Wind of Destruction (5e Class)

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Wind Of Destruction[edit]

"Winds Of Destruction" (more commonly known as cyborgs) are a breed of constructs with humanoid brains, allowing far more intelligent and independent action. Due to their more powerful bodies, they are usually found in the military or around mercenaries as melee fighters of different kinds.

A New Weapon[edit]

The arch mage stands before his creation. Finally, he has been able to create a new body for his closest friend, a body that is more like a weapon than a living being.

A nimble figure jumps across the rooftop of a sleeping town with inhuman agility. Even though they jump over gaps that are over 30 feet long, there is no sound. The figure continues to hunt its target on the streets below, dashing faster than the horse it's pursuing. The only way to notice them would be by looking towards the rooftops, and even then they would only see two red dots against the night sky, and maybe the blue glow of her sword...

The guardsmen surround the hooded figure. As their cape is thrown away, a face with rough edges looks at the surrounding guards, calculating the distance. The weapon they use seems to be two separate blades, one in their hand and one attached to their forearm. With a mechanical click, their body tenses up and the blades are pulled into position. As the guards attack all at once, the blades snap back and in a millisecond every guard has been cut in half...

Creating a Wind Of Destruction[edit]


You are a creation, part man and part machine, created by a grand wizard or inventor. Were you raised for this purpose from when you were a child? Or did you nearly die in an accident, and had your life saved? Your past life is just a distant memory. Now you are the perfect soldier created to fight for yourself or your master, aided by your new metallic body coursing with lightning magic.

Quick Build

You can make a wind of destruction quickly by following these suggestions. First, choose Human as your race. Second, Dexterity and Strength should be your highest ability scores, followed by Constitution. Third, choose the Dog of the Military background.

Class Features

As a Wind of Destruction you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Wind of Destruction level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Wind of Destruction level after 1st


Armor: Light armor, Medium armor.
Weapons: Simple, Martial melee.
Tools: One tool of your choice
Saving Throws: Strength and Dexterity
Skills: Choose three from: Athletics, Acrobatics, Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Perception, Intimidation, Medicine, Persuasion, Insight


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Leather armor or (b) Breastplate
  • (a) 2 slashing martial weapons or (b) 1 slashing martial weapon and one simple weapon or (c) 3 throwing knives
  • (a) Explorer's pack or (b) Dungeoneer's pack
  • Tool set that you have chosen as proficiency

Table: The Wind of Destruction

Level Proficiency
1st +2 Cyborg Body, Augmented Vision
2nd +2 Energy Blast
3rd +2 Specialized Enhancements
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 High-Frequency Weapons
6th +3 Blade Mode
7th +3 Specialized Enhancements feature
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Zandatsu
10th +4 Sword Block
11th +4 Specialized Enhancements feature
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Superhuman Agility
14th +5 Fear Inhibitors
15th +5 The Ripper
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Sword Parry
18th +6 Specialized Enhancements feature
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Superior Cyborg

Cyborg Body[edit]

Your new body resembles a human or the race you used to be or asked to become. Your skin is cold as steel, you have no internal organs, your blood is red everywhere but in your torso, where it has a bright blue color. Your strength is far superior compared to the strength of your previous body.

The only feature all winds of destruction share is faintly glowing red eyes, which glow brighter when they are fighting or are under stress. Additionally, you may have any number of cosmetic features such as:

  • A permanent cosmetic custom armor.
  • A deployable mouth guard or full face mask that is transparent from the inside.
  • Exoskeleton-like supports on your legs.
  • Metal claws on your hands and feet.
  • Etc...

The only truly organic part is your brain, which is preserved in a special container inside your new skull. Depending on what source delivers the final blow, even after the body being destroyed your brain may be recovered, retaining all your memories. Any attacks that deal double your full Hp damage will destroy it, as well as certain magical effects such as disintegrate.

You may freely transfer your brain's container into a spare or different cyborg body that was made for you. Creating one requires contact with a powerful wizard or inventor and a payment of at least 1000 GP (the exact payment is up to the GM). Furthermore, it takes you at least 30 days to recover to your full potential in the new body. Any Strength, Dexterity or Constitution saving throws made in this period will be done with disadvantage.

Healing spells do work on you, but revival spells only revive your brain. The spell Mending heals you for 2d10 hit points. You may heal this way once, and you regain the ability to do so after a long rest.

Due to being kept alive by lightning magic, you are vulnerable to lightning damage.

Knowledge required to maintain your new body has given you proficiency in the Arcana skill.

For features that reference your wind of destruction DC, use 8 + Proficiency modifier + Dexterity modifier.

Augmented Vision[edit]

Your body has learned the ability to combine all your enhanced senses to produce a visualization of your surrounding area. This feature can only be activated outside of combat, when you roll Initiative it deactivates automatically. It lasts for up to 1 minute, and you regain the ability to use it again after 10 minutes. Activating Augmented Vision gives you darkvision of 60ft, and allows you to see any living humanoids or constructs not concealed by magical means, even through walls. You see them as mere outlines and can identify their general shape.

At 13th level, this feature can be used during combat, and gives you blindsight to a range of 30 feet.

Energy Blast[edit]

Beginning at 2nd level, you have acquired the ability to focus your energy for various purposes. This takes the form of energy points, for which the maximum amount is equal to your proficiency modifier + your Dexterity modifier + Level. These charges regenerate on their own at a rate of 2 every hour. Additionally, a short rest restores 10 charges while a long rest restores all of them to your maximum capacity.

Using Energy Blast costs 2 charges. You have learned how to concentrate the lightning power in your body into a blast of energy. As an action, you can release a shock wave of lighting from the palm of your hand in a 10 foot cone, forcing all creatures in the cone to make a Dexterity save against your wind of destruction DC or be pushed 15 feet away from you and take 2d6 lightning damage. On a successful save, they are not knocked back and the damage is halved.

Specialized Enhancements[edit]

You have been given further specialisation to aid your performance. You may choose between the Jetstream, Monsoon, and Sundowner enhancements. You get additional features from your chosen enhancement at levels 3, 7, 11, and 18.

Ability Score Increase[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

High-Frequency Weapons[edit]

Once you reach 5th level, you learn how to use the lightning magic inside you to massively improve the power of your weapons. However, this can only be done with weapons made specifically for this purpose. You may now, with smith's tools, make a single simplistic weapon (with appropriate materials to a value of 100 gp) for this purpose. The weapon will gain the properties from the package you choose, but its appearance is up to the player and GM to decide. Packages are as follows:

  • Sais: Two daggers with 1d4 slashing damage each. Have the light property.
  • Katana: A single medium-length sword with 1d6 slashing. Has the finesse property.
  • Nagitana: A long rod with a short blade at the top, deals 1d6 slashing damage and benefits from the Polearm Master feat. Has the two-handed and reach properties.
  • Odachi: An oversized sword with a blade up to 3ft long that deals 1d8 slashing damage. Has the heavy and versatile (1d10) properties.

Right after you create one at 5th level, it is considered to be a high-frequency weapon (HF for short), but only of the lowest grade: HF I. It can be upgraded after you reach certain wind of destruction levels, as described below.

  • HF I: Automatically unlocked on the special weapons described above. The weapon deals 1d6 slashing damage on top of the weapon's base damage.
  • HF II: Unlocked at 10th level. Creating an HF II weapon or upgrading an HF I weapon to this tier takes one work week and 200 gp, and requires smith's tools. This increases the damage of the HF I by a d6.
  • HF III: Unlocked at 15th level. Creating an HF III weapon or upgrading a weapon with a lower HF grade to this tier takes one work week and 300 gp, and requires smith's tools. This increases the damage of the HF II by a d6.
  • HF IV: Unlocked at 20th level. Creating an HF IV weapon or upgrading a weapon with a lesser HF grade to this tier takes one work week and 500 gp, and requires smith's tools. This upgraded HF IV deals 4d8 slashing damage.

When upgrading a HF weapon to a higher tier the upgrade cost is reduced by 50%. For example, if you were to upgrade an HF II weapon to HF III, it would cost 150 gp. At levels 10, 15, and 20 you are also allowed to create and use another one of these weapons, up to four HF compatible weapons at 20th level. If any of them are destroyed beyond repair or are lost, you may make another one to replace it. If a lost HF compatible weapon is later found again, it is considered to no longer be usable.

HF treatment may at your decision slightly alter the appearance of the weapon in the following ways:

  • A bright colored glow of a color of your choice, radiating lightning sparks as long as it is activated.
  • Change the way the handle looks.
  • Make the original blade thinner.
  • Give a "carbon fiber" like the texture on the blade.

The weapon deals additional damage only when held by you, or another wind of destruction. You may also lock it to be used only by people you allow or under certain conditions of your choosing. If a weapon locked like that is allowed to be used by a humanoid, the humanoid will deal the additional slashing damage with it, but will not be able to use any other features exclusive to winds of destruction.

You're considered proficient in all HF weapons, and to create these weapons you have also acquired proficiency in the smith's tools.

Blade Mode[edit]

Beginning at 6th level you have learned how to channel the magic that powers you into your weapon, allowing it to deal even more damage and cut through nearly any material.

Using this feature costs energy points, and it may only be used while wielding an active HF weapon.

You may use this feature to attack a creature as an action, slashing a creature up to an amount equal to your Dexterity modifier. Every slash costs 1 more point than the slash before it (1st slash 1 point; 2nd slash 2 points; 3rd slash 3 points). The damage for each slash is 1d6, but increases to 2d6 if you're using a weapon with HF IV. You may also use this feature on an item or structure. When used in this way, each slash costs 1 point and there's no limit, besides the points you possess, to the amount of attacks you can make. This feature allows you to cut through or melt any material other than adamantine or a similar metal as its depth is less than the length of your weapon's blade. To create a passage through a wall requires at least 4 cuts.

Due to your cybernetic nature, any cuts made in this way are always perfectly targeted and executed.


Once you reach the 9th level you know how to strike your enemy's vital organs and absorb their vital energy in a technique called Zandatsu. Zandatsu can only be performed if you have used blade mode on your turn and can be used as a bonus action. Additionally, it requires the enemy to be below a certain HP threshold, which is 30 + your level in this class. Unless it's a construct, the target has to be a humanoid of your size, one size larger, or smaller and can't already be at 0 Hp.

You roll an attack roll against the target's AC with a disadvantage, on a success you slash the target in half and extract their heart (for constructs it's their power source) and absorb its energies with your blade regenerating 4 energy points. Zandatsu cannot be used on undead.

Sword Block[edit]

This can only be performed while wielding a HF weapon.

Starting at 10th level, You use your HF blade to actively block incoming melee and ranged attacks. As a reaction to being hit with an attack by an enemy you can see, you may increase your AC by a number equal to the level of your HF weapon + 2 causing the attack to miss if it would miss after this bonus. While using a weapon with HF IV, this bonus lasts until your next turn. This block costs 1 energy point.

Superhuman Agility[edit]

Beginning at level 13 your body has become properly attuned to your will, letting you use its full potential. You are now proficient in the Acrobatics skill, and if you already are, you gain Expertise in it. You may now use your legs to grip weapons and some items. All weapon attack rolls made with your legs have disadvantage and you do not add any relevant ability modifiers to those attacks. Your unarmed attack's damage is increased to 2d4 + your Strength modifier damage, and may be used twice per attack action.

Fear Inhibitors[edit]

Your body now passively suppresses battlefield emotions, making you immune to fear effects. As an additional bonus, you also don't feel any kind of pain, though all damage still is done normally and you can still feel incoming hits, and you retain the sensation of touch as well.

The Ripper[edit]

By level 15, you have learned how to release all your suppressed emotions and channel them into your blade. Activating the ripper requires an HF weapon and fully charged energy, takes a bonus action to do so and consumes 2 energy points to activate, then 2 more at the start of each turn it remains active. Blade mode cannot be used while Ripper is active. Your weapons now have the passive property of being able to cut through any non magical material for as long as the ripper is active. Every strike on an enemy will damage their armor, reducing their AC by 1 to a maximum of 5. This debuff lasts for 10 minutes and does not affect natural armor. On a successful attack roll, enemies below 30 health points are instantly killed by being cut in half. You cannot deal non-lethal damage with your weapon in this state.

Sword Parry[edit]

Beginning at level 17 you now know how to counter attack your foes after blocking their attacks. If you use sword block as a reaction and succeed in blocking the attack, you get an opportunity strike on the enemy that attacked you, if they are within range of your weapon.

Superior Cyborg[edit]

You have achieved full attunement to your current and any other cyborg bodies. This lets you push your body to its full capacity, granting you overwhelming power and agility. You gain +4 to your Dexterity and Strength ability scores, which also increases the maximum for those ability scores to 24. Additionally, your mind gets used to any new cyborg body at an incredible pace. You have disadvantage on Strength, Dexterity or Constitution saving throws for only a day after your brain is transferred.


The best of two both, a jetstream regains some of their biological body while still using the wind of destruction's powers, as well as a few new tricks.

Regained Humanity[edit]

As a jetstream type cyborg, many of your mechanical parts become organic again, removing the vulnerability to lightning damage. You have internal organs and muscles as any other person, but still retain some modifications letting you use all of your class features freely. The only thing revealing your true identity is your glowing eyes.

Jetstream Fighting Style[edit]

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn the ability to expertly use certain bladed weapons. As long as you are wielding a versatile weapon with both hands, it deals an additional 1d8 slashing damage. This stacks with the bonus HF weapons grant you.


You have outfitted the scabbard of your weapon with an explosive device letting you launch your weapon from it. If you unsheathe your weapon using this during an attack action, the attack deals an additional 2d6 slashing damage. At level 18 this increases to 2d8. Using it costs 2 energy points. You can use 2 more energy points to add an additional damage dice to this attack. If you use this with a non-HF and non-magical weapon, this destroys that weapon. Additionally, if it is launched from the scabbard you can use your weapon as an improvised projectile with a range of 60/120. As a bonus action, you may re-sheath your sword, and charge up the device.

Quickdraw: Dash[edit]

Now at level 7, your speed has become unrivaled.

Using this feature costs 4 points.

You charge up to 20 feet in one direction and do damage equal to 3 blade mode slashes to anything in your weapon's range at the destination. This is not treated as an attack roll and instead requires the creatures to make a Dexterity save against your wind of destruction DC. On a success, the damage is halved. Dash provokes opportunity attacks and cannot be used on enemies 5 ft in front of you.

At level 18, the maximum range is increased by 10 feet and you no longer provoke opportunity attacks when you use it.


By 11th level, you learn how to enrage your enemies in an attempt to make them expose their weak spots. As an action, you can taunt all enemies in an area 15 feet around you. They can avoid being taunted with a Charisma save against your wind of destruction DC + 2, on a success they are not affected. On a failure, those affected may attempt to redo the save on the end of their turn. They need to be able to hear you, and understand a language you know to be affected.

After being affected your enemies are more vulnerable to all attacks. They take critical hits from you and any allies on attack rolls of 18-20. Affected creatures have disadvantage on Charisma and Wisdom saves, but advantage on Strength saves. Additionally, they take 1d4 extra damage from any successful attack. For the duration you take double slashing, piercing and bludgeoning damage. The duration is 1 minute, or until the target clears the save.

At level 18, you no longer take double damage while the feature is in use.

Quickdraw: Circle Slash[edit]

At 18th level, you can spin your sword in a 10 foot radius around you, dealing 3 blade mode slashes worth of damage to anything in range. Targets may roll a Dexterity saving throw against your wind of destruction DC, the damage is halved on a successful save. This costs 3 energy points.

Quickdraw: Slash Blast[edit]

At 18th level, you can launch a projectile in a 40 foot line, which looks like a moving flurry of slashes. It deals with 4 blade mode slashes worth of damage to the first enemy it hits. They may roll a Dexterity saving throw against your wind of destruction DC, and on success damage is nullified. This costs 2 energy point.


Using the power of magnetism, your range has been increased exponentially and your body is now neigh-impossible to hit.

Monsoon fighting style[edit]

Starting at level 3 you are a master of quickly using light weapons. While dual wielding any weapons with the light property, your offhand weapon is treated the same as your main one in all things, and you may use both at the same time when taking the attack action.

Magnetic Body[edit]

Already at level 7, your cyborg body changes significantly, splitting itself into parts linked with the magnetic power you generate. These parts are made in patterns depicting the most common angles at which weapons may be used against you, giving you +3 AC as long as you are not wearing any armor. Additionally, you may activate the magnetic links with an action, making your body automatically split to dodge oncoming attacks and giving you a lightning aura of a color of your choice. For the duration, you may add double your proficiency modifier to Dexterity saves, add +3 to your AC, and opponents have disadvantage on all attacks against you. Because it is automatic, this overrides any advantages the opponent has, such as attacking from stealth. Activating it takes 2 points, and another 2 every turn it's active.

Deactivating it with a bonus action, taking damage, or running out of energy ends the effect.

Magnetized Weaponry[edit]

Beginning at level 11 your weapons are now tethered to you and can be used as grappling hooks or throwing weapons. You may throw your weapon with a range of 30/60 ft and deal half of its normal damage on hit. If you hit a medium or smaller creature, it must succeed a Strength contest with you, or be pulled to the closest available space between you and it.

If the creature is of a size larger than you, you are pulled in its direction instead, same happens when you strike a wall or heavy object.

Additionally, when taking the attack action you may now attack twice instead of once. At level 18, gain yet another attack.

Superior Magnetic Body[edit]

At 18th level, you no longer have to rely on automation to guide your body.

These abilities may only be used while magnetic body is active.

As a bonus action, you may split yourself in half, letting your legs run around freely as a separate being. They have your regular movement speed and can deal kicks or do any actions that would normally be done with your legs. Their AC is equal to your current AC-4. As long as your legs are gone, your body simply floats at the height it would normally be and has a fixed movement speed of 30ft regardless of any feats or spells. If they take any damage, they briefly fall apart and return to you at the start of your next turn. The maximum range the legs can wander away from the torso is 120ft.

Aside from the legs, you may also launch your hands up to 30 ft away from you. Each hand acts as its own entity, and can do the same things as you could do with your hands, including attack. They have AC equal to your normal AC-6. Upon getting hit, they return to your main body and can be relaunched at the start of your next turn. Their speed is 0, meaning they have to be retracted and then launched again if you want to change their positioning. Launching a hand takes a bonus action.


Although the slowest of the 3 enhancements, terrifying raw strength and impenetrable defense makes more than up for it.

Sundowner Fighting Style[edit]

As a sundowner type cyborg you are adept at using heavier weapons better than normal humans. You may dual-wield weapons with the versatile property. This works by the normal rules for dual-wielding, however the damage roll for your offhand weapon is without the Strength bonus. Both weapons deal their single-handed type damage, as should be expected.

Explosive Armor[edit]

Beginning at level 7 your armor is now overflowing with electricity, ready to deflect any oncoming hit. As a reaction to a failed attack against you, you can create a small explosion in the direction of the attack. This explosion will knock a medium or smaller sized creature up to 10 ft away from you and deal 1d10 fire damage to it. This knock back does not give you an opportunity attack. After this feature is activated, you gain +2 AC until the end of your next turn. This does not stack with itself.

Using this feature costs 1 energy point.

At level 18, this feature becomes automated and no longer requires you to use a reaction or any energy points, meaning it can trigger on any number of failed attacks for free.

Pincer Blades[edit]

Finally, at level 11 you learned how to link your blades together, thanks to new special mounts on your lower arms. A weapon created like this has improved properties of the original blades, but cannot use any features related to blade mode, nor blade mode itself. The blades, despite being composed of 2 weapons, act on the same attack and damage roll.

The attack roll is done as normal, without the finesse property, if any of two original weapons had it. The damage roll formula is as follows: One-handed die of the first weapon + One-handed die of second weapon + double your proficiency modifier.

This weapon can only be used once per attack action, no matter what other features you may have. Linking and unlinking blades takes a bonus action. The weapon requires only one hand to use, meaning your off hand is free but cannot be used to hold a shield or another weapon.

Linking can only be used with Daggers, Swords, and similar weapons. Discuss with your DM what weapons may be used for this.

Superior Pincer Blades[edit]

At 18th level you can not only swing your pincers faster, but you have learned how to perform an area attack to devastate foes in a circle around you. You can perform a 2 and 3 attack combination at the cost of energy, but only if your blades are linked.

Using a 2 attack combination consumes the rest of your movement speed, and takes an action. It additionally costs 4 energy points to perform. The first and second attack both have their own attack and damage rolls. If the second attack connects you can choose to force the creature you attack to a Strength contest. If it loses it, the creature gets thrown in the air and falls prone upon landing. On a successful save, it remains upright.

Using a 3 attack combination costs your bonus action and reaction, as well as an additional 6 points and an action. This may only be used twice per long rest The two first attacks are done with your normal damage and attack rolls. The third roll instead makes you open your pincer and cleave all enemies around you in a 10ft radius. Creatures in the two spaces behind you take no damage. Creatures in the two spaces directly in front of you take double damage and have disadvantage on the upcoming save. All targets must do a Dexterity save against your wind of destruction DC. On success, only half damage is taken from this cleaving attack.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Wind of Destruction class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Strength, 13 Dexterity, 13 Constitution.

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Wind of Destruction class, you gain the following proficiencies: All melee slashing-type weapons, light armor, medium armor.

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