Tamer (5e Class)

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A class about taming creatures.


Tamers specialize in using other creatures to fight for them. Unlike Druids and Rangers, Tamers are not working with nature, but make nature work for them. They have cultivated the power to force creatures to do their bidding, forming a connection to creatures and imposing their will upon them. Many groups however find what Tamers do unnatural and going against the order of things, so Tamers are often looked down upon by society. However other find what they can do amazing and will pay good money for their talents or services. Many Tamers find themselves in the employment of very shady individuals, which doesn't help their already poor image by the general population.

Creating A Tamer[edit]

Quick Build

You can make a Tamer quickly by following these suggestions. First, charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by dexterity. Second, choose the charlatan background. Third, choose sleight of hand and Stealth. Fourth, choose dungeoneer's pack.

Class Features

As a Tamer you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Tamer level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Tamer level after 1st


Armor: Light armor
Weapons: light weapons,simple weapons
Tools: none
Saving Throws: charisma, Constitution
Skills: Choose four from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Survival, Animal Handling, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, sleight of hand, and Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a burglar's pack, or (b) dungeoneer's pack, or (c) an explorer's pack
  • A creature, at the DM’s discretion (1/2 CR or lower)
  • A light weapon, short bow and 20 arrows
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 1d8 * 10 in funds.

Table: The Tamer

Level Proficiency
Features Max creature Tamer Points creature Buff
1st +2 Creature Pick, Tamer Points, Tame Creature 2
2nd +2 Beast Knowledge, Working Together 3
3rd +2 Stronger Creature, Tamer Mentality 4 10hp
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 6 10hp
5th +3 Closer Creature, Creature Affinity 7 15hp
6th +3 Empowered Taming 8 15hp, 5ft
7th +3 Beast Knowledge, Stronger Bonds 9 20hp, 5ft
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 11 20hp, 5ft
9th +4 Tamer Mentality 12 25hp, 5ft
10th +4 Blood Contract 13 25hp, 10ft, 1AC
11th +4 Summon Creature, Creature Affinity 14 30hp, 10ft, 1AC
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 16 30hp, 10ft, 1AC
13th +5 Stronger Bonds, Strongest Bonds 17 35hp, 10ft, 2AC
14th +5 Creature Swarm 18 35hp, 15ft, 2AC
15th +5 Tamer Mentality 19 40hp, 15ft, 2AC
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 21 40hp, 15ft, 3AC
17th +6 Guardian Creatures, Creature Affinity 22 45hp, 15ft, 3AC
18th +6 Unkillable 23 45hp, 20ft, 3AC
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 24 50hp, 20ft, 4AC
20th +6 Chimera Transformation 26 60hp, 25ft, 5AC

Creature Pick[edit]

At 1st level, You pick a certain type of creature to specialize in taming. The creature types you can pick, and the ambition they embody are as follows:

Aberration: Understanding. Beast: Survival. Celestial: Kindness. Dragon: Nobility. Elemental: Mystical. Fey: Cunning. Fiend: Power. Giant: Strength. Monstrosities: Curiosity. Ooze: Unassuming. Plants: Nature. Undead: Knowledge. Humanoid: Familiarity.

While you may choose the creature for any reason, like close association with over time, or admiration for them, the listed ambitions however are the typical reasons Tamers choose a certain specialization.

Tamer Points[edit]

At 1st level, you have a number of Tamer Points, you can use a Tamer Point to add a +1 to any of your roles, increasing to +2 at level 10, and +3 at level 15. You have a max amount of Tamer Points you can add equal to the number of creatures you have tamed, up to a maximum based on your class level. You regain all uses after a long rest. You can regain half of your uses, rounded down, with a short rest. (Note: this feature should probably only be able to be used once before your next long rest, like the wizards meditation)

Tame Creature[edit]

At 1st level, you can force your will upon creatures using nothing but your willpower in order to tame a creature.

To tame a creature, you will first need to gain their attention. To gain a creatures attention you can do a variety of things, such as attempting to impress them with a show of strength or intelligence, beat them in a fight, show off something they want, or be able to resist their strength. You have advantage on gaining their attention if they are your creature Pick.

Once you have the creature's attention you can try to tame them. As an action, you can use an amount of Tamer Points equal to the creatures CR (minimum of 1 Tamer Points) to attempt to tame the creature. The creature of your choice must make a Wisdom saving throw against a DC of 5 + your proficiency + your Charisma Modifier. If it succeeds you may not attempt to tame this creature again. If it fails, it becomes friendly to you and obeys your commands until you dismiss it. A creature can willingly fail this check.

Intelligent creatures are harder to control, if the target has an Intelligence of 8 or higher they have advantage on the Wisdom saving throw. If it has an intelligence higher than 15, it can repeat the saving throw at the end of every hour. (Note: A creature with a Challenge Rating that exceeds your character level by +2 or more, or that has an Intelligence or Wisdom score higher than your charisma score automatically succeeds.) A creature with a CR of more than +2 of your class level and your Charisma is lower than Intelligence or Wisdom will automatically succeed, if a creature has a higher CR of +2 than your class level then they gain a +5 to their saving throw.

You can't Tame constructs.

You have a limit to how many creatures you can have tamed equal to your class level. Creatures over a CR of 1 count as 2 creatures,CR over 5 count as 3 creatures,over 10 count as 5 creatures, over 15 count as 7 creatures, and creatures of CR 20 count as 12 creatures. If you tame a creature that will push you over your limit, you must choose which creatures to break your connection with. You can dismiss any tamed creature with a 5 minute ritual at no penalty, but if you forcefully break the connection (Note: as an action) the creature might be aggressive towards you, at DM's discretion.

Beast Knowledge[edit]

By 2nd level, you have advanced your skills with creatures allowing you to better understand them.You are able to use 2 Tamer Points to understand a creature and talk to it if they are capable. If you have a tamed creature with you that is the same type as your Creature Pick then it only costs 1 Tamer Points.

Your creature tame can also grant you some of their skills. At the end of a long rest, you can gain mimic 1 attack action from one of your tamed creatures. On a long rest, you can choose a new skill. You will need a weapon that does the same damage type as the attack to perform the attack. Also, melee attacks will require melee weapons and ranged attacks will require a ranged weapon. If the creature you chose the skill from dies you will lose access to that skill and will need to obtain a new skill upon a long rest. At level 7 you can pick a second skill to mimic.

Working Together[edit]

By 2nd level, your creatures are working together to help each other. creatures that you have can use an action to buff each other. all creatures that use the action buff in the current turn gain +1 AC, +1 Hp, +2ft movement, and +1 damage for every creature that also does the buff action within a 10ft radius, rounded down, buff doesn't stack. this radius increases to 20ft at level 10.

Tamer Mentality[edit]

At 3rd level, you choose a Tamer Mentalities, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 9th, and 15th.

Stronger Creatures[edit]

By 3rd level, you can use your training and connection to your tamed creatures to make them stronger. Creatures that you have tamed gain extra hit points, speed, and AC based off your current class level. Your creature Pick will get twice the bonus health.

At 3rd level, you choose a Tamer Mentalities, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 9th, and 15th.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Closer Creature[edit]

by 5th level, your connection to your creatures has increased, at the cost of 2 Tamer Points you can give a +1 to the current roll the creature is making

Creature Affinity[edit]

By 5th level, your connection to your creature has begun to work the other way. While you use the connection to apply your will to creatures, their power has started to affect you, altering your body and granting you a portion of their strength. You can amplify this effect temporarily with your power as a tamer. The traits you gain depend on your creature Pick.

Otherworldly Mind:(Aberration) You have always had a knack for understanding things beyond normal people. Even so, you have seen glimpses of things that have opened your mind to a new world of possibilities beyond your wildest imagination. This glimpse into the beyond has granted you advantage on insight rolls. Additionally, this opening of your mind has allowed you to tap into psychic powers, giving you the ability to sense emotions from creatures. The closer you are to the creature, the better you can sense the emotions. While you are unable to sense the causes of the emotions you feel, you are able to detect the rough nature, and can detect malice and aggression before you are attacked. Certain creatures who have complete control of their emotions, undead, and constructs are immune to this ability. You can spend 1 of your Tamer Points to telepathically attempt to read a creatures current thoughts, the creature of your choice must make a wisdom saving throw of 8 plus proficiency bonus plus charisma modifier. Creatures with psychic resistance have advantage, and creatures with psychic immunity will always succeed.

at level 11, Your mind has grown to greater levels, letting you fight back against creatures that try to attack your mindscape. You have resistance to psychic damage, and if a creature attempts to deal psychic damage to you, you may as a reaction reflect the damage to them as force damage. You may use this skill a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

at level 17, Your senses are connected to all your Tamed creature. You share sight, smell, and hearing with all tamed creatures at the same time. You, and your creature are also immune to charm, surprised, and frightened, and have advantage on seeing invisible creatures. You also may use Tame creature through a tamed creature.

Beast Fangs:(Beast) You have always had good instinct, working from intuition has allowed you to survive out in the wilds. Having spent a lot of time with beasts you find your have developed a more feral nature. This more savage side grants you advantage on survival rolls. Additionally, your have gotten more hairy, your teeth have sharpened, and your fingernails have grown into sharp claws. You can use your claws to make unarmed attacks, which are considered natural weapons and do 1d4 plus strength slashing damage. You also can attack twice instead of once when you take the Attack action on your turn. You can spend 1 of your Tamer Points to empower your body. For 1 minute you have slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing resistance and your unarmed attacks do 1d8 plus strength damage.

at level 11, Your senses have gotten stronger, allowing you to track prey. You have climbing speed equal to your movement speed, and can tracked any creatures that are bleeding. You deal 1d6 extra damage to enemies under half health. Damage increases to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 9th level, 4d6 at 13th level, 5d6 at 16th level, and 6d6 at 19th level.

at level 17, You have reached the pinnacle of the power of a beast. Your claws now deal 1d8 damage, you may use a bonus action to knock a large or smaller creature prone, and you and all your allies have pack tactics.

Radiant Aura:(Celestial) You have a naturally caring nature when it comes to animals. After your time with Celestial, this kindness has grown and seems to have become a sort of light within you that animals can sense. The Celestial blessing grants you advantage on animal handling rolls. Additionally, your hair is lighter, and you have a bit of a glow in the light. Your Celestial aura affects creatures, making them hesitant to attack you. Creatures you haven't attempted to harm have disadvantage on attack rolls against you. You can spend 1 of your Tamer Points to empower your Aura. Until your next turn creatures can't directly target you.

at level 11, Your aura has gotten stronger, lighting your way and allowing you to grant life to yourself and those around you. You emit dim light in a 15 ft radius around you. You may suppress your light as a bonus action, and end the suppression at any time. You can give yourself temporary hit points when you take a short or long rest equal to your Tamer Level plus your Charisma Modifier, and half as much to your Tamed creature.

at level 17, Your holy aura has reached its greatest level. Your aura now emits bright light for 15 ft and dim light for 30 ft. You can spend 2 of your Tamer Points to blind all enemies around you for 1 minute and deal radiant damage to them equal to half your Purifying Aura damage. Fiends and undead hit by this will be unable to attack you.

Dragonic Scales:(Dragon) You have a noble attitude that commands attention and respect. While talented, you travels have lead you to attempt to acquire the might of dragons. Your connection to these fearsome creatures has only magnified your noble presence, granting you advantage on persuasion rolls. Additionally, your skin has become scaly in several places. You can pick which color scales you develop between chromatic and metallic. These scales will grant you resistance to the color of your choice. You can spend 1 of your Tamer Points to strengthen your scales. For one minute your AC is increased by 2.

at level 11, You have developed a breath weapon from your dragon influence. You can use your action to do a breath attack and force enemies to do a saving throw. The DC of this saving throw is 8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 2d6 damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. The damage increase to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th, and 5d6 at 16th level. You can use your breath weapon a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, an afterwards you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest, or at the cost of 1 of your Tamer Points. The damage type and damage type is in the following list.

Black Acid 5' by 30' line (DEX save)

Blue Lightning 5' by 30' line (DEX save)

Brass Fire 5' by 30' line (DEX save)

Bronze Lightning 5' by 30' line (DEX save)

Copper Acid 5' by 30' line (DEX save)

Gold Fire 15' cone (DEX save)

Green Poison 15' cone (CON save)

Red Fire 15' cone (DEX save)

Silver Cold 15' cone (CON save)

White Cold 15' cone (CON save)

at level 17, Your Dragonic Nature has reached its full potential. You are now able to take on a full dragons power. You can spend 3 Tamer Points to transform into an Adult Dragon of the color you picked for 1 minute. At the end of the minute, you can spend 1 of your Tamer Points to extend it for another minute. At level 20 you will transform into an Ancient Dragon of the color you picked.

Elemental Mastery:(Elemental) You have always had an aptitude for the more arcane arts, though you haven't refined the skill like you could have. But you have found creatures that draw power from the elemental planes, and after watching them you wonder if you can't do the same yourself. Your new connection to the elemental planes has granted you advantage on Arcana rolls. Additionally, your connection to the Elemental Planes has granted you access to basic elemental magic. you learn produce flame, shape water, mold earth, and gust. You also learn burning hands, create or destroy water, earth tremor, and zephyr strike. This list can be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, when used, you can pick any spell inside the list and it cast without consuming a spellslot, your usage of the list will refill after a long rest. You also can cast chaos bolt at second level once and need to finish a long rest before you can cast it again like this. The spellcasting ability for these spells are charisma. You can spend 1 of your Tamer Points to cast a first level spell, or 2 to cast chaos bolt at level 2. You can do this as many times as you want as long as you have Tamer Points to spend.

at level 11, You have tapped into the power of the elements, and have developed enhanced movement through them. You may pick one of the following Elemental Enhancements. At the end of a long rest you may replace the Elemental Enhancements with one of the other elements.

Fire: You can use your movement action to dash in a strait line for a distance up to your movement speed. You can move through enemies while using this and do not provoke opportunity attacks. You deal 1d10 fire damage to all enemies you move through, this damage increases to 2d10 at level 6, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d10 at level 15. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain uses of this skill at the end of a long rest.

Water: You can breath underwater, and your swimming speed is twice your movement speed. You can also use a bonus action to walk on water for 1 minute. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain uses of this skill at the end of a long rest.

Earth: You can dive through the ground and travel underground, reappearing at the end of your movement in an unoccupied space. Travel like this uses your movement action, counts as if moving through rough terrain, and doesn't provoke opportunity attacks. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain uses of this skill at the end of a long rest.

Wind: You channel your wind power to float in the air. Using a bonus action, you can levitate 1 foot off the ground for 1 minute, you can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain the uses of this skill at the end of a long rest.

at level 17, You have managed to reach out into the depths of the elemental planes, allowing you to create large scale attacks with each element.

Fire: You can create massive pillars of flames with your strength. For 5 Tamer Points you can create fire bursts with a radius of 10 ft from yourself and all of your Tamed creature. Each creature in the area must make a dexterity saving throw. It takes 7d10 fire damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. The fire does not hit the creatures in the center of the fire burst.

Water: You can control massive amounts of water with your strength. For 5 Tamer Points you can create a wall of water 150 ft high, 150 ft long, and 25 ft thick, the wall lasts 3-6 rounds. Any creature caught in the area must make a strength saving throw, on a failed save they take 3d10 bludgeoning damage, or half as much on a successful save. Tamed creatures take half damage on a failed save, and no damage on a successful one. At the start of each of your turns the wall will move along with everything it's carrying 50 ft away from you and its height is reduced by 50 ft and damage is reduced by 1d10. Creatures will then have to make a strength saving throw or take the new damage. A creature can only take damage from it once per round. When the wall reaches 0 ft the ability ends. If you use this skill while next to a body of water the height, length, and thickness will double and the starting damage becomes 1d6.

Earth: You can shake the very ground with your strength. For 5 Tamer Points you can cause a spire of earth within 120 ft with a 5 ft radius and rises 30 ft from the ground. All terrain within a 30 ft radius is also turned into rough terrain, Tamed creatures can ignore the terrain. if a creature is on the targeted spot, it must make a strength or dexterity save, on a failed save it receives 4d6 piercing damage, or half as much on a successful save. If the spire hits the ceiling it will deal 6d6 bludgeoning damage and if the save is failed they will be restrained, and have to retake the save at the end of each of their turns to get out.

Wind: You can move the very wind with your strength. For 5 Tamer Points you can cause a whirlwind to touchdown on a point of ground within 300 ft of you. The whirlwind has a 10 ft radius and is 30 ft high, and lasts for 1 minute. Until the spell ends, at the start of your turn you can move it 30 ft in any direction along the ground. It will suck up any medium or smaller objects that aren't secured to anything and aren't worn or carried. A creature must make a dexterity saving throw the first time that turn it is within the whirlwind. It takes 10d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Tamed creatures take half damage on a failed save, and no damage on a successful one. Large or smaller creatures that aren't one of your Tamed creatures that fail the save must succeed a strength saving throw or become restrained in the whirlwind until it ends. A creature that starts its turn restrained by the whirlwind is pulled 5 ft higher inside it unless it's already at the top. When the whirlwind ends, everything in it will fall unless it has some way to stay aloft. A restrained creature may make a strength or dexterity check against your DC save, if successful it is no longer restrained and is hurled 3d6 * 10 ft away in a random direction.

Fairy Charmer:(Fey) Your quick wits and creative mind have allowed you to trick and manipulate others to get your way. Since you connected with the Fey some of the Feywild has bound itself to you, granting you some of the power of the Fey. Now with the Whimsical Fey powers inside you you are far more talented in the art of trickery, granting you advantage on deception rolls. Additionally, your connection to the Feywild has caused you to take on a more Fey like appearance, making yourself is more beautiful. You also tap into some of the magic of the Faywild, learning the Cantrip minor illusion. You also learn the first level spells: disguise self, distort value, faerie fire, and silent image This list can be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, when used, you can pick any spell inside the list and it cast without consuming a spellslot, your usage of the list will refill after a long rest. You also can cast phantasmal force spell once and need to finish a long rest before you can cast it again like this. charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell. You can spend 1 of your Tamer Points to cast first level spell, or 2 to cast phantasmal force. You can do this as many times as you want as long as you have Tamer Points to spend.

at level 11, You have started to take the qualities of the nymph. As an action, you can attempt to charm a creature within 30 ft that you can see. If the target can see you it must succeed a wisdom saving throw of 8 plus charisma plus proficiency bonus. If they fail they are charmed and regard you as a trusted friend to be heeded and protected. It is not under your control, but it takes you're requests or actions in the most favorable way it can. If you or your allies do anything harmful to it, it my retry the saving throw. If the target succeeds the saving throw they are immune to this skill for the next 24 hours. The effect will normally last 24 hours, or until you die, end up in a different plane of existence from the target, or end the effect as a bonus action. You can only have 1 target under the effect at a time.

at level 17, Your deep bond with the Feywilds has allowed you to developed the ability to transform into a fairy. As an action you can transform into a fairy, your size changes to tiny, all attacks have disadvantage against you, creatures have disadvantage on perception checks to see you, and gain a base flying speed of 30. You can use an action to spend 2 Tamer Points to summon one of your tamed creatures to your side.

Hellish Presence:(Fiend) Your thirst for power has lead you down many paths, and this path has lead you to the seek power of fiends. The power they offer is great, though the price very well might be greater. Once you started connecting to them you felt a sort of shadowy fire build up inside yourself. As time has gone on, this fire has started to become a part of you, and you can feel its dark influence within. Whether you embrace this darkness or try and reject it to try and keep control, you can utilize it to grant yourself an aura of darkness to bring terror to all around you, granting you advantage on intimidation rolls. Additionally, this inner flame has granted you greater power while altering your body, causing you to grow small horns on your head. This flame imbues itself into all of your weapons, allowing you to deal 1d6 fire damage on all weapon attacks, increasing to 2d6 at level 9, 3d6 at level 13, and 4d6 at level 18. You can spend 1 of your Tamer Points to create black flames of hellfire in a 15 ft cube 60 ft away. All creatures in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw, dealing 4d6 damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful one. Once the flames land they will keep burning for 1 minute, and all creatures who enters or end their turn in the affected space must make a dexterity save or take 2d6 damage.

at level 11, You have tapped into the Fiends power to of darkness and the capacity to influence the weak minded. You gain darkvision of 30 ft unless you already have it. You are able to whisper ideas into peoples minds, suggesting courses of actions. They will not know that you said anything to them, and instead believe the thought came from themself. They must make a wisdom saving throw, if they fail they will do the suggested course of action. The action must be reasonable, and something they would normally willingly do. If not they will automatically succeed the saving throw. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

at level 17, Your blood has become fiendish, and you have worked your way to the mastery of the contract, those who sign blood contracts with you should beware. Your darkvision increases to 60 ft. All creatures under the effect of Blood Contract will gain your on hit effect of Hellish Presence and gain 30 ft darkvision if they don't already have it, assuming they are able to see in the first place. However they also will count as creatures tamed under Tame creatures.

Giants Might:(Giant) You have always admired physical power, seeking to get stronger as best as you can. Once you saw the might that Giants possess, you decided you had to have that strength for yourself. Your hard work and connection to the giants might have granted you a portion of that strength, granting you advantage on athletic rolls. Additionally, the might of giants has influenced you, causing you to grow 1-4 inches and your muscles are larger. Your greater strength allows you to move enemies 5 ft on any successful bludgeoning attack. You can spend 1 of your Tamer Points on a successful hit to increase the knockback to 15ft and knocking the target prone.

at level 11, You can imbue yourself with giants might for 1 minute. You can temporarily increase your size to large (as long as you aren't large at the time) as long as you have room to transform, otherwise you stay your current size. You gain advantage on strength saving throws and strength checks. You also deal 1d6 extra damage with weapons and unarmed attacks, increasing to 1d8 at level 9 and 1d10 at level 15. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency and regain uses at the end of a long rest.

at level 17, You have acquired the full strength of the giants. Your Gigantification now changes your size class to huge and your melee attack range increases by 5 ft during the transformation. While transformed, you may throw an adjacent Tamed creatures, you can throw medium creatures 30 ft and small or tiny creatures 60 ft. If you throw a creature into another creature the targeted creature must make a dexterity saving throw, on a fail they take 4d10 bludgeoning damage, or half as much on a success.

Unnatural Body:(Monstrosity) You have always had incredible curiosity about the strange and unknown. The bizzare and unnatural monstrosities were the perfect thing for your curiosity to draw you towards. From spending so much time around them, you have begun to change. Whether it's from a curse, residual magic, or some other strange reason, you don't know, but what you do know is your body is now unusually flexible, granting you advantage on acrobatics rolls. Additionally, your appearance has changed to more lithe and somewhat unnatural. Your new physiology gives you 10 ft more movement speed and can dash and disengage as a bonus action. You can spend 1 of your Tamer Points to grow wings for one turn, allowing you to fly for your normal movement speed, but you will start falling at the end of your turn if you don't land.

at level 11, Your connection to monstrosities has affected your arms, causing them to become more spider-like. You gain 5 ft reach and Spider Climb skills.

at level 17, You have transcended beyond the natural world, your body is now unstable and able to shift into any form you need. You can use alter self at will, and as an action you can spend 3 Tamer Points to polymorph into any creature you currently have tamed.

Unchecked Growth:(Plant) Your natural green thumb has served you well, giving everything you plant life. Your time with plants has lead you to discover larger and more fascinating plants. Your time with these plants have helped you gain a greater understanding of the world around you, and have granted you advantage in nature rolls. Additionally, your body has begun to become more plant like, plants have started growing on you, and can entangle enemies in vines. As a reaction you can force the target to make a dexterity saving through, if failed they will be restrained. They can attempt to make a strength saving throw at the start of each of their turns and if succeed they will break free, if failed they will remain restrained. They will have advantage if you move over 30 ft away, and will automatically be released if you move more than 60 ft away. The DC is 8 plus proficiency bonus plus charisma. You can spend 1 of your Tamer Points to attempt to entangle every creature within 10 ft of you, using the same DC as your reaction. You may spend up to two more Tamer Points to increase the entangle range to 20 ft and 30 ft.

at level 11, Your body has developed, allowing you to feed off of sunlight. Short rests restore twice as much health if you are in direct sunlight, and if you spend at least 4 hours in direct sunlight you don't need to eat that day.

at level 17, You have become so connected to plants that you can call upon other plants to fight for you. You can spend 2 of your Tamer Points as an action to animate up to 3 trees or 5 bushes to fight for you. They have the stats of Awakened Trees or Awakened Shrub respectively, and will remain animate for 1 day or until it or you die, or it is more than 120 ft away. You may also use a bonus action to have them return to being inanimate.

Gelatinous Blood:(Ooze) People have always underestimated your potential, looking down on what you can do. When you discovered the strange beings called Oozes they reminded you of yourself, underappreciated. You saw their potential so attempted to be able grow together. After a while you've noticed changes in yourself and have started to move around like the Oozes themselves, granting you advantage on Stealth rolls. Additionally, your blood now is much more viscus and has a darker color to it dealing 1d4 acid damage to anything touching it or melt through any none-magical metal, and you have started to be able to sense the world around you almost as instinct, granting you 15 feet of blindsight. You can spend 1 of your Tamer Points to increase your blindsight to 60 ft for 1 minute.

at level 11, Your body has started producing acid, allowing you to imbue your attacks with acid. You deal an extra 1d4 acid damage to enemies on weapon attacks. This damage increases to 2d4 at level 6, 3d4 at level level 10, and 4d4 at level 15.

at level 17, Your body has become one with the unassuming ooze. You are able to move freely through any gap no smaller than 1 inch without squeezing. You can store any small item inside your body and it is impossible to have the items stolen through slight of hand. You can also store any Tamed Oozes inside yourself, and as a bonus action release them all in free spaces around you. You are able to spend 1 of your Tamer Points to attempt to absorb a creature of a size class equal to or smaller then you. As an action, you will attempt to grapple a target creature, on a successful grapple check the creature will be pulled inside of you. They will be restrained, can't breathe, and take 6d6 acid damage at the beginning of each of their turns. To escape they will have to do pass an strength check of 12 plus your strength modifier. While absorbed like this you can only move at half speed, and as a Bonus Action can Use Alter Self to transform into the creature you caught.

Ancient Bones:(Undead) Your have always had a desire for knowledge. You have always found that the past has always been the best path to deal with the future. You attempt to use both past knowledge, as well as those who have past in order to deal with issues you come into. Thus, dealing with the undead was the path you decided on. While you don't care to create undead, you attempt to work with the ones you encounter, and their knowledge has granted you advantage on investigation rolls. Additionally, all the time you have spent with the dead has seemed to alter you. Your body has grown very pale, your heart beats a few times a minute, you never seem to feel hungry or thirsty anymore and you've haven't felt short of breath for some reason. Your body no longer needs to: eat, drink, or breath. You can spend 1 of your Tamer Points to attempt to gain information from a creature that has died within 1 minute, gaining some knowledge of what they knew, but they may have some holes in their memory.

at level 11, You have begun to be tied to the force of death, decaying things with a simple touch. You can do a melee touch attack against an enemy, making them do a constitution saving throw with a DC of 10 plus charisma modifier plus proficiency bonus. On a failed save the target takes 3d6 necrotic damage, and half as much damage on a successful one. The damage increases to 4d6 at level 6, 5d6 at level 9, and 6d6 at level 15. Damage is halved against undead targets. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain uses of this skill after a long rest.

at level 17, Your will to live is greater then your body's limitation. You can make a DC 10 constitution saving throw when you are dropped to 0 hit points, on success you drop to 1 hit point instead. Each time you use this skill the DC increases by 5, when you finish a long or short rest the DC returns to 10. If a Tamed creature drops to 0 hit points, you may use 2 of your Tamer Points to have them drop to 1 hit point instead, or 1 of your Tamer Points if they are undead.

Knowing oneself:(humanoid) you always wonder how your inner workings function as you went through life always having a deep feeling that your body should be capable of more. Feeling that you were missing something that could help you know why you feel this way. However as you grew you noticed how different spices held such a familiarity towards yourself and yet were capable of feats greater than anything you could possibly accomplish. Then the idea formed that maybe they hold the key to your true abilities that maybe going down this path would allow you to truly be knowing oneself. Now seeing and feeling the first true fruits of your efforts you are now more determined than ever for this to be the case. Due to you going down this path has led to you beginning to unlock your body’s true abilities. When asked to roll a save before you roll you can choose to spend 1 of your Tamer Points to multiply the required saving throw modifier by 2 (if your saving throw modifier is a 0 then add your proficiency bonus instead however if your saving throw modifier is a negative then multiply your proficiency bonus by 1.5 rounded down then add the resulting number to your saving throw modifier) this only counts for one roll however if you have to roll multiple times because of advantage or disadvantage then this ability will be added to those rolls as well.

at level 11, thanks to your growing connection with humanoids you now have a greater understanding of the mind and body you now have proficiency in Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception and Persuasion.if you already have proficiency’s in these skills then you gain expertise in said skills.

at level 17, thanks to humanoids you are able to use your body’s full potential for longer periods of time however it has become clear that using said potential has been slowly becoming more costly you fear that you will one day lose access to it completely. There must be a way to make it permanent these humanoids have to be the key the only question you need answering is how you need to use these humanoids. At the start of each day by spending 1 Tamer Points you can choose one saving throw modifier to be boosted by your ability all day till tomorrow when you when you will have to repeat the process

Empowered Taming[edit]

By 6th level, when you use Tame creature, you can choose to double the Tamer Points needed to attempt to tame a creature to improve your chances of taming it. You can also forgo the bonus to try and use Tame creature to Tame a creature you haven't gained the attention of yet through shear willpower.

Stronger Bonds[edit]

By 7th level, Your creature helps you to gain some of their stats, allowing you to override one of your ability scores with the corresponding score of one of your tamed creatures. You can replace this ability score with another when you finish a long rest. If the creature you're gaining your ability score from dies then this ability is lost and you will have to wait until you take a long rest to get a new one. Your overridden ability score can't go higher than 20.

At 13th level, you can choose one more ability score to gain this benefit, and your overridden ability score is no longer capped.

Additionally, if one of your tamed creatures has to do a skill check, you can choose to have them use your modifier if it's greater.

Blood Contract[edit]

By 10th level, You can make contracts with creatures you are able to communicate with.

To forge a contract, you will first need to gain their attention. To gain a creatures attention you can do various things, impress them with a show of strength or intelligence, beat them in a fight, show off something they want, or be able to resist their strength. You have advantage on gaining their attention if they are your creature Pick.

Once you have their attention, you will then have make an offer. You will have to offer them something they want, be it helping them with something, defeating a rival, giving power, giving them an item, or maybe simply letting them live. If you can pursued them to accept your offer, then you can both choose to offer conditions to the arrangement. If the conditions are accepted, if either side ends up violating the conditions then they will take 5d10 psychic damage that ignores resistance and treats immunity as resistance. These conditions are word specific and so you can do something that violates the idea of the conditions but doesn't violate the words will with no penalty. This means if you're not careful then you can end up in a lot of trouble, but it also means you can twist the deal to your advantage.

If the terms are acceptable then the contract may be formed with a 1 hour ritual. Creatures that are under a blood contract are considered Tamed, even if they aren't under your complete control and will operate on their own, though you can still give them commands. You may use Tame creature if it's part of the contract terms, which is guaranteed to work, and you will then take full control of them. But you are unable to use Tame creature on the creature if it is not part of the terms of the contract.

The Contract may be terminated after a five minute ritual if both sides are willing. Contracts can not be broken by other means.

Creatures under a blood contract do not gain the advantages of a Tame creature (Beast Knowledge, Working Together, Stronger Bonds, Closer Creature, Summon Creature, Strongest Bonds, Creature Swarm, and Guardian Creature), unless they are considered a tame creature under the contract. instead, they can gain an aspect of a tamed creature for a Tamer Points. Creatures under a blood contract can increase their abilities scores by 0.5 * the amount of Tamer Points they want to add. increase their HP by 2 * the amount of Tamer Points they want to add. increase their AC by 0.2 * the amount of Tamer Points they want to add. increase their movement by the amount of Tamer Points they want to add. All creatures' improvements stay until you take a short or long rest.

Summon Creature[edit]

By 11th level, you can spend 1 Tamer Points and an action, bonus action, and or reaction to summon 1 of your tamed creatures, the summoned creature can not act this turn and will act at the end of your next turn. you can summon a creature within an empty 5ft square around you, or to an empty 5ft square within your line of sight. at the cost of 2 Tamer Points, you can spend 1 minute teleporting to one of your tame creatures, including creatures under a blood contract.

Strongest Bonds[edit]

By 13th level, Your creature helps you learn one of its traits. When you finish a long rest, you gain one trait of your choice from one of your creatures. You can replace this feature/trait with another when you finish a long rest. If the creature you get the trait from dies you will lose the trait and will have to wait until you take a long rest to get a new one.

Additionally, using Tame creature on the same kind of creature as your creature Pick reduces the Tamer Points cost by 5, the minimum points that can be used is 1.

Creature Swarm[edit]

By 14th level, if you attack a creature, all of your tamed creature will have advantage against them until your next turn. Every creature that attacks the same creature in a row adds an extra +2 damage for the next creature that hits the creature.

Guardian Creatures[edit]

By 17th level, your tamed creatures are becoming better at just about everything. your tamed creatures can use their reaction for multiple things:

if one of your Tamed creatures is within 5 ft of you or an ally when they get hit, you can have them use their reaction to take the hit.

if one of your Tamed creatures is within 5 ft of you or an ally and they are at 0hp, you can have them use their reaction to stabilise them.

if one of your Tamed creatures is within 5 ft of you or an ally when they attacking, you can have them use their reaction to give your ally advantage.

if one of your Tamed creatures is within 5 ft of you or an ally, you can have them use their reaction to use one of your ally's items, along as they are willing.

if one of your Tamed creatures is within 5 ft of you or an ally and is 1 less than their size or higher, you can have them use their reaction to throw you or an ally 25ft.

if one of your Tamed creatures is within 5 ft of you or an ally and can cast a spell that buffs allies, you can have them use their reaction to cast.


By 18th level, you can use your connection to your creature to transfer lifeforce. Battle is like a game of chess, and you are the king. If you have to sacrifice a few pawns in order to survive then that is for the greater good. Whenever you drop to 0 hp, you can sacrifice a tamed creature and transfer their current health to yourself.

You can also use this skill to protect your precious creatures, and save them when they are in danger. You can transfer a declared amount of your current hp to a creature who hits 0 hp. You can't reduce your hp to 0 with this skill.

Chimera Transformation[edit]

By 20th level, you have reached the pinnacle of the power of the Tamer allowing you to transcend the barrier between you and creature. You have two paths you can choose how use this power, but the path you choose first will be the only one you can take, so choose wisely.

'Path of The Transcendent Tamer:' As a Tamer, your ability to tap into the power of creature is one of your greatest strength, but the powers you got are only temporary. But you have found a way to take that power and keep it forever, with the only price being one of your tamed creature, a small sacrifice. You can do an 8 hour ritual with a creature tamed through the Tame creature skill. You sacrifice the creature to permanently gain the effects of Beast Knowledge, Stronger Bond, or Strongest Bond. You can add one skill, one ability score, or one trait that the sacrificed creature had to your own. You may use this ritual thee times but you may not acquire a second skill, ability score, or trait. This permanent bonus does not interfere with the Beast Knowledge, Stronger Bond, or Strongest Bond's two skill limit.

'Path of The Transcendent creature:' Your creature are your greatest strength, and helping them get stronger helps you get stronger. You have found a way for them to transcend beyond the limitations of their creature nature and gain the power of your race. You can do an 8 hour ritual with a creature tamed through the Blood Contract skill. After the ritual is complete, the creature will take a form of the same race as you, though they will have some unique features depending what they are. As an action they can switch between their new form and their original form. They will have the same Ability Score, Abilities, and Traits as the original, but will also be able to learn class levels.

Tamer Mentalities[edit]

The Mentalities of the Tamer has are the following;

Wild Mentality[edit]

You feel that most creatures have more power than you could ever have on your own. Training would let you make up some of the difference, but becoming like them would let you make up all the difference. You reject your nature in order to acquire the power that comes from other creatures. Unlike other tamers who try to make their creatures stronger, you focus on making yourself stronger.

Natural instincts

At 3rd level, you gain an extra Stronger Bonds and Strongest Bonds every time you gain them as a feat due to your level.

A Little More

By 9th level, You can choose another Creature Pick

True Creature

At 15th level, at the cost of 10 Tamer Points to shift into a chosen creature you have tamed, you do not copy over wisdom, intelligence, and charisma.

Mystical Mentality[edit]

The mysterious nature of your connection to creatures fascinates you. You seek to learn and understand this mystical power.

Creature Spells

By 3rd level, You can learn any spell your creatures have a max of your charisma modifier, a minimum of 1 spell. you can choose to spend 1 Tamer Points to change a spell you know with a different one. you are unable to upcast spells unless you are above level 15. Spellcasting Modifier is charisma.

Mystical Spellcasting
—Spell Slots per Spell Level—
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 9th
3rd 1
4th 2
5th 3
6th 3 1
7th 3 2
8th 3 3
9th 3 4
10th 3 5
11th 3 5 1
12th 3 5 2
13th 3 5 3
14th 3 5 4
15th 3 5 4 1
16th 3 5 4 2
17th 3 5 4 3
18th 3 5 4 3 1
19th 3 5 4 3 2
20th 3 5 4 3 2 1
Spell Slot Generation

By 9th level, You can spend an amount of Tamer Points equal to the spell slot + 2 to regain a spell slot of that level, this costs an action, and you can't have more spell slots than your maximin for that level.

Creature Conduit

By 15th level, you can cast spells though any creature you have tamed. You will use your spellcasting modifier for the attack roles. you are also able to now upcast spells.

Commander Mentality[edit]

You consider your creature to simply be solders for you. You take pride in commanding them in the battlefield for the most optimal effects.


At 3rd level, Your skills for logistics allow you to better utilize your resources. You gain additional Tamer Points equal to your Proficiency bonus. Once per long rest, as a bonus action you can regain some of your Tamer Points equal to your proficiency.


At 9th level, your skill at controlling creatures has improved. You can use an action to give an order, you spend one Tamer Point to give a Tamed creature an order, that will give them various bonuses. Giving an order to a creature already under an order will immediately end the order they were under. The commands are:

Attack: Increases the creatures attack by your proficiency bonus for one minute.

Defend: Increases the creatures AC by your proficiency bonus for one minute.

Move: Increases movement by 5 * your proficiency bonus for one minute.

Haul: Allows the creature to carry an object or grappled creature at full movement speed for one minute.

Resist: Instantly disrupts the effects of fear, charm, and paralysis.

Heal: Increases the creatures HP by 2 * your proficiency bonus for one minute.

Sneak: Allows the creature to have three-quarters cover on half cover, and full cover on three-quarters cover.

Stall: Allows the creature to add +1 to all Charisma-based checks.

Struggle: Instantly disrupts the effects of grappled, restrained, and stunned.

Wake: Instantly disrupts the effect of incapacitated, unconscious, and sleep.

or you can give blanket orders for your tamed creatures. You can use an action to give the blanket order at the cost of 5 Tamer Points. The blanket orders effect is half of the effect. The blanket orders stack with regular orders.

Army Generals

At 15th level, you can assign a number of tame creatures or a creature with a blood contract equal to your proficiency bonus to have all the orders effects active permanently at the cost of one Tamer Point per creature, this can stack with orders and blanket orders. additionally, army generals who are both tamed creatures and in a blood contract can give the bonus twice.

Criminal Mentality[edit]

Many Tamers are already looked down on by society, so working for the underworld isn't that hard of jump for them. They use their talents to do unsavory activities with the help of their Tamed creatures.


At 3rd level, you can take an additional bonus action on a turn at the cost of 2 Tamer Points, and a reaction at the cost of 3 Tamer Points

Current Toy

At 9th level, if you spend more than 30 minutes watching a person or creature you can predict how they will move around for the rest of the day and how / when people will interact with the targeted person. You have advantage on persuasion, deception, stealth, and slight of hand checks against the target. additionally, when one of your tamed monsters takes more than 20 damage you are filled with joy, you gain 1 Tamer Points for every time they take more than 20 damage

Wanted Dead

At 15th level, You are constantly on the move and ready for any surprises, thus you can not be ambushed. You and your tamed creatures have advantage on initiative. Additionally you can take 2 turns in the first round of combat, you can spend 1 of your Tamer Points for each of your tamed creatures you also want to grant this effect to. You and your tamed creatures can use dash as a bonus action.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Tamer class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Charisma

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Tamer class, you gain the following proficiencies: Choose a skill from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Survival, Animal Handling, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, and Stealth

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