Alchemist, FMA (5e Class)

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DISCLAIMER. This is a variant from another class based on Full Metal Alchemist, with core mechanical changes to it's foundations and some features/subclasses. If you have any suggestions, questions or want to further develop this class you can enter this Discord Server, I use the same username here as there.

Alchemists are those who utilize the science of alchemy to alter their surroundings. Alchemy requires an extensive knowledge of chemistry, physics, metaphysics, and even a splash of geology and biology to preform transmutations; manipulating materials on an atomic level. Although anyone can preform alchemy, only a few are trained to an actionable level, and even fewer become truly great alchemists.

 Damage Dice Progression: When a feature says you increase the damage dice of an attack by 1 step or tier, it means it follows some variation of the following progression. 1d4>1d6>1d8>1d10>1d12>2d6>2d8>2d10>2d12>4d6>4d8>4d10>4d12>8d6>8d8>8d10>8d12… and so on, whereupon reaching d6s again the dice count doubles.

The Laws of Alchemy

Alchemy is not magic; an all powerful art, it is a science. The laws of alchemy are split into two categories: the boundaries of the science and the ethical taboos of man.

  • Equivalent Exchange: matter and energy can not be created or destroyed through alchemy, only transformed. In order to accomplish transmutations, most alchemists use the energy generated by the tectonic movements, which is then dispersed into the transmuted material, and then the air.
  • One is All, All is One: a deeper, perhaps more philosophical law, this law defines all of existence as a single substance or body only split into pieces on a cursory level. All beings, though individual, plays part in the cycle of life and death, all heavenly bodies pull each other with their gravitational fields, and ultimately mass and energy are two expressions of a singular whole.

Alchemists are also restricted to three societal laws:

  • Do not transmute gold: gold is the foundational currency of all nations, and so in order to keep that currency, and therefore international trade, viable, creating gold from other materials is strictly forbidden. Subverting this law can result in life in prison in some nations, and the removal of one's hands in others.
  • Do not perform human transmutation: the greatest sin in alchemy, the creation of a human being through alchemy is strictly forbidden as quantifying the value of the human soul would have disastrous implications to every aspect of life.
  • Be thou for the people: as people advancing science and working miracles, all alchemists are called to serve those around them, not their own ambition. Subverting this law has created some of the most monstrous creations of man.

State Alchemists

Alchemists of the highest caliber typically affiliate themselves with the military for a variety of reasons. These State Alchemists are given access to state-of-the-art laboratories and research materials, a yearly research grant numbering in the millions of cens, the rank of major, and a silver pocket watch denoting their rank. In exchange, they swear an oath to be "dogs of the military", following the orders of their superiors rather than the third societal law of alchemy and often becoming human weapons in times of war.

Creating an Alchemist

When creating a Transmutation Alchemist, one should ask themselves these questions. Who trained you? How did you unlock your power? Do you shape stone and earth to suit your needs? Or merely use powerful blasts of elemental force to destroy your enemies? Perhaps you care not for violence and are only interested in the science.

Quick Build

You can make an Alchemist quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the Guild Artisan background.

Two of the most talented alchemists to date, [1]

Class Features

As a Alchemist you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Alchemist level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Alchemist level after 1st


Armor: Light armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, shortswords, rapiers, firearms
Tools: Alchemist's Supplies
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Choose four skills from Arcana, History, Nature, Religion, Insight, Medicine, Perception, Investigation and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Leather armor or (b) a shield
  • (a) a shortsword or (b) a rapier or (c) any two simple weapons
  • (a) Explorer's Pack or (b) Scholar's Pack
  • (a) Alchemist's Supplies or (b) 1 Handgun and 20 rounds or (c) 1 hand crossbow and 20 bolts

Table: The Alchemist

Level Proficiency
Features Alchemic Stamina
1st +2 Transmutation Circles, Alchemical Specialization 3 + Intelligence
2nd +2 All is One 6 + Intelligence
3rd +2 Combat Alchemy, Alchemical Specialization (2) 9 + Intelligence
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 12 + Intelligence
5th +3 Favorite Specialization, Alchemical Specialization (3) 15 + Intelligence
6th +3 Alchemic Recovery 18 + Intelligence
7th +3 Improvised Alchemy 21 + Intelligence
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 24 + Intelligence
9th +4 Alchemic Meditation 27 + Intelligence
10th +4 Alchemical Specialization (4) 30 + Intelligence
11th +4 Advanced Knowledge 33 + Intelligence
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 36 + Intelligence
13th +5 One is All 39 + Intelligence
14th +5 Alchemical Specialization (5) 42 + Intelligence
15th +5 Dog of the Military 45 + Intelligence
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 48 + Intelligence
17th +6 Master Alchemist 51 + Intelligence
18th +6 Dog of the Military (2) 54 + Intelligence
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 57 + Intelligence
20th +6 Philosopher, Alchemical Specialization (6) 60 + Intelligence

Transmutation Circle

At 1st level, alchemists can manifest the power of understanding, deconstruction, and reconstruction on an atomic level through the use of Transmutation Circles. All created Circles occupy the space you were in when you created it, and can only be activated while touching it. Each Transmutation Circle can manipulate a single element (i.e. iron, oxygen, lead) or compound (i.e. water, methane, iron rust), or a substance comprising of at least half of the chosen material, and this material can not be in a creature's possession. At 1st level, your Transmutation Circles may manipulate a single non-biological material of your choice.

In order to use a Transmutation Circle, you must spend Alchemic Stamina. Your alchemist level determines the number of points you have, as shown in the Alchemic Stamina column of the Alchemist table. All Alchemic Stamina is regained at the end of a long rest.

Transmutation Circles can be drawn in varying sizes. The size of the Circle determines the amount of Alchemic Stamina that must be spent to activate it, how long it takes to create and use it (both of which require concentration), the maximum range the Circle can drawn material from and affect, and the maximum weight the Circle can manipulate. Unless otherwise stated, Circles can not affect magical materials. When you use a Transmutation Circle, you must roll 1d4. On a 1, the Circle is destroyed, and can not be used again until it is redrawn.

Size Cost Casting Time Maximum Range Maximum Weight
Tiny 0 Free Action 5 feet Intelligence modifier lbs.
Small 2 Bonus Action Intelligence modifier x 5 feet Intelligence modifier x 5 lbs.
Medium 4 Action Intelligence modifier x 10 feet Intelligence modifier x 10 lbs.
Large 6 Full Turn Action Intelligence modifier x 20 feet Intelligence modifier x 20 lbs.
Huge 12 1 minute Intelligence modifier x 40 feet Intelligence modifier x 40 lbs.
Gargantuan 24 10 minutes Intelligence modifier x 60 feet Intelligence modifier x 100 lbs.
  • Tiny Circles can only be used for free a number of times every 10 minutes equal to your Intelligence modifier before they start costing 1 Alchemic Stamina.
Transmutation Circle Uses

Alchemy is the science of physically reconstructing matter on an atomic level, and as such can be a very nebulous ability, as it can seemingly do anything. Without any Alchemical Specializations, objects created by your Circles can not have any functions its source material did not (i.e. you can not make a pistol into a submachine gun, but you could make a pistol into a different pistol). Any use of a Transmutation Circle that affects another creature can usually be avoided if they succeed a Dexterity saving throw with the following DC, or if you miss with an attack roll with the following bonus:

Transmutation Save DC: 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your Proficiency bonus

Transmutation Attack Modifier: your Intelligence modifier + your Proficiency bonus

Any damage dealt by a Circle and the amount of hit points its constructs have is directly is determined by the weight of the materials manipulated, as determined by the following table:

Weight Damage Die Hit Points
1-4 lbs. 1d6 3
5-9 lbs. 2d6 7
10-29 lbs. 3d6 11
30-49 lbs. 4d6 14
50-99 lbs. 5d6 18
100-199 lbs. 10d6 35
200-399 lbs. 20d6 70
400-799 lbs. 30d6 140
800+ lbs. 40d6 280

Additionally, depending on the material an object is transmuted out of, an object may have a certain damage threshold. Use the following table to determine which category the transmuted material falls into, and said material's damage threshold and weight per solid 5 ft. cube.

Material Category Material DT Weight
Cloth, paper, rope 0 150 lbs.
Fragile Crystal, glass, ice 2 300 lbs.
Wood, bone 4 500 lbs.
Stone, gold 10 800 lbs.
Sturdy Iron, steel 15 2500 lbs.
Lead, uranium 20 3500 lbs.

Alchemical Specialization

At 1st level, you specialize your alchemy into a specific field of study, granting you one of the Alchemical Specializations listed at the end of this class description. You gain an additional Alchemical Specialization at 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th,14th, 18th, and 20th level. You may take the same Alchemical Specialization multiple times.

All is One

At 2nd level, you may spend 1 minute analyzing a material, allowing one Transmutation Circle you cast within the next hour to manipulate it even if you can not manipulate that material normally. To analyze the material, it must not be in a creature's possession unless they willingly allow you to analyze it. When you reach 6th level, you may spend 1 Alchemic Stamina to do so as an action, and when analyzing this way you can do it to a material in an unwilling creature's possession if they are within your reach.

Combat Alchemy

At 3rd level, you've learned to implement your Alchemic prowess in your combat style, both offensively and defensively. You gain the following benefits:

  • When you use your action to make an Attack, you may activate a Circle up to Medium size as a bonus action on the same turn.
  • As a bonus action, you may spend Alchemic Stamina to grant yourself twice as many temporary hit points.
  • Once per turn, when using a Circle of up to Medium Size, you may immediatlly make one one-handed weapon attack afterwards, ranged or melee.
  • Whenever you use a Circle, you may add your Intelligence modifier to your AC until the beginning of your next turn.

Favorite Specialization

At 5th level, you can choose one of your Alchemic Specializations to be the one you are the most knowleadgeable and proficient on. When using a Transmutation Circle of the chosen specialization, you can reduce the cost of the circle by your proficiency bonus (to a minimum 1), and every time you cause damage with a circle of this specialization you may add your Intelligence modifier to the damage.

Additionally, you can treat it's circles's maximum range and weights as if it was one size larger by spending extra Alchemic Stamina equal to the size you're treating it. You can only treat them as one size larger this way at 5th level, two sizes larger at 9th level and three sizes larger at 13th level, up to a maximum of Gargantuan.

You may change your Favorite Specialization when you level up or when you gain another Alchemic Specialization.

Alchemic Recovery

At 6th level, as an Action, you may regain Alchemic Stamina equal to half your level. This feature may be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, you regain one use at the end of a short rest and all uses at the end of a long rest.

Improvised Alchemy

At 7th level, as part of a long rest, you may choose one Alchemical Specialization that you meet the requirements of. You can use this specialization until your next long rest, however it's Circles will cost double the amount of Alchemic Stamina and you cannot make it your Favorite Specialization. You cannot choose any of the Advanced Alchemy or Soul Alchemy specializations this way, and any specialization you select will not count as a met requirement for gaining other specializations.

Alchemic Meditation

At 9th level, as you create a circle, you can start focusing on a Circle as a form of pseudo-meditation until the end of your next turn. So long as you remain touching the Circle and maintain concentration, the total cost of the Circle is halved, the area of effect is indicated before it activates, and it activates at the end of your next turn.

Advanced Knowledge

When you reach 11th level, you learn how to manipulate a number of new elements equal to your Intelligence modifier. If your Intelligence modifier increases later, you may learn a new element as well, and if it decreases you lose mastery over one of your elements.

One is All

At 13th level, your Transmutation Circles can manipulate any number of materials you know how to manipulate. Additionally, when you use All is One, you may analyze 2 materials at the same time, and you can manipulate them with up to your Intelligence Transmutation Circles in the next hour.

Dog of the Military

At 15th level, you are an expert in a particular field of alchemy. Choose one category of Alchemical Specialization. When you gain a Alchemical Specialization from this category, you may instead gain two. When you reach 18th level, you become an expert in a second field of alchemy, and can choose another category to gain this benefit.

Master Alchemist

At 17th level, you reduce the action cost of any of your circles by 1 (Full Turn Action>Action>Bonus Action>Free Action), and may use a Huge circle as a Full Turn Action and a Gargantuan Circle over the course of 1 minute. Additionally, each time you gain a level, you may lose one Alchemical Specialization that is not a requirement for one Alchemical Specialization you have to gain a different Alchemical Specialization. Alchemical Specializations from a category chosen with Dog of the Military count as half a specialization for both how many you can lose and gain.


At 20th level, your experience has made you a one in a century talent, your name will go down in the history of alchemy. Your Intelligence score increases by 4 along with it's maximum, and you gain an Alchemical Specialization.

Alternate Feature: The Truth

At 20th level, you have seen a glimpse of the true nature of alchemy; the truth within the truth. Once per turn as a Free Action and for half the cost, you may instantly create a Transmutation Circle of any size within your body that lasts until it is used or you create another Transmutation Circle.

Alchemical Specializations

Alchemical Specializations are split into 9 categories: basic alchemy, advanced alchemy, chemoalchemy, energy alchemy, military alchemy, bioalchemy, creation alchemy, soul alchemy, and alkahestry. This is solely for the sake of easier comprehension and Dog of the Military.

Basic Alchemy
Advanced Alchemy
Energy Alchemy
Military Alchemy
Creation Alchemy
Soul Alchemy


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the alchemist class, you must meet these prerequisites: Intelligence and one other ability score of your choice 16.

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the alchemist class, you gain proficiency in two of the following skills: Arcana, History, Nature, Religion, Investigation, Insight, Medicine, Perception, and Survival