Sandbender (5e Class)
The Sandbender[edit]
A redheaded human walks alone in the desert, his eyes seem to be with deep dark circles. On his back, a huge vessel of sand. While walking, the man is ambushed by a group of bandits, the human laughs hysterically at the group while the sand on the floor starts to move a lift the bandits on the air. The man laughs on last time before clutching his fist while screams can be heard from the bandits.
The leader of the revolution ran with her army towards the castle, as the big doors were being lock up. The elf stopped the army and raised her hands to skies as her famous grey iron sand started floating on the sky forming a huge battering ram with a single movement towards the door, the woman alone broke down the door.
A Noble Half-elf, wearing a golden robe, is leaving a important meeting, hears the sound of arrows coming his way, the golden robe turns into a fine golden sand and holds the arrows right as they were about to hit his face. The man looks at the attacker who tries to run through the roofs, but feels a heavy wait on his shoulders, when he looks at his armour the sand is covering his cheastpeace making him slower by the minute, while the noble walks slowly towards him, with a smirk on his face.
The ancient art of sandbending is base on years of observation, study and even the sealing of sand elementals. The Sandbender is a powerful elementalist who controls the grains of sand. They are great at defending themselves while also range, and melee attacking. After all they have to be versatile to control so many small things at once.
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[1]KHAL, The Sand Swirler fan concept, Lind Guo |
- Quick Build
You can make a Sandbender quickly by following these suggestions. Put your highest ability score in Dexterity, followed by Constitution.
Class Features
As a The Sandbender you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per The Sandbender level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per The Sandbender level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light, Medium, and Shields
Weapons: Simple weapons and Martial weapons
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Constitution
Skills: Choose three from Acrobatics, Deception, Intimidation, Perception, Insight, and Survival.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) a martial weapon and a shield or (b) two martial weapons
- (a) a Light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) two daggers
- Studded Leather armor and A Vessel of Sand
- (a) A Explorer's Pack or (b) Dungeoneer's Pack
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Sand Damage | Att. bonus/Dmg bonus(AC bonus) | Features | Known Spell lvl | Sand Points |
1st | +2 | 1d8 | +0/ +1(+0 AC) | Sand Control, Sand Points, Type of Sand | 1st | 2 |
2nd | +2 | 1d8 | +1/ +1(+0 AC) | Sand Constructs, Crushing Sand | 1st | 4 |
3rd | +2 | 1d8 | +1/ +1(+0 AC) | Deflect Missiles | 2nd | 6 |
4th | +2 | 2d8 | +2/ +2(+1 AC) | Ability Score Improvement | 2nd | 8 |
5th | +3 | 2d8 | +2/ +2(+1 AC) | Magical Sand, Extra Attack | 2nd | 10 |
6th | +3 | 2d8 | +2/ +2(+1 AC) | Type of sand feature | 3nd | 12 |
7th | +3 | 3d8 | +2/ +2(+1 AC) | Protective Sand | 3rd | 14 |
8th | +3 | 3d8 | +3/ +3(+2 AC) | Ability Score Improvement | 3rd | 16 |
9th | +4 | 3d8 | +3/ +3(+2 AC) | — | 4th | 18 |
10th | +4 | 3d8 | +3/ +3(+2 AC) | Saving Sand | 4th | 20 |
11th | +4 | 4d8 | +3/ +3(+2 AC) | — | 4th | 22 |
12th | +4 | 4d8 | +4/ +4(+3 AC) | Ability Score Improvement | 4th | 24 |
13th | +5 | 4d8 | +4/ +4(+3 AC) | — | 5th | 26 |
14th | +5 | 4d8 | +4/ +4(+3 AC) | Type of sand feature | 5th | 28 |
15th | +5 | 5d8 | +4/ +4(+3 AC) | — | 5th | 30 |
16th | +5 | 5d8 | +5/ +5(+4 AC) | Ability Score Improvement | 6th | 32 |
17th | +6 | 5d8 | +5/ +5(+4 AC) | Type of sand feature | 6th | 34 |
18th | +6 | 6d8 | +5/ +5(+4 AC) | — | 6th | 36 |
19th | +6 | 6d8 | +5/ +5(+5 AC) | Ability Score Improvement | 7th | 38 |
20th | +6 | 6d8 | +6/ +6(+5 AC) | — | 7th | 40 |
Sand Control[edit]
At 1st level, you gain control over sand. You carry an amount of your type of sand with you at all times that can be used as a ranged spell attack with a range of 30ft/120ft, you gain extra 5ft on both for each level you gain after the first. On a hit, it deals an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to the amount listed in the “Sand Damage” column, and you may attempt a grapple as a bonus action. Additionally, you may add an amount to any damage and attack rolls for features granted by this class, as well as to your AC, as listed in the Sandbender table.
Sand Points[edit]
Sand Points describe the amount of Sand you have with yourself. Having no Sand Points doesn't mean you don't have Sand, it just means the amount of Sand you have is just enough to keep you protected and to use your basic attacks.
At 1st level, you may use Sand Points (SP) to cast spells. Each spell granted by this class, as listed at the bottom of this class description, costs an amount is SP. You may spend 1 additional SP to increase the damage of a spell by 1d8 if it hits or if the target fails its saving throw.
- Your Sand save DC is equal to 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your Proficiency modifier.
- Your Sand attack modifier is equal to your Dexterity modifier + your Proficiency modifier.
Type of Sand[edit]
The art of Sandbending goes way beyond the normal type of sand normally found around the desert. At your first level on this class choose one of the three types of sand your character uses. Iron sand, Gold sand or Blood Sand.
Sand Constructs[edit]
At 2nd level you gain the ability to turn your sand into hard and simple object. You can use your action to spend sand points to make the following: You can make a wall no bigger than 10ft In height and length per Sand Point spent. The wall has 16AC and 50 Hit Points which grow with the Sand Points spent in while making the wall. If can use another action to turn the wall back to sand, you can recover the sand points used if it still at hath of its original health. Said wall can be also used as a Bridge over a hole in Which case it can hold up to double your weight.
Additionally, you can spend a extra Sand point to fix your wall, giving it max health as a bonus action.
When you reach the 5th Level you can use an action to concentrate at the wall. While concentrated the wall doesn't lose Health points, but if concentration is broken, so is the wall. You can use your action again to solidify the wall.
When you reach the 12th level it becomes 20ft per Sand point, and 70 Health points.
Crushing Sand[edit]
Starting at the second level, if a creature gets within 10 feet of one of your sand constructs, you can have the ability to grapple them as a bonus action.
Along with this whenever you have a creature in grappled in your sand, you may use a action to crush it. The grappled creature must make a Strength saving throw against your Sand save DC and take your sand damage dice on a fail or half as much on a success.
Deflect Missiles[edit]
Starting at 3rd Level, you can use your Reaction to deflect or catch the missile when you are hit by a ranged weapon Attack. When you do so, the damage you take from the Attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Sandbender level.
If you reduce the damage to 0, you can catch the missile one your sand if it is small enough for you to hold in one hand.
Magical Sand[edit]
At 5th level your sand now counts as magical for the purpose of over coming resistances.
Extra Attack[edit]
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice using your Sand, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn even if your first atack wasn't using your Sand.
Protective Sand[edit]
At the 7th level, whenever an effect, such as a red dragon's fiery breath or an Ice Storm spell. forces you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take half of the damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. As your sand surrounds your body protecting it from any harm
Saving Sand[edit]
At 10th level, as a reaction when a creature within your sand attack range takes damage, you may halve the damage they take, rounding down. You then take the amount of damage you reduced.
Level 1 Spells[edit]
Sand Replacement (2SP)[edit]
- Casting time: Reaction or bonus action
- Range: Self
- Duration: Instantaneous
When you are targeted by an effect that forces you to make a saving throw or by an attack, you may create a clone of yourself out of sand, granting you advantage on the saving throw or the attacker disadvantage to the attack roll.
Sense of the Sand (1 SP)[edit]
- Casting time: Action
- Range: 60ft
- Duration: 1 minute
You can make a eye or a ear within 60 feet of you. Its size is Tiny, and it has AC, ability scores, and hit points equal to 5. You can see/hear anything the eye or ear can. By casting this twice, you may combine the eye and ear as a bonus action.
Desert Coffin (No cost)[edit]
- Casting time: Bonus action
- Duration: Instantaneous
You engulf a creature you are grappling in crushing sand. They must succeed a Strength saving throw, becoming paralyzed until the end of your next turn and taking 2d6 bludgeoning damage. Or crushing them instantly for an extra d6 of bludgeoning damage rather than paralyzing the target.
Sand Attack (1 SP)[edit]
- Casting Time : Action
- Range: 25 ft
- Duration: Instantaneous
You conjure up a ball of sand before firing it directly at a target's face while point blank to disorient them. Making them Blinded until they use a bonus action to get the festering sand out of their eyes.
Sand Weapon (1 SP)[edit]
- Casting Time : Bonus Action
- Range: Self
- Duration: Instantaneous
You can use your action to create a sand weapon in your empty hand. You can choose the form that this melee weapon takes each time you create it. It also gains the finesse tag. Your sand weapon also disappears if it is more than 5 feet away from you for 1 minute or more. It also disappears if you use this feature again, if you dismiss the weapon (no action required), or if you die.
Upon reaching Level 3, you may upcast this with 2 SP to make your Sand Weapon slightly magical, gaining a +1 to attack rolls and damage rolls. When you reach Level 7, you may upcast this with an additional 2 SP to make this weapon become a +2 Weapon. When you reach level 9, it can be upcasted again to become a +3 Weapon
Level 2 Spells[edit]
Sand teleportation (1SP)[edit]
- Casting time: 1 bonus action
- Range: Equals movement
- Duration: Instantaneous
The Sandbender disappears in a mist of sand and instantly appears as far as their normal movement will allow them, the user can use their action similar to dashing to teleport x2 their normal movement.
Twin Sand Wave(2SP)[edit]
- Casting time: 1 action
- Range: 60ft
- Duration: Instantaneous
The Sandbender sends two waves of sand at their opponents (they can target 2 different creatures) with a width of 10ft and must succeed a range spell attack, dealing Bludgeoning Damage. If one of the waves hits a target, the Sandbender may start a grapple as a bonus action. The enemy must succeed on a dexterity saving throw or be grappled. If the user succeeds on the grapple, then the Sandbender may use Desert coffin as a bonus action on their next tunr.
Sand Armour (1SP per target)[edit]
- Casting time: 1 action
- Range: Self
- Duration: 1h
The Sandbender covers their self or allies skin with a layer of sand as a precautionary defensive measure. The covered creature gains temporary hit points equal to their AC + Wisdom modifier. You can only have one person with this layer of sand at a time.
Sand Impact (2SP)[edit]
- Casting time: 1 action
- Range: 10ft around you/Sand range
You create a strong impact around you from the ground. Every creature in a 10ft radius around you must succeed on a dexterity saving throw or be knocked 10ft away from you and take 2d8 bludgeoning damage. If the enemy flies back and hits a wall or other solid material he takes an extra d8 damage. You can cast this spell as a ranged attack but you can hit only one single target.
Level 3 Spells[edit]
Sand Spear (2SP)[edit]
- Casting time: 1 action
- Range: Sand range
The Sandbender forms a spear made of sand and throws it at his target which does 6d8 bludgeoning damage and the target must succeed a dexterity saving throw or be pushed away 15ft in the direction of the spear. If the target hits a wall or other solid materials after the pushed he will be stunned for 1d4 turns.
Defence Ball (2SP)[edit]
- Casting time: 1 action
- Range: Self
- Duration: 1 min.
The Sandbender gathers a massive amount of sand around them, which forms into a ball around them and protects them and heals them for 1d8 + Wisdom modifier per turn. They cannot use any attacks or spell while in the ball. If someone tries to attack the ball you can use an additional 1SP to jet out some spikes from the ball to do 2d8 piercing damage to the attacker with a 5ft reach. The ball can be broken by doing half or more than the users maximum hp to it.
Rain of Sand (4SP)[edit]
- Casting time: 1 action
- Range: Sand range/15ft radius
You shoot out a high amount of your sand in the air that pounds down in a 15ft radius, dealing 6d6 damage to every creature in the area and making this area difficult terrain which halves the movement of all creatures in the area. The sand in the area can be later used for the spell "Sand trap" or “Grand Sand Masoleum”.
Sand Tsunami (3SP)[edit]
- Casting time: 1 action
- Range: 120ft
You conjure up a wave of sand that crashes down on an area within range. The area can be up to 30 feet long, up to 10 feet wide, and up to 10 feet tall. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 4d8 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn’t knocked prone. The sand then spreads out across the ground in all directions. The sand in the area can be later used for the spell "Sand trap" or “Grand Sand Masoleum”.
Level 4 spells[edit]
Sand Domain (2SP)[edit]
- Casting time: Action
- Range: 20x20 ft
- Duration: 1d4 turns
The Sandbender creates a field of sand over the floor in a maximum of a 20ft by 20ft Circle. In the second turn they can use Sand Field to grapple every creature he within in the area for 1d4 turns. The trapped creature can make a Dexterity saving throw against the Sandbender's spell save dc on their turn to get away but they lose their turn after that. Sand trap can be used like a 1 turn spell after some spells like "Rain of Sand" or "Sand Tsunami".
Maximum Defence : Sandstone Fortress (4SP)[edit]
- Casting time: Reaction
- Range: Self
- Duration: Until the start of the users next turn
As a reaction you can use Maximum Defence : Sandstone Fortress to block any attack you want negating any damage and negative effects of the attack. This only lasts until the start of your next turn.
Sand Masoleum Seal (4SP)[edit]
- Casting Time: Action
- Range: 25x25 Ft
- Duration: 1d6
After casting Sand Domain, The Sandbender may expand the range of the field even further by an additional 5x5 feet to make it a 25x25 feet wide radius circle, even creating a decently large pyramid atop it. With this spell the user can add both this spell's time and the sand Domain's time together. However, those near the center of the Sand Field, (The Full size of the Domain / 2 ), can become restrained rather than grappled, allowing the user to still use Sand Coffin or other spells/features. Along side this, the user can use any of their features while within the Sand Domain despite the range. Alongside this, the user can use their domain to slowly sink their targets into the sand whilst squeezing the air out of them, which the targets would have to make a strength saving throw against the Sandbender's Save DC. If they fail, they are essentially incapacitated and submerged within the thick sand, which they must roll a constitution save. Upon failure taking 5d8 and must roll a strength save on their turn, which if they fail they must repeat. Upon the spell ending, the pyramid falls but makes all of those underneath resurface atop it.
Dry Up (4 SP)[edit]
- Casting Time: Action
- Range: Touch
- Duration: Instantaneous
You grasp onto a target and dry out all of the water within their body, making them dried out and weak. Make a melee attack roll against a creature you can reach. On a hit, the target takes 5d10 necrotic damage. The Target drying up significantly, as they must roll a constitution save against the Sandbender's Save DC or else gain two charges of exhaustion and becoming stunned until someone casts lesser restoration on the target, gives the target water, or if the target takes a short or long rest.
Level 5 spells[edit]
Grand Sand Masoleum Seal (5SP)[edit]
- Casting time: 2 turn action
- Range: Sand range
- Duration: 1d6 turns
This spell is similar to sand trap but too much greater affect.The Sandbender expands in the first turn sand over the floor in a maximum of a 40ft by 40ft square. In the second turn they can use Grand Sand Masoleum to seal every creature in the area for 1d6 turns underneath a pyramid causing the creatures to be paralysed .The trapped creature can make a strength saving throw against the Sandbender's spell save dc on their first turn to get away but they lose their turn after that. If the user decides to end the spell early then the creatures underneath take 8d6 bludgeoning damage as the pyramid falls atop of them. Grand Sand Masoleum can be used like a 1 turn spell after some spells like "Rain of Sand" or "Sand Tsunami".
Sand Tornado (5SP)[edit]
- Casting time: 1 action
- Range: 300ft (10ft radius)
A tornado comprised of sand howls down to a point that you can see on the ground within range. The tornado is a 10-foot-radius, 30-foot-high cylinder centered on that point. Until the spell ends, you can use your action to move the tornado up to 30 feet in any direction along the ground. The tornado sucks up any Medium or smaller objects that aren’t secured to anything and that aren’t worn or carried by anyone.
A creature must make a Dexterity saving throw the first time on a turn that it enters the tornado or that the tornado enters its space, including when the tornado first appears. A creature takes 10d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. In addition, a Large or smaller creature that fails the save must succeed on a Strength saving throw or become restrained in the whirlwind until the spell ends. When a creature starts its turn restrained by the tornado, the creature is pulled 5 feet higher inside it, unless the creature is at the top. A restrained creature moves with the tornado and falls when the spell ends, unless the creature has some means to stay aloft.
A restrained creature can use an action to make a Strength or Dexterity check against your spell save DC. If successful, the creature is no longer restrained by the tornado and is hurled 3d6 × 10 feet away from it in a random direction.
Types of sand[edit]
Depending on what type of sand you are born with will grant you different abilities.
Iron Sand[edit]
Exoskeleton of the Sand[edit]
Starting at 1st level, on your or another creature's turn, and for an amount of sand points up to your Dexterity modifier (no action required), you can surround yourself with sand for one minute. You gain temporary hit points equal to the amount of sand points spent times 10 for the duration. You can only benefit from this feature again after 1 minute or having your temporary hit points reduced to 0. If you cannot take actions due to a condition or effect you cannot use this enhancement.
The temporary hit point value becomes 15 instead of 10 at 11th level.
Reinforced Exoskeleton[edit]
Starting at level 3, your armor now also grants you damage reduction equal to your Dexterity modifier (meaning damage you take is reduced by your Dexterity modifier). If the user casts Sand Armor while Exoskeleton is up, they may gain an additional +2 to their AC.
Empty Shell[edit]
Starting at Level 6, you may create a clone of yourself made of sand by expending 4 Sand points. This clone has an AC equal to your base AC, and 10 HP. However has the ability to expend Sand Points equal to how many you would have at half your level, along with having the same features around that level. [Meaning if you're level 6, your clone would essentially be around Level 3]. Due to the clone's hollow inside, the user may as well store items inside of them. However will drop them upon being destroyed.
You may have up to 2 Clones at a time.
Living Sand[edit]
Starting at Level 10, your sand constructs gain the ability to move equal to half your movement. You may as well freely move through the Constructs as if they weren't in the way as well as the other way around. Additionally, If your standing on one side of the construct while an enemy is on the other side, you may use a special attack that allows you attack through the sand construct to surprise your target which will give you advantage on your attack. However upon using the special attack, you cannot do this type attack again on the target with advantage unless they are below 3 Intelligence.
Full Golem[edit]
Starting at Level 17, Your sand gains the ability to essentially solidify itself to be akin to iron itself. Allowing your AC to become 20 + your Dexterity Modifier when you activate "Exoskeleton of the Sand," Gaining an additional 10 Temp Hp upon activation. Your Clones from "Empty Shell" may also benefit from this, along with their HP boosting up to 30 HP.
Blood Sand[edit]
Sand Recovery[edit]
Starting at 1st level, you can regain some of your magical energy by decaying other creatures in to sand so you may have more at your disposal. If there is a dead creature you can take a minute to let your sand crush the creature in to small grains similar to sand. The amount of sand points you regain is equal to half of your Sandbender level rounded up. Additionally to this, you may gain a Blood Counter which can be used later. You can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Vibration Vision (1BC)[edit]
At first level, being much closer to the essence of the sand, you may tap your senses into the ground around you, granting you 60ft Tremorsense for an hour.
Sand the Wound down[edit]
Starting at 3rd Level, As bonus action, you can spend Bloodpoints to instantly heal by covering the wound with your strange bloodied sand. You gain 10 hit points, and recover 5 Hit points (up to Max HP if lost), per sand point spent. Any lost limbs are regenerated as well, however, any lost limbs shall only regenerate as bloody tinted sandy versions of what it previously was, and any damage to this limb shall cause it to be destroyed again. Also your action can be used for this feature when incapacitated, even though actions normally cannot be taken in that state.
Sandy Tentacles[edit]
Starting at Level 6, you gain bloody sharp tentacles made of sand that can have their form changed at will. You can use them for several uses, each costing an reaction, action or an attack action for attacks. You are considered proficient in all attacks made with this feature.
- Used as a finesse melee attack, dealing 1d8 slashing damage, increasing to 2d8 at 11th level, and 3d8 at 17th level.
- Used as a ranged attack with a range of 60 ft, dealing 1d6 piercing damage to 1 target, at level 11 this increases to 2 targets, level 17 to 3 targets. (you can target the same creature multiple times), making a separate attack roll for each.
- Used to interact with objects or complex machinery, or wield weapons normally too big to hold or would require several individuals or systems to operate. This starts with only being able to use things that can fit within a 20 ft cube. At level 10 this increases to a 60ft cube, at level 13 a 120 ft wide cube, at level 15 a 250 ft wide cube, at level 18 a 500 ft wide cube, and at level 20 a 2000 ft wide cube.
- Used to gain a "fly" speed of 60 ft for 1 minute. You can only use this fly speed when you are within 120 ft of a fixed object or the ground, as you are using the blood tentacles to grapple.
When you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to gain +3 AC until your next turn. Increases to +5 at level 11.
Cheating Death[edit]
Starting at level 10, when you would take damage that reduces you to below 0 hp, or any damage or effect that would cause you to die, you can instead make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to your Sand Save DC, if you succeed and have 5 Blood Charges, you may use the blood stored to take your place while you morph into the sand below. You restore half the sand points you would have normally gained from absorbing a creature. You choose if you reform on the spot, or to reform within 10 feet of where you were located when this feature triggered, in this case leaving behind a brief afterimage in your previous place of the blood used for this feature. In addition, you can choose to use the Sand the Wound Down feature as a free action when Cheating Death is triggered. This feature does not use any action or reaction to use and is instead automatic if chosen to activate. Each time you make the Constitution saving throw for this feature after the first, the DC increases by 5. When you finish a long rest, the DC resets back to the original.
Blood Pact of the Dead.[edit]
Starting at level 17, you can use the blood inside you to do your biding. As an action, you can reform the body from one of the people who you absorbed, appearing in the spot next to you. The body shall be identical as that of the original creature with the undead Tag added, but with only 25% of the hp (rounded down) and vulnerability to radiant damage, and is controlled completely by the user. If the creature is killed, its blood returns inside you allowing you to use the Sand Recovery feature once more. This effect lasts for 1 hour, after which if they were not killed the body disintegrates and the blood returns inside you. This feature can be used once. At level 20, you can use this feature 3 times, you can reform up to 10 bodies of those you had absorbed once per long rest (this still counts of one of the 3 uses), creature's health will be equal to 50% (rounded down) of its original health. You regain all uses after you finish a long rest.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Sandbender class, you must meet these prerequisites: Wisdom of 14 and Dexterity of 14
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