Arrancar (5e Class)
Arrancar (5e Class)[edit]
An Arrancar is a Hollow that has removed its mask, transcending the mindless hunger of its Hollow-kind to gain Shinigami-like powers. Breaking the barrier that separates the dead from the executioners, they stand at the pinnacle of Hueco Mundo who wield the primal strength of their past selves while embracing the disciplined combat tactics of the Soul Reapers.
The Shattered Mask[edit]
Unlike typical Hollows, who are bound by their insatiable hunger for souls, Arrancars are beings who have broken free—not only from their masks but from the primal instincts that once governed them. This transformation grants them humanoid forms, immense combat prowess, and access to a Zanpakutō—a blade that carries their sealed power, waiting to be unleashed in their Resurrección.
Arrancars are not mere monsters; they are warlords of the void, rulers of the sands of Hueco Mundo, and rivals to the Shinigami who once sought to purge them. Whether they serve under a greater king, carve their own path, or walk the thin line between predator and philosopher, their mere presence shifts the balance of power in the afterlife.
Creating an Arrancar[edit]
When creating an Arrancar, consider the journey that led to their transformation. Did they rip off their mask in a desperate struggle for power, or was their evolution a calculated decision? Do they serve a higher Espada, or do they roam the world of the living, searching for purpose beyond war?
- Quick Build
Quick Build You can make an Arrancar quickly by following these suggestions:
dexterity or strength should be your highest ability score. constitution should be your second highest to reflect your Hierro and your Reiryoku. Choose the outlander or soldier background to represent your past life before breaking free of your Hollow chains.
Class Features
As a Arrancar you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Arrancar level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Arrancar level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: None
Weapons: Simple Melee Weapons, Martial Melee Weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength or Dexterity, Constitution or Wisdom
Skills: Choose 2 from the following: Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, or Survival
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) White robes or (b) Zanpakutō or (c) (a) Explorer’s Pack or (b) 2 Simple Weapons or (c) 1 Martial Weapon
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Reiryoku |
1st | +2 | Reiryoku, Zanpakuto | 5 |
2nd | +2 | Hierro, Bala | 10 |
3rd | +2 | Mutation, Soul Devourer | 15 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 20 |
5th | +3 | Extra Attack, Mutation | 25 |
6th | +3 | Cero, Sonído | 30 |
7th | +3 | Mutation | 35 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 40 |
9th | +4 | Mutation | 45 |
10th | +4 | Resurrección | 50 |
11th | +4 | Descorrer, Mutation | 55 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 60 |
13th | +5 | New Mutation | 65 |
14th | +5 | Extra Attack(2) | 70 |
15th | +5 | New Mutation, Resurrección Second Release | 75 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 80 |
17th | +6 | New Mutation | 85 |
18th | +6 | Gran Rey Cero, Beyond Resurrección | 90 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement, New Mutation | 95 |
20th | +6 | Devourer Of Souls | 100 |
Starting at 1st level, you are able to directly utilize the power of your soul. Your access to this energy is represented by a number of Reiryoku points, which you use to fuel your abilities.
- You have a number of Reiryoku points equal to 5 × your Arrancar level.
- You regain all expended Reiryoku points when you finish a short or long rest.
- Additionally, you passively regenerate 1 Reiryoku point per minute.
Some of your Reiryoku features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the effect or require you to make a Reiryoku attack. Wisdom is your ability modifier for these features, and the calculations are as follows:
- Reiryoku save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.
- Reiryoku attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.
- Reikaku
Your Reiatsu exerts a crushing force upon weaker beings, making it difficult for them to fight back or stand their ground.
As an action, you can spend 2 Reiryoku points to unleash a wave of Spiritual Pressure. All creatures within 10 feet of you must make a Strength saving throw against your Reiryoku DC.
On a failure: The target is pushed 10 feet away and has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the start of your next turn. On a success: The target resists the push but still has disadvantage on its next attack roll.
If you spend additional Reiryoku points, the effect grows stronger:
- 4 points: The range increases to 20 feet, and the push distance increases to 15 feet.
- 6 points: The range increases to 30 feet, the push distance increases to 20 feet, and affected creatures also have disadvantage on saving throws until your next turn.
Creatures at least 5 levels lower than you automatically suffer disadvantage on all attacks, ability checks, and saving throws while within your aura.
When you became an Arrancar, you sealed the nucleus of your abilities within the form of a sword. This makes it entirely different from what Shinigami use.
Choosing Your Zanpakuto: You must choose one of the following types of Zanpakuto:
- Tanto: A small and quick weapon, ideal for precise strikes. It has the light and finesse properties and deals piercing damage.
- Katana: A balanced weapon favored by many Arrancar. It has the versatile (no increased damage dice) and finesse properties. It deals slashing damage.
- Nodachi: A massive and intimidating weapon. It has the two-handed and heavy properties and deals slashing damage.
- Biological: Your Zanpakuto is an extension of your body, replacing or forming from one of your limbs. It counts as a natural melee weapon, deals bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage (chosen upon selection), and cannot be disarmed.
Zanpakuto Damage Progression: Your Zanpakuto’s damage increases as you grow stronger, following the table below:
Level | Damage Dice |
1-4 | 1d6 |
5-8 | 1d8 |
9-12 | 1d10 |
13-14 | 1d12 |
15-16 | 2d6 |
17-18 | 2d8 |
19-20 | 2d10 |
Even if your Zanpakuto is broken, it fully restores at the end of a long rest. Additionally, your Zanpakuto counts as magical for overcoming resistances and immunities.
Starting at 2nd level, your skin is reinforced with dense reiatsu particles, making it as tough as steel.
While not wearing armor (or only wearing your Arrancar Robes), your AC becomes 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier.
This AC bonus is considered magical for the purpose of overcoming effects such as Dispel Magic with its level being half of your Arrancar level (rounded down). If you have 0 Reiryoku points, you lose the benefits of this feature until you regain at least 1 point.
If dispelled then as an action you can spend 5 Reiryoku Points to regain the effect.
Also starting at 2nd level, you learn how to concentrate your Reiatsu into small, condensed projectiles that pack deadly force behind them.
As an action, you can spend 2 Reiryoku points to fire three Bala projectiles at creatures you can see within 60 feet.
- Each projectile requires a ranged spell attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 force damage.
- You can spend 2 additional Reiryoku point to fire one extra Bala, up to a maximum of five projectiles per use.
- Your Bala's damage die increases at 5th level (1d6), 11th level (1d8), and 17th level (1d10).
- Starting at 10th level, you can use Bala as a bonus action instead of an action.
Bala is a weaker but faster alternative to Cero, meant for rapid-fire attacks rather than overwhelming blasts.
At 3rd level, your Hollow biology makes your body highly prone to mutations, granting you powerful new abilities. You must pick one mutation from the Hollow Mutations list.
- At 3rd level, and every two levels thereafter (5th, 7th, 9th, etc.), you gain one additional mutation from the list.
- Whenever you gain a new mutation you can swap out a mutation that you already have for a new one.
- Additionally, whenever you gain an Ability Score Improvement (ASI) at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, or 19th level, you may forgo the ASI to instead choose one additional mutation.
Soul Devourer[edit]
Starting at 3rd level, your Hollow nature manifests as an insatiable hunger for souls. Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you may choose to devour their soul as an action, absorbing their energy making you gain reiryoku points equal to their CR (minimum of 1) times 2. These Reiryoku points cannot pass your maximum.
You can also devour the soul of a creature that you have killed in the past 10 minutes.
When a creature is devoured this way, they are killed outright and cannot be revived by anything short of a 6th-level spell.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a feat.
Extra Attack[edit]
Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, when you use the Attack action during your turn.
This increases to three attacks at 14th level.
Starting at 6th level, you learn how to fire powerful blasts of concentrated spiritual energy from your mouth, hands, or any other part of your body.
- As an action, you can spend 6 Reiryoku points to unleash a beam of energy in a line 60 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Reiryoku save DC.
- On a failed save, they take 3d8 + your Dexterity modifier radiant damage.
- On a successful save, they take half damage.
You can spend 3 Reiryoku points to increase the damage by 1d8. You can spend a maximum of your Arrancar level Reiryoku points at once on a Cero.
Also at 6th level, you learn how to move between places at incredible speeds, impossible to track with the naked eye.
- As a Bonus Action: Spend 3 Reiryoku points to teleport up to your twice your movement speed to an unoccupied space you can see.
- As a Reaction: When you succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against an effect (such as a fireball or dragon’s breath) or an attack that misses you, you can spend 3 Reiryoku points to immediately teleport up to your movement speed.
For this movement you gain the benefits of Pass Without Trace spell for 1 turn.
At 10th level, you have managed to finally have access to the power that was sealed away on your zanpakuto. You must choose a Resurrección type from the Resurrección Type List. Your Resurrección type grants you features at 10th, 15th and 18th levels.
As a bonus action for 10 Reiryoku, you can shout your release command word to enter your "Resurrección" state. You gain the following benefits for 1 minute while on this state:
- Your Strength, Dexterity and Wisdom scores increase by 2 including their maximums.
- Your movement speed increases by 10 feet.
You can end your Resurrección at will, no action required.
When you enter your Resurrección state, you regain up to half of your maximum hit points. You cannot do so again until 10 minutes have passed since your Resurrección state ended.
At 11th level, you gain the ability to open gates to other places by ripping a dimensional hole between where you are and where you want to go.
- As an action, you can teleport yourself up to 300 feet for 10 Reiryoku points.
- You may bring along one willing creature of your size or smaller for +2 Reiryoku points per additional creature.
If you would arrive in a space that is occupied, you and any creature traveling with you take 3d6 force damage and are shunted to the nearest unoccupied space.
For every 5 additional Reiryoku points, you can increase the teleport range by 300 feet.
Gran Rey Cero[edit]
At 18th level, you learn a devastating variation of the Cero, the Gran Rey Cero. By mixing your own blood with your Reiatsu, you fire a Cero of immense destructive power, tearing through space as it compresses and decompresses at extreme speeds.
As an action, you can spend 15 Reiryoku points and 15 hit points to fire a massive blast of energy in a 300-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Reiryoku save DC.
- On a failed save, a creature takes 8d12 + your Dexterity modifier force damage.
- On a successful save, they take half damage.
You may spend 3 additional Reiryoku points to increase the range to 180 feet or add an additional 2d12 force damage.
Gran Rey Cero is a once-per-long-rest ability unless you spend 15 additional Reiryoku points to use it again before finishing a long rest.
Devourer of Souls[edit]
At 20th level, you have transcended the limits of an Arrancar, becoming a force of nature that devours all in your path. Your very presence is an abyss of consuming Reiatsu, and every battle only fuels your insatiable hunger for power.
Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points in a 30ft radius, you may instantly absorb its lingering spirit, converting its very essence into raw strength.
- You regain Reiryoku points equal to twice the creature’s Challenge Rating (minimum of 2).
- You gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier × 5.
Additionally, as long as you have at least 1 Reiryoku point, you emanate an aura of spiritual dominance:
- You can sense the souls of living creatures within 1 mile, knowing their presence, direction, and general strength.
- Charisma and Wisdom rolls against you are made with a disadvantage. Also you have an advantage in skill checks requiring Charisma or Wisdom.
Hollow Mutations[edit]
For the purpose of requirements you are considered as a:
- Gillian between level 1 and 4
- Adjuchas between level 5 and 8
- Vasto Lorde from level 9 onwards
General Mutations[edit]
Reikaku Mutations[edit]
Cero Mutations[edit]
Sonido Mutations[edit]
Lord Mutations[edit]
Unique Mutations[edit]
Resurrección Types[edit]
When you release your zanpakuto, the right side of your body becomes wrapped in branches reaching down to your waist, where they split off into roots that flare out on either of your sides. Four lightning bolt shaped branches grow out of the upper part of your right arm, with skulls hanging off of each one.
- Grow!
At 10th level, the power of your Resurrección comes from the god-like ability to create life despite being a being of death. You gain the following features while in Resurrección:
- Raíces profundas. Your Resurrección makes you stuck in place due to the roots it attaches to the ground. You are lifted 30 feet up in the air by the roots, with four branches coming off you. Each branch has hit points equal to your Wisdom score, an AC equal to your Reiryoku DC and automatically fail any saving throws. Whenever a branch is reduced to 0 hit points, the amount you can spend on the Calaveras ability is reduced by 5. As a free action for 10 reiryoku, you can grow up to 6 branches (to a maximum of 10). For every additional branch you have above 4, the amount you can spend on the Calaveras ability increases by 5.
- Calaveras. Your branches can generate "Calaveras", weaker replicas of yourself that overwhelm your opponents. You can spend up to 5 times your Wisdom modifier as an action. For every 5 reiryoku spent, you generate one Calaveras somewhere within 10 feet of you. Calaveras use the same statblock as you, however they cannot make extra attacks, cannot use any mutations outside of Sonído and Air Walk, their reiatsu level is reduced by 3, they can't use Resurrección and their maximum hit points are equal to your Wisdom modifier. You can have a number of Calaveras at once equal to half your level (rounded down), with the oldest one dying if you try to create more than this quantity. The Calaveras last until you dismiss them at will or they are reduced to 0 hit points. If you are Chilled, Half-Frozen or Frozen you cannot use this ability.
- Does it Make you Tremble?
At 15th level, to resist the harm that could come to your beautiful roots, your Resurrección has created countermeasures to it.
- Calavera Wall. You can use your own creations to protect yourself from harm. As a reaction to being forced to make a saving throw or being targeted by an attack, you can spend 5 reiryoku to summon all of your current Calaveras to receive the attack for you. You automatically fail the saving throw, however the damage is dealt to the calaveras instead of you. If the damage overcomes the hit points of all calaveras added up together, the remaining damage will affect you and you will suffer the negative effects of the saving throw. If the damage doesn't overcome the hit points of all calaveras added up together, you suffer no negative from failing the saving throw.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have mastered Arból. Your Resurrección features are upgraded, as shown below:
- Raíces profundas. You are lifted 30 feet up in the air by the roots, with four branches coming off you. Each branch has hit points equal to your Wisdom score, an AC equal to your Reiryoku DC and automatically fail any saving throws. Whenever a branch is reduced to 0 hit points, the amount you can spend on the Calaveras ability is reduced by 5. As a free action for 5 reiryoku, you can grow up to 6 branches (to a maximum of 10). For every additional branch you have above 4, the amount you can spend on the Calaveras ability increases by 5.
- Calaveras. You can spend up to 5 times your Wisdom modifier as an action. For every 5 reiryoku spent, you generate one Calaveras somewhere within 10 feet of you. Calaveras use the same statblock as you, however they cannot make extra attacks, use any mutations outside of Sonído and Air Walk, their reiatsu level is reduced by -2, they can't use Resurrección and their maximum hit points are equal to your Wisdom modifier. You can have a number of Calaveras at once equal to your level, with the oldest one dying if you try to create more than this quantity. The Calaveras last until you dismiss them at will or they are reduced to 0 hit points. If you are Chilled, Half-Frozen or Frozen you cannot use this ability.
- Calavera Wall. As a reaction to being forced to make a saving throw or being targeted by an attack, you can spend 5 reiryoku to summon all of your current Calaveras to receive the attack for you. You automatically fail the saving throw, however the damage is dealt to the calaveras instead of you. If the damage overcomes the hit points of all calaveras added up together times two, the remaining damage will affect you and you will suffer the negative effects of the saving throw. If the damage doesn't overcome the hit points of all calaveras added up together times two, you suffer no negative from failing the saving throw.
When you release your zanpakuto, you resemble a nāga, possessing a humanoid torso with a long, slender anaconda's tail from the stomach down.
- Strangle to Death!
At 10th level, the power from your Resurrección comes from surrounding your foes with snakes. You gain the following features while in the Resurrección state:
- Cuerpo de Serpiente. You gain a serpent-like lower body once you're in your Resurrección. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, allowing you to make unarmed strikes with your snake tail, dealing your zanpakuto damage die on a hit. Whenever you hit an unarmed strike with your tail, the target becomes grappled. They can make a Strength saving throw against your Reiryoku DC at the beginning of their turns to break free from the grapple. While a creature is grappled this way, they are considered restrained.
- Enjambre de Serpientes. You can summon powerful snakes to attack your targets. When you take the attack action, you can spend 2 reiryoku to replace an attack to launch snakes at your opponent. Make a Ranged Reiryoku attack roll against a creature within 30 feet of you. On a hit, they take Xd10 (where X is your Wisdom modifier) piercing damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are Bleeding.
- This Only Makes you Look Weak
At 15th level, you have developed a powerful ability in your Resurrección that can aid you and your allies.
- Muda. You gain the Muda mutation. You can use this mutation in and out of Resurrección.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have mastered Anaconda. Your Resurrección features are upgraded, as shown down below:
- Cuerpo de Serpiente. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, allowing you to make unarmed strikes with your snake tail, dealing your zanpakuto damage die on a hit. Whenever you hit an unarmed strike with your tail, the target becomes grappled. They can make a Strength saving throw against your Reiryoku DC at the beginning of their turns to break free from the grapple. While a creature is grappled this way, they are considered restrained. If a creature's Strength score is lower than your Reiryoku DC, they have disadvantage on Strength saving throws to escape your grapple.
- Enjambre de Serpientes. When you take the attack action, you can spend 2 reiryoku to replace an attack to launch snakes at your opponent. Make a ranged Reiryoku attack roll against a creature within 30 feet of you. On a hit, they take Xd10 (where X is your Wisdom modifier added twice) piercing damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are Bleeding.
- Muda. You gain the Muda mutation. You can use this mutation in and out of Resurrección. When you use Muda in Resurrección, you spend no reiryoku when creating the sphere.
When you release your zanpakuto, you start resembling an amazon warrior. Two claws start holding your chest, you gain an armored thong, an armor-like neck garment, and a pair of boots which extend to your upper thigh. You also gain sharper lion-like fangs, an orange x-shaped mark on your forehead, and a long lion mane with gold highlights.
- Devour!
At 10th level, the power from your Resurrección comes from your untameable spirit, like a prideful lion who never backs down. You gain the following features while in the Resurrección state:
Valentía del León. Your Resurrección rises your fighting spirit, giving you a boost to fight. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened. Also, whenever you take the attack action you can spend a bonus action to make one additional attack with your Zanpakuto.
Espada del Guerrero. When you transform, your zanpakuto turns into a large broadsword. Your Zanpakuto loses its previous properties, now having the Heavy, Two-Handed and Reach properties. On a hit, you deal additional damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
- Don't get Carried Away
At 15th level, your fighting spirit is uncontainable, with your Resurrección helping you go against the odds to keep fighting.
Espíritu Indomable. You can push yourself further for a moment, using all of your power to not fail at a task. Once per turn, when you make an attack with your Zanpakuto and miss, you can choose to reroll the attack roll, potentially turning the miss into a hit.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have mastered Leona. Your Resurrección features are upgraded, as shown down below:
Valentía del León. You cannot become frightened. Also, whenever you take the attack action you can spend a bonus action to make two additional attacks with your Zanpakuto.
Espada del Guerrero. Your Zanpakuto loses its previous properties, now having the Heavy, Two-Handed and Reach properties, and has its damage dice increased by one. On a hit, you deal additional damage equal to your Wisdom modifier added twice.
Espíritu Indomable. Once per turn, when you make an attack with your Zanpakuto and miss, you can choose to reroll the attack roll with advantage, potentially turning the miss into a hit.
When you release your Zanpakuto, your body is covered in brown fur, you sport deer-like antlers above your brow, your feet are replaced with deer-like hooves, and a small tail emerges from where your tailbone would be located.
- Thrust!
At 10th level, the power from your Resurrección comes from the agility you gain when transforming. You gain the following features while in the Resurrección state:
- Astas ensangrentadas. Your Resurrección grants you powerful deer-like antlers. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, now granting you an Antler natural weapon attack that deals your zanpakuto damage die on a hit. If you move at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hit it with a Antler attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra Xd8 (where X is your Wisdom modifier) damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw against your Reiryoku DC or be knocked prone.
- Velocidad de la Presa. Your hooves aid you when moving, making such activities easier. Your walking speed increases by 5 times your Wisdom modifier. Also, you can take the disengage action as a bonus action.
- How Dare You!
At 15th level, your speed is your prowess, and you have learned how to use it to its maximum potential.
- Intocable. Your speed has increased to the point it's hard to hit you. You have advantage in Dexterity saving throws while in Resurrección, and opportunity attack rolls are rolled with disadvantage against you.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have mastered Cierva. Your Resurrección features are upgraded, as shown below:
- Astas ensangrentadas. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, now granting you an Antler natural weapon attack that deals your zanpakuto damage die increased by one dice on a hit. If you move at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hit it with a Antler attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra Xd8 (where X is your Wisdom modifier added twice) damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw against your Reiryoku DC or be knocked prone.
- Velocidad de la Presa. Your walking speed increases by 10 times your Wisdom modifier. Also, you can take the dash and disengage action as a bonus action.
- Intocable. You have advantage in Dexterity checks and saving throws while in Resurrección, and do not provoke opportunity attacks while moving.
When you release your zanpakuto, you become a large, warthog-like creature. Your mask grows to cover your entire face, and also produces a pair of tusks. Your hair also grows into a mane, and on your chest are six exclamation point-like markings, three per pectoral muscle.
- Crush!
At 10th level, the power of your Resurrección comes from the sheer physical enhancement it gives you. You gain the following features:
- Jabalí Inmenso. When you enter your Resurrección, you are as powerful as a warhog. Your size increase to Large. Your weight increases by 4, and all of your dimensions double. You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws.
- Puños Grandes. Your punching power is increased in your Resurrección. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, making your unarmed strikes deal your zanpakuto damage die on a hit. Whenever you hit a creature with your unarmed strikes, they take additional damage equal to your Strength modifier and must succeed a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
- I'll Stay by Your Side
At 15th level, your power can be used to overpower by crushing them.
- Trituradora. You can crush people like wallnuts. You have advantage on attack rolls against creatures you are grappling. Also, creatures you are grappling take Xd8 bludgeoning damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier) at the beginning of their turns. Finally, if a creature's Strength score is lower than your Reiryoku DC they are considered restrained while under this grapple.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have mastered Verruga. Your Resurrección features are upgraded, as shown down below:
- Jabalí Inmenso. You gain the Enormous Stature mutation.
- Puños Grandes. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, making your unarmed strikes deal your zanpakuto damage die increased by one dice on a hit. Whenever you hit a creature with your unarmed strikes, they take additional damage equal to your Strength modifier and must succeed a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the attack was a critical, they automatically fail the saving throw.
- Trituradora. You have advantage on attack rolls against creatures you are grappling. Also, creatures you are grappling take Xd8 bludgeoning damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice) at the beginning of their turns. Finally, if a creature's Strength score is lower than your Reiryoku DC they are considered restrained while under this grapple.
When you release your zanpakuto, you take on the form of a centipede-like creature. Your mask grows and covers both of your cheeks. You grow armor over your legs, arms, chest, and neck. Your arms take the form of two long centipede-like creatures, having the body of a centipede without the head.
- Poison!
At 10th level, the power of your Resurrección comes from the deadly poison you emit. You gain the following features:
- Cuerpo de Ciempiés. You gain a powerful centipede armor that can be used both for offense and defence. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, making your unarmed strikes deal your zanpakuto damage die. Your reach increases by 5 feet (this includes unarmed strikes). Also, you gain a +1 to your AC.
- Veneno Corrosivo. Your centipede-like arms leave a powerful poison in whatever they touch, corroding anything. Whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, they take additional Xd6 (where X is your Wisdom modifier) poison damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are poisoned for 1 times your Wisdom modifier minutes. On a success, they receive no conditions. If you hit an object or structure however, you deal twice as much damage and reduce their maximum hit points. The poison damage caused by your Resurrección overcomes resistance and immunities.
- I Hate You!
At 15th level, your poison corrodes until nothing is left, flesh or material alike.
- El Veneno que Odia. Your poison hates all things, corroding everything equally. Whenever you hit a creature and they fail the Constitution saving throw by 5 or more, their maximum hit points is reduced by the amount of poison damage taken. These maximum hit points are regained at the end of a long rest.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have mastered Escolonpedra. Your Resurrección features are upgraded, as shown down bellow:
- Cuerpo de Ciempiés. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, making your unarmed strikes deal your zanpakuto damage die. Your reach increases by 10 feet (this includes unarmed strikes). Also, you gain a +2 to your AC.
- Veneno Corrosivo. Whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, they take additional Xd6 (where X is your Wisdom modifier multiplied by 1,5) poison damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are poisoned for 1 times your Wisdom modifier minutes. On a success, they receive no conditions. If you hit an object or structure however, you deal thrice as much damage and reduce their maximum hit points. The poison damage caused by your Resurrección overcomes resistance and immunities.
- El Veneno que Odia. Whenever you hit a creature and they fail the Constitution saving throw, their maximum hit points is reduced by the amount of poison damage taken. These maximum hit points are regained at the end of a long rest.
When you release your zanpakuto, you transform into a form resembling a humanoid woolly mammoth. In this form, your body is covered in green fur, with your Hollow mask remnants enlarging to become reminiscent of an actual mammoth's tusks. You gain a large grey trunk from the center forehead of what is left of your Hollow mask remnants.
- Trample!
At 10th level, the power from your Resurrección comes from your powerful trunk. You gain the following features:
- Cuerpo Gigante. Your Resurrección increases your power, turning you as powerful as a mammoth. Your size increases to Large. Your weight increases by 8, and all of your dimensions double. You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws.
- Mamuts Trompa. You gain a large trunk while in Resurrección that has lots of uses. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, becoming your trunk. You can use your trunk to make natural weapon attacks with a range of 10 feet, dealing your zanpakuto damage die bludgeoning damage on a hit. Whenever you hit a creature at least one size smaller than you with your trunk, you may choose to grapple them as part of the attack. Your trunk deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.
- I Don't Care About You
At 15th level, you learned more uses for your trunk, now being able to utilize its full potential.
- Extensión de Trompa. You have learned how to extend your trunk. As part of making a trunk attack, you can spend 2 reiryoku to extend the reach of your trunk up to 5 times your Wisdom modifier until the end of your turn. If you grapple someone with your extended trunk, they shall be moved forcefully towards you when the trunk shrinks.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have mastered Mamut. Your Resurrección features are upgraded, as shown down bellow:
- Cuerpo Gigante. You gain the Enormous Stature mutation.
- Mamuts Trompa. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, becoming your trunk. You can use your trunk to make natural weapon attacks with a range of 10 feet, dealing your zanpakuto damage die bludgeoning damage on a hit. Whenever you hit a creature at least one size smaller than you with your trunk, you may choose to grapple them as part of the attack. While a creature is grappled by your trunk, they are also restrained if their Strength score is below your reiryoku DC. Your trunk deals thrice as much damage to objects and structures.
- Extensión de Trompa. As part of making a trunk attack, you can spend 2 reiryoku to extend the reach of your trunk up to 10 times your Wisdom modifier until the end of your turn. If you grapple someone with your extended trunk, they shall be moved forcefully towards you when the trunk shrinks.
Tigre Estoque[edit]
When you release your zanpakuto, your hollow mask turns into a tiger-like helmet with large saber teeth. Your feet become fur-covered and cat-like, and your knees and elbows are covered in a blond fur. You also gain long, squared-off blades on each wrist.
- Bite Off!
At 10th level, your power comes from the tiger within you that desires to hunt.
- Garras del Tigre. You gain powerful claw-like weapons that aid you in combat. Your zanpakuto turns into two squared-off blades that have the finesse and light properties. You’re always wielding them and cannot be disarmed of them unless they break. Additionally, they deal one damage tier above your zanpakuto in slashing damage on a hit.
- Misil Diente. You can launch your teeth at a target to try to pierce through them. As an action for 5 reiryoku, make a reryoku attack roll against a target within 30 feet of you. On a hit, the target will take Xd4 piercing damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier) and be pushed X feet back (with X being your Wisdom modifier times 5). If they hit a surface at the end or during the push, they are stuck to the surface and become restrained for 1 minute. They can make a Strength saving throw at the beginning of their turns, ending the condition early on a success. They may also do this save whenever they’re forced to make a Dexterity saving throw.
- After using this ability, you cannot use it again until the next time you use your Resurrección due to losing your fangs. You can overcome this by having the High-Speed Regeneration mutation, which if you gain 10 hit points after using this ability your teeth are regained.
- True Power
At 15th level, you have learned how to use Tigre Estoque to it’s fullest potential.
- El Sable. As a bonus action for 10 reiryoku, you can enter on your battle form for the rest of your Resurrección. In this form, your muscle mass increases greatly, and the white parts of your original form turn brown. You gain a small blond mane around your neck, and your entire forearms and hands are replaced with large blades in the shape of canine teeth. You cannot use any of your Resurrección abilities, since they are replaced with the two abilities described bellow.
- If you gain the Segunda Etapa spiritual feat, you automatically activate it when you use El Sable and when you activate Segunda Etapa you automatically activate El Sable.
- Colmillos del cazador. You gain large canine-like teeth that replace your forearms and hands, becoming your new zanpakuto. Your Garras del Tigre are replaced by two melee weapons with the heavy and reach property, however you may still attack with them as a bonus action as if they had the light property. On a hit, they deal your zanpakuto damage increased by one damage die in piercing damage.
- Cuerpo de Batalla. Your body becomes monstrously strong. Your size increases by one category (to a minimum of large), and you gain advantage in Strength checks and saving throws.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have completely mastered Tigre Estoque. You now gain the following benefits once you enter your Resurrección:
- Garras del Tigre. Your zanpakuto turns into two squared-off blades that have the finesse and light properties. You’re always wielding them and cannot be disarmed of them unless they break. Additionally, they deal your zanpakuto damage increased by one damage die in slashing damage on a hit.
- Misil Diente. As an action for 5 reiryoku, make a reryoku attack roll against a target within 60 feet of you. On a hit, the target will take Xd4 piercing damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice) and be pushed X feet back (with X being your Wisdom modifier times 10). If they hit a surface at the end or during the push, they are stuck to the surface and become restrained for 1 minute. They can make a Strength saving throw at the beginning of their turns, ending the condition early on a success.
- After using this ability, you cannot use it again until the end of your next turn, which is when your teeth naturally grow back.
- El Sable. As a bonus action for 10 reiryoku, you can enter on your battle form for the rest of your Resurrección. You cannot use any of your Resurrección abilities, since they are replaced with the two abilities described bellow:
- Colmillos del cazador. Your Garras del Tigre are replaced by two melee weapons with the heavy and reach property, however you may still attack with them as a bonus action as if they had the light property. On a hit, they deal your zanpakuto damage increased by two damage dies in piercing damage.
When you release your zanpakuto, your whole body begins to swell rapidly as you balloon into a gigantic creature, which is roughly the size of a Gillian-class Menos, with a tear-shaped body and stature similar to an ape's, further giving highlight to your size. Your Hollow mask fragments are replaced by a huge striped sac covering your chin and extending through your chest, while yoour arms are covered with large black bands, and your legs, which are mostly your feet, are almost entirely black. Your mouth becomes much larger, and your head is connected to your jaw by two straps of skin and the back of your neck instead of cheeks.
- Breathe!
At 10th level, the power from your Resurrección comes from the sheer size increase it grants you. You gain the following features while in the Resurrección state:
- El Poder del Coloso. Your Resurrección makes you as powerful and large as a colossus. You gain the benefits of the Boundless Size. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, making you deal your zanpakuto damage die with your unarmed strikes. Additionally, you have advantage in Strength checks and saving throws. Finally, you deal twice as much damage to objects and structures.
- Puños Poderosos. Your Resurrección increases not only your power but also your range. Your unarmed strikes get their reach increased to 10 feet. Also, whenever you target a creature with an unarmed strike you may choose to target all creatures within 5 feet of them as well, hitting them as well if you meet their AC. Additionally, whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed strike they must succeed a Strength saving throw against your Reiryoku DC or be knocked prone.
- Between the two of us, There can be no Contest
At 15th level, your strength is unmatched while in Resurrección, so much so you can't even be harmed. You now gain one additional feature while in Resurrección:
- Piel de Titanio. Your skins hardens, you gain the Hierro mutation if you didn't had it already, gaining additional reduction while on Resurrección equal to your proficiency bonus. If you already had the Hierro mutation, you instead gain the Constant Hierro mutation. Also, whenever you are pushed the distance is halved. If the distance would be 5 feet, you are not moved at all instead.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have completely mastered your Calderón. Your Resurrección features are upgraded, as shown down below:
- El Poder del Coloso. Your Resurrección makes you as powerful and large as a colossus. You gain the benefits of the Boundless Size. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, making you deal your zanpakuto damage die increased by one dice with your unarmed strikes. Additionally, you have advantage in Strength checks and saving throws. Finally, you deal thrice as much damage to objects and structures.
- Puños Poderosos. Your unarmed strikes get their reach increased to 15 feet. Also, whenever you target a creature with an unarmed strike you may choose to target all creatures within 10 feet of them as well, hitting them as well if you meet their AC. Additionally, whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed strike they must succeed a Strength saving throw against your Reiryoku DC or be knocked prone. The creatures have disadvantage in the Strength saving throw if they are smaller than you, and automatically fail if you score a critical hit with your unarmed strike.
- Piel de Titanio. You gain the Hierro mutation if you didn't had it already, gaining additional reduction while on Resurrección equal to your proficiency bonus times 1,5. If you already had the Hierro mutation, you instead gain the Constant Hierro mutation. Also, whenever you are pushed the distance is halved. If the distance would be 10 feet, you are not moved at all instead.
Pinza Aguda[edit]
When you release your zanpakuto, you have large crab-like claws, which cover both of your hands. The right claw is very large, similar to a fiddler crab's. The right side of your body is covered with a carapace of chitinous composition, acting as a form of armor. At the other end of the tip of the claw, there is a string/rope-like connection from there to the right shoulder which stretches like rubber, allowing you to lift the claw.
- Engrave the Surface of the Water!
At 10th level, your power comes from the sheer potency of the water you can launch.
Caparazón de Cangrejo. Your right side of your body is covered by a protective carapace. You gain a +1 to your AC. If you take the dodge action, this bonus increases to +2.
Tijeras Neptunea. Your Resurrección grants you a large claw which fires large water canons. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, becoming a large claw. Whenever you take the attack action, you may replace one or more of your attacks for a Tijeras Neptunea. Make a reiryoku attack roll against every creature and object in a 5 foot wide X foot long line (with X being your Wisdom modifier times 5). On a hit, they take Xd8 + X cold damage (with the first X being your Wisdom modifier, and the second X being your Wisdom modifier times 5). This ability deals twice as much damage to objects and structures. You must spend 5 reiryoku for every Tijeras Neptunea.
If you spend all of your attacks on Tijeras Neptunea and target the same creature all times, they must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they are stuck on a water ball and must hold their breath. On a success, they dodge the ball. The ball has hit points and AC equal to your hollow level, it has resistance to all damage and immunity to poison and psychic damage. The ball ends once it's hit points are reduced to 0, the creature leaves it or you choose to end it at will. Your Tijeras Neptunea pass right through the ball without damaging it, targetting only the creature inside.
- Life is but a Series of Difficult Problems!
At 15th level, you've realized life is a constant problem which you must solve.
Explosión de Agua. You learned a very powerful ability, being able to destroy everything in your path with high pressure water. As an action for 10 reiryoku, you force all creatures in a 10 foot wide X foot long line to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd8 + X cold damage (with the first X being your Wisdom modifier, and the second X being your Wisdom modifier times 5). On a success, they're able to use their movement (taking from their next turn's movement) to avoid the attack, taking half as much damage if they end their movement outside of the area. They can use movement increasing abilities that don't cost an action or bonus action during this movement, if necessary. If a creature doesn't have enough movement to avoid the effect, they automatically fail.
If a creature has a feature that makes their successes no damage and their failures half as much, they only take no damage on a successful save, while a failed save is always full damage.
This ability deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.
Erupción Fría. You can carve your claw into the ground, shooting up your Tijeras Neptunea into various places to create geysers. As an action for 10 reiryoku, you choose a spot within your reiatsu radius and force all creatures in a X foot tall 10 foot wide cylinder (with X being your Wisdom modifier times 10) to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take your Tijeras Neptunea's damage and are pushed 10 feet upwards. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not pushed.
You can create more spots by spending 5 additional reiryoku, with the limit being your number of extra attacks. A creature cannot make this save more than once in a round.
This ability deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have completely mastered Pinza Aguda. You now gain the following benefits once you enter your Resurrección:
Caparazón de Cangrejo. You gain a +2 to your AC. If you take the dodge action, this bonus increases to +3.
Tijeras Neptunea. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, becoming a large claw. Whenever you take the attack action, you may replace one or more of your attacks for a Tijeras Neptunea. Make a reiryoku attack roll against every creature and object in a 5 foot wide X foot long line (with X being your Wisdom modifier times 5). On a hit, they take Xd8 + X cold damage (with the first X being your Wisdom modifier, and the second X being your Wisdom modifier times 5). This ability deals thrice as much damage to objects and structures. You must spend 5 reiryoku for every Tijeras Neptunea.
If you spend all of your attacks on Tijeras Neptunea and target the same creature all times, they must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they are stuck on a water ball and must hold their breath. On a success, they dodge the ball. The ball has hit points and AC equal to your hollow level added twice (however it's AC is still only your hollow level), it has resistance to all damage and immunity to poison and psychic damage. The ball ends once it's hit points are reduced to 0, the creature leaves it or you choose to end it at will. Your Tijeras Neptunea pass right through the ball without damaging it, targetting only the creature inside.
Explosión de Agua. You learned a very powerful ability, being able to destroy everything in your path with high pressure water. As an action for 10 reiryoku, you force all creatures in a 10 foot wide X foot long line to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd8 + X cold damage (with the first X being your Wisdom modifier added twice, and the second X being your Wisdom modifier times 5). On a success, they're able to use their movement (taking from their next turn's movement) to avoid the attack, taking half as much damage if they end their movement outside of the area. They can use movement increasing abilities that don't cost an action or bonus action during this movement, if necessary. If a creature doesn't have enough movement to avoid the effect, they automatically fail.
If a creature has a feature that makes their successes no damage and their failures half as much, they only take no damage on a successful save, while a failed save is always full damage.
This ability deals thrice as much damage to objects and structures.
Erupción Fría. You can carve your claw into the ground, shooting up your Tijeras Neptunea into various places to create geysers. As an action for 10 reiryoku, you choose a spot within your reiatsu radius and force all creatures in a X foot tall 10 feet wide cylinder (with X being your Wisdom modifier times 10) to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take your Tijeras Neptunea's damage and are pushed 10 feet upwards. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not pushed.
You can create more spots by spending 5 additional reiryoku, with the limit being your number of extra attacks. A creature cannot make this save more than once in a round.
This ability deals thrice as much damage to objects and structures.
When you release your zanpakuto, you have a white eagle's head, which has your mouth visible inside the beak, with black streaks running down it, and your black hair extends to your lower back. Your body is covered in red feathers, and your arms and feet become bird-like with sharp talons. You gain large bird wings on your back, which allows you to fly at great speed and your exposed chest is covered in various tattoo markings.
- Scalp!
At 10th level, your power comes from the freedom you have in the air.
Libertad del Cielo. Your Resurrección grants you the freedom of flying through the skies. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, turning into large wings that grant you flying speed equal to your walking speed. Additionally, you don't generate oppurtinity attacks while flying.
Devorar Pluma. You can shoot feathers from your wings at high speeds, with them being as heavy as steel. As part of your attack action, you can replace one or more of your attacks with a "Devorar Pluma" attack. Make a ranged Reiryoku attack roll against a target within X feet of you (with X being your Wisdom modifier times 10). On a hit, they take your zanpakuto damage die in piercing damage. Objects and creatures within 5 feet of the target are targetted by the attack roll as well if you so choose.
You must spend 5 reiryoku for every attack you replace.
- The Sky is my Home
At 15th level, fighting in the sky is only natural to you.
Pluma Viento. You can negate anything that can't pass by your wind. Once per round as a reaction to an attack roll being made against you from a creature which you are at least 1 level higher in reiatsu, you can spend 10 Reiryoku to launch a gust of wind negating the attack and making every creature in a X foot cone make a Strength saving throw (with X being yourWisdom modifier times 5). On a failure, they're pushed 20 feet back and are knocked prone. On a success, they're pushed only half as much and aren't knocked prone.
You may also negate line and cone saving throws if your reiatsu level is at least 3 higher than their own.
Devorar Erupcion. As a bonus action for 5 Reiryoku, you can increase your maneuvarability while on your Resurrección by doubling your wing pair. Your flying speed doubles for the remaining duration of your Resurrección.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have completely mastered Áquila. You now gain the following benefits once you enter your Resurrección:
Libertad del Cielo. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, turning into large wings that grant you flying speed equal to your walking speed added twice. Additionally, you don't generate opportunity attacks while flying.
Devorar Pluma. As part of your attack action, you can replace one or more of your attacks with a "Devorar Pluma" attack. Make a ranged Reiryoku attack roll against a target within X feet of you (with X being your Wisdom modifier times 10). On a hit, they take your zanpakuto damage die increased by one die in piercing damage. Objects and creatures within 10 feet of the target are targetted by the attack roll as well if you so choose.
You must spend 5 reiryoku for every attack you replace.
Pluma Viento. Once per round as a reaction to an attack roll being made against you from a creature which you are at least 1 level higher in reiatsu, you can spend 10 Reiryoku to launch a gust of wind negating the attack and making every creature in a X foot cone make a Strength saving throw (with X being yourWisdom modifier times 10). On a failure, they're pushed 40 feet back and are knocked prone. On a success, they're pushed only half as much and aren't knocked prone.
You may also negate line and cone saving throws if your reiatsu level is at least 3 higher than their own.
Devorar Erupcion. As a bonus action for 5 Reiryoku, you can increase your maneuvarability while on your Resurrección by doubling your wing pair. Your flying speed triples for the remaining duration of your Resurrección.
Del Toro[edit]
When you release your zanpakuto, your upper body enlarges and is covered in armor shaped like a bull's head and torso. It also gives you long, thin horns in the process.
- Skewer!
At 10th level, like a rampanging bull, your power comes from your great charge.
Cuernos Del Toro. Your Resurrección increases your overral phisical power and grants you powerful bull horns. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, turning into horns on your head. You may attack with them, dealing your zanpakuto damage die in piercing damage on a hit. You count as one size larger for every purpose. Additionally, you can take the dash action as a bonus action as long as you're moving towards an hostile creature.
Carga de la Manada. You charge like a bull at your opponents. Whenever you hit a creature with your horns after having moved at least 20 feet into their direction, they take additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage per 20 feet travelled and must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are knocked prone. On a success, they aren't knocked prone.
- Don't Mess With The Bull
At 15th level, like a bull, you can make a wild rampage.
Furia Incontrolable. Taking damage agitates you like it does to a wild bull. Whenever you lose 20 of your maximum hit points (not counting temporary hit points), you gain a +1 to your damage rolls with your horns. If you regain those hit points however, you lose said bonus. This bonus cannot go higher than your Wisdom modifier.
Cuerno Amarillo. You can pierce your opponent with your horns surrounded by reiatsu. As a bonus action for 10 reiryoku, you fill your horns with yellow reiatsu for 1 minute. Once you hit a target with your horns, they take additional damage equal to your reiatsu die. However, after you hit a target with this ability they must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take twice as much damage to one of their limbs and are knocked prone. On a success, they take no additional damage and aren't knocked prone.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have completely mastered Del Toro. You now gain the following benefits once you enter your Resurrección:
Cuernos Del Toro. Your Resurrección increases your overral phisical power and grants you powerful bull horns. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, turning into horns on your head. You may attack with them, dealing your zanpakuto damage die increased by one die in piercing damage on a hit. You count as two sizes larger for every purpose. Additionally, you can take the dash action as a bonus action as long as you're moving towards an hostile creature.
Carga de la Manada. You charge like a bull at your opponents. Whenever you hit a creature with your horns after having moved at least 20 feet into their direction, they take additional 1d8 bludgeoning damage per 20 feet travelled and must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are knocked prone. On a success, they aren't knocked prone.
Furia Incontrolable. Taking damage agitates you like it does to a wild bull. Whenever you lose 15 of your maximum hit points (not counting temporary hit points), you gain a +1 to your damage rolls with your horns. If you regain those hit points however, you lose said bonus. This bonus cannot go higher than your Wisdom modifier.
Cuerno Amarillo. You can pierce your opponent with your horns surrounded by reiatsu. As a bonus action for 10 reiryoku, you fill your horns with yellow reiatsu for 1 minute. Once you hit a target with your horns, they take additional damage equal to your reiatsu die added twice. However, after you hit a target with this ability they must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take twice as much damage to one of their limbs and are knocked prone. On a success, they take no additional damage and aren't knocked prone.
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Volcanica in it's released state, [1] |
When you release your Zanpakuto, molten lava begins to appear in large patches around your body until it cools, creating a new, bulkier form. Your mask reforms into wings on either side of your face and your arms morph to gigantic proportions while growing large extensions beyond your shoulders.
- Erupt!
At 10th level, your power comes from the heat and sheer power of your flames.
Llamada Incesante. Your arms are completely covered by your zanpakuto which merged with your body. You count as one size larger to a minimum of large, you have advantage on Strength saving throws and checks, you gain a +1 to your AC, resistance to fire damage and immunity to the effects of extreme heat. Your unarmed strikes now deal your zanpakuto damage die in damage, and it's damage die tier is increased by one. Additionally, you gain the Palma Plancha mutation, while on your Resurrección it is always active and deals fire damage instead of force. You cannot activate palma plancha while on Resurrección.
Explosión Llameante. The heat emanating from you can be launched as highly concentrated reiatsu from your fists. Once per turn when you make an unarmed strike during your attack action you may spend 10 reiryoku to launch a wave of fire instead. The target and every creature in a 10 times your Wisdom modifier long, 5 foot wide line behind them must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd8 + 5 times your Wisdom modifier fire damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier) and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not knocked prone. This attack deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.
- Unbearable Heat
At 15th level, no one can keep up with your heat and you learned how to use that to your favor.
Calor Abrasador. The heat you emanate is simply unbearable. Every non-magical object within your reiatsu radius that's not being worn or held is engulfed in flames, and every creature within that same radius must make a Constitution saving throw at the beginning of the turns against extreme heat, although with your reiryoku DC. On a failure, they receive one level of exhaustion. On a success, nothing happens. Additionally, all fire damage caused by you now overcomes resistances but not immunities.
Tren en Llamas. With your arms serving as propulsors, you can launch yourself into the enemy in a fiery frenzy. As a bonus action for 20 reiryoku, you move in a line up to your movement speed without stopping at anything on your path. Every creature or object you pass by takes fire damage equal to your reiatsu die. This movement does not generate opportunity attacks and ignores difficult terrain. When you reach the end of the line, you can make one unarmed strike against a creature or object within range. On a hit, they take additional 1d6 + 1 fire damage per 10 feet moved. You cannot use Explosión Llameante with this technique.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have completely mastered Volcanica. You now gain the following benefits once you enter your Resurrección:
Llamada Incesante. Your arms are completely covered by your zanpakuto which merged with your body. You count as two sizes larger to a minimum of huge, you have advantage on Strength saving throws and checks, you gain a +2 to your AC, immunity to fire damage and the effects of extreme heat. Your unarmed strikes now deal your zanpakuto damage die in damage, and it's damage die is increased by one. Additionally, you gain the Palma Plancha mutation, while on your Resurrección it is always active and deals fire damage instead of force. You cannot activate palma plancha while on Resurrección.
Explosión Llameante. The heat emanating from you can be launched as highly concentrated reiatsu from your fists. Once per turn when you make an unarmed strike you may spend 10 reiryoku to launch a wave of fire instead. The target and every creature in a 20 times your Wisdom modifier 10 foot line behind them must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd8 + 5 times your Wisdom modifier fire damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice) and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not knocked prone. This attack deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.
Calor Abrasador. The heat you emanate is simply unbearable. Every object within your reiatsu radius that's not being worn or hold is engulfed in flames, and every creature within that same radius must make a Constitution saving throw at the beginning of the turns against extreme heat, although with your reiryoku DC. On a failure, they receive two levels of exhaustion. On a success, they receive only one level, unless if they have endurance, then they receive no detriments. Additionally, all fire damage caused by you now overcomes resistances and immunities.
Tren en Llamas. With your arms serving as propulsors, you can launch yourself into the enemy in a fiery frenzy. As a bonus action for 10 reiryoku, you move in a line up to your movement speed without stopping at anything on your path. Every creature or object you pass by takes fire damage equal to your reiatsu die. This movement does not generate opportunity attacks and ignores difficult terrain. When you reach the end of the line, you can make one unarmed strike against a creature or object within range. On a hit, they take additional 1d8 + 2 fire damage per 10 feet moved. You cannot use Explosión Llameante with this technique.
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Tijereta in it's released state, [2] |
When you release your Zanpakuto, you grow armor that covers your arms and upper torso, while your hands transform into long claws and your mask extends down to cover the left side of your face, while the part of your mask fragment, extending out to his right, becomes a claw-tipped tail.
- Snip!
At 10th level, your power comes from your speed, enhancing your velocity and lethality.
Corte Rápido. Your zanpakuto merges with you, turning your hands into long claws. You now deal your zanpakuto damage die on your unarmed strikes and it's damage type is changed to slashing. Additionally, your zanpakuto damage die increases by one tier.
Velocidad Cortante. Your Resurrección increases your speed, allowing you to deliver quick cuts. Your walking speed increases by 5 times your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1).
- Slash and Dice
At 15th level, you have improved the way you use your Resurrección, learning new types of slashing to destroy your opponents.
Corte de Precisión. Your slashes have not only improved in potency, but also in precision. Once per turn when you take the attack action, you can spend 10 reiryoku to turn that attack into a critical if it hits. Additionally, whenever you score a critical with your zanpakuto you now add one additional damage die to the total.
Rasguño Potente. Your claws grew sharper and deadlier, making ordinary defenses become useless against you. Whenever you roll for damage for your zanpakuto while on Resurrección, you now ignore an amount of damage threshold or reduction equal to your Wisdom modifier. Additionally, whenever you attack a target you reduce any AC bonuses that don't come from unarmored defense by half (rounded up).
- Beyond Resurrección
You have completely mastered Tijereta. You now gain the following benefits once you enter your Resurrección:
Corte Rápido. Your zanpakuto merges with you, turning your hands into long claws. You now deal your zanpakuto damage die on your unarmed strikes and it's damage type is changed to slashing. Additionally, your zanpakuto damage die increases by one.
Velocidad Cortante. Your Resurrección increases your speed, allowing you to deliver quick cuts. Your walking speed increases by 10 times your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1).
Corte de Precisión. Your slashes have not only improved in potency, but also in precision. Once per turn when you take the attack action, you can spend 10 reiryoku to turn that attack into a critical if it hits and ignore half of the penalty you would receive for targetting a limb (rounded up). Additionally, whenever you score a critical with your zanpakuto you now add two additional damage dies to the total.
Rasguño Potente. Your claws grew sharper and deadlier, making ordinary defenses become useless against you. Whenever you roll for damage for your zanpakuto while on Resurrección, you now ignore an amount of damage threshold or reduction equal to your Wisdom modifier. Additionally, whenever you attack a target you ignore any AC bonuses that don't come from unarmored defense.
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Ira in it's released state, [3] |
When you release your zanpakuto, you grow to a monstrous size. Your skull ridges become more pronounced, taking on the appearance of two large purplish-gray head coverings, extending to the back of your head. Your body transforms drastically, with your torso remaining largely the same, but growing eight large, white elephant-like legs on each side of his lower body, which extends back from your torso. These legs are connected to your body by white carapace-covered joints, leading up to the base of a bony tail club. Large purplish-gray cylindrical tubes form on your elbows, which can be used as piston-like rams. You gain five large, black cylindrical tubes on your back about half of the length of the tubes on your elbows.
- Get Pissed Off!
At 10th level, your power comes from your anger, granting you massive physical prowess.
Cuerpo Alterado. Your body increases in size monstrously. You gain the benefits of the Boundless Size mutation while you're in the Resurrección state, you also gain 4 additional legs, increasing your length. You ignore non-magical difficult terrain. Additionally, you gain resistance against non-magical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage.
Poder de un Gigante. Your Resurrección grants you the might of a giant. Your Zanpakuto merges with your body, giving you a damage bonus on your unarmed strikes equal to your zanpakuto damage die. Additionally, you gain advantage on Strength checks and saving throws.
- Rage Empowerment
At 15th level, you're very easily angered, and that anger can make you stronger, stronger than anything ever seen before.
Furia Eterna. You gain the Lord of Strength lord mutation but only the Legendary Fury feature, in and out of Resurrección. Additionally, you activate it automatically (without spending uses) when you enter your Resurrección.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have completely mastered Irá. You gain the following benefits when you enter your Resurrección:
Cuerpo Alterado. Your body increases in size monstrously. You gain the benefits of the Boundless Size mutation while you're in the Resurrección state, you also gain 4 additional legs, increasing your length. You ignore any difficult terrain. Additionally, you have immunity to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage.
Poder de un Gigante. Your Resurrección grants you the might of a giant. Your Zanpakuto merges with your body, giving you a damage bonus on your unarmed strikes equal to your zanpakuto damage die increased by one. Additionally, you gain advantage on Strength checks and saving throws and can add your proficiency bonus to them even if you already added it.
Furia Eterna. You gain the Lord of Strength lord mutation but only the Legendary Fury feature, in and out of Resurrección but you have twice as many uses as you'd normally would. Additionally, you activate it automatically (without spending uses) when you enter your Resurrección.
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Glotonería in it's released state, [4] |
When you release your zanpakuto, it turns your lower body into a huge, purple blob-like mass resembling an incredibly bloated invertebrate or octopus, with dozens of stubby tentacles, large red eyes, and large mouths complete with teeth.
- Devour!
At 10th level, your power comes from your immense hunger.
Pulpo Monstruoso. Your body becomes monstrous while in your Resurrección. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, making your unarmed strikes deal your zanpakuto damage die. Your size is increased to huge, and your reach is increased by 10 feet.
Potencial Ilimitado. Your Resurrección has granted you unlimited potential. You gain the Hollow Eater mutation while in and outside your Resurrección. Additionally, while in your Resurrección, the reiryoku you gain is divided by 75 instead of 100.
- The Power of Thousands of Hollows!
At 15th level, your ability to devour hollows is unmatched, their power making you grow beyond expectations.
Depredador Adaptativo. Your ability to devour hollows has become more optimal and easier to use. You can now choose which hollow you gain the effects from as a free action.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have completely mastered Glotonería. You now gain the following benefits once you enter your Resurrección:
Pulpo Monstruoso. Your body becomes monstrous while in your Resurrección. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, making your unarmed strikes deal your zanpakuto damage die. Your size is increased to gargantuan, and your reach is increased by 15 feet.
Potencial Ilimitado. Your Resurrección has granted you unlimited potential. You gain the Hollow Eater mutation while in and outside your Resurrección. Additionally, while in your Resurrección, the reiryoku you gain is divided by 50 instead of 100.
Presión Inconmensurable. You absorb the reiatsu of the hollows you devour, and you sure can show it. While in your Resurrección state, your reiatsu level increases by one per 50 reiryoku you gain with your Hollow Eater mutation. The reiatsu level gain cannot go beyond your proficiency bonus.
Depredador Adaptativo. Your ability to devour hollows has become more optimal and easier to use. You can now choose which hollow you gain the effects from with no action required. Additionally, you can now receive the effects of two hollows at once.
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Fornicarás in it's released state, [5] |
When you release your zanpakuto, the lower half of your body becomes a multitude of purple tentacles reminiscent of a sea anemone. Your feet extend from under the tentacles, which are then replaced by a layered dress-like garment. Your upper torso becomes a segmented and form-fitting gray garment, with white sleeves extending from the elbow and down to a wide opening at the wrist that reveal a purple interior. Three small, dark purple extensions span upward from the elbow, while four long, dark purple strands that look like falling drops hang from the underside of the sleeve itself. You also grow four large, gray branch structures on his back, two on each side, which form a shape similar to the wings of a butterfly. Each branch has twelve equally-spaced red strands that resemble falling drops. These strands can expand out, becoming thicker until they look similar to feathers, giving them the appearance of actual wings like those of a bird.
- Sip!
At 10th level, your power comes from experimental curiousity.
Alas de Fénix. You gain large and majestic butterfly like wings. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, making your unarmed strikes deal your zanpakuto damage die. Additionally, if you are consumed in some way, you can possess whatever consumed you. Your statistics are replaced with the creatures as they lose control of themselves. When the creature dies, you return to normal.
Telon Balon. You can wrap your wing like appendages around yourself to protect you. As a reaction, you can do so, allowing your wings to take the damage for you. Your wings have hit points equal to half of your maximum hit points, and damage against them is reduced as though you were damaged for the purposes of damage resistances and hierro. If damage reduces them to 0, any excess damage is dealt to you. When you finish a long rest, they regain all of their hit points, and when you finish a short rest, they regain half of their hit points.
- I Am Born
At 15th level, your Resurrección evolves due to your experimentation with it.
Teatro de Titere. You can create a voodoo doll of a hostile creature you have grappled (no action required). This releases them from the grapple, as you grab them with your wings then spit them out. The creature feels sensations and touch as though it was the doll, in addition to its normal feelings. The doll is marked with organs, and you can remove them freely, without harming the creature (though they still feel it). The organs have an AC 2 lower than the creature’s, and you can hit them with attacks as normal. On a hit, the attack deals additional damage equal to your wisdom modifier, as the target is damaged from the inside.
Your dm determines the effects of the damage on each organ, and how much damage disables or otherwise debilitates an organ.
Gabriel. You can make unarmed strikes with your wings. On a hit, the target takes piercing damage instead of the normal damage type for your unarmed strikes, and if the target is a female creature, it must make a constitution saving throw against your Reiryoku DC. On a failure, the creature is infected by your Resurrección, and on a success, they are immune to this ability for 1 minute.
If you die while a creature is infected, you are revived as though by the clone spell, except your age remains the same, and your statistics do not change. The creature drops to 0 hit points and is dying, or dies, as appropriate.
Only one creature can be infected by your Resurrección at a time. If a creature is already infected by your Resurrección, you cannot infect another creature until you die, and are revived, as above, or that creature dies.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have completely mastered Fornicarás. You gain the following benefits once you enter your Resurrección:
Alas de Fénix. You gain large and majestic butterfly like wings, making you gain flying speed equal to your walking speed. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, making your unarmed strikes deal your zanpakuto damage die. Additionally, if you are consumed in some way, you can possess whatever consumed you. Your statistics are replaced with the creatures as they lose control of themselves. When the creature dies, you return to normal.
Telon Balon. You can wrap your wing like appendages around yourself to protect you. As a reaction, you can do so, allowing your wings to take the damage for you. Your wings have hit points equal to half of your maximum hit points, and damage against them is halved and then reduced as though you were damaged for the purposes of damage resistances and hierro. If damage reduces them to 0, any excess damage is dealt to you. When you finish a short or long rest, they regain all of their hit points.
Teatro de Titere. You can create a voodoo doll of a hostile creature you have grappled (no action required). This releases them from the grapple, as you grab them with your wings then spit them out. The creature feels sensations and touch as though it was the doll, in addition to its normal feelings. The doll is marked with organs, and you can remove them freely, without harming the creature (though they still feel it). The organs have an AC 4 lower than the creature’s, and you can hit them with attacks as normal. On a hit, the attack deals additional damage equal to your Wisdom modifier added twice, as the target is damaged from the inside.
Your dm determines the effects of the damage on each organ, and how much damage disables or otherwise debilitates an organ.
Gabriel. You can make unarmed strikes with your wings. On a hit, the target takes piercing damage instead of the normal damage type for your unarmed strikes, and the damage is increased by one tier. If the target is a female creature, it must make a constitution saving throw against your Reiryoku DC. On a failure, the creature is infected by your Resurrección, and on a success, they are immune to this ability for 1 minute.
If you die while a creature is infected, you are revived as though by the clone spell, except your age remains the same, and your statistics do not change. The creature drops to 0 hit points and is dying, or dies, as appropriate.
Only one creature can be infected by your Resurrección at a time. If a creature is already infected by your Resurrección, you cannot infect another creature until you die, and are revived, as above, or that creature dies.
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Brujéria in it's released state, [6] |
When you release your zanpakuto, your Resurrección covers your entire body with fifty open eyes, and your legs along with your lower body are replaced by a pink pumpkin-like structure, surrounded by cyclopean faces which somewhat resemble your own face. Your neck is covered in a skull-shaped neck brace with an open eye in the front. The total number of eyes covering your body add up to 50 (including the two on your face). The eyes cover your entire body except for his head. However, he later reveals eight more hidden eyes above his normal two on his forehead area.
- Suppress!
At 10th level, your zanpakuto power comes from the intoxication of your opponents.
Ojos Verdaderos. Your eyes show you the truth, there is nothing that escapes them. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, enhancing your sight. You add half of your zanpakuto die (rounded down) to your Wisdom (Perception) checks. Additionally, your sight range doubles and you gain advantage on saving throws against the blinded condition.
Amor. When taking the attack action, you can replace one or more of your attacks for a Amor attack, making a reiryoku attack roll against a creature's limb(receiving the attack roll penalty as normal) or object within sight range. On a hit, they get marked with a sun tattoo and lose control of said limb or object for 1 minute.
When you take control of a limb or object, you can force the creature to take any kind of actions with said limb, or control an object from afar as a bonus action. If you target a creature's head (or the place their brain is) as a limb, control their entire body for 1 minute.
You can only have a number of limbs or objects in your control equal to your proficiency bonus. This feature is treated as a Kido for the purposes of other features.
- Who Gave You That Right?
At 15th level, your Resurrección evolves from your sense of righteousness.
El Embrion. As a reaction to an attack or saving throw targeting you for 5 Reiryoku, your lower half becomes a full sphere that covers your upper body. You gain a damage threshold equal to your Wisdom modifier times your hollow level until the beginning of your next turn.
While this technique is active, you lose your Perception bonus, and you become blinded.
- Beyond Resurrección
Ojos Verdaderos. Your eyes show you the truth, there is nothing that escapes them. Your zanpakuto merges with your body, enhancing your sight. You add your zanpakuto die to your Wisdom (Perception) checks. Additionally, your sight range triples and you gain immunity to the blinded condition.
Amor. When taking the attack action, you can replace one or more of your attacks for a Amor attack, making a reiryoku attack roll against a creature's limb(receiving half the attack roll penalty rounded down) or object within sight range. On a hit, they get marked with a sun tattoo and lose control of said limb or object for 1 minute. Additionally, you gain one additional attack on your attack action that you must use for your amor attack.
When you take control of a limb or object, you can force the creature to take any kind of actions with said limb, or control an object from afar as a bonus action. If you target a creature's head (or the place their brain is) as a limb, control their entire body for 1 minute.
You can only have a number of limbs or objects in your control equal to your proficiency bonus added twice. This feature is treated as a Kido for the purposes of other features.
El Embrion. As a reaction to an attack or saving throw targetting you for 5 Reiryoku, your lower half becomes a full sphere that covers your upper body. You gain a damage threshold equal to your Wisdom modifier times your hollow level until the beginning of your next turn. You are also resistant to all damage but psychic while El Embrion is active, you calculate if the attack reached the damage threshold after the reduction.
While this technique is active, you lose your Perception bonus, and you become blinded.
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Pantera in it's released state, [7] |
When you release your zanpakuto, your teeth become jagged and sharp, your hands turn into black claws and your feet become black clawed paws, similar to that of a cat, along with a slender whip-like tail that's longer than your body. Your clothing changes to become form-fitting white segmented armor. You have blades protruding from your forearms and your calves.
- Grind!
At 10th level, your power comes from the wild and indomitable spirit you had as a panther, ready to claw anyone in your way up to the top.
- Rey Pantera. Your Resurrección grants you the power of a dire panther, granting you both strength and speed. Your zanpakuto merges with your body becoming sharp claws and making your unarmed strikes deal your zanpakuto damage die in slashing damage. Whenever you hit a target with an unarmed strike, they take additional damage equal to Xd4 (where X is half your proficiency bonus, rounded down).
- Additionally, your speed is greatly enhanced by your Resurrección. Your walking speed increases by 10 times your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1).
- Cuerpo mejorado. Your body is apromirated, being elevated to a new level to show the true might of the phanter. Whenever you enter the Resurrección state, you gain the Hierro mutation. If you already had said mutation, you gain the Improved Hierro mutation instead. Additionally, you are able to emit a loud roar that generates sonic waves. You gain the Lord's Primal Roar mutation, with its cost being reduced by 5 while on Resurrección. When you use this mutation while on Resurrección, all creatures within 30 feet of you are forced to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take thunder damage equal to your Reiatsu level and are pushed 10 feet back. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not pushed.
- This sonic roar deals twice as much damage to objects and structures, and creatures smaller than Medium make the Strength saving throw with disadvantage.
- I am the King!
At 15th level, your panther abilities grew beyond a mere animal, you now have powers fitting for a king.
- Garra de la Pantera. As an action for up to 5 times 5 (minimum of 5) reiryoku, you launch a dark green stone from your elbow per 5 reiryoku spent against one or more targets within your reiatsu radius. Make a ranged reiryoku attack roll for every dark green stone. On a hit, the target automatically fails the Dexterity saving throw of this technique.
- Hitting or missing, the stones explode when reaching the ordered point and force every creature within a X foot radius of it to make a Evasive Dexterity Saving Throw (with X being 10 times your Wisdom modifier). On a failure, they take Xd8 + your Wisdom modifier force damage
(with X being your Wisdom modifier).
- This technique deals twice as much damage to object and structures.
- Desgarrón. You can spend 15 reiryoku as an action to make your claws glow, and you then make a slashing motion. Each claw becomes a long, sharp blade composed of Reishi, which are then hurled at the target.
- You force all creatures in a 100 feet long 10 foot wide line to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd10 + 150 force damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice) and are pushed until the end of the line before being knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not pushed or knocked prone.
- For every obstacle or object a creature collides with while being pushed, they take 1d10 bludgeoning damage. If its another creature, both take the damage.
- This ability deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have completely mastered Pantera. Your Resurrección features are upgraded, as shown down below:
- Rey Pantera. Your zanpakuto merges with your body becoming sharp claws and making your unarmed strikes deal your zanpakuto damage die in slashing damage. Whenever you hit a target with an unarmed strike, they take additional damage equal to Xd4 (where X is your proficiency bonus).
- Additionally, your speed is greatly enhanced by your Resurrección. Your walking speed increases by 15 times your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). Finally, you gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws while in Resurrección.
- Cuerpo mejorado. Whenever you enter the Resurrección state, you gain the Improved Hierro mutation and the mutations that come before it. If you already had said mutation, you gain the Maximized Hierro mutation instead. Additionally, you are able to emit a loud roar that generates sonic waves. You gain the Lord's Primal Roar mutation, with its cost being reduced by 10 while on Resurrección. When you use this mutation while on Resurrección, all creatures within 30 feet of you are forced to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take thunder damage equal to your reiatsu level added twice and are pushed 30 feet back. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not pushed.
- This sonic roar deals thrice as much damage to objects and structures, and creatures smaller than Medium make the Strength saving throw with disadvantage.
- Garra de la Pantera. As an action for up to 5 times 5 (minimum of 5) reiryoku, you launch a dark green stone from your elbow per 5 reiryoku spent against one or more targets within your reiatsu radius. Make a ranged reiryoku attack roll for every dark green stone. On a hit, the target automatically fails the Dexterity saving throw of this technique.
- Hitting or missing, the stones explode when reaching the ordered point and force every creature within a X foot radius of it to make a Evasive Dexterity Saving Throw (with X being 10 times your Wisdom modifier). On a failure, they take Xd8 + your Wisdom modifier force damage
(with the X being your Wisdom modifier added twice).
- This technique deals thrice as much damage to object and structures.
- Desgarrón. You can spend 15 reiryoku as an action to make your claws glow, and you then make a slashing motion. Each claw becomes a long, sharp blade composed of Reishi, which is then hurled at the target.
- You force all creatures in a 200 feet long 10 foot wide line to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd10 + 150 force damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice) and are pushed until the end of the line before being knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not pushed or knocked prone.
- For every obstacle or object a creature collides with while being pushed, they take 1d12 bludgeoning damage. If it's another creature, both take the damage.
- This ability deals thrice as much damage to objects and structures.
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Trepadora in it's released state, [8] |
When you release your zanpakuto, you gain eight enormous tentacles, each of which are connected at one of the corners of an octagonal design fixated on your back, and a bone cowl on your head.
- Strangle!
At 10th level, your power comes from the sheer desire to strangle your opponents.
Lanza Tentáculo. Your zanpakuto merges with your body and becomes eight powerful tentacles. They use your Wisdom modifier for their attack and damage rolls, their reach is 30 feet, they deal your zanpakuto damage die on a hit and count as natural weapons. If you hit someone with them, you may choose to make a grapple check against that creature. If you grapple a creature this way, you can't attack with that tentacle anymore and the creature is considered restrained.
La Hélice. As an action for 5 Reiryoku, your tentacles start spinning around you like an helicopter's propellor. Every creature in a 30 foot-circle must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take your tentacle damage and are knocked back 10 feet away. On a success, they take half as much damage and are knocked back half as much.
- How About an Attack 8 Times Stronger?
At 15th level, your tentacles are extremely deadly, with just a hit being enough to crush someone.
Jaula Tentáculo. As an action for 20 reiryoku, you launch a barrage of tentacles towards an opponent, surrounding them. Make a reiryoku attack roll with advantage unless the creature has a passive perception higher than your reiryoku DC. On a hit, the attack is considered a critical and the creature takes your tentacle damage +x additional bludgeoning damage (with X being 5 times your Wisdom modifier) and must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are knocked prone and pushed 10 feet back. On a success, they are not knocked prone and aren't pushed back.
Hierro Virgen. You gain the Hierro mutation. As an action for 10 reiryoku, you can use your Hierro to harden your tentacles, making them grow sharp spikes. Until the beginning of your next turn, your tentacles deal additional damage equal to half of your Hierro damage reduction (rounded up).
- Beyond Resurrección
You have completely mastered Trepadora. You now gain the following benefits once you enter your Resurrección:
Lanza Tentáculo. Your zanpakuto merges with your body and becomes eight powerful tentacles. They use your Wisdom modifier for their attack and damage rolls, their reach is 30 feet, they deal your zanpakuto damage die on a hit and count as natural weapons. If you hit someone with them, you may choose to make a grapple check against that creature. If you grapple a creature this way, you can't attack with that tentacle anymore and the creature is considered restrained. Additionally, you gain one additional attack action which must be used for a tentacle attack.
La Hélice. As an action for 5 Reiryoku, your tentacles start spinning around you like an helicopter's propellor. Every creature in a 30 foot-circle must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take your tentacle damage die increased by one and are knocked back 10 feet away. On a success, they take half as much damage and are knocked back half as much.
Jaula Tentáculo. As an action for 20 reiryoku, you launch a barrage of tentacles towards an opponent, surrounding them. Make a reiryoku attack roll with advantage unless the creature has a passive perception higher than your reiryoku DC. On a hit, the attack is considered a critical and the creature takes your tentacle damage +x additional bludgeoning damage (with X being 10 times your Wisdom modifier) and must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are knocked prone and pushed X feet back. On a success, they are not knocked prone and aren't pushed back.
Hierro Virgen. You gain the Hierro mutation. As an action for 10 reiryoku, you can use your Hierro to harden your tentacles, making them grow sharp spikes. Until the beginning of your next turn, your tentacles deal additional damage equal to your Hierro damage reduction.
Santa Teresa[edit]
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Santa Teresa in it's released state, [9] |
When you release your zanpakuto, in this form, you gain an extra set of arms, which take on an insect-like carapace and clawed hands, with each hand holding a large scythe-like weapon as well. The scythes themselves resemble the appendages of a praying mantis, and have a small golden tassel at the end of each staff. You also gain a pair of horns on his head resembling a crescent moon, with your left horn longer than his right. You gain several white, tendril-like appendages around his torso which extend over the sides of his abdomen.
- Pray!
At 10th level, your power comes from your desire of battle.
Brazos Infinitos. Your zanpakuto turns into a long scythe-like weapon and gains another 3 copies of it, they now have the reach property. You gain two additional arms, which can do the same functions as the original two. Additionally, you have two hidden set of arms that you don't show. You may make them grow as a free action.
Dios Impenetrable. Your body becomes an impenetrable wall once you enter your Resurrección. You gain the Hierro mutation. Your Hierro's damage reduction is multiplies by 1.5 while on Resurrección.
- Stronger Than Anyone
At 15th level, you are going to be the strongest, no matter what. Your Resurrección's power grow to show that.
Miembros ilimitados. While you have a very powerful body, even you can lose your arms. Though that's not a problem for you. As a free action you can spend up to 5 times 6 reiryoku, for every 5 reiryoku spent you generate a new arm. You cannot have more than 6 arms at once. Additionally, you can also do the same with your zanpakuto, creating copies of it. However, it still has the limit of you not being able to have more than 6 at once. You may generate zanpakutos and arms during the same free action.
Lucha Multiarmada. You learned a new fighting style that takes full advantage of your arms. Once per turn may grow arms and zanpakutos as part of your attack action as a surprise attack, making you gain advantage on the attack roll. You can also grow them as a reaction to a creature entering within 5 feet of you, being able to make one attack roll as part of said reaction. Additionally, you gain one additional attack on your attack action that must be made with one of your arms.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have completely mastered Santa Teresa. You now gain the following benefits once you enter your Resurrección:
Brazos Infinitos. Your zanpakuto turns into a long scythe-like weapon and gains another 3 copies of it, they now have the reach property and deal one additional die of damage. You gain two additional arms, which can do the same functions as the original two. Additionally, you have two hidden set of arms that you don't show. You may make them grow with no action required.
Dios Impenetrable. Your body becomes an impenetrable wall once you enter your Resurrección. You gain the Hierro mutation. Your Hierro's damage reduction is doubled while on Resurrección. If you use Hierro as a reaction, you gain resistance to all damage types but psychic for that instance of damage.
Miembros ilimitados. While you have a very powerful body, even you can lose your arms. Though that's not a problem for you. You can spend up to 2 times 6 reiryoku no action required, for every 2 reiryoku spent you generate a new arm. You cannot have more than 6 arms at once. Additionally, you can also do the same with your zanpakuto, creating copies of it. However, it still has the limit of you not being able to have more than 6 at once. You may generate zanpakutos and arms during the same free action.
Lucha Multiarmada. You learned a new fighting style that takes full advantage of your arms. Once per turn may grow arms and zanpakutos as part of your attack action as a surprise attack, making you gain advantage on the attack roll. You can also grow them as a reaction to a creature entering within 5 feet of you, being able to make one attack roll as part of said reaction. Additionally, you gain two additional attacks on your attack action that can only be used to make an attack with a weapon wielded in one of your arms.
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Murciélago in it's released state, [10] |
When you release your zanpakuto, you become bat-like in appearance. Large, black bat wings form on your back, and the remains of your Hollow mask centers atop your head, with two large horns extending outward to the sides towards the front.
- Enclose!
At 10th level, your power comes from the dark nature of bats, turning you extremely powerful by nature.
- Murciélago Nocturno. Your Resurrección improves your body and grants you bat like abilities. Your walking speed increases by 25ft. Additionally, you gain flying speed equal to your walking speed thanks to your dark wings.
- Luz de la Luna. Once per turn for 5 Reiryoku, you can create a javelin of energy, or up to two at 15th level (no action required), which you are then wielding. These Javelins work exactly like normal Javelins, however you can use your Wisdom modifier, instead of Strength, for their attack and damage rolls and they deal your zanpakuto damage die in magical piercing damage on a hit. As an action, you can throw the javelin at a creature within your Sonido range, causing every creature within a 60 foot radius sphere centered on it (excluding you, if applicable) to make an Evasive Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failure, they take Xd6 + 3*X force damage (with the X being your Wisdom modifier).
- Alternatively, while holding the javelin, you can use your action for 5 Reiryoku to cause this explosion to emanate from you. Every creature within a 60 foot radius sphere centered on you, excluding you, must make the saving throw as though you threw the spear at yourself.
- If you have two javelins, you can only use your action to cause one of them to explode at a time.
- Segunda Etapa
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Murciélago in it's second released state, [11] |
At 15th level, the true power of your Resurrección is hidden deep inside of you, a power which you can bring out. You gain the benefits of Segunda Etapa spiritual feat. However, while on your Segunda Etapa state you gain new abilities and enhance your own.
- Murciélago Nocturno. Your walking speed now increases by 30ft. Additionally, your flying speed doubles.
- Luz de la Luna. While in your segunda etapa, the damage of your javelin’s explosion increases to 2*Xd8 + 5*X (with the X being your Wisdom modifier).
- Latigo. While on your segunda etapa, you gain a large bat tail that's very destructive in combat. Your tail uses your Strength or Dexterity modifier for it's attack and damage rolls, and deals your zanpakuto damage die in piercing or bludgeoning damage on a hit. This attack deals twice as much damage to objects and structures. As a bonus action for 5 Reiryoku after having taken the attack action, you can make two Latigo attacks.
- Lanza Del Relampago. Once per turn for 10 Reiryoku, you can create a spear of energy, (no action required). You cannot create this spear while you have at least one Javelin from Luz de la Luna, nor can you hold a javelin from Luz de la Luna while you have this spear. This spear works exactly like a normal spear, however you can use your Wisdom modifier, instead of strength, for its attack and damage rolls, and it deals twice your zanpakuto damage die in magical force damage on a hit. If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by an attack from this weapon, it is killed outright, as it’s wound disintegrates part of its body fatally.
- As an action for 10 Reiryoku while holding the spear, you can throw the spear at a creature within 600 feet of you, causing it and every creature within a 120 foot radius sphere centered on it to make an Evasive Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failure, they take 2*Xd10 + 7.5*X force damage (with the X being your Wisdom modifier).
- This attack deals maximum damage against objects and structures.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have completely mastered Murciélago. You now gain the following benefits once you enter your Resurrección state:
- Murciélago Nocturno. Your walking speed increases by 25ft . Additionally, you gain flying speed equal to your walking speed thanks to your dark wings. While on Segunda Etapa, your walking speed increases by 30ft, and your flying speed doubles.
- Luz de la Luna. Once per turn for 5 Reiryoku, you can create a javelin of energy, or up to two at 15th level (no action required), which you are then wielding. These Javelins work exactly like normal Javelins, however you can use your Wisdom modifier, instead of Strength, for their attack and damage rolls and they deal your zanpakuto damage die added twice in magical piercing damage on a hit. As an action, you can throw the javelin at a creature within your sonido radius, causing every creature within a 60 foot radius sphere centered on it (excluding you, if applicable) to make an Evasive Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failure, they take Xd6 + 3*X force damage (with the X being your Wisdom modifier).
- Alternatively, while holding the javelin, you can use your action for 5 Reiryoku to cause this explosion to emanate from you. Every creature within a 60 foot radius sphere centered on you, excluding you, must make the saving throw as though you threw the spear at yourself.
- If you have two javelins, you can only use your action to cause one of them to explode at a time.
- While in your segunda etapa, the damage of your javelin’s explosion increases to increases to 2*Xd8 + 5*X (with the X being your Wisdom modifier).
- Latigo. Your tail uses your Strength or Dexterity modifier for it's attack and damage rolls, and deals your zanpakuto damage die in piercing or bludgeoning damage on a hit. This attack deals thrice as much damage to objects and structures. As a bonus action for 5 Reiryoku after having taken the attack action, you can make three Latigo attacks.
- Lanza Del Relampago. Once per turn for 10 Reiryoku, you can create a spear of energy, no action required. You cannot create this spear while you have at least one Javelin from Luz de la Luna, nore can you hold a javelin from Luz de la Luna while you have this spear. This spear works exactly like a normal spear, however you can use your Wisdom modifier, instead of strength, for its attack and damage rolls, and it deals thrice your zanpakuto damage die in magical force damage on a hit. If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by an attack from this weapon, it is killed outright, as it’s wound disintegrates part of its body fatally.
- As an action for 10 Reiryoku while holding the spear, you can throw the spear at a creature within 600 feet, causing it and every creature within a 120 foot radius sphere centered on it to make an Evasive Dexterity Saving Throw. they take 2*Xd10 + 7.5*X force damage (with the X being your Wisdom modifier).
- This attack deals maximum damage against objects and structures.
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Gamuza in it's released state, [12] |
When you release your zanpakuto, you take the form of a brownish-green ibex-like centaur, complete with a black horse's tail. Your shoulders are covered by white spaulders that come across yoir shoulder blade to youd neck. You have white elbow guards and white gauntlets. The parts of your arm that aren't covered by armor are covered by a black material, which also covers your hands. There is a white ring at the base of your tail.
- Declare
At 10th level, the power from your Resurrección comes from the speed and power increase you receive. You gain the following features:
- Cuerpo de Centauro. Your body is drastically altered in Resurrección, now being reminiscent of a centaur. Your walking speed is increased by 10. Also, you count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push or drag. Additionally, whenever you have moved at least 30 feet straight towards a target and hit it with a melee weapon attack, you roll additional damage dice for the attack equal to your Wisdom modifier.
- Lanza Del caballero. Your zanpakuto transforms into a large lance, increasing your range and power. Your zanpakuto loses its previous properties and gains the heavy and reach properties, dealing piercing damage on a hit.
- One Must Have a Reason to Fight
At 15th level, you have learned your most powerful attack.
- Lanzador Verde. You can launch your zanpakuto at an opponent with extreme speed. As an action for 10 reiryoku, you can make a ranged reiryoku attack roll against a creature within your reiatsu radius. On a hit, they take Xd10 + X piercing damage (with the first X being your Wisdom modifier and the second X being your Wisdom modifier times 5) and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are Bleeding. The spear returns to you at the beginning of your next turn regardless if you have hit or missed. This attack ignores any AC increases that do not come from wearing armor or the Unarmored Defence feature.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have mastered Gamuza. Your Resurrección features are upgraded, as shown bellow:
- Cuerpo de Centauro. Your walking speed is increased by 30. Also, you count as two sizes larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push or drag. Additionally, whenever you have moved at least 30 feet straight towards a target and hit it with a melee weapon attack, you roll additional damage dice for the attack equal to your Wisdom modifier added twice.
- Lanza Del caballero. Your zanpakuto transforms into a large lance, increasing your range and power. Your zanpakuto loses its previous properties and gains the heavy and reach properties, dealing piercing damage on a hit. Also, your zanpakuto damage dice is increased by one while on this form.
- Lanzador Verde. As an action for 10 reiryoku, you can make a ranged reiryoku attack roll against a creature within your reiatsu radius. On a hit, they take Xd10 + X piercing damage (with the first X being your Wisdom modifier added twice and the second X being your Wisdom modifier times 10) and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are Bleeding. The spear returns to you at the beginning of your next turn regardless if you have hit or missed. This attack ignores any AC increases that do not come from wearing armor or the Unarmored Defence feature, and also halves any damage reduction.
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Tiburón in it's released state, [13] |
When you release your Zanpakuto, You gain spaulders on your shoulders, which bear a resemblance to shark fins, and two ribbon-like protrusions on your back. A thin, spine-like structure forms on your stomach, spanning from your waist to the underside of your chest. You wear a mini-skirt consisting of bones surrounding a dark undergarment, and a pair of knee-length boots and elbow-length gloves. Your weapon takes the form of a broad pata, which resembles an elongated shark tooth, featuring an unusual hilt with a hand guard which completely covers your hand. The sword possesses gill markings along either side of the blade.
- Destroy!
At 10th level, your power comes from the desire to hunt your opponents like a shark.
Tiburón en el Agua. Your Resurrección turns you as wild as a shark. You gain swimming speed equal to your walking speed, and you can breathe both air and water. Your Zanpakuto turns into a enlongate shark tooth. It deals piercing damage on a hit instead of its normal type, it has the reach property and you can use your Wisdom modifier for its attack rolls and damage rolls.
Maestro del Océano. Your Resurrección grants you control of the waters. You gain the Water Manipulation mutation, which you can use in and out of Resurrección.
- Master of The Sea
At 15th level, you became a true master of manipulating water.
Trident. Once per turn when you take the attack action, you may spend 5 reiryoku to replace one of your attacks with 3 ranged reiryoku attacks against creatures within your reiatsu radius. These attacks have a range of 100 feet and deal your zanpakuto damage die + your Wisdom modifier slashing damage.
Hirviendo. Only you can control the waters. As a reaction to being hit with an attack or forced to make a save that deals cold damage, or damage caused by water, you may spend 1 reiryoku to negate the attack or saving throw.
La Gota. As part of making an attack action, you may replace an attack with La Gota. Make a reiryoku attack roll against a creature within your reiatsu radius. On a hit, they take Xd12 + X bludgeoning damage (with the first X being your Wisdom modifier, and the second X being your Wisdom modifier times 5) and must succeed a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. All creatures and objects within 15 feet of the target are also targetted, with the attack damaging them if it hits their AC.
This ability deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.
Whenever you use La Gota, you must spend 5 reiryoku.
Cascada. As a bonus action for 10 reiryoku, you choose a point within your reiatsu radius for a rush of water to fall down from the sky. All creatures in a 300 feet tall 150 wide cylinder must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd10 + X bludgeoning damage (with the first X being your Wisdom modifier, and the second X being your Wisdom modifier times 10). On a success, they're able to use their movement (taking from their next turn's movement) to avoid the attack, taking half as much damage if they end their movement outside of the area. They can use movement increasing abilities that don't cost an action or bonus action during this movement, if necessary. If a creature doesn't have enough movement to avoid the effect, they automatically fail.
The water then spreads to all sides within your reiatsu radius, with a height of X feet (with X being your Wisdom modifier times 10), forcing all creatures caught in that range to make the saving throw as well.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have completely mastered Tiburón. You now gain the following benefits once you enter your Resurrección:
Tiburón en el Agua. Your Resurrección turns you as wild as a shark. You gain swimming speed equal to your walking speed, and you can breathe both air and water. Your Zanpakuto turns into a enlongate shark tooth. It deals piercing damage on a hit instead of its normal type, it has the reach property and you can use your Wisdom modifier for its attack rolls and damage rolls.
Maestro del Océano. Your Resurrección grants you control of the waters. You gain the Water Manipulation mutation, which you can use in and out of Resurrección. If a water filled spot is currently within your reiatsu radius, your Reiatsu abilities granted by your Resurrección now cost half as much Reiryoku (rounded down). This water must be completely natural, and cannot be created through external means.
Trident. Once per turn when you take the attack action, you may spend 5 reiryoku to replace one of your attacks with 3 ranged reiryoku attacks against creatures within your reiatsu radius. These attacks have a range of 100 feet and deal your zanpakuto damage die added twice + your Wisdom modifier slashing damage.
Hirviendo. Only you can control the waters. As a reaction to being hit with an attack or forced to make a save that deals cold damage, or damage caused by water, you may spend 1 reiryoku to negate the attack or saving throw. You now gain one additional reaction, which may only be used for this reaction.
La Gota. As part of making an attack action, you may replace an attack with La Gota. Make a reiryoku attack roll against a creature within your reiatsu radius. On a hit, they take Xd12 + X bludgeoning damage (with the first X being your Wisdom modifier, and the second X being your Wisdom modifier times 5) and must succeed a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. All creatures and objects within 30 feet of the target are also targetted, with the attack damaging them if it hits their AC.
This ability deals thrice as much damage to objects and structures.
Whenever you use La Gota, you must spend 5 reiryoku.
Cascada. As a bonus action for 10 reiryoku, you choose a point within your reiatsu radius for a rush of water to fall down from the sky. All creatures in a 300 feet tall 150 wide cylinder must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd12 + X bludgeoning damage (with the first X being your Wisdom modifier, and the second X being your Wisdom modifier times 10). On a success, they're able to use their movement (taking from their next turn's movement) to avoid the attack, taking half as much damage if they end their movement outside of the area. They can use movement increasing abilities that don't cost an action or bonus action during this movement, if necessary. If a creature doesn't have enough movement to avoid the effect, they automatically fail.
The water then spreads to all sides within your reiatsu radius, with a height of X feet (with X being your Wisdom modifier times 10), forcing all creatures caught in that range to make the saving throw as well.
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Arrogante in it's released state, [14] |
When you release your Zanpakuto, your entire body is reduced to little more than a skeleton, with your head becoming a skull and your hands and arms being reduced to bones. Afterwards, your body becomes draped in a purple cloak, with a pitch-black tattered fur collar around your neck area and the fringes of your cloak. Several lengths of golden chain, now dangle out of your armbands. Your mask fragment turns into a full, extravagantly decorated, bejeweled crown, with a chain running downward on the left side.
- Rot!
At 10th level, your power comes from your superiority above all.
Monarca de la Muerte. You are the king of death, and every living thing shall crumble before your power. You gain the Senescencia Mutation, and you may use it outside of your Resurrección. Additionally, Senescencia grows more powerful within your Resurrección.
Your Time Dilation Field automatically activates when you activate your Resurrección, lasting as long as your Resurrección is active. It does not cost reiryoku when activated in this way. While your Resurrección is active, you may use Senescencia as a reaction to failing a saving throw, allowing you to reroll it with advantage.
Additionally, your Touch of Death feature's range increases to your Time Dilation Field, allowing you to affect any creature within its range. Objects and structures take damage from Touch of Death at the beginning of your turns.
The cost of the features in the Senescencia Mutation is reduced by 5.
Finally, your unarmed strikes now deal necrotic damage, and creatures you touch or that start their turn grappled by you take your Primal Strikes dice in necrotic damage.
Gran Caída. On your turn for 5 Reiryoku (no action required) you can summon an Axe; the Axe of Ruin. It functions as your Zanpakuto, except that it has the heavy and reach properties instead of its normal properties, does additional necrotic damage equal to your reiatsu die on a hit, and deals slashing damage instead of its normal type. If you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with Gran Caída, it is killed outright as it crumbles to dust from age. You can’t summon this axe again until you are no longer wielding it or it is destroyed.
- Absolute Power
At 15th level, you have a detoriorating aura around you.
Respira. As an action, you can spend 20 Reiryoku to unleash a purplish-black, smoke-like miasma of decay that radiates outward from your body for one minute. The miasma forms a circle centered on you with a radius of 30 feet, moving with you as you move.
Any creature that enters the miasma or starts its turn within it must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes Xd12 necrotic damage (where X is your Wisdom modifier added thrice) and continues to decay, taking the same damage at the start of their next turn unless the afflicted area is removed or otherwise healed. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and suffers no lingering effects.
Respira immediately ages and destroys any object or magical effect within its radius, including barriers and spells like Kidō. Worn and carried objects are unaffected unless the DM rules otherwise.
You can control the speed of Respira, allowing you to unleash it at varying intensities as needed. As an action while Respira is active, you may spend an additional 5 Reiryoku to increase the radius to 60 feet until the effect ends.
When Respira is about to end, you may spend 20 Reiryoku to extend its duration for another minute.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have completely mastered Arrogante. You now gain the following benefits once you enter your Resurrección:
Monarca de la Muerte. You are the king of death, and every living thing shall crumble before your power. You gain the Senescencia Mutation, and you may use it outside of your Resurrección. Additionally, Senescencia grows more powerful within your Resurrección.
Your Time Dilation Field automatically activates when you activate your Resurrección, lasting as long as your Resurrección is active. It does not cost reiryoku when activated in this way. While your Resurrección is active, you may use Senescencia as a reaction to failing a saving throw, allowing you to reroll it with advantage.
Additionally, your Touch of Death feature's range increases to your Time Dilation Field, allowing you to affect any creature within its range. Objects and structures take damage from Touch of Death at the beginning of your turns.
The cost of the features in the Senescencia Mutation is reduced by 10.
Finally, your unarmed strikes now deal necrotic damage, and creatures you touch or that start their turn grappled by you take your Primal Strikes dice in necrotic damage.
Gran Caída. On your turn for 5 Reiryoku (no action required) you can summon an Axe; the Axe of Ruin. It functions as your Zanpakuto, except that it has the heavy and reach properties instead of its normal properties, does additional necrotic damage equal to your reiatsu die on a hit, your zanpakuto damage die is doubled when using it, and deals slashing damage instead of its normal type. If you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with Gran Caída, it is killed outright as it crumbles to dust from age. You can’t summon this axe again until you are no longer wielding it or it is destroyed.
'Respira. As an action, you can spend 20 Reiryoku to unleash a purplish-black, smoke-like miasma of decay that radiates outward from your body for one minute. The miasma forms a circle centered on you with a radius of 30 feet, moving with you as you move.
Any creature that enters the miasma or starts its turn within it must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes Xd12 necrotic damage (where X is your Wisdom modifier added four times) and continues to decay, taking the same damage at the start of their next turn unless the afflicted area is removed or otherwise healed. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and suffers no lingering effects.
Respira immediately ages and destroys any object or magical effect within its radius, including barriers and spells like Kidō. Worn and carried objects are unaffected unless the DM rules otherwise.
You can control the speed of Respira, allowing you to unleash it at varying intensities as needed. As an action while Respira is active, you may spend an additional 5 Reiryoku to increase the radius to 60 feet until the effect ends.
When Respira is about to end, you may spend 20 Reiryoku to extend its duration for another minute.
Los Lobos[edit]
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Los Lobos in it's released state, [15] |
When you release your zanpakuto, you wield two identical ornamental pistols. Your Arrancar outfit changes drastically as well: your upper body is covered in a gray fur-lined jacket over a double-breasted vest, while your legs are covered in dark, skin-tight pants, with gray knee-high fur leggings covering your lower legs, and your arms are covered in gray, elbow-length fur armbands, which end at your wrists. There are ribbon-covered bandoleers emerging from your upper back and disappearing into your upper forearms.
- Kick About!
At 10th level, your power comes from your soul, having an immeasurable reiatsu.
Alma Solitaria. Your soul is completely alone now, however your power is now unmatched. You gain the Soul Partitioning mutation, while in and outside your Resurrección, and creatures have disadvantage against your reiatsu feature. Your Zanpakuto transforms into two pistols that fire ceros, which have different properties. When you take the attack action, you can spend any number of attacks to instead fire a weaker Cero from your left gun. This works as the base Cero mutation, except it only costs 1 Reiryoku, and the damage and size is halved. For 2 attacks, once per attack action, you can fire from your right gun, firing your full base Cero, it still only costs 1 Reiryoku, however this cero cannot be modified by any mutations (even lord of spirit). You may also use the right gun as an action, firing a cero that costs 1 reiryoku and can be enhanced by mutations, the cost of the enhancement is halved (rounded down).
Colmillo. As a free action for 5 Reiryoku, you can create one or two melee weapons made out of your reiatsu. You choose the type of melee weapon these zanpakutos replicate. You are considered proficient with them, and they can use your Wisdom modifier for their attack and damage rolls, instead of their normal modifier. They deal the same damage as your zanpakuto, however they deal force instead of your normal zanpakuto's damage. You can choose to use these instead of your Cero Pistols for the purposes of features which require a Zanpakuto. You are obligated to use these for the Partial Resurrección mutation.
- Overwhelming Reiatsu
At 15th level, you have learned new powerful Reiatsu attacks that use full advantage of your own massive reserves. You gain the following Reiatsu attacks:
Cero Metralleta. You point your guns into a direction of your choice, and fire thousands of ceros at once. As a full turn action for 40 Reiryoku, you force every creature in a line equal in length to your cero, with a width equal to your cero’s multiplied by your Wisdom modifier to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take your cero damage die a number of times equal to half your Wisdom modifier + the base damage bonus (if you have adjuchas cero, you use it as though you were level 10, and and if you have vasto lorde cero, you use adjuchas cero as though you were level 20). This dexterity saving throw works the same as your Cero dexterity saving throws, except on a success, they only have to move out of the area or out of a line equal in size to your base cero pointed directly at them to take half as much damage.
On your following turn you may spend 20 reiryoku as another full turn action to continue firing your barrage, forcing any creatures in the line range to make the saving throw again. When you do so you may choose a new line. As long as you do not interrupt the sequence of full turn actions you may do this on as many turns in a row as you wish, assuming you have enough reiryoku. If you have the Instantaneous Cero lord mutation this technique only takes actions instead of full turn actions, though you can’t fire any more Ceros that turn.
Wolves. As a bonus action for 10 Reiryoku, you can summon a Reiatsu Wolf. You can spend additional Reiryoku on this equal to 10 times your proficiency bonus, with each 10 reiryoku spent adding another wolf. Each wolf lasts for 10 minutes or until it reaches 0 hit points. You can’t have more wolves than one plus your Proficiency Bonus at a time; if you summon more beyond this limit, the oldest wolves disappear until you are under this limit.
- Beyond Resurrección
You have completely mastered Los Lobos. You now gain the following benefits once you enter your Resurrección:
Alma Solitaria. Your soul is completely alone now, however your power is now unmatched. You gain the Soul Partitioning mutation, while in and outside your Resurrección, and creatures now automatically fail their saving throws against your Reiatsu feature, and if the damage reduces them to 0 hit points, they are killed instantly and can’t be revived, as their soul leaves their body. Your Zanpakuto transforms into two pistols that fire ceros, which have different properties. When you take the attack action, you can spend any number of attacks to instead fire a weaker Cero from your left gun. This works as the base Cero mutation, except it is completely free of cost, and the damage and size is halved. For 2 attacks, once per attack action, you can fire from your right gun, firing your full base Cero, it still only costs 1 Reiryoku, however this cero cannot be modified by any mutations (even lord of spirit). You may also use the right gun as an action, firing a cero that costs 1 reiryoku and can be enhanced by mutations, the cost of the enhancement is 1/4th of the original.
Colmillo. As a free action for 5 Reiryoku, you can create one or two melee weapons made out of your reiatsu. You choose the type of melee weapon these zanpakutos replicate. You are considered proficient with them, and they can use your Wisdom modifier for their attack and damage rolls, instead of their normal modifier. They deal the same damage as your zanpakuto damage die added twice, however they deal force instead of your normal zanpakuto's damage. You can choose to use these instead of your Cero Pistols for the purposes of features which require a Zanpakuto. You are obligated to use these for the Partial Resurrección mutation.
Cero Metralleta. You point your guns into a direction of your choice, and fire thousands of ceros at once. As a full turn action for 30 Reiryoku, you force every creature in a line equal in length to your cero, with a width equal to your cero’s multiplied by your Wisdom modifier to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take your cero damage die a number of times equal to half your Wisdom modifier + the base damage bonus (if you have adjuchas cero, you use it as though you were level 10, and and if you have vasto lorde cero, you use adjuchas cero as though you were level 20). This dexterity saving throw works the same as your Cero dexterity saving throws, except on a success, they only have to move out of the area or out of a line equal in size to your base cero pointed directly at them to take half as much damage.
On your following turn you may spend 10 reiryoku as another full turn action to continue firing your barrage, forcing any creatures in the line range to make the saving throw again. When you do so you may choose a new line. As long as you do not interrupt the sequence of full turn actions you may do this on as many turns in a row as you wish, assuming you have enough reiryoku. If you have the Instantaneous Cero lord mutation this technique only takes actions instead of full turn actions, though you can’t fire any more Ceros that turn.
Wolves. As a bonus action for 10 Reiryoku, you can summon a Reiatsu Wolf. You can spend additional Reiryoku on this equal to 10 times your proficiency bonus, with each 10 reiryoku spent adding another wolf. Each wolf lasts for 10 minutes or until it reaches 0 hit points. You can’t have more wolves than two plus your Proficiency Bonus at a time; if you summon more beyond this limit, the oldest wolves disappear until you are under this limit.
Class Variant Rules[edit]
Fanmade Resurrección Types[edit]
While it is enjoyable to play the Resurrección of our favorite arrancar, sometimes we want something more original. You can use one of the fanmade Resurrección created here or create your own alongside your GM with the Resurrección creation guide.
Canon Hollow Evolution[edit]
Hollows evolve after eating their own kin enough to make them evolve. However, this can't be done on the base class due to balance reasons. This rule serves to make hollow evolution work like in canon.
You do not gain the Gillian, Adjuchas and Vasto Lorde features through leveling up in the hollow class as normal, instead you must eat a certain amount of hollows with Soul Devourer to achieve said evolutions.
Different types of hollows have different types of values:
Hollow Evolution | Hollow Value |
Base Hollow | 1 hollow |
Imperfect Arrancar | 150 hollows |
Gillian | 300 hollows |
Gilliancar | 750 hollows |
Adjuchas/Adjuchar | 1500 hollows |
Vasto Lorde/Vastocar | 30000 hollows |
Whenever you reach a certain amount of hollows devoured, you evolve to the next stage. See down bellow the requirements of each evolution:
Gillian. You must eat at least 300 hollows to evolve to a Gillian.
Adjuchas. You must eat at least 1500 hollows to evolve to a Adjuchas.
Vasto Lorde. If you have the Blessed with Lordship background feat, you evolve to Vasto Lorde after eating 30000 hollows.
When an arrancar attunes to a Quincy cross, they become something greater, also referred to as a Quincycar.
You gain the Reishi Manipulation feature. Also, you must choose a Quincy Shicksal. For the purposes of your Quincy Shicksal, you count as a Quincy with a level equal to your own reduced by 3.
Finally, you gain a number of Seiren Techniques depending on your Arrancar Type.
Arrancar Type | Training Limit |
Gilliancar | Equal to ¼ of your Hollow level (rounded down). |
Adjuchar | Equal to your proficiency bonus. |
Vastocar | Equal to half your Hollow level (rounded down). |
The Bridge of Both Worlds[edit]
Once a Hollow becomes an Arrancar, they have crossed the bridge of Shinigamis and Hollows, achieving greater power. This variant rule allows players who became arrancars to gain more variety into their moveset.
Whenever you gain a new mutation while being an Arrancar or need to switch mutations due to not meeting the requirements of them anymore, you may instead gain a number of trainings from the Zankensoki feature that you meet the prerequisites of equal to your proficiency bonus. You may give up one of your trainings to obtain a Spiritual Expertise as normal.
You can only obtain these trainings if you have seen a Shinigami or Arrancar perform it or they have taught them to you.
The amount of trainings you can have depends on your power as an arrancar. See bellow on the Arrancar Training table:
Arrancar Type | Training Limit |
Gilliancar | Equal to ¼ of your Hollow level (rounded down). |
Adjuchar | Equal to half your Hollow level (rounded down). |
Vastocar | Equal to your Hollow level. |
When you gain the benefits of this variant rule, you now count as having the Zankensoki feature.
Canon Changes[edit]
- Assimilative Evolution
Now when you consume a corpse you gain their Reiryoku maximum added to yours or if they did not have a reiryoku maximum you instead increase yours by 5 times their level or CR (whichever is lower), you are considered an amount of levels higher equal to their level or CR (whichever is lower) for calculating your Reiatsu feature, and you gain an amount of mutations of your choice that you meet the prerequisites for equal to their proficiency bonus.
- Soul Partitioning
You have awoken one of the most unique abilities of them all, the ability to partition your very soul.
You gain a +8 bonus to your strength, dexterity, and wisdom scores, to a maximum of 30 (lord mutations can’t increase this maximum). Additionally, your reiatsu feature works on creatures who are your level or lower, and when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with Reiatsu, they instantly die and cannot be revived, as their soul leaves their body. You cannot choose to suppress this feature.
You are always depressed by your loneliness while you have these benefits.
You can choose, at any time to give up the above benefits to instead weaken yourself by splitting your soul in two, becoming an arrancar and gaining the Arrancar feat automatically.
Once you have gained the arrancar feat, your soul splits in two, and instead of any of the other Zanpakuto options your Zanpakuto is instead its own person. You also have a fake Zanpakuto, which repairs itself during a long rest and functions as a normal zanpakuto weapon, other than the fact that it disappears instead of merging with you or remaining when you enter your Resurrección state.
Create a second character sheet which is a level 5 Gillian Arrancar (it cannot level up past that). This Gillian Arrancar cannot take the Gillian Cero mutation and the damage of its Cero is halved if it has it. This Gillian Arrancar is controlled either by you or another player, as decided at your table. This Gillian Arrancar’s Zanpakuto is also a fake zanpakuto, acting the same way your fake zanpakuto, disappearing when you enter your Resurrección state. When you activate your Resurrección this Gillian Arrancar disappears, becoming some part of your Resurrección, usually a weapon which is your real Zanpakuto. You may act on the turn that this Gillian Arrancar would’ve had while in your Resurrección, though you may not take an action on this turn (this does not stop you from taking bonus actions, free actions, or moving, though you don’t regain your movement on this turn).
All Resurrección do not cost Reiryoku to activate and last until you fall unconscious or you choose to end them (no action required). The same applies to Beyond Resurrección.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the <!-class name-> class, you must meet these prerequisites:
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies:
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