5e Derivative Work Classes

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Classes Based on Existing Fiction[edit]

Classes which are based on characters or archetypes from other works of fiction.
Name Summary Spellcasting
25th Baam Wave Controller Wave Controller is a Position where one helps their allies in battles by attacking the enemy or by aiding the team using Shinsu. Out of all the five ordinary Positions, Wave Controller is the rarest to be chosen for. full
3rd Generation Pyrokinetic A class that allows the user to generate and manipulate their own flames
Abomination Adventurer with a dark secret.
Abomination, 2nd Variant ever been unable to contain stress? let it consume you
Abomination, Variant ever been unable to contain stress? let it consume you
Absolute Solver's Host The host of an ancient virus.
Ace Attorney "A lawyer is someone who smiles no matter how bad it gets."
Air Bender The Air Nomads are a peaceful civilization, but don’t underestimate them.
Alchemist One who places spell effects into elixirs and creates volatile explosives. half
Alchemist of Transmutation Alchemists are individuals capable of studying and practicing alchemy. As the craft of alchemy requires a full understanding of chemistry, physics and ancient alchemical theory, alchemists are closer to scientists than magicians, but the ability to perform alchemy is also tied to an inherent talent for manipulating matter and energy, so not all people can become competent alchemists merely by studying.
Alchemist, 2nd Variant
Alchemist, FMA Alchemists are individuals capable of studying and practicing alchemy. As the craft of alchemy requires a full understanding of chemistry, physics and ancient alchemical theory, alchemists are closer to scientists than magicians, but the ability to perform alchemy is also tied to an inherent talent for manipulating matter and energy, so not all people can become competent alchemists merely by studying.
Allogene Genshin Impact Vision Holder, Variant. Your ambitions have been recognized by the gods
Allomancer An allomancer consumes and burns a specific kind of metal in order to fuel various magical abilities.
Apostle In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control; even over his own will.
Aura Warrior Aura warriors use the Aura Force for combat purposes, and they run on respect. They would not hesitate to lay down their life for the greater good.
Avatar (Last Airbender)
Bearer of Calamities
Berserker, Heroic Spirit A specialized class based of the Berserker Servants from the Fate series
Biskmatar half
Black Blood A vicious virus in the bloodstream has been weaponized and known to cause a special kind of madness.
Black Blood, Variant A vicious virus in the bloodstream has been weaponized and known to cause a special kind of madness.
Black Blood, Variant 2 A vicious virus in the bloodstream has been weaponized and known to cause a special kind of madness.
Black Mage A agent of pure magical destruction. full
Black Swordsman Battered, bloodied, and scarred, these warriors fight in a world of magic and monsters with nothing but their own humanity.
Blacklight Mutator Once a normal creature, exposed to an aberration/cursed virus you are more than just the creature, you are an infected hybrid.
Blacklight Virus A genetically enhanced mutation which allows the user access to alter their genetic code for biological weapons.
Blaster A warrior who uses a magical weapon called a Pile Bunker, a weapon which deals massive explosions and can shred through any obstacles. half
Blood Killer Cat Bloodclan from Warriors Cat
Blood Lord A mage whose chosen a very unconventional method of magic.
Blood Quirk A quirk that incorporated blood in a major way.
Blood Quirk, Variant A quirk that incorporated blood in a major way.
Bloodborne Hunter A mysterious hunter who has mastered their own blood to perform unnatural feats.
Bloodborne Hunter Variant
Blue Mage A blue mage specializes in hunting monsters and absorbing part of their essence to learn new spells. Through their power of observation they can analyze the essences of monsters and spellcasters to mimic their spells and abilities.
Caped Crusader A warrior on a path they designated. These warriors combine martial arts, stealth, and versatile equipment to take out their foes.
Cavalier Fearsome and courageous knights that ride their steed into battle.
Cave-Guard Guards from Tribe of Rushing Water from Warriors Cat
Celestial Spirit User A homage to the anime Fairy Tail. Play with the magical abilites to summon and fight alongside Celestial Spirits.
Combatant Mage (Black Clover Supplement)
Commandment of Piety Powerful demonic warriors who will destroy everything while offering piety
Cosmos User Powerful Knights that uses the cosmos of the universe to fight.
Covenant Soldier A force of conquest throughout the galaxy.
Crazed Uncle A Bioshock-themed insane anti-caster.
Crusader You are a valiant champion whose goal is to smite evil.
Custom Stand User Variation A Class of Stand User with a customized stand. No Star Platinums or The Worlds over here.
D'ivers third
Daddy/Daughter The short support or slim assassin
Daemon Eater Individuals that suffer from the Daemonblight, causing their soul to emit a toxic aura simply called Malevolence and slowly turning them into Daemons.
Daemon Eater Variant Individuals infected with a blight that grants them power.
Dark Hunter A warrior who uses precise cuts from sword and whip to impose harmful conditions upon their prey.
Dark Knight, 2nd Variant
Dark Ranger Ruthless hunters of the living, Dark Rangers are murderous trackers, that employ necromantic magic to deliver death to their victims. The Dark Ranger is a Variant of the Ranger class. half
Dark Shadow A quirk based on using a shadow emitted from your body to enhance your abilities inside and outside of combat.
Dark Slayer
Deck Master
Demon Blood You were a human that was Cursed By the blood of a demon
Demon Slayer A swordsman/swordswoman who's joined the ranks of the Demon Slayer Corps.
Demon Wielder Fighters who utilize the power of demons to assist them in battle.
Destiny Hunter half
Destiny Warlock Radical Space Wizards
Determined, Variant As a Determined you gain the following class features
Devil Hunter, 2nd Variant Style on your enemies, Devil May Cry style.
Devil Hunter, 3rd Variant Style on your enemies, Devil May Cry style.
Devil Hunter, Variant Style on your enemies, Devil May Cry style.
Devil User Creatures with demonic powers, making contracts and killing to survive.
Dominant half
Doom Slayer, 3rd Variant
Doom Slayer, 4th Variant For those who want to rip and tear.
DoomSlayer, 5th Variant Rip and Tear, Until it is done
DoomSlayer, Variant A warrior bent on vengeance and the destruction of all things demonic and cruel.
Dovahkiin half
Dragalia Shifter Warriors from Alberia who can transform into Dragons. (Inspired by Nintendo's Dragalia Lost)
Dragon Rider A warrior possessing magical powers by being bonded with a dragon. (Based on the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini.)
Dragon Ryder, Variant Versatile spell caster bonded with a dragon.
Dragon Slayer Individuals who use lost magic that grants them the power of dragons.
Dragon Slayer, Fairy Tail Individuals who use lost magic that grants them the power of dragons.
Dragonsmith A warrior with a size-changing dragon and nifty smithy skills third
Dragoon (Legend of Dragoon) Warriors bound to the spirits of dragons, able to invoke the elemental power of dragons to conjure magic and transform into a hybrid dragon form, known as the Dragoon form.
Dream Demon A living nightmare, forged from an unwanted soul.
Earth Bender Earth Benders are tough, resilient, and will stand their ground, no matter what.
Eclipse Cat Sorcerer with short rest spell slots
Electrification A quirk designed to shock your opponents.
Eliksni Insectoid, four-armed aliens who are as adaptable as they are vicious.
Empty Being
Espada (JJ Nerf)
Evoker A channeler of elemental forces that brims with internal energy.
Ex-Soldier, Zack Variant Hey, would you say... I became a hero? third
Explosion A class about making explosions with your explosive body.
Fable Wolf Beings who have struggled to integrate into society due to their bestial nature.
Fairy King
Fell Rider Dark riders on mounts, who fell into darkness
Fire Bender, Variant
Fire Soldier (Fire Force supplement)
Fixer (Project Moon Supplement)
Flagellant The Flagellant is a zealous fanatic that uses its own suffering to punish their enemies and heal their allies.
Force Master A powerful warrior who can use the force.
Force Sensitive As the name implies, Force Sensitive's specialize in using the force to protect themselves and those around them..
Force Sensitive, Variant A being with a rare connection to the force
Frost Demon An all-out offensive class with powerful energy attacks, transformations, and telekinesis.
Fudou Style Martial Arts You are a warrior who uses the wind.
Full Moon Cat A warlock inspired by Warrior Cats half
Fullbringer A human tainted with undead might from birth.
Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider, 2nd Variant
Ghost Rider, Variant
Ghoul King Incarnate Living in different worlds is chaotic, but someone who lives in both worlds has a better perspective of both sides of the coin.
Ghoul King Incarnate, 2nd Variant Living in different worlds is chaotic, but someone who lives in both worlds has a better perspective of both sides of the coin.
Ghoul King Incarnate, Variant Living in different worlds is chaotic, but someone who lives in both worlds has a better perspective of both sides of the coin.
Ghoul, Variant A Humanoid monster with powerful Natural weapons that have plenty of power, and utility. Very helpful especially when you need to sate a diet that consists of human flesh.
Graceling Graceful death dealer
Green Lantern Peacekeepers of green light
Guild Wars Dragonhunter A defender class that specializes in team support and trap damage.
Gungeoneer A dungeon delver who uses their wit and intellect to dip dive and dodgeroll through traps and enemies.
Gungeoneer, Variant A dungeon delver who uses their wit and intellect to dip dive and dodgeroll through traps and enemies.
Gunlance Wielder
Gunmen Pilot Variant
Half Ghost Wieldng a power given to you from a realm called The Ghost Zone, you now decide who gets sent to their grave
Half-Cold Half-Hot A quirk based on creating ice and fire with different sides of your body.
Hallownest Knight A class based around the Hollow Knight lore.
Halo Spartan A machine in the shape of a super-soldier
Hamon/Ripple User Hamon/Ripple Users use The Ripple to hurt enemies and assist themselves.
Hand of the Kraken A religious warrior that summons tentacles to control the battlefield. half
Hardening A quirk that hardens your skin to be super tough.
Harmony Singer
Heroic Adventurer Heroic Adventurer
Heroic Adventurer, Variant Heroic Adventurer
Heroic Champion A class based of the Servants from the Fate series
Heroic Spirit A class based of the Servants from the Fate series
Hogwarts Wizard Whether, in ancient times, some humans randomly discovered they had magic, or there was some sort of ritual or potion or pact, their origins remain a mystery. full
Hojosa A class revolved around the character 'Ilpyo Park' from God of Highschool
Hollow Evil spirits who want nothing beyond just eating souls and grow stronger
Hollow (Soul Society Supplement)
Hollow Knight, Variant A Knight who uses the power of the void within themselves and their master swordsmanship to combat their foes.
Hollow, Variant Evil spirits who want nothing beyond just eating souls and grow stronger
Homunculus An effectively immortal being created with the most forbidden science.
Honkai Valkyrie A Superhuman soldier who fight against Houkai.
Horn Hunter Horn hunters are unique musical playing class that can support from the back lines or be a front-line attacker. half
Hunter(HXH) People who learned how to use the aura inside them as a weapon.
Hunter, 2nd Variant A mysterious hunter who has mastered their own blood to perform unnatural feats.
Huntsman A versatile fighting class that makes use of a transforming weapon and mitigates damage with Aura (RWBY).
Huntsman Variant A versatile fighting class that makes use of a transforming weapon and mitigates damage with Aura (RWBY).
Huntsman/Huntress, Variant A highly customizable warrior who protects people and slays monsters. Based on the show RWBY.
Hyrule: Fighter You are a master of traditional combat. Few can match your training and talent on the battlefield.
Hyrule: Hunter You are adept at facing monsters in the wilds, able to adapt to any combat scenario.
Hyrule: Oathsworn Bound by a sacred oath, you are sworn to use your divine power for a cause you believe in.
Hyrule: Opportunist With finesse and tact, you exploit the vulnerabilities of your foes with uncanny skill. There's no opportunity you can't seize.
Hyrule: Researcher Your magical study comes to fruition in unique forms of spellcasting.
Hyrule: Sage Whether by devotion or fortune, you have inherited divine magic to affect the world around you.
Hyrule: Scion With power inherited from a supernatural being, you blend martial and magical prowess.
Imperial Guardsman The regular infantry of the Imperial Guard, whom are ready to die for the Emperor.
Insect Glaive Hunter The Insect Glaive hunter is an unique warrior who takes down the enemy with mobility and his loyal Kinsect companion.
Integrity Knight
Interfusion Mage A mage without spell slots that channels their power through the surrounding environment.
Iron Avenger And me? I am... Iron Man
Iron Solari
Jedi Those capable of feeling and wielding energy of the planes
Jedi/Sith A powerful warrior, who using a strange mystic energy, known as, The Force.
Jedi/Sith, Variant Those capable of feeling and wielding energy of the planes
Jujutsu Shaman A class based on Jujutsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Sorcerer
Kamen Rider Heisei ¿Are you ready? ¡Henshin!
Keybearer The ancient keyblade legacy has awakened inside you. Use it wisely, as it will be more than just a weapon.
Keyblade Guardian half
Keyblade Master A fierce warrior wielding immense and unique power.
Keyblade Master, Variant The ancient keyblade legacy has awakened inside you. Use it wisely, as it will be more than just a weapon.
Keyblade Master, Variant 2 Kingdom Heart beckons, will you answer its call?
Keyblade Mystic full
Keyblade Warrior third
Keyblade Wielder Kingdom Heart beckons, will you answer its call?
Keyblade Wielder, 2nd Variant A fierce warrior wielding immense and unique power.
Keyblade Wielder, Variant half
Ki Fighter Martial artists capable of harnessing their own life energy.
Ki Fighter, 2nd variant
Ki Fighter, Variant
Ki Warrior
King of Games, 2nd Variant a summoner/spell-caster whos possible actions are chosen at random. This variant takes aspects of both the original and variant King of Games classes and melds them together as well as possible while adding my own new and interesting ideas. full
King of Games, 3rd Variant A summoner/spell-caster who's possible actions are chosen at random. with a effective spell level of 1/2.
King of Games, variant a summoner/spell-caster whos possible actions are chosen at random. with a effective spell level of 1/2.
Kinrath (Cantalthis Supplement) Those capable of feeling and wielding the Force, the energy of life.
Kittypet Cat Bardic Kittypet from Warriors cat
Kiwami Heat Kiwami Heat focuses on fighting with unarmed strikes but handled weapons are welcomed.
Klyntar Host
Klyntar Host, Variant
Lancer As a Lancer you gain the following class features: half
Legionis Elite officers who use the power of spectral entities called Legions.
Lieh Samurai Noble warriors that protect Lieh, serving loyally their masters while strictly adhering to the code of Bushido. half
Limitless A class based on Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen.
Limitless, Variant A class based on Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen.
Living Weapon, Variant Inspired by Kantai Girls, Azure Lane, and the Military.
Loner Cat Barbarian modified to fit better in a low magic world
Lord of Shadows Lords of Shadow are beings who have abandoned their humanity and become creatures of the night with terrifying dark powers.
Luck Knight A formidable foe whose main strength relies on betting
Magic Law Practitioner You punish and prosecute undead to the fullest extent of the law!
Magical Girl If you wished you could be a character from the anime "Puella Magi Madoka Magica", then this class is for you.
Magical Girl, Variant Wield the power of a magical girl to face witches.
Mana User Mana User's use their imagination for magic
Manakete Beings who have a connection to dragons whithin their blood. They gain strength and power from it, shapeshifting their body into draconic forms. But they must be wary to not let it consume them.
Mandalorian A group of people native to the planet Mandalore, and wear special armor made of a substance called Beskar.
Mantra Asura Beings who harness the power of Mantra to protect all of humanity.
Mask Collector Mask Collectors are people who Travel far and wide to try to find magical masks.
Maverick Hunter A buster-wielding agent dedicated to the destruction of gone-maverick reploids.
Mech Pilot, 2nd Variant
Mechromancer 2K A tinker spellcaster that can summon a powerful robotic companion to fight for them. half
Medic - TF2 A doctor capable of restoring the health of his allies while harming their enemies in the frontlines.
Medicine Cat Outside combat healer based on Medicine Cat from Warrior Cat
Mistborn, Variant Channel the power of Preservation through metals!
Mobian Caster full
Mobian Devil You want to hit hard and boost your allies.
Mobian Explorer
Mobian Genius
Mobian Speedster
Monado Wielder You are one of the rare people able to wield the power of the legendary fate-altering sword, the Monado.
Monkey King A class based on God of highschool
Monkey King, Variant 2 A class based on God of highschool
Monster/Beast Hunter A Guardian of nature and people equally.
Monsterbound A class that allows the user to take on a more feral fighting style with the assistance of a monster companion
Mugen Tenshin The Mugen Tenshin clan is an ancient family of warriors trained in the ninja arts.
Muzan Demon You were a human that was turned into a demon by Muzan.
Myrmidon Sword wielders that use graceful maneuvers to cull their opposition.
Mystic Eyes User Bend the fundamental forces of the universe to your will with nothing but your eyes.
Mystic Puppeteer A mystic who has crafted and enchanted small puppets, using them for anything and everything from the mundane to fighting in their stead.
Mystic Puppeteer, Variant A mystic who has crafted and enchanted small puppets, using them for anything and everything from the mundane to fighting in their stead.
Mystic, 2nd Variant More disciplines, fewer restrictions, higher cost powers.
Mystic, 2nd Variant Psionic Disciplines (5e Other)
Mystic, 5th Variant a revisited version of the UA's Mystic
Nahobino Mortals who have fused with a celestial spirit to achieve a forbidden form more like gods than mortals. full
Nanomachines, Son The mind is a weapon, I have perfected that concept.
Naruto Shinobi, Fun Variant Shinobi are ninja capable of extraordinary feats and skills using chakra.
Naruto: Shinobi Shinobi are ninja capable of extraordinary feats and skills using chakra.
Naruto: Shinobi, Variant Shinobi are ninja capable of extraordinary feats and skills using Ki.
Nen User People who learned how to use the aura inside them as a weapon.
Nen User, Variant People who learned how to use the aura inside them as a weapon.
Nomu An unnatural fusion of quirks.
Omnitrix Wielder A warrior attached to a powerful device known as the Omnitrix.
One for All Wield a powerful quirk passed down from hero to hero
Operative A strategist, both fighting and providing utility.
Overdrive User
Overlord Magician The ultimate Magician with Powerful spells full
Pegasus Knight A protector of the weak, riding a winged horse.
Permeation A quirk that allows you to pass through objects and become intangible.
Phantom Thief A creative artist who steals his prey in style.
Phantom Thief of Hearts
Planes Walker
Planeswalker As a planeswalker, you can either be the protector of the multiverse, or its greatest enemy, the power is yours to decide.
Planeswalker, Variant As Planeswalker, you can either be the protector of the multiverse, or its greatest enemy, the power is yours to decide.
Plumber An adventurer with superhuman jumping abilities.
Pokemon Trainer, Variant Trainers don’t fight for themselves, they use the menagerie of creatures they capture to fight for them.
Pokémon Trainer It is now the time to catch 'em all
Pokémon Trainer, Variant Travel the world making friends!
Prey-Hunter Aggressive fighter class based on Prey-Hunter tribe in warrior books
Prototype You were infected by a virulent virus, mutating your genetic code and allowing you to freely manipulate your own biomass for your own use.
PSI Kid A young adventurer with their newly awakened psionic power, harnessed by their emotions. Based on the Psionic by Ethan.
PSI User
Pyromaniac Any problem can be solved with fire. Lots of fire.
Quincy A secret, long-forgotten organization of humans hell-bent on slaying the undead instead of purifying them.
Quincy (Soul Society Supplement)
Quincy, 2nd Variant A secret, long-forgotten organization of humans hell-bent on slaying the undead instead of purifying them.
Quincy, Variant
Quirk User A person whose unique power has
Ranger of the North A Ranger of the North is a warrior who is trained rigorously, sometimes for years, before they are considered ready to venture beyond the wall. Until then, they do small work, training, of course, or standing watch on the wall. Tending the flames in the braziers that are used for warmth, polishing swords, working the kitchens, and many other things. After they are finished with their training is when they become a force to be reckoned with. After their training, they go beyond the wall, scouting, making maps, and hunting. Sometimes, they go on hunts for parties of wildlings whom are planning to go over the wall and raid, and most times, they do not come back. Scarcely is a ranger who survives one who is not greatly skilled.
Ranger, Pathfinder Edition Acting as a bulwark between civilization and the terrors of the wilderness, rangers study, track, and hunt their favored enemies.
Raven Demon Ascendant Control your inner demon,
Rebel Corps Soldier A soldier who uses their will to aid the rebellion in any way they can.
Red Dragon Emperor
Reishi A warrior that has mastered the art of Reiki channeling (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Revenant Revenants channel the spiritual energy of powerful souls in the spirit realm. half
Reverse Klyntar
Rider, Variant A specialized class based of the Rider Servants from the Fate series
River Warrior Cat Water and grappled class based on Riverclan from Warriors cat
User:Roxxx A warrior bent on vengeance and the destruction of all things demonic and cruel.
Ruined King
Runeblade A master of the blade and a scholar of the runes, with these skills, blaze a path to arcane martial supremacy
Runner Runners (from Mirror's Edge) are able to manipulate kinetic energy and outdo opponents in combat with use of martial arts.
Sacrier Close-combat experts who embraces pain to inflict them. Originally from Dofus franchise, with a dash of some things else.
Sacrier, Wakfu Variant A fist fighter that becomes stronger at low HP
Sailor Scout Fighting evil by moonlight! Winning love by daylight! Never running from a real fight! You are the one called sailor who? half
Saiyan Fighter Fighters who specialize in ki techniques and transformations to boost their power.
Saiyan Fighter, 2nd Variant Powerful warriors capable of surpassing their limits with powerful transformations.
Saiyan Fighter, 4th Variant Powerful warriors capable of surpassing their limits with powerful transformations.
Saiyan Fighter, Variant Powerful warriors capable of surpassing their limits with powerful transformations.
Sandbender Individuals that control sand to attack and protect himself.
Sans, 2nd Variant
Seeker of Truth
Shaco A trickster adept at creating chaos on the battlefield and getting behind enemies to stab their back. Based on League of Legends' Shaco.
Shadow Warrior Cat Sneaky class based on Shadowclan from Warrior Cats
Shadowcaster Mages who draw upon the powerful forces of the elemental Plane of Shadow, a warped and twisted reflection of our own world. full
Shadowcaster, Variant Mages who draw upon the powerful forces of the elemental Plane of Shadow, a warped and twisted reflection of our own world. full
Shifter Creatures with the ability to transform into other creatures.
Shinigami A class based on the hit anime and manga series, Bleach.
Shovel Knight A knight that lives by a holy code and uses a sacred blade: The Shovel Blade!
Shrine Maiden A servant to her Deity that acts as a bridge between the dead and living, between gods and people. full
Sin of Wrath, 2nd Variant
Sin of Wrath, Variant A demonic being with the power to counter magic.
Sisterhood Cat Spirit class based on Sister from Warrior Cat
Sith A true warrior of the dark side, you are above all others in power and status.
Skaven Warplock Engineer A engineer and madman in equal measure. Any Warplock engineer worth their salt can be anything from chaotic sorcerer and masterful tinkerer, to heavy infantry wielding heavily augmented weaponry and riding warpstone fueled mounts. full
Sky Warrior Cat Warriors that attack from the sky based from Skyclan from Warrior Cat
Solipsistic Master A warrior who draws power from oneself
Soul Reaper
Soul Reaper, Variant A being made out of spiritual energy made to purify evil souls and protect the world of the living.
Soulbringer Adaptable spellswords with conviction and arcane senses.
Sovereign A being that has been genetically altered to handle the collective will of a planet. half
Spawn They call me by many names, demon, monster, nephilim... but I only respond to one name, Spawn
Spawn of The Body Superhuman with shapeshifting powers.
Spawn of The Memory Superhuman with mental powers.
Spawn of The Power Superhuman with energy manipulation powers.
Spellbreaker A Spellbreaker is both a destroyer and protector of magic.
Spider-Man If you ever wanted to be Spider-Man, well then this is the class for you.
Spider-Person, Variant If you ever wanted to be Spider-Man, well then this is the class for you.
Spin Wielder Pizza Mozzarella!
Spirit Walker, 2nd Variant
Stand User (Custom) A Class of Stand User with a customized stand. No Star Platinums or The Worlds over here.
Stand User (Custom) Variant A Class of Stand User with a customized stand. No Star Platinums or The Worlds over here.
Stand User Variant Callout your inner spirit, and punch your enemies with it
Stand User, 2nd Variant
State Alchemist Alchemists are individuals capable of studying and practicing alchemy. As the craft of alchemy requires a full understanding of chemistry, physics and ancient alchemical theory, alchemists are closer to scientists than magicians, but the ability to perform alchemy is also tied to an inherent talent for manipulating matter and energy, so not all people can become competent alchemists merely by studying.
Steel Stringer An assassin of eloquence third
Summoner, Variant A full-caster linked with a powerful summon named eidolon. full
Survivalist A wily character who makes up for offense with out of the box animal tricks
Survivalist, Fallout Variant A lonesome watchman.
Swordsman, Variant A dex-based weapon fighter based on swordsman from one piece fiction.
Tager A person who has inextricably bonded themself with a being from the Far Realm, gaining a shifted form in the process.
Taster A class revolved around the character 'Sora' from Hardcore Leveling Warrior
Taster, Variant A class revolved around the character 'Sora' from Hardcore Leveling Warrior
The Defect The Defect practices ancient forms of combat, allowing the manipulation of raw magical energy in the form of Orbs. half
The Fixer
The Monkey King A class based on the character Jin Mori from God of highschool
The Nightmare Seeker they are demons that come from far places of the underworld just to seek the nightmare flame of broken worlds
The Pure Lightning
The Scout Scout from Tf2
The Silent A deadly group of hunters and huntresses from the foglands.
The Slayer A merciless hunter that rejects death solely to to get the chance to slaughter their enemies.
The Stranger An individual using his wits and modifications of his own body to fight for his own survival
The Witcher, 8th Variant Monster Hunter Class based on Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski's books.
Thunder Warrior Cat Maneuvers class based on Thunderclan from Warriors Cats
Titan Halo spartans empowered with space magic
Titanshifter Soldiers that fly around on gas powered grappling cables and transform into giants
Titanshifter, Variant Soldiers that fly around on gas powered grappling cables and transform into giants
Tokyo Ghoul A mutated monster that just wants to live.
Tokyo Ghoul, 3rd Variant Living in different worlds is chaotic, but someone who lives in both worlds has a better perspective of both sides of the coin.
Tokyo Ghoul, Variant A mutated monster that just wants to live.
Transmutation Alchemist Alchemists are individuals capable of studying and practicing alchemy. As the craft of alchemy requires a full understanding of chemistry, physics and ancient alchemical theory, alchemists are closer to scientists than magicians, but the ability to perform alchemy is also tied to an inherent talent for manipulating matter and energy, so not all people can become competent alchemists merely by studying.
Transmutation Alchemist, 2nd Variant Alchemists are individuals capable of studying and practicing alchemy. As the craft of alchemy requires a full understanding of chemistry, physics and ancient alchemical theory, alchemists are closer to scientists than magicians, but the ability to perform alchemy is also tied to an inherent talent for manipulating matter and energy, so not all people can become competent alchemists merely by studying.
Transmutation Alchemist, 3rd Variant A scientist who like to play God
Transmutation Alchemist, 4th Variant Alchemists are individuals capable of studying and practicing alchemy. As the craft of alchemy requires a full understanding of chemistry, physics and ancient alchemical theory, alchemists are closer to scientists than magicians, but the ability to perform alchemy is also tied to an inherent talent for manipulating matter and energy, so not all people can become competent alchemists merely by studying.
Transmutation Alchemist, Variant A scientist who like to play God
UltraKiller You are a machine built for one singular purpose HIGH OCTANE DEATH your lows will be the deepest pits of despair, but your highs will be so tall not even the heavens can reach.
Vampire, Hellsing Use the souls of your enemies to gain great power.
Vampire, Stone Mask Variant A normal creature, twisted by an artifact of great power.
Variant, Sekiro A shinobi like class inspire by: Sekiro shadow die twice
Vein Revenant Revenants can be played in a variety of ways. The can stay back and cast powerful spells using Ichor, or charge in head-first with giant weapons in hand.
Vein Revenant, Variant A species of vampire that was born from the Miasma disease.
Vision Holder A Vision Holder is one who is granted an element and recognized by the Gods. Those with Visions have a chance of ascending to Celestia.
War Wizard An instrument of destiny that follows the 14 Wizard's rules. full
Warcraft Shaman Shamans understand and can connect with the Elemental energies of our world, focusing this energy through both totems, and weapons/spells with impressive results. full
Warframe Moving quickly around the battlefield, the Warframes strike with both their weapons and the own powers.
Warrior Cat A hybrid between loner, kittypet, and warriors
Warrior of the Sun Blessed by divine radiance, your power increases based on the sun's location in the sky
Wastelander Now You can take over the wasteland in style!
White Dragon Emperor
Wind of Destruction A fusion of man and machine with terrifying strength and the ability to cut through almost anything.
Wind Warrior Cat Charging fighter from Windclan in Warrior Cat
Witcher Monster Hunter Class based on Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski's books.
Witcher, 7th Variant Monster Hunter Class based on Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski's books.
Witcher, Variant Monster Hunter Class based on Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski's books.
Wonderful One A masked hero, fueled by their Wonder-Pendant.
Wraith Host, Variant A more lore versatile version of the Wraith Host, with an overhaul to its gameplay.
Wuju Bladesman A fast attacker with diverse speed techniques.
Wukong A class based on the character Jin Mori from God of highschool
Yakuza, Variant
Yellow Sun Kryptonian A powerful being able to channel sun energy to perform amazing feats.
Yugioh Duelist
Za Hando Erasure incarnate.

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