Evolutionist (5e Class)

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Evolutionists are the change incarnate. They take the rules of flesh given to them, then they bend them to their monstrous tune.

From the shadows strikes the scythe like claw, decapitating orc chief with one swift move. The rest of the beast walks out of the wall revealing a mantis like appearance for the moment, as it disappeared again from the eyes of raid party. They knew it shall strike again, but god knows from where...

At top of the tower stands single soldier, wearing only a brown robe with dragon insignia on it. Below him a clash of steel - battlefield. Then through the air went a mighty roar. As the robes fell a gigantic red dragon flew up. The air suddenly filled with fire and lightning - both necessary to defend his homeland.

Masters of matter[edit]

Evolutionsts are masters of flesh. Is it by blood inheritance, falling into a liquid of mysterious origin, the influence of otherworldly power or years of extensive research about shapethurgy - the manipulation of flesh, either way they know their bodies better then the world around them. Usually the people around them perceive them as monsters hiding in the shadows, unholy creations, although there are cases where they are perceived as holy or even from the godly origin. For the Evolutionist himself its only a matter of personal preference what they shall do about the world around them. Some after mastering themselves wish to master the world itself, be it knowledge or power. Some use shapethurgy to accomplish a specific goal - may it be of research or something personal.

Creating an Evolutionist[edit]

When creating Evolutionist there are some questions the player must answer. First of all is how your character developed this power. Was it of unknown origin, a blessing or years of training among other Evolutionists? The second questions should be how your character sees their power - do they consider it a tool, curse or something else entirely? Lastly how the world perceives them - was your character respected? Or were they despised? All of the above questions should be considered, as the nature of every Evolutionist is controlled, although monstrous.

Quick Build

You can make a Evolutionist quickly by following these suggestions. First, Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity. Second, choose the sage background. Third, choose Athletics and Acrobatics for your skills.

Class Features

As a Evolutionist you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Evolutionist level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Evolutionist level after 1st


Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: One type of artisan's tools
Saving Throws: Constitution, Strength
Skills: Choose two from Animal Handling, Athletics, Acrobatics, Arcana, Nature, Perception, Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

Table: The Evolutionist

Level Proficiency
Features Evolutions known
1st +2 Battle Form,Natural Armor,Siphoning Strikes 4
2nd +2 Destiny 4
3rd +2 Otherworldly Biology 4
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4
5th +3 Extra Attack 6
6th +3 Magical Strikes, Environment Savant 6
7th +3 Destiny Feature 8
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 8
9th +4 Perfected Body 8
10th +4 Legendary Evolution I 10
11th +4 Destiny Feature 10
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 10
13th +5 Legendary Evolution II 12
14th +5 Destiny Feature 12
15th +5 Legendary Evolution III 14
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 14
17th +6 Total Control 16
18th +6 Destiny Feature 16
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 18
20th +6 Master of Change 18

Battle Form[edit]

Starting at 1st level you can create your own Evolutionist battle form. After a long rest you enter a form of your choosing, granting the benefits of that form in addition to being able to make unarmed strikes using either Strength or Dexterity for attack and damage rolls. This unarmed strike deals d6 points of either piercing, slashing or bludgeoning damage depending on player's choice.

The damage die for unarmed strikes changes to d8 at 11th level and then to d10 at 15th level. While morphing, your equipment merges into your new form and magic items you wear integrate into your Battle Form. You retain the benefit of any features from your class, race, or other sources. You choose the appearance of your new form. If you die, while in Battle Form, you turn back to your original form after number of hours equal to you Constitution modifier.

Creating a battle form

Each Evolutionist has access to evolution points - using them you may create a battle form. You can create or modify your battle form once, being able to do so again after finishing a long rest. To create a battle form you have to use your evolution points on Evolutions you know, combining them into battle form. Total number of evolution points equals your level in this class plus your Constitution modifier. Your total number of Evolutions know is shown in class table. You can swap one of your known Evolutions on level up.

Natural Armor[edit]

Beginning at 1st level your body starts protecting you better. Be it because of thick hide, scales or faster movement, you gain unarmored defense equal to 10 + Dexterity modifier + Constitution modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.

Siphoning Strikes[edit]

Starting at 1st level your body learns how to turn flesh destroyed during your attacks into your own. If you are not at full hit points, once per turn you can choose to immediately after you deal damage with your natural weapons or evolutions to a creature you regain hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. You can use this feature an amount of times equal to your proficiency modifier, regaining all expended uses after finishing a long rest.


Starting at 2nd level you choose Destiny your Evolutionist sees. Choose between Destiny of True Form or Destiny of Shared Adaptation, all detailed at the end of the class description, before the evolutions. Your choice grants you features at 2nd and again at 7th, 14th, 15th and 18th level.

Otherworldly Biology[edit]

Starting at 3rd level your body gets a better hold of unwanted changes. You gain advantage on saving throws against diseases and the poisoned condition. You have advantage on saving throws against magical effects that would alter your form such as the polymorph spell. Additionally you gain darkvision out to a range of 60ft. If you already have darkvision, its range is extended by 30ft.

Extra Attack[edit]

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the attack action on your turn.

Magical Strikes[edit]

Starting at 6th Level, your attacks with natural weapons and evolution effects count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Environment Savant[edit]

At 6th Level you become naturally acclimated to hazardous enviroments, granting you advantage on Constitution saving throws to resist effects of such enviroments.

Perfected Body[edit]

Starting at 9th level, your body moves further with its changes as you become immune to diseases. Additionaly you can select two skills and one tool in which you are proficient. From this point onward, you may substitute your Constitution modifier for the standard ability modifier associated with that skill or tool.

Legendary Evolution I[edit]

Beginning at 10th level your body slowly tries to adapt to one of the legendary evolution paths. Choose one of the legendary evolutions of first tier. You may only have one legendary evolution and once you choose it, you cannot change your path. Legendary evolutions are listed at the end of the class and they neither count for your total evolutions known or cost you any evolution points.

Legendary Evolution II[edit]

Starting at 13th level your body embraces more of the legendary evolution previously chosen. You replace the first tier of previously chosen legendary evolution with its second tier. Legendary evolutions are listed at the end of the class and they neither count for your total evolutions known or cost you any evolution points.

Legendary Evolution III[edit]

Starting at 15th level your body embraces full potential of the legendary evolution previously chosen. You replace the second tier of previously chosen legendary evolution with its third tier. Legendary evolutions are listed at the end of the class and they neither count for your total evolutions known or cost you any evolution points.

Total Control[edit]

Beginning at 17th level, you gain complete control over your own body. You stop aging and you become immune to any spell or effect that would age you or alter your form, if you do not wish to be affected, thanks to your body actively infusing itself with power of shapethurgy. Additionaly the two skills and one tool you previously chose from the Perfected Body feature receive bonus to all rolls made equal to your Constitution modifier.

Master of Change[edit]

Reaching 20th level you become the change incarnate fusing yourself with true essence of shapethurgy. At the end of the long rest choose one of evolutions that you do not have, match the prerequsities and that is not legendary evolution. You gain this evolution without needing to pay its evolution points cost until the end of your next long rest.


Destiny of True Form[edit]

Some may say that one can find themselves by exploring the world... You for a change dug deeper into flesh than anyone else before you and in doing so, you found the way to achieving power beyond imagination. Some might not even recognize you anymore, but that's not what matters. Bones breaking, body completely rearranging, one day you shall find a path to perfection... a path to your true form.

Flesh Shaper

Starting at 2nd level you opened your body for a changes some might not have survived. Every evolution you take costs half its price, rounded up. Additionally, while you transform you lose your previous tag, and gain monstrosity tag instead. If you have an evolution which changes your tag, you become that tag instead.

Rapid Metabolism

Beginning at 7th level you feel as the world around you slows down, while you are getting faster. Your movement speed increases by 10ft. Additionally all of your Evolutions actions gain one extra usage before rest.

Morphic Shield

Starting at 11th level, you can morph parts of your body into a protective shell or buffer. As a reaction if you would get hit, you can increase your AC for this attack by an amount equal to your Constitution modifier possibly turning hit to a miss. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all uses of this feature on a long rest.

Living change

Beginning at 14th level you mastered form manipulation. As an action you can quickly shed your current form, exchanging number of evolutions in your current Battle Form equal to your Constitution modifier from the evolutions known. While doing so, keep track of the sum of each changed evolution. You can use this feature twice per long rest.

True form

At 18th level you reach your true potential, learning how to create a ultimate body that shall break all in your wake. From the legendary evolutions that you haven't picked choose one prime feature that isn't dependent on any other feature, From now on you get that as a permanent feature. You can't pick a feature that depends on other features.

Destiny of Shared Adaptation[edit]

Imperfections of nature, flaws and natural errors. All of those above you wish to correct sharing your gift with others, leading them towards your vision of future in which you take your and your companions evolution into your own hands.

Shared Vision

Starting at 2nd level you learned how to share shapethurgy with your companions. During long rest choose number of willing creatures equal to your Constitution modifier and bind them to yourself, giving them access to certain benefits. Choose one evolution from your battle form, the chosen evolution will also apply to bonded creatures during your transformation. This benefit lasts until your next long rest. For each chosen evolution, each of the bonded creatures must fulfill its prerequisites and if the evolution mentions DC, this DC equals to 8 + binded creature Constitution modifier. If the evoultion has a prerequisite of level, you can choose that evolution only if bonded creature is a Evolutionist who meets the prerequisite. Number of chosen evolutions changes to 2 at 10th level and to 3 at 15th level.

Adaptive Touch

Beginning at 7th level you learned how to personally quickly adapt your bonded companions to the situation necessary. As an action you might grant each of the bonded creatures within 60ft of you, including yourself, bonus to their next ability or attack check, equal to your Constitution modifier. You may do so number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all uses of this feature on a long rest.

Symbiotic Defence

Starting at 11th level your mastery of shapethurgy extends beyond the confines of your own body, allowing you to protect those around you through shared biological enhancements. As a bonus action, you can select a number of allies up to your Constitution modifier (minimum of one) within 30 feet of you. For 1 minute, these allies gain a +2 bonus to their AC and advantage on saving throws against being poisoned or diseased as long as you are concentrating on this feature, forcing you to roll a Constitution saving throw when receving damage as if you would concentrating on a spell. This ability can be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses upon finishing a long rest.

Deep Bind

Beginning at 14th level your connection to the creatures you bind deepens. As a bonus action you might swap places of two willing bonded creatures of your choosing within 60ft of you, including yourself. Additionally if you do so, you give each bonded creature temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. You might swap creatures number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all uses of this feature on a long rest.


At 18th level you and your bonded creatures become one in shapethurgy. As an action you can open the channel between bonded creatures, granting them for one minute:

  • All creatures bonded can perceive the world through the senses of any creature bonded, being able to casts spells from any of the other creatures spaces,
  • All creatures bonded know each others location with perfect precision sensing where they exactly are,
  • While perceiving through senses of any other creature in the bond, they can use their special senses,
  • They treat all creatures bonded as self, when it comes to casting spells or applying special features, possibly applying the effect to all bonded creatures,
  • If any of the creatures bonded is healed, it can instead decide to heal any other creature in the bond,
  • If any of the creatures bonded would drop to 0 hit points or die from a source of damage, any other creature in the bond can use its reaction, to take the damage instead.

You regain use of this feature on a long rest.


Below you can find the list of all possible evolutions for your battle form. Each evolution belongs to one of these categories:

  • Natural weapon - type of weapon with effects described and possible upgrades,
  • Weapon modifier - additional effect while dealing damage with a weapon,
  • Damage combo - additional effect while combining types of damage,
  • Change - evolution that is passive,
  • Legendary - special type of evolutions only avaiable on levels 10th, 13th and 15th.

All evolutions have a evolution points cost attached. Next to it in brackets you can find the cost for Destiny of True Form with its appropriate cost. Additionally some evolutions have prerequisites that you must fulfill in order to pick that evolution for your battle form or unique tag, which means you that you can pick that evolution only one time. Evolution DC = 8 + proficiency modifier + your Constitution modifier If evolution mentions basic weapon damage dice, it refers to the weapon you receive at level one and all of its upgrades on 6th, 11th and 15th level.

Change Evolution List[edit]

Absorbing Skin
  • Cost: 5(3)

Your body gains the ability to absorb part of the elemental attacks you receive. When you receive damage from either acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage you can expend your reaction to gain resistance to triggering damage, possibly reducing it. This resistance lasts until the start of your next turn. You may use this reaction an amount of times equal to your Constitution modifier, regaining all expended uses after finishing a long rest.

Adaptive Anatomy
  • Cost: 5(3)

Your body adapts to environmental conditions or attacks. You gain immunity to two of the following conditions: poisoned, petrified.

Adaptive camouflage
  • Cost: 4(2)

Your body can change its color and texture to match the surroundings. As a bonus action, you can activate this ability to gain advantage on Stealth checks for 1 minute. This ability can be used a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, regaining all expended uses after finishing a long rest.

Prerequisite-5th level
  • Cost: 5(3)

You gain advantage on attack rolls against surprised creature on your first turn in combat.

Apex blood
Prerequisite-15th level, No other size changing Evolution
  • Cost: 10(5)

Your body grows, granting you:

    • You become gargantuan, occupying space up to a 20ft by 20ft.
    • You gain advantage on Strength checks and saving throws
    • Your attacks deal extra d8 weapon damage. This damage isn't increased with your size.
    • Damage dice for all of your weapons increases by three categories. For example d4 becomes d10, d6 becomes d12, and all dice equal or above d8 become 2d6.
    • Choose between monstrosity, dragon, aberration, plant or beast. You gain this tag, as your body changes
Prerequisite-5th level
  • Cost: 5(3)

You gain blindsight up to 20ft.

Blink adaptation
Prerequisite-5th level, No flying adaptation, No burrow adaptation
  • Cost: 5(3)

You gain the ability to separate your movement into small blinks. Whenever you move you can simply teleport to the destination of your choosing within the range of your speed. If you do so you expend the movement as if you traveled that distance in straight line.

Blood Frenzy
Prerequisite-10th level, Blood Scent
  • Cost: 5(3)

You gain advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that has less than half its hit points.

Blood Fury
Prerequisite-15th level, Blood Frenzy
  • Cost: 5(3)

Your attacks against any creature that has less than half its total hit points deal additional damage, equal to your Constitution modifier.

Blood Scent
Prerequisite: 5th level
  • Type: Change
  • Cost: 3(2)

Provided there is no wind, you can smell target that has half or less of its hit points up to 30ft. You may pick this evolution multiple times each time increasing range by 30ft.

Burrow adaptation
Prerequisite-5th level, No flying adaptation, No blinking adaptation
  • Cost: 5(3)

You gain burrow speed equal to your walking speed.

Prerequisite-5th level
  • Cost: 3(2)

If you move at least 10 feet straight toward a target and then hit it with a attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra bludgeoning damage equal to your Constitution modifier. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 10 feet away and knocked prone.

Climbing adaptation
  • Cost: 2(1)

You gain 30ft of climbing speed.

  • Cost: 1(1)

You gain darkvision up to 60ft. If you already have darkvision, extend its range by 30ft. You may pick this evolution multiple times each time gaining additional 30ft of darkvision.

Defensive Quills
  • Cost: 3(2)

You grow sharp quills on your body, providing a deterrent to attackers. When a creature hits you with a attack from within 30ft of you, it takes piercing damage equal to your Constitution modifier. You can use this evolution number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, regaining all expended uses after finishing a long rest.

Deep Burrow adaptation
Prerequisite-15th level, No flying adaptation, No blinking adaptation
  • Cost: 5(3)

You gain burrow speed equal to your walking speed. This movement allows you to move through solid objects such as rock, separating them on contact, leaving a tunnel equal to your biggest dimension in diameter.

Dragon blood
Prerequisite-10th level, No other size changing Evolution
  • Cost: 8(4)

Your body grows, granting you:

    • You become huge
    • You gain advantage on Strength checks and saving throws
    • Your attacks deal extra d6 weapon damage. This damage isn't increased with your size.
    • Damage dice for all of your weapons increases by two categories. For example d4 becomes d8, d6 becomes d10, and all dice equal or above d10 becomes 2d6.
    • Choose between monstrosity, dragon, aberration, plant or beast. You gain this tag, as your body changes
Final infusion
Prerequisite-15th level, resistance to at least one type of damage
  • Cost: 5(3)

Change one of your resistances from other evolutions that is not slashing, piercing or bludgeoing damage into immunity.

Flying adaptation
Prerequisite-5th level, No burrow adaptation, No blinking adaptation
  • Cost: 5(3)

You gain flying speed equal to your walking speed.

Giant blood
Prerequisite-5th level, No other size changing Evolution
  • Cost: 5(3)

Your body grows, granting you:

    • You become large
    • Your attacks deal extra d4 weapon damage. This damage isn't increased with your size.
    • Damage dice for all of your weapons increases by one category. For example d4 becomes d6, d6 becomes d8 etc, up to 2d6 (d10 becomes d12, d12 becomes 2d6).
    • Choose between monstrosity, dragon, abberration, plant or beast. You gain this tag, as your body changes
Gliding surfaces
  • Cost: 2(1)

When you fall at least 10 feet above the ground, you can use your reaction to extend your skin membranes to glide horizontally a number of feet equal to your walking speed, and you take 0 damage from the fall. You determine the direction of the glide.

Heavy scale
  • Cost: 1(1)

From now on your scales, skin or outer layer grow thick. Your AC is equal to 16. The AC changes to 18 on 5th level.

Hook line and sinker
Prerequisite-5th level, Tongue, Swallow
  • Cost: 2(1)

From now on, if you pulled one or more categories smaller than you creature towards you using Tongue action, you use Swallow on them as a bonus action.

Keen Hearing and Smell
  • Cost: 2(1)

You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Keen Sight
  • Cost: 2(1)

You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Kinetic release
  • Cost: 3(2)

You learn to harness and release kinetic energy from attacks. Whenever you take bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage you can store energy from the attack using your reaction, adding an extra 1d6 damage of the same type you stored to your next attack. This stored energy dissipates after 1 minute if not released.

  • Cost: 3(2)

You gain an advantage on checks to pass as another creature when trying to imitate specific sounds or speech.

Pack tactics
Prerequisite-5th level
  • Cost: 4(2)

You gain advantage on an attack rolls against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.

Prerequisite-5th level
  • Cost: 3(2)

If you move at least 20 feet straight towards a creature and then you attack it on the same turn, that target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Resistant flesh
Prerequisite-5th level
  • Cost: 4(2)

Choose one damage type from acid, cold, fire, lightning or poison. You gain resistance to the chosen type.

Sentient tail
Prerequisite-10th level, Tail Evolution
  • Cost: 5(3)

Your appendage becomes sentient, becoming separate from you yet connected. The natural weapon from the tail Evolution becomes independent, making you no longer able to attack with it as a bonus action. Once on your turn you can use your tail to make an attack using the natural weapon it is based on or grapple using your Athletics skill, no action required by you. You also gain additional reaction, that can only be used to make the opportunity attack using the tail natural weapon.

Shifting plates
  • Cost: 3(2)

Your body tries to cover itself better after getting hit. After you receive damage, you gain +2 bonus to your AC until the start of your next turn.

Swift jumps
  • Cost: 3(2)

Your long jump is up to 30 feet and your high jump is up to 15 feet, with or without a running start.

Tremor sense
Prerequisite-10th level
  • Cost: 2(1)

You gain tremor sense up to 30ft.

True sight
Prerequisite-18th level
  • Cost: 5(3)

You can see the true form of any shapechanger or creature concealed by illusion or transmutation magic while the creature is within 30 feet of you and within line of sight.

Underground adaptation
Prerequisite-5th level
  • Cost: 3(2)

You gain 20ft of burrow speed.

Unnatural Resistant Flesh
Prerequisite-5th level
  • Cost: 4(2)

Choose one damage type from necrotic, radiant, psychic or thunder. You gain resistance to the chosen type.

Water adaptation
Prerequisite-3rd level
  • Cost: 2(1)

You gain 30ft of swimming speed. Additionally you can breathe underwater.

Web adaptation
  • Cost: 2(1)

You can freely move through the webs. Additionally you can detect any other creatures that are on the same web as you.

Natural weapon Evolutions list[edit]

Prerequisite-5th level, ranged natural weapon
  • Cost: 5(3)
  • Range:60ft/ Three 5 foot radius spheres

Choose one of your ranged natural weapons. As an action you shoot out a barrage of missiles using that weapon. Each creature in that area makes a Dexterity saving throw. If it fails it receives damage equal to 2 times your natural weapon dice, if it succeeds it receives halved damage. When you do so choose 3 5ft radius spheres within 60ft of you. When you pick this evolution you may choose bludgeoning, slashing or piercing damage as your basic damage type. You may do so an amount of times equal to your Constitution modifier, regaining all expended uses after finishing a long rest.

Breath weapon
Prerequisite-5th level
  • Cost: 5(3)
  • Range: 30ft cone/60 ft line 5ft wide

As an action you may gather a powerful breath. Each creature in affected area makes a Dexterity saving throw or receives damage equal d6 + number of d6 equal to your proficiency bonus, if the creature succeds the saving throw, the damage is halved. When you choose this evolution you first choose if it either affects a 30ft cone in front of you or if it affects 60ft long, 5ft wide line in front of you. When you pick this evolution you may choose bludgeoning, slashing or piercing damage as your basic damage type. You may do so an amount of times equal to your Constitution modifier, regaining all expended uses after finishing a long rest.

Echoing Roar
  • Cost: 4(2)
  • Range: 30ft radius sphere centered on you

As a bonus action, unleash a terrifying roar that echoes with primal energy. Each hostile creature in a 30ft radius sphere centered on you must make a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until the end of your next turn. You may do so once and you regain ability to do so after finishing a long rest.

Powerful jaws
Prerequisite-5th level
  • Cost: 5(3)
  • Range: 5ft

As an action you may try to bite an creature standing next to you. The creature makes a Dexterity saving throw. If it fails it receives 2d10 damage. Additionally you gain temporary hit points equal to half the damage dealt, rounded down. If the creature succeds the saving throw it receives half the damage instead. When you pick this evolution you may choose bludgeoning, piercing or slashing as your damage type. You may do so an amount of times equal to your Constitution modifier, regaining all expended uses after finishing a long rest.

Ranged natural weapon
  • Cost: 3(2)
  • Usage: Attack action
  • Range:40ft/120ft

You gain natural ranged weapon with 40ft range and 120ft half range, that does your basic natural weapon damage. When you pick this evolution you may choose bludgeoning, piercing or slashing as your damage type.

Prerequisite-5th level
  • Cost: 5(3)
  • Range: 10ft radius sphere centered on you

As a bonus action you can send a wave of damage centered on you. Each creature within area must make a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone and receive damage equal to your Constitution modifier. When you pick this evolution you may choose bludgeoning, piercing or slashing as your damage type. You may do so an amount of times equal to your Constitution modifier, regaining all expended uses after finishing a long rest.

Smoke screen
Prerequisite-5th level
  • Cost: 5(3)
  • Range: 15ft radius sphere centered on you

As an action you send out a thick smoke centered on you creating 15ft radius sphere of thick substance that heavily obscures the area. Provided there is no strong wind, the smoke stays in place for one minute or or until strong wind disperses it. You may create the smoke an amount of times equal to your Constitution modifier, regaining all expended uses after finishing a long rest.

Prerequisite-5th level
  • Cost: 5(3)
  • Usage: Bonus action/On grappled target
  • Range: 5ft

If you have grappled a creature that is one or more categories smaller than you, you might swallow it. A swallowed creature is blinded and restrained, has total cover against attacks and other effects outside of you, and takes acid damage equal to your proficiency bonus number of d6 dice at the start of each of your turns. The creature can attempt to escape either by dealing damage equal to your level in this class. If the creature deals appropriate damage you must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or regurgitate swallowed creature, which falls prone in a space within 10 feet of you.

Prerequisite-5th level
  • Cost: 5(3)
  • Usage: Bonus action
  • Range: 5ft

Your body grows an appendage either a tail, an arm or a tentacle. This serves as a natural finesse weapon that deals d4 + either your Dexterity or Strength modifier damage. You pick the damage type from bludgeoing, slashing or piercing when you choose this evolution. When you use your action during your turn to attack, you can attack with this natural weapon using your bonus action.

Prerequisite-5th level
  • Cost: 5(3)
  • Range: 15ft

As an action you may try to shoot out your tongue at one of the creatures within range. The creature makes a Dexterity saving throw. If it fails, your tongue sticks, dealing number of your proficiency bonus d4 dice. Additionally you may choose to pull yourself using your tongue, traveling 15 ft in a straight line towards the creature and landing in unoccupied space that is adjacent to it. You may also choose to pull the creature. If you do so, it must make a Strength saving throw or be pulled towards you in a straight line, ending on a unoccupied square of your choosing. You may also unstick your tongue as a free action. You may use this weapon an amount of times equal to your Constitution modifier, regaining all expended uses after finishing a long rest.

Weapon Modifier Evolutions list[edit]

Blinding poison
Prerequisite-5th level, Poison gland, natural weapon that does poison damage
  • Cost: 2(1)

Choose one of your natural weapons that does poison damage. From now if you deal damage to someone with this weapon, the creature makes Constitution saving throw, or in addition to being poisoned for 1 minute it becomes blinded. The blinded creature might repeat this saving throw at the end of its turn, ending both effects and becoming immune to this effect for next 24 hours. You may pick this evolution multiple times, each time applying it to another weapon.

Elemental strikes
  • Cost: 2(1)

Choose one damage type from acid, cold, fire, poison or lightning. You may apply chosen type to one natural weapon of your choosing. If you do so and the weapon has more than one dice of damage, you may freely choose how much of a weapon damage dice is of this chosen type. You may pick this evolution multiple times each time choosing different type of damage or a different weapon to apply damage to.

Grappling strikes
Prerequisite-5th level
  • Cost: 2(1)

Choose one natural weapon. From now, first time on your turn when you hit a creature, you can try to grapple it, no action required. You may pick this evolution multiple times each time choosing different weapon to apply this evolution to.

Increased range
Prerequisite-5th level, melee or ranged natural weapon
  • Cost: 3(2)

Choose one of your natural melee or ranged natural weapons. From now if this weapon is melee it has extra 5ft reach or if it is ranged it has extra 20ft normal range and long range.

Natural strikes
  • Cost: 1(1)

Choose one damage type from bludgeoning, piercing or slashing. You may apply chosen type to one natural weapon of your choosing. If you do so and the weapon has more than one dice of damage, you may freely choose how much of a weapon damage dice is of this chosen type. You may pick this evolution multiple times each time choosing different type of damage or a different weapon to apply damage to.

Paralyzing poison
Prerequisite-10th level, Poison gland, natural weapon that does poison damage
  • Cost: 2(1)

Choose one of your natural weapons that does poison damage and has Poison gland. From now if you deal damage to someone with this weapon, the creature hit must succeed a Constitution saving throw, or in addition to becoming poisoned for 1 minute, become paralyzed. Creature might repeat this saving throw at the end of its turn, ending both effects and becoming immune to this effect for next 24 hours. You may pick this evolution multiple times, each time applying it to another weapon.

Poison gland
Prerequisite-5th level, natural weapon that does poison damage
  • Cost: 2(1)

Choose one of your natural weapons that does poison damage. From now if you deal damage to someone with this weapon, the creature makes Constitution saving throw, or become poisoned for 1 minute. Creature might repeat this saving throw at the end of its turn ending this effect and becoming immune to this effect for next 24 hours. You may pick this evolution multiple times, each time applying it to another weapon.

Sleep poison
Prerequisites-5th level, Poison gland, natural weapon that does poison damage
  • Cost: 2(1)

Choose one of your natural weapons that does poison damage. From now if you deal damage to someone with this weapon, the creature hit must succeed a Constitution saving throw, or in addition to being poisoned for 1 minute it falls asleep, becoming unconcious. Creature might repeat this saving throw at the end of its turn, ending both effects and becoming immune to this effect for next 24 hours. You may pick this evolution multiple times, each time applying it to another weapon.

Slowing poison
Prerequisite-5th level, Poison gland, natural weapon that does poison damage
  • Cost: 2(1)

Choose one of your natural weapons that does poison damage. From now if you deal damage to someone with this weapon, the creature makes a Constitution saving throw, or in addition to being poisoned for 1 minute its speed becomes halved. Creature might repeat this saving throw at the end of its turn, ending both effects and becoming immune to this effect for next 24 hours. You may pick this evolution multiple times, each time applying it to another weapon.

Unnatural strikes
Prerequisite-5th level
  • Cost: 2(1)

Choose one damage type from necrotic, radiant, psychic or thunder. You may apply chosen type to one natural weapon of your choosing. If you do so and the weapon has more than one dice of damage, you may freely choose how much of a weapon damage dice is of this chosen type. You may pick this evolution multiple times each time choosing different type of damage or a different weapon to apply damage to.

Damage Combo Evolutions list[edit]

When picking Damage Combo evolutions you can only have one evolution of each tier per weapon.

Tier I[edit]
Prerequisite-5th level, natural weapon that does acid damage and doesn't benefit from multiattack
  • Cost: 1(1)

Choose one of your natural weapons that fits the prerequisite. From now if you deal damage to a creature or a group of creatures with this weapon their AC is reduced by 1 until the end of your next turn. You may pick this evolution multiple times, each time applying it to another weapon.

Prerequisite-5th level, natural weapon that does fire damage and doesn't benefit from multiattack
  • Cost: 1(1)

Choose one of your natural weapons that fits the prerequisite. From now if you deal damage to a creature or a group of creatures with this weapon they catch on fire for 1 minute, receiving d4 fire damage at the start of their turn. The creature can extinguish the fire as an action ending this effect. You may pick this evolution multiple times, each time applying it to another weapon.

Prerequisite-5th level, natural weapon that does cold damage and doesn't benefit from multiattack
  • Cost: 1(1)

Choose one of your natural weapons that fits the prerequisite. From now if you deal damage to a creature or a group of creatures with this weapon the ice partialy freezes on the creature reducing its movement speed by 10ft until the end of your next turn. You may pick this evolution multiple times, each time applying it to another weapon.

Prerequisite-5th level, natural weapon that does lightning damage and doesn't benefit from multiattack
  • Cost: 1(1)

Choose one of your natural weapons that fits the prerequisite. From now if you deal damage to a creature or a group of creatures with this weapon the lightning shocks the creature making it unable to take reactions until the start of their next turn. You may pick this evolution multiple times, each time applying it to another weapon.

Prerequisite-5th level, natural weapon that does necrotic damage and doesn't benefit from multiattack
  • Cost: 1(1)

Choose one of your natural weapons that fits the prerequisite. From now if you deal damage to a creature or a group of creatures with this weapon it starts to siphon energy away from the creature, making it unnable to regain hitpoints until the start of your next turn.

You may pick this evolution multiple times, each time applying it to another weapon.

Tier II[edit]
Prerequisite-10th level, natural weapon that does fire and cold damage and doesn't benefit from multiattack
  • Cost: 2(1)

Choose one of your natural weapons that fits the prerequisite. Whenever you use the chosen natural weapon to deal fire or cold damage, if the target has resistance or immunity to the one type of damage dealt and not the other, the damage is instead treated as the type to which the target has no resistance or immunity. Additionally whenever a creature receives damage from this natural weapon it becomes brittle until the end of your next turn. While the creature is brittle:

  • The moment creature becomes brittle it receives 1d6 plus your Constitution modifier force damage.
  • The creature receives your Constitution modifier penalty to concetration checks.
  • The creature's movement speed is halved.

You may pick this evolution multiple times, each time applying it to another weapon.

Prerequisite-10th level, natural weapon that does fire and lightning damage and doesn't benefit from multiattack
  • Cost: 2(1)

Choose one of your natural weapons that fits the prerequisite. When using this natural weapon to target an area, you must choose a point within the area of effect. At that point, after using that natural weapon a vortex of lightning and fire forms with a radius of 5 feet and a height of 10 feet. This vortex persists for 1 minute or until you create a new vortex. When an enemy creature starts its turn within 5 feet of the vortex, or enters the vortex's area during its turn creature takes lightning damage equal to your Constitution modifier. If a creature either starts its turn inside the vortex or enters it for the first time on a turn, it takes 2d6 fire damage and 2d6 lightning damage instead. On a successful Dexterity saving throw against your Evolutions DC damage received is halved. You may pick this evolution multiple times, each time applying it to another weapon.

Melting Coagulant
Prerequisite-10th level, natural weapon that does acid and cold damage and doesn't benefit from multiattack and has Melting evolution
  • Cost: 2(1)

Choose one of your natural weapons that fits the prerequisite. This evolution replaces the effect of the I tier evolution. From now if you deal damage to a creature or a group of creatures they have their AC reduced by 2 until the end of your next turn. You may pick this evolution multiple times, each time applying it to another weapon.

Prerequisite-10th level, natural weapon that does acid and fire damage and doesn't benefit from multiattack and has Sticking evolution
  • Cost: 2(1)

Choose one of your natural weapons that fits the prerequisite. This evolution replaces the effect of the I tier evolution. From now if you deal damage to a creature or a group of creatures the burning oily substance sticks to them burning for 1 minute. At the start of the turn of burning creature it receives 1d6 fire damage and your Constitution modifier acid damage. As an action the creature can try to remove the oily substance from itself making a succesfull Dexterity saving throw against your Evolutions DC. You may pick this evolution multiple times, each time applying it to another weapon.

Prerequisite-10th level, natural weapon that does cold and lightning damage and doesn't benefit from multiattack
  • Cost: 2(1)

Choose one of your natural weapons that fits the prerequisite. When using this natural weapon to target an area, you must choose a point within the area of effect. At that point forms a 20ft radius, 20ft high sphere. Each creature in the sphere is treated as if it was in difficult terrain and the area of a sphere is heavily obscured. Additionally if the creature moves more than 5ft inside the sphere it receives your Constitution modifier lightning damage as electrified ice shards circulate in the cloud. You may pick this evolution multiple times, each time applying it to another weapon.

Tier III[edit]
Prerequisite-15th level, natural weapon that does fire, cold and psychic damage and doesn't benefit from multiattack and has a Frostfire evolution
  • Cost: 2(1)

Choose one of your natural weapons that fits the prerequisite. From now if the creature becomes brittle it also needs to make a Constitution saving throw or the creature becomes stunned until the start of its next turn as the sensory overload hits it due to the temperature change and psychic influence. You may pick this evolution multiple times, each time applying it to another weapon.

Celestial Flare
Prerequisite-15th level, natural weapon that does fire, lightning and radiant damage and doesn't benefit from multiattack and has a Firestorm evolution
  • Cost: 2(1)

Choose one of your natural weapons that fits the prerequisite. From now the vortexes you create have 10ft radius and are 20ft high. Additonally vortex also does an additional 2d6 radiant damage. You may pick this evolution multiple times, each time applying it to another weapon.

Prerequisite-15th level, natural weapon that does necrotic, psychic and radiant damage and doesn't benefit from multiattack
  • Cost: 2(1)

Choose one of your natural weapons that fits the prerequisite. From now on damage from this natural weapon is increased by 5d6 radiant, psychic or necrotic damage (of your choosing). You may pick this evolution multiple times, each time applying it to another weapon.

Prerequisite-15th level, natural weapon that does acid, fire, necrotic and cold damage and doesn't benefit from multiattack and has either a Napalm or Melting Coagulant evolution
  • Cost: 2(1)

Choose one of your natural weapons that fits the prerequisite. From now the weapon instead of the tier II evolution you picked, that being Napalm or Melting Coagulant, when this natural weapon deals damage to a creature or group of creatures an oily scourgeflame sticks to them. For 1 minute the creature:

  • Has their AC reduced by 3.
  • Has their movement speed reduced by 20ft.
  • At the start of their turn receives 1d4 fire damage, 1d4 acid damage and your Constitution modifier necrotic damage.

You may pick this evolution multiple times, each time applying it to another weapon.

Prerequisite-15th level, natural weapon that does cold, lightning and thunder damage and doesn't benefit from multiattack and has Blizzard evolution
  • Cost: 2(1)

Choose one of your natural weapons that fits the prerequisite. From now each creature that starts its turn inside the blizzard sphere additionally has to make a succesfull Strength saving throw against your Evolution DC or be knocked prone. Additionally for each 5ft the creature travels inside the sphere it takes 2d4 lightning and your Constitution modifier thunder damage.

You may pick this evolution multiple times, each time applying it to another weapon.

Legendary Evolutions list[edit]

Blood Beast
Tier I

Your form changes, as your body is slowly turning into that of a bloodthirsty warhound:

  • Predatory Senses: You gain advantage on all Perception checks and Survival checks that rely on smell.
  • Blood Surge: If you start your turn with a enemy creature that has half or less of its hit points left in the 15ft radius from you, you gain additional 15ft of movement speed during that turn.
  • Unfeeling Beast: You gain advantage on saving throws against the frightened and charmed condition.

Blood Beast
Tier II

Your form changes, as your body focuses on the hunt, the senses sharpen, the hide gets thicker:

  • Prime Predatory Senses: You gain advantage on all Perception checks and Survival checks.
  • Improved Blood Surge: If you start your turn with a enemy creature that has half or less of its hit points left in the 30ft radius from you, you gain additional 30ft of movement speed during that turn.
  • Unfeeling Beast: You gain advantage on saving throws against the frightened and charmed condition.
  • Tough Hide: You reduce all damage received by your Constitution modifier.

Blood beast
Tier III

Your form changes, as you fully embrace the great hunt, making you an ultimate hunter:

  • Prime Predatory Senses: You gain advantage on all Perception checks and Survival checks.
  • Prime Blood Surge: If you start your turn with a enemy creature that has half or less of its hit points left in the 60ft radius from you or is detected by the Blood Scent, you double your movement speed during that turn.
  • Prime Unfeeling Beast: You gain advantage on saving throws against the charmed condition and become immune to frightened condition.
  • Prime Tough Hide: You reduce all damage received by twice your Constitution modifier.
  • The Howl of the Hunt: As an action, once per long rest, unleash a terrifying howl choosing one creature within 60ft of you as your prey. All your allies within 30ft of you feel the thrill of hunt, as they double their movement speed for 1 minute. Each enemy creature within 30ft and the prey must make a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. Creature chosen as your prey has disadvantage on this saving throw. Affected creatures can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on themselves with a success. A creature that succeeds on this saving throw is immune to your Howl of Terror for the next 24 hours. Additionally, creatures frightened by you have their movement speed halved. For the next minute, while the prey is alive:
    • You know the exact location of the creature chosen as the prey, as long as it is on the same plane of existance as you,
    • You deal half the damage to targets other than your prey and all attacks from sources other than your prey deal half less damage to you.
    • If the creature is frigthened of you and you hit it with your attack with natural weapon, your attack is treated as critical hit.

Tier I

Your form starts to learn how to use its own skin as a weapon, granting you:

  • Retaliatory Spikes - You gain a natural weapon that is spikes on your form that deals Constitution modifier piercing damage. Whenever you are hit within melee range, your attacker receives damage from the Retaliatory Spikes natural weapon. These spikes also deal damage to the creatures that grapple you, dealing damage to them when they succesfully grapple and at the start of each of their subsequents turns while they still have you grappled.
  • Embedded Agony - Each time target receives damage from your spikes, they embed themselves into the attacker. Whenever a creature with embedded spikes ends its turn, it receives necrotic damage equal to amount of spikes. The maximum number of spikes the creature can have at the same time is your Constitution modifier. Spikes remain in the creature until the end of its next turn, refreshing its duration each time the damage from the spikes natural weapon is received. The creature with embedded spikes can attempt to remove them. As an action it has to make a Strength saving throw against your Evolutions DC, removing all spikes on success.
  • Marrow Sensitivity: You gain advantage on all Perception checks that rely on hearing.

Tier II

Your form starts to cover itself with bonelike armor covered in spikes that can take on quite a beating, granting you:

  • Prime Retaliatory Spikes - You gain a natural weapon that is spikes on your form. It deals d4 + Constitution modifier piercing damage. Whenever you are hit with attack from within 30ft from you, your attacker receives damage from the Retaliatory Spikes natural weapon as the spikes shoot towards them. These spikes also deal damage to the creatures that grapple you, dealing damage to them when they succesfully grapple and at the start of each of their subsequents turns while they still have you grappled.
  • Prime Embedded Agony - Each time target receives damage from your spikes, they embed themselves into the attacker. Whenever a creature with embedded spikes ends its turn, it receives necrotic damage equal to amount of spikes an receives a penalty on its next attack or ability check equal to damage received as the spikes irritate them. The maximum number of spikes the creature can have at the same time is your Constitution modifier. Spikes remain in the creature until the end of its next turn, refreshing its duration each time the damage from the spikes natural weapon is received. The creature with embedded spikes can attempt to remove them. As an action it has to make a Strength saving throw against your Evolutions DC, removing all spikes on success.
  • Prime Marrow Sensitivity: You gain advantage on all Perception checks that rely on hearing. Additonally you gain 30ft of tremor sense, if you already have it, you extend its range by 30ft.
  • Boneskin: You gain resistance to slashing and piercing damage, as your body covers itself in bone armor.

Tier III

Your form turns into a fortress of bone armor, granting you:

  • Prime Retaliatory Spikes - You gain a natural weapon that is spikes on your form. It deals d4 + Constitution modifier piercing damage. Whenever you are hit with attack from within 30ft from you, your attacker receives damage from the Retaliatory Spikes natural weapon as the spikes shoot towards them. These spikes also deal damage to the creatures that grapple you, dealing damage to them when they succesfully grapple and at the start of each of their subsequents turns while they still have you grappled.
  • Prime Embedded Agony - Each time target receives damage from your spikes, they embed themselves into the attacker. Whenever a creature with embedded spikes ends its turn, it receives necrotic damage equal to amount of spikes an receives a penalty on its next attack or ability check equal to damage received as the spikes irritate them. The maximum number of spikes the creature can have at the same time is your Constitution modifier. Spikes remain in the creature until the end of its next turn, refreshing its duration each time the damage from the spikes natural weapon is received. The creature with embedded spikes can attempt to remove them. As an action it has to make a Strength saving throw against your Evolutions DC, removing all spikes on success.
  • Prime Marrow Sensitivity: You gain advantage on all Perception checks that rely on hearing. Additonally you gain 30ft of tremor sense, if you already have it, you extend its range by 30ft.
  • Prime Boneskin: You gain resistance to slashing and piercing damage and a +1 bonus to your natural armor AC, as your body covers itself in bone armor.
  • Marrow Bastion: As an action while you are on a solid surface, once per long rest, you embed yourself in the ground, granting you for one minute:
    • You become immune to being prone, you cannot be pushed or pulled against your will.
    • If you have burrow speed, you can move under the ground, reappearing in the new spot you moved to. All other types of movement speed you have their movement speed reduced to 0 for the duration. Additinally burrow speed for the duration allows you to move through the solid rock, leaving a tunnel behind you appropriate to your size.
    • Whenever you are attacked, the attacker receives damage as normal, however each enemy creature in a 30ft radius from you is hit by a singular spike.
    • While embedded in the ground you can use your action to shoot spikes in every direction. Each enemy creature within 30ft of you has to throw a Dexterity saving throw or receive damage equal to your spikes damage, increased by 2d10. On a succefull save creatures receive only half the damage.
    • All allies within 5ft of you, receive +2 bonus to their AC as your form seems to extend its bone armor to shield them.

Ethereal Stalker
Tier I

Your form starts to slowly infuse itself with planar magic, granting you:

  • Ethereal Insight: You can normally see into Ethereal plane, seeing the shapes there as semitranslucent.
  • Blur of Existence: You gain advantage on Stealth checks as your form flickers with planar energy, making you difficult to track.
  • Ethereal Shift: As a bonus action, slip into the Ethereal Plane. You reappear in the place you stopped at in Ethereal plane at the end of your turn in the closest avaiable space. You can use this feature number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, regaining all uses on a long rest.

Ethereal Stalker
Tier II

Your form embraces the planar magic, your body flickering, granting you:

  • Prime Ethereal Insight: You can normally see into Ethereal plane, seeing the shapes there as semitranslucent. You gain advantage when trying to deduce if something is a illusion as you are a master of them.
  • Prime Blur of Existence: You gain advantage on Stealth checks as your form flickers with planar energy, making you difficult to track. Additionally if someone tries to detect you from more than a 30ft away, you are treated as if you were invincible as you are hard to discern from such a distance.
  • Prime Ethereal Shift: As a bonus action, slip into the Ethereal Plane. You reappear in the place you stopped at in Ethereal plane at the start of your next turn in the closest avaiable space. You can use this feature number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, regaining all uses on a long rest.
  • Illusory Veil: As a action you can create an illusion of yourself in a adjacent space of your choosing within 5ft of you. This illusion is near perfect, requiring an observer to pass an Intelligence saving throw, using your Evolutions DC to discern it from you. You can move this illusion, using your bonus action up to your movement speed as it moves the way you woud do. While this illusion is active, you can make attacks either from your own space or the space of the illusion. If you attack in this way you swap places with the illusion. This illusion disappears if it is attacked, when it would receive damage or moves more than a 20ft away from you. Additionally while the illusion is active, as a reaction to receiving damage you can swap your place with the illusion, making the attack hit it instead. If you do so, you receive only half the damage you would recieve.

Ethereal Stalker
Tier III

Your form becomes the Ethereal ever flicking predator, granting you:

  • Prime Ethereal Insight: You can normally see into Ethereal plane, seeing the shapes there as semitranslucent. You gain advantage when trying to deduce if something is a illusion as you are a master of them.
  • Prime Blur of Existence: You gain advantage on Stealth checks as your form flickers with planar energy, making you difficult to track. Additionally if someone tries to detect you from more than a 30ft away, you are treated as if you were invincible as you are hard to discern from such a distance.
  • Prime Ethereal Shift: As a bonus action, slip into the Ethereal Plane. You reappear in the place you stopped at in Ethereal plane at the start of your next turn in the closest avaiable space. You can use this feature number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, regaining all uses on a long rest.
  • Prime Illusory Veil: As a action you can create an illusion of yourself in a adjacent space of your choosing within 10ft of you and move it up to your movement speed. This illusion is near perfect, requiring an observer to pass an Intelligence saving throw, using your Evolutions DC to discern it from you. You can move this illusion, using your bonus action up to your movement speed as it moves the way you woud do. While this illusion is active, you can make attacks either from your own space or the space of the illusion. If you attack in this way you swap places with the illusion. This illusion disappears if it is attacked, when it would receive damage or moves more than a 40ft away from you. Additionally while the illusion is active, as a reaction to receiving damage you can swap your place with the illusion, making the attack hit it instead. If you do so, you receive only half the damage you would recieve.
  • Stalker Domain: As an action, once per long rest, for 1 minute, the area centered on you with 30 ft of radius seems to flick in and out of existance as you merge Ethereal and material plane. For one minute:
    • As an bonus action you can optionally make an illusion of your ally, provided they are within 5ft of you. This illusion lasts until end of the feature, or if they leave the area of the effect.
    • Your illusions don't disappear after being hit and you can have a total number of illusions equal to your Constitution modifier. While your or your ally illusion is within 5ft of the enemy, you and your allies gain advantage on attack rolls against that enemy and that enemy gets disadvantage on their attack rolls against the creature which illusion stands next to them.
    • While any allied creature makes an attack roll with advantage in this area, it recieves bonus to the damage equal to your Constitution modifier.

Heart of the Storm
Tier I

Your form gets infused with the storm magic of the nature similar to that of storm giants, granting you:

  • Strength of the Storm: Double your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
  • Swiftness of the Breeze: You gain an additional 10ft of movement speed as the wind propels you forward.
  • Resilience of the Ancients: You gain resistance to lightning and thunder damage.

Heart of the Storm
Tier II

Your form becomes one with the unpredictability of nature and the nature of the storm, granting you:

  • Prime Strength of the Storm: Double your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. Additionaly when you deal damage first time on your turn using your natural weapons, you can choose to force the target to succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 15 feet away from you in a straight line.
  • Prime Swiftness of the Breeze: You gain an additional 10ft movement speed as the storm propels you forward. Additionally all friendly creatures that start their turn within 20ft of you, you included, gain additional 10ft of movement speed as wind helps them move swifter.
  • Improved Resilience of the Ancients: You gain Immunity to lightning damage and resistance to thunder damage.

Heart of the Storm
Tier III

Your form becomes the force of nature itself, granting you:

  • Prime Strength of the Storm: Double your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. Additionaly when you attack using your natural weapons, you can choose to force the target to succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 15 feet away from you in a straight line.
  • Prime Swiftness of the Breeze: You gain an additional 10ft movement speed as the storm propels you forward. Additionally all friendly creatures that start their turn within 20ft of you, you included, gain additional 10ft of movement speed as wind helps them move swifter.
  • Prime Resilience of the Ancients: You gain immunity to lightning and thunder damage. Additionally, if you start your turn with less than half of your hit points left you regain Constitution modifier hit points as your heart generates restorative charge.
  • Eye of the Storm: As an action, once per long rest, for one minute, a storm cloud appears in the shape of a sphere with a 30-foot radius, centered on you. For one minute:
    • The area becomes a difficult terrain for enemy creatures,
    • At the start of your turn choose the direction of the wind. Projectiles shot against that direction have disadvantage to hit, and enemy creatures that start their turn, must succeed a Strength saving throw, or be pushed 15ft away in the direction of the wind.
    • As an bonus action, you can call the lightning. Choose one area within 30ft of you, each creature within 5 feet of that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d10 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If you hit yourself with the lightning, you can forgo the healing it would provide and instead charge yourself. The next damage you will deal, will be increased by the damage the lightning would deal. If this strike would hit one of your allies they pass the saving throw and don't receive any damage from the strike.

Elder Basilisk
Tier I

Your form's eyes starts get enhanced by the ancient magic, forcing your body to catch up to those changes:

  • Ancient Eyesight: You gain advantage on all Perception checks that rely on sight.
  • Cold Blood: You gain resistance to poison damage.
  • Magical Scales: You gain +1 bonus to your natural armor AC as your body enhances itself.
  • Cursed Gaze: As an action, you can force one creature that you can see within 30ft of you to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature becomes frightened of you until the end of your next turn. You can use this feature number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, regaining all uses on a long rest.

Elder Basilisk
Tier II

Your form's eyes embrace the ancient curse magic, as your form adapts further:

  • Ancient Eyesight: You gain advantage on all Perception checks that rely on sight.
  • Enhanced Cold Blood: You gain immunity to poison damage and you cannot be poisoned. Additionally you gain advantage on saving throws against the frightened condition.
  • Enhanced Magical Scales: You gain +2 bonus to your natural armor AC as your body enhances itself even further.
  • Enhanced Cursed Gaze: As an action, you can force one creature that you can see within 30ft of you to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature becomes petrified for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn ending this effect on a success. Once a creature succeds on a saving throw against this effect, it become immune to it for the next 24 hours. You can use this feature number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, regaining all uses on a long rest.

Elder Basilisk
Tier III

Your form becomes the vessel for cursed magic, granting you:

  • Prime Ancient Eyesight: You gain advantage on all Perception checks that rely on sight and you gain 30ft of Truesight.
  • Prime Cold Blood: You gain immunity to poison damage and you cannot be poisoned. Additionally you gain advantage on saving throws against the frightened condition and you cannot be petrified.
  • Prime Magical Scales: You gain +2 bonus to your natural armor AC as your body is now a scaled fortress. Additionally your scales become mirror like possibly reflecting certain effects that would harm you. If you are targeted by the spell, before any effects take place, you can use your reaction to try to deflect the spell back on the spellcaster. If you choose to do so make a contest check - the spellcaster spellcasting modifier against your Constitution modifier plus your proficiency bonus. On a success the spell that targeted you targets the spellcaster instead. If the spell was area of effect, the spellcaster becomes the center of that area instead. You can reflect this way twice, regaining all uses on a long rest.
  • Prime Cursed Gaze: As a bonus action, you can force one creature that you can see within 60ft of you to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature becomes petrified for 1 minute. If the creature fails the saving throw by 10 or more, it is instantly turned to stone permanently, unless cured by magic such as greater restoration. The creature that failed and isn't permanently turned to stone can repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn ending this effect on a success. Once a creature succeds on a saving throw against this effect, it become immune to it for the next 24 hours. You can use this feature number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, regaining all uses on a long rest.
  • Beckoning Curse: As an action, once per long rest, for one minute, you unleash the full potential of the curse that residies withing you, granting you:
    • Success on a saving throw against Cursed Gaze doesn't grant immunity to that effect.
    • If you don't have any uses of Cursed Gaze at the start of your turn, you regain one use.
    • If an enemy creatures looks at you, it is treated as if it was targeted by Prime Cursed Gaze. The creature can declare that it is looking away, becoming blinded until it chooses to look at you again.
    • If an enemy creature within 60ft of you becomes petrified your cursed magic instantly shatters part of the stone that flies to you, granting you temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier and dealing the same amount of damage to that creature. If you already have temporary hit points, you can choose one creature within 60ft to grant the temporary hit points to.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Evolutionist class, you must meet these prerequisites: Constitution 15

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Evolutionist class, you gain the following proficiencies: simple weapons

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