The Nightmare Seeker (5e Class)
The Nightmare Seeker[edit]
Devils born from the abyss to gather and adsorb the flames of nightmares in worlds broken and decaying, and where tragedy lies, they will be...
Creating a Nightmare Seeker[edit]
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Class Features
As a The Nightmare Seeker you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per The Nightmare Seeker level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per The Nightmare Seeker level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light
Weapons: Simple and Martial weapons
Tools: {{{tools}}}
Saving Throws: charisma, Dexterity
Skills: Pick three from Acrobatics, Investigation, Perception, history, Stealth, Survival and religions
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) Shortsword or Rapier or (b) any two simple weapons
- (a) Explorer's Pack or (b) Burglar's Pack
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4 x 10 gp in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Demon Claws |
1st | +2 | Soul, demonic cloak, demon claws, flame of tragedy | 1d6 |
2nd | +2 | Dancing Nightmare | 1d6 |
3rd | +2 | Charm Attunement, The art in the nightmare | 1d8 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d8 |
5th | +3 | Extra Attack, Extra Reaction | 1d8 |
6th | +3 | soul Eater | 1d10 |
7th | +3 | The art in the nightmare rise | 1d10 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d10 |
9th | +4 | Insolence, Audience of Souls | 1d12 |
10th | +4 | Nightmare King | 1d12 |
11th | +4 | Abysmal Resistance | 1d12 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 2d8 |
13th | +5 | I have a proposal for you | 2d8 |
14th | +5 | Night Swarm | 2d8 |
15th | +5 | The promise of the Ritual | 2d10 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 2d10 |
17th | +6 | Elegant Supremacy, Master of Nightmare Arts | 2d10 |
18th | +6 | Nightmare Heart | 2d12 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 2d12 |
20th | +6 | God Of Nightmare | 2d20 |
Flame of Tragedy[edit]
In the first level as a nightmare seeker, you have access to feel the fragments of the nightmare from a mile away, when you adsorb the fragment you can see images of the tragedy that happened in the location.
When you get the fragment of the nightmare you will get an improvement (at the discretion of the DM)
Demonic Cloack[edit]
Your demonic cloak is something that has accompanied you on many trips, so many that it is already part of you. your cape gives you.
while you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your charisma modifier.
you are resistant to fire, at level 10 you are immune
Demon Claws[edit]
Your demonic claws with the passage of time and the trips became stronger than steel, coming to tear up the minds of your victims.
You can choose between slashing damage or psychological damage before making the attack.
You can roll a d6 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike, which will increase every 3 levels as indicated in the table.
Dance Nightmare[edit]
From level 2 you begin to have a certain agility and skill in battle, inviting your enemies to your macabre dance. When attacked by an enemy, you can react to teleport a distance equal to your base movement in any unoccupied direction, causing the attack to miss.
At 2nd level you have access to a pool of magical energy known as a Soul. With this you can launch special techniques that only a Nightmare Seeker knows. You have a total max of 50 souls, at levels 7, 13, and 19 the pool max increases by 20. Every time you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you regain a soul equal to the damage dealt.
Charm Harmonization[edit]
At 3rd level, you choose an amulet, which you forge within the nightmare flames. The amulet is quite small, weighing around 0.05 pounds, and contains divine energy. It can only be attuned to by you, and it requires one of your attunement slots. Having the amulet equipped allows you to gain its functions. At the end of a long rest, you can perform a 10-minute long ritual to dispel your old charm (wherever it is) and forge a new one.
Whenever someone needs to make a saving throw against a knight trait of this class, the DC is 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.
The art in the nightmare[edit]
Starting at level 3, In your travels you have learned to manifest in and better control the power of the nightmare giving you new and beautiful ways to do your get 3 techniques of the nightmare his DC is 10 + your proficiency bonus + charisma.
cursed Nightmare Fire: you are able to control the nightmare fire in your favor once every 2 rounds as part of your attack action you spend 20 soul and create 5 nightmare spheres the attack goes with your charisma bonus each nightmare fire deals d8 fire damage and d8 psychic damage + your charisma bonus.
Demonic Cunning: you are cunning as a fox of the abyss. when you make a saving throw or ability check you can spend 15 souls to add your charisma bonus to the roll.
Those eyes that plunge me into the abyss:
You can spend 25 soul points to attempt to charm a creature that you can see within 60 feet. the target must make an intelligence test and in case of failure it is totally under your control for 1 minute, if the target under control receives damage, it escapes from the trance and knows that you put a spell on it.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th,8th,10th,12th,14th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack[edit]
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 11th level in this class and to four when you reach 20th level in this class.
Extra Reaction[edit]
Beginning at 5th level, you can react twice, instead of once, whenever you take the reaction action on your turn.
Soul Eater[edit]
the rituals must follow, the shards must be consumed, and those who oppose will be eaten.
Starting at level 6 when an enemy dies by your hand you can eat their soul and heal your charisma bonus + your Nightmare Seekerl level. You gain resistance to psychic damage.
The art in the nightmare rise[edit]
Starting at level 7, You have managed to advance in the management of the energies of the soul and the nightmare, reaching new techniques for your actions.
Cloak Spikes: spending a bonus action you make use of 25 soul so that your cloak stretches sticking into the ground creating an area of 30 thorns that on a failed dexterity test cause 6d6 + charisma.
Fire Bats: as an action you spend 30 soul and shoot 3 fire bats that explode in a 10 foot area, each dealing 2d8 fire damage and 2d8 psychic damage + bonus charisma.
fast attack: you are fast and elegant, in one action spending 20 soul you can jump equal to half of your movement towards your target, to give it an accurate thrust, the target must make a strength save and if it fails it is knocked down and you gain advantage on your next attack. If the enemy exceeds you by 2 sizes, the roll is automatically passed.
You have acquired a certain pride of being a demon that has raised its level a lot, from level 9 you are attacked and hit by surprise attack in a fit of anger you release a demonic roar that in 30 feet whether ally or enemy must launch in fear.
Also, if the attack is melee, even by surprise, you can make an immediate reaction to counterattack, you can make use of this ability equal to your proficiency bonus.
Audience of Souls[edit]
You have not exactly consumed the souls that you have reaped, by consuming a soul with Soul eater, you not only consume it but also enslave it to be eternally as a spectator in your demonic rituals.
At level 9, with a bonus action and spending 40 souls, you snap your fingers to start the spectacle, and all souls with an Intelligence of 10 or higher appear wearing masks to witness the ghoulish spectacle. giving you the following advantages and disadvantages:
Theater: You set up a 30 foot area from which no one can escape (unless your DM says otherwise) in which they are surrounded by the souls blinded by you to witness the spectacle, while the ability is active you halve all damage suffered and you have advantage on attacks and saves and enemies have disadvantage when attacking you.
cheers: If you reduce a creature to 0 hit points you will receive the cheers of the public causing your next damage roll to be doubled and you heal half of the damage inflicted.
boos: if you are reduced to 0 hit points you will be booed by your audience and the ability will cancel, making you disadvantage on everything for d8 hours. this ability can only be used once per long rest.
Nightmare King[edit]
You have reached a plata part of your power, the domain of the nightmare gives you a new form, your true form, far from achieving your goal, now your enemies will know what they should fear.
At level 10 you get: you become immune to psychic damage. you are immune to fear you cannot be charmed.
You can spend an action and discard all the soul you have accumulated to transform into the Nightmare King once per long rest, gaining the following benefits:
True cursed Nightmare Fire: now with true control of the nightmare fire as part of your attack action spending 30 souls you can shoot 5 fire spheres and each of them deals 4d8 fire damage and 4d8 psychic damage and the enemy must deal one Constitution save to avoid burning, in case of failure the enemy will take 1d8 of fire damage and 1d8 of psychic damage and will not be able to take reactions.
very predictable: now when you use the demonic cunning you can see a little further letting you see the weaknesses of your enemies, spending 20 souls if you pass the save your next attack will have doubled damage.
blasphemous act: now when you use the ability of Those eyes that plunge me into the abyss, its duration increases by 1 hour and the enemies have a disadvantage the first time it is used against them, when they are under your control you can give them orders to even fight against their own allies, each time he takes damage he can roll to get rid of control, once control ends the victim is totally hostile against you.
the transformation into the Nightmare King lasts 10 minutes and when it ends you get 2 exhaustion points.
Abysmal Resistance[edit]
Starting at level 11, you have immersed yourself in the power of souls and nightmare, endowing you with a resistance worthy of a King. If you drop to 0 hit points while raging and don't die outright, you can make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. If successful, drop to 1 hit point instead.
Each time you use this feature after the first, the DC increases by 5. When you finish a short or long rest, the DC resets to 10.
Your attacks count as magic to overcome resistances and immunities.
I have a proposal for you[edit]
In your search for the nightmare you have had to talk, scam and deceive many people, and what would be a demon without a double-edged league. Starting at level 13, you gain proficiency with persuasion, intimidation and deception, if you already had proficiency the bonus is doubled.
While in your Nightmare King form your movement speed is doubled.
Night Swarm[edit]
You have learned to evade the most deadly blows in the most conspicuous way possible, starting at level 14 when you are about to receive a blow that will drop you to 0 hit points you split into a swarm of flying insects for until your turn comes, you cannot be attacked in that state unless they use a spell or ability with area damage, you can use this ability once per long rest.
The promise of the Ritual[edit]
Beginning at 15th level, you have achieved a control over the nightmare that allows you to forge the path to the next life by beginning the ritual.
You can exercise a test with an npc or player to see if they are worthy of carrying the amulet of the grimmchild, when you find the right person the amulet will be linked to them giving the birth of the child, who will absorb fragments of the nightmare and will grow with time (the DM will decide its growth and the abilities it acquires over time and absorbing the flames of tragedy).
Elegant Supremacy[edit]
You have reached a point where few demons of your kind can be, and it is felt in your aura that it is capable of overshadowing even the purest presences.
starting at level 17 you get 2 auras that you can decide when to activate, plus no one can tell when you are lying even under the effects of the zone of truth spell.
Charming Aura: Creatures in this aura feel more trust towards you and will support you in your opinions and actions.
Threatening aura: creatures under this aura will feel in constant danger and some will panic, in most cases they will run or be paralyzed if they are weaker than you, they will enter this effect.
each aura is 30 feet.
Master of Nightmare Arts[edit]
You finally gain mastery over the Nightmare Arts, acquiring new deadly uses worthy of praise and fear from those you use them on.
Also at level 17 you get mastery of your arts achieving new and spectacular tricks for your flaming rituals, these techniques are only improved in the King of Nightmare state:
Nether Stakes: You no longer need to be close to spawn a stinging inferno, as a bonus action and by spending 35 souls, you can choose a 120 foot area, you can choose 30 feet to create stakes sharper than before that deal 20d6 piercing damage and 6d6 psychic damage on a dexterity check with handicap, if yes if your enemies fail you will have to make a Constitution check to avoid being restricted by the impalement.
Flock of Fire:
If you are going to light up the show, what better than a communion of burning bats? As an action and spending 45 souls you can shoot 15 fire bats that explode in 40 feet and on a failed skill save you receive 6d8 fire damage and 6d8 psychic damage + charisma bonus.
Unholy Impulse:
you can't escape your nightmares, you can spend your action and 30 souls to light yourself in the nightmare fire and make an attack to not only knock your enemy down but also to leave them cursed by fire, the target must make an attack Wisdom saving throw or you will be cursed with the nightmare flames taking 8d8 fire damage and 8d8 psychic damage, for 1 minute, at the beginning of each turn you can roll to remove the curse, or using a curse remover, but this Fire cannot be put out with normal methods.
Nightmare Heart[edit]
At level 18, you have created a kind of 100-foot demi-plane where the heart of the nightmare is located, an area where only the most adept souls will be able to see the deadliest spectacles, as an action you designate a number of creatures equal to your bonus of charisma + your proficiency bonus, and they are all taken to the big stage gaining the following advantages and disadvantages:
The House invites: the host always has the advantage, if you use this ability before starting the fight you add your charisma to the initiation roll, While in this dimension you are immune to petrified, blinded, deafened, stunned, restrained, incapacitated and cannot be cursed.
the frame of error is a great price: If you are defeated in your dimension you must pay the consequences, when you are reduced to 0 hit points you are left with 2 failed death saves and everyone (including you too) is expelled from the dimension, if they manage to stabilize you you will be incapacitated for 1 minute.
once you use this ability you can't use it again for a d6 of days.
God Of Nightmare[edit]
You have reached the top, the highest point where you tell the stories that very few have reached, now you are a symbol of fear and respect, for both mortals and demons and the legends about you and that dark ritual will be told in all the plans for many centuries.
Starting at level 20 you already have full control of the nightmare, to such an extent that beings from other worlds will know your name, gaining the following benefits:
- you get true vision of 60 feet.
- now you're always in your nightmare king form.
- you get 120 feet of flight speed.
- your speed doubles again.
- you can spot the flames of tragedy at an extra 5 miles
- Demons of challenge 15 or lower will kneel before you in respect and follow your orders.
- infernal pillars: spending 50 souls you can make a 4 flame pillars 20 wide and 50 long, which do 10d12 + charismas, on a failed skill check, if you are reduced to 0 hit points you turn to ashes.
- puffer fish attack: you puff up in a bizarre way to expel a shower of fire. spending a full action and 60 souls once per rest you are reduced to 0 movement but your enemies make a dexterity save, you expel a blaze for 300 feet dealing 20d8 fire damage and 20d8 psychic damage all on In case of failure, you also roll by constitution and if you fail, you receive the same damage again.
when you use the ability of the puffer fish you reduce the damage received by half
Charms are abilities you gain over time. Charms can only be changed during a short or long rest.
1st level Charms[edit]
These charms are acquired when you reach Nightmare Seeker level 3
- Gathering Swarm
Notch Cost: 1
A small swarm of glowing bugs will appear if there is any loose change in the area and collect the change and bring it to you.
- Soul Catcher
Notch Cost: 2
Increases the amount of soul you regain when striking a creature with your nail by 2
- Wayward Compass
Notch Cost: 1
Shows your current location on any map that you are holding.
2nd level Charms[edit]
These charms are acquired when you acquire Nightmare Seeker Level 4
- Lifeblood heart
Notch Cost: 2
Whenever you complete a short or long rest, you gain temporary hit points equal to 1/8 of your maximum hit points.
- Thorns of Agony
Notch Cost: 2
Whenever you take damage, thorns shoot out from your body and damage any creature adjacent to you for 1d6 piercing damage.
3rd level Charms[edit]
These charms are acquired when you acquire Nightmare Seeker level 6
- Sprintmaster
Notch Cost: 1
Increases your speed by 1.5x
- Fury of the Fallen
Notch Cost: 2
If the combination of your current hit points and temporary hit points is equal to or less than 8, damage dealt by your nail is multiplied by 2.
4th level charms[edit]
These charms are acquired when you reach Nightmare Seeker level 8
- Grubsong
Notch Cost: 2
Restores 3 soul whenever you take damage from an attack.
- Lifeblood Core
Notch Cost: 3
Whenever you complete a short or long rest, you gain temporary hit points equal to 1/4 of your maximum hit points.
Quickslash Cost: 3 notches. Grants the bearer a third attack on top of their current attacks if they use the attack action on their turn.
Fragile Heart Cost: 2 notches. Grants the bearer an increase to their health equal to 30% of their maximum health. If you are ever dropped to 0 hp, this charm breaks and cannot be used until you finish a long rest and sacrifice 1000 gold to fix it (DM discretion for more or less cost, based on campaign).
Fragile Greed Cost: 2 notches. Increases the amount of gold the bearer receives upon finishing a battle or exploration to 1.5x. This charm breaks if you drop to 0 hp and cannot be used again until you finish a long rest and sacrifice 1000 gold to fix it (DM discretion for more or less cost, based on campaign).
Fragile Strength Cost: 3 notches. Increases the melee damage of the bearer by 1.5x. This charm breaks if the user drops to 0 hit points and cannot be worn again until you finish a long rest and sacrifice 1000 gold to fix it (DM discretion for more or less cost, based on campaign). (1d4->1d6, 1d6->1d10, 1d8->1d12, 1d10->2d8, 1d12->2d10, 2d8->2d12)
5th level Charms[edit]
These charms are acquired when you reach vessel level 10
- Heavy Blow
Notch Cost: 2
(This charm is exclusive to Path of the Nailmaster)
At the end of your turn if you decided to take the attack action with your nail, the creature hit by your nail will be forced back 5 feet. If the creature forced back collides with another creature, both creatures take 1d4 bludgeoning damage. If the creature forced back collides with a structure they will also take 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
- Joni's Blessing
Notch Cost: 4
Gain temporary hit points equal to triple your current Maximum Hit Points, but your regular hit points drop to zero. You are not able to heal through any means when this charm is equipped with the exception of hit dice during short rests and natural recovery during long rests. Any health restored with hit dice during a short rest or naturally regained during a long rest is under the effects of this charm and turned in to temporary hit points. If your temporary hit points reach zero when this charm is equipped you instantly die. If this charm is unequipped during a short or long rest you gain hit points equal to 1/3 of your temporary hit points before unequipping and lose all your temporary hit points.
Weaversong Cost: 2 notches. You gain 3 spider companions of size small. These companions will all attack the nearest enemy to you and do 1d4 +2 slashing damage each and have a hit equal to your con mod +your proficiency bonus. When used while using the grubsong charm, The weaver's attacks will restore a small amount of soul equal to 1/3 a soul charge.
6th level Charms[edit]
These charms are acquired when you reach Nightmare Seeker level 12
- Carefree Melody
Notch Cost: 3
Every other turn, when you would normally be damaged by an attack, roll a d20. If you roll a 10 or higher you will not be harmed by this attack.
- Spell Twister
Notch Cost: 4
Reduces the cost of your arts by 10
- Grubberfly's Elegy
Notch Cost: 3
While you are at maximum health, you will shoot a burning hot, wave-like beam from your nail every time you swing it. This beam is 5 feet wide and travels 30 feet in the direction you swung your nail before dissipating. The beam will also dissipate once it comes into contact with any creature or object. When firing the beam at an enemy from a distance it is treated as a normal attack and you will need to roll to hit. If you are adjacent to an enemy and land a normal hit with your nail the beam's damage will be added to the attack damage. If a creature is hit by the beam it will take fire damage equal to half of your nail's damage. This charm will not activate for nail arts, only a regular attack. If the charm Fury of the Fallen is equipped, this charm's effects will re-activate when the combination of your current hit points and temporary hit points is equal to or less than 8 and the damage boost from Fury of the Fallen also applies to the beam's damage.
Mark of Pride Cost: 3 notches. Your melee range is increased to 10 ft. When combined with longblade, your blades range is 15 ft.
7th level charms[edit]
These charms are acquired when you reach Nightmare Seeker level 14
- Sharp Shadow
Notch Cost: 2
The amount of distance you burst forward when using the shade cloak is doubled. If you pass through a creature using the shade cloak while this charm is equipped, that creature takes 1d8 piercing damage.
- Shaman Stone
Notch Cost: 3
Adds an extra 2d8 damage to all of your spells.
Cost: 4 notches. At the start of your turn you regain 5% of your maximum hit points. If you only have temporary hit points from Joni's Blessing, you regain these hit points only through Hiveblood
- Clown wig
Notch: 0
does nothing but leaves you well dressed for waiting for hollow knight silk song
Proficiencies. You can't, you can start as "The Nightmare Seeker" and then multiclass to another.
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