Mountain Minotaur (5e Race Variant)
Mystic Odysseys of Theros Minotaur Variant[edit]
- Introduction
on the top of a mountain you see a minotaur a little smaller than a common one you advance towards him already knowing the weaknesses of a minotaur, but in an instant he draws his spear and in seconds he dominates the fight, with agility and strength, and then it charges at you with all its might, hurling you with the force of its horns and cutting you in mid-air.
- Physical Description
Mountain minotaurs are a variation of minotaurs that instead of being oxen are goats, normally living in high-altitude mountains, they have relatively smaller horns than normal minotaurs, being smaller but more agile.
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- History
Minotaurs are rare creatures that have resided in and protected mazes for eons. mountain minotaurs are minotaurs exiled to the mountains where they adapted to the climate of the environment and shaped themselves to live in the mountains.
- Society
Mountain Minotaurs are pack creatures that live in small mountain villages. they are normally calmer and less aggressive than common minotaurs. they prove to be more rational and calm than common minotaurs, and above all faster. The Minotaurs of the mountains are governed by the member who is wisest and knows how to lead, they use many more melee weapons, especially weapons that match their agility.
- Names
mountains minotaurs can have any name.
- Traits
All the traditional racial traits are changed or removed in some manner less the Ability Score Increase, Age, Size, and Languages.
Alignment. Mountain minotaurs are calmer and more rational than regular minotaurs and their alignments are typically neutral or good.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Goat Nature. You can move through difficult terrain without receiving penalties.
Charge. You can use dash as a bonus action, with a cooldown of 1 turn, and push someone in your path by making a DC check equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier, you can push it up to 20 feet away from you.
Horns. Your horns are a melee weapon that deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage instead of piercing damage, and you are proficient with your horns. Your horns grant you advantage on all checks made to shove a creature.
Traditional Weapons. Pole weapons are traditional among mountain minotaurs, being almost extensions of their bodies, using them since they were small, which is why pole weapons wielded by them have an extra range of 5ft.
Siege Monster. Born with a knack for destruction and hard skin, you have advantage when attacking buildings and deal double damage to structures.
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