Lady Luck (5e Class)
Lady Luck[edit]
“ | This world.. it is unfair, bitter and cold. We have no strength to fight; rather we have fate on our side! | ” |
—Anon |
The Dawn of Time.[edit]
Ever since the Dawn of Time, people who have chosen to risk it all have emerged through any time period. These people disregard human thought and faith, and instead to choose to believe in the one thing that is absolute. Chance. They believe that chance will guide them to victory. And so, they wield this chance into physical form, choosing rather to go 'all in' rather then rely on pure physical prowess. Lady Luck wielders believe that nothing in this world is more truthful and balanced then luck itself, for luck doesn't discriminate.
Creating a Lady Luck[edit]
A Lady Luck user activating one of their features. |
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When creating a character with the Lady Luck Class, ask yourself what makes your character want to gamble their entire life away. This reason can be related to a bond, bloodline, treasure, ideal, etc. Most of the time, this reason will encourage your character to defy all odds regardless of if they will succeed or not. So you can then ask yourself, what is your character's gambling origin? It can be from luck, wealth, misfortune, or anything; so long as you can show off a strong conviction within yourself in regards to chance, you should feel comfortable in terms of fitting the theme of a Lady Luck.
- Quick Build
You can make a Lady Luck quickly by following these suggestions. First, Dexterity should be your highest ability score, followed by Charisma. Second, choose any background. Third, choose any starting equipment.
Class Features
As a Lady Luck you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Lady Luck level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Lady Luck level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light Armor, Shields.
Weapons: Simple and Martial Weapons.
Tools: Artisan's Tools or Calligraphy Tools.
Saving Throws: Dexterity and Charisma.
Skills: Choose any four skills to be proficient with.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) Leather Armour or (b) a Shield
- (a) a Rapier or (b) a Quarterstaff or (c) a Lance
- (a) a Longbow with 20 arrows or (b) a Crossbow with 10 arrows
- (a) a Set of Artisan's tools or (b) a Set of Calligraphy tools
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d5x10 gp or 5 gp in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Luck Charges | Luck Feature |
1st | +2 | Lady Luck's Defence, I Like Those Odds!, Luck Dice | 1 + Charisma Mod | 2 |
2nd | +2 | Hope is on our Side!, Expertise | 2 + Charisma Mod | 2 |
3rd | +2 | Extreme Gamble | 3 + Charisma Mod | 3 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 4 + Charisma Mod | 3 |
5th | +3 | Love Train, Extra Attack | 5 + Charisma Mod | 4 |
6th | +3 | Extreme Gamble feature. | 6 + Charisma Mod | 4 |
7th | +3 | Aren't you Lucky? | 7 + Charisma Mod | 5 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 8 + Charisma Mod | 5 |
9th | +4 | Fate is Mine, Breakdown! | 9 + Charisma Mod | 6 |
10th | +4 | Extreme Gamble feature. | 10 + Charisma Mod | 6 |
11th | +4 | Lady Luck's Player, Extra Attack | 11 + Charisma Mod | 7 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 12 + Charisma Mod | 7 |
13th | +5 | Chance's Blessing | 13 + Charisma Mod | 8 |
14th | +5 | Extreme Gamble feature. | 14 + Charisma Mod | 8 |
15th | +5 | Consider Yourself Lucky. | 15 + Charisma Mod | 9 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 16 + Charisma Mod | 9 |
17th | +6 | Extreme Gamble feature, Extra Attack, Take Back the Night | 17 + Charisma Mod | 9 |
18th | +6 | My Story. | 18 + Charisma Mod | 10 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 19 + Charisma Mod | 10 |
20th | +6 | Our Story. | Unlimited | 10 |
Lady Luck's Defense[edit]
At 1st level, while you are not wearing any armor, Lady Luck takes it into her own hands to protect you from incoming attacks. Your AC is now equal to 10 + Charisma Modifier + Constitution. You can use a shield and still gain the benefits of this feature.
I Like Those Odds![edit]
Starting at 1st level, you are able to begin taking chance into your own hands. Whenever you roll a dice, you are capable of expending 1 or more Luck Charges to reroll the result of your roll. You can do this an amount of times equal to your proficiency bonus in a singular instance.
- This can also be used on allies within a 15ft radius, expending a die to allow an ally to reroll their own roll. In addition, when you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
In addition, whenever you would find yourself impaired by a condition or disadvantage, you can use a Luck Charge to ignore said condition/stack of disadvantage, increasing your 'odds' of victory.
Luck Charges[edit]
Luck is not only your profession, but also your style of life. You have a certain number of Luck Charges that represent your strong belief that chance is absolute.
- Save DC is equal to 8 + proficiency bonus + charisma modifier
At 1st level, you gain an equal amount to your level on top of your Charisma modifier.
You are capable of using luck dice to fuel many features within the Lady Luck class. You start off knowing two features.
- Roulette Wheel
Are you ready to gamble? Use one Luck Charge and roll 1d20. Depending on the result, you may either gain or lose Luck Charges. If the result is 20, you gain all of your Luck Charges back. If the result is 19-15 you gain 4 Luck Charges back. If the result is 14-10, you gain 2 Luck Charges back. However, if the roll is 5-9, you lose 2 Luck Charges. If the roll is 4-2, you lose 4 Luck Charges. If the result is 1, you lose all of your Luck Charges.
- Slot Machine
Slot Machines. They cause a lot of unrest and agony, but if it pays off, you hit the jackpot. Gamble 2 Luck Charges to aim your next attack for the target's most vital area, on a hit, it turns a regular successful strike into a critical hit. Also, Critical Rolls with this bonus will do triple damage instead. This must be used before you know if your attack hits.
- Blackjack
Put on your best poker face. You love to get inside the heads of your opposition, attempting to provoke them and throw them off their game. You can do this as a bonus action or reaction by expending a Luck Charge, they must make a Charisma Saving Throw DC equal to your DC above. If they fail, they take {level/2}d6 + your proficiency bonus and your Charisma Modifier of psychic damage. The target also has disadvantage up until their next turn entirely.
- Time Trial
When an opponent misses an attack against you, you are able to expend a Luck Charge and make an attack against them as your reaction. When this attack hits, a foe has to roll a Charisma save. On a failure, they become shocked, making them incapable of making reactions until their next turn. In addition, this prevents them from using class features for the duration of Time Trial.
- Luck Has Your Back
When attacking an opponent or even when they hit you, you may expend a Luck Charge to activate this feat, they will attack you normally, and then you will follow up. If you get hit at any point within the turn of this activation, then keep track of the damage to add to your revenge attack later. On this revenge attack, you roll with their to-hit and advantage. This is a guaranteed critical hit only if you roll higher than their initial roll. If you roll the same then it's a normal hit. And if you roll lower, then it's halved.
- Lucky Number 7
When you do the attack action, the number 7 is counted as a critical for the purpose of instantly succeeding checks as well as critical hits. Whenever Lucky Number 7 is used, it consumes one Luck Charge. If this is used for an attack, it is counted as magical for the sake of bypassing non-magical resistances and immunities and deals triple damage rather than double. This singular strike is capable of ignoring the activation of class features that would hope to mitigate or reduce the strike itself or the strike's damage.
- The House Decides For All
You decide the rules when anyone is in your presence. By consuming a Luck Charge, you are able to reverse the order of things. For example, you could reverse initiative so those with the lower rolls go first. You could reverse someones advantage into a disadvantage etc etc. This lasts for 1 minute whenever used, possibly changing the 'fate' of a battle by making a targets greatest strengths become their weakness. Whenever The House Decided For All is used to directly affect someone, the target rolls a Charisma saving throw. They are incapable of automatically passing this saving throw, nor can they swap the roll out.
- While this feature is actively being used on a feature, the target cannot deactivate the effect of their feature.
- Lottery Ticket
When you hit an opponent with a melee weapon attack, expend one Luck Charge. The opponent must roll a Constitution Saving throw otherwise the effects of Lottery Ticket kick in. On a success, nothing happens. This costs one Luck Charge.
- If they fail the Constitution save, you roll a 1d12 to determine what random condition is applied.
- 1 - Blinded
- 2 - Charmed
- 3 - Deafened
- 4 - Frightened
- 5 - Grappled
- 6 - Incapacitated
- 7 - Paralyzed
- 8 - Petrified
- 9 - Poisoned
- 10 - Prone
- 11 - Restrained
- 12 - Stunned
- Miracle Man
Through the work of Miracle, you are able to fight back against tremendous odds. Whenever you are hit with an attack. Roll a 1d20. Depending on whether the digit is odd or even depends on the outcome.
- Odd Numbers mean that you take half damage from the attack as if you had resistance to it.
- Even Numbers mean that you are able to immediately attack with advantage after the result of their attack has been determined.
This costs a single Luck Charge.
- Gambit
You decide to take a risk. A high-risk for high-reward. Whenever it is your turn, you can consume a Luck Point to roll a 1d6 that will grant you certain effects. These effects can be GOOD or BAD:
- 1 - You begin to feel as though the world is against you. You have disadvantage on saves, as well as general checks for 1 minute.
- 2 - With Luck on your side, you feel incredible! You have advantage on saves, as well as general checks for 1 minute.
- 3 - You are incapable of making reactions to anything until your next turn.
- 4 - You are capable of making double your normal amount of reactions to anything until your next turn.
- 5 - You gain vulnerability to a source of damage until your next turn.
- 6 - You become immune to a source of damage until your next turn.
Hope is on our Side![edit]
Starting at the 2nd level, your faith in chance begins to develop. As an action, you can expend 1 Luck Charge to force a creature to make a Charisma check. The creature must be able to hear you, and the two of you must share a language. If they fail, choose one of the following effects:
- If they fail the check and the creature is hostile to you, you begin to wield chance to protect your allies. The creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against targets other than you and can't make opportunity attacks against targets other than you. This effect lasts for 1 minute, or until you and the target are more than 60 feet apart.
- If they fail the check and the creature is hostile to you, you begin to wield chance to protect your yourself. The creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against you and can't make opportunity attacks against you. This effect lasts for 1 minute, or until you and the target are more than 60 feet apart.
Starting at 2nd level, choose two skills, and gain proficiency with those skills. If you are already proficient with the skills that you have chosen, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any abilities checks you make that use those skills.
Game of Life[edit]
Starting 3rd level, you may choose an Extreme Gamble through which you begin to narrow the intention you have in regards to wielding chance as your weapon. Choose one from the sub-classes all detailed at the end of the class description. You gain a feature from your subclass at the 3rd level, and further features at the 6th, 10th, 14th, and 17th levels
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Love Train[edit]
At 5th level you can empower the chance of success in others. This amplified chance invigorates allies and gives them the strength to keep fighting on. When you use this ability, for each person within 30 ft. of you, choose 1 of the following effects. Use 1 Luck Charge per person effected. (Max people affected is equal to your level):
- Regain 10 HP per person;
- Gain a +1/2 bonus to damage (up rounded) until the end of your turn per person, for any action you'll do;
- Gain a +1/2 bonus to AC (up rounded) until your next turn;
Extra Attack[edit]
Every attack counts when you put your life in Lady Luck's hands. That's why it's good to be able to exercise your trust in faith more. Beginning at the 5th level, you can perform two actions instead of one, whenever you take the attack action on your turn. The number of attacks increases to three when you reach the 11th level in this class and to four when you reach the 17th level in this class.
Aren't you Lucky?[edit]
At 7th level when a creature you can see is given a condition aside from unconscious, as a reaction you may use a Luck Charge to hold that condition and the receiving creature does not receive it. Before the end of your next turn as a bonus action, you may use another Luck Charge to transfer the held condition to yourself, an ally or a different creature you can see. If the creature is unwilling, they can make a Wisdom save to resist after which the held condition fades and can no longer be applied in this way.
Fate is Mine[edit]
At 9th level, as a bonus action, you can begin to channel the power of chance for 1 minute or until you are incapacitated. This consumes 5 Luck Charges.
For the duration, whenever any creature tries to attack you, the attacker must make a Charisma saving throw against your DC.
On a failed save, it can't attack you on this turn, and it must choose a new target for its attack or the attack is wasted. On a successful save, it can attack you on this turn, but at absolute disadvantage. Furthermore, it gains absolute disadvantage on any saving throw it makes against your spells or abilities on your next turn.
Once you assume Fate is Mine, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
Also at 9th level, you begin to find yourself at one with the odds even before combat. Before the start of combat, you can announce yourself against all creatures within 60 feet of you and change fate itself by using 5 Luck Charges.
You can make all creatures within 60 feet of you to make them roll a Charisma saving throw.
- On a failure, the nearest creature that failed their saving throw within 60 feet of you must run up to you and you get a free critical attack with advantage, whenever they come into range of your melee weapon.
- On a success, the nearest creature that succeeded their saving throw within 60 feet of you must run up to you and they get a free critical attack with advantage. Immediately after, combat begins.
At 13th level, you can have a total of two creatures to run at you and be effected, and at 17th level, you can have a total of three creatures to run at you and be effected.
If you successful break down one creature from the Breakdown feature, you can roll initiative with advantage. Any creatures that are immune to the Charmed condition are completely immune to the Breakdown feature.
Lady Luck's Player[edit]
At 11th level, you become a vessel for Lady Luck's devilish antics.
- Your maximum hitpoints is increased by your Charisma modifier multiplied by 5.
- Every time you start combat, roll a 1d13. Whatever it lands on, you become immune to it.
- You add 1 die of damage to your attacks (1d8 -> 2d8).
- Anything that has your proficiency bonus added now has it added twice or thrice.
You become proficient in the Sleight of Hand and Deception skills. If you are already proficient in the Sleight of Hand and Deception skills, double your proficiency bonus.
Chance's Blessing[edit]
When you fight with your friends, you can change their fate as well as your own. At 13th level, as an bonus action you may use a luck charge to grant temporary hit points to you or an ally you can see equal to your Charisma modifier times the target's Constitution modifier. Also, as a reaction, if one of your allies falls and is incapacitated, you can expend 5 Luck Charges in order to bring them back to consciousness with half hitpoints.
This can be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus before a long/short rest is required to replenish your charges.
Consider Yourself Lucky.[edit]
In the face of certain death, Lady Luck can use her powers to give you one last opportunity to defy the cold bitter truth of the world. At 15th level when your hit points are reduced to 0 while you have at least 1 Luck Charge remaining, you regain 1 hit point and come back from the grave to fight once again. Also, this immediately activates Fate is Mine and removes all but 1 Luck Charges you have post-return.
Take Back the Night[edit]
At 17th level, your attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20. When you score a critical hit or when a creature critical fails a saving throw for your attacks, you command chance to inspire your allies and yourself to battle on. Choose a creature that can see or hear you and consume 1 Luck Charge. That creature gains temporary hit points equal to 3d10 + your charisma ability modifier and advantage for their next attack.
Also, you bewilder foes with your attacks by shocking or awing your target. In addition to healing a creature, when you score a critical hit on an enemy or when a creature critical fails a saving throw for your spells or attacks, choose one creature that can see or hear you and choose Shock or Awe and consume another Luck Charge. The creature must make a Charisma saving throw or be frightened (if you chose shock) or be charmed (if you chose awe). A creature that succeeds on this saving throw is immune to Take Back the Night for 1 minute.
My Story.[edit]
At 18th level, you may use 5 Luck Charges to gain the benefits of any one of these effects:
- When a creature starts it's turn, as a reaction, you become attune with all the possibilities that a foe could do. The target creature makes a Charisma saving throw, on a failure you can predict that creature's actions. This has the following effects: You have advantage on attack rolls against the creature. For every 5 feet the creature moves, you can move 5 feet (up to your normal movement) on the creature's turn when it has completed its movement. You can warn yourself and allies that can hear you of the target's offensive intentions; any creature targeted by the target's next attack gains a +2 bonus to AC or on its saving throw against that attack. This lasts 1 minute.
- When a creature goes to attack you, as a reaction, you can manipulate chance itself to cause their attack to malfunction. After rolling to hit, if the attack surpasses your AC, the target must roll a Charisma save. If they fail, the attack malfunctions and deals no damage to you. If they succeed, it deals half damage. If the attack doesn't hit, you regain your Luck Charges. You must declare using this before the DM rolls.
Our Story.[edit]
At the 20th level, you have became one with the Fate of the World. No matter how dire the situation, you are able to get a hold of it and push forth. Your Charisma score increases passively and in maximum by 6, bringing your maximum for this score to 26. It also boosts and raises the cap for your highest score that isn't Charisma by 2, bringing it to 22 maximum. Your number of Luck Charges is now unlimited but you can't use more than your proficiency bonus per turn.
Whenever you are rolling your death saving throws, you can choose to purposely fail them all. Expending all of your luck charges, you can make fate bias to your allies. Even if fate was unfair to you, just for a moment, you can let your allies wield its power. Upon doing so, you immediately die and are incapable of being revived. However, all of your allies gain absolute advantage, as well as +charisma modifier AC as well as half their hitpoints back. Finally, they gain +charisma modifier to all of their rolls.
Extreme Gamble[edit]
Starting 3rd level, you gain further capabilities within an aspect of the Game of Life that you choose to go down. Choose from one of the subclasses below.
A cheater is an individual who doesn't use Lady Luck for good. They use her to cheat, scam and deceive. They use chance as a method of punishing others as well as showing how truly superior they are. In situations where a Cheater would typically lose, they do everything they can to win no matter the cost or toll it takes on their body or mind.
- Cheat Fate
When you select this Gamble at 3rd level, during a long rest you must roll 3d20 and save the values rolled. As a reaction, by consuming a Luck Charge, you may swap the value of a d20 just rolled by anyone within 60 feet for one that you have saved. If used on an unwilling creature, they may make a Charisma saving throw to resist the effects. If used on a dice roll that the player cannot see, the decision must be made without knowing what the value is.
- Reading Fate
Starting at 6th level, when a creature rolls a critical hit or critical miss, as a reaction, you may use 1 Luck Charge to negate the critical effects of the roll. Additionally you now regain 1 Luck Charge when any creature you can see lands a critical hit or critical miss.
- Cheat Attacks
At 10th level, you are able to cheat when you attack, giving you a higher chance of hitting. You are able to use your charisma modifier to attack, and double your to-hits and attacks.
- Cheat Saves
At 14th level, you are able to cheat when you are required to perform a save. Using 1 Luck Charge, you can automatically pass any save that comes your way for free. You can use this an amount of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
- Cheating Death
At 17th level, you unlock the ability to cheat even that of death. Provided you are able to come into contact with someone who is incapacitated, you can activate Cheating Death for 7 Luck Charges. When a target is incapacitated, you may force them to immediately stand up if prone and make a single attack, cheating death itself. This attack gains a range of 120 feet, advantage and deals its normal damage plus your Charisma modifier. Whether it is their own strength or hatred fueling them on for this final attack, they are immediately knocked out and cannot return to a fight.
This can be used twice per long rest.
A Gambler uses Lady Luck for good. They use her in order to tip the odds in the favour of those who need it most. They are at peace with themselves, and so they gamble everything they have for the sake of others rather than themselves like a Cheater would.
Channel Fortune
When you select this Gamble at 3rd level, during a long rest you must roll 3d20 and save the values rolled. As a reaction, by expending a Luck Charge, you may grant advantage on a d20 roll made by a creature other than yourself within 60 feet, swapping the value rolled for one of those you have saved. If used on an unwilling creature, they may make a Charisma saving throw to resist the effects. If used on a dice roll that the player cannot see, the decision must be made without knowing what the value is.
Guiding Hand
Starting at 6th level, when a creature within 60 feet rolls a critical hit or critical miss, you may use 1 Luck Charge as a reaction to either grant advantage to an ally's next attack roll or impose disadvantage on an enemy's next attack roll. Additionally, you now regain 1 Luck Charge when any creature you can see benefits from advantage granted by you or suffers disadvantage imposed by you.
Fortunate Strikes
At 10th level, your attacks are imbued with the luck you wield. You may choose to add your Charisma modifier to your damage rolls with weapon attacks. Additionally, whenever you or an ally within 30 feet scores a critical hit, you may spend 1 Luck Charge to roll one additional damage die for the attack.
Shield of Fortune
At 14th level, you can manipulate fate to protect yourself and others from harm. Using 1 Luck Charge, you can automatically succeed on a saving throw you or a creature within 30 feet is required to make. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses after finishing a long rest.
Blessing of Lady Luck
At 17th level, you gain the ability to bestow a blessing of fortune upon your allies in their direst moments. As an action, you can spend 7 Luck Charges to grant all allies within 60 feet advantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks for 1 minute. Additionally, whenever an ally within range lands a critical hit or critical miss during this time, they regain hit points equal to your Charisma modifier. You can use this feature once per long rest.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Lady Luck class, you must meet these prerequisites: Dexterity 13 and Charisma 13
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons.
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