Stand User (Custom) Variant (5e Class)
This is based on an existing class more fitting for a traditional campaign, while this is meant for standalone JoJo's themed campaigns. Go see the original post it is really great and I would suggest looking at it
Stand User (Custom)[edit]
Your next line is, "Good Grief, aren't there enough Stand User Variants on this site?" While you might think that, this Stand User variant is for those who desire to make their very own stand and is designed to be geared towards the more creative to create a custom Stand. No Star Platinums or The Worlds over here.
Stand Users come in all shapes and sizes. Tall, small, wide, scrawny, even some animals have acquired stands. Now it's time to develop yours. How your stand looks, sounds, and its name are up to you, while the rest, powers, skills, and general capabilities will be up to this handy dandy page.
Hold up pal...[edit]
Before you continue further you should know there are requirements to be a Stand User. Such requirements are:
-Having a soul (No constructs) a stand is the manifestation of your soul.
-Not having an existing class (Multi-classing ain't an option here)
Got all of these boxes checked? Good, then let's get to it!
Creating a Stand User (Custom)[edit]
The world is full of many strange things and now you have joined the ranks of them. Sometime in your life you discovered you have an incredible gift: A STAND! But how did this Stand come into your possesion? Were you born with it? Were you gifted it by the power of the Bow and Arrow? Or were you cursed, and through sheer will and good fortune were able to overcome the unspeakable illness that plagued you for 50 days and nights? Whatever the case, welcome to the world of Stand Users!
- Quick Build
You can make a Stand User (Custom) quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength should be your highest ability score, if you are choosing to focus on Power or Dexterity if you are choosing to focus on Speed/Precision or your spellcasting ability if you want to make the most of your stand powers. Second, choose the Folk Hero background. Your starting wealth is 4d4 x 10 gold
Class Features
As a Stand User you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d12 per Stand User level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + Constitution modifier per Stand User level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light Armor, shields
Weapons: daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Constitution, Choose 1
Skills: Choose any three
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) leather armor and a shield or (b) leather armor and a quarterstaff
- (a) a sling and 60 bullets or (b) a light crossbow and 20 bolts
- (a) an explorer's pack or (b) a scholar's pack
- 2 daggers
- (a) A tarot card or (b) A piece of the Arrow
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Will points |
1st | +2 | Manifest Stand, Stand Focus, Stand Style | 0 |
2nd | +2 | Stand Power, Will Points | 2 |
3rd | +2 | Style Feature | 4 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 5 |
5th | +3 | Focus Improvement, Extra Attack | 5 |
6th | +3 | Style Feature | 6 |
7th | +3 | Battle Flurry | 7 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 7 |
9th | +4 | Improved Critical | 8 |
10th | +4 | Battle Flurry Improvement | 10 |
11th | +4 | Stand Power Improvement | 10 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 11 |
13th | +5 | Third Focus | 11 |
14th | +5 | Style Feature | 13 |
15th | +5 | Experience is Power | 14 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 15 |
17th | +6 | Focus Mastery | 16 |
18th | +6 | Style Feature | 18 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 21 |
20th | +6 | Ultimate Stand Power | 24 |
Stand Styles[edit]
At 1st level, you chose a Stand Style. Choose between The Style of The Destined, The Bruiser, The Act, The Colony, The Bound, and The Suit both detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 1st level and again at 3rd, 6th, 14th, and 18th.
Manifest Stand[edit]
Starting at 1st level, you are able to manifest your Stand. As a bonus action, you may manifest your Stand, you may command it using your action, bonus action, or reaction. It acts on your command and can do anything you can do, including speak, and hear. Attacking with your Stand deals 1d8 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier either bludgeoning if using fist, hammer, etc,... Slashing if using an axe, claws, etc,... Piercing if using pointed blade, teeth, etc,... Your Stand's AC is 13 + Dexterity and it's hit points are equal to yours (any damage dealt to your stand is done to you and vice versa) it's ability scores and saving throw bonuses are also equal to yours.
It can move within a 40 foot radius of you, has a movement speed of 20 feet, and can pass through physical objects, though if you are unable to see your Stand it will become near impossible to command it.
While your stand is within 5 feet of you, if it can sense a targeted attack or spell effect it can interpose itself and take the attack for you.
As a note of reference, you may only use any of your other features should your Stand be manifested, unless specified otherwise. It should also be noted for reference that ordinary people cannot see your Stand. Only you and other Stand Users can see it. The only exception is if someone uses detect magic, see invisibility, or identify or any other means similar to those, they can see your stand.
Stand Focus[edit]
Also starting at 1st level, your Stand gains two focuses. This focus will determine future options for powers and abilities, so choose wisely. You are able to choose from the following focuses:
- Power
- Measures the Stand's strength and ability to cause destruction in a given period of time. Your Stand's melee attacks deal 1d12 + your Strength modifier of damage. When you roll damage with a spell you can reroll any and all rolls of 1 or 2 (You must use the new roll).
- Speed
- Measures the Stand's agility and reflexes as well as performance speed. Your Stand has a movement speed of 40 feet. When your stand makes an attack you may use your bonus action to have your stand attack again, When you cast a spell that has a casting time of 1 action, you can spend will points equal it's level (1 for cantrips) to change the casting time to 1 bonus action for this casting.
- Range
- Measures a compromise of the Stand's range of manifestation, range of ability influence, and spatial mobility. Your stand gains 10 feet of movement speed, increase the range of your Stand to a radius of 80 feet. Your stand's melee attacks gain the reach property. Your stand may use a ranged attack with a range of your stand's radius, this attack does 1d8 + Dexterity When you cast a spell that has a range of 5 feet or greater, you can double the range of the spell. When you cast a spell that has a range of touch, you can make the range of the spell 30 feet.
- Stamina
- Measures the duration of time that the Stand can actively maintain itself and its ability. Your stand gets +1 AC, in addition your stand gets temporary hit points equal to your level x3, your stand regains these hit points on a long rest. Whenever a spell has a duration longer than instantaneous, double it's duration.
- Precision
- Measures the Stand's accuracy and range of influence/effect of their abilities to specified targets. Your stand can block incoming projectiles, when a ranged weapon or spell attack roll is made against your stand, or you (if your stand is within 5 feet of you), you may use your reaction to have your stand deflect the attack, reduce the damage by your 1d8 + Dexterity + Stand user level. When you make a stand attack or spell attack roll you score a critical hit on roll of 19-20. If you make an attack roll for a spell and miss, you can spend 1 will point to reroll the d20, and you must use the new roll.
- Development Potential
- Measures the Stand's possible functions, utilization of its abilities and powers, and capacity to improve its overall capabilities. You gain 1 will point. You learn 1 1st level spell.
Will Points[edit]
At 2nd level, you manifest your will into abilities that your Stand can use. You start with these three abilities:
- Stand Rush
- You can spend 1 will point to allow your Stand to take the attack action twice on your turn.
- Resolve Channeling
- When your stand makes a melee attack, you may spend 1 will point; choose 1 damage type that is in your spell list, for the rest of this turn your stand's melee attacks deal an extra 1d6 of that damage type.
- Dig deep
- You may exert yourself to get just a little bit more out of your will. As a Bonus action; you may take 1d10 necrotic damage for each time you have dug deep this day (this damage cannot be reduced), if you do you regain 1d3 will points.
Stand Power[edit]
At 2nd level, you unlock the true strength of your Stand. You have developed a Stand Power. Spells will function as your Stand's power when you cast a spell originating from your stand (It does not require material components) You also choose a Resolve, The Learned, The Sharp, or The Savvy You learn four cantrips of your choice from any class's spell list. In addition, choose a number of spells to learn equal to 2 + Your proficiency bonus. You may change these spells upon gaining a new level. The level of these spells must be less than or equal to half your Will Points (rounded down). To use a stand power, you expend a number of Will Points equal to the spell's level.
Your spellcasting ability for these spells depends on the Resolve you chose: If your resolve is Sharp, you use your wits and quick speech to solve your problems, your spellcasting ability is Charisma. If your resolve is Learned, you use your greater intellect and knowledge to forward your goals, your spellcating ability is Intelligence. If your resolve is Savvy, you use your experiences and practical skills to triumph over challenges, your spellcasting abillity is Wisdom.
Ability Score Increase[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Focus Improvement[edit]
At 5th level, you can choose 2 more focuses for your Stand. You may also improve your current focuses. If you are choosing a new focus, then refer to the list provided in the class feature Stand Focus. If improving a current focus, then refer to the list below.
- Power
- Your Stand's power has grown. Your melee attacks with your Stand now deal 2d8 + your strength modifier. However, your Stand's range is cut in half. When you roll damage with a spell you may reroll any number of the damage dice
- Speed
- Your Stand's speed has increased. You may make an extra bonus action on your turn, when your Stand takes the attack action as a bonus action you may spend 1 will to have your stand to make 2 attacks. When you spend will points to cast a spell as a bonus action, as a reaction you may spend 1 will point to cast a cantrip.
- Range
- Your Stand has even greater range. Your Stand gains a range of 120 feet your Stand gains 10 more feet of movement speed. Your stand's melee attack range further increases by 5. Your stand can act semi-independently of yourself (you cannot see through it's eyes). Double the range of all your spells again (touch spells now reach 60 feet).
- Stamina
- Your stand can now maintain itself more efficiently. Your stand has restance to all Piercing, Slashing, Bludgeoning damage. Your spells double their duration again. You may Concentrate on 2 spells at a time.
- Precision
- Your Stand moves very precisely and has great reaction speed. You may make an extra reaction each battle round, when a creature moves within range of your stand, as a reaction your stand may make an opportunity attack or spend both reactions to make 2 attacks. When you make a stand attack or spell attack roll you score a critical hit on roll of a 18-20.
- Development Potential
- You gain 1 will point. You learn 1 2nd Level spell. When you cast a spell you may reduce the number of will points you spend by 1. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your half charisma, intelligence, or wisdom modifier (your choice) +1.
Extra Attack[edit]
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Battle Flurry[edit]
At 7th level, you release a battle cry that causes your stand to let loose a flurry of attacks. As an action while your stand is manifested, you may choose a target within range, and release a battle flurry. Make a melee attack roll. Should this attack successfully hit, spend 4 or more will points, the amount of hits in your flurry is equal half of your Dexterity (rounded down) + half of the will points expended (rounded down). The damage is the combined total of damage dice + the appropriate modifier once. you may spend 2 additional will points to invoke your resolve and add 1d4 elemental damage to each of your hits.
Improved Critical[edit]
At 9th level, your Stand attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. If you have the precision stand focus instead when you score a critical hit you roll an additional die of damage.
Battle Flurry Improvement[edit]
At 10th level, When you make a battle flurry add 1d4 extra hits.
Stand Power Improvement[edit]
At 11th level, choose 1 more spell to add to your spell list. When you cast a spell, if that spell is 3rd level or higher, reduce the amount of will points to cast that spell by 1.
Focus Mastery[edit]
At 13th level, Your abilities have strengthened even more, allowing you to perform mighty feats and fell mighty foes. you can choose a new focus for your Stand. You may also improve a tier 1 focus or master a tier 2 focus.
- Power
- Your Stand's power has become incredible. Your attacks with your Stand hands now deal 2d10 + your strength modifier of damage. However, your Stand's range is cut in half once again, reducing it to a fourth of its former reach. When you cast a spell that does damage you may spend 1 will point to upcast the spell by 1 level, you may spend 2 will points to increase the level again (Increasing cantrip level or damaging spells with no upcast option lets you add 1 damage die of damage to 1 source of damage per level.)
- Speed
- Your Stand's speed is tremendous. Your stand moves like a blur, when your Stand is attacked the attack is rolled at disadvantage, whenever you are forced to make a saving throw, if the spell has an area of effect your stand can move you out of the affected area but the Stand must still make a saving throw against the spell with advantage. When you make a battle flurry you may spend 1 additional will point and choose a cantrip, the flurry has the range of the cantrip, make a spell attack roll (even if the cantrip requires a saving throw) instead of a melee attack roll. and roll hits as you would for a regular flurry, the damage of each of the hits is the damage die of the cantrip (do not scale the damage) all the secondary effects of the cantrip apply.
- Range
- Your Stand has even greater range. Your Stand now is capable of becoming an Automated Stand. Its range is unlimited and can perform basic routines and seek out targets without you for up to 1 hour. The damage your Stand receives while automated does not translate to you. Your Stand has hit points equal to half of your hit points (rounded down). If your Stand is defeated, it returns to you. Using this ability expends 4 or more will points. Your automated stand may cast spells with a pool of will points equal to the amount you expended when using this ability. You can have a trigger. ex. Sheer Heart Attack seeking heat, or Aerosmith tracking CO2, etc... and you can use other stand abilities to augment your stand's ability to seek out targets. Your spell range doubles once again.
- Stamina
- Your Stand can maintain its power for an extreme duration. Your stand is resistant to all damage, When your stand is forced to make a saving throw you can spend 2 will points to gain advantage on the saving throw. When you cast a spell with a duration, it's duration is 24 hours. (You can dismiss the spell at any time)
- Precision
- Your Stand is amazingly precise. You make all Stand attacks and spell attacks at advantage. When you make a stand attack or spell attack roll you score a critical hit on a roll of 17-20. Your Stand attacks and spells Ignore resistance and treat immunity as resistance.
- Development Potential
- You gain 1 will point and learn 1 3rd level spell. When You cast a spell that has been learned from the development potential focus, you may spend 2 will points to cast that spell again without using an action.
Experience is Power[edit]
At 15th Level, Your experience in battle has given you a wealth of wisdom and hardened your fighting spirit. You increase 2 ability scores of your choice by 2. Your maximum for those scores is now 22.
Final Focus[edit]
At 17th level, your Stand acquires one last focus. You may either gain a first level focus or improve/master a first level/second level focus.
Ultimate Stand Power[edit]
At 20th level, you master the powers of your Stand and unlock a final ability. You choose one spell up to 9th level as your Ultimate Stand Power and may use this spell 3 times per day without expending Will points (You may spend will points to cast the spell further). Your use of this ability is recovered after a long rest. If it's the Wish spell you will still undergo the stress period, but starting at the end of your next long rest and stacking for each use, and there is always a 100 percent chance you can cast it again.
Stand Styles[edit]
The Destined[edit]
This Style of stand is particularly common among those who are part of a greater journey. Even if their role is small, it plays a part in a grander scheme and the fates smile upon them with power.
- Stand Proud
At 1st Level, Your Stand is more versatile than specialized Stands. You may choose an additional focus.
- Unbreakable
At 3rd level, Your ability to persevere through impossible odds and have things always go your way, when you fail a skill check, you may spend 1 will point to re-roll that check.
- Dreamer
At 6th level, You have a true belief in yourself, you can add half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus. also Choose two of your skill proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies. At the end of a Long rest, you may choose to exchange one of these proficiencies with another skill proficiency you have.
- Hardened Resolve
At 14th level, your stand is extremely effective, add half of your proficiency bonus your stand's AC, your Initiative, all stand attack and spell attack rolls, as well as your spell save DC.
- True Destiny
At 18th level, your stand is at the apex of it's class. You may gain/improve/master 2 additional focuses.
The Bruiser[edit]
Some Stands forgo finesse and complex abilities to focus on their raw strength, stands like this usually manifest in people with strong tempers, and even stronger purpose. They usually manifest as muscular humanoids with strength mightier than any man.
- Sieging Crusader
At 1st level, Your stand can easily destroy objects, your Stand's attacks always deal maximum damage to any non-living material. Treat these hits as criticals.
- Supreme Strength
At 3rd level, your stand dampens its capacity to use its powers, but it becomes marginally stronger in return. You learn 1 less spell and 1 1 less cantrip. but you gain the power focus. Or improve the power focus if you already have the power focus, and when you choose to upgrade a focus at 5th level you can master your power focus instead, If you have mastered power focus you do not increase the level of your spells and cantrips.
- Fist of Stone
Starting at 6th level, your strikes have extra potency and can stun enemies, when you hit an enemy with a melee attack you can spend 3 will points to force them to make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC on a failed save they get stunned until your next turn.
- Superior Flurry
Starting at 14th level, when you make a flurry you can make more out of less, When you use your battle flurry, you get extra hits equal to half of your Strength modifier (rounded down). When you miss your battle flurry attack roll you can spend 2 will points to roll again (you must take the new roll).
- Arriverdci
Starting at 18th level, you are able to unleash a flurry so devastating not many people would be able to live. When you use your battle flurry you now add 1d8 (instead of 1d4) + your Strength (instead of just half) modifier extra hits.
The Act[edit]
This style of stand particularly rare among users, as this stand only manifests in someone who has a lot of potential to grow, someone who has inner courage, someone who can preform when all the pressure is on them.
- ACT 1
At 1st level, Your stand is at its 1st ACT it is more rounded out than a similar stand at the same growth, Your stand's attacks deal 1d10 + Strength or Dexterity damage, your stand has a movement speed of 30 feet, and a radius of 60 feet, Your stand gets temporary hit points equal to your level, your stand regains these hit points on a long rest, your stand can re-roll attack roll results of 1, you gain 1 will point.
- Encore
At 3rd level, You know how to gain and seize the opportunity and press the attack where it hurts. you regain 1 will point whenever you defeat an enemy. Also a number of times per day equal to half your Constitution modifier rounded down +1 when you expend 1 or more will points you may regain 1 will point.
- ACT 2
At 6th level, you unlock ACT 2. This is a new version of your Stand that you may call upon at will. By spending 3 will points, you may call upon your Second Act for 5 minutes. This version of your Stand has temporarily improved focuses, Choose 2 focuses improve them during the duration.
- Bravissimo
At 14th level, your power extends to others in your viciinity. As a reaction, you may expend 1 Will point to applaud an ally for a successful action or attack roll on their turn and bless them with a bit of your Resolve, giving them a chance to perform a second action. This ability does not stack with multiple successes.
- ACT 3
At 18th level, your Stand gains ACT 3. This is your final and most powerful version of your Stand. You may enable this form of your Stand for 1 minute by expending 6 Will points. In this new form, your Stand's range is cut to a mere 15 feet, unless your Stand's range should be shorter. However, not only do you retain the temporary focus improvement of your Second act, but you may also chose 1 improved focus to be mastered for the duration. Also, during the duration your Battle flurry hits are equal to Dexterity + The will points expended. and it gains an element or condition. Your first option is you may choose to add a damage type (fire, electric, necrotic, cold, etc,...) to add 1d6 of that element's damage to each hit of your flurry. Your second option is to add a condition (stunned, restrained, blinded, etc,...). With a DC equal to your stand power DC. The condition ends when your Third Act ends.
The Colony[edit]
When a stand manifests as a Colony like this, it's a sign the owner has a hollow pit inside. Something fundamentally missing, your soul creates a group of stands to fill this hole, to make you complete.
- Colony Manifestation
At 1st Level, You manifest multiple stands instead of 1. When you manifest your stand you may divide the hit points among 6 - 16 stands all of these stands move together attack together and occupy 1 5ft area but they can separate and be anywhere within your stand's radius. when your entire colony makes a stand attack it does an additional 3d4 damage if the whole colony is active, 2d4 additional damage if the colony is not at full strength, 1d4 additional damage if it is at half strength, no additional damage when you are at quarter strength, or 1d4 less damage if you are below quarter strength. These damages increase by 1d4 at level 6 and 14 and 18 (no attitional damage will go to 1d4, and negative will go to no additional damage and so on...). Your stand can not interpose itself to block attacks for you.
- Colony Powers
At 3rd level, Your colony now can use its powers using multiple stands from the colony simultaneously. You may add up to 10 more stands to your colony. When you cast a spell that targets only one creature and doesn't have a range of self, you can spend a number of will points equal to the spell's level to target a second creature in range with the same spell, you may repeat this process one more time.
- Colony's Reach
At 6th level, your colony takes up a larger space and moves freely among this space. You may add up to 10 more stands to your colony (If you have 30 or more stands your stand takes up a 10ft area). You gain the range focus. Or improve range focus if you already had range focus, and if you already had an improved range focus it is then mastered. Your Stand's melee attack range is always 5.
- Colony Gathering
At 14th level, You can regenerate your colony as well as coordinate devastating attacks with your colony. You may add up to 10 more stands to your colony. Using your action and bonus action you can spend 1 or more will point, for each will point recover 1/4th of your colony (rounded up). When your entire stand is active and it hits a creature with a stand attack, you can cause that attack to become a crit, you can use this feature a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus.
- Colony Synergy
At 18th level, Your colony now can act simultaneously in multiple groups. You may add up to 20 more stands to your colony (If you have 60 or more stands your stand takes up a 15ft area). You may split your colony into 2 seperate smaller colonies, when you use an action, bonus action, or reaction to command your stand, each colony can do this action simultaneously, (if you would cast a spell, you would spend the will points once and have both colonies cast the spell). When you make a colony Stand attack, always treat split colinies as half strength.
The Bound[edit]
Also known as object Stands, bound Stands usually manifest in a person who is single minded, or weak willed, they usually compliment the skills and personality of the user while shoring up their weaknesses. Bound stands have a unique property of being visible to non-stand users.
- Bound Manifestation
At 1st Level, When you manifest your stand, instead of your stand summoning like normal, it latches on to an object, be it a weapon, tool, vehicle, piece of jewelry, or even a larger structure, bound stands do not have a true form, making them unable to take damage. But when the object the Stand is bound to is destroyed the stand loses all functions until bound to another compatible object. Your stand also needs direct input to function, either physical or mental, and cannot act on it's own. This object acts like a spellcasting focus for your stand abilities. If your stand is bound to a weapon add a +1 to attack and damage rolls made with the weapon. If not bound to weapon you get +1 to spell attack rolls and your spell save dc increases by 1.
- Wavering Resolve
At 3rd level, Your resolve is like the tide, fickle but powerful and consistent. Your stand powers are fewer but you can use them more frequently. Instead of your regular stand power list, you know 2 cantrips and a number of spells equal to your proficiency bonus. When you dig deep you take 2d10 per use to regain 3 will points. You can not master a focus. You gain 2 will points, you gain an additional will point at 5th and 13th level. (these do not count toward your spell level)
- Set into Gear
At 6th level, Your stand can augment it's host object for a short burst of power, You can expend 4 will points to enhance your stand, for 1 minute, whenever you make a damage roll involving your bound stand, it deals an additional die of damage. In addition, while you are enhanced you add double your proficiency bonus to all attacks made with a bound stand or spell attack rolls.
- Hardened Will
At 14th level, While you are with your stand you feel invincible, and this somehow makes you harder to hurt. While you are in contact with your bound stand, you gain 1/4th of your hit points (rounded down) as temporary hit points. You can spend 3 will points to regain half of the total temporary hit points, otherwise they all recover on a long rest.
- Overflowing Resolve
At 18th level, You have learned to work perfectly in tandem with your bound stand allowing your stand powers to be stronger, when you cast a leveled spell you may increase that spell's level by 2 without spending any extra will points. If your stand is bound to a weapon add a plus 3 to attack and damage rolls made with the weapon. If not bound to weapon you get +3 to spell attack rolls and your spell save dc increases by 3.
The Suit[edit]
This type of stand manifests in people who feel the need to be protected, so have something cover their back instead of just watch it. These people also might have a heavy distrust of others.
- Suit Manifestation
At 1st Level,Your stand manifests as a full body covering, Your stand cannot attack, but it can protect it's user. Your stand does not transfer the damage to it's user. While your stand is manifested you get all of the bonuses your stand would, including it's focuses, AC, temporary HP. Your stand is more durable than most, your Stand's AC is 13 + Dexterity + Constitution modifier. Your stand also needs direct input to function, either physical or mental, and cannot act on it's own. Your stand acts like a spellcasting focus for your stand abilities.
- Extreme Durability
At 3rd level, Your stand acts like a second skin, so you know how to harness it's best faster but it does not grow like other stands. You gain the stamina focus. Or improve the stamina focus if you already have it, and when you choose to upgrade a focus at 5th level you can master your stamina focus instead. You cannot improve or master Development Potential.
- Heightened Prowess
At 6th level, Your suit invigorates you making you more hearty. Choose a saving throw, you become proficient in it.
- Solo
At 14th level, You throw all caution to the wind, unleashing the greatest most devastating version of your stand, you may spend 10 will points, for 1 minute your AC is 16 + Dexterity +Constitution, your stand powers and melee attacks are made at advantage, and all saving throws made as a result of your stand power are made at disadvantage, and you gain 1 additional action.
- The Best Offense
At 18th level, Your stand lashes out at any foe who tries to harm the user. You gain +2 AC. In addition whenever someone misses an attack against you (ranged, spell, or melee). They must make a saving throw based on your resolve: Charisma for Sharp, Intelligence for Learned, or Wisdom for Savvy, dealing 4d8 damage of your choice and half as much on a successful save.
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