User Base Classes Combat-Focused

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Members of this group is particularly good at fighting with weapons, whether natural or manufactured.

Homebrew Combat-Focused Base Classes
Name Type1 Description2
Abhorsen Good Guy, Moderate Spellcaster, Undead Stalker, Combat Focussed (Undead) A class based on Garth Nix's books Sabriel, Lirael and Abhorsen. An Abhorsen is a strong mage who hunts undead and sends them back into death, a necromancers that does the opposite of what other necromancers do.
Abyssal One Melee Abyssal One's are warriors wielding both Melee and Magic when using their Linked Weapon which helps focus their Demonic Curse.
Academic Soldier Combat-Focused A soldier who has learned through long hours of study at a university.
Acolyte of the Glorious Evolution <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Adintory's Archer (Chekov remake) <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Aerial Fighter Fighter, Aerial/Aquatic Environments, Melee, Tank A master of fighting, these warriors further their training to incorporate their natural (or in some cases unnatural) abilities of flight into their fighting styles and maneuvers, being able to out maneuver most, but still retain large amounts of durability.
Alchemical Gunslinger Combat-Focused A variant of the Hexagunner, a gunman with extraordinary marksmanship skills.
Amalgam Fighter Melee Glass Cannon, Rogue-like A fighter with a unique style of fighting, using his flowing moves to add momentum to his swings and attacks, to expend the momentum with combination based attacks.
Amazing Swashbuckler <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Andellion Warrior Lawful Guy, Combat-Focused They are a brutal class of athletes and swordsmen. These extraordinary abilities that sprout from their faith in Eden make them formidable opponents in combat.
Animal Dusk Blade <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Anime Girl Humorous class, for silly campaigns and for driving the DM nuts. The epitome of anime clichés and the product of generations of anime subculture.
Anime Girl, Variant Humorous class, for silly campaigns and for driving the DM nuts. The epitome of anime clichés and the product of generations of anime subculture.
Animist Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting, Summoner, Combat-Focused The Animist is a mage who specializes in maximizing their ability to summon creatures from other planes, crafting their own creations, and binding spirits and otherworldly beings they encounter.
Animist Variant Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting, Summoner, Combat-Focused The Animist is a mage who specializes in maximizing their ability to summon creatures from other planes, crafting their own creations, and binding spirits and otherworldly beings they encounter.
Animorph An animorph has the ability to physically reshape her body without the use of magic.
Antimage Combat Focused The antimage is a class designed to hard-counter spellcasters and psions. It is based on DOTA's Antimage. (Public Domain)
Arcane Blade Combat Focused, Skilled, Moderate Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting Arcane Combat Hybrid that enhances its combat effectiveness through magical means, while also retaining a small set of utility spells.
Arcane Brute <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Arcane Deck Channeler Support to Combat Oriented Allows casting from three spells lists at the price of little control over when specific spells are cast.
Arcane Enforcer Uses weapons and a few spells to subdue enemies. The police force for a city of magic users.
Arcane Gunslinger Combat Focused, Craftsman The Arcane Gunslinger is the paragon of magic's destructive potential, wielding a personally crafted Gunstave to direct arcane power into blasts, beams, and barrages of deadly power. Many Arcane Gunslingers take up the Gunstave in answer to the threat of war, or as mercenaries, or even thieves, lending them a wide range of personalities and vast potential. Their immense power comes with the unfortunate effect of being somewhat fragile at lower levels; Arcane Gunslingers are a source of mighty damage and invaluable support, and with care can become impressive main-combatants.
Arcane Scholar <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Archer Combat-Focused The archer excels in combat at a distance, combining skill, speed, and accuracy to deadly effect. A standard and distinct fantasy archetype, the archer has little use for the typical trappings of other warriors. She values agility and skill over brute force and prowess with bow over familiarity with a variety of weapons.
Archer, Adventuring <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Archmage <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Artificer Support-Focused, Skilled The artificer is a master craftsman who combines the devotion of a blacksmith with the abilities of the arcane.
Aspect Master Good Guy. Heavy Melee Focus. Were-creatures used. A devout protector of the forest, these disciples practice two forms of combat: The way of the Feral Master, taking on the hybrid forms of themselves and animals to savagely defend on an offensive style, and The Calm Guardian, taking the power and focus of Ki to defend and perform utility based combat.
Asura Bad Guy, Ki-Powered A dark, brutal martial artist fueled by rage.
Auger Mage <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Aura Archer <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Avatar of Aendar Combat Focused, Divine Spellcasting A paladin type devoted to killing enemies for good or to preserve balance.
Avenger <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Axe Combat Focused, Tank The Axe is a tank class that excels at fighting multiple foes at once. It is based on DOTA's Axe. (Public Domain)
Aztec Warrior Combat-Focused From the southern jungles come the Aztecs, a mighty warrior tribe of indescribable savagery
Backstabbing Expert Combat-Focused, Skilled The optimized class for a character that likes sneak attack damage.
Barbarian, Tirr Combat-Focused Designed to let the Barbarian run into the middle of a horde of enemies--and come out alive. Bonus damage dice and powerful abilities when raging.
Barbarian, Tome Combat-Focused Designed to let the Barbarian run into the middle of a horde of enemies--and come out alive. Bonus damage dice and powerful abilities when raging.
Barebones Fighter <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Battle Chemist A science-focused class that somewhat replaces other combat casting.
Battle Dancer An elegant warrior who pairs martial arts with graceful maneuvers in battle.
Battle Scholar Combat-Focused, Skilled A martial class that prepares and learns maneuvers like a wizard.
Battle Shinigami Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Hunters of ghosts and demons, they protect the living from things which lurk just beyond the edge of the world. These shinigami are focused on melee combat.
Battle Wizard Combat & Moderate Spellcasting A Battle Wizard hacks the opposition to pieces, then blasts the remains to ashes, making him good for people who like magic and might.
Battlemage Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting One who wields the awesome destructive power of battle magic.
Beast Mage <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Beast Monk Combat focused A monster class that optimizes a creatures natural fighting ability.
Beast Shaman Neutral, Divine, Martial Adept, Combat-Focused Beast Shamans are martial adepts who utilize their extraordinary connection to animals and natural ability to beckon the animal soul within as weapons - fighting tooth and nail whilst unleashing latent power within. Primal and fierce, Beast Shamans are deeply spiritual but not with nature itself, and owe their incredible feats of martial superiority to pure feral instinct and animal cunning. Not limited to physical combat, Beast Shamans can engage their enemies with potent supernatural attacks which behave similarly to spells.
Beastfighter Combat-Focused Beastfighters are savage warriors that fight barehanded.
Beastial Samurai Neutral glass-cannons. A member of a Samurai Order who have chosen Nature as their master, rather then a shogun.
Bender of the Sanguine Combat Focused, Moderate Caster Constant motion, a single entity made of millions of smaller ones, fluid grace that could only be described as an art-form perfected by nature itself; these things and more describe a Heart, a Body, and a Bender of the Sanguine. Those unobservant, those who do not keep moving, and those which underestimate Blood Bender's will simply be Eviserated by them.
Bender, 2nd Variant Neutral class, Open to both Bad and good guys. Skillful and Often ranged combat oriented. Mixed fighter. Always with a natural basis towards life and the world. Take on any work that fits their need or desires.
Biotic Vanguard Combat-Focused A unique Dark Matter specialist who mixes ranged attacks with high mobility. Born with the deadly curse of being able to harness the power of Dark Matter, the Biotic Vanguard uses this trait with devastating effects. Using powerful bursts of swirling energy, they blast and throw opponents across the battlefield. Whether as symbols of hope or destruction, the Biotic Vanguards themselves are deadly and lethal humanoid weapons.
Biotic Vanguard (Slayer) Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat Focused, Long Range, Close Range Based off the other Vanguard class just remade with the new N7 slayer in mind. Meant to be similar to the ranger in the decision to focus on ranged and melee combat but given a few more more abilities to make them more agile.
Biotic Vanguard, Variant Combat-Focused Spontaneous Spellcasting The Biotic Vanguard is a class that excels at close range combat, getting in and out of combat as fast as possible while dealing large amounts of damage.
Black Crystal Lord Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused An intimidating generally lawful warrior of heavy armor and twin weapons. They seek to crush all opposition through force and destruction. They are exceptionally hard to kill. Loosely based on an elite group of Imperial Judges from Arcadia.
Black Crystal Lord, Variant Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused An intimidating lawful warrior of heavy armor and twin weapons. They seek to crush all opposition. They are exceptionally hard to kill. Based on an elite group of Imperial Judges from Arcadia.
Black Flame Evocator <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Black Knight <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Black Mist Priest Combat Focused, Tank, Divine Spellcaster, Healer This is an adaptation of Dota1's Abaddon (now in the public domain) and thus, violates no copyright laws. Still, I do not claim ownership of the character description and quotes.
Blackstone Knight Combat-Focused A more defensive variant of the Hellfire Knight, the blackstone knight uses fiendish energy to morph his own body into a powerful combination of rock, metal, and flesh.
Blade of Fate Good Guy, Bad Guy, Assassin/Rogue, Melee, Mid-ranged An assassin made of two parts, the first himself, the second a new consciousness that inhabits his mind that listens to the voice of a god that determines when it is time for someone to die, or when to punish someone.
Blade Saint <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Blademaster, Variant Melee combat The fighter in the SRD is atrocious. There are two classes that it is better than, the expert, and the monk. This is a modified version that makes it better.
Blind Warrior Combat Focused, Skill Focused Being blind, most would assume you would be at a disadvantage. However, this fighter has turned his weakness, into his strength, allowing him to focus on developing his other senses to more then compensate, to the point where they at times may be better then even those with eyes.
Blitz Knight Combat Focused <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Blitz Twist Player Chaotic Guy, Combat-Focused Famous and local athletes with uncanny battle techniques. They are professional swimmers, village guardians, and optimistic sportsmen. Loosely based on Blitz-ball players from the world of Spira.
Blood Reaver Prime Good Guy, Bad Guy, Melee Blood Mage, Dark The first degree of Blood Reavers. These are the original fighters who contacted demons or learned from others that knew these arts first hand, spreading fear and pain across the battle field and devouring the life essence that fuels living beings.
Bloodletter <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Blue Traveler Combat-Focused, Spontaneous Spellcaster Powerful Tank/Mage that learns abilities by getting hit with them
Blue Traveler, Variant Combat-Focused, Spontaneous Spellcaster Powerful Tank/Mage that learns abilities by getting hit with them
Bluefire Invoker Combat Focused, Basic Healing Simple class that channels planar energy in a few basic ways for combat and simple healing.
Boffin Lycanthrope Combat-Focused, Skilled You think you know lycanthropes? Then you have not faced a true lycanthrope warrior!
Boneshifter Combat-Focused, Shapechanger Evolution gone wrong as a skeleton uses common ancestry to change form more easily than other shapeshifters.
Bounty Hunter Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused Bounty Hunters go where others will not and do what others refuse to, so that they can track their quarry across the far reaches of the galaxy. They are cunning, skilled combatants with an arsenal of tools and weaponry that give them an edge over their opponents.
Bow of the Storm An archer who as received special power from an unidentified source and is now able to use electricity and evoke more bows
Bow Saint Good Guy,Bad Guy,Combat-Focused a rethought version of the blade saint
Bowman <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Brawler Combat Focused The Brawler started from outcast monks wishing to show their skills without showing as much honor and repect, they hone their skills in backstreet fighting rings in all towns and cities there are even rumors that there are leagues in major cities.
Brawler, 2nd Variant Combat-Focused, Unarmed This class is played best in a campaign world where the monk class does not exist. This is almost exactly like the monk, although most abilities have their names changed for flavor and the Brawling Monk (or Brawler) has some changed or new abilities based on a more physical and less spiritual class design. This class is designed for campaigns with a European style that don't want to introduce Asian concepts.
Brawler, Variant Combat-Focused Brawlers, the toughest opponents one could face. They can take the brunt of any attack and come out swinging. They can do masses of damage without care of their own well-being. They attack with ferocity with every weapon they have, fists, feet, head, knees, elbow. Whatever they have at their disposal they will use it. Just hope you never make one angry, you would not want to be on the recieving end of his fists.
Brimstone Warlock <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Brood Warrior, BoF Divine-Caster, Shape-Shifter The Brood Warrior is a member of the Brood race that has unlocked the inherent ability within each member of the Brood Race to shift their form into that of a powerful dragon.
Brotherhood Assassin <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Bruiser Combat-Focused Bruisers are physical combatants, typically unarmed and unarmored. Unlike monks, they don't deal in finesse, they are instead experts in brutal combat, reveling in the challenge of the fight. They are skilled in dealing damage as well as taking it, enjoying the taste of their own blood almost as much as seeing it flow from their opponent's veins. Some fight for themselves, others fight for a cause, either to protect others or to hammer home their own ideals into the hearts of men.
BSAA Agent Combat-Focused Survivor of countless skirmishes with the undead and other abominations, the BSAA agent is the first line of defense against creatures of the night.
Bucketner Combat-Focused A fighter with a mastery of the art of bucket fighting.
Bullrusher Combat-Focused A killing machine.
Bushi, Variant Samurai Combat Focused A Bushi is what the Complete Warrior Samurai should have been.
Capoeirista Combat-Focused A moderate variation of the monk class that focuses even more on unarmed and unarmored combat, as well as placing a high emphasis on acrobatics.
Celestial Barbarian Combat Focused Ragers using the bodies seen in the sky every day and night as fuel for their anger.
Cerulean Imitator Tanking, Combat-Focused, Copy Ability. Loosely based on the Blue Mage Final Fantasy Class.
Champion Of Order Good Guy,Bad Guy,Combat-Focused,Divine Spellcasting A very large, very strong super paladin essentially.
Champion of the Ferine Neutral, Divine, Moderate Spellcaster, Combat-Focused The Champion of the Ferine is a bestial warfighter who draws upon the raw Divine energy of animal ferocity by sheer willpower alone, transforming into a menacing force to be reckoned with over much spiritual maturation. Striking rapidly and relentlessly with a greatsword whilst shrugging off attacks in heavy armor, the Champion of the Ferine augments their martial prowess with animal ferocity via Empowerment effects, and can take on an Alternate Form to further their combat prowess.
Chaos Wielder Strong Divine Spellcasting, Potentially Combat-Focused or Skilled Chaos Wielders are individuals who are naturally attuned to the chaotic forces of the universe and gain the power to manipulate it. They are the natural opposite to Order Masters who take their power from the lawful forces of the universe.
Chekov's Archer Ranged Combat The archer can shoot an apple at 100 yards and hit every time, he can shoot an arrow through his own arrow after hitting the bull's eye at 50 yards, and he can shoot a pixie in the eye at 10. No one is better when it comes to the mastery of bows.
Chronoblade Melee Chronoblades are warriors of great resolve who have learned to manipulate the time around them toward their own benefit.
Chronomancer Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Arcane Spellcasting. The Chronomancer is a fighter who bends time itself to his will. They are an anomaly within time, exsisting at various points, and able to pull their extreme skills into combat to turn the tides of war.
Cloaked Assassin <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Clocksmith Combat-Focused The relentless ticking and tocking of cogs and gears is not only inspiring, but maddening. Either way, a Clocksmith fine tunes various creations to fight for them, making them stronger, faster, better.
Coach Combat Support. Battlefield commanders.
Combat Engineer Inventer Combat Engineers are focused on making combat and transportation easier. Engineers use tech to either make turrets or guns, while outside of combat they are mainly focused on transportation to revolutionize the world.
Combat Rogue Combat-Focused Fast paced warriors at home on the battlefield, the combat rogue takes the best of the fighter and the rogue and combines them into a quick and ruthless machines of death.
Commander Combat-Focused, Skilled A cross of bard and fighter but neither, Commanders inspire their troops to acts of bravery, and fight on the front lines to lead by example.
Concordant Knight <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> The gods favor balance in the world.
Conniver Combat Focused, Assassin A Conniver has the ability to eliminate a high priority target quickly and efficiently.
Crusader - Reworked Tank, DPS, Paladin Replacement, Knight, Combat-Focused This is a reworked version of Crusader that is almost exactly the same as what is found in the Tome of Battle source book. This class will solve a couple of the classes issues that were overlooked by the original writers. 99% has to do with stances and when you get additional ones. As written the RAW Crusader cannot get an 8th level stance if you dip OR if you go full Crusader. This will solve that issue as well as some other timing issues with the second stance.
Cryomancer <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Crystal Guardian Good Guy, Unique Adaptability A guardian and master of crystals, focusing on their latent powers and drawing them out for their own use. They take years to master their arts and embed them in either their armor or as unique trinkets that are bound to them in such a way they are near impossible to remove.
Dancer Skill-focused, Combat Assistance The Dancer is much the bard of motion, instead of singing and playing upon their instrument, they use a finely toned and developed body to sway and entice with the powers of the humanoid body. While Dancers share similar abilities to a Bard, they are more skill and assistance-focused, placing less emphasis on spells and abilities.
Daring Swashbuckler Combat-Focused, Martial, Skilled A Tome of Battle flavored Swashbuckler
Dashing Swordsman Combat-Focused, Skilled The dashing swordsman is a stereotypical hero-type from pulp-fantasy. He fights with a single blade (such as a rapier), is extremely charismatic and idealistic and makes a good face-of-the-party with a wide variety of social skills.
Dedicated Elemental Fighter Combat-Focused, Support Elemental warriors are fighters that have a connection to one of the elemental planes. They augment there marital skills with healing and support abilities.
Dedicated Mage Spell caster, party buffer, debuffer, blaster, wizard/sorcerer alternative. The dedicated mage is an individual who is born with some innate magical ability, like a sorcerer, but refuses to wait for their innate magic to come to them and get more powerful! The dedicated mage has innate magic like a sorcerer, but studies magic like a wizard to be a mixture of the two classes with both prepared spells and known spells.
Demolitionist Moderate Spellcasting An alchemist who uses the power of transmutation to debilitate and damage his opponents.
Demon Knight Melee, (Physical) Support, Tactical, Tank By sacrificing a part of their being, these fighters take the darkness of demons within themselves, using the power gained for their own purposes, be it selfish, or altruistic.
Demon Knight, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Demon Weapon Combat-Focused Dude don't screw with that guy, he'll kill you! Stupid, he doesn't have a weapon, he Is a weapon!
Desert Nomad Combat-Focused An agile warrior from the desert, adept at using magical sand to his aid.
Destructive Charger Combat-Focused To some combat is about honor, to others it is about the thrill of spilling blood. To those belonging to the Destructive Charger class, combat is a stroll through the park...nothing is left standing.
Devout Vessel Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Bad Guy Devout Vessels are extensions of a chosen entity's power, sharing in their pain and glory. Through their innate Vessel Magic, they gain unique abilities but suffer when their leader takes damage. Devout Vessels can eventually become Devout Leaders with enough followers.
Dilettante Skilled, Combat-Focused A member of the social elite, the Dilettante brings considerable resources and connections with him wherever he goes.
Dino-Dino Fruit, Triceratops Model Combat-Focused Those who eat the Devil Fruit will be cursed by the Sea, but gain unimaginable power.
Disaster Druid Combat-Focused, Divine Spellcasting The Disaster Druid is a Druid-style class designed around the chaotic, destructive forces of nature. It is based on DOTA's Leshrac.
Divine Archer <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Divine Launcher Good/Evil. Disciplined. Mid/Long Ranged. Minor Divine Caster. Favored Souls and Sorcerers are not the only ones infused with power... The Divine Launcher too has been endowed with significant amounts of divinity and grace, to which extent they master in combination with ranged weaponry, primarily thrown weapons. With their divine grace, they can channel their energy into their weapon before releasing it at their targets for a variety of effects.
Dominator Stealth-Focused, Capture-Focused Basically, it's a class focused on capturing the enemy alive rather than just killing the guy outright. Also good information-gatherer and interrogator.
Draconic Ascendant Good Guy, Bad Guy, Good Survival Hailing from a similar mindset to Dragon Disciples, these ascendants take it one step further by enduring countless hours more of devotion to being a dragon and forming close bonds with their draconic selves, eventually being able to become dragons themselves.
Dragon Bow <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Dragon Priest Combat-Focused-Breath/melee Those with dragon blood awaken to their draconian senses.
Dragon Shaman Martial, Support, Tank (Homebrew) Dragon shamans take on the forms and powers of dragons. They use auras to give their allies a boost in and out of combat, as well as use high health and good fighting skills to take the battle to their enemies.
Dragon Slayer Martial, Support, Tank, Great situational fighter Trained by Dragons, to slay other Dragons.
Dragonblooded Combat-Focused Those with dragon blood awaken to their draconic natures.
Dragonslayer Monk <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Dragonslayer, 2nd Variant Combat Focused, Strong Spellcasting Powerful magic warriors who have learned their art under the tutelage of Dragons.
Dragoon Combat-Focused A man who kills with a charge, mounted or unmounted. (Not final fantasy based).
Dragoon, 3rd Variant Combat-Focused, Spear-oriented. A dragoon whose strength lies in its Jump feature. Slightly based on Kain from Final Fantasy IV, both on his features and his equipment capabilities.
Drakeheart Combat-Focused, Support Class, Dragon Themed Drakehearts study and emulate true dragons. They take on the inspiring and fearsome presence and mien of dragons to give themselves and their allies a boost both in and out of combat, and use a versatile breath weapon to control the battlefield.
Drayon <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Druidic Warrior Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Hailing from deep in the wilderness, druidic warriors are the standard fighters of the native tribes. They train from a young age to be deadly efficient with an assortment of primitive weapons, as well as how to use the wilderness to their advantage. They will fiercely protect their fellow tribesmen and women. They have a great love for the wilderness and the beings who reside there. However, occasionally, one may leave their tribe, either of their own prerogative or through exile, and join the "civilized" world. These outcasts sometimes become adventurers, seeking to strengthen themselves and their relationship with nature, as well as to help those in need.
Drunken Fist Combat-Focused Base class variant of the Drunken Master.
Duelist Combat-Focused Anyone can kill with the tip of the sword, there’s no art to it. To use the edge of the blade, however, is much more artistic, and powerful.
Duskblade, 4th Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Duskblade, Variant Combat Focused, Minor Spellcasting This class is a variant of the "Duskblade" class, made with abilities from both the "Duskblade" and the "Mystic Blade (Spencer Edition)" classes.
Earthquake Combat Focus Heavy unit that can reshape the battlefield.
Eberith Bad Guy, Combat-Focused, Divine Spell-Caster, Rogue, Leader Evil priests that can fulfill any role in a party.
Economist Combat-Focused/Skilled An economist is an expert in the social science of economics.
Einherjar Combat-Focused A devout warrior of the Northlands, who aspires to die bravely in battle.
Eisenmeister <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Electromancer <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Electromaster <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Electromaster, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Elemental Bender, 2nd Variant <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> Elemental benders are individuals who have been born in sync with the natural world.
Elemental Bender, True Combat with supplemental powers A Bender is a combatant who supplements his combat with element based attacks.
Elemental Caster Decent caster who also help shape the battlefield A decent caster who helps shape the battlefield to the advantage of him and his group.
Elemental monk Combat-Focused Elemental monks specialize in a very tightly focused form of magical manipulation, which targets one of the classical elements: fire, earth, air and water. They can use these elements by shaping them with some combination of their mind, hands or words.
Elemental Slayer Combat-Focused, Skilled <-Paragraph description of the class->
Elemental Warrior "Combat-Focused" "Morally Focused" <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Elementalist Warlord <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Empusar Skilled, Combat-Focused Part mortal, part succubus, all evil bitch.
Enochian Occultist <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Entropy Champion Bad Guy, Combat-Focused Nothing lasts forever. The entropy champion is just as the name implies... a justicar of this natural order, a martial champion of the decay that must inevitably follow life.
Epurator Good Guy,Bad Guy The epurator is a melee class that relies on his powerful charms and his faithful staff to destroy his enemies and spread the word of his divinity
Ethereal Assassin <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Faithful Sword <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Fencer Combat-Focused <-Paragraph description of the class->
Feral Druid <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Combat-Focused")-> Nature has always created fighters. It constantly creates classes stronger, faster, and smarter than those that came before. The druid and the ranger came before, then came the feral warriors and feral druids.
Feral Ronin Melee Warrior Feral ronin move with the grace of monks, but kill with the ferocity of barbarian whenever necessary.
Fiendish Brute Combat-Focused, Bad Guy A class-based way to create interesting new fiends
Fighter, Pansaer Combat-Focused A powered-up version of the classic fighter for the Years of Gold setting.
Fighter, Tirr Combat-focused, Skilled A dedicated, highly-trained warrior with a talent for improvisation.
Fighter, Tome Combat-focused, Skilled A highly-trained heroic master of battlefield improvisation.
Fireball Priest Fire Mage, the artillery in the backfield The Fireball Priests descend from the legendary red dragon, Dragoich. Their main focus is on casting fire, chaotic, or lightning spells. They focus on casting their main weapon, the Fireball.
Flower Child <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Force Master Combat Focused Individuals that awake a force within, this relentless force grants them great combat excellence.
Forest Dweller <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Free-Runner Skilled, Combat-Focused The Free-Runner is a combination of the main character of Assassin's Creed and the art of Parkour. Essentially a character that specializes in moving through any terrain unhindered. Able to climb walls, building, mountains, trees, anything really, and a master of finding special spots to hide and get around unnoticed.
Free-Runner, Variant Skilled, Combat-Focused The Free-Runner is a combination of the Main Character of Assassin's Creed and the art of Parkour. Essentially a character that specializes in moving through any terrain unhindered. Able to climb walls, building, mountains, trees, anything really, and a master of finding special spots to hide and get around unnoticed.
Frontiersman Combat Focused, Ranged Attacks, Scout Frontiersmen are the marksmen, the wilderness explorers, and survivalists of the world.
Frost Blade Combat-Focused, Front-Line, Melee, Tank Frost Blades call upon the chill of death to empower themselves, their bodies becoming a conduit for unholy ice.
Frost Knight Combat-Focused Just as the Flare Knight harnesses the power of fire, the Frost Knight embraces the bitter winter cold to combat his enemies.
Frostbringer Combat-Focused Even the coldest winter seems like a paradise when compared to the power of frostfell that you command.
Fullbringer <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Furious Berserker Combat Focused The Furious Berserker is as frightful as a barbarian, and just as strong too. The Furious Berserker is adapt at putting his rage and anger to good use, using it to fuel his damage output. When he releases his battle cry, run to the hills.
Gambler Combat-Focused There are those who gamble and there are gamblers. A gambler has gained an innate understanding of the world of chance and has learned to focus the infinite possibilities luck gives. Whether their power is granted by trickster gods or them tapping into a type of wild magic that is not quite understood outside of their circle, gamblers are a force to be reckoned with.
Gamer <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Gate Knight Combat-Focused. Bad Guy Knights who have discovered power through sacrificing life to the darkness. It is another take on the iconic "Dark Knight" class of Final Fantasy fame.
Gizmo <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> A warrior who supplements himself with advanced bionic grafts and enhancements.
Gizmo, Variant Combat-Focused, Skilled, Combat-Focused, Anti-Magic His body is his blank slate. A Gizmo builds machinery and advanced cybernetic technology to weaponize or utilize his true potential. Potential that mere meat sacks couldn't dream of reaching.
Gladiator, Pansaer Combat-Focused A mundane fighter who excels in one-on-one combat and destroying enemy morale.
God Eater <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Grave Warden Bad Guy, Combat Focused, Leader A Strong Grave worshiper with a focus on becoming undead (hard to kill even harder to heal) made for a friend
Gravitonic Master <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Gravity Knight Combat-Focused Gravity Knights are minor psionics gifted with the ability to manipulate gravity and use their gift to devastate the battlefield.
Gravity Warrior Combat-Focused Gravity warriors are gifted with the ability to manipulate gravity. They may take many paths but whether they are the slaughterer or the arbiter, they are a force to be reckoned with.
Grenadier Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused Master of Explosives, Grenadiers use their supply of grenades and skills to control crowds and cause panic and mayhem.
Grey Warden <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Grim Ranger <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> Thuggish Ranger variant class, removed from Nature Allies and spellcasting.
Guncrafter Combat Focused, Range Some people spend their lives to further medicine, magic or science, but some, they further death.
Gunslinger variant Combat-Focused Gunslingers use a combination of technology, alchemy, and magic to create and use primitive guns. They share an almost supernatural link with these weapons, and can prove to be a great asset to those looking for a mercenary.
Gunslinger, Variant Ranged Combat Focused A Gunslinger is best described as a mix of Assassin and Ranger. trying to keep the peace and enforce the law. He works as a Bounty Hunter or Bodyguard. He lives and dies by his Revolvers.
Gusto Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting A hunter/druid with a bird companion that uses some lightning spells. Can choose between 2 main ways of playstyle.
Haki-User Combat-Focused "Haki" is a power that lies dormant in all the world's creatures... "Presence", "fighting spirit" and "intimidation"... It is not different from the things that humans can naturally sense such as these... 'The act of not doubting'. That is strength!
Harlequin Combat Focussed/Moderate Support Harlequins are the dancing clowns of Olidamarra. They can entertain many audiences as well as deliver quick strikes when their foes are distracted.
Harrowed Combat-Focused, Divine Spellcasting, Moderate Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Harrowed are those who have died and come back wrong, their souls broken by a flawed Resurrection. Half of their soul remains beyond the veil, which gives them strange powers over life and death.
Hashshashin Combat-Focused, Good Guy, Skilled The 'Holy' Assassin.
Heart of the Swarm <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Heavy Gunner Combat-Focused, Skilled Masters of the heavy gun, chain gun, machine guns, the heavy gunner is a main dps when it comes to multi-target and heavy damage.
Hellborn Combat-Focused, Strong Spellcasting, Fire User A Hellborn is a person who has been cursed to carry a demonic presence with them.
Hero Chosen By The Gale Sword Good Guy, Combat-Focused <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Hexagunner Combat-Focused Great bandits, thieves and womanizers, the Hexagunners are a select group of specially trained highwaymen skilled in the use of the Hexagun, an ingenious weapon that allows the user to fire off multiple shots – six to be exact – without the need to reload or refill the chamber with gunpowder.
Hexagunner, Variant Combat-Focused Great bandits, thieves and womanizers, the Hexagunners are a select group of specially trained highwaymen skilled in the use of the Hexagun, an ingenious weapon that allows the user to fire off multiple shots – six to be exact – without the need to reload or refill the chamber with gunpowder.
Hexxer <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Hobo Combat-Focused Hobos: homeless, foul smelling people. Care should be taken when dealing with a Hobo, for they may convince you to do things you would not otherwise do.
Hoodwink Combat-Focused, Skilled A whimsically roguish martial class for use with the Tome of Battle.
Housecarl Fighter, Defender Typically assigned by a noble or similar to defend a person, perhaps a cherished envoy or equally cherished child. While powerful on their own, they are best put to use in a group where an ally may require saving from time to time.
Hunter Combat-Focused, Divine Spellcasting A variant on the Druid class removing their wild shape abilities and greatly reducing their spell powers. To make up for this they are granted much better combative abilities and a number of extra special powers.
Huntsman/Huntress (Please do not use.) <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Hybrid Elite Warrior Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused, Defender. Hybrid Elite Warriors are half mortal, half green magic. The powerful energies that course through their bodies grant them impossible strength. Their physical prowess is shown in dealing crushing damage, leaping impossible heights, and falling extreme distances with ease. Loosely based on an elite group of greatsword wielders who were infused with Mako energy to gain ungodly physical performance.
Hémorragie osseuse <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Ignition fighter Combat-Focused Ignition Fighters is a gifted individual with the power to light themselves on fire, and gain strength from the flames themselves, becoming a force that burns everything in their path.
Improvised Weapon Fighter <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Incarnation of War Heavy Combat Focus, Unique Rage, Heavy Customization Disciples of gods of war, these extreme barbarians are power houses, seething with rage in combat to strike with and endure even the harshest of blows.
Ioun Stone Ranger Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused A Ranger that can power their daily life with different effects via gems.
Isildarian Gunslinger <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Ivalice Dancer <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Jack of Clubs Combat-Focused A fighter variant of more power because it can change its feat selection to an extent to better suit a situation.
Jack of Spades Combat-Focused, Skilled Jacks of Spades are skill- and feat-ponies, made to be the skillful, generally able class of a party, and they improve in this farther than any class through abilities that allow them to excel farther than any other class in its skills.
Jedi <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Jedi Knight Good Guy, Combat Focused, Support The Paladin and Monk combination.
Jedi, Variant Combat, diplomat <-Paragraph description of the class->
Jigyousho Combat-Focused A master of controlling plants who uses their own energy to make them stronger.
Jumper Combat-Focused, Skilled Jumpers, being the mobile, instinctive warriors that they are, can seem to be everywhere upon the battlefield at any given point in time. A battle that a jumper is involved it is sure to become hectic quickly.
Kagune, Bikaku (TG) Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat Focused With their versatility, Kagune, Bikaku are able to fill in for a few melee type classes, striking quick and hard when needed.
Kagune, Koukaku (TG) Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat Focused Powerful defenses and strength allow this front line fighter to dish and take hits.
Kagune, Ukaku (TG) Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat Focus Striking at a range with their winged Kagune, a Kagune, Ukaku attacks with deadly accuracy in a flurry of needles.
Kaiteiraisuu Combat Focused A practitioner of the wind and lightning blade. Through their rigorous training process this blade wielder learns to harness the most destructive aspects of the elements of wind and lightning. First they begin by learning how to tune into their bodies' inner rhythms to move within the space they occupy, then once they attain a rudimentary understanding of when and how to move, this knowledge is then applied to their weapon of choice, be it bladed, blunt or otherwise.
Kendimachist Combat-Focused A Kendimachist is a religious warrior who channels his divine power to temporarily improving his combat prowess.
Kensei <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Kensei, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Kenseijin Combat-Focused Kenseijin are the sword saint class from oriental adventures + the Tank Concept.
Keyblade Wielder Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting Base class based on the Keyblade Bearer from the Kingdom Hearts Series (Kingdom Hearts and related terms (C) Disney and Square Enix).
Ki Mystic Combat-Focused Close combat attacker with healing.
Ki Striking Monk Base Class Variant, Combat Focus A variant of the Core Class Monk to translate those often ignored Stunning Fists and Quivering Palm strikes into ranged Ki Based Attacks.
Kilian Ranger Good Guy, Combat-Focused The Kilian Rangers are an exclusive group of highly trained force-sensitive warriors, born and raised on the planet Kilia IV. They are sworn to protect the people of Kilia IV, and use their specialized equipment to harness the force into powerful combat techniques to protect and serve their people.
Kingsguard Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused A Ranger Variant.
Knight of Cydonia Good Guy, Combat-Focused A kung-fu-fighting cowboy from the far off, mystical land of Cydonia.
Knight of Knossis Strong Spellcasting, Defensive fighter One who wields the awesome destructive power of battle magic.
Knight of the Divine Combat-Focused, usually a Good-guy. <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Knight of the Element Combat Focused Knights of the Elements follow a path that drives them to be one with their chosen element: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire. Mixing martial prowess with the powers of their chosen element, Knights of the Elements make excellent front line warriors.
Knight, 2nd variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Knight, Orion Combat-Focused The knight is a honorable class powerful in combat and able to protect the front lines of a battle. Knights uphold a strict code of conduct and in a battle act as a front line fighter and a tank to absorb damage.
Knight, Tirr Combat-Focused A 10-level Base Class designed to carry the Knight from his spurs, all the way to joining a prestigious Knightly Order. Heavily focused on defending others.
Knight, Tome Combat-Focused A 10-level Base Class designed to carry the Knight from his spurs, all the way to joining a prestigious Knightly Order. Heavily focused on defending others.
Kryael Combat-Focused A being who is attuned with both Light and Darkness and uses these abilities in perfect equilibrium.
Lamia "Bad Guy, Combat-Focused", "Moderate Spell casting", "Spontaneous Caster" A class that focuses on the powers of the Vampire.
Lancer Good Guy or Bad Guy, Combat-Focused Knight that uses his skill in jumping and dragons as allies and specializes on slaying dragons
Lancer, Beast Master Animal Companion, Versatile Based of an Dragon Knight and Survivalist WoW Hunter, this class is about controlling your animal companion, being versatile about how can it be or tank or damage or support, alternating the pet whit the path chosen and the alignment chosen
Legend Crafter <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Living Nightmare <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Locust Bad Buy, Combat Focused Worshippers of death, overseers of funerals, harbingers of destruction--the opinions towards the clerics known as Locusts vary greatly from one person to another, albeit with one crucial difference: they are typically held to be evil, even when their services are absolutely necessary. In combat, not only do Locusts have many attacks and good saves, but they are also proficient at casting divine magic.
Lord of Battle <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Lunari good guy, divine spellcaster Great warriors wielding and channeling the power of the upper realms and the Weave to perform great magical feats and augment their combative abilities
Mad Alchemist Bad Guy, Item Creation They said I was crazy! Some say I might even be...mad! Madness I say? Nigh, it is but GENIUS! I'll show them! I'll show them ALL!
Man-At-Arms Combat-Focused A fix for the Fighter to make them more competitive.
Manifesting Warrior Combat-Focused A warrior that uses mind blades and psionic armor.
Manooverer Combat focused, no magic ToB/PoW inspired class that's good at fighting but not good at magic so it has a weakness.
Marksman Combat-Focused, Skilled Focused on long ranged combat and sniping, the marksman hides in the shadows, striking at enemy weak points when they least expect it. It focuses the stealth and precision strikes of the rogue at a distance.
Marshal Combat-focused, backline commander, party face, buffer The battlefield commander in all his glory, directing friends to greater heights than they could ever be on their own.
Marshal, 2nd Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Marshal, Variant Support, Combat-Focused Frontline leader specializing in bolstering his allies' abilities.
Martial Adept Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Martial adepts are similar to monks, but while the monk gathers his abilities through mystical training and honing of their internal ki energy, the adept channels raw arcane power.
Martial Artist Combat-Focused A master of the honed art of fighting.
Martial Artist, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Martial Dancer <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Martial Dancer, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Martial Soulknife Variant Combat-Focused Martial variant of the Soulknife class, uses the supplement book Tome of Battle.
Masked Hero Combat-Focused, Variants A quick moving, powerful fist-fighter. Usually fights in a team, capable of delivering basic support along with powerful blows
Masked Warrior all-around? the men who wear a mask, and fight for what they choose. using their masks special skills they can do much more than meets the eye.
Master Swordman, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Mechanus Knight Combat Focused A balanced base class based on Golem-Knight of Mechanus
Medium Combat-Focused, Skilled A medium is a conduit between the afterlife and the living, able to communicate with the dead and channel their suffering into power.
Meister <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Melee Specialist <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Mercenary Combat-Focused An adaptable warrior who fighters for money and little else.
Metamorph Combat-Focused A shapechanger who can, eventually, assume the form of most creatures.
Miester-SE Skilled, Combat-Focused Fighters that can have NPCs or other Players bond to them. This bond makes the NPC or player Bound to the Miester is able to turn into a weapon for the Miester to weild as a Deadly tool.
Might Fighter Combat-Focused Take your run-of-the-mill Fighter. Take away some of his bonus feats. Give him the ability to tap into a resevoir of strength, and say hello to the Might Fighter.
Miner Skill-Focused, Item-Focused Of all of the common occupations of the D&D world, being a miner is one of the most well known and dangerous. They must get materials from under the earth and fight monsters. They are pressured to become more powerful, and miners are specialized in having a companion for travel, skill bonuses, and other boons.
Mistborn <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Misteltein Mage <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Moderator Good Guy, Combat-Focused A moderator is for the DM to keep the players in check.
Mongolian Warrior Combat-Focused, Mounted, Good Guy The Mongolian Warriors are brutally skilled archers and lance-men. They combine their ranged attacks with great mobility, deceptive tactics, and psychological warfare to slaughter their enemies without a scratch. Their training has raised their skills to a level above the physical norm, and they can preform extraordinary actions in battle.
Monk, Tirr Combat-Focused A high-flying Monk whose abilities astonish and amaze; Tirran monks are more than just martial artists.
Monk, Tome Combat-Focused A version of the Monk that is actually playable.
Monster Hunter, Variant Crafter, Combat Focused, Skilled. A monster hunter is a man/woman of nature. She uses the remains of her slain foes to empower herself and her allies. Which she then in turn uses to fell her next foe. The stronger the enemy, the higher the profit. Reap what you sow. Reap it all.
Mounted Archer Combat-Focused The mounted archer or mongol combines the deadly force of ranged precision with the tactical prowess of a special mount. Mounted archers can be invaluable during wartimes but are also adept for most adventures. A mounted archer may struggle in dealing with a large amount of enemies but will have an extreme advantage speed, distance and versatility against single or small groups of enemies.
Musketeer Good-Guy, Ranged Combat Focused A Musketeer is best described as a combination lawman, paladin,and knight-errant. His mission is to keep peace, enforce the law, and protect the land.
Musketeer, BB Variant Good-Guy, Ranged Combat Focused A Musketeer is best described as a combination lawman, paladin,and knight-errant. His mission is to keep peace, enforce the law, and protect the land.
Mutant Good Guy, Bad Guy, Omnipotent Humans are at their base form, summed up to one words: Universal. They can be any number of different things because of their simple forms, master magic, might, faith, ruling kingdoms, the list goes on and on. These Mutants, exemplify this trait by evolving. That is, taking what latent powers and forms dwell within their bodies and bringing them to the surface.
Myrmidon Combat-Focused A Myrmidon is a wandering blade or mercenary that has fought in more battles than there are kingdoms to fight for. Perhaps he grew up in the middle of a war and has never known anything different; perhaps he is a raging lunatic. Whatever the reason, he can walk in and out of battle with the same comfort a bird flies through a clear sky.
Mystic Blade Combat Focused, Minor Spellcasting If you don't want to wait for the spellsword prestige class, the mystic blade offers an alternative combination of sorcery and steel.
Mystic Blade (Spencer Edition) Combat Focused, Minor Spellcasting This class is a variant of the "Mystic Blade" class, made with abilities from both the "Duskblade" and the "Mystic Blade" classes along with other new abilities.
Mystic Warden Boss Slayer, Team Player, All-Rounder, Sluggish a brutal boss slaying/support class with the capability of immense single target damage but this comes at the cost of a slow movement speed and a near total lack of aoe capabilities with a strict code of conduct
Mystic Warden, Variant Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused, Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting a brutal boss slaying/support class with the capability of immense damage but this comes at the cost of a slow movement speed and a lacking offensive capacity for magic capabilities with a strict code of conduct (much more balanced than it's previous counterpart)
Mystic Warrior Moderate Spellcasting The Mystic Warrior blurs the line between mage and warrior. They are a deadly combination of martial prowess and arcane spellcasting.
Naruto Ninja, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Naruto Shinobi Skilled, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Magic Backup Ninja class based on the ninja from the hit manga and anime, Naruto.
Naruto Shinobi, 2nd Variant Skilled, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Magic Backup Ninja class based on the ninja from the hit anime and manga, Naruto.
Naruto Shinobi, 3rd Variant Skilled, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Magic Backup Ninja class based on the ninja from the hit manga and anime, Naruto. This variant class is based off of another users created class that i saw and wanted to swap around and change a bit, im not trying to copyright his work but his making of it to me seemed almost perfect so i used his for most of the base.
Naruto Shinobi, Variant Skilled, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Magic Backup Ninja class based on the ninja from the hit anime and manga, Naruto.
Necro Blade Bad Guy, Moderate Spellcasting A necro blade combines the might of a martial class with the spellcasting ability of a necromancer. They kill anyone who opposes them and command their undead bodies.
Necroblade Bad Guy, Moderate Spellcasting A necro blade combines the might of a martial class with the spellcasting ability of a necromancer. They kill anyone who opposes them and command their undead bodies.
Nimble Duskblade <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Ninja, 3rd Variant Skilled, Combat Focused A Ninja is a covert agent or mercenary of feudal Japan specializing in unorthodox arts of war.
Noble Warrior Lawful Guy, Skilled ,Combat Focused The Noble Warrior is just that, a warrior of noble or royal heritage. They are skilled, charismatic heroes who attack life, and foes with silver-tongue and sword.
Nomad <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Nomad Knight Combat-Focused, Skilled A mix of Druid, Ranger and Paladin without the spell casting.
NOT Broken Battle Dancer An elegant warrior who pairs martial arts with graceful maneuvers in battle.
Ochremancer Combat-Focused A being who eats the flesh of an ooze and gains their powers.
Oculus Diaboli Bad Guy, Combat Focused, Skilled A deal with the devil has replaced on of this anti-caster's eyes with that of a fiend, channeling dark powers through their vision.
Okami Amaterasu <The Sun God Amaterasu in the form of an Okami, wielding the powers of Amaterasu herself.>
Old Hunter <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Old Hunter, 2nd variant The hunters are a group of warriors who are dedicated to keeping their regions safe by hunting down beasts - or anything other than beasts if need be - that pose a threat. Hunters are agile fighters armed with a trick weapon, a transforming melee weapon in the right hand, and a firearm in the left. They do not employ shields, but rather take advantage of their mobility in order to avoid attacks. Hunters exist throughout the world and are not exclusive to Yharnam, However, it is believed that the Hunters started out as a branch of the Healing Church very much like The Choir. This would mean that, at least in Yharnam, Hunters were recruited by either Gehrman or the Church itself.
Old Hunter, 3rd varient <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Old Hunter, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Omniknight Combat Focused, Divine Spellcaster, Healer, Good-Guy This is an adaptation of Dota's Omniknight (now in the public domain) and thus, violates no copyright laws. Still, I do not claim ownership of the character description and quotes.
Ordained Champion Combat-Focused, Divine Spellcaster This class combines the melee power of a fighter with the spellcasting power of a cleric.
Order Master Strong Arcane Spellcasting, Potentially Combat-Focused or Skilled Order Masters are individuals who are naturally attuned to the lawful forces of the universe and gain the power to manipulate it. They are the natural opposite to Chaos Wielders who take their power from the chaotic forces of the universe.
Ordinator Moderate Spellcasting, Combat-Focused Ordinators serve as religious police in church hierarchies, or free agents who promote a particular theological ideal at any cost.
Overlord <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Paladin 3.95 <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Paladin of Slaying Combat Focused, Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting A paladin devoted to killing enemies for good, evil, or to preserve balance.
Paladin of the Arcane Order <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Paladin Variant (Hammer of Righteousness) Good Guy, Combat Focus, Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting. See SRD Paladin.
Paladin, Tirr Combat-Focused Our Paladins are a bit different, here in Tirr; In a word, they're effective.
Paleblessed Divine Spellcasting The Paleblessed are people have been blessed by the Pale Tree. Recipients of this blessing gain the ability to control plants and light exceptionally well. A common feature of the Paleblessed is a large white flower growing right behind the blessed one's right or left shoulder.
Paper-Folder Combat Focused Constant motion, a single entity made of millions of smaller ones, fluid grace that could only be described as an art-form perfected by nature itself; these things and more describe a Paper-Folder. Those unobservant, those who do not keep moving, and those which underestimate Paper-folders will simply be swept away or crushed by them.
Paragon Religious Warrior; Mid-Range Combat Support type. The Paragon is a devout warrior who believes unconditionally in his deity or any other cause. A Good-Guy Paragon will often choose a deity of Valor, or the cause of vanquishing evil, while an Evil or Bad-Guy Paragon would choose something like World Domination or worship an evil deity. Both are still Paragons despite their radically different ideals.
Paragon of the Spear Combat Focused, Spear Master, Melee/Mid-range Training for many years to master just one weapon, these spear wielders have no equal in combat involving spears of any kind.
Party Animal Combat-Focused A natural brawler who deals out status conditions with every attack.
Pegasus Knight, Fire Emblem Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Aerial The Pegasus Knight is the king of aerial combat. While arrows might be the best way to take them down, they make incredible adversaries utilizing their class features to make them powerful allies and foes alike.
Pentewyn Combat-Focused, Divine Spellcasting, Moderate Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Good Guy From the Welsh word for "firebrand"; a version of the "Chaotic Good Paladin" that emphasizes Intelligence over Charisma
Percussion Reaper Good-Guy, Bad-Guy, Combat Focused Using the creation of a specially crafted weapon, the Percussion Reaper dances around the battlefield.
Philosopher Skill Focused, Psionic, Various Roles A true thinker that ask important and vital questions about the world around her, a Philosopher can take various roles in a party but tries to stay out of direct combat.
Pirate Combat-Focused Pirates rob and plunder on the high seas, taking what they can and what they feel they deserve.
Pirate, 2nd Variant The scallywag of the high seas and the bane of the merchant ship.
Pirate, Variant Combat-focused, Skilled Pirates are the scourge of the seas, and the bane of many a sea-trading merchant. With no showers or morals, they raid towns, wenches, and ships, causing mayhem and wanted signs to pop up everywhere there's a port.
Plague Doctor Moderate Spellcasting, Skilled A skilled doctor that uses their knowledge of poisons and diseases both to help and to harm.
Planar Shaman, Variant Damage Dealer An Elemental Warrior who imbues his weapons with elemental power directly from the inner planes of the elements.
Praeposterus Combat oriented A praeposterus is a special kind of rogue who strikes from the shadows in the corners of a room: whether or not said shadows are on the floor, or ceiling.
Precision Monk Base Class Variant, Combat Focus A variant of the Core Class Monk to translate those often ignored Stunning Fists and Quivering Palm strikes into ranged Ki Based Attacks.
Priest of the Noble Gases Combat Focused You wield the divine power of the noble gases.
Primalist Shaman Good Guy, Elemental Focus, Melee Heavy. Multiple roles available. A warrior attuned to the elemental forces of the world to enhance themselves through battle trances to defend, attack, or even potentially heal allies.
Primordial Warrior Combat-Focused, Spellcasting Primordial Lords are as old as the universe, these are their champions.
Proteus <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Psionic Claw <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Psionic Ravager <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Psycho Combat Focused A variant on the barbarian for the sanity impaired
Pugilist Combat-Focused The pugilist fights less with weapons, mostly none at all. Though many would compare Pugilists to monks who also study unarmed martial arts, important distinctions exist; such as Pugilists tend to be self-taught. Pugilist are like Monks with a different kind of training.
Pumkin King <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Pyromancer <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Raider Combat-Focused, Skill-Focused Raiders are the greedy, the curious, the scum, and the paragons of treasure-hunters. Some are simple bandits with a lust for wealth, while some are seekers of history. The story differs from man and woman to others, but they will always be known as the true seekers of the past.
Ranger, RoW Variant <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Reality Bender <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Reaper of Souls Good guy, Bad Guy, Assassin The reapers of souls wander the world seeking those to populate the afterlife. Death to them is a gateway to a new world. Some nearing the end of life will seek out Reapers trying to pay them or persuade them to send them to a good afterlife as basically a repentance.
Red Gunner Combat Focused, Support, DPS Strong ranged magic support, with GUNS! Strike true Scorching Ray!
Red Mage, 2nd Variant Combat-Focused A class that is a jack-of-all-trades in melee combat, healing, and spellcasting, but a master of none.
Reforger <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Rellit's Reapers Combat-Focused, Skilled, Minor Psychic Reapers use a Psychic long-knife, similar to a Soulknife's Mindblade, and two of the eight shot revolver, the 'P-53 Colt Wadjyt'. They have minor Psychic ability's, but do not gain manifesting.
Revenant Role-Play focused The Revenant is an undead being who has the ability to return to life after death, but at a cost. Whenever a Revenant dies, their soul is summoned to the underworld, where they must face a trial to prove their worthiness to return to the living world. If they succeed, they are granted a second chance at life, but they start back at a lower level than their previous one.
Rifleman Combat-Focused, Skilled Ranged-weapon specialist, designed for close-quarters combat, and group support.
Rift Stalker Assassin, Skilled, Stealth-Based Rift Stalkers are individuals that have been exposed to the secrets of the planes of existence. They are capable of blinking around the battlefield and at the same time are able to deliver powerful yet calculated strikes that can topple even the toughest of foes. Stalkers also possess the ability to alter others' thoughts through arcane means. Hopefully, you can see one coming before it's far too late.
Rokushiki Master Combat-Focused, Lawful Guy Even martial artists that have honed their skills to near perfection show jealousy when viewing the grand skills of Rokushiki Masters. This form is the envy of those who have not learned it and the greatest tool of those who have. However, one needs to look no further than a single training session to see why there are only "Masters" of this form: only the masters survive.
Rune Champion Combat-Focused, Strong Spellcasting An Eldritch Cannoneer utilizes a large, rotating armature constructed around a lattice of crystals marked by incredibly powerful magic. While the Cannoneer—in and of themselves—has little or no magical talent, they can use this armature to create a variety of spell-like anomalies called Exigents. However, the power this technique grants comes with its fair share of risks—a Cannoneer must wear a suit of heavy armor to protect themselves from the wild energies released.
Rune Knight Combat-Focused Masters of the ancient runic powers, they fight with runes tattoed on their skin and engraved on their armor, giving them incredible magical powers.
Rune Sage Good Guy, Melee, Minor Spellcasting, Rune Master After countless years of training and meditating to understand the patterns of the world, the flows of arcane energies through lands known as Ley Lines, a Rune Sage develops ways of inscribing magical, physical, or sometimes something beyond either, runes into their body, strengthening them in various ways to help them as they journey to understand more of the world then what they were taught at the beginning.
Rune Singer Combat-Focused, spell-casting Rune Singers are individuals who have undergone a unique initiation ritual. This initiation has granted the Rune Singer the innate ability to known the hidden names of runes, and then project them into song or poem form, effectively singing the magic. Rune Singers are primarily a combat class with thick, spontaneous arcane magic to empower themselves.
Runic Swordsman Front-line combat/support Runic Swordsmen (and women) utilize the power of primordial runes to empower their weapons, armor, and allies in battle.
RWBY Hunter Protectors of humanity from the Creatures of Grimm and other evils. This class is based from the RWBY series, where students that go to specialized combat schools train to fight monsters and become Hunters and Huntresses.

Hunters/Huntresses vow to defend humanity and thus, lean more towards law, even Chaotic Good/Neutral characters must follow the basic rules of protecting those incapable of defending themselves, aiding fellow Hunters and Huntresses when they need it, and serving as a prime example of human strength, dignity, and good will.

Sage of the Six Paths (Fix) Combat-Focused A Sage of the Six Paths uses the power bestowed by the Rinnegan. Despite the name, there is actually in total seven of these paths that grant the user powerful and near god-like abilities.
Sage of the Six Paths, Variant Combat-Focused A Sage of the Six Paths uses the power bestowed by the Rinnegan. Despite the name, there is actually in total seven of these paths that grant the user powerful and near god-like abilities.
Salt Factory Power up your character using the tears and rage of your enemies.
Samurai Variant Good guy, Spokesperson, Tank Exotic warriors with a varying sense of honor
Samurai, Races of War Combat-Focused A version of the class that is actually playable.
Samurai, Tirr Combat-Focused A version of the class, modified to fit the Tirr setting.
Samurai, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Sandbender Combat Focused Constant motion, a single entity made of millions of smaller ones, fluid grace that could only be described as an art-form perfected by nature itself; these things and more describe a desert, a sand dune, and a sandbender. Those unobservant, those who do not keep moving, and those which underestimate sandbenders will simply be swept away or crushed by them.
Sandbox Warrior Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused, Stealth-Focused, Minor Spellcasting. A generic blank slate for many different adventures.
Savage Beast Barbarian <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Scarred Knight Combat-Focused A melee combatant split by the duality of protecting others and succumbing to the madness that is constant war.
Self Telekineticist Combat-Focused This fighter relies on the power of telekinesis to fling himself around.
Sentinel Strong Spellcasting A caster who draws their invocations from their connection to the land rather than from affiliation with a more sinister power.
Sentinel (Variant) <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Servant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Shadow Hand Combat Focus, Skill Utility The Shadow Hand is a Martial Artist who uses the Elements of Body Martial Art which is used to mimic the Elements by way of using bloodline magic to affect ones' body.
Shadow Knife Ranged Fighter <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Shadow knife, variant <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> this class is based on the other shadow knife class, I decided to make this because I felt that it was entirely too powerful and needed some balancing.
Shadow Mind Most Shadow Minds come from dark corners of the earth and usually act as hired assassins for those who are desperate and cowardly.
Shadow Sight Weaponmaster Combat Focused The Shadow Sight Weaponmaster is geared to be the forefront of the party. Taking hits and dishing back while ensuring its companions are safe.
Shadow Striker <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Shadowknight, Tirr Combat-Focused Our Shadowknights are a bit different, here in Tirr; In a word, they're effective.
Shamanic Dominator <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Shield Warrior defensive combat specialist A fighter that forsakes most equipment types to use two shields together in a blend of offense and defense.
Sith Spell-Caster/Fighter Use this class if you want dark Force abilities you can use to devastate your enemies, like electrocuting the multitude around you or draining the health of all nearby foes, as well as melee powers that allow you to attack an enemy with a flurry of blows or focus your training into one decisive hit.
Sith Sorcerer Bad Guy, Combat Focused, Spellcasting The Sith Sorcerer is a potent user of the Force, capable of harnessing the Force's immense supernatural power to accomplish incredible feats. They are so adept at manipulating the Force that they can mimic the effects of spells.
Sith Warrior Evil, combat, psionic Wielders of the mystical power known as The Force. Unlike their counterparts the Jedi, who are generally concerned with keeping peace, Sith warriors are concerned only with power and dominance.
Slaver Combat Focused, Bad Guy The Slaver focuses on enslaving and capturing others, and using them to gain wealth through trading, bartering, and renting. Slavers are considered very barbaric by others, but while their business may disgust some, others find their services invaluable.
Smouldering Soul Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused Fire focused warriors who leave the battlefield, friend, and foe burnt.
Sniper Skilled, Combat Focused Anyone can pick up a bow and learn how to use one. Then there those who can actually use one with some degree of skill. But once in a generation there are those who aspire to have absolute mastery of these weapons and yet countless other ranged weapons. These are Snipers. They blend a mixture of sheer accuracy and a love of far reaches, and create a master of potent extreme ranged attacks. And these are what those rest aspire to become.
Snowstormer Combat-Focused, Skilled A sneaky warrior specialy adapted to the northern tundra.
Sohei, Variant Combat-Focused, Ki Power A variant of Oriental Adventures' Sohei class, replacing the random and illogical barbarian rage and divine magic with Ki Power and bonus feats.
Soldier Combat Focused The soldier has the highest battle stats, but very few abilities to accompany it.
Son of Sparda Son of Sparda
Sonic Warrior Combat-Focused Sonic Warriors are beings gifted with control over sound. They have been known to follow many paths, but regardless of whether they are the butcher or the rebel, they tend to be rather mad.
Sonitus Combat-Focused , Movement-focused, Support A class based around the manipulation of Sound; vaguely close to the Sound Warrior, found in the 3.5 rated base classes.
Sorcerer, 4th Variant spellcaster, striker or controller <-Paragraph description of the class->
Soul Chain Warrior Semi-Ranged Melee Fighter The Soul Chain is a warrior whose very body and soul has been combined with steel chains, granting them incredible fighting abilities.
Soul Reaper, Jay Variant Combat Focused. A hunter of evil ghosts and demons.
Soul Shaper Bad Guy, Combat-Focused The soul shaper is a warrior who sees his enemies as potential weapons. Their powers rely on the misuse and desecration of enemy bodies, and as a result they usually seek out those with great power to slay them and continue to add to their collection.
Soulknife, True Combat-Focused, Psionic The Soulknife possesses a unique ability to manifest a weapon referred to as the Mind Blade. As a Soulknife progresses, the weapon becomes more practical. The degree of flexibility in the soulknife's progression offers a handful of potential functions: From crowd control to sniper to scout to front line attacker. At its core, it is best suited as a front line attacker.
Soulseeker Combat-Focused, Bad Guy, Good Guy Soulseekers are a secret society of gifted warriors who are capable of combating Divine Magic users, and even to a smaller extent Arcane spell-casters. This makes them formidable clergy-killers, and as such they are often hired for such attacks.
Source Soul: Electricity Combat Focused Constant motion, a single entity made of millions of smaller ones, fluid grace that could only be described as an art-form perfected by nature itself; these things and more describe a desert, a sand dune, and a sandbender. Those unobservant, those who do not keep moving, and those which underestimate sandbenders will simply be swept away or crushed by them.
Spear Hunter <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Specialist <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Specialist Hunter Combat-Focused, Skilled This warrior is absolutely focused on defeating one type of creature and is extremely effective in doing so. However, even when fighting other types of creatures, he can hit hard and is difficult to kill.
Spell Warper Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting The Spell Warper uses their connection with the Spirit to gain martial and magical powers. Perhaps the most powerful ability they attain is partial control of an enemies magic.
Sphere Blade Spontaneous Spellcasting, Combat-focused The powerful fiends of the lower planes are and have been an inspiration to the spellcasters of all others for centuries, and their unique forms of sorcery and abilities have always been considered with the highest of envy. Few others without the means to draw on these same powers have ever succeeded. Those who have, find themselves able to draw upon the power of demonic 'Spheres', supplementing combat prowess with these energies to become the legends.
Spider Rider Combat-Focused Spider riders are warriors who ride Monstrous Spiders bonded to them mentally, Physically and Spiritually
Spiritborn Monk Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting A more tribal monk with the ghost of his ancestors living within him, granting minor spellcasting abilities.
Stalker Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused Hunts creatures with great prowess
Stalwart Battle Sorcerer <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Stonemelder Moderate Spellcasting, Combat Focused Stonemelders are the engineers of the world, they design many of the things in the world of Cora, and are the primary magic item creators in the world. Stonemelders have the ability to project auras which benefit their group.
Stormbender Combat Focused Ever wondered what happens to an undead when it gets hit by lightning? The same thing that's about to happen to you. (Those of the electrically challenged need not apply.)
Stormfist Combat-Focused Stormfists are masters of their own bodies, capable of performing amazing natural or supernatural feats while fighting unarmed and unarmored.
Sub Paladin Good Guy, Paladin, Protector, Healer, Buffer The Paladin class with many substitution levels applied (Ignores Specific Deity Prerequisites)
Sublime Ninja Combat-Focused, Skilled A martial adept, the Sublime Ninja is a master of stealth who becomes stronger when he uses his maneuvers.
Sublime Ronin Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat Focused The Sublime Ronin is a wandering samurai who had no lord. Usually trained at a far away secluded temple, they taught him how to use his sword (preferably a katana), the art of iaijutsu, how to use his body and mind to it's full potential and the martial disciplines that he knows.
Sublime Samurai Combat-Focused A martial adept, the samurai combines insightful abilities with fast, powerful attacks and martial skill
Summoner, Variant Combat-Focused, Underlings A master conjurer who fights from behind walls of minions.
Sumo Wrestler Tank, Melee A heavy variation of the monk class with a focus on tanking damage and size.
Supernatural Sage Strong Spellcasting, Strong Manifesting A character who mixes Arcane Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Incarnum Meldshaping, and Martial Maneuvers
Supernaturalist Combat Focused Supernaturalists are the quintessential monster hunter, training their whole lives to kill unholy and unnatural beasts.
Survivor Combat-Focused A survivor has one goal in her adventures: to live long enough to see the end.
Swashbuckler <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Swashbuckler, Lord Dhazriel Variant Combat-Focused A swashbuckler who is actually playable after level 3.
Swift Hunter Combat Focused, Skilled The swift hunter feat is widely considered to be the salvation of the scout class, mostly because it practically gestalts the ranger and scout
Swordmage, 2nd Variant Combat-Focused A fighter imbued with ancient magical energy known as Arcana who uses his unique power to enhance each of his weapons and make his attacks even more deadly.
Swordmaster (BD) Combat Focused, Counters Using Counters and powerful strokes to rend foes in half.
Swordsage - Reworked DPS, Stealth, Scout, Combat Focused, Melee, Rogue This is a reworked version of Swordsage that is almost exactly the same as what is found in the Tome of Battle source book. This class will solve a couple of the classes issues that were overlooked by the original writers. 99% has to do with stances and when you get additional ones. As written the RAW Tome of Battle classes either don't get access to stances at the right times, or access to max level stances at all. This aims to fix some of those problems.
Sylvan Knight, Chekov's Variant Divine Spellcasting, Combat-Focused Sylvan Knights are protectors of the wild. Essentially a druid with martial weapon proficiencies.
Tainted Wretch Bad Guy, Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting When an average citizen is tainted by a great or lasting evil, he can become physically and magically stronger at the expense of his health and sanity.
Tattoo Summoner Combat-focused, skilled Summoners who rely on a limited but powerful selection of summons.
Templar Of The Phoenix <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Temple Guard Combat-Focused, Lawful Guy An elite warrior of old Gods whose names are lost to time. He uses divine might and unholy blights to dispose of his opponents. The Temple Guard is feared and revered by many.
Tevinter Fugitive Combat-Focused, Mage Killer Former slaves of sorcerous masters, most hate all mages with a passion, or at least mistrust them. Those that were made and then sold do not hate the Magisters that made them, but instead the men and women that bought them, since they see the slave owners as the reason they were forced to endure the pain. Eventually, every slave rebels. The Tevinter slaves are simply more likely to succeed.
The Eternal Optimist Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Divine Spellcasting A divine fighter that always has a good attitude, always optimistic and never pessimistic.
The Host Combat Focused, Skilled, Shape Shifting, Customizable This class is loosely based on the Marvel archenemies Venom and Carnage. As the host of an extraterrestrial symbiotic lifeform, this character focuses on the abilities granted to the host by the symbiote. The abilities range from minor improvements to the character’s body to major alterations and even limbs formed by the symbiote, and is extremely customizable.
The True Samurai Combat-Focused, Lawful Guy A graceful combatant turning killing into an efficient artform.
Threat Combat-Focused Threats are brutal, terrible warriors who have often been viewed as vicious pit fighters by other types of warrior, and who have been known to be crush their enemies with force that few have ever actually seen.
Time Walker, 2nd Variant Combat-Focused Time walkers are people with the strange ability to exist 'outside' of time, and comprehend it's unexplainable rhythm to the degree that they can manipulate to their own ends. Upon the battlefield, a time walker is a seemingly unkillable foe that can rend at the enemies' very souls.
Time Walker, Variant Combat-Focused Time walkers are people with the strange ability to exist 'outside' of time, and comprehend it's unexplainable rhythm to the degree that they can manipulate to their own ends. Upon the battlefield, a time walker is a seemingly unkillable foe that can rend at the enemies' very souls.
Tinman Combat-Focused, Frontline Fighter, Tank Tinmen are kept alive inside a steam-powered mechanical suit with extraordinary strength and durability.
Titanformer Combat-Focused <-Paragraph description of the class->
Tremor-Tremor Fruit Combat-Focused Those who eat the Devil Fruit will be cursed by the Sea, but gain unimaginable power.
Trickster Duskblade <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
True Archer Combat-Focused, Skilled Masters of the bow and crossbow, the true archer is the prime example of power at a distance.
True Gunslinger Good-Guy, Ranged Combat Focused A Gunslinger is best described as a combination lawman, paladin,and knight-errant. His mission is to keep peace, enforce the law, and protect the land.
True Ronin Combat-Focused Masterful fighters, True Ronin are artisans with sword, combining power, and grace to carve a masterpiece on the battlefield. They live for the thrill of battle, and often see their worst enemy as a valued friend, each trying their hardest to best the other, and ending up strengthening together.
Ultimate Barbarian Combat-Focused variant barbarian with choices.
Ultimate Cleric <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Untouchable Blade Combat-Focused Combat masters that excel in blocking, parrying, and countering opponent's strikes.
Vampire Born <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Vanguard Combat-Focused A highly-focused front-line defender, meant more to act as a defensive barrier than to hit particularly hard.
Vasto Lorde <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Vector Witch Ranged Combat/Caster <-Paragraph description of the class->
Ventus Natum Utility Based An Aerokinetic Martial Artist
Vermin, Greater Combat-Focused Not all vermin are as weak as the ones in the Monster Manual. A Greater Vermin is more powerful than a normal vermin of its size.
Viking Combat-Focused A Viking combine the traits of a pirate and of a barbarian, making a valuable sea raider.
Viking, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Vilathian Warder Elemental Caster can be damage, healing, and/or protection depending on the element chosen. In the Vilathian plane of existence, Single elemental entities chose a mortal being to bestow their power onto.
Walrus Bludgeoner Combat Focused All games have someone who hales form the far north. The Walrus Bludgeoners have learnt a symbiotic relationship with the thick fat of their northern brethren.
Wand Mage <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Warblade - Reworked Tank, DPS, Fighter Replacement, Knight, Combat-Focused, Tank, Warrior This is a reworked version of warblade that is almost exactly the same as what is found in the Tome of Battle source book. This class will solve a couple of the classes issues that were overlooked by the original writers. 99% has to do with stances and when you get additional ones. As written the RAW ToB classes struggle getting certain stances at appropriate times requiring you to take dips in other classes. This will solve that issue as well as granting the warblade an extra stance (since they are supposedly the class that specializes in stances...)
Warlock, Variant Bad Guy, Spontaneous Spellcasting A Warlock that doesn't suck.
Warlord Combat-Focused Whether its the harsh tundras, or the dry heated deserts, a warlord makes his place upon the battlefield. As a master of the art of war, a warlord's body is a destructive force, his mind a tool of strategy, and his will that of the battlefield.
Warpig Brawler Combat Focused The Warpig Brawler dashes into combat ahead of the others in his tribe in a show of ferocious bravery. They prefer fighting unarmored and see each scar they receive as proof of their personal strength and ability to survive..
Warrior Monk Combat-Focused A monk that with extraordinary combat prowess.
Weapon Summoner Combat-Focused, Arcane spell-like ability. <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Weaponmaster Combat-Focused The Weaponmaster is the undisputed fighter, a true master of weapons. Be it gladiator, mercenary, general, or cutthroat – all those are proud to walk the way of the Weaponmaster.
Whip Duelist Exoctic Whip Master, Damage focused. A master at using whips to perform amazing feats in combat and helping themselves and others, sometimes with tricks that defy the normal use of whips.
Whirling Blade Combat-Focused The whirling blade is a terrifying opponent. Wielding melee weapons, he attacks so fast and so quickly that his blade is just a blur. Some powerful whirling blades are themselves just a blur, while others stand still in heavy armor, forming an impenetrable wall of death.
White Knight of Brilliance Good Guy, Combat-Focused I took my eyes off my foes to see approaching form behind my allies a white knight in glowing armor. He ran forward at a full charge at our enemies slashing coolly and precisely every successful hit exploded into brilliant light. Instantly our forces united behind this glowing ember of hope. All of our weapons found their marks and our hearts were free of deaths grasp and were in the arms of hope.
Wild Sorcerer Arcane Spellcaster The Wild Sorcerer is a Mage born and grown up in the nature. While having the usual power of a Sorcerer he also has the power of nature.
Wild Speaker Summoner/Meat Shield The hunter and summoner of the wilderness
Wild Stalker Combat Focused A hunter who harnesses the power of beasts to be versatile and powerful fighters
Wuxia Monk High mobility, combat-focused, flexible. A skilled and extremely mobile warrior that uses an inner force called qi to protect himself and harm his enemies.
Xiaolong Brawler Combat-Focused, melee The Xiaolong Brawler is a fighter of all out aggression often sacrificing defensive strategies for increased offensive power and relying in her own physical abilities to weather through the hits she takes.
Z Warrior <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Zen Archer Combat-Focused A monastic adept highly trained in the art of archery.
Zephyr Good Guy, Bad Guy The Zephyr is a wizard of breath weaponry. With extensive knowledge of creatures that utilize such techniques, Zephyrs learn to use these breath weapons to a deadly effect.
Zerg Swarm Leader <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
  1. A general category the class fits into. e.g. Strong Spellcasting, Combat Focused, etc.
  2. A concise description of the class—should advertise the class.