Nen User, Variant (5e Class)
Nen User[edit]
Mastery of Will[edit]
Nen is a technique that allows a living being to use and manipulate their own life energy known as aura. There are 6 types of nen users: enhancers, who use nen to strengthen both objects and themselves; transmuters, who use nen to replicate certain effects; emitters, who are able to detach their nen; conjurer's, who create objects with their nen; manipulators, who control objects with nen; and specialists, who defy any other form of nen user classification. One’s aura grows in strength depending on the users’ willpower and Constitution.
Creating a Nen User[edit]
- Quick Build
You can make a nen user quickly by following these suggestions. First, Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity. Second, choose the Far traveler background. Third, choose the finesse weapon, and the Dungeoneer's pack.
Class Features
As a Nen User you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Nen User level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Nen User level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Finesse Weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Constitution
Skills: Choose four from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, History, Investigation, Intimidation, Perception, Stealth and Persuasion.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) Two simple weapons or (b) one martial finesse weapon
- (a) A Dungeoneer's pack or (b) an Explorer's pack
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Aura Points | Martial Arts | Unarmored Movement | Features |
1st | +2 | 0 | 1d4 | - | Martial Arts, Unarmored Defense, Meditaton |
2nd | +2 | 10+your constitution modifier | 1d4 | - | Nen, Ten, Ren |
3rd | +2 | 15+your constitution modifier | 1d4 | - | Cunning Action, Archetype, Zetsu |
4th | +2 | 20+your constitution modifier | 1d4 | 10 ft. | Ability Score Improvement, Unarmored Movement |
5th | +3 | 25+your constitution modifier | 1d6 | 15 ft. | Archetype Feature, Extra Attack |
6th | +3 | 30+your constitution modifier | 1d6 | 15 ft. | Evasion, Extended Control |
7th | +3 | 35+your constitution modifier | 1d6 | 15 ft. | Resistant, Archetype Feature |
8th | +3 | 40+your constitution modifier | 1d6 | 15 ft. | Ability Score Improvement |
9th | +4 | 45+your constitution modifier | 1d8 | 20 ft. | Archetype Feature |
10th | +4 | 50+your constitution modifier | 1d8 | 20 ft. | Extended Control Improvement |
11th | +4 | 55+your constitution modifier | 1d8 | 20 ft. | Archetype Feature |
12th | +4 | 60+your constitution modifier | 1d8 | 20 ft. | Ability Score Improvement |
13th | +5 | 65+your constitution modifier | 1d10 | 25 ft. | Rising Aura |
14th | +5 | 70+your constitution modifier | 1d10 | 25 ft. | Resistant(2), Archetype Feature |
15th | +5 | 75+your constitution modifier | 1d10 | 25 ft. | Advanced Technique |
16th | +5 | 80+your constitution modifier | 1d10 | 25 ft. | Ability Score Improvement |
17th | +6 | 85+your constitution modifier | 1d12 | 30 ft. | Archetype Feature |
18th | +6 | 90+your constitution modifier | 1d12 | 30 ft. | Advanced Technique(2) |
19th | +6 | 95+your constitution modifier | 1d12 | 30 ft. | Ability Score Improvement |
20th | +6 | 100+your constitution modifier | 1d12 | 30 ft. | Nen Mastery, Post Mortem Nen |
Martial Arts[edit]
Beginning at 1st Level, your natural use of nen manifests as an enhanced understanding and application of physical force.
- Your unarmed strikes' damage die becomes 1d4
- You may use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes.
- If you took the attack action with a unarmed strike, you can use your bonus action to give one unarmed strike or a one handed weapon attack.
The damage dice of your unarmed strikes will increase as you level in this class, as shown in the nen user table.
Unarmored Defense[edit]
Beginning at 1st level, while you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier.
At 1st level, you can meditate for 30 minutes to concentrate on your inner self. After your meditation, you can increase one of your ability scores by 2 for 24 hours. You can only use this once per long rest.
At 2nd level, you will also regain xd6 Aura points(Even beyond your aura maximum), with x being half your class level(rounded up).
Beginning at 2nd level, you gain the ability to use nen. Your nen is represented by your amount of Aura Points which the maximum is determined by your nen user level. You must spend aura points in order to fuel various features. Running out of Aura Points results in your life force being drained further than your limitations causing you to take Xd4 damage with the X being aura points you expend at 0. As a nen user, you can convert your aura create various effects. You regain all of your Aura Points at the end of a long or short rest, but you must spend at least 30 minutes of that time meditating. Certain features will call for a saving throw or nen attack. Use the following to calculate:
Nen attack modifier = Your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier.
Nen save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier.
At 2nd level, you have learned how to canalize your aura around yourself in a defensive way. As a bonus action every attack made against you will have it's damage reduced by 1d12. You must spend 2 aura points at the beggining of your turns to maintain Ten at this level.
At 5th level, your ten has improved to a new level, and now when you activate your ten you gain +10 temporary hit points, this number increases by 2 for each level in this class. You must spend 3 aura points at the beggining of your turns to maintain Ten at this level.
At 7th level your ten has evolved into a better defensive ability, and now while your ten is active you gain + 3 to AC. You must spend 4 aura points at the beggining of your turns to maintain Ten at this level.
At 15th level you have mastered your ten, when you active it you gain + 5 AC. You must spend 5 aura points at the beggining of your turns to maintain Ten at this level.
At 2nd level you learned how to canalize your aura in an agressive manner. As a bonus action, your unarmed strikes gain 1 extra damage dice, and every creature in 5ft infront of you must make a Constitution saving throw, on a sucess they can resist your damage, on a failure they are stunned until your next turn. For each turn your "Ren" is active, you must spend 1 aura point. You can also increase your ren's range by 5ft for each extra 1 Aura Points.
At 7th level your ren ability has become more usefull and improved a lot by your training, while your ren is active your movement speed increases by 10, and every unarmed strike will now count as magical and will deal double the damage to structures and Constructs.
Cunning Action[edit]
Starting at 3rd level, your quick thinking and agility allow you to move and act quickly. You can take an extra bonus action on each of you turns in combat. This action can be used only to take the dash, disengage, or hide actions.
At the 3rd level, you chose an archetype. Choose between lightning transmuter, and nen enhancer, and other and they will be at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd, and again at 5th, 7th, 9th, 14th, and 17th level. When you choose your Archetype you can explore into the other Archetypes without leaving yours. You can have as many nen abilities as your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. For each level you would gain an archetype skill, the limit increases by 2. You may switch your nen skills after a long rest. With certain Archetypes you can learn other Archetypes better than others:
![]() |
The Nen Types Chart |
- 100%: You can learn up to 17th level abilities of the other Archetype.(this feature is only available to specialists, they must choose one of the other archetypes nen types to gain a 17th level skill.)
- 80%: You can learn up to 14th level abilities of the other Archetype.
- 60%: You can learn up to 9th level abilities of the other Archetype.
- 40%: You can learn up to 7th level abilities of the other Archetype.
- 0%: You can’t learn anything from this Archetype.
Transmutation Archetype Enhancement 80% Conjuration 80% Emission 40% Manipulation 40% Specialization 0%
Enhancement Archetype Transmutation 80% Emission 80% Conjuration 60% Manipulation 40% Specialization 0%
Conjuration Archetype Transmutation 80% Enhancement 60% Manipulation 60% Emission 40% Specialization 0%
Emission Archetype Enhancement 80% Manipulation 80% Transmutation 60% Conjuration 40% Specialization 0%
Manipulation Archetype Emission 80% Enhancement 60% Conjuration 60% Transmutation 40% Specialization 0%
Specialization Archetype Conjuration 80% Manipulation 80% Transmutation 60% Emission 60% Enhancement 40%
You may choose your nen type if your gm allows it, but if he doesn't you must roll a d6 to find out your nen type.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
Transmuter | Enhancement | Conjuration | Emission | Manipulation | Specialization |
At 3rd level, you learned how to hide your aura from others, which gives you advantage on Stealth checks, but you cannot use any of your nen abilities while using zetsu, or you will immediatly reveal your location.
At 6th level, you gained experience hiding your presence, so the first attack action you do while in zetsu will be an opportunity attack and will deal double damage.
Ability Score Increase[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Unarmored Movement[edit]
Starting at 4th level, your movement speed increases while not wearing armor or wielding a shield, your movement speed increases by +10 ft. This bonus increases as you level up in this class.
Extra Attack[edit]
At 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Extended Control[edit]
At 6th level, your control over the use of nen allows you to exceed your mental and physical control. When you are hit by an attack while Ten is active, you can spend 20 Aura Points as a reaction to halve the damage. At 10th level, you may spend 15 Aura Points to gain advantage on single saving throw as a reaction. You may do this reactions as much as your proficiency bonus before needing to take a Long Rest.
In addition, you unarmed strikes count as magical for overcoming resistance and immunities.
At 7th level, your strength as a nen user has allowed you to resist certain area effects, such as a blue dragon’s lightning breath or a fireball spell. Choose one of the following:
- Brawn - Strength
- Evasion - Dexterity
- Endurance - Constitution
- Discernment - Wisdom and Intelligence
- Repulsion - Charisma
When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw of the chosen ability to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Additionally, you may change the ability modifier that determines your Nen attack modifier and Nen effect save DC to any of the chosen abilities.
You may choose one additional ability score to benefit from this effect at 14th level.
Rising Aura[edit]
At 13th level, your aura has become astoning, and will show itself by surrounding your body. While you have at least half or more of your maximum aura points, your aura will grant you +10 movement speed, give you disadvantage in Stealth rolls and give you advantage in Intimidation rolls. You may choose if you want your aura surrounding you all the time or not.
Advanced Technique[edit]
Starting at 15th level, your training has led to you advancing a lot in nen techniques, finally reaching the advanced ones. You can choose two advanced techniques from the following:
- Gyo
You focus your Aura into your eyes as a bonus action for 3 Aura Points. You are able to see invisible objects and magical manifestations. This lasts for 1 minute and you must maintain concentration.
- In
You hide your aura without completely stopping it as a bonus action for 3 Aura Points. You can not be detected by magical means, and any ranged nen attacks you make have advantage for 1 minute or until you lose concentration. At 20th level you can now spend 5 aura points to hide your aura, but now your ranged nen attacks will count as opportunity attacks.
- En
You generate a sphere of aura a bonus action for 4 Aura Points or more. This sphere has a radius equal to twice the Aura Points spent times 5 ft. You are aware of the locations of any creatures within this sphere for 1 minute or until you lose concentration. At 20th level if you chose this technique, all the creatures inside the En area must make a Wisdom Saving Throw, on a sucess their presence is revealed and they cannot make opportunity attacks, on a failure they become frightened and are stunned for 5d4 turns.
- Shu
You coat an object you are holding in aura. When you make a melee weapon attack, you may spend 2 Aura Points to increase its damage die by 1 size (i.e. 1d4 -> 1d6 -> 1d8 -> 1d10 -> 1d12 -> 2d6 -> 2d8). At 20th level if you chose this skill you can now make a rising aura coat an object for 4 aura points, which increases not only the damage dice by 1 size, but the dice itself. (i.e. 1d4 -> 2d6 -> 3d8 -> 4d10 -> 5d12 -> 7d6 -> 8d8)
- Ko
You concentrate your aura into one part of your body, cutting the flow to anywhere else. When you make a melee weapon or unarmed attack, you may spend 2 Aura Points to increase its damage die by 2 sizes, but all attacks against you deal twice as much damage until the beginning of your next turn. At 20th level if you chose this skill you can now spend 4 aura points to increase the damage die by 4 sizes, but all attacks made against you deal four times the normal damage until the beggining of your next turn.
- Ken
You concentrate aura in all directions. As an action for 5 Aura Points, you can not move and all damage you take is halved until the beginning of your next turn. At 20th level if you chose this skill you now spend 10 aura points to take no damage but you can't move. You will also do your next action with disadvantage.
- Ryo
You balance the concentration of aura used in Ko and Ken. When you make a melee weapon attack, you may spend 4 Aura Points to make its damage unable to be reduced, even from immunity.
At 18th level you have become an experienced nen user, so now you can choose 2 more advanced techniques from the list.
Nen Mastery[edit]
Beginning at 20th level, during combat or when you roll for initiative and have less than a quarter of your maximum Aura points, you regain 5d5 aura points. After using Nen mastery, you must complete a long rest to regain use of this feature.
Post Mortem Nen[edit]
At 20th level, you are bound with your nen beyond life itself. If you would die while possessing at least 1 Aura Point, you may return to life 1 minute later. Upon doing so your maximum hp is reduced to half its original amount, however your maximum amount of Aura Points are doubled and your AC will be increased by 3. This ability can only be activated once, meaning the next time you would die there would be no saving for you.
Transmuter Archetype[edit]
Level 3 Skills[edit]
- Lightning Acclimation
Beginning at 3rd Level, the lightning running through your veins keeps you quick on your feet. While you have at least 5 Aura Points, your movement speed increases by +10 ft. and you gain a +5 bonus to your initiative. You gain resistance to lightning damage, and immunity to lightning damage you deal. Your unarmed strikes deal lightning damage while you have at least 1 Aura Point remaining.
As an action for 2 Aura Points, you may create a small blast of electricity. Every creature in a 15 ft. radius originating from you must attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d8 lightning damage. On a success, they take half as much.
- Nen String
At 3rd level, you can spend 1 Aura Point as a bonus action to create a sharp string out of your aura. Your unarmed strikes gain an additional 5 feet of reach and deals 1d6 + your proficiency modifier slashing damage. This lasts for 1 minute. For every 2 additional Aura Points spent, you may grant your string a +1 bonus to damage rolls and an additional 5 ft. of reach. At 6th level, you can spend 2 Aura points when you make an attack with your nen string to stitch the target's wounds, causing them to regain hit points equal to the damage it would have dealt.
- Bungee Gum
At 3rd level, while Nen String is active, you can spend 2 Aura points to cause it to become stretchy, sticky and purple until Nen String ends. As a bonus action, you may move to any open space within your string's reach, and you may grapple creatures of any size within your Nen String's reach.
Additionally, you can spend 2 Aura points as a reaction to deflect or catch the missile when you are hit by a ranged weapon attack. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d12 + your Dexterity modifier + your Nen User level.
If you reduce the damage to 0, you can catch the missile if it is small enough for you to hold in one hand and you have at least one hand free. If you catch a missile in this way, you can spend 1 Aura point to make a ranged attack with the weapon or piece of ammunition you just caught, as part of the same reaction. You make this attack with proficiency, regardless of your weapon proficiencies, and the missile counts as a monk weapon for the attack, which has a normal range of 20 feet.
Level 5 Skills[edit]
- Lightning Enhancement
Beginning at 5th level, your ability to control lightning around your body enables you to push yourself above your limits allowing you to make an additional unarmed strike as a bonus action whenever you take the Attack action on your turn while you have at least 1 Aura Point. Additionally, when you make a ranged or thrown attack, you may spend 6 Aura Points to convert it into a nen attack by imbuing it with lightning. On a hit, it deals an additional 4d8 lightning damage. Whether you hit or miss, each creature within 10 feet of the target must make a Dexterity saving throw. Each of these creatures takes 2d8 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
- Nen Arm
At 5th level, as an action for 6 Aura points, you may create an arm made of Nen that lasts for 1 minute. This arm is invisible, can pass through nonmagical objects, and has a reach equal to your own + 5 ft if you attack with this arm it does half the damage of your unarmed strikes but it has advantage on attacks because it is invisible (this can be canceled if someone can see invisible things an example is the spell see invisibility).
Level 7 Skills[edit]
- Lightning Intensity
Beginning at 7th level, when you deal lightning damage, you may spend 3 Aura Points to treat immunity as resistance, and ignore resistance. As an action for 4 Aura Points, you may release a powerful arc of electricity. Each creature caught within a 30 ft. cone originating from you must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d6 lightning damage and is stunned until the end of its next turn on a failed save. On a successful save, a creature takes half damage and isn't stunned.
- Zoldyck’s Exploding Orbs
At 7th level, you can spend 15 Aura Points as an action to create one orb in your hand. On your next hit with a melee attack, the target must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take an additional 3d6 fire damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. You can spend an additional 15 Aura Points to summon a second orb in your other hand, causing this feature to deal 6d6 fire damage instead.
Level 9 Skills[edit]
- Lightning Mode
At 9th level, as a bonus action for 12 Aura points, you can turn your very aura into electricity and run it through your body, making themselves more reactive to danger for 1 minute. Any attacks that rely on sight against you have disadvantage, you gain an additional action on each of your turns, and any creatures that touch you or hit you with a melee attack take 1d6 lightning damage. As part of a melee attack for 2 Aura Points while this is active, you may deal an additional 1d8 Lightning Damage. You may do so up to your nen attack bonus times on a single attack.
As an action for 9 Aura Points, you may throw a bolt of lightning. Each creature in a 100 ft. line must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 8d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
- Dragon Rain
At 9th level, you can spend 20 Aura Points as an action to make thousands of beams fall from the sky. Every creature within an 80 ft. radius must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 5d6 radiant damage. On a success, they take half.
Level 14 Skills[edit]
- Godspeed (Kanmaru)
At 14th level, you can cast Godspeed; the precipice of a lightning transmuter's ability to use nen, heightening your focus on outputting a high amount of aura and keeping it on the body, expanding the size, reactivity, and intensity of it.
As a bonus action while Lightning Mode is active. Your movement speed is quadrupled, you gain an additional action on each of your turns, a +3 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws, and you gain immunity to lightning damage and effects that force you move move against your will. You must spend 4 Aura Points at the end of each of your turns to maintain this effect.
As a bonus action, you may focus your aura to embody the form of lightning, doubling your movement speed. While this effect is active, you must only travel in a straight line, you may only change directions at the beginning of each of your turns (once every 6 seconds), and you may not spend your action, bonus action, or reaction to directly deal damage (i.e. you may use Godspeed, but not Lightning Intensity's lightning arc).
Additionally, as an action for 12 Aura Points, you may create a massive arc of lightning. One creature within 150 ft. of you, and up to 3 creatures within 30 ft. of the initial target, must make a Dexterity saving throw. Creature takes 10d8 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
- Avenging Sun
At 14th level, you spend 30 Aura Points as an action while below half your maximum hit points to launch a sun-like nen orb at one creature within 60 ft. that must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take fire damage equal to all the damage you received in the battle times two. On a success, they take half as much damage (rounded up). You may use this twice, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest.
Level 17 Skills[edit]
- Whirlwind (Kanmaru)
At 17th level, you have mastered Godspeed and you have gained Whirlwind. You must spend 1 Aura Point at the end of each of your turns to maintain Godspeed. As an action for 40 Aura Points, you may force all your aura into your palms, firing a huge explosion of lightning. One creature within 300 ft. must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 15d10 + 10 lightning damage and are paralyzed until your next turn. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not Paralyzed.
- Godspeed
At 17th level, you have master the power of lighting. You gain the following abilities, can only benefit from one at a time.
- Godspeed - As a bonus action for 15 Aura Points, your movement speed is quadrupled, you gain an additional action on each of your turns, a +3 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws, and you gain immunity to lightning damage and effects that force you move against your will. You must spend 4 Aura Points at the end of each of your turns to maintain this effect.
- Lightning Reaction - As a bonus action for 15 Aura Points, you may focus your aura to embody the form of lightning, doubling your movement speed. While this effect is active, you can not deal damage except with Unarmed strikes. As a reaction when a creature makes an attack against you, you can make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. If you succeed, you dodge their attack and they take 2d6 lighting damage. On a failure, the attack hits you. You must spend 4 Aura Points at the end of each of your turns to maintain this effect.
Enhancer Archetype[edit]
Enhancement is the ability to use aura to increase the natural abilities of an object or one's own body. Therefore, enhancers can greatly increase their physical attack and defense and are best suited for close-range melee combat.
Level 3 Skills[edit]
- Enhancer Acclimation
Beginning at 3rd level, your enhancer abilities grant you the ability to passively increase physical abilities. Your passive Perception increases by +3 and your unarmed strikes also get a +1 to damage rolls while you have at least 3 Aura Points.
- Nen Projectiles
At 3rd level, you spend 2 Aura points as an action to throw any object shorter than 3 ft. at a bullet's speed. One creature within 40 ft. must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d6 bludgeoning damage. You may use this feature multiple times on a single action, but each projectile costs 2 Aura points and you cannot fire more than twice your proficiency bonus of objects.
Level 5 Skills[edit]
- Enhanced Attack
Starting at 5th level, you can push yourself beyond your normal limits and attack three instead of twice whenever you take the attack action on your turn while you have at least 3 Aura Points. The number of attacks increases to four when you reach 11th level.
- Rock, Paper, Scissors
Beginning at 5th level, you may enhance your fists to make either a Rock, Paper, or Scissors attack.
- Paper - as an action for 5 Aura Points, you release a long-range blast of aura from your fist. You make a nen attack with disadvantage against one creature within 30 ft. of you. On a failure, they take 3d8 force damage.
- Scissors - as an action for 4 Aura points or a bonus action for 7 Aura Points, you create two long blades of aura as extensions of your index and middle finger. You make a nen attack against one creature within 15 ft. of you. On a failure, they take 4d8 piercing damage.
- Rock - as an action, you focus your aura into one massive punch. Make a nen attack against a creature within 5 ft. of you. On a hit, you deal 1d10 bludgeoning damage for every 2 Aura Points expended up to a number of xd10 + your nen attack bonus.(With x being your proficiency bonus.)
Level 7 Skills[edit]
- Yukako’s Hair
At 7th level, as an action for 20 Aura points, you may wrap your whole body in hair for 1 minute. While you are wrapped in your hair, your ability scores gain a +3 bonus (this can go over 20) and your unarmed strikes deal slashing damage. When this feature ends, you gain 3 levels of exhaustion.
- Tornado Top
At 7th level, as an reaction or action you can spend 10 aura points to make yourself spin in a circle of 15ft, dealing 2d12 Bludgeoning Slashing damage. If used as an reaction you will reduce the incoming damage by 2d12.
Level 9 Skills[edit]
- Seed of life
At 9th level, as an action for 15 or more Aura points, you may cause yourself and any creatures touching you to regain 3d6 + any Aura points spent above 15 hit points.
- Healing Factor
Beginning at 9th level, due to your ability to increase the efficiency of certain parts of your body, you can also multiply the efficiency of your body’s ability to heal itself. As a bonus action for 8 Aura Points, you may heal 3d10 + your nen user level hit points. You may not use this feature during Limited Transformation as your body is already at its limit to massively increase your physical capabilities.
Level 14 Skills[edit]
- Limited Transformation
Beginning at 14th level, as an action for 30 Aura Points, you become a much older, much more powerful version of yourself for 1 minute. During this transformation, Rock, Paper, Scissors no longer costs Aura Points, you gain a +3 bonus to your AC, and your movement speed increases by +10 ft. You become unconscious but are stable for 5 minutes as well as being reverted to your original form at the end of this duration. You cannot recast Limited Transformation until the end of your next 3 long rests as the effects require you to drain your life force to such an extent that your body cannot handle.
- Big Bang Impact
At 14th level, as an action for 30 Aura points, you may surround your fist with aura to make a punch of sheer destruction. Every creature within a 30ft radius must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 6d8 bludgeoning damage, on a success they take half as much damage. For every 10 extra aura points you spend, you can increase the damage by 1 dice, and increase the range by 5ft.
Level 17 Skills[edit]
- Limited Transformation Mastery
Beginning at 17th level, Limited Transformation costs 20 Aura Points to use, and no longer makes you unconscious once it ends. You will also gain a +2 to attack and damage rolls while the transformation is active.
- Ripper Cyclotron
At 17th level, for 10 Aura Points you can increase your aura especiffically in your fist, giving your unarmed strikes 3 bonus dices of damage. Every time you wind up your arm in a clockwise direction you spend +10 aura points to increase the aura in the fist by 1 dice of damage, to do this you must spent an action, and you may only do this once per turn. You cannot attack with nen abilities while charging your fist, and for each charge the bonus dice you gain will increase by 1(ex: If you were gaining only 1 bonus dice in the last turn, now you gain 2, after that 3, and it goes on). When you deliver the blow, every creature in range of your unarmed strike must roll a Dexterity saving throw, on a sucess they take half damage and are not knocked dowm, on a failure they take the full damage and are knocked dowm for x turns(with x being how much you have winded up your arm before the attack).
Conjurer Kurta Archetype[edit]
- Crimson Eyes
Beginning at 3rd level, while you are below 1/3 of your maximum hit points, get extremely angry, or if you are aware of a hostile creature with a CR at least 2 higher than your level, your eyes glow crimson red. You gain darkvision for 60 ft., a +1 bonus to your Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and Wisdom scores, and your movement speed increases by +10 ft. This lasts for 1 minute, after which you must finish a long rest before using this feature again.
- Chains
Starting at 5th level, you can conjure various chains from your fingertips. These chains may be used in a variety of ways:
- Dowsing Chain - as a bonus action for 3 Aura Points, your unarmed strikes gain +5 ft. of reach and may be made as nen attacks, and you are aware of whether or not one creature of your choice is lying until the end of your next turn.
- Chain Jail - as an action for 5 Aura Points, you make a nen attack against a creature within 45 ft. of you. On a hit, they are restrained for 1 minute. You must make this attack as a bonus action without spending Aura Points on each of your turns to maintain this effect.
- Steal Chain - as an action for 5 Aura Points, you make a nen attack against a creature within 45 feet of you. On a hit, they take 1d4 + your Constitution modifier piercing damage, and you gain 1 feature that costs a currency to use (i.e. spell slots, ki). Features that cost ki cost 3 times as many Aura Points. Features that cost spell slots cost 5 times as many Aura Points as their level. Features that cost psi points cost x1.5 as many Aura Points, rounded up. Features that use chakra points cost 2/3 as many Aura Points. Any features gained with Steal Chain have disadvantage to hit, or creatures have advantage on its saving throw.
- Emperor Time
Beginning at 8th level, you may temporarily gain complete access to your stolen abilities. While your crimson eyes are active, you may spend 2 Aura Points at the beginning of each of your turns to negate the negative effects of using a feature stolen by Steal Chain. Doing so also reduced your remaining lifespan by 6 hours per round.
- Holy Chain
Beginning at 9th level, you may use one of your chains to heal a creature. As a bonus action for 5 Aura Points, you may heal a creature within 30 ft. of you for 3d8 + your Constitution modifier hit points.
- Mastered Crimson Eyes
Beginning at 14th level, you may activate crimson eyes as a bonus action for 2 Aura Points without fulfilling the activation criteria. While activated in this manner, you must spend 2 Aura Points at the end of each of your turns to maintain this effect. You may use this feature even if you have no uses of Crimson Eyes remaining. While your crimson eyes are active by either feature, you gain darkvision for 120 ft., a +2 bonus to your Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and Wisdom scores, and your movement speed increases by +20 ft.
- Judgement Chain
Beginning at 17th level, you may execute a creature using one of your chains. When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you may wrap a chain around the target's heart for 24 hours. As an action for 30 Aura Points, you may command the chain to pierce their heart. When you use this action, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, it is reduced to 0 Hit Points. If it succeeds, it takes 10d10 necrotic damage. You can have only one creature under the Effect of this feature at a time. You can remove the chain without using an action.
Conjurer Archetype[edit]
Level 3 Skills[edit]
- Clown Weaponry
Beginning at 3rd level, you can spend 5 Aura points as an action to create a Tiny talking clown that occupies your space and immediately rolls 1d10. Depending on the number rolled, you gain one of the following weapons, each of which has a special effect that only applies to the rolled weapon. You are proficient with and may use your Dexterity modifier for attack and damage rolls with any of these weapons. When you roll a number, you can’t roll again before a short or long rest.
1.Sniper Rifle. You can spend 1 Aura point when you make an attack with this weapon to double the attack's range but halve its damage.
2.Scythe. You can spend 5 Aura points as an action to use "Silent Air". All objects within a 15 ft. radius of you are cut in half. Creatures within range must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 3d6 slashing damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. You may spend an additional 2 aura points to increase the range of this by 5 feet, to a max of 45 feet.
3.Mace. You can spend 5 Aura points when you make an attack with this weapon to double the attack's damage but grant its attack roll disadvantage. At 6th level, you can spend 10 additional Aura points to also give your opponent disadvantage on any non-magical weapon they are using on a hit.
4.Musket. You can spend 5 Aura points as a bonus action to make this weapon not require bullets and remove its loading property for 1 minute.
5.Bladed Gauntlet. You can spend 5 Aura points when you make an attack with this weapon to add your unarmed strike damage to the weapon's damage and make all damage dealt by this attack be considered magical to overcome resistance.
6.Katana. You can spend 10 Aura points as a bonus action to gain a +2 bonus to your AC against attacks from creatures within 10ft of you for 1 minute. You may increase this radius by 5ft for every 5 additional Aura points spent.
7.Spiked Greatclub. You can spend 2 Aura points as a bonus action to make the club shoot 4 spikes at up to 4 targets within 15 ft. These projectiles deal 1d6 piercing damage on a hit. After using this feature, the club deals half damage until the end of your next turn.
8.Flail. You can spend 5 Aura points as a bonus action to embed the flail's spikes into the ground for 1 minute or until you do the following. As a reaction when you take damage, all creatures with in a 30ft radius of you must make a Dexterity saving throw as the spikes rise from the ground. On a failure, they take 1d8 piercing damage.
9.Saber. You can spend 5 Aura points as a bonus action to grant your Saber the ability to go through objects until the end of your turn, ignoring cover and forcing creatures hit by an attack with it to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d6 slashing damage and gain 1 level of exhaustion as one of their internal organs is cut (when using this ability you can only make your target get to level 3 of exhaustion after that they stop gaining levels of exhaustion levels).
10.Handaxe. You can spend 1 Aura point as a bonus action to roll 1d10, gaining the special effect of the weapon from this feature rolled. At 6th level, you can spend 5 Aura points as an action to swap this handaxe with a weapon being wielded by one creature you can see.
- Texture Fools
At 3rd level, you can spend 10 Aura points as an action to make a piece of paper of any size look like a texture you’ve seen before. You can spend 1 Aura point as a bonus action to make this paper stick to something until a magical force would cause it to separate or a creature with this feature touching it chooses for it to separate.
Level 5 Skills[edit]
- Chains
Starting at 5th level, you can conjure various chains from your fingertips. These chains may be used in a variety of ways:
- Dowsing Chain - as a bonus action for 3 Aura Points, your unarmed strikes gain +5 ft. of reach and may be made as nen attacks, and you are aware of whether or not one creature of your choice is lying until the end of your next turn.
- Chain Jail - as an action for 5 Aura Points, you make a nen attack against a creature within 45 ft. of you. On a hit, they are restrained for 1 minute. You must make this attack as a bonus action without spending Aura Points on each of your turns to maintain this effect.
- Steal Chain - as an action for 5 Aura Points, you make a nen attack against a creature within 45 feet of you. On a hit, they take 1d4 + your Constitution modifier piercing damage, and you gain 1 feature that costs a currency to use (i.e. spell slots, ki). Features that cost ki cost 3 times as many Aura Points. Features that cost spell slots cost 5 times as many Aura Points as their level. Features that cost psi points cost x1.5 as many Aura Points, rounded up. Features that use chakra points cost 2/3 as many Aura Points. Any features gained with Steal Chain have disadvantage to hit, or creatures have advantage on its saving throw.
- Gallery Fake
At 5th level, you can spend 5 aura points to create duplicate of non-living objects. Said duplicates will vanish in 24 hours, and you cannot duplicate magical items.
Level 7 Skills[edit]
- Truth Seeking Missiles
At 7th level, you can spend 13 Aura points as an action to create missiles from your back. Choose one creature within 30ft and ask a question. If they lie or don’t answer to the question, your missiles are launched at them, forcing them to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the missile explodes and 1d6 centipedes grow in their head until greater restoration is cast on them, or they answer a question of yours truthfully for every centipede in their head. Every time a centipede creature disobeys you, they take 2d8 piercing damage. On a success, they take 1d6 fire damage and the centipedes don't grow.
- Vacuum Cleaner
At 7th level you can spend 10 aura points to summon a Vacuum Cleaner for 1 minute. This Vacuum can suck anything that you don't consider alive or that has a magical effect, you can also expend 5 aura points to suck out poison out of creatures.
Level 9 Skills[edit]
- The Dead Man’s Rose
At 9th level, you can spend 15 Aura points as an action. The next time you touch a creature and say “Bomber”, a bomb is stuck to them. A creature with a bomb stuck to them automatically knows how this feature works. If they don’t touch you within 4 rounds and say “I caught the bomber”, they take 6d6 fire damage and the timer resets as the bomb explodes, decreasing by 1 round each explosion.
- Satellite Dragonflies
At 9th level, you can spend 10 aura points to create 5 Flies, each one of them has 120 flying speed, 15 AC and 10 Hit Points, you may use them to overhear conversations or to detect enemies.
- Super Eye
At 14th level you have evolved this ability, being able to see through the eyes of the flies and now creating 10 flies instead of 5.
Level 14 Skills[edit]
- Telemansion
At 14th level, you can spend 10 Aura points as an action to teleport to a pocket dimension that is the size of a mansion. Within this dimension is a door that a creature may interact with as an action to teleport anywhere are 60ft of where they teleported into the pocket dimension from.
- Indoor Fish
At 14th level you spend 20 Aura Points to create indoor fish, which are fish that can only survive in completely sealed rooms, you may summon only two per long rest, using the sheet bellow:
Small beast, unaligned Armor Class 16 + Your nen modifier (natural armor)
Damage Resistances Fire, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Magical Beast. Any attacks that the indoor fish makes will be treated as magical for the porpuse of overcoming resistances Freedom of Movement. The golem ignores difficult terrain, and magical effects can't reduce its speed or cause it to be restrained. It can spend 5 feet of movement to escape from nonmagical restraints or being grappled. Sealed Room Inhabitant. If the Indoor Fish starts it's turn in a place outside of a sealed room, it will lose 3d6 Hit Points. Agile Creature. The Indoor Fish has advantage on Dexterity saving throws. Pack Tatics. If the Indoor Fish is within 5ft. of it's ally, it will make it's attack rolls with advantage Harmless Predators. Any damage inflicted by the Indoor Fish cannot be identified without magical means, and the creatures that received the damage wont feel pain from damage. ACTIONSMultiattack. The Indoor Fish makes two Bite attacks Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 25 (4d10 + 5) Piercing damage.
Level 17 Skills[edit]
- Exsanguination
Beginning at 17th level, as an action for 50 Aura Points you may summon a large pseudo-organic vacuum and force all creatures of your choice with less than their maximum hit points within a 60 foot cone to make Constitution saving throw as the vacuum forcibly sucks the blood and vital fluids out of their wounds. On a failure they take 10d10 necrotic damage and gain 3 levels of exhaustion. On a success, they take half damage and gain one level of exhaustion. Creatures that fail this saving throw with less than 50 hit points immediately drop to 0 hp. Undead and constructs take force damage instead of necrotic from this effect, as the vacuum dislodges internal structures in their non-living body as their fluids are drained.
Emitter Archetype[edit]
Level 3 Skills[edit]
- Supernatural Perception
At 3rd level, as a bonus action for 1 Aura Point, you gain a +5 bonus to Perception checks and your Passive Perception until the end of your next turn. You may spend 2 additional Aura Points to also gain advantage on perception rolls.
- Finger Guns
At 3th level, you may focus your aura into your fingers, firing a bullet of energy from your fingertip. You may make an attack with your finger guns for 1 Aura Point. This attack has a range of 60/120, and it deals damage equal to your unarmed strikes. At 8th level you can spend an extra 5 Aura points to double the damage of you Finger Guns.
- Aura Terrain
At 3rd level, you can spend 6 Aura points as an action to push your Aura out 80ft, causing the area to become difficult terrain to other creatures.
Level 5 Skills[edit]
- Remote Punch
At 5th level you can spend 5 Aura Points when you make a melee attack, you may open a portal bellow you to the target. The attack's reach increases by 15ft, and you force the target to attempt Dexterity saving throw instead of making an attack roll. On a failure, the target takes the damage of the attack. On a success, the target takes half as much damage.
- Aura Shock
At 5th level, as an action for 9 Aura Points, you may shoot a burst of aura at a creature within 30ft. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a success, they get pushed back 15ft. On a failure, they are stunned until the end of your next turn and are pushed back 15 ft.
Level 7 Skills[edit]
- Nen Arrow
At 7th level, as an action for 5 Aura Points, you may to shoot an arrow made of nen anywhere within 60ft as a nen attack. On a hit, it deals 1d6 magical piercing damage in addition to one of the following:
- Fire Arrow: You can spend 2 extra Aura points to cover your nen arrow in fire. On a hit, the target takes an additional 2d6 fire damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take an additional 1d6 fire damage at the beginning of each of their turns for 1 minute. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.
- Ice Arrow: You can spend 2 extra Aura points to cover your nen arrow in ice. On a hit, the target takes an additional 2d6 cold damage and must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are frozen for 1 minute. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.
- Lightning Arrow: You can spend 2 extra Aura points to cover your nen arrow in lightning. This feature's range is doubled. On a hit, the target take an additional 2d6 lightning damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are paralyzed until the beginning of your next turn.
- Enchanting Music
At 7th level, as an action for 5 aura points you can use an musical instrument to play a wonderfull melody, that you may choose to give one of the following effects:
- Charming Sound: You can make every creature you want in a 60ft radius to make a Wisdom saving throw, on a sucess they are just distracted by your singing, on a failure they are stunned for the turn. For you to keep playing this song you must spend 10 Aura Points per turn.
- Sweet Sound: You can make every ally in 60ft gain a +2 in all their stats, and roll skills checks with advantage. For you to keep playing this song you must spend 10 Aura Points at the beggining of yout turns.
- Death Song: You gain this at 17th level, every creature in 60ft must make a Wisdom saving throw, on a sucess they fall unconscious, on a failure they are knocked out and receive 1 failure in their death saves. For you to keep playing this song you must spend 30 Aura Points per turn.
- Little Eye
At 7th level for 10 aura points you may gain control over a tiny creature with 4 or less intelligence, if you try to take control over a tiny creature with more intelligence than 4, the creature must make a wisdom saving throw, on a sucess they are not controled, on a failure they are controled and may do any action you may tell them. You can make the controlled creature do actions as a mini action, and for every 1 minute you use this skill you must spend 10 aura points to keep controlling the creature.
Level 9 Skills[edit]
- Rage Beam
At 9th level, as an action for 5 Aura Points, you may focus a huge blast of red energy. You must maintain concentration on this feature. At the beginning of your next turn if you did not lose concentration, every creature within a 30-foot radius must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 5d10 fire damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. You may spend 10 additional Aura Points to deal an additional 2d10 fire damage.
- Air Children
At 9th level, you may cast Summon Beast without material components for 5 Aura Points to make an air minion. These air minions can make unarmed strikes that are equal to your own, and you may summon a number of Air Children equal to your proficiency bonus per Short Rest.
- Body and Soul
At 9th level, you can ask a creature an question and them make an unarmed strike for 5 aura points, if this unarmed strike hits the creature they must answer your question honestly. If you spend +5 Aura Points you can deal 2 more unarmed strikes making them reveal more information about your question.
Level 14 Skills[edit]
- Bankruptcy
At 14th level, as a bonus action for 10 Aura Points, your next successful unarmed strike against a creature binds a sentient nen construct known as the Amortizing Power Redirector (APR). Once APR is bound, choose one way they can deal damage. This damage source gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls. At the end of the target's third turn, APR becomes a cat-like demon indicating the target's nen Bankruptcy, and they can no longer use the targeted damage source for the next 24 hours, or until you end this feature as a bonus action. You may reduce how long it takes for Bankruptcy to occur by 1 turn for every 10 additional Aura Points spent. You may only have 1 creature affected by this feature at a time.
- Multiple Remote Punches
At 14th level for 15 aura points, when you make a melee attack you can create 3 portals or more bellow you to your target(for each +5 aura points you spend you create another portal). The attack's reach increases by 15ft, and you force the target to attempt Dexterity saving throw instead of making an attack roll. On a failure, the target takes the damage of the attacks. On a success, the target takes half as much damage.
Level 17 Skills[edit]
- Aura Ball
At 17th level, as a bonus action for 40 Aura Points, you may create a Red Ball made of explosive nen. As an action while you are holding your Red Ball, you may force one target within 60 ft. to attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 10d12 bludgeoning damage and are knocked Prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not knocked prone. If you knock someone prone with this technique, you can regain 10 of the aura points spent.
Manipulator Archetype[edit]
Level 3 Skills[edit]
- Arm Rifle
At 3rd level, as a bonus action for 5 Aura Points, you can turn one of your arms into a rifle for 1 minute, or until you end this effect as a bonus action. This rifle uses the statistics of a magnum revolver, but does not require ammunition to use.
- Object Tattoo
At 3rd level, as a bonus action for 1 Aura Point, one object that is 1 cubic foot or smaller becomes a tattoo on your body. You may end this effect, causing the object to appear on top of where the tattoo was, as a bonus action.
Level 5 Skills[edit]
- King Me
At 5th level, as an action, you create up to five clones. The clones have the Aura Points spent creating them (minimum 5), and when they take damage they lose half as many Aura Points instead of hit points. The clones can take actions as normal, however they do not benefit from the Extra Attack feature. You control them and they act on the same initiative as you. They last until they are reduced to 0 hit points, they expend all of their Aura Points, you dismiss them at will, or you fall unconscious. If the clone still has Aura Points when it dissipates, you regain any remaining Aura Points from the clone.
- Clones have no range limit as to how far away they can be.
- Any effects affecting you when the clone is created carry over to the clone.
- A clone carries a copy of all your equipment, however it does not carry the magical effects over from it beside any base attack roll, damage roll, or AC bonuses (i.e. a cloned vorpal sword is just a +3 sword in the hand of a clone).
- While the clone is active, you are aware of its current activities (such as sleeping, eating, running, fighting or even calculus). When a shadow clone dissipates, the main body will receive any knowledge, experiences, and memories it has acquired as if it experienced it itself, as well as matching your shadow clone's exhaustion and gradual blindness, deafness, and numbness level (i.e. If you have an exhaustion level of 2 while your shadow clone has 5, your exhaustion level will increase to 5), but it will not suffer negative effects such as curses, poison or anything of the like.
- Each clone is 1.5 ft. tall with a size category of Tiny. Their size category increases by 1 for every 5 additional Aura Points spent to a maximum of your current size category.
- Paper Spy
At 5th level, as an action for 5 Aura Point, you may attach a piece of paper to one creature you can touch. They must attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the paper is attached for 1 hour. You can hear anything being said within the vicinity of a creature with an attached paper. You may spend 2 additional Aura Points to increase this duration by 1 minute. If a creature discovers the paper with a successful Perception check, they may remove it as a bonus action.
Level 7 Skills[edit]
- Hypnotic Fear
At 7th level, as a bonus action for 6 Aura Points, your next successful unarmed strike against a creature forces the target to attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the needles enter their brain, causing them to become frightened until the end of your next turn. If a creature is affected by this feature and takes damage, they take an additional 2d8 psychic damage.
- Needle Disguise
At 7th level, you can stick needles into your body, casting alter self, but with visible needles in your face, and taking 1d4+1 piercing damage. This lasts until at least 1 needle is removed. If you spend 2 Aura points, you can cast alter self without using your needles, but this only last for 1 minute, and you can only do this twice, regaining all uses at the end of a short or long rest.
- Corpse Possession
At 7th level, for 15 aura points as an action you can possess an corpse bigger than your body, controlling all of it's features, every action, resistances and immunities. While inside the corpse you gain it's maximum hit points as temporary hit points, and for each turn you are inside the corpse you lose 5 temporary hit points or 10 Aura Points
Level 9 Skills[edit]
- Needle People
At 9th level, as an action for 5 Aura Points, you may throw needles at one creature within 60 feet. The target must attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a success, they take 2d8 piercing damage. On a failure, they are charmed until the end of your next turn. You can spend an additional 10 Aura Points when using this ability to, on a failure, put the creature under the spell dominate person until the end of their next turn instead of charming them.
- Beast Manipulation
At 9th level, you can spend 10 aura points to manipulate a beast type creature to do things for you, in exchange of you having to take care of it's needs. You may order them to attack for you, search for things, open doors and others.
- Body Reconstruction
At 9th level, you can manipulate your body completely for 15 Aura Points, making it sound, look, even feel diferent then it was before. This will be active for 1 minute, which consumes 1 aura point per turn.
Level 14 Skills[edit]
- Many Purple
At 14th level, as an action for 10 Aura Points, you may exhale smoke, casting Summon Beast as a 6th level spell. The smoke soldiers created by this have to be air, and they are resistant to any non magical damage. You can also spend 1 additional Aura Point to change the appearance of your smoke soldiers so long as their size category does not change. You may spend 5 Aura Points to increase this feature spell level by 1.
- Dance of the Serpent's Bite
At 14th level, as an action you can spend 20 Aura Points to create a massive whirlwind with some type of weapon, dealing 4d8 Force Damage while the whirlwind is active. Each creature in the chosen area of 30ft must make a Strength saving throw, on a sucess they take half damage and are not stuck in the whirlwind, on a failure they take full damage and are stuck in the whirlwind, making them roll again in their next turn. For each 10 extra aura points you spend the whirlwind will keep active and gain 1 bonus dice of damage.
- Joystick Manipulation
At 14th level as an action for 30 Aura Points you can try to inject someone with an antena, making the target make a Dexterity saving throw, on a sucess he dodges, on a failure he is under your total control and will follow your orders. For each turn he is under your control you spend 20 Aura Points to keep the effects active. You cannot use this ability on constructs or creatures who have slashing or piercing resistance or immunity.
- Metamorphosis
At 14th level as an action you may manipulate your whole body to grant it one or more benefits bellow:
Giant Arms: For 10 Aura Points for each arm you have, your unarmed strikes damage will triple, and any unarmed strikes you hit will make your opponent make a Strength Saving Throw to not get pinned.
Multiple Arms: For each 10 aura points you spend you create one additional arm, and for each arm you create it grants you one extra attack action with your unarmed strikes. Features like extra attack does not benefit from this skill.
Hardened Body: For 25 Aura Points you harden your skin, making you gain resistance to magical slashing, piercing and bludgeoning damage, and increasing your AC by 3. For 5 extra aura points you can choose one more resistance.
Eye Growth: For 15 Aura Points, you grow multiple pairs of eyes, giving you +10 in perception and making any attacks that would have advantage against you be rolled normally.
Level 17 Skills[edit]
- Autopilot
At 17th level, as an action for 30 Aura Points, you may stick a needle into yourself. Your Aura points are tripled, as is any damage you deal. When you stick the needle in you, you give orders to yourself. This effect will not end until the order is complete or you fall unconscious. When you do this, you have no memories of what you did while you were under this feature control. The orders you can do are as follows:
- Eliminate
You choose one creature you can see. You must move toward and deal as much damage to the creature, and all attack against this creature have advantage. This ends if you can no longer detect the target.
- Escape
Your movement speed is doubled and you become frightened of any hostile creature you can sense. This ends if you are at least 200 ft. away from any hostile creatures you can detect.
- Defend
You choose one creature you can see to protect. If you choose a creature that isn’t you, roll 1d4 every time they take would damage. On a 4 you block all the damage, taking it yourself as the target takes none. On any other roll you take half of the damage, as the target takes the remainder. You gain a +3 bonus to their AC, and you gain 50 temporary hit points at the end of each of your turns that you start with less than 50 temporary hit points. This last for four rounds.
- Blood Mary
At 17th level for 30 aura points as an reaction, if any attack that has hit you and made you bleed in some way, you can use your blood to give an counter attack dealing your unarmed strikes damage + your Constitution score. After the counterattack you recover all the lost blood, regaining half the hit points lost from the attack hitting you.
Specialization Archetype[edit]
Level 3 Skills[edit]
- Tail Needle
At 3rd level, you can spend 1 Aura Point as a bonus action to have a tail for 1 minute. On a hit with an unarmed strike, you may make an additional unarmed strike using this tail against the same target immediately after as a bonus action dealing magical piercing damage instead of bludgeoning. At 6th level, on a hit with this attack, you may force the target to attempt a Constitution saving throw for 2 Aura Points, becoming poisoned for 1 minute on a failure. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.
- Right Duplication
At 3rd level, as an action for 2 Aura Point one object that is smaller than a 6 ft. cube that you are touching with your right hand is duplicated. Your duplicate disappears after 1 hours while the item is still there you can detect exactly were your duplicate is. At 15th level, the duplicate disappears in 2 hours.
- Psychometry
At 3rd level when you phisically touch someone and spend 10 aura points, you can see any memories of the creature in the past 5 days. The memories will be showm to you perfectly, even if the creature tries to think incoherent thougs. If you choose for each 5 extra aura points you may see 1 more past day of the chosen creature. This ability does not work if the creature does not remember the event.
Level 5 Skills[edit]
- Perfect Plan
At 5th level, as an action for 5 Aura Points, you may cast invisibility on yourself. At 15th level, you can spend 15 Aura Points to activate Perfect Plan. When you do this, you and any creature you are touching while you are holding your breath is affected by greater invisibility for a maximum of 3 rounds. You can only use Perfect Plan twice, regaining all uses at the end of a short or long rest.
- Aura Synthesis
At 5th level, as an action for 10 Aura Points you can eat a corpse, making you do a Constitution saving throw DC 8 + the Creature's CR + the Creature's Constitution modifier. On a failure you take 1d4 Necrotic Damage and can't use your nen abilities for 1 hour, on a sucess you gain one third of the total hit points of the devoured creature, and increase your maximum aura points by 3 x Creature's CR. You will also gain one random trait, Action, Bonus Action or Reaction of the eaten creature. For you to remove gained abilities and traits, you must waste an action by losing xd8 hit points, with x being the total amount of skills you want to forget. You may forget skills once per day.
At 10th level, you have evolved this Nen Abilities and can now steal 2 Traits, Actions, Bonus Actions or Reactions. You may not gain 2 of these rewards, and gain instead a legendary Action.
- Memory Bomb
At 5th level, for 10 Aura points you can use a long range weapon to shoot memories that you currently have. If you shoot a person with memories that were extracted from them, they must make a Wisdom saving throw, on a sucess they take 2d8 Psychic damage, on a failure they will forget these memories.
Level 7 Skills[edit]
- Puppet Master's Serenity
At 7th level, for 20 Aura Points you can force your body beyond your limits for 1 minute. While in this form, your movement speed doubles, and your unarmed strikes deal 1 bonus dice of damage, and Intimidation checks will be rolled with advantage. After this form ends, you gain 1 level of exhaustion. At 14th level, this ability increases it's power to triple your movement speed, you now deal 2 bonus dices of damage in your unarmed strikes, and now Intimidation checks will gain a +4 with advantage.
- God's Accomplice
At 7th level as an action for 5 aura points while you have Perfect Plan active, you can choose 1 more creature in touch range to become invisible along with you.
Level 9 Skills[edit]
- Doctor's Blythe
At 9th level, as an action for 15 Aura Points, you can choose one creature you can touch to regains xd8 + Your nen user level in hit points or all it's spell slots(with x being your proficiency bonus). You may use this even in dead corpses, to make them recover all their wounds but not reviving them, making them available to being used as dolls in Puppeteering. While you do that you spend your whole turn, and you cannot use any other nen actions for 1 turn.
- Puppeteering
At 9th level as an action for 20 Aura Points, you can summon a puppet behind you to manipulate a corpse. The corpse must be intact, and must not be a corpse of an undead or construct. When you control your corpse puppets, they gain a +2 in all their stats, and will retain all the previous features of when they were alive.
- Lovely Ghostwriter
At 9th level as an action for 40 Aura Points you can predict a creature's entire month, in which you will need The creature's hand writen name, full date of birth, and blood type on the piece of paper on which you will write the poem. A picture of the target's face is necessary if he isn't present. The prediction takes the form of a poem with four or five quatrains of four lines each. Each verse represents a week of the current month, and typically events referenced in the poem are present as metaphors. Inauspicious fortunes always contain advice, and misfortune can be avoided if warnings are heeded.
Level 14 Skills[edit]
- Ability Stealer
At 14th level, as an action for 15 Aura points, one creature you can touch must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you gain one feature that they have that you’ve seen. If it is a spell, you may cast it for six times as many Aura Points, and they use your Nen attack modifier and save DC. If the chosen feature relies on other features, you must take the relied on features first. You may have a number of features gained this way equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1), and you lose 1 feature of your choice at the end of each hour. At 17th level, you can spend an extra 5 Aura Points to cause the creature to be unable to use the stolen feature until you lose it. If this is done on a feature that is relied on by another feature, they may instead lose access to the reliant feature.
- Teleportation
At 14th level as an action for 30 Aura Points you can teleport a creature within your range of sight, into a previous location you have already seen. You may also spend 40 aura points to use this as an reaction to teleport you and a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus out of an attack.
Level 17 Skills[edit]
- Ultimate Special Ability
At 17th, you gain one of the following features based on your alignment:
- Ability Devour: If you have an alignment of Chaotic Evil, Lawful Evil, or Neutral Evil, you can spend 30 Aura Points as an action to completely consume one dead creature you can touch. You gain 1 of their features, as per Ability Stealer. You may have a number of features permanently gained this way equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1), and you lose 1 feature of your choice each time you gain 1 above this limit.
- Golden Monk: If you have an alignment of Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, Lawful Good, or Neutral Good, you can spend 60 Aura Points as an action to cloak yourself in the image of a great golden monk. For one minute, when you take the attack action, you can not make ranged or weapon attacks, but your unarmed strikes gain an additional 15 feet of reach and you may attack 3 additional times, your unarmed strikes get a +3 to attack and damage, your size becomes Gargantuan, and you may pass through openings as small as your original size without squeezing.
- Exploding Hands: If you have an alignment of Neutral or Lawful Neutral, you can spend 50 Aura Points to activate Exploding Hands, when you do this two tattoos will summon on your hands one will be a sun the other will be a moon if you put your hands together a giant explosion will happen and everyone within a 100ft cube radius have to make a Dexterity saving throw if they fail they take 12d10 fire damage if they succeed they take half. If you activate Exploding Hands and you touch someone with the sun and moon the person you touch has to make a Wisdom saving throw if they succeed nothing happens if they fail the marks go on to them and you can detonate the marks at anytime, when you detonate the marks everyone with in a 60ft cube radius has to make a Dexterity saving throw if they fail they take 10d10 fire damage if they succeed they take half.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the nen user class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Dexterity, 13 Constitution
Proficiencies. When you are multiclassing into the nen user class, you gain the following proficiencies: Finesse Weapons
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