Paper-Folder (3.5e Class)

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Human Paper-Folder


These rare masters of Paper, have a naturally attuned ability to make Paper move as if it were an extension of its body. This opens up many possibilities in combat as well as supportive skills and talents. Paper-folders depend on Paper for all of their abilities and are thus powerless without it. To make up for this, Paper-Folders keep Paper with them at all times an ever increasing amount of specially attuned Paper that is easier than normal Paper to control.

Making a Paper-Folders[edit]

Paper-Folders are versatile technicians able to affect nearly the whole battlefield from any one position. While far away, a Paper-Folders can focus completely on offensive power. If a Paper-Folder instead wishes to wade directly into the fray it can rely on its defensive techniques to make up for its naturally low AC. A Paper-Folder's greatest downfall, though, is that it has low saves and relies heavily on its ability to concentrate on manipulating its Paper. But if an enemy gets caught up in the Paper-Folder's Paper, they will soon be killed.

Abilities: Wisdom is the most important thing a Paper-Folders could have. They must be able to quickly perceive their environment so as to choose the best route to attack, notice weak points, and to better understand how to control their paper. Intelligence is good for a skill-based Paper-Folder. Dexterity would help with the Paper-Folder's low AC. Constitution, charisma, and strength don't do much for a Paper-Folder at all.

Alignment: The definition of a Paper-Folder is one who moves Paper as it moves itself and thus can be any alignment.

Starting Gold: 3d10 x 10 gp

Starting Age: Moderate.

Table: The Paper-Folder

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Technique Points
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Master Multitasker, Notebook Of the Master, Paper Control, Quick Paper 30' 3
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Paper Shuriken 6
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 11
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Paper Chakram 17
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Storage Steal, Quick Paper 35', Paper Prison 25
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Paper Doppleganger 33
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 42
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Supreme Concentration, 51
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Double Shuriken Toss 62
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Dance of the Shikigami, Quick Paper 40' 74
11th +5 +3 +3 +7 86
12th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 98
13th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 Triple Shuriken 113
14th +7/+2 +4 +4 +9 Paper- Folders Fountain 128
15th +7/+2 +5 +5 +9 Quick Paper 45', 143
16th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 159
17th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 Quadruple Shuriken 177
18th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 195
19th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 214
20th +10/+5 +6 +6 +12 233

Class Skills 4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Concentration (Con), Disguise(Cha), Hide (Dex), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Paper-Folder.

Paper-Folders are Masters of Origami

Water/Fire Damage At lower levels Water/oil Soak Paper making it unusable, but at 6th level only oil affects performance. paper is always susceptible to Fire Damage (burning it on contact), This never Changes.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Paper-Folders are proficient with the dagger, light crossbow, and quarterstaff but with Light armor(Leather), but no shield as they interfere with a Paper-Folder's movements for using techniques.

Technique Points/Day: A Paper-Folder’s ability to use techniques is limited by the technique points he has available. His base daily allotment of technique points is given on Table: The Paper-Folder. In addition, he receives bonus technique points per day if he has a high wisdom score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Technique Points ). His race may also provide bonus technique points per day, as may certain feats and items.

Highest Level Technique Usable: This column shows the highest level technique a Paper-Folder may use at each level. To learn or use a technique, a Paper-Folder must have a wisdom score of at least 10 + the technique's level.

Techniques Known: Paper-Folder spend time figuring out new tricks to use with their Paper. As such, Paper-Folders choose their techniques from the list below and gain new techniques to use each level. Save DC's are based on wisdom. See Table: The Paper-Folder for the highest level technique that can be used by a Paper-Folder as well as the number of technique points available at the start of each day.

Paper Attuned: Paper-Folders can Attune Paper. They can have 4 Cubic Feet of paper sheets attuned to them (being held inside their Notebook of the Master) per level.

Notebook of the Master: Paper-Folders have a Notebook that can magically Hold all the Paper Attuned to the Paper-Folder. This Notebook would Weigh Hundreds of pounds to anyone who doesn't have a class in Paper-Folders, to a Paper-Folder This weight would feel Trivial. Attuning paper requires the paper-folder to inscribe a special glyph only they know, only Those with the paper-folder class can know how to use this glyph. The paper has to be straight, crisp new paper. The paper cannot have been used to serve another purpose before hand, (Example: you cant take down your wanted poster and attune it) need a full nights rest to attune more paper to them. If any paper attuned was not destroyed or used for shurikens, it transfer to the next day. As soon as the Glyph is completed the ink grows and smothers the page, and turns to a (your choice) color.

Paper-Folders Abilities.

Master Multitasker: The Paper-Folder is so skilled at multi-tasking (seeing as a Paper-Folder needs to control thousands of individual grains at once) that instead of being a Con based skill, Concentration is a Wis based skill. This means you add your Wis modifier to your Concentration for Concentration checks.

Quick Paper: At 1st level a Paper-Folder may move each individual cubic foot of Paper Sheets at the speed of 30' per round. At level 5, 10, 15, 21, 25, and 30 the speed at which a Paper-Folder may move its Paper Sheets increases by 5'.

Paper Shuriken, 2nd level: Paper-Folders Create 4 (per Paper-Folder level) Shuriken, Requires 1 cubic foot of Attuned paper Per 4 Shuriken Made/ +1 for every 3 paper-folder class Levels. Making the Shurikens uses the papers magic, no longer making this paper attunable after the shuriken is made, but still under its control. uses 2 technique points. Shurikens deal 1d4, +1 to damage for 1st lvl and every 4th level.

Paper Chakram, 4th level: With quick assembly, the Paper-Folder uses a large amount of Paper to Create a Disc that Flies through the air at the intended target. This acts as a Chakram normally would, if it hits its target it Ricochets back to the Paper-Folder, dealing no damage to the Paper-folder upon catch, but any enemy(s) on the return (Within Zigzag Pattern only, cant go straight through enemys) will be struck with 1d4 slashing damage, the original target is dealt 2d8 Slashing damage. If there is only one enemy the Chakram will return to the Paper-folder upon hit. If The chakram misses, it continues to fly in the direction it was thrown in and damages 1 of the 4 cubic feet of attuned paper, upon hitting stone (or like material) walls. Standard wood or softer type walls will just let the chakram stick, not damaging the paper, but not letting it return either. Requires 4 cubic feet of Attuned Paper, and 4 technique points. But for each two technique points used, grants an additional throw before it returns to your book. Only one throw can be used per turn until extra attack feat is gained, and they can only throw it again if it returns.

Storage Seal: At 5th level a Paper-Folder has the ability to store up to 50 technique points at a time. Points may only be stored while out of battle. These points remain unused until the Paper-Folder wishes to use them. When points are stored this way a designated spot on the Paper-Folder appears a small diamond shaped tattoo. This tattoo disappears if no points are being stored. At level 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 the total amount of technique points a Paper-Folder can store is increased by 50.

Paper Prison, 5th level: On a failed Dex save the target is completely covered with paper. While "covered" or "Bound" the target is considered restrained ( Strength Check to break, Dc 10 + 1/2 Paper folders lvl + his wisdom modifer). The caster is capable of releasing their captive whenever he/she sees fits. Requires 3 cubic feet of Paper, and 7 technique points.

Paper Doppleganger, 6th level: Paper-Folder Creates an exact replica of Themselves, With hit-Points equal to 1d6/Paper-Folders level. The DoppleGanger also lasts 1d4 /+ 2 minute per paper-folder level. The Paper-Folder can Conceal items in this doppleganger, for it is hollow. The caster has Complete Control over this Doppleganger up to doubles its Quick paper Speed. The Doppleganger is Indistinguishable to the Caster. Requires 6 Cubic feet of Attuned Paper, and 10 technique points. Capable of Multiple Dopplegangers, But each Doppleganger requires Technique points and Paper to create. Duration is reduced to a 1/4 in rainy or very humid weather.

Shuriken StormAt 7th Level you learn to keep Shurikens in a hover stance or whirling around yourself, or even near your enemy. The Shurikens can be hit by your enemy, they are considered Tiny in size Object with and hp of 1 per each Shuriken, whirling around would make their AC 12, Hovering would be 4. Using this ability on an enemy is considered one attack, as you are using all the paper Shurikens at once to strike a already nearby enemy. This ability has the Range of your Quick Paper feat, and you can maintain a max of 8 Shurikens at 7th level, 12 at 13th, and 16 at 19th.

Supreme Concentration: At 8th level a Paper-Folder may always take 10 on concentration checks in any circumstance.

Double Shuriken: upon reaching 9th level, The Paper-Folder can now toss two Shurikens as one, and only needs to roll once for both to hit.

Dance of the Shikigami, 10th level: Caster becomes a swarm of Paper, Granting (depending on size, small=10 cubic ft, medium=20 cubic feet, etc) of extra paper to use for their techniques that they can still use) for the duration of this ability. While in Paper form, Add the size amount of paper you consist of (SML=10, Medium 20, etc) + your Paper-folder Level + your Wisdom Modifier +3. This number becomes your new hp while in swarm. They become a Swarm of paper. They can use this ability and return to physical state when they please for the first hour, but every hour after the Paper-folder must use 10 technique points to stay in their paper swarm form, or force revert to physical state. Can be used once a day and Caster will need full nights rest to use again.

Swarm Form: Caster gains %50 miss chance against attackers. Gain some Swarm Subtype: Tiny;(Immune to crit, Halves Slashing Damage, Cannot be tripped, grabbed or bullrushed, cannot grapple, +%50 damage from splash/AoE spells), Weakness to fire, immune to pierce, And Paper-Rebirth. However you cannot use weapons or armor is this mode And your AC becomes 10 + Wisdom Mod + 2 . As you move as a swarm All your items turn into paper with you, and are re-materialized, (if you have enough paper in your book) Upon their Destruction, But only while in this mode. If a Paper-folders Weapon breaks outside of this form it does not materialize out of the book. Upon suffering an AoE in solid paper form, the Paper-folder can switch to swarm mode to try and gain a the %50 miss chance. You are Strictly hovering while in Swarm form, and can only move up to half your Quick Paper speed. You can move into and through an enemy occupied space, and hover on them causing damage, however you are always subject to an AoP. Just going past your enemy will Cause 1d4 Slashing damage. Each enemy can only be affected by it once per Round. However For every 5 ft you dont move is an extra 1d4. ( Example: you are lvl 10, you have Quick paper 40', You can Hover as a swarm 20ft of that. if you enemy is ten feet away, move 5 feet, enter his square, suffer AoP, roll 3d4 ( one for entering the Square, 2 for last ten feet the swarm is able to move). Opponents starting their turn in the swarm occupied space, the enemy Makes a Reflex save of Dc10 + 1/2 Paper-folders level+ his wisdom modifier or gets hit again for 1d4 upon exiting, staying inside the swarm.

-Paper Rebirth:if while in paper-form, these sheets are destroyed, He/She is Materialized from the Notebook of the Master, Unconscious. Requires 25 Paper in your book to Materialize or you suffer death upon the demise of your paper form.

Paper-Folders Fountain, 14th level: The Casters notebook trembles upon the activation of this spell, the Caster Opens his/her Notebook Releasing Thousands of Paper sheets into the air, They look like almost webs, kind of ghastly, like pages from a spirit world or made of some ancient magic. This temporarily Increases their Maximum Paper limit by 100 cubic feet ( Granting them more paper to use, if any or all Attuned papers had been burned or destroyed, this would come in handy in a tight situation.) requires no Attuned paper in the book to use, and 40 technique points. usable once per day.

Triple Shuriken: Upon reaching 13th level, The Paper-Folder can now toss three Shurikens as one, and only needs to roll once for all three to hit.

Quadruple Shuriken: Upon reaching 17th level, The Paper-Folder can now toss four Shurikens as one, and only needs to roll once for all four to hit.

When a Paper-Folder attempts to use a technique he should ensure the proper amount of Paper is within the range of the technique. It is assumed when any technique ends all the Paper (thats not damaged/ruined/wet) returns to the Paper-Folder.

Epic Paper-Folders[edit]

Table: The Epic Paper-Folder

Hit Die: d4

Level Special Technique Points Known Techniques
21st Quick Paper 50', 253 31
22nd - 273 32
23rd - 294 33
24th 315 34
25th Quick Paper 55' 337 35
26th - 359 36
27th 382 37
28th - 403 38
29th - 427 39
30th Quick Paper 60', Bonus Feat, 451 40

4 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Human Paper-Folder Starting Package[edit]

Weapons: Quarterstaff

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.

Skill Ranks Ability Armor
Concentration 4 Wis (due to class skill)
Spot 4 Wis
Listen 4 Wis
Hide 4 Dex

Feat: Advanced Natural Techniques

Bonus Feats: Improved Technique Forming

Gear: 2 cubic feet of Paper Sheets, Bedroll, 10 Candles, Ink (5 oz.), Inkpen, Hooded Lantern, Oil (2 pint flask), Paper (40 sheets), Belt Pouch, Sealing Wax, Signet Ring, Small Steel Mirror, Waterskin, Winter Blanket.

Gold: 40 gp.

Campaign Information[edit]

Playing a Paper-Folder[edit]

Religion: Paper-Folders are not inclined to worship any deity. They simply move with the flow of nature and try to meld with the world, not trying to stick out too much from the rest of society unless absolutely necessary.

Other Classes: Any class is acceptable to a Paper-Folder for they simply go with the flow. As long as their allies don't get in his way, the Paper-Folder is fine with whomever he is with. This goes for all but other Paper-Folders. There is a certain disconcerting feeling when you don't know whether you're actually controlling your paper or if it's about to crush you.

Combat: Paper-Folders typically stay medium range from opponents. Their large number of defensive skills allow them to move into combat if needed to help support an ally or get one out of danger but other than that they remain immobile, outside of combat in order to better control their paper.

Advancement: A Paper-Folder wishes to further his control over attuned paper and thus usually sticks to the Paper-Folder class. But, depending on which attributes you increased, it may be beneficial to multiclass into another casting class such as wizard to amplify your usefulness outside of combat as well as in.

Paper-Folders in the World[edit]

Without your paper you can do nothing!
—Nameless Enemy
But as long as I have it, I can do anything.
—Garnith Tarn, Human Paper-Folder

Rarely staying in one place for long times, Paper-Folders are found all over. They will try to find capable companions to keep them company for traveling alone is a lonely thing. But some very few, and very powerful, Paper-Folders have settled down and quickly taken seats of power where they have due to their great abilities. But no matter what a Paper-Folder is doing, he will always have a longing for travel and adventure.

Daily Life: Paper-Folders like to keep moving, but don't like to move quickly. Some will stay in a town for no more than a day before feeling the need to move on. During their spare time, though, a Paper-Folder enjoys watching how events unfold and the final result. Most of all, they enjoy watching single objects or people for long periods of time, just to see what they do, how they move, and how they change over time.

Notables: Garnith Tarn, Male Human Paper-Folder: Unlocked all the secret potentials of the Paper-Folder ways and is considered the most powerful Paper-Folder. Now is the leader of a large desert tribe that is protected by solely Paper-Folders.

Rysta Tin, Female Human Paper-Folder: Once sat without moving for an entire week to watch a rock weather away to dust. Is now the oldest Paper-Folder alive (88 years old).

Organizations: The only congregation of Paper-Folders is a large city hidden by a dense Forrest. The city's name is Amegakure and it is very difficult to find without a Paper-Folder's aid. They congregate there to protect the city and learn their art from other, more experienced Paper-Folders. Other than that.

NPC Reactions: Those who meet a Paper-Folder have mixed feelings. On one hand, the Paper-Folder is capable of incredible feats of power that can route out those who are causing trouble. On the other, Paper-Folders can cause great devastation, droughts, loss of farmland, and it usually requires something the Paper-Folder would find very valuable just to keep the Paper-Folder in one place long enough to try to help.

Paper-Folder Lore[edit]

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Technicians) can research Paper-Folders to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (Technicians)
DC Result
5 Paper-Folders manipulate a type of paper called attuned paper that is capable of great feats of power.
10 Attuned paper is made clean, crisp paper and is difficult to quickly replace if destroyed by fire or lightning or made useless by water.
15 Paper-Folders rarely stay in any one location for very long, often traveling.
20 Characters who get this result can know the names and locations of specific Paper-Folders and items related to them including where they are most likely headed next.

Paper-Folders in the Game[edit]

Paper-Folders are rarely found in cities because of the damage they can cause to structures and pathways while making their attuned paper. Most adventurers may come across them out in the wild where they can openly practice their abilities. If you ever see random patches of paper, or other forresty conditions then a Paper-Folder probably isn't far away.

Adaptation: It is possible to take this in the direction of a war between nature and desert. Paper-Folders tend to destroy wildlife and stone, turning all to paper by absorbing the water. A war between the elves of the forest and the Paper-Folders of the desert wouldn't be terribly uncommon. Also, there may be just a single Paper-Folder in the world, one person who unlocked the secrets of the desert and mastered them. Perhaps that one Paper-Folder is actually harboring some spirit that grants him his abilities.

Sample Encounter: Tyr Prinit was born to a group of desert nomads but sold into slavery when he was young. While slave to a wealthy family, he discovered his ability to absorb water and manipulate paper. Practicing, he eventually managed to fashion an escape route by hollowing out an underground tunnel over countless nights. Now free, and practiced with his new abilities, he sought a life of traveling and adventure. That dream soon came to a close, though, when he was caught as an escaped slave and imprisoned soon after. Harboring great hate for his captors, who wanted to know the secrets of his abilities, Tyr refused to tell them of the secret city of Systamo he heard in his childhood before slavery, the hidden City. Eventually, Tyr met a rogue who was caught as well and together they escaped, after 4 years of imprisonment. Thereafter, every city Tyr visited always kicked him out when he tried to show others his abilities or used them for they caused too much damage, especially after Tyr learned to create fire and explosions with his paper. Tyr harbors a great distaste, even hatred, for cities, and may eventually strike out at them, considering them a waste of space where a desert would be better suited.

EL 17: <-Encounter scenario and character info on sample NPC including stat block. The CR of the NPC is typically the same as the EL for the encounter.->.

Stat block under construction.

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