Spawn of The Body (5e Class)

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Spawn of The Body[edit]

I form the basis of life.

My body is the origin.

Through my flesh, does evolution begin.

I am God's form. The final life-form. The perfect Body.

I am invincible.

—The Body

Infected by the Higher Power[edit]

Avatar of The Body, art by Weird World

At the dawn of time existed a powerful diety, that for unknown reasons shattered into twelve parts, twelve siblings born as sets of twins. Still divine in their nature, those beings, called Apostles, started sending their avatars to the mortal planes to further their inexplicable goals through different means. One of which is infection - if the one infected by the Apostle survives the ordeal, it inherits traits of their parent. If not, it mutates into an aggressive monster; for this reason apostles are called the ancestors of many monster species. The changes that this induces in humans and other sentient races are supernatural at their core, and stable spawns - meaning those which did not lose control and turn into monsters - share similar, light urge to spread that infection further, diluting greatly it strength and potency. The reason for this is not really known, but the change is unusual in the first place, not one in hundred infected gains supernatural powers of any sort, just fall sick, and from those less than half remain themselves without turning into monsters. Taking into consideration that Apostles rarely come to the mortal planes, and monsters usually kill their prey, stable spawns are quite rare.

The third Apostle, also known as The Body, represent the concepts of form nad change of all matter, and seems to have perfect and unlimited powers of shapeshifting, which in part transfers to its spawns. Its, and therefore its spawns, power is astonishingly versatile, allowing for changing into different forms and body configurations, morphing and returning to the original form. Therefore, spawns of the Body tend to be hard to kill and pin down, as their forms, even when taking damage just return to the previous, undamaged configuration. On the other hand, sturdy and hard forms are less flexible and take longer to morph into and out of, so most of the time spawns are easy to harm, as they are by choice not as durable as they could theoretically be.

Creating a Spawn of The Body[edit]

Before you make a spawn of the Body, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What was the event in which you were infected? How did it impact your life and psyche?
  • What do you think about your change? Do you feel like you are not a human anymore? Are you scared or thrilled by it?
  • What is your affinity with The Body? Is it an unknown thing to you, or did you and your people worship the twelve Apostles beforehand?
  • How do you plan to use your powers? Are you going to further your own goals, or are you going to be selfless in their use?
  • You change constantly, each obstacle and problem you overcome making you stronger, and closer to your monster parent. Are you actively pursuing this affinity, or is it something that comes alongside your adventures? Are you anxious about it, or do you welcome this inhuman change with open arms?
Quick Build

You can make a Spawn of The Body quickly by following these suggestions. First, Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by Strength/Dexterity. Second, choose the Solider background.

Design Note: This class does not have subclasses, and was not created with subclasses in mind. Spawns of different apostles could be treated as subclasses of "Superhuman" class, but there is many differences and few common parts, so there is no point in making it that way.

Class Features

As a Spawn of The Body you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Spawn of The Body level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Spawn of The Body level after 1st


Armor: Light armor, medium armor, heavy armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: none
Saving Throws: Strength and Dexterity
Skills: select two from Acrobatics, Athletics,Intimidation,Medicine,Stealth,Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Two simple melee weapons of your choice or (b) One simple melee weapon and shield
  • (a) scale mail or (b) leather armor
  • (a) explorer's pack or (b) dungeoneer's pack
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4 x 10 gp in funds.

Table: The Spawn of The Body

Level Proficiency
Features Monster Power
1st +2 Shapeshifting, Defensive Mechanisms -
2nd +2 Monster Powers 4
3rd +2 Devourer, Enchantments 6
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 8
5th +3 Second Evolution 10
6th +3 Magical Strikes, Transformed arsenal 12
7th +3 Greater Defenses, Reversal 14
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 16
9th +4 Constructed Benefits 18
10th +4 Third Evolution 20
11th +4 Atomic control 22
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 24
13th +5 Improved Monster Powers 26
14th +5 Well of Power 28
15th +5 Fourth Evolution 30
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 32
17th +6 Infuse Energy 34
18th +6 Calling of the 3rd 36
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 38
20th +6 Fifth Evolution 40


Starting at level 1, you underwent your first evolution and gained the powers from your monster parent. Your power is shapeshifting, and you can change your body on the fly with a thought. You can use your shapeshifting by those rules:

  • On your turn, you can extend your limbs up to 10 feet, allowing you to interact with objects or creatures at that range and make attacks with weapons you are using, as well as lifting your torso up by that amount.
  • On your turn, you can produce secondary arms and tentacles that sprout from your body, no action required by you. They lack precision to be able to use weapons or shields, but they can grab and manipulate items in a simple fashion, or you can use them to enhance your movement, grabbling celling with your hands free etc., or you can use them to grapple other creatures.
  • As an action, you can transform your body to shift it into other materials, and create clothing, tools and weapons with this trait, though you cannot produce metals in any meaningful capacity (example: buckle from belt yes, steel sword no). You can imitate the looks of magic items, but not how they work, and any of your creations lack any supernatural or magical traits except those you yourself are a source of(like melting into goo). Any item that you create cannot be bigger than you, and you cannot create items unknown to you, or those you do not know how exactly work. Any part of your body that is separated from you and is not a part of your original form (for example blood) disperse immediately into smoke and black goo.
  • As an action, you change your appearance and your voice. You determine the specifics of the changes, including your coloration, hair length, and sex. You can also adjust your height between Medium and Small. You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, though none of your game statistics change. You can't duplicate the appearance of an individual you've never seen, and you can copy it exactly only if you touched that creature before. You stay in the new form until you use an action to revert to your true form, until you become incapacitated or until you die. You can change your appearance and transform to create items as part of the same action.
  • You can transform parts of your body into melee weapons that you can use to make attacks, like bone spikes or mauls. Those "Transformed Weapons" deal 1d6+Strength bludgeoning, piercing or slashing (your choice) damage, and you are proficient with them. You can create them as part of creating your tentacles.
  • While you do not actively use your shapeshifting, your powers change you to your default form on their own, shrinking or enlarging you, absorbing any additional limbs, etc.

Defensive Mechanisms[edit]

Also at 1st level, you realize that your powers often times work independently to protect you from harm, shifting to the better, sturdier form to better take blows, and returning your body to its original state in spite of damage it takes. You gain the following benefits:

  • While you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
  • When you take at least one point of damage to your hit points and are not reduced to 0 hit points, you can choose to regain one hit point.

Monster Powers[edit]

Starting at 2nd level, your connection to the Apostle allows you to use powers of its lineage. Some of those powers are trivial to use and expend little of your strength, while others are far more impactful and require a noticeable amount from you. You have a pool of energy, called Monster Power, that fuels some of your abilities. You start knowing three such features: Defensive Attunement, Explosive Regeneration and Hail of Tentacles. You learn more monster power features as you gain levels in this class. The amount of monster power you have is shown on the Monster Power column on the Spawn of the Body table. When you finish a long rest you regain all expended Monster Power. If a feature from this class calls for a saving throw, it's DC is equal to 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Constitution modifier.

Defensive attunement.

You morph countermeasures against a single type of damage. As a bonus action you can expend one Monster Power and gain resistance to one damage type from acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage. You retain this damage resistance until you finish a long rest or use this bonus action again.


You reshape your body into its original form, mending wounds. You can use your action, or alternatively when you regain hit points from your Defensive Mechanisms feature you can use your reaction, to expend some of your Monster Power. For each monster power you expend in this way, you regain hit points equal to your constitution modifier.

Hail of Tentacles.

Tentacles explode from your body lashing at nearby enemies. You can use your action and expend one Monster Power to make one attack with your Transformed Weapons against every creature of your choice within the maximal range of your limbs.


Starting at 3rd level, you sometimes hear your monster parent's voice, urging you to absorb and grow. When you finish a short rest, provided you have something to eat, you can absorb the food and flesh to convert it into raw energy. If you do so, you regain Monster Power equal to your level. Once you use this feature you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.


Also at 3rd level, when you attempt a physical task, you can swiftly, albeit temporarily transform to aid yourself in succeeding on this task. When you fail a Strength, Constitution or Dexterity skill check, you can expend one monster power, roll a d6 and add it to the total, potentially turning failure into a success.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Second Evolution[edit]

When you reach 5th level, your body undergoes second evolution, remaking it anew to contain all of your new power. You gain the following benefits:

  • You can now extend your limbs up to 15 feet away from you.
  • Your store of power now runs deep enough for you to create metals in great quantity, allowing you to create metal weapons, armors and other tools.
  • When you transform your body, you can become Large or Tiny in addition to changing your size between medium and small, and the items you produce can also become Large now. In addition, you can fully turn into an object, leaving no trace you are an alive being. While being an object, your senses allow you to perceive only 5 feet around you.
  • As a bonus action, you can turn parts of you, or your whole body into liquid. As a liquid you move at half your speed, you have resistance to all damage and are immune to grappled and prone conditions, and the only action you can take is turn back into your normal form. As a liquid you can squeeze through openings that are at least an inch across and seep through cloth.
  • Your power is channeled at the end of your tailbone, which you can effortlessly transform. You can almost instantly create a semi-conscious tail, tipped with your transformed weapon. Immediately after your turn, provided you are not incapacitated, you can use your tail to make one attack with your transformed weapon, no action required by you. You cannot do so again until the end of your next turn.

Magical Strikes[edit]

Starting at 6th level, your transformed weapons, as well as any weapon created by your shapeshifting count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Transformed Arsenal[edit]

Also at 6th level, your evolution deepened your connection to your powers, allowing you to create new, powerful options for dealing with your enemies: Stingray Poison, Gnashers and Mantis Mechanism, all described below.

Stingray poison.

When you hit with an attack with your transformed weapon, you can use your bonus action and expend one monster power to create needles coated with poison that further harm your enemy. Your target takes additional 2d10 poison damage and must make a Constitution saving throw against your Monster Power DC. If it fails it is poisoned for the next minute. Creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of its turn, removing the poisoned condition on success.


When you hit with an attack with your transformed weapon, you can use your bonus action and expend one monster power to create great jaws that bite down on your target, ripping chunks of flesh from it to absorb and reconstitute yourself. Your target takes an additional 2d6 piercing damage and you regain hit points equal to your Defensive Mechanisms feature healing.

Mantis Mechanism.

When you hit with an attack with your transformed weapon, you can use your bonus action and expend two monster power to construct a delicate mechanism that generates unprecedented power. Your target takes an additional 3d10 bludgeoning damage and if the creature is one size larger than you or smaller, it must make a Strength saving throw against your Monster Power DC. If it fails it is pushed up to 30 feet away from you and knocked prone, and if it succeeds it is only pushed up to 5 feet.

Greater Defenses[edit]

Starting at 7th level, your instinctual transformation abilities grow both in precision and scope. When you regain hit points from your Defensive Mechanisms feature, you regain your Constitution ability modifier in addition to the one hit point you regained previously (minimum of 1), but not more than the damage you took to your hit points. Additionally, when you use your Defensive attunement monster power, you can additionally pick from Poison, Radiant, Necrotic, Psychic and Force damage.


Starting at 7th level, you show great control over your body, transforming yourself to the state before you were influenced. When you start a turn with poisoned or petrified conditions, you can choose to end them. Additionally, any feature or spell that would change your form neither prevents you from using this class' features nor does take effect if you will not allow it, and you can end its effect whenever you want.

Constructed Benefits[edit]

Starting at 9th level, you can grasp the concepts of some changes to your body, which offer great benefits, albeit are taxing on your powers. As a bonus action you can incorporate into your base form one of the following benefits:

  • For two Monster Power you produce wings strong enough to support your weight regardless of your form. You gain flying speed equal to your walking speed.
  • For one Monster Power you rearrange your joint structure, allowing for greater degree of movement. Your speed increases by 10 feet.
  • For two Monster Power you knit your natural armor or any armor you are wearing rightly to your body, reinforcing it beyond natural means. Your AC increases by 1.
  • For one Monster Power you multiply your devourer tentacles, allowing you to absorb mass more efficiently. Whenever you use your Devourer feature, you additionally gain temporary hit points equal to your level.
  • For two Monster Power you create additional sensors, such as eyes, and hook them up to your muscles locally, giving you ability to react immediately. You cannot be surprised, and other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter your reach.

Any of these benefits last until you finish a long rest, and you cannot have more than three active at the same time. If you activate another one while you have three already, you lose one of the active ones of your choice.

Third Evolution[edit]

At 10th level, your body once again evolves to keep up with your growing power. The connection to your monster parent is now obvious, and your dreams are an indicator of it. You gain the following benefits:

  • You can effortlessly shift your bones to titanium, your weapons to diamond and your skin to steel, greatly improving the lethality of your assault. Your Transformed Weapons now deal 2d6+Strength damage on hit.
  • When you transform your body, you can become Huge in addition to sizes you could previously, and the items you produce can also become Huge now. Additionally, you can transform as a bonus action instead of an action now.
  • Your liquification becomes more precise, more potent. You can move through space of creatures of any size, and when you do so this space is not a difficult terrain for you. Additionally, when you take bonus action on your turn to shapeshift into liquid, you can choose to turn back at later point during your turn, no action required by you.
  • Connection to your tail grows, as it can now create its own tentacles, and gain actual sentience. When you use your tail to make an attack with your transformed weapon immediately after your turn, you do not need to not be incapacitated to do so. Additionally, your tail can make a grapple attempt, or move you up to your speed with its many tentacles instead of making an attack.
  • Whenever you use your Reconstitution monster power, you regain hit points equal to twice your Constitution modifier for each monster power spent.

Atomic control[edit]

Starting at 11th level, your power is so accurate and its impact so potent, that if you manage to beat the outside influence on it, you can turn it to null. You become proficient in Constitution saving throws, and when you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Constitution saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Improved Monster Powers[edit]

Starting at 13th level, you can channel more power into your transformations, improving their strength. You gain the following benefits:

  • When you use your Enchantments feature, you can choose to expend two Monster power to add two d6 to the roll, instead of one.
  • When you use your Defensive attunement monster power, you can expend two Monster Power to gain resistance to bludgeoning, slashing or piercing damage. Additionally, you can have up to two different resistances from this feature active at the same time.
  • When you use your Hail of Tentacles monster power, you can expend two Monster Power to attack each creature of your choice within 30 feet of you.
  • When you use your Stingray poison monster power, you can expend two Monster Power to instead deal 4d10 Poison damage, and if the creature fails the save it is paralyzed until the beginning of its next turn.
  • When you use your Gnashers monster power, you can expend two Monster Power to instead deal 4d6 piercing damage, and the wounds are so severe that your target has disadvantage on all attack rolls until the end of its next turn.
  • When you use your Mantis Mechanism monster power, you can expend four Monster Power to instead deal 6d10 bludgeoning damage and the target is pushed away from you up to 30 feet regardless of if it made its saving throw or not.

Additionally, you can use your bonus action and expend Monster Power to prepare one effect from your Transformed Arsenal feature before you attack. If you do so, your choice will take effect next time you hit a target with your Transformed Weapon. You cannot prepare more than one choice of Transformed Arsenal in this way, your preparation lasts until you finish a long rest, and when you use it you cannot use your bonus action to use another option in addition to the first.

Well of Power[edit]

Starting at 14th level, your store of power is deep enough for you to muster up some strength, even if you are completely depleted. When you roll for initiative you regain 4 of your spent Monster Power.

Fourth Evolution[edit]

At 15th level, once again your body undergoes an evolution, breaking some limits you as a living creature posses, pushing you ever closer to your monster parent. You gain the following benefits:

  • You do not need to eat, drink or breathe to live, and your aging is stopped by your powers. If you are aged magically, you can simply transform into your younger version as part of your shapeshifting feature.
  • When you transform your body, you can become Gargantuan, occupying space that is 20 feet cube, in addition to sizes you could previously, and the items you produce can also become Gargantuan, but they still must fit in 20 feet cube. Additionally, you can shapeshift once without spending an action or bonus action on your turn, regaining the ability to do so at the beginning of your next turn.
  • You become exceptionally hard to be put down. Whenever you would gain death saving throw failure, you can expend one Monster Power to not gain it.
  • You gain one more reaction that you can use between your turns. You can use this reaction only to make an opportunity attack with your tail.

Infuse Energy[edit]

Starting at 17th level, your abilities to change your own body, as well as the manipulation of your monster energy allows you to supercharge a creature with your power that autonomously help others, protecting them from danger and repairing their bodies. As an action you can expend two Monster Power and touch a willing creature (including yourself). The next time that creature makes a saving throw before finishing a long rest, it does so with advantage, and immediately after the spell or effect that forced this save takes effect, the creature regains hit points equal to twice your Constitution modifier.

Calling of the 3rd[edit]

Starting at 18th level, you sometimes can hear the words of your monster parent, urging you to join him, to work to further his unfathomable goals, but above else to transform and shift, without stop, for here is your greater strength. Whenever you use your Shapeshifting feature you can gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution ability modifier. Additionally, the limit of active benefits on your Constructed Benefits feature increases to five.

Fifth Evolution[edit]

At 20th level, your body undergoes its final evolution. All your powers have manifested, and your connection to The Body is at its peak. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your Constitution score increases by 2, as well as the maximum for this score.
  • Your powers morph other hostile creatures around you, melting their form into slob, affecting even the inorganic life. Each creature of your choice that starts its turn within 10 feet of you takes 2d6 necrotic damage.
  • Your tail splinters into countless appendages, each one an extension of your will. When you use your tail to make an attack with your transformed weapon immediately after your turn, you can attack twice, instead of one time, and be moved by your tails up to your speed.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Spawn of The Body class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Strength, 13 Constitution, and you must be infected by the third Apostle, its spawn or its chosen. Without being infected you cannot take levels in this class

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Spawn of The Body class, you gain the following proficiencies: Light armor, simple weapons.

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