Bud Light Knight, Variant (5e Class)
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The Bud Light Knight[edit]
In the midst of a battle, the weary soldiers woefully prepare for the final wave of raging orcs. In a final act of hope, a knight in blue armor steps forward and summons a chest of cold beer. The soldiers grab a cold one and start drinking. In the blink of an eye, they are refreshed with stamina and spirit and charge at the orcs.
Surrounded by hungry enemies, the human in blue armor begins chanting the name “Bud Light” loudly. Dark clouds covet the area and begin to rain alcohol. The enemies now in a drunken stupor are too intoxicated to fight, and the human walks away.
Angry and disappointed citizens are at their last wit when they show up to the party and there are no beverages of any kind. A party cannot start without any beer. Just a everyone was about to leave, an elf clad in blue armor walks to the doorstep and summons a cold can of Bud Light in everyone’s hand. The party did not start until the Bud Light Knight walked in.
- A Life Dedicated to Bud Light
The Bud Light Knight lives a life dedicated to the alcoholic beverage known as Bud Light. Whether out of love for the beer or a forced diet involving only this drink, you have lived your life drinking only Bud Light. While some may call you an alcoholic for this matter, that name didn’t faze you. Drinking so much of this beer has caused you to develop some unorthodox yet functional powers involving the drink. They may serve to keep you drunk 24/7, but others have found a use for these powers.
- The Problem or the Solution
You have found new purpose in using your Bud Light powers. You realized your powers can be used to help others, or hurt others. What were once drunkards have decided to turn their life around and fight in service to their kingdom and are recognized as knights. These knights have chosen to help their fellow man and fight evil in the name of good. They are often compared to Paladins.
Others choose to adventure and serve only themselves. These people are continued to be seen as drunkards who only want to drink and not lift a finger to save another. Many people view them with shame. Some may even use their newfound powers to get revenge on those who cast them aside as poor drunkards and treated them like dirt. The choice is yours to make how you wield your Bud Light-mancy.
- Creating a Bud Light Knight
In order to be a Bud Light Knight, you must be a knight. Somewhere in your backstory, you must have served some years of service to a kingdom in order to be recognized into knighthood. Your powers can come either before or after you become a knight. You character must have a reason for working for a kingdom, either forced or voluntary, and then have a reason for adventuring. Did your character decide to retire after their years of service, did the crown order you to investigate some suspicious activity, or did you escape a tyrannical ruler that used you and made you do their dirty work and now you seek revenge?
You must also think about how your character began to experience these strange powers. Did you develop them from drinking too much, did you make a deal with a devil so you could always carry a six pack with you, did a witch trick you into drinking a cursed cold one? The blue knights thrive using their powers, whether they see it as a curse or a blessing is up to you.
Creating a Bud Light Knight[edit]
This player class for D&D 5E is inspired by the Bud Light Knight that is seen in Bud Light commercials.
- Quick Build
You can make a Bud Light Knight quickly by following these suggestions. First, Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by Strength. Second, choose the Soldier background.
Class Features
As a Bud Light Knight you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Bud Light Knight level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Bud Light Knight level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: All armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Mounts (Horse, Warhorse), Vehicles (Land), Can hold a drink in almost anything
Saving Throws: Constitution, Strength
Skills: Choose two skills from Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Perception, Persuasion, Survival
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- Chain Mail and a small banner bearing the insignia of the kingdom you serve (or once served)
- (a) A Martial weapon and a shield or (b) Two Martial weapons
- (a) A light crossbow and 20 crossbow bolts or (b) 5 Javelins
- (a) An explorer's pack or (b) A dungeoneer's pack
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4 + 10 in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Beverage Size |
1st | +2 | A Gift from the Bud Light God, Cracking Open a Cold One with the Boys | Small Can (d4) |
2nd | +2 | The Bud Light Diet | Small Can (d4) |
3rd | +2 | Intoxicating Touch | Small Can (d4) |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | Small Can (d4) |
5th | +3 | Beer Cooler | Small can (d4) |
6th | +3 | Intoxicating Blow | Small can (d4) |
7th | +3 | Extra Attack | Small Bottle (d6) |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | Small Bottle (d6) |
9th | +4 | Bud Light Rain | small bottle (d6) |
10th | +4 | Beverage Rain | small bottle (d6) |
11th | +4 | Intoxicating Wave | Large Can (d8) |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | Large Can (d8) |
13th | +5 | Beer Cooler Improvement | Large can (d8) |
14th | +5 | Serving Cold Ones to the Boys | Large can (d8) |
15th | +5 | The Bud Light Diet Improvement | Large Bottle (d10) |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | Large Bottle (d10) |
17th | +6 | Extra Attack (2) | large bottle (d10) |
18th | +6 | Turn Water into Bud Light | large bottle (d10) |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement, Bud Light Storm | Small Keg (d12) |
20th | +6 | Beverage Storm | Small Keg (d12) |
A Gift From the Bud Light God[edit]
As a Bud Light Knight, you must show all that you are knight who has joined the path of Bud Light. All armor that you wear and you mount wears turns blue and now says Bud Light in big, white lettering. Your weapons and ammunition are now painted blue, so that your enemies will know who was it that killed them.
Cracking Open a Cold One with the Boys[edit]
An ability that most men wish they could have is to summon a beer right into their hands. As a Bud Light knight, you can do just that. At 1st level, you can use an action or bonus action to summon Beverages of Bud Light to your hand to aid you and your allies. You can summon a number of Beverages up to your Con mod plus 1 (min 1). If you or your allies drinks a summoned Beverage, they now possess an extra die (whatever die the size of the Beverage gives them) that they can add to ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, or hit points. Your uses reset after a short or long rest, and any die that was not used or any Beverages summoned but not drunken disappear when you take a short or long rest.
At 1st level you can summon small cans of Bud Light. As you increase in level, the size of your summoned Beverages increases and so does the die it grants the drinker. At 5th level the size increases to a small bottle (d6), at 9th level a large can (d8), at 13th level a large bottle (d10), and at 17th level a keg (d12). The size of your Beverages also affect many more of your abilities that you will gain later on, however those abilities will not count against the number of Beverages you can summon by hand.
The Bud Light Diet[edit]
Years of drinking Bud Light has made your body adjust to the benefits of alcohol. At 2nd level, you have resistance to poison damage, have advantage on saving throws against poisons, and are immune to being drunk.
At 15th level, your body has accepted Bud Light as its main source of nourishment. Once you reach this level, you no longer need to eat or drink to survive. A single can of Bud Light (roughly 12 fl oz) will provide enough nourishment for 24 hours. You are also immune to poisons and poison damage.
Intoxicating Touch[edit]
You don’t know how, but you have mastered how to get people drunk without even drinking a drop of alcohol. At 3rd level, you gain the ability to intoxicate people simply by touching them. When you touch a creature as an action, they must make a Constitution saving throw. On a fail, they become drunk. Nothing happens on a pass.
Saving throw DC = 8 + proficiency + Con Mod
Ability Score Increase[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Beer Cooler[edit]
Sometimes a few beers isn’t enough for a party. You have to bring a cooler for there to be some real fun. At 5th level, you can use an action to summon a chest of Beverages in an empty 5 ft square. The chest contains 5 cold Beverages and ice to keep them cold. You can only summon a beer chest once per long rest.
The potency of the cooler depends on the size of your summoned Beverages, and as stated before this does not count against the number of Beverages you can summon by hand. At 13th level, the size of your beer cooler increases. It will now contain 10 cold Beverages.
Intoxicating Blow[edit]
On your command, your weapon becomes coated in Bud Light and anything that it strikes becomes intoxicated. At 6th level, you can make a weapon attack using your new power. On a successful hit, the target takes an extra Beverage die of poison damage on top of your weapon damage and the target becomes intoxicated. You can use this attack a number of times equal to your Con mod (min 1). Your number of uses reset after a short or long rest.
Extra Attack[edit]
At 7th level, you can attack twice instead of once when you take the attack action. At 17th level, you can attack three times when you take the attack action.
Bud Light Rain[edit]
With their new power the Bud Light Knights chant the name of their favorite beverage, and dark clouds gather to release the drink from the heavens. At 9th level, you can use your action to chant the Bud Light name and summon a thundercloud which rains Bud Light instead of water in a 30 ft square. The center point of origin must be within 100 of you. It rains Bud Light for 5 minutes, and any allied creatures in the rain regain hp equal to half their hit point maximum (rounded down), they get this benefit only once though. Any hostile creatures that enter the rain or start their turn in the rain must make a Constitution saving throw. On a fail, they take a Beverage die of poison damage and become drunk for 3 turns. On a pass, they only take the poison damage. You can use a bonus action to move the rain cloud at least 30 ft in any direction. You can use this feature once every long rest.
Beverage Rain[edit]
By screaming into the sky, you call upon the Bud Light God to grant you an ounce of their power and cause Beverages to rain down and harm your enemies. At 10th level, you can use you action to scream the Bud Light name and summon a barrage of Beverages from the sky to bombard your enemies. Beverages bombard a 10 ft square within a 50 ft casting range. All creatures in the bombardment must make a Constitution saving throw. On a fail, they take 5 Beverage die of poison damage, but on a pass they take half of that (rounded down). You can use this feature once every short or long rest.
Intoxicating Wave[edit]
By coating your weapon in Bud Light, you can now hurl a wave of alcohol at your enemies. At 11th level, as an action you can swing your weapon and throw alcohol in front of you in a 15 ft cone. Any creature in the area of effect must make a Constitution saving throw. On a fail, they take 3 Beverage die of poison damage and become intoxicated, but on a pass they only take half damage. You can use this feature a number of times equal to half your Con mod (rounded down, min 1).
Serving Cold Ones to the Boys[edit]
By the power of Bud Light, you can brighten the mood in a room with a snap. At 14th level, you can use an action or bonus action to summon all of your Beverages (that you still have left) at once. You can summon them to everyone's hand, to your equipment, or on the ground. Also when you summon a singular Beverage, you can now summon it to directly to another's hand.
Turn Water into Bud Light[edit]
If Jesus Christ can do it, you can do it better. At 18th level, you have the ability to turn any liquid into Bud Light after touching it with the exception of lava and acids. Drinking this kind of Bud Light will not give you or your allies any benefits, aside from your Bud Light Diet.
Bud Light Storm[edit]
A tempest cometh, but not just any kind of storm. It is a Bud Light Storm. At 19th level, by using an action to chant the Bud Light name even louder than usual, you can summon a cluster of dark clouds and heavy wind to rain Bud Light even harder than before. Bud Light falls from the sky in a 50 ft square with the center point of origin being withing 500 ft of you. The area of effect also becomes difficult terrain for hostile creatures, and any allied creatures can walk through the rain just fine. It rains Bud Light for 10 minutes, and any allied creatures in the rain regain full hp and spell slots, though they only get this benefit once. Any hostile creatures that enter the rain or start their turn in the rain must make a Constitution saving throw. On a fail, they take 3 Beverage die of poison damage and become drunk for 5 turns. On a pass, they only take the poison damage. You can use a bonus action to move the rain cloud at least 50 ft in any direction. You can use this feature once every long rest, and it does not replace Bud Light Rain.
Beverage Storm[edit]
"I call upon the Bud Light God to rain down death upon my enemies!!!" By screaming into the sky even louder than usual, you call forth the Beverage Storm, one of the Bud light Knight's most powerful attacks. At 20th level, you can use the Beverage Storm to bombard a 20 ft square within a 100 ft casting range. All creatures in the bombardment must make a Constitution saving throw. On a fail, they take 10 Beverage die of poison damage, but on a pass they take half of that (rounded down). You can use this feature once every long rest, and this does not replace Beverage Rain.
Multi Classing[edit]
The prerequisites for multi classing into a Bud Light Knight are: you must have a Constitution ability score of at least 13 and a Strength ability score of at least 13.
You gain the following benefits: Proficiency in simple and martial weapons, all armor and shields, and mounts (horse)
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