Kiwami Heat (5e Class)
The Kiwami Heat wielder
How does one obtain Heat? some say it's the fighting experience that fighters get, some others say it's the trauma in someone's life making them obtain it from hidden potential awakening their powers, or it might be the willpower of someone's commitment to exceeding anything they want to achieve.
Welcome to the Kiwami Heat class
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Heat being used in action |
Creating Kiwami Heat
Were you adopted by a clan member due to their guilt about killing your parents? Did you have nothing going for you to the point of joining a criminal organization? Or maybe you simply trained to fight for the ability to protect your loved ones? Were you taken in by a soapland owner as an infant? Were you raised by a single parent alongside a stepsibling, and having that parent figure pass away led to you being adopted by your close relatives, making you feel like they are a burden on you leading to you running away and being forced to fend for yourself? Did you become homeless on the streets from spending all of your life savings to prove your innocence, making your fiancée leave for the person who made your life crush? No matter who you are, or where you came from, you can master Heat.
- Quick Build
You can make a Kiwami Heat wielder quickly by following these suggestions: First, Strength should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution or Charisma. Second, Background can be anything that suits you ranging from Journalist to a Castaway or even a Collector, but I would recommend you take a look at Inked Fate.
Class Features
As a Kiwami Heat wielder you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Kiwami Heat wielder level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Kiwami Heat wielder level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light, Medium armor.
Weapons: Simple and martial melee weapons.
Tools: Gaming set.
Saving Throws: Strength and one of the following: Constitution or Dexterity.
Skills: Choose three from Persuasion, Deception, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Athletics, Acrobatics, Medicine, Stealth, Survival and Intimidation.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) Fashionable Clothes or (b) Common clothes
- (a) Dungeoneer’s Pack or (b) Scholar's Pack or (c) Explorer's Pack.
- (a) One simple or martial melee weapon of your choice. or (b) Leather armor and thieves’ tools
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4 x 10 gp in funds.
Martial Arts
At 1st level, you mastered the arts in hand-to-hand combat. Your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 Bludgeoning damage, this damage increases to 1d6 at 5th, 1d8 at 11th, and 1d10 at 17th level. You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes and weapons you are proficient with.
Unarmored Defense
At 1st level, your injuries in fights trained your body to be more durable. While not wearing armor or wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier + Constitution Modifier.
Heated Markings
At 2nd level, the Heat has transformed making you obtain markings indicating your fated destiny as if it were inked into your back, choose one of the following:
- Dragon: You gain advantage when rolling for initiative. If you are first in the turn order, your first attack against a creature would be rolled with advantage. Additionally, if you are last in the turn order, your AC increases by 2 until the start of your first turn. At 7th level, you can't be flanked if you aren't within 15 feet of a friendly creature. However, if your DM is not allowing flanking, then you gain this instead; At 7th level, Whenever a creature enters your melee range, you may use your reaction to roll an unarmed strike against it.
- Demon: You can use your action to unleash the demonic energy within your tattoo, causing your eyes to darken and two hellish demon horns to sprout from your head, while your body's color shifts to black (or red). Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. Once on each of your turns, you can deal extra necrotic damage to one target, whenever you deal damage to it with an attack or a spell. The extra necrotic damage equals your unarmed strike damage die. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
- Tiger: Once per long rest, upon being hit by an attack, you may use your reaction to perform a contested Constitution saving throw against your opponent's weapon roll; causing it to critically fail on a success, taking an additional 1d12 force damage on a failure. Additionally, at 7th level. For 2 Heat points whenever you take the attack action, you may choose to take a -8 penalty on an attack roll in order to deal an additional 10 points of damage to your roll.
- Koi: You gain a swim speed equal to double your movement speed. As a bonus action, you can cast water breathing without components and with the duration being reduced to 10 minutes and being able to place 3 other willing creatures, once per long rest. At 12th level, you can now breathe in both air and water. You gain the ability to speak with aquatic animals as if using the speak with animals spell.
- Swan: Once per long rest, as a bonus action, you grow a set of swan wings for 1 minute, gaining a flying speed of 30ft; or an additional 10ft if you can already fly. You activate this as an action for 1 minute, this can be used once per new dawn. At 12th level, the duration increases to 10 minutes, and you can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier.
- Fudo Myoo: You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill, if you are already proficient in Persuasion, you instead gain advantage on any roll using it. Additionally, at 7th level, you gain the ability to cast command as a first-level spell without expending any spell slots, usable a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier. You regain all uses at the end of a short or long rest.
- Asura King: You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill, if you're already proficient in Intimidation, you instead gain advantage on any roll using it. Once per short rest, as a bonus action, you can place a creature that is the same size as you or smaller under the effects of hunter's mark at 1st level, with the duration being reduced to 30 seconds without concentration, and it being unable to mark a new target, this feature can be used once per long rest.
Heated Determination (Variant Feature)
At 2nd level, the Heat has filled your spirit with Will, you gain the following:
- Heated Will: You gain a +1 to one ability score of your choosing (You can not exceed past 20 for your score) You gain proficiency in one skill of the same category of the ability score increase.
- Heated Combat Precision: When attacking with a melee attack, You gain a +1 to damage and attack rolls.
Heated Spirit
At 3rd level, Kiwami Heat wielders can choose a specified path to follow that shapes their abilities of the Heat power and their destiny. All Kiwami Heat paths are listed at the end of this class description.
You gain additional features from your alignment at 5th, 9th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 20th level.
Heat Points
At 3rd level, you sense your Heat potent enough to enhance you further than normal, you gain as many points as the class table says. You regain all points back when taking a long rest, and 1d4 for taking a short rest.
Some of your Heat features require your targets to make a saving throw to resist the feature's effects.
Heat save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier
Kiwami Heat
At 3rd level, the Heat exceeds your upper body emanating a fiery form (with the color of your choosing) pushing your body to greater limits. As a bonus action and 1 Heat Point, for 1 minute you gain the following:
- As a bonus action and 1 Heat Point, you can make one attack with an unarmed strike.
- You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with unarmed strikes.
- You gain a +1 to AC.
At 5th level, the duration for Kiwami Heat increases by 30 seconds (1 minute and 30 seconds), 7th level (2 minutes), 10th level (2 minutes and 30 seconds).
You can not active Kiwami Heat unless you have at least 1 Heat Point. Kiwami Heat can be ended in the same way it was started.
Heat Action (Variant Feature)
At 3rd level, through the power of Heat that reigns within you, allowing you to follow through with actions that might have not been possible with the help of Heat (variant feature to Kiwami Heat). As a free action and 2 Heat points, once per two turns, you may choose to give yourself one of the following benefits:
- 1, gain advantage to the next saving throw, or ability check.
- 2, invoke disadvantage onto a creature's next attack roll.
- 3, deal an extra damage die to your next attack.
- 4, for 1 minute, choose to gain one racial feature from, Powerful Build (Orc), Hellish Resistance (Tiefling), Halfling Nimbleness (Halfling), Savage Attacks (Half-Orc), Relentless Endurance (Half-Orc), Stone's Endurance (Goliath), Feline Agility (Tabaxi), Pack Tactics (Kobold). This option can only be used once per combat encounter.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Invest in Yourself
At 4th level, you can invest in yourself to become stronger to withhold the amount of sheer power you can obtain from Heat, everything will be listed down below at the end of the class description.
Extra Attack
At 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 11th level in this class and to four when you reach 20th level in this class.
Essence of Heat
At 6th level, the heat has awakened and enhanced your body giving it the power of Essence Heat, you may choose one of the following Essence features listed at the end of the class description, you gain 1 additional feature at 7th, 10th, and 15th levels. Each time you learn new a Essence, you can also replace one Essence you know with a different one.
Relentless Blows
At 7th level, your extreme fighting with Heat has enhanced your body beyond normal means making you store relentless power to unleash against your foes. Whenever you are hit, as a reaction. you can make a DC 11 Constitution check. On a success, you gain 1 stack of Relentless Blows. You can only have up to your Constitution modifier amount of stacks, and you may make an additional attack when you take the attack action for each stack and 1 Heat Point. All stacks are removed once you can no longer fight any hostile creatures.
Heated Evasion
At 9th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a blue dragon's lightning breath or a fireball spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you can expand 2 Heat Points to instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. (This feature can not be used while in Heated Gaurding)
Heat Guarding
At 10th level, your fighting experience and utilization in Heat have evolved to protect you when wanting to be protected. As an action and 2 Heat Points, You may enter a stance that lasts for as long as you want, which increases your AC by +5 while making you unable to attack or do anything until you end this stance for a bonus action. If an attack lands against you, your stance disappears. While in the stance creatures have advantage against you with melee attack rolls.
Advanced Essence
At 12th level, you may choose one Heat Essence you own to become an Advanced Essence, they are also listed at the end of the class description.
Brawler's Instinct
At 13th level, you learned the ways of fighting making you almost predict your enemy's movements. Whenever you are hit with a melee attack, as a reaction and 1 Heat Point. You can make one attack with an unarmed strike, whenever you take this action you don't gain a stack of Relentless Blows, additionally, you can expand as many stacks you want on the said creature but with Heat Points costing 2 points instead of 1 and being unable to use a bonus action on your next turn. (This feature can not be used while in Heated Gaurding)
Ultimate Kiwami Heat
Prerequisites: Kiwami Heat feature At 15th level, your use of Heat has exceeded far beyond normal means. As an action and 3 Heat Points, you may enter an improved version of Kiwami Heat gaining these features:
- As a bonus action and 1 Heat Point, you can make one attack with an unarmed strike.
- You gain a +3 to damage and attack rolls for your unarmed strikes. you gain a +2 to AC.
- Your unarmed strikes now are considered magical.
- Your critical hits for your unarmed strikes are now 18-20.
- You gain advantage to Dexterity and Strength Saving throws.
You begin losing 3 Heat Points at the end of your turn to maintain the amount of Heat emerging from your body. The duration is the same as Kiwami Heat. You can end this as a bonus action.
Ultimate Heat Action (Variant Feature)
Prerequisites: Heat Action (Variant Feature) feature. Following through with the power of Heat that you've mastered, allowing you the ability to harness abilities by pushing yourself to your absolute full potential. (variant feature to Ultimate Kiwami Heat). At 15th level, once per combat encounter, as a bonus action and 5 Heat points, you may choose to give yourself one of the following benefits:
- 1, On your turn, you can take one additional action.
- 2, Place yourself under the effects of the dodge action, while also increasing your AC by 3 until the start of your next turn.
- 3, Gain advantage on your attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
- 4, Your attacks are considered magical for purpose of overcoming resistances and damage immunities, this lasts until the end of the combat encounter. Your attack rolls deal critical damage until the end of your turn.
Climax Heat Action
At 18th level, you have fully mastered heat making you able to use it to the maximum of its potential, infusing it into attacks that can only be completed with the help of Heat. As an action and 8 Heat Points, you may attempt a powerful attack on a creature that is under any condition excluding Invisible, Petrified, Restrained, and Grappled, dealing Xd10 + strength or dexterity modifier magical bludgeoning damage (Where X is the number of extra attacks you have), the creature must a Constitution saving throw against your Heat save DC, or suffer the condition permanently, you may spend more to deal an extra d4 per 2 Heat Points. The condition can only be removed by casting greater restoration, or the wish spell.
Essence of Heat Features
- Essence of Gourmet
When drinking a healing potion of any kind and that healing surpasses your maximum hit points you gain the rest as temporary hit points, you can not increase your temporary hitpoints any further than what you got by drinking another healing potion, the temporary hit points slowly decrease by 10 each ingame hour.
When choosing this as an Advanced Essence, when you gain the temporary hit points, you may increase the amount gained by half of it rounded up, you instead lose 5 temporary hit points by each ingame hour.
- Essence of Azure Spirit Dragon
Prerequisites: Kiwami Heat feature
While Kiwami Heat is active you gain resistance to one of between piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning. You can not change the resistance to a different one after choosing for the first time.
When choosing this as an Advanced Essence, you gain resistance to the one you chose permanently without being in Kiwami Heat and you become resistant to the other ones remaining when in Kiwami heat.
- Essence of White Tiger Spirit
You can taunt a creature by rolling a Charisma (Intimidation) check, when succeeding, you gain 1d4 Heat Points back and the taunted creature focuses on fighting against you only for 1d4 turns. This can be used as much as your Charisma modifier.
When choosing this as an Advanced Essence, when you succeed the check the creature becomes frightened unless immune and you gain 1d6 Heat points instead.
- Essence of Ashura Spirit
Prerequisites: Kiwami Heat feature
While in Kiwami Heat, you can expend all or some of your Heat Points to heal yourself as much as the expended points, Kiwami Heat deactivates and you can not get into Kiwami Heat until you have at least 1 Heat Point.
When choosing this as an Advanced Essence, you may increase the amount gained by half of it rounded up.
- Essence of Phoenix Spirit
You can use a bonus action to gain 1d4-1 Heat Points back. you can use this feature as much as your Constitution modifier.
When choosing this as an Advanced Essence, You instead gain 1d4+1 Heat points back and can use this as a free action.
- Essence of Boozer's Lore
You deal 1d4 extra damage with melee weapons with the damage type being the same as the attack when under any condition.
When choosing this as an Advanced Essence, the damage increases to 2d4 and you would deal an extra d6 per condition you are under.
- Essence of Cat Feet
When knocked prone, as a reaction, you can immediately recover and perform an unarmed attack after being knocked to the ground, this feature can be used once per long rest.
When choosing this as an Advanced Essence, when you recover and perform that said attack, you may spend 2 Heat Points to make that attack a stunning strike.
- Essence of Enhanced Hold Escape
You gain advantage on escaping grapples that are not magical by any kind.
When choosing this as an Advanced Essence, you gain the ability to escape grapples that are also magical. You also would roll normally when attacking while being restrained and attacks against you still have advantage.
- Essence of Bodhisattva Spirit
When in combat you can skip your turn to roll a hit die to regen as much health as the roll, if you moved, attacked, or used a bonus action, you can't use this feature until the start of a new turn. this can be used as much as your Constitution modifier.
When choosing this as an Advanced Essence, when you roll for the regen, you may increase the amount gained by half of it rounded up, you can also spend 2 Heat points to gain another half of the roll as temporary hit points.
- Essence of Steel Endurance
You gain advantage against saving throws that make you prone.
When choosing this as an Advanced Essence, you gain a +2 to your roll against the saving throw.
- Essence of Boozehound
You gain advantage against saving throws that make you intoxicated, or poisoned.
When choosing this as an Advanced Essence, you gain a +2 to your roll against the saving throw.
- Essence of Heart of a Champion
During Heat Guarding, for every attack you block, you gain 1 Heat point back. this can be used 10 times until requiring a short/long rest
When choosing this as an Advanced Essence, you instead gain 1d4-1 Heat points back, and the limit increases to 15 times.
- Essence of Leapfrog
While grappling a creature, as a reaction, you may use the creature as a stepping stone to hop over and get behind them, gaining a free unarmed strike against it. this can be used as much as your Charisma modifier.
When choosing this as an Advanced Essence, you gain advantage on that strike, furthermore, you may unleash any extra Relentless Blows against the creature with the Heat cost being doubled.
- Essence of Detective's Hunch
If you would gain disadvantage against checks made with Investigation, you instead roll normally.
When choosing this as an Advanced Essence, you instead gain advantage on that check, and you can now also identify anything that is hidden with magic, having a faint bell sound ring from nearing the source of your searching (i.e. if a key would be hidden with the invisibility or an illusion spell, you locate it from the audio cue needing to roll insight/investigation/perception/survival, depending on the DM's guidance)
- Essence of Esoteric Knowledge
You gain advantage when haggling or convincing a creature to either sell something they won't sell or give out any knowledge of something they know, or anything similar. this can be used as much as your Charisma modifier.
When choosing this as an Advanced Essence, you automatically succeed when haggling or when trying to get information for the first time against a creature, or anything similar.
- Essence of invisible Man
You gain advantage when attempting a Stealth check.
When choosing this as an Advanced Essence, when you score a critical on a stealth check, you become invisible for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action, or by attacking a creature, exiting/entering combat, talking, touching creatures/objects you weren't holding or when being seen by a creature with blindsight/true sight.
- Essence of Re-Gaurd
When your Heat Guarding breaks by a creature's attack roll, as a reaction, you may choose to re-guard. this can be used as much as your Dexterity modifier.
When choosing this as an Advanced Essence, while Heat Guarding, any attack roll made against you has disadvantage if you can see the attacker.
- Essence of Quickstep
As a bonus action and 2 Heat points, you may use the dodge, disengage, or dash action. This can be used as much as your Dexterity modifier.
When choosing this as an Advanced Essence, you may perform an unarmed strike during these actions with advantage.
- Essence of Heat Control
Prerequisites: Kiwami Heat feature
The duration for Kiwami Heat increases by another 30 seconds, and the duration increases by another 30 seconds at the same levels as Kiwami Heat's duration increases (i.e. at 7th level, your duration increases by another 30 seconds and so on.)
When choosing this as an Advanced Essence, as a bonus action and 4 Heat points, you may enter a controlled state version of Kiwami Heat gaining an +1 to one increase of your choosing (i.e. +1 to either AC or attack and damage rolls). At 15th level, you may enter a controlled state version of Ulitmate/Kiwami Heat utilizing both into one, you gain the increases from both of the features, you can only choose 2 features from Ulitmate Kiwami Heat (i.e. advantage to Dexterity/Strength saving throws and magical strikes). You gain 1 Essence of Heat feature during this state (can't be an Advanced Essence, can't be changed, lasts until you exit this state). You begin losing 4 Heat Points at the end of your turn to maintain the amount of Heat emerging from your body. The duration is the same as Kiwami Heat. You can end this as a bonus action.
- Essence of Red Heat
While you have maximum Heat points, you gain Red Heat points equal to 1/4th of your level rounded up, for the next 24 hours or until you spend all of them. These extra Heat points can be spent on features that require you to spend Heat points, making you use the Red Heat points instead. If you would expend all of the Red Heat points, you would use your normal Heat points. During combat, whenever you are hit with an attack, as a reaction, you must roll a DC 14 Constitution check, or lose all of your Red Heat points until a new dawn.
When choosing this as an Advanced Essence, after using your attack action, you may use a bonus action to gain 1 Red Heat point back if you have maximum normal Heat points. You instead gain Red Heat points equal to half of your level rounded up. Whenever you attack a creature, you may spend Red Heat points and deal extra damage equal to the amount of Red Heat points spent.
- Essence of Heat Attack
Prerequisites: Heat Action (Variant Feature) feature
You gain an extra option added onto Heat Action, gaining the following: You may increase your next melee attack roll's damage die by the next level of the die (max increase can only go up to a 1d12).
- Essence of Versatile
You may use any melee weapon that doesn't have the 'Two-Handed' or 'Heavy' property in place of features that would require your unarmed strikes.
When choosing this as an Advanced Essence; Your melee weapons using this feature would use the next set of dice for damage rolls. The damage die cannot go higher than a D12.
Investing in Yourself
How does one invest in themselves? Simple, by using Heat and pp, gp, ep, sp, and cp turning the pieces into Heat infused Tokens, before you enter a long rest you may instead go into a meditative state fusing any coin listed below into a Heat Token. A Heat Token has no value in buying goods but instead in using it to become stronger. A Heat Token appears to look like a small circle same sized as a gold coin with the middle part having a small shaped square hole with light glowing through it with the color of your Heat, the outer part is engraved with your name, the color of the coin seems to look like a polished looking platinum color, they seem to also weight the same as a gold piece.
D&D Pieces | Heat and Pieces | Heat Token |
Copper Piece (cp) | 10000 CP + 5 Heat Points | 1 Heat Token |
Silver Piece (sp) | 1000 SP + 4 Heat Points | 1 Heat Token |
Electrum Piece (ep) | 100 EP + 3 Heat Points | 1 Heat Token |
Gold Piece (gp) | 10 GP + 2 Heat Points | 1 Heat token |
Platinum Piece (pp) | 1 PP + 1 Heat Points | 1 Heat token |
Almost everything can be upgraded, almost all the first upgrades cost 1 Heat Token, for example on the first upgrades, 1 Heat Token = +1 to attack. the cost for the next upgrade will multiply by 10 of the costing price for the Heat Token, for example, the next upgrade, 10 Heat Tokens = +2 to attack, and so on (some upgrades ignore the price increase), the maximum on certain upgrades and what can be upgraded are listed in the table below
Heat Token Upgrades | Heat token cost Lv1 | Heat token cost Lv2 | Heat token cost Lv3 | Heat token cost Lv4 | Heat token cost Lv5 |
Attack Upgrade | 10 Token = +1 | 100 Tokens = +2 | 1000 Tokens = +3 | /// | /// |
Damage Upgrade | 20 Token = +1 | 200 Tokens = +2 | 2000 Tokens = +3 | /// | /// |
Endurance(AC) Upgrade | 50 Tokens = +1 | 500 Tokens = +2 | 5000 Tokens = +3 | /// | /// |
Agility(Movement) Upgrade | 10 Tokens = +5 | 100 Tokens = +10 | 1000 Tokens = +15 | /// | /// |
Heat(Heat Limit) Upgrade | 5 Token = +5 | 50 Tokens = +10 | 500 Tokens = +15 | 5000 Tokens = +20 | 50000 Tokens = +25 |
Health(Hit points) Upgrade | 1 Token = +5 | 10 Tokens = +10 | 100 Tokens = +15 | 1000 Tokens = +20 | 10000 Tokens = +25 |
Ability Score Upgrade | 2500 Tokens = +1 to any score | 5000 Tokens = +1 to any score | /// | /// | /// |
Roll improvement | 1500 Tokens = +1d4 to die rolls (once per long rest) | 2500 Tokens = (twice per long rest) | /// | /// | /// |
Roll Mastery | 4250 Tokens = advantage to one roll of your choosing (once per long rest) | /// | /// | /// | /// |
Essence Unlockery (requires to be 6th level or higher) | 1250 Tokens = gain an extra Essence of Heat | 2500 Tokens = gain an extra Essence of Heat | /// | /// | /// |
Essence Mastery (requires to be 12th level or higher) | 2500 Tokens = gain an extra Advanced Essence | 5000 Tokens = gain an extra Advanced Essence | /// | /// | /// |
Ability score increases from upgrades can extend above your current maximum for the score.
Heated Spirit Archetypes
The following are archetypes found within the series themselves, most features are from the series some are spin-offs.
Heat Spirit: Dragon Fists
Prerequisites: Kiwami Heat feature. The Dragon of Heat has touched your spirit and is slowly beginning to fuse with you.
- Dragon Charge
At 3rd level, when taking the attack action, for 1 Heat point, you may deal an extra die of damage for that attack roll once per turn. At 7th level, you are able to use this feature twice per turn for the second attack, but it would cost you 2 Heat points instead of one. And again at 12th level, costing 3 Heat points for the third attack roll instead of 2.
- The Dragon's Spite
At 5th level, when entering battle, you deal extra damage die equal to the lower tier of your main classes hit die (i.e. if your main class is Kiwami Heat then you would deal an extra d6 per attack roll), until you get hit, and you may spend 1 Heat point to deal an extra 1d4 to your damage once per attack.
- The Dragon's Might
At 9th level, while in Kiwami Heat, when you take the attack action you may expand 2 Heat points to make your unarmed strikes gain the ability to hit more than one creature. Creatures within 5ft of your target take half your initial attack's damage rounded down in Force damage.
- Let The Tiger Come Down
At 11th level, whenever a melee attack is rolled against you, as a reaction, for 3 Heat points. You may strike back the attacking creature with a Heat infused unarmed strike ignoring any source of resistance, on a hit, the creature takes the damage from the attack, and extra damage equal to your hit die, the creature must also attempt a saving throw against your Heat save DC, or get pushed back 10-feet from you, and if the creature gets pushed into a wall/another creature, or a leveled curvature, then they would also get knocked prone. The extra damage does expend a hit die.
- A Vengeful Dragon
At 14th level, when your hit points fall below half, your unarmed strike damage die increases by an extra die (i.e. 1d4 = 2d4), when your hit points fall below 25%, your unarmed strike damage die increases by another die (i.e. 2d4 = 3d4). At 17th level, when you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead while also increasing your damage die by another die (i.e. 3d4 = 4d4). You can’t drop to 1 hit point using this feature again until you finish a long rest. If you do have another feature that drops you to 1 hit point instead, you are unable to stack it with this feature but you do gain the benefits of when dropping to 1 hit point.
- Like The Dragon
At 17th level, you may expend all your Heat Points, you must at least have 5 Heat Points left to enter the form of the Heat Dragon, as an action, you can temporarily transform into a half-dragon resembling the Azure Dragon, and your fingers become claws, your teeth sharpen. This transformation lasts for 10 minutes or until you end it as an action. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. As a half-dragon you gain the following features:
- Flight: You are granted a flying speed of 50 feet.
- Elemental Surge: Choose a damage type (Fire, Cold, Acid, Poison, Lightning, thunder) and either a 15-foot cone or a 30-foot line as the area of effect. you cannot change your element.
- Breath Weapon: You can unleash your Elemental Surge originating from you and cause creatures within range to make a Dexterity saving throw against your Heat save DC. A creature takes 3d6 damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. The damage increases to 5d6 at 19th level. You can unleash your breath weapon a number of times equal to half your level (rounded up) each time you transform.
- A Dragon Spirit
At 20th level, creatures have disadvantage when attacking you more than once during their turn. When activating Kiwami/Ulitmate Heat; You gain immunity to all damage sources for X turn(s). 'X' is the number turns equal to the current amount of Heat points you currently possess, though each turn that passes will reduce your heat points by 1. Each attack that hits and that would have made you take damage, instead just reduces your Heat points by 1. Any increase of Heat that you've obtained during this feature won't be added, but instead giving you an increase to damage rolls equal to the amount of heat points you would have obtained. Upon leaving Kiwami Heat, you may keep the rest of heat points you would have been left with. Additionally, you may end this feature as a bonus action while still having Kiwami Heat activated. This feature ends once reaching 0 Heat points. This feature can't be used again until you take a long rest.
Heat Spirit: Demon Fang
The chaos emerges from your Heat unleashing the Demon spirit, forging you with it.
- DemonFire Dagger
At 3rd level, the seer chaos in your Heat manifests a dagger from the depths of chaos within the Demon spirit, you can manifest a Heat dagger from your free hand costing you 1 Heat Point. the blade itself is shiny and metallic. It is shown with a black lacquer hilt with pink sakura leaves on it. There is a small, brass-colored blade collar, as well as a brown/metallic yellow guard. This weapon is a simple melee weapon with the Finesse, Light, Range(20/60 when thrown), Thrown properties. And on a hit, it deals Piercing damage equal to 1d4 + Strength or Dexterity modifier, the damage die scales with your Martial Arts die. You may also use this weapon with features that use your unarmed strike, you may willingly make the weapon vanish.
- Fiend's Rhythm
At 5th level, the spirit's keen eye knows when to strike subtly and exploit a foe’s distraction, the combination of your swift and finesse movement makes the perfect rhythm. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d4 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon. If you gain disadvantage or had it when beginning combat or during it, you can't use this feature until a new dawn. The damage increases to 1d6 at 8th, 1d8 at 12th, 1d10 at 15th, 1d12 at 18th, 2d8 at 20th levels.
- Hannya's Eternal Reward
At 9th level, the spirit's chaos consumes you slowly turning you into chaos yourself and finally corrupting you, and turning your essence dark and corrupt. When in direct sight of a full moon, you slowly turn into a Hannya Oni, gaining long, sharp horns, and tusk-like fangs, your ears are now pointy being sharpened at the end, with a forked tongue similar to a snake's, your hands now claw-like, with light gray skin color. You must roll a DC 20 Constitution saving throw, you gain advantage on the saving throw, whether you failed the saving throw or succeeded you gain the following:
- You're resistant to necrotic damage, and you're vulnerable to radiant damage.
- Your unarmed strikes deal slashing instead.
- When starting your turn in sunlight or standing in direct sunlight, you gain disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws, -10 ft to movement, you take 10 radiant damage and every 6 seconds outside of combat.
- Your creature type is fiend and humanoid.
- FAILED SAVE: you gain other following features including this, the DM will take control of your character and you will attack and destroy your surroundings prioritizing living creatures.
You can't get out of this form unless you fall unconscious, or by casting, greater restoration, remove curse, heal, or the wish spell.
- Spiritual Images
At 11th level, the chaotic energy within your spirit has mirrored you making three other mirror images of you, as a bonus action, for 4 Heat points, you can place yourself under the effects of mirror image. Being under the effects of the feature makes you immune to all damage until your after images are gone or just 2 others remain, your turn gets skipped twice when you summon your clones. This can be used once per long rest.
- Rolling Nure-Onna
At 14th level, the demonic chaotic energy erupts channeling your inner fiend, when you are knocked prone, as a reaction, for 3 Heat points, you may transform the lower half of your body to a snake tail as long as 10 ft in length, you may choose any creature within 10 feet of the tail, the creature must contest against your Strength (Athletics) check, if the creature fails then it's restrained for until the creature is unconscious or you end this feature for a bonus action, the creature can repeat the check against this feature with advantage at the end of the creature's turn. If it succeeds on its check, the creature is freed. Furthermore, if you choose a friendly creature, the creature gains half cover but instead without the bonus to Dexterity saving throw, and its movement is reduced by half, all attacks that connect damage you and the covered creature takes half. This can be used as much as your Dexterity mod.
- The Hannya of Spirits
At 17th level, corruption of the Hannya has fully conquered, making you its vessel. When you are in the Hannya's Eternal Reward form, you gain additional following features:
- You gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws, +10 ft to movement, when in direct sight of moonlight.
- You don't need to eat, drink, or breathe, you instead need to feast on humanoid creature's flesh, when entering a long rest/motionless state without feasting on the flesh of humanoid's will gain you the failed effects.
- You don't need to sleep. When you take a long rest, you must spend at least four hours in an inactive, motionless state, rather than sleeping. In this state, you remain semiconscious, and you can hear as normal.
- You deal an extra 1d8 necrotic damage on ranged and melee attacks.
- Being in this form for more than 24 hours will automatically change your alignment to the Chaotic version of it (i.e. if it was Neutral Good it becomes Chaotic Good) being in this form for an extra 24 hours when your alignment changes, it becomes Chaotic Evil instead. Your alignment can't be changed by any magical means like the modify memory.
- You can now end this form as a bonus action expending all of your Heat points, you require at least 10 Heat points to end it.
- Demon of Heat, Conquer
At 20th level, you are the spirit demon, the commander of demons, the ruler of everything bad and evil. As an action, for 20 Heat points. All CR 4 or lower fiend creatures within 520 ft are under your command, they will listen to anything you tell them to do either it's attacking or helping, no matter what they will serve under you. You may spend 30 Heat points to summon one familiar of a fiend creature of the same CR or lower that you have met, they will be under your command same as any other 4 CR fiend or lower, this familiar only lasts for 24 hours, you can resummon a familiar after 30 days. The creatures under your guiding can telepathically communicate with you, they understand any language you speak to them, and you understand all the languages they speak in with communicating with you. You can only have a limit of 20 fiends under your command and 1 familiar. Once you have reached the limit, you can't gain any more fiends until 3 months have passed and for the sake of the DM each 5 fiend counts as a swarm with them using the lowest AC of a fiend in the swarm and the highest hit points of a fiend in the swarm their ability scores are equal to 13 for all of them and they are proficient in all skills that you are proficient in. You can't use this feature until 4 months pass.
Heat Spirit: Tiger Claws
The Tiger of Heat has chosen you as its vessel.
- Tiger Charge
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to become a running battering ram. You can run up to your full movement speed (minimum 5ft.) in any direction in a straight line. All enemies that get in the way of this must make an (8 + Strength modifier + proficiency bonus) DC strength save. On a failed save, they take 2d8 of bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone. If they pass they take half damage and aren't knocked prone. At 6th level, the damage increases to 2d12 and now you can change directions once at any point in the charge. This feature can be used as much as your Strength modifier before needing a short or long rest.
- Tiger Fangs
At 5th level, you gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls when an attack misses against you, the maximum amount you can have is equal to your proficiency bonus, when you attack with the bonuses or get hit, you lose the bonuses gained.
- Defang Mastery
At 9th level, when using Tiger Charge and creatures fail the save, anything they were holding in their hands will be dropped unless the creature is a size larger or can not be disarmed.
- Tiger Cyclone Sling
At 11th level, while grappling a creature, as an action, you can spin the creature twirling them around before sending them flying 15 feet away in any direction with a spectacular throw, dealing 3d8 + Dexterity mod force damage, all creatures around the creature in a 10-foot radius must roll a DC Dexterity saving throw against your Heat save DC, any creature that fails this save takes the same the damage as the thrown creature. this can be used as much as your Dexterity mod for a maximum of 3.
- Secret of Critical Damage
At 14th level, when you score a critical hit, you may as a bonus action and 1 Heat Point, gain advantage on your next attack roll, and if that attack lands then you deal maximum damage. Additionally, you instead spend 5 Heat points to make an attack count as a critical attack, doing so makes you roll with disadvantage for 1d4 turns. When you gain disadvantage on attacking, you can not use this feature until you are able to roll normally.
- Tiger Crushing Hammer
At 17th level, as an action and 5 Heat points, you can roll an unarmed strike that deals 4d10 + Strength mod while making the creature knocked prone, additionally, you may spend 2 extra Heat Points to combo this attack into a Tiger Cyclone Sling. This can be used once per long rest.
- Tiger of Heat, Destruction
At 20th level, as a free action and 6 Heat Points, for 1 minute, your damage bonuses increase by a +3, increases AC by a +2, increases Tiger Charge's die by 2 (i.e. 4d12), all hostile creatures focus on you and roll with disadvantage when attacking you, your bonuses for Tiger Fangs don't reset when getting hit, or when you attack. This feature can be used once per long rest.
Heat Spirit: Phoenix Talons
Prerequisites: Kiwami Heat feature. The Phoenix of Heat has deemed you worthy of wielding its power.
- Vermillion Hurricane Slashes
At 3rd level, as an action and 2 Heat Points, you unleash 3 kicks slashing the air, the reach for this attack is 10 feet in a cone, all creatures inside of the cone must roll a Dexterity saving throw against your Heat save DC, all creatures that failed the saving throw take 3d4 + Dexterity mod slashing damage, any creature that passed takes halved as much. This can be used as much as your Dexterity mod.
- Pride of the Pink Vermilion Bird
At 5th level, as a reaction and 1 Heat Point, when attacked with a melee attack. You halve the attack's damage against you and shift behind their back having the creature roll a Wisdom (Perception) check contested against your Dexterity (Stealth) to see if you went behind them or not, if they fail, as a free action, you may roll to attack with an unarmed strike. If the creature succeeds, they get advantage on the next hit on you. Furthermore, you may spend 2 extra Heat Points to make that attack be considered a trip attack. This can be used as much as your Dexterity mod. As a bonus action and 2 Heat Points, you may make 2 additional unarmed strikes.
- Launching Strike
At 9th level, when you take the attack action, you may expend 2 Heat Points to launch the creature 5 feet up in the air, the creature must succeed a Dexterity saving throw against your Heat save DC or be knocked prone, unless the creature is a size larger than you or cannot be knocked prone.
- Phoenix of Comebacks
At 11th level, while in Heat Guarding, when an attack lands, as a reaction, you may spend 2 Heat Points to strike back with a spectacular kick, dealing 3d4 + Strength, the attack is considered a surprise attack. Additionally, you may expend any Relentless Blows stacks on the creature. This can be used once per long rest.
- Meteor Strike
At 14th level, when a creature is under the effects of a condition like, prone, stunned, or grappled, as an action and 4 Heat Points, launch yourself 10 feet up in the sky while performing a backflip kick on the creature, takes 4d8 bludgeoning damage and 1d8 force damage, additionally, you spend 2 extra Heat Points to launch yourself even higher, dealing an extra 2d6 force damage, you also take the same amount as the force damage. This can be used as much as your Dexterity mod.
- Killer Kick Combo
At 17th level, as an action, you may expend 6 Heat Points to make a creature roll a Dexterity save against your Heat save DC, if the creature fails, you let out a flurry of kicks making you roll 8 unarmed attacks. You gain 1 level of exhaustion after it, the creature gets knocked 5ft away while also becoming knocked prone, if the creature passes, they don't become knocked prone, and the damage for the unarmed strike is halved. Additionally, for 3 extra Heat Points, you may combo this into a Meteor Strike if the creature fails the saving throw, and you gain another level of exhaustion when you combo. This can be used once per long rest.
- Phoenix of Heat, Godspeed
At 20th level, while in Kiwami Heat, you gain an extra attack, your movement speed increases by 15 feet, you deal an extra +3 damage to stunned creatures, while at max hitpoints you deal an extra +2 damage to creatures, you may spend 5 Heat Points to gain the maximum amount of Relentless Blows. You may expend 3 Heat points, on your turn you can take one additional action.
Heat Spirit: Turtle Shell
The Turtle of Heat has admired you worthy of becoming its vessel.
- Essence of Finger Guns
At 3rd level, when you take the attack action, you may spend 1 Heat point to instead make a ranged attack dealing 1d10 + Dexterity modifier piercing damage with a range of 30/90. You may also use this weapon with features that use your unarmed strike, being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls, and you are considered to be proficient with said attack roll.
- Arm Lock
At 5th level, when grappling a creature, you may spend 2 Heat points to grab the creature by its arms instead and place it in a position where the creature's arms get locked making it restrained, when restraining the creature, you can't take any actions until you free the creature or if the creature becomes incapacitated, the creature can roll a Strength check against your Heat save DC to break out of it. This can be used as much as your Strength mod.
- Essence of Armbarring
At 9th level, when a creature provokes an opportunity attack, you may expend 2 Heat points to make an unarmed strike into a grapple, additionally, you may spend 2 additional Heat points to place that creature into an Arm Lock. this can be used as much as your Strength mod.
- The Turtle Shell Parry
At 11th level, while in Heat Guarding, when a melee attack misses you, you may as a reaction spend 2 Heat points to pull the creature behind you, doing so makes the creature provoke an opportunity attack, any friendly creature within 5 ft of you or it can take the attack against it including you. Additionally, you may spend 3 extra Heat points to instead place the creature under Arm Lock, doing so makes you lose the benefits of Heat Guarding while also making the creature provoke an opportunity attack but you instead can't take the opportunity attack. This can be used as much as your Constitution mod. You can pull a creature once per Heat Guarding, meaning if you un-guard and re-guard it would reset the ability to pull.
- Protection From The Turtle
At 14th level, while in Heat Guarding, you gain resistance to slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage. All friendly creatures within 15 ft of you gain a bonus of +2 to their AC. Creatures now roll normally instead of rolling with advantage when in Heat Guarding unless it's from a different source like true strike.
- Essence of Arresting
At 17th level, when you place a creature under Arm Lock, you may spend 4 Heat Points to make Heated handcuffs, you may place these handcuffs on the creature by attempting a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check the creature has to contest against it by attempting a Dexterity saving throw, if you succeed, the creature still gains the effects of Arm Lock, increasing the DC of the save of breaking out of it by 2. If you fail, the creature breaks out of the Arm Lock and gains immunity from it for the next 24 hours. All Heated handcuffs are tightly fitted on the creature when placed. This can be used as much as your Dexterity mod.
- Breezy Arrest
At 20th level, when you make a ranged attack with Essence of Finger Guns and if the attack lands, you may spend 5 Heat points to create an afterimage of yourself appearing from the bullet shot and shifting behind the creature, this afterimage has the same ability scores as you, their hit points are equal to 1, and AC is equal to yours, the creature must roll a Wisdom (Perception) check contested against your Dexterity (Stealth), if the creature fails, then your afterimage places the creature under a Arm Lock, you may expend 4 Heat points to make the afterimage preform Essence of Arresting. If the creature succeeds, the creature takes a free action to attack the afterimage with advantage. This can be used once per long rest.
My Heat Spirit: Fence Swinger
"Fine, if all of you get your own, I'll just make my own Spirit!"
- My Heat Weapon
At 3rd level, you can manifest your Heat as a shimmering club of Heat. You can manifest a Heat club from your free hand costing you 1 Heat Point. This weapon is a simple melee weapon with the versatile property. And on a hit, it deals Bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 plus Strength modifier, you may willingly make the weapon vanish. If you are the target of a successful non-magical projectile attack, as a reaction, you may expend 1 Heat point to make a Dexterity Saving Throw equal to the creature's successful attack roll. On a successful save, you may pick a target within a 50 ft cone in front of you(this cone may be in any direction, so long as the attacking creature is within the cone as well); the target creature or object instead takes the damage for the attack, and the attack does extra damage equal to either your Strength or Dexterity modifier. You may also use this weapon with features that use your unarmed strike.
- My Turn the Tables
At 5th level, when grappled or restrained by a creature, you may expend 2 Heat Points as a bonus action to immediately break free of it, if you break out of a grapple using this feature, you may attempt a grapple on the creature that was grappling you. This can be used as much as your Strength mod.
- My Flowing Counter
At 9th level, as a reaction and 2 Heat Points, when hit with a melee attack, you may attempt an unarmed strike, if the attack lands then you may expend 1 Heat Point to attempt a grapple check on the creature. This can be used as much as your Dexterity mod.
- My Meteor Tackle
At 11th level, when grappling a creature, you may expend 2 Heat Points to throw that creature to the ground, picking up their legs and running with them dragging their face across the ground grinding it while dealing d8 Slashing damage every 10 feet of movement, doing so does provoke opportunity attacks. Furthermore, you may expend 2 Heat Points to dash while dragging the creature. This can be used once per long rest.
- My Speed-of-Light Throw
At 14th level, as a bonus action, you create a small throwable ball of heat costing you 2 Heat Points, you may throw this ball at a creature, making a ranged attack with a range of 60/90 that deals 3d4 bludgeoning damage + 1d6 fire damage, with the properties of light, finesse, special, the creature must roll a Constitution saving throw against your Heat save DC, on a failure, the creature gets set on fire for 1d4 turns taking 1d4 fire damage. Additionally, if you are wielding the Heat club when you throw the ball, you can strike the ball with it. If you do so, the range of the ball increases to 90/320, and the damage increases to 3d6 bludgeoning damage + 1d8 fire damage, saving throw increases by a 2, while the fire damage increases to 1d6, and the turns increase to 1d6 instead, you may expend an extra Heat Point to make the creature stunned for 1 turn. this can be used as much as your Dexterity mod.
- My Afterimages
At 17th level, as an action and 5 Heat Points, you may make 2 other afterimages of yourself, these afterimages have the same ability scores as you, their hit points are equal to 1, and AC is equal to yours, their equipment is this same as yours, so they can use the weapon that you selected from your equipment, they attack during your turn without extra attacks. if one of them dies, every item they had melts into nothing. these afterimages mimic what you do meaning if you have evasion, they also have evasion. When rolling a Dexterity saving throw against the fireball spell, and if you pass, your afterimages also pass same comes to failing, if you fall to 0 hit points, you may spend 1 Heat point to swap your consciousness with an afterimage your hit points also becomes 1. This can be used once per long rest.
- My Never Go Down
At 20th level, if your Hitpoints fall below 0, For 8 Heat points, you gain the effects of Kiwami/Ultimate Heat at double(AC, Damage & Attack rolls), however, this comes at a cost, your hit points is equal to 0, you get 4d12 temporary hit points, all features that cost Heat now cost half as less rounded down, expect features that cost 1 Heat point. And if you take damage equal to negative your maximum hit points in total, you become unconscious and begin to roll death saves, any effects of healing magic or status effects can't be used on you. During this, you are considered to be Enraged, while enraged you are thoughts are, TAKE. THEM. DOWN. you will focus on fighting hostile creatures until combat ends or when you start rolling death saves. This can be used once per long rest.
Heat Spirit: Shining Star
The Shining Star has opened its shimmering gate to you, welcoming you as its wielder, making you the descendant of the Dragon Spirit.
- Star Inspiration
At 3rd level, as a bonus action and 1 Heat point, any friendly creature you choose that is within 60 feet, gets a +2 to attack, and a 1d4 to their damage rolls until the end of your next turn. You may use this as much Charisma modifier. At 11th level, the bonuses instead are, for 1d6 turns, +3 to attack, 3d4 to damage rolls, and the creature per turn, gains advantage once on their attack or saving roll.
- Spellcasting
Level | Cantrips Known | Spells Known | —Spell Slots per Spell Level— | |||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | |||
3rd | 2 | 3 | 2 | — | — | — |
4th | 2 | 4 | 3 | — | — | — |
5th | 2 | 4 | 3 | — | — | — |
6th | 2 | 4 | 3 | — | — | — |
7th | 2 | 5 | 4 | 2 | — | — |
8th | 2 | 6 | 4 | 2 | — | — |
9th | 2 | 6 | 4 | 2 | — | — |
10th | 3 | 7 | 4 | 3 | — | — |
11th | 3 | 8 | 4 | 3 | — | — |
12th | 3 | 8 | 4 | 3 | — | — |
13th | 3 | 9 | 4 | 3 | 2 | — |
14th | 3 | 10 | 4 | 3 | 2 | — |
15th | 3 | 10 | 4 | 3 | 2 | — |
16th | 3 | 11 | 4 | 3 | 3 | — |
17th | 3 | 11 | 4 | 3 | 3 | — |
18th | 3 | 11 | 4 | 3 | 3 | — |
19th | 3 | 12 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
20th | 3 | 13 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
You have learned to untangle and reshape the fabric of reality in harmony with your wishes and music. Your spells are part of your vast repertoire, magic that you can tune to different situations.
- Cantrips. You learn two cantrips of your choice from the Shining Star spell list. You learn an additional shining star cantrip of your choice at 10th level.
- Spell Slots. The Shining Star Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your shining star spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher and Heat points equal to the level of the slot. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
- For example, if you know the 1st-level spell cure wounds and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast cure wounds using either slot.
- Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher. You know three 1st-level shining star spells of your choice.
- The Spells Known column of the Shining Star Spellcasting table shows when you learn more shining star spells of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 7th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.
- Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the shining star spells you know with another spell of your choice from the shining star spell list. The new spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
- Spellcasting Ability. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your shining star spells. Your Heat comes from the heart and soul you pour into the performance of your music or oration. You use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a bard spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
- Star Prism Kick
At 5th level, as an action, for 2 Heat points, you may perform backflipping kick attack dealing 2d# your marital arts die if the creature has any type of condition then it takes 1d6 extra damage. At 9th level, if a creature has more than one condition it takes a d6 extra damage per condition, if a creature has exhaustion higher than first level, then it takes an extra d6 per level of exhaustion. This can be used as much as your Dexterity mod.
- Star Melter
At 9th level, as a bonus action, for 2 Heat points, for 1 minute, all attacks you make deal an extra 1d6 fire damage and you gain a +1 to all attack rolls, all surrounding friendly creatures within 15 feet deal an extra 1d4 fire damage. Your successful melee attacks against a creature ignore 1 point of their armor class per hit. This feature can stack with every successful hit, up to 5 stacks. If their AC becomes less than 5, their AC instead becomes 1 and cannot go lower nor higher. This effect lasts until the end of the combat encounter. You cannot use this feature until you finish a long rest.
- Dragon's Heir
At 11th level, as a reaction, for 4 Heat points, when attacked with a melee weapon attack, you may strike back at the creature dealing 2d12 + Strength or Dexterity mod, if the attack lands then the creature must roll a Constitution saving throw against your Heat save DC, if the saving throw is a failure, the creature becomes stunned for 1 turn. Additionally, you may expend any Relentless Blows stacks on the creature. This can be used once per long rest.
- Essence of the Shining Spirit
At 14th level, As a bonus action, for 8 Heat points, you are able to resurrect anyone who has died within an hour. You can resurrect anyone as much as you like, but, you cannot resurrect those whose physical form has been digested or completely destroyed. You also gain these features:
- Heal me Mix: As a bonus action, for 3 Heat points and 2 third-level spell slots or any spell slot equal to the required spell slot (i.e. level 2 spell slot + level 4 spell slot = the required amount), you may heal a creature or yourself for 3d8 + Charisma modifier, any creature within the healed creature gains half of the healing.
- Groove Booster: As a bonus action, for 4 Heat points and 3 second-level spell slots or any spell slot equal to the required spell slot, you may place all allies under the effects of Star Inspiration and you can reduce the target’s exhaustion level by one, or end one of the following effects on the target:
One effect that charmed or petrified the target. One curse, including the target’s attunement to a cursed magic item. Any reduction to one of the target’s ability scores. One effect reducing the target’s hit point maximum.
- Impish Wink: As a bonus action, for 3 Heat points and 1 third-level spell slot or any spell slot equal to the required spell slot, you can place a creature under the effects of dominate person, the creature must roll a Wisdom saving throw with the DC equal to your spell save, on a success, the creature doesn't get placed the effects of dominate person and gains advantage against you on everything for 1d4 turns, on a failure, the creature gets put on the effects of dominate person for 2d4 hours.
- Shining Paralyzer
At 17th level, as an action, for 6 Heat points, you attempt an attack dealing 3d# your material arts die, if the attack lands, then you shift behind their back having the creature roll a Wisdom (Perception) check contested against your Dexterity (Stealth) to see if you went behind them or not, if they fail, as a free action you may attempt a grapple on the said creature, if the creature fails the grapple, then you may go for an unarmed strike against the creature, snapping their neck, the creature becomes paralyzed for 1 turn. This can be used once per long rest.
- Essence of the Dragon Guardian
At 20th level, as a bonus, for 15 Heat points, you may summon the familiar of the Dragon Spirit, the familiar will engage in fights accompanying you, protecting you from the hostile creatures. The familiar will also listen to everything you tell them to do unless it is physically impossible to do so, the familiar last for 24 hours. When summoning this familiar, you sense the sting of someone lurking in the depths of the shadows, your familiar seems like he knows whose watching around every corner, asking the familiar will result in it answering with "Don't worry, he is after me, not you." asking the familiar more about the "feeling" will result in the familiar just ignoring the questions, this stinging feeling getting worse by the second, moments after, he shows up, the familiar huddles you away and takes off his shirt revealing his Dragon inked back, he also takes off his shirt revealing Demon inked back, he opens his mouth screaming "KIRYU-CHAN!" the familiar smiles and begins to fight him. (All effects on the GORO (5e Creature) stat block doesn't apply on the familiar) (every time you summon this familiar GORO (5e Creature) at least has to show up once and fight it)
Heat Spirit: The Chosen Hero of Essence
Level | Mana Points | |
3rd | 12 | |
4th | 18 | |
5th | 24 | |
6th | 30 | |
7th | 36 | |
8th | 42 | |
9th | 48 | |
10th | 54 | |
11th | 60 | |
12th | 66 | |
13th | 72 | |
14th | 78 | |
15th | 84 | |
16th | 90 | |
17th | 92 | |
18th | 93 | |
19th | 94 | |
20th | 95 |
The path of the Chosen has lit up, allowing you to walk through it.
- Mana Points
You conjure the powers of those chosen before you, manifesting Mana from an energy pool provided from the will of Spirit. At 3rd, you don't obtain any Heat points but instead gain Mana points, the amount of Mana points you gain is listed below, furthermore, any feature you have that costs Heat points instead cost Mana points three times the normal amount (i.e. If you would want to use Kiwami Heat, it would cost you 3 Mana points to enter it). You gain all of your Mana points when you take a long rest, and 1d8 + your level for a short rest.
- The Hero's Bat
You conjure the power of those before you who walked the same path as you, unlocking your very own Excaliber. At 3rd level, you can manifest your Mana as a shimmering club of Mana. You can manifest a Mana club from your free hand costing you 3 Mana Points. This weapon is a simple melee weapon with the versatile (2d#, # = the damage die of the weapon) property. And on a hit, it deals Bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + Strength modifier, the damage increases to 1d8 at 5th level, 1d10 at level 11, 1d12 at level 17. You may willingly make the weapon vanish, and If you would be the target of a magic spell like Dispel Magic or anything similar, the weapon would disappear and you won't be able to bring out the weapon until 10 minutes pass. The weapon radiates light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet.
- Mega Swing of the Chosen
The guidance of those before you has taught you the wonders of your Excalibur. At 5th level, as an action and 12 Mana points, you may unleash an attack roll with your bat targeting all creatures in a 10-foot cone, when swinging your bat with this feature, the glow that your bat emits increases by double the amount until you finish the attack. Furthermore, this attack deals 2d# your Hero's Bat damage die, the damage increases by an extra die if you are under 50% of your maximum hit points and by another die if you are under 25%. This can be used as much as your proficiency bonus.
- Guardian's Spirits
Your Spirit always watches over you to protect you in case of danger, attuning your Mana flow in a battle to enhance your attacks and evasion. At 9th level, as a bonus action, you may spend 14 Mana points to increase all your attack rolls by a +2, while also placing yourself under the effects of the Dodge action until the end of your next turn. This can be used twice per long rest, If you would take a short rest then you would gain one use back.
- Spirit's Wild Imagination
The Spirit takes pity on those who are weaker than you, its powers conjure your mind and make-believe in the powers of your foes. At 11th level, when entering combat, you must roll a 1d4, and depending on your roll the following outcome happens
- On a roll of a 1: Nothing happens
- On a roll of a 2: One hostile creature gains an Essence of Heat.
- On a roll of a 3: Two hostile creatures gain an Essence of Heat and one of them gains Kiwami Heat.
- On a roll of a 4: Three hostile creatures gain an Essence of Heat and two of them gain Kiwami Heat, one creature gains an Advanced Essence.
The DM decides which Essence they get, and all hostile creatures under this effect gain a number of Heat points equal to 20 for the sake of using Essence that cost Heat points, If the DM decides to give a creature an Essence that requires another feature then the creature would gain the required feature but without anything that has negative side effects like the Heat Guarding where creatures have advantage against it when attacking the creature during Heat Guarding. (The creature cannot remove the effect in Heat Guarding where you can't take actions during it) The creatures require to be Humanoid type for this feature to be used. If combat ends with you being victorious, you would gain Mana points back equal to 4 x 1d4, and you would have to roll a 1d6 and a 1d10, the outcome of the d6 is listed to the right of the feature, and the amount that you gained is equal to the roll of the d10.
Roll outcome | Pieces typing | |
1 | Copper | |
2 | Copper | |
3 | Silver | |
4 | Electrum | |
5 | Gold | |
6 | Platinum |
- Essence of the Chosen Heroes
The Chosen Ones have chosen you for a reason, and that reason is to help you complete your goals and deeds and to protect those they couldn't protect. At 14th level, you gain the following features:
- Peerless Resolve: Your peerless determination of protecting your allies and those who are weak, strengthens your resolve. If you fall below 0 hit points, you may spend 16 Mana points to bring yourself back up with 1 hit point. This can be used once per long rest.
- Indomitable Courage: You let out a mass of Mana that flows around your allies, making them filled with your courage-driven Mana. As an action and 23 Mana points, you remove all conditions except that of exhaustion, prone, and grappled from every allied creature within 15 feet of you. This can be used as much as your Charisma modifier.
- Fearless Command: You may command and point out the fault in your allies' attacks, making them feel more confident in their ability to attack. As an action and 14 Mana points, you may give all friendly creatures in combat a +1 to their attack rolls and they deal extra +1 damage for 3 turns, if your charisma score is equal to 16 or higher then the bonuses increase by another +1 (becomes a +2 to attack and damage), and if your charisma score is a 19 or higher then it increases by another +1 (becomes a +3 to attack and damage rolls).
- A Hero's Vigor: Your impatience and might to succession have converted your Mana flow into the last resolve for allies, filling them with hope and determination. As a reaction or an action and for 20 Mana points, if a friendly creature falls to 0 hit points, you may bring them back with 1 hit point. Additionally, you may spend an extra 15 Mana points to expend one hit die to heal that creature for the amount rolled. This can be used as much as your Charisma modifier.
- A Hero’s Compassion: Your compassion towards your allies and comrades in your adventures has erupted a positive Mana flow from your spirit-filled hope, aiding those who need it most. As an action and 32 Mana points, you heal all friendly creatures within 50 feet from you for 1d12 + half your level rounded down if needed, if your charisma score is equal to 16 or higher then the healing increases by another die (becomes a 2d12), and if your charisma score is a 19 or higher then it increases by another die (becomes a 3d12).
- A Hero's Shield and Armor
The spirits guide you to learn one of the secret techniques that they share along with each other, the knowledge of this technique is sacred to those who walk along the path of the Chosen Ones. At 17th level, as an action and for 27 Mana points, you manifest your Mana into a shield and armor of a knight, the armor is perfectly fitted onto you and it would resize if your size changes, the armor is made of iron and outlined with a gold decal and a red gem on the middle of the chest plate. The decals resemble what seems to be a fishtail sword handle that resembles the looks of a Ryuugyo. This armor has the property of heavy armor (Str 16), your AC would equal to 18 while wearing it, and you have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and all allies within 20 feet of you gain a +1 bonus to their AC. While wielding the shield, if you are a target of an area of effect spell or attack, you gain advantage against it, you also gain the benefits of the Shield Master feat while wielding the shield. You may willingly make both the armor and shield vanish, or just one of them.
- Essence of The Four Gods, and The Last; Your Willingness
Whenever you reach level 20 with this subclass, a beam of yellow light rains upon you from the heavens, you radiate a bright yellow that makes your physical appearance unidentifiable except your outline, you gain six angelic wings that emerge from your back and each of these wings has a wingspan of 30 feet, you gain a flying speed of 80 feet, you erupt a bright light in a 120-foot radius and an additional 60-foot of dim light, you gain truesight equal to your bright light, you are able to understand all languages but in return, you can't utter a word of any language you know. You are one of those warriors who have been blessed by the gods, they shall accompany you to aid those needing their aid and you are their walking vessel, you with their guidance can lift up the ones who have fallen, and you comfort all those who have lost their innocence, you guide those whose guidance has been lost. If you touch a corpse of a dead person or hold a dead person's belongings, your maximum hit points is reduced by 50 for each second you touch their belongings or them, when you take damage from this you feel an incredible pain 10 times worse than what you can think of or have experienced, and if you would die from this the creature that made you die gets brought back from the dead as if they were true resurrected, your body would convert to nothing and if a creature tries anything to revive you in any sort of way it will result in a failure, and after an exact year of your death you would get reincarnated without any of your past memories, your appearance would be almost identical to who you looked like. If you met any creature that you befriended, they would remember you. This transformation lasts for 24 hours. Additionally, you may instead choose to gain a 9th level spell slot of your choice, you can cast that spell without any components except that you would need to spend at least 30 Heat points and you may only cast it once, and when you cast it you may roll 2d100 if you rolled 190 or above you gain another 9th level spell, on a failure of the roll, you don't gain another one until you take a long rest and then try the roll again.
Heat Spirit: The Tiger and The Crane
Prerequisites: Kiwami Heat feature. The spirits of the Tiger and Crane have chosen you to wield their guidance of teachings in fighting, allowing you to make use of their powers.
- EX Gauge
The Tiger and The Crane have been impressed by your incredible thinking skills during difficult situations. Starting at 3rd level, whenever you succeed a d20 roll during combat, you gain a stack of EX. These stacks you gain can be used for features later on, allowing you to pull off incredible feats that would normally be difficult to pull off. You can have a maximum amount of EX stacks equal to your proficiency bonus. (The type of rolls can be such as successful attack rolls, saving throws against damaging spells, or checks related to combat such as grappling/escaping grapples)
- Blessing of The Tiger and The Crane
The powers of the spirits have filled your soul with their own, allowing them to assist you in your most dire situations, being fully able to swiftly adapt between the both. At 3rd level, as an action and 1 heat point, you may be able to swap between the spirit modes, swapping to the other if you already had the other one on. Both The Crane and Tiger have their unique techniques, said techniques can only be used if you are in that said mode. Each of them will be listed with its identifier like (T) for Tiger and (C) for Crane. At 7th level, the action required changes to a bonus action instead. And to a free action at 12th level. It will still cost you 1 heat point.
- Sky Dancer: Controller (C).
- For 1 heat point, whenever you take the attack action, you can choose to target up to 3 creatures within your reach with a roundhouse kick. Any other creature that gets hit other than the first target takes half as much damage. At 7th level, you can now target all targets within your reach while also costing you one stack of EX Gauge.
- Flash Tiger: Charging Tiger (T).
- Whenever you take the attack action, you may choose to charge that attack by spending two heat points, this attack deals extra damage equal to your proficiency modifier. This can be used once per turn. At 7th level, you can use this twice per turn but it costs you two heat points instead of one and also costs you one stack of EX Gauge.
- EX Mode
Through the honing of your powers, you've become one with the blessers of your martial art obtaining a flow of energy that is used by the Tiger and the Crane. At 5th level, while in Kiwami Heat you may as an action and a stack of EX to enter EX Mode, you gain the benefits of Kiwami heat as normal. During EX mode, you begin losing 1 stack at the start of each of your turns, and you are unable to gain any stacks of EX during EX mode. You can end EX mode as a bonus action, losing any EX stack that remains. You gain these extra features depending on your style during this mode.
- Nimble Crane (C).
- During EX mode while having the Crane style on, as long as you have spent at least 10 feet of movement in a line going one direction, you may spend 1 Heat point and a bonus action to attack with an unarmed strike against a creature. This feature does not count if you disengage. And if you move unwillingly because of another creature, you may attempt to attack the said creature as a reaction and 1 heat point by rolling an unarmed strike assuming you are within melee range.
- Hidden Tiger (T).
- During EX mode, if you would change styles out of/into Tiger style during EX mode you gain temporary hit points equal to half your level. If you would gain the temporary hit points then you may spend 3 Heat points to gain another half of the amount you obtained.
- Secrets of The Tiger and Crane
The Crane and Tiger flowing through your energy allow you to become nimble yet so brutal. Your capabilities further adapt with the energy flowing through your body and mind. At 9th level, you gain the following features.
- Brutal Art of Ruin (T)
- After attacking a creature with Flash Tiger: Charging Tiger, your melee attacks deal an extra die of damage. This lasts until the end of your next turn, you also lose the buff when switching styles. At 12th level, this buff lasts for two turns and persists when switching styles.
- Nimble Art of Balance (C)
- When a creature misses an attack against you, you gain an extra attack with your unarmed strikes. Furthermore, you gain a +1 to your AC. This feature doesn't stack, and this lasts until the end of your next turn. You lose the buff when switching styles. At 12th level, this buff lasts for two turns and persists when switching styles.
At 12th level, triggering a buff again resets the duration for both of them, assuming you have both buffs triggered. If not, then it would reset the duration for that buff.
- Reprisal of The Two
A technique said to have been taught by the Dragon Spirit to its descendants and students, that allows you to fuse your strikes with your heat to strike against your foes when they least expect it. Whenever a melee attack is rolled against you, as a reaction, for 3 Heat points. You may strike back the attacking creature with a Heat infused unarmed strike ignoring any source of resistance, on a hit, the creature takes the damage from the attack, and extra damage equal to your hit die, the creature must also attempt a saving throw against your Heat save DC, or get pushed back 10-feet from you, and if the creature gets pushed into a wall/another creature, or a leveled curvature, then they would also get knocked prone. The extra damage does expend a hit die. Furthermore, while in EX Mode, you may choose to spend all of your stacks of EX and deal a bonus to either your attack roll or damage roll against said creature, the extra amount equals to the number of stacks you had before expending them.
- Enduringness of The Tiger and Crane
Through the powers of the blessers, the ones who watch over you and protect you, you unlock a special technique that grants you the ability to manipulate your EX and Heat to your will. At 14th level, while in EX Mode and you are at 10 hit points or less, gain the following feats:
- Burst of The Tiger: Before you roll a melee attack, choose one of the following to occur before attacking. You gain a +2 to your attack roll, or you gain a +2 to your damage roll.
- Burst of The Crane: You gain a +1 to your AC and are resistant to the last creature who last attacked you, all of their damage rolls against you are halved. Furthermore, you gain a damage threshold equal to your Constitution modifier.
- Burst of The Two: You gain advantage against saving throws that would cause you to be proned. Furthermore, you are immune to being charmed for the sake of being resistant to creatures that command you to prone yourself.
At 17th level, you gain one more feature alongside the previous ones mentioned above.
- Burst of The Immortal: You are unable to fall below 1 hit point while in EX Mode, but taking damage while in this state removes 1 stack of EX instead of taking damage.
- True Tiger Dances With Crane
The Crane and The Tiger dance with one another, allowing the your body to act on its own without thinking. As if it has a mind of its own. At 17th level, when attempting 'Reprisal of The Two' against a creature while in EX Mode, you may choose to spend an extra 3 Heat points to improve it. Emitting and erupting an uncanny amount of heat from your body. Roll a 1d4 upon landing the strike. Depending on the roll of the 1d4, the creature must roll a Constitution saving throw or suffer the outcome.
- On a roll of a 1, the creature is paralyzed for until the end of their next turn.
- On a roll of a 2-3, the creature is stunned for until the end of their next turn.
- On a roll of a 4, the creature is unconscious for until the end of their next turn.
This can be used once per long rest.
- One as Two, Two as One
The Tiger and Crane are one, together as one, balanced as all things should be. At 20th level, while you are at 10 hit points or less, gain the following feats:
- Verge of Death: Fighting Spirit. At the start of your turns, you gain 1 EX gauge stack. (Gain none if EX Mode is active.)
- Verge of Death: Wounded Tiger. Your unarmed strikes damage die are increased to the next sets of dice. (Maximum of d12)
- Verge of Death: Ardent Crane. You are considered to be under the effects of the dodge action.
Your Heat Spirit: Heated Spirit
This subclass allows the user to make their own subclass by combining features or abilities from other subclasses or class features, all things able to be combined will be listed below. You must have chosen the Heated Determination (Variant Feature) doing so allows you to use this subclass.
- Your Essence of Heat
At 3rd level, you gain the ability of a subclass' 3rd level feature from this class, choosing a 3rd level subclass' feature like the Heat Spirit: Shining Star won't grant you the ability of spellcasting.
- Heat Potential
At 5th, you gain proficiency in one skill of your choice, you can't use the proficiency that you gain from this feature to turn a proficient skill into expertise. Furthermore, you also gain expertise in one skill that you already have proficient. You gain a +1 to one ability score of your choosing (You can not exceed past 20 for your score).
- Essence of the Spirits
At 9th level, you gain the ability of a subclass' 5th level feature from this class, or you may instead choose another subclass' 3rd level feature and gain 3 Heat tokens.
- Spiritual Heat Essence
At 11th level, you gain an extra Essence of Heat feature. At 12th level, you gain an extra Advanced Essence.
- Will of the Spirits
At 14th level, you gain the ability of a subclass' 9th level feature from this class, or you may instead choose another subclass' 5th level feature and gain 5 Heat tokens. You may choose one between these extra features:
- Archery: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.
- Defense: While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
- Dueling: When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
- Great Weapon Fighting: When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.
- Protection: When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield.
- Two-Weapon Fighting: When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
- Unyielding Spirit
At 17th level, you gain the ability of a subclass' 11th level feature from this class, or you may instead choose another subclass' 9th level feature and gain 8 Heat tokens. You can reroll a saving throw that you fail. If you do so, you must use the new roll, and you can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
You can use this feature twice between long rests.
- Spirit Resolve
At 20th level, you gain the ability of a subclass' 14th level feature from this class, if you have chosen the Essence of the Shining Spirit feature and because you don't have spell slots, you instead spend double the number of Heat points when using any ability listed under the feature, or you may instead choose another subclass' 11th level feature and gain 12 Heat tokens. As an action, for 1 minute and 8 Heat points, You gain immunity to all conditions except unconscious, exhaustion, petrified and invisible, all attacks made count as magical, gain a +2 to attack rolls, you gain resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage, gain 3d12 temporary hit points. this feature can be used once per long rest.
Build-A-Spirit (Variant)
For some ungodly reason, you decided to make your own spirit PLEASE follow the rules below:
- First of all, you must consult with your DM about making your own spirit, and if the DM says "No, {({Hyperlink blocked})}, I will not allow you to make your busted-stupid-a** make a custom spirit, that might potentially ruin my campaign" be kind to your DM if they don't want you to have something with particularly crazy power.
- Second, this spirit must be related to your character's backstory or to any related events having you unlock your ability.
- Third, the spirit's abilities that you made MUST be looked over by your DM and must be similar to how Heat Spirit: Dragon Fists is worded and balanced, the features level placements must be the same as a normal subclasses in this class.
- Fourth, YOU can not multiclass out of this or into this class.
- Fifth, Submit your built Spirits under this line :)
Heat Spirit: Househusband
Prerequisites: Kiwami Heat feature.
- Partners In Crime
At 3rd level, you gain 3 Partner Dice, which are d6s, on your turn as a free action and 1 Heat point, you may give yourself or any friendly creature a Partner Die to gain a d6 to their next roll, the roll has to be at least a saving throw, an attack roll, or a check of any kind. You gain 1 die back when you complete a short rest or gain all dice back when completing a long rest. At 5th level, you may now instead, as a reaction and 2 Heat points, at the start of a friendly creature turn, give the friendly creature a Partner Die. At 14th level, you gain the ability to instead use a die to reduce damage by -1d6 when taking damage or to deal +1d6 damage when they hit with an attack, doing so costs 3 Heat points.
- Frightful Spirit
At 5th level, as a bonus action and 3 Heat points, after attacking a creature that is the same size or smaller, you may cast fear, the creature must pass a Wisdom saving throw against your Heat save DC, on a failure of the saving throw, the creature is frightened for 1 turn and they drop whatever they are holding. On a successful saving throw, the creature isn't frightened and becomes immune to the feature for the next 24 hours. Additionally, when using this feature on a creature whose CR is equal to or less than a quarter of your level (rounded to the closet CR level), they automatically fail the save.
- The Way of the Househusband
At 9th level, you gain the ability to speak Thieves' cant, you gain proficiency in Animal Handling, Sleight of Hand, and Nature checks, and Thieves' Tools, Cook's utensils, and Herbalism kit, if you are proficient already with anything listed, you instead gain expertise. furthermore, you may expend 3 Heat points to create Thieves' Tools out of Heat, these tools can pick normal locks and magical locks, these tools also have a one-time use where they will disappear depending on the roll being a failure or a success.
- Master Cook
At 11th level, when you successfully cook a dish of some kind, the dish has the ability to heal 2d6 hit points upon being eaten (2d12 at level 16), they stay edible for 48 hours and become cold after 20 minutes. It takes about 15 minutes to make one of these dishes. It can only be made if you have access to the ingredients required. Any and all dishes made are chosen by the player, at the discretion of the DM. If a creature would eat these dishes when they are warm, they gain the maximum benefit of the healing from the dish, they gain advantage on their next check, saving throw, or d20 roll, for 1 roll. If a creature would eat these dishes when they are cold, they gain half as much of the healing roll. If a creature would eat these dishes when they are past due, they take healing roll as poison damaging them equal to the roll, they are also poisoned until they take a long rest, and gain disadvantage on their next check, saving throw, or d20 roll, for 1 each roll.
- Overprotective Spirit
At 14 level, as a reaction and 3 Heat points, when you witness an ally being attacked, you halve the damage they take and give them 3d6 temporary hit points while also giving them a Partner Die (costing you a die). This can be used as much as your Constitution mod. At 17th level, the ally gets a +2 to their attack and damage rolls. Furthermore, while in Kiwami Heat, all allies within 15 feet gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls and AC.
- Together As One
At 17th level, when in combat, as a reaction and 3 Heat points. When near an ally, you may attack with any friendly creature together during their turn, both of you never miss an attack together and deal one more damage die. If one of you gets a critical attack, both of you do. This can be used as much as your Dexterity modifier.
- A Team's Effort
At 20th level, during Ultimate/Kiwami Heat, you may place all allied creatures in combat under the effects of Ultimate/Kiwami Heat with the maintenance costing an extra Heat point per ally under the effect. Furthermore, when you are the last remaining friendly creature in combat that is still up, you may add all of the stat increases that your allies had onto you, increasing the cost of maintaining by double what you were consuming while your allies were still up.
Heat Spirit: Cat Paw
- Frightening Fuzzy Form
Beginning at level 3, your body is mutated into a similar terrifying form to a tiny Neco Spirit. Your size is set to size small, your movement speed is increased by 5 and you gain a +2 to your Dexterity score but a -2 to your Strength score. Additionally, you gain a pair of ears, a tail and claws to boot your new appearance. You can be similar to any cat you desire and you gain 3 Pawsomely Pawerful advantages!:
- Cat Claw Cattacks
Slash! Scratch! Nap... and then make your enemies your scratching posts! Your cat claws are far more useful than for swatting toys and chasing mice. So put them to use! In and out of combat, you may use a free action to extend your claws halfway or completely. When halfway, your Unarmed Strikes deal Piercing damage. When extended completely, your Unarmed Strikes deal Slashing damage.
- Paw Pounce!
If you move at least 20 ft. straight toward a creature and then hit it with an Unarmed Strike on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, you can make one additional Unarmed Strike for free on your turn against the target. You may use 2 WaWa Points to inflict disadvantage on their save.
- Stretchy Scratch!
As a bonus action, you may increase your Unarmed Strike range from 5 ft. to 10 ft. You may increase this distant by an additional 5 ft. for 1 WaWa Wami Point.
- WaWa Wami Heat
Additionally, at level 3, all of your Kiwami Points, Kiwami Heat, and other features with the word "Kiwami" are transformed into "WaWa" and "Wami" due to the odd and silly nature of the spirit.
- Flying Neco Battleship Gomoran
Continuing at 5th level, your tricky cat spirit is becoming even more powerful. It's beginning to empower your small and nimble body! In addition to your very soul becoming more corrupt by the crazy cat terror, as an action and 3 WaWa points, you may jump and spew out a bloody ring of energy from your mouth in a 20 foot cone. Each creature in the area must take 2d6 Slashing damage and must attempt a Constitution saving throw against your WaWa save, or get pushed 5 feet away and if a creature gets pushed into another creature they instead become prone. You may spend 1 WaWa point to increase the damage and how far they get pushed by an extra d4 and a 5 feet extra, you spend another WaWa point to do it increase it again. You can use this as much as your Wisdom modifier.
- Kitty Cat Arc-hetypes
Upon reaching level 9, you gain enough power from the glorious cat god abomination from above to make yourself more unique from it's divine figure. You may choose only one of the following:
X: Cat Stamp!
You may double the damage of one Unarmed Strike for 3 WaWa Points, as your paws give off a heavier impact than a normal attack.
W: Dizzy Head Ditzy!
You may shake your head vigorously, and use 4 WaWa Points to attempt to confuse an enemy! A creature must roll a Wisdom saving throw and suffer the effects of the Confusion spell.
V: Beating Beast Move!
You may designate an animal from CR 2 or below of the Beast typing and take one attack or feature from it, and gain a free speed from it. This can be changed as a Free action and 1 WaWa Point once every 2 turns. The attacks count as Unarmed Strikes and have all benefits of them. Every time you use the feature or attack it uses 2 WaWa Points. Additionally, using a speed from a creature with your movement action costs 2 WaWa Points per turn.
Y: Blossoming Beauty!
You can glamorously release sparkly beauty around you as an action. Any creatures in a 15 foot radius around you must make a Constitution saving throw or become blinded. The cloud lasts for 3 rounds for 3 WaWa Points.
Z: Spell Slinging Spirit!
You may cast any spell of 3rd level or lower from the Wizard Spell List. When casting a spell that requires it to have Material components, it instead requires none. Any time you cast a spell, you must spend WaWa Points equal to double it's spell level.
- Pawsome Catactics
Starting at level 11, as you learn more abilities, the stronger the Neco Spirit takes hold of you. Beware the corruption of what may be on the road ahead! First, you gain the following ability:
- Neco Packet 2008
As a bonus action, you may summon a clone of yourself for 4 WaWa Point. This clone shares your stats and sheet and has 1 hit point, but cannot benefit from Extra Attack and cannot use WaWa Wami Heat or spells. It is, however, summoned with 3 WaWa Points of it's own to use attacks given to you. This clone acts on your turn, however acts independently from your actions and is separate from you. You have full control over these creature, but they can suffer from conditions, spells and anything else that requires a save or check just like you. The limit to how many clones you may have is equal to half your WaWa Wami Heat player level rounded up, but are limited to creating one per turn.
Additionally, you gain the following ability:
- True Ancestor Beam
As an action and 1 WaWa Points, you conjure an almighty beam of light that is an oh-so-useful but deadly attack from your big beady eyes! You project a 10-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC of 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failed save, every creature in reach takes 1d6 Radiant and 1d4 Force and the closest creature hit by this attack is Blinded. On a success, they are not blinded and take half damage. Additionally, you may spend another WaWa Point to increase the range by an extra 5 feet and increase the Force damage by an additional die ranking (1d6 to 2d6, 2d6 to 3d6). You may use this move a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier and increase the range and damage of the beam up to your proficiency bonus.
- Ferocious Feline Arc-hetype Upgrade
Once you reach level 14, your Arc-hetype progresses further as it increases in power. You are becoming more and more distant, but yet closer to the full power of the God of Trickery. You gain an upgrade/addition to your Arc-hetype below:
X: Cat Stamp Overdrive!
For 4 WaWa Wami points, you may replace an Unarmed Strike with a shove. A creature must contest your Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) roll against your target's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) roll. If your target fails, they are thrown 10 feet away from you, as they are hit by a powerful strike forcing them away.
W: Psychic Dumbie Destruction!
For 2 WaWa Points per attack, your Unarmed Strikes gain a range of 20 feet and their damage is changed to Psychic, as you can shake your head and release powerful attacks.
V: Super Beating Beast Move!
You may designate two animals from CR 6 or below of the Beast typing and take one action and feature from it, additionally gaining two speeds from them. These can be changed as a Free action and 1 WaWa Point once every 2 turns. Attacks done in this way count as Unarmed Strikes and have all benefits of them. Every time you use a feature or action it uses 3 WaWa Points.
Y: Alluring Anguish!
When using the "Blossoming Beauty!" ability, you may spend 2 additional WaWa Points to cause creatures inside the cloud that have failed the Constitution saving throw to take Acid damage equal to double the damage of an Unarmed Strike, as they have inhaled the aroma from your glistening beauty!
Z: Super Duper Spell Slinger!
You may cast any spell of 5th level or lower from the Wizard Spell List.
- Nyadvanced Catactics
At level 17th level, you may
- Neco Packet 2008 EX
As part of the bonus action for summoning a clone of yourself, you are able to alter it in a weird way. Instead of the clone being exactly like you, it looks similar to an ally or enemy you have seen in a past. This clone is you, but appears in a costume related to who or what the clone is based off of. The clone has 1 hit point, gains the stats, spells, actions and features related to said creature it copies. You can only have one of these clones summoned at any given time. This can be used a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Kiwami Heat class, you must meet these prerequisites: 16 in Strength and 14 in one of the following: Constitution or Dexterity.
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Kiwami Heat class, you gain the following proficiencies: Light, Medium armor. Simple and martial melee weapons.
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