The Stone Basin's Vestige (5e Equipment)

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Staff, legendary (major)

There once was a grey ooze so vast that it was called the stone lake. After a group of adventurers lead it into a gigantic cave, it eventually became a dormant underground lake of living ooze. As the chaos that powers the grey ooze started to fade, it began to revert back to being ordinary stone. In an act of self preservation that hinted at a possible higher intellect, it pulled as much of the energy within it to one central point, creating an item of intense magical potential. Decades later, an archeologist uncovered the item, protruding from an unusually shaped rock. To his surprise, the staff had many interesting properties.

Ooze Creation. Once per long rest, you may force the base of the staff into a nonmagical stone object of large size or smaller, transforming it into a grey ooze of equal size to the object. This ooze will not attack the wielder or its allies, just so long as the staff is in their possession. By dipping the base of the staff into a grey ooze, made by you or otherwise, it will transform into a blob of inanimate stone.

Corrosion. If a nonmagical metal object touches the staff, it is dealt a permanent -1 damage penalty, or a -1 penalty to its AC if its armor. If it is dealt a -5 penalty the object is destroyed. Metallic objects that are not weapons or armor lose 1 foot cube of its mass centered around the point of impact, getting destroyed if more than 90% of its mass is corroded.

Great Revival. By shrieking a command word like "release" or "revive" in primordial and jabbing the tip of your staff into the ground, subterranean muck is pulled from the base of the earth and collects in a portal directly to the swamp of oblivion. This greatly damages the staff, blocking the features the staff once had. The only way to bring it back to what it was is to dip it in the swamp of oblivion's waters. If you do not within 1d6 days, the staff will become a grey ooze, of tiny size, which every day will grow one size up, small, medium, large, huge, and finally gargantuan.

(one vote)

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