Guardian (5e Class)
When you find groups of druids, you almost always find guardians along side them, because both share the same goals of protecting nature and its balance. Guardians have taken a more physical approach to fighting than the druids, losing their ability to wild shape and some spell casting ability in the process. Another major difference between guardian's and druids is that the guardian path is not set in stone to where you became a guardian. Instead, when comes a time for a guardian to devote themselves to a path of protection, they take up an element based on where they became a guardian, their personality, and the type of society they live in.
Creating a Guardian[edit]
When creating a guardian, think about how your charater stumbed upon the guardian class. Were you taught the way of the guardians through experience or did you naturaly come upon it? What are your goals in becoming a guardian? Is it to help others, travel, become one with nature, or something else?
- Quick Build
You can make a guardian quickly by following these suggestions. First, Dexterity or Strength should be your highest ability score, followed by Wisdom then Constitution. Second, choose the Hermit background. If you choose Dexterity as your main ability score, pick the longbow and simple melee weapon over the martial weapon and the simple ranged weapon.
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Class Features
As a Guardian you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Guardian level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Guardian level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields (guardians will not wear armor or use shields made of metal)
Weapons: Simple melee weapons, martial melee weapons, longbows, and shortbows
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Strength
Skills: Choose 3 from the following; Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Survival, and Stealth.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) A martial weapon or (b) A longbow and a quiver of 20 arrows
- (a) A explorer's pack or (b) A dungeoneer's pack
- (a) Any simple ranged weapon with 20 of the respective ammunition or (b) Any simple melee weapon or (c) 2 days of worth of edible plant rations
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | —Spell Slots per Spell Level— | ||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | |||
1st | +2 | Druidic, Unarmored Defense, Fighting Style | — | — | — | — | — |
2nd | +2 | Spell Casting | 2 | — | — | — | — |
3rd | +2 | Guardian Path | 3 | — | — | — | — |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 3 | — | — | — | — |
5th | +3 | Extra Attack | 4 | 2 | — | — | — |
6th | +3 | Adrenaline | 4 | 2 | — | — | — |
7th | +3 | Guardian Path Feature | 4 | 3 | — | — | — |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 4 | 3 | — | — | — |
9th | +4 | — | 4 | 3 | 2 | — | — |
10th | +4 | Guardian Path Feature | 4 | 3 | 2 | — | — |
11th | +4 | Elemental Fury | 4 | 3 | 3 | — | — |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 4 | 3 | 3 | — | — |
13th | +5 | — | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | — |
14th | +5 | Nature's Guidance | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | — |
15th | +5 | Guardian Path Feature | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | — |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | — |
17th | +6 | — | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
18th | +6 | Resilient Body | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 |
20th | +6 | Guardian Path Feature | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 |
You know Druidic, the secret language of druids and guardians. You can speak the language and use it to leave hidden messages. You and others who know this language automatically spot such a message. Others spot the message's presence with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check but can't decipher it without magic.
Unarmored Defense[edit]
While you are wearing no armor your AC equals 10 + your Constitution + your Wisdom modifier. Also, you may not use metal weapons or armor or you lose access to your guardian features.
Fighting Style[edit]
When you reach 1st level, you may choose a Fighting Style. You can't take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.
- Archery
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.
- Dueling
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
- Great Weapon Fighting
When you roll a 1 or 2 on damage die for an attack with a weapon you wield with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the second roll. The weapon must have two-handed or versatile as a property to gain this benefit.
- Two-Weapon Fighting
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
At 2nd level, you can draw on the divine essence of nature itself, to cast spells to shape that reflect the essence of your will.
- Preparing and Casting Spells
The Guardian table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these guardian spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
You prepare the list of guardian spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the druid spell list. When you do so, choose a number of druid spells equal to your Wisdom modifier + your guardian level (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
For example, if you are a 5th-level guardian, you have four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With a Wisdom of 18, your list of prepared spells can include seven spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any combination. If you prepare the 1st-level spell fog cloud, you can cast it using a 1st-level or 2nd-level slot. Casting the spell doesn’t remove it from your list of prepared spells.
You can also change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of druid spells requires time spent in prayer and meditation: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.
- Spellcasting Ability
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your druid spells, since your magic draws upon your devotion and attunement to nature. You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a druid spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom
- Ritual Casting
You can cast a druid spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared.
- Spellcasting Focus
You can use your weapon as a spellcasting focus for your guardian spells.
Guardian Path[edit]
At 3rd level you may choose one of four Guardian Paths: Ash, Breeze, Mist, and Stone.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack[edit]
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the attack action on your turn.
Beginning at 6th level, when you enter combat your body instantly responds to your battle urges releasing a heavy dose of adrenaline into your system. After rolling your Initiative roll, you gain temporary hit points equal to your guardian level.
Elemental Fury[edit]
By 11th level, you gain the ability to enchant your weapon attacks with the force of the elements. You may charge your weapon attacks with energy based on your guardian path (fire for ash, cold for mist, lightning for breeze, bludgeoning for stone), making your weapon attacks deal an additional 1d8 damage of your respective path's damage.
Nature's Guidance[edit]
Beginning at 14th level, when you make an ability check, an attack roll, or a saving throw and have disadvantage on the roll, you can cancel the disadvantage for that roll. You regain use of this feature after you finish a short or long rest.
Resilient Body[edit]
At 18th level, for every 5 years that pass, your body ages only 1 year. You also have advantage on saving throws against being stunned, petrified, or poisoned.
Ash guardians are known to foster a calm anger. Whenever something comes up that requires force or whenever creatures need protection, Ash guardians are sent.
- Weapon Ignition
At 3rd level, you may wreath your weapon in slow burning magcial flames. As a bonus action, you may add 2d6 fire damage to your damage rolls from weapon attacks until the start of your next turn. This damage increases when you reach certain levels in the guardian class of 5th level(3d6), 9th level(4d6), 14th level(5d6), 17th level(6d6). You regain use of this feature after you finish a short or long rest.
- Ashen Blessing
At 7th level, you gain resistance to fire damage and are immune to the effects of hot weather.
- Unyielding Flame
At 10th level, as an action, you may touch a creature and create a white fire on them. This fire lasts for 1 minute and deals 1d8 fire damage to the creature at the start of its turn. You regain use of this feature after you finish a short or long rest.
- Fiery Rebuke
At 15th level, whenever a creature within 10 feet of you damages you, you may use your reaction to deal 1d10 + your Wisdom modifier fire damage to them.
- Smolder
At 20th level, you have learned how to channel an enormous amount of fire magic. You may cast fire storm once. You regain use of this feature after you finish a long rest.
Breeze guardians are known to live a carefree lives traveling from place to place. They bring aid to all creatures that need it then leave to continue traveling and helping others.
- Fleeting Step
Beginning at 3rd level, your speed and evasiveness have reached new levels. Your base walking speed is increased by 5 feet, and may take the Disengage action as a bonus action.
- Ride The Currents
Beginning at 3rd level, if an ally within 10 feet of you is about to be hit with an attack, you can use your reaction to blow them 5 feet to an adjacent free space, causing the attack to automatically miss. You can use this feature after the attack is declared to hit, but before damage is dealt. However, if you are within melee range of a creature, they can make an attack of opportunity against you, as you have taken your focus off of your opponent to help you ally, leaving you vulnerable. You must complete a short or long rest in order to use this feature again.
- Redirected Energy
At 7th level, you gain 10 feet of walking speed and resistance to lightning damage.
- Rebound
Starting at 10th level, as a reaction, you may discharge a spark of lightning on a melee attack against you.
This deals 2d10 lightning damage against the attacker with a Constitution saving throw equal to of 8 + your proficiency modifier + Wisdom modifier to take half damage.
- Guided Arrow
At 15th level, when you shoot an arrow and miss, you can declare use of Guided Arrow. On your next turn, instead of making an attack when you take the Attack action, you can direct the arrow through the air using wind magic to make another attack roll with that arrow against a creature within 100 feet of your original target. You can consume a charge of Guided Arrow to do this every turn as long as the creature you are targeting is not behind full cover or you are not blinded. You use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier(minimum 1). You regain all uses of this feature after you finish a long rest.
- Walk on Air
At 20th level, you can use your bonus action to walk your movement speed in the air and stay suspended in air. You can move like this, and stay suspended for a minute. You must complete a short or long rest in order to use this feature again.
Mist guardians are known to be calm and peaceful. They are the druids and guardians primary negotiators of peace and often known to deescalate situations.
- Clear Eyed
At 3rd level, your vision can not be obstructed by mist, magical darkness, or any other effects that warp your vision. You treat these effects as if they do not exist. Also, as an action, you may touch a creature and that creature gains this feature as well for a minute. You regain use of shared Clear Eyed after you finish a short or long rest.
- Soothing Mist
Starting at 3rd level, whenever you cast a spell that consumes a spell slot, you gain temporary hit points equal to double the spell slot level.
- Cold Embrace
At 7th level, you gain resistance to cold damage and are immune to the effects of cold weather.
- Misty
At 10th level, you gain a number of charges equal to your Wisdom modifer(minimum 1) to cast fog cloud. You may consume 1 charge to cast fog cloud or you may conusme more than 1 charge to cast fog cloud at a higher level equal to the amount of charges consumed. You regain all uses of this feature after you finish a long rest.
- Coalensed Mist
At 15th level, you have learned how to gather together mist to heal a character as an action for your guardian level + your Widom modifier(minimum 1). You can use this feature twice and regain all uses of this feature after you finish a long rest.
- Looming Mist
At 20th level, you may have a permanent cover of mist surrounding you. As an action, you can activate or deactivate a 20-foot radius by 10-foot tall cover of mist around you.
Stone guardians are known to be practical and persistent to a point. They are known to solve many of the age-old problems druids and guardians face.
- Hardened Body
Beginning at 3rd level, you body becomes hardened to the effects of battle. Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that you take is reduced by 2 (damage reduction is before resistance). This amount increases by 1 at 5th level, 11th level, and 17th level.
- Weathered
Beginning at 3rd level, you have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks against extreme weather (DMG p. 110).
- Solid Rock
At 7th level, you gain resistance to slashing damage from nonmagical attacks.
- Rough Body
At 10th level, you gain the ability to turn your body into rock when you take damage, halving that instance of damage dealt to you. Can be used a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier(minimum one) and you regain all uses of this feature after you finish a long rest.
- Grounded
By 15th level, you are now considered to be under the effects of nondetection at all times and may not be moved or teleported by a magical effect without your consent.
- Supreme Fortitude
When you reach 20th level, after being hit by an attack and taking damage, you may make a reaction to make it so that no damage is done. You may use this effect twice and you regain all uses of this feature after you finish a long rest.
To become a guardian, you must be taught the ways of the guardian, or have proficiency in Nature or Survival.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the guardian class, you must meet these prerequisites:15 Strength or Dexterity and 13 Wisdom.
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the guardian class, you gain the following proficiencies: medium armor and one martial ranged weapon or one martial melee weapon.
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