Tremor-Tremor Fruit (3.5e Class)

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Tremor-Tremor Fruit[edit]

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"I heard they are incarnations of the sea devil. Supposedly, if you eat one, you will gain devil powers... but the sea will hate you and take your ability to swim!" Devil Fruits are said to be the fruits of the Sea Devil and that the secret to their power is hidden in the Grand Line. Because encounters with them are rare (especially outside the Grand Line), a number of rumors about them have risen, making it difficult to tell whether some things are fact or fiction. Because of their power, if sold they can expect to fetch well over 100,000 GP, and Devil Fruit users themselves are sold at market prices as slaves. Of course, individual Fruits each have their differences in price, dependent on the powers bestowed.

Making a Tremor-Tremor Fruit[edit]

The Tremor-Tremor Fruit user has devastatingly powerful attacks that can shatter the world.

Abilities: Strength and Dexterity are the most important stats for the Tremor-Tremor Fruit user.

Races: Any that can eat.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: 4d4×10 gp.

Starting Age: Simple.

Table: The Tremor-Tremor Fruit

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Tremor-Tremor Damage Tremor-Tremor Barrage Devastating Tremor Unarmored Speed Bonus
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Devil Fruit Abilities 1d10 -2/-2/-2 +20ft
2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Quaking Armor 2d10 -1/-1/-1 +20ft
3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 3d10 +0/+0/+0 +20ft
4th +4 +4 +4 +1 Two-Weapon Fighting 4d10 +1/+1/+1 +20ft
5th +5 +4 +4 +1 Improved Devil Fruit Abilities 5d12 +2/+2/+2/+2 20d20 +30ft
6th +6/+1 +5 +5 +2 Evasion 6d12 +4/+4/+4/+4/-1 30d20 +30ft
7th +7/+2 +5 +5 +2 7d12 +5/+5/+5/+5/+0 35d20 +30ft
8th +8/+3 +6 +6 +2 8d12 +6/+6/+6/+6/+1 40d20 +30ft
9th +9/+4 +6 +6 +3 Improved Two-Weapon Fighting 9d12 +7/+7/+7/+7/+2 45d20 +40ft
10th +10/+5 +7 +7 +3 Greater Devil Fruit Abilities 20d6 +8/+8/+8/+8/+8/+3 120d8 +40ft
11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +7 +3 22d6 +10/+10/+10/+10/+10/+5/+0 154d8 +40ft
12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +8 +4 24d6 +11/+11/+11/+11/+11/+6/+1 168d8 +40ft
13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +8 +4 Improved Evasion 26d6 +12/+12/+12/+12/+12/+7/+2 182d8 +50ft
14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +9 +4 Greater Two-Weapon Fighting 28d6 +13/+13/+13/+13/+13/+8/+3 196d8 +50ft
15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +9 +5 Superior Devil Fruit Abilities 30d8 +14/+14/+14/+14/+14/+14/+9/+4 240d10 +50ft
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +10 +5 32d8 +16/+16/+16/+16/+16/+16/+11/+6/+1 288d10 +50ft
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 34d8 +17/+17/+17/+17/+17+17/+12/+7/+2 306d10 +60ft
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +6 36d8 +18/+18/+18/+18/+18/+18/+13/+8/+3 324d10 +60ft
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +6 Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting 38d8 +19/+19/+19/+19/+19/+19/+14/+9/+4 342d10 +60ft
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +6 Perfect Devil Fruit Abilities 40d10 +20/+20/+20/+20/+20/+20/+20/+15/+10/+5 400d20 +60ft

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit user.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: You are proficient with Monk Weapons and no other Weapons or Armor or Shields.

Devil Fruit Abilities: You gain the power of the Gura-Gura no Mi, commonly known as the Tremor-Tremor Fruit. Only one person can wield this fruit at any moment. You gain the following abilities.

  • Tremor-Tremor Damage: You deal an extra 1d10 Sonic damage per level with all Melee attacks. This ability can be suppressed at will.
  • Tremor-Tremor Barrage: You attack 2 more times than your normal BAB at a -3. This is an Attack Action and can only be used once per round.
  • Unarmored Speed Bonus: You have a +20ft Movement Speed to all of your Base Movement Speed, this increases by +10ft every 4th level.

Quaking Armor: You add your Strength Mod as a Deflection Bonus to their AC. You gain a +1 to this ability every 2nd level.

Two-Weapon Fighting: You gain the SRD:Two-Weapon Fighting feat even if you do not meet the prerequisites. You gain the SRD:Improved Two-Weapon Fighting at 9th level, SRD:Greater Two-Weapon Fighting at 14th, and SRD:Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting at 19th level.

Improved Devil Fruit Abilities: You gain the power of the Gura-Gura no Mi, commonly known as the Tremor-Tremor Fruit. Only one person can wield this fruit at any moment. You gain the following abilities.

  • Tremor-Tremor Damage: You deal an extra 1d12 Sonic damage per level with all Melee attacks. This ability can be suppressed at will.
  • Tremor-Tremor Barrage: You attack 3 more times than your normal BAB at a -2. This is an Attack Action and can only be used once per round.
  • Devastating Tremor: You can compress all of your Tremor-Tremor Barrage into one devastating attack. You deal damage as show in the Devastating Tremor column. This can be used every 3d4 + 4 rounds.

Evasion: As SRD:Evasion, and at 13th level Improved Evasion.

Greater Devil Fruit Abilities: You gain the power of the Gura-Gura no Mi, commonly known as the Tremor-Tremor Fruit. Only one person can wield this fruit at any moment. You gain the following abilities.

  • Tremor-Tremor Damage: You deal an extra 2d6 Sonic damage per level with all Melee attacks. This ability can be suppressed at will.
  • Tremor-Tremor Barrage: You attack 4 more times than your normal BAB at a -1. This is an Attack Action and can only be used once per round.
  • Earth Shaker: You can cast Quickened Rockslide a number of times per equal to your Strength Mod. You can do this once per round. DC = 10 + Str + LvL.

Superior Devil Fruit Abilities: You gain the power of the Gura-Gura no Mi, commonly known as the Tremor-Tremor Fruit. Only one person can wield this fruit at any moment. You gain the following abilities.

  • Tremor-Tremor Damage: You deal an extra 2d8 Sonic damage per level with all Melee attacks. This ability can be suppressed at will.
  • Tremor-Tremor Barrage: You attack 5 more times than your normal BAB. This is an Attack Action and can only be used once per round.

Perfect Devil Fruit Abilities: You gain the power of the Gura-Gura no Mi, commonly known as the Tremor-Tremor Fruit. Only one person can wield this fruit at any moment. You gain the following abilities.

  • Tremor-Tremor Damage: You deal an extra 2d10 Sonic damage per level with all Melee attacks. This ability can be suppressed at will.
  • Tremor-Tremor Barrage: You attack 6 more times than your normal BAB. This is an Attack Action and can only be used once per round.

Epic Tremor-Tremor Fruit[edit]

Table: The Epic Tremor-Tremor Fruit

Hit Die: d8

Level Base Attack Bonus Special Tremor-Tremor Damage Tremor-Tremor Barrage Devastating Tremor Unarmored Speed Bonus
21st +21/+16/+11/+6/+1 42d10 +21/+21/+21/+21/+21/+21/+21/+16/+11/+6/+1 462d12 +70ft
22nd +22/+17/+12/+7/+2 44d10 +22/+22/+22/+22/+22/+22/+22/+17/+12/+7/+2 484d12 +70ft
23rd +23/+18/+13/+8/+3 46d10 +23/+23/+23/+23/+23/+23/+23/+18/+13/+8/+3 506d12 +70ft
24th +24/+19/+14/+9/+4 48d10 +24/+24/+24/+24/+24/+24/+24/+19/+14/+9/+4 528d12 +70ft
25th +25/+20/+15/+10/+5 50d12 +25/+25/+25/+25/+25/+25/+25/+25/+20/+15/+10/+5 600d20 +80ft
26th +26/+21/+16/+11/+6/+1 52d12 +26/+26/+26/+26/+26/+26/+26/+26/+21/+16/+11/+6/+1 676d20 +80ft
27th +27/+22/+17/+12/+7/+2 54d12 +27/+27/+27/+27/+27/+27/+27/+27/+22/+17/+12/+7/+2 702d20 +80ft
28th +28/+23/+18/+13/+8/+3 56d12 +28/+28/+28/+28/+28/+28/+28/+28/+23/+18/+13/+8/+3 728d20 +80ft
29th +29/+24/+19/+14/+9/+4 58d12 +29/+29/+29/+29/+29/+29/+29/+29/+24/+19/+14/+9/+4 754d20 +90ft
30th +30/+25/+20/+15/+10/+5 Final Devil Fruit Abilities 90d8 +30/+30/+30/+30/+30/+30/+30/+30/+30/+25/+20/+15/+10/+5 1260d20 +100ft

4 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Final Devil Fruit Abilities: The Final Abilities granted by the Devil Fruit that has been dubbed "The Strongest Devil Fruit°. You Gain the Following Abilities at 30th level.

  • Tremor-Tremor Damage: You deal an extra 3d8 Sonic damage per level with all Melee attacks. This ability can be suppressed at will.
  • Tremor-Tremor Barrage: You attack 8 more times than your normal BAB. This is an Attack Action and can only be used once per round.

The Tremor-Tremor Fruit Lore[edit]

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Sailor) can research the Tremor-Tremor Fruit to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (Sailor)
DC Result
5 A user who can seemingly shatter all.
10 A wielder who has such strength, they can collapse cities.
15 A wielder who has enough strength to toppel mountain ranges.
30 The Most Powerful Devil Fruit that has ever been, nothing is saved from the destruction of this devil fruit.

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