as a bonus action. Additionally, you also learn the spells longstrider (one glory die), Haste (2 glory die) and can cast them using glory die, not spell slots. Note: If Multiclassed, you can only cast these spells if you relearn them magically.

Gravitas Ictus

At 7th level you can now combo this as part of an attack or bonus action to Pommel strike your opponent in the head, momentarily stunning them and allowing you to leap and arc your blade high above your opponent; letting gravity and momentum take the blade deep into their chest. This knocks your opponent prone unless they make a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier).

Critical Strike

At 10th level, your weapons crit on a roll of 19-20, and when you score a critical hit with a weapon attack, you roll an additional damage die. Additionally until the creature makes a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier), the creature is now bleeding and takes 1d6 necrotic damage per round. If left unattended for 2 successive rounds damage increases to 1d8 damage per round, and the creature must make two consecutive Constitution saving throws (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier). This also stacks with Crowd Pleaser.

Lupus Fortitudo

At 15th level the Strength of a wolf sharpens your ability. On a turn when you use Crowd Pleaser you gain an additional bonus action, and you gain an additional action which can be used to attack (one weapon attack only), dash, disengage, hide, or use an object. You may also choose to expend a glory die to increase your speed. The number you roll x 5 + your speed is now your current speed. You can use this feature twice between long rests starting at 15th level and three times at 17th level.



Gain an additional glory die at 7th level, and two additional glory die at 15th level.

Lion’s Claws

Starting at 3rd level, gains Improved Unarmed Strikes; meaning that all unarmed strikes deal 1d6 damage can be granted the unblockable status effect: meaning that it ignores AC and instead requires a dex save to avoid. They may also make one unarmed strike, as a bonus action or expend a glory die to make two of them with two effects from gladiatorial arts.

Lion’s Bite
Eagle's Talon

Starting at 3rd level, when an opponent is prone within 10 feet of you, you may expend a bonus action or reaction to dive on them and attack them violently, dealing 2d8 damage + the weapons normal effects and damage die.

Centurion Leadership

Your leadership skills have made a drastic improvement from before. Starting at 3rd level, gain proficiency in the persuasion skill, or expertise if already proficient, and have advantage on persuasion and performance checks to rally people to your cause

Jupiter's Strike

At 7th level, after making a successful attack and unarmed strike as a bonus action your opponent is knocked prone unless they make a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your charisma modifier).

Lion’s Roar

At 10th level on a successful grapple you pommel strike your opponent in the head, momentarily stunning and exhausting your opponent. Your opponent must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) to avoid taking 1d6 damage from exhaustion for each consecutive round you continue to attack them. The DC for this save starts at 8 and increases by 1 for every round after the third. If you do not attack the same target for one round, the count resets to zero.

Imperial Might

At 15th level the might of the empire courses through you. On a successful attack you can attack again and add +2 to your charisma modifier on that attack. You may also choose to expend a glory die to jab your opponent and double the damage rolled; knocking the enemy prone. You can use this feature twice between short rests starting at 15th level and three times at 17th level.



Gain an additional glory die at 7th level, and two additional glory die at 15th level.


At 3rd level, you remember that in certain times in the arena, you will lose your weapon, and be left to defend yourself without it. This is the first lesson you have learned from your rigors of combat. You gain expertise in athletics, learn the two spells and fuel them with two glory die to use each: enlarge/reduce and hold person, and You have advantage on grapple checks up to one size category larger than you. Additionally if you’re opponent is prone, you automatically succeed the grapple check. Also, you may now make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action.

Heavy Hitter

At 3rd level, you remember that from the amount of time you have spent fistfighting with people, you have found the right way to swing your fists to savage effects! Your unarmed strikes now deals 1d8 and crits on rolls of 19-20.

Weaponized Body

At 7th level, you've become quite legendary for going unarmed against armoured and weaponized opponents and have strengtened your body as a result, you are now resistant to all non magical damage and crit on attack rolls of 18 - 20.

World's Star

At 10th level, You've become quite agile; especially in comparison to some of your heavier allies, you now have advantage on Dex Saves and can push people back 5 ft if you choose to after hitting them with an unarmed, you also have advantage on all performance checks for any fighting where all opponents are only using unarmed strikes or improvised weapons.

Heart Of Iron

At 15th level, you've spent a lifetime being knocked down, out, and injured,and have strengthed your body; little by little every time it's happened! You can regain a hit dice after being reduced to zero hitpoints, or knocked unconscious once per long rest. After standing up, your attacks for the next three rounds have advantage and you can reroll damage as well. if you reduce a creature to zero hitpoints whislt in this state, you regain health equal to your hit dice + CHA mod up until you regain half health.



Gain an additional glory die at 7th level, and two additional glory die at 15th level.

Rudis Proficiency

Your pursuit of freedom has manifested itself into your craft, your Rudis. At 3rd level, select a Non-magical melee weapon of your choice (unarmed strikes is also viable provided you have proficiency in them) that you have devoted your aspirations to, it gains a +1 bonus to attacks and damage rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 17th. Your Rudis cannot be disarmed when you are wielding it in combat.

At third level, you can also select one fighting style of your choice:


While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.


When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.

Great Weapon Fighting

When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.


When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield.

Sword and Shield

You can add +1 to your attack and damage rolls when you are have a one-handed melee weapon equipped in one hand and a shield on the other.

Two-Weapon Fighting

When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

Mark of Freedom

As one of the Rudiarii, you have proven your mantle in a specific set of skills of your choosing. You can choose a skill you have proficiency in and double any proficiency bonus you add to it when making an ability check.

Prominent Presence

For whatever reason, you feel the need to continue your pursuit of combat and appeal to the cheering of the crowds. You feel invigorated rushing into combat, especially when there is fame and glory on the table. Starting at the 7th level, you can add your Charisma modifier to your initiative rolls and gain 10 feet of movement speed during the first round of combat. If you strike an enemy that has yet to take their turn for that round, the first Gladiatorial Art you perform on an attack against them does not expend your Glory die.

Rudis Prominence

You gain further expertise on using your Rudis in combat. At 10th level, you double the selected weapon's damage die on any attacks you make with your Rudis. You also score a critical hit is reduced by 19 or 20 with your attacks made with this weapon.

Rudis Mastery

You have achieved mastery in combat of the use of your Rudis. At 15th level, When you attack with your Rudis you do so with advantage.

Additionally, you have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls when you use your Rudis.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Gladiator class, you must meet these prerequisites: Charisma and Constitution 13

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Gladiator class, you gain the following proficiencies: All Armors, Shields, and martial weapons.

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