Satan Spawn (5e Class)

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Satan Spawn[edit]


A class based on Blue Exorcist. The blood of Satan runs through your veins and your power sealed within a demonic weapon. Satan Spawn are creatures that inherit the blood Satan, sealing their true strength within a special weapon in which they keep close to them at all times. They can activate their power by wielding their weapon e.g. some carry their power within a sheathed demon blade in which they gain access to their demon power by unsheathing their blade. When a Satan Spawn unleashes their power, they are typically surrounded in a magical flame (the color of the flame is up to you). There are some who wield this power for the good of the world but there's some who'd rather use their power to destroy.

Creating a Satan Spawn[edit]

How did you inherit the power of Satan? Were you conceived of a creature and Satan ended up the result? What is your demonic power sealed in and how do you trigger it? Or did you come about this power though other means, maybe you made a deal with Satan himself or your body is strong enough to let Satan consume you, which resulted in his power residing inside of you. How long have you had the power of Satan? How do you feel about the blood that runs through your veins? Were you hated when growing up for your oddity?

Quick Build[edit]

You can make a Satan Spawn quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength should be your highest ability score, followed by Wisdom for more spell orientated, or Constitution for better survivability in combat. Second, choose the Inheritor background. Third, choose a weapon that binds your demon power.

Class Features

As a Satan Spawn you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Satan Spawn level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Satan Spawn level after 1st


Armor: Light & Medium
Weapons: Simple & Martial Weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength & Widsom
Skills: Choose 3 from Athletics, Perception, Arcana, Investigation, History, Survival, Religion, Intimidation or Deception


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Demon Weapon (1 martial weapon of your choice)
  • (a) Leather Armor & 10 Darts or (b) Chain Shirt
  • (a) Common Clothes or (b) Hooded Cloak
  • (a) Explorer's Pack or (b) Priest's Pack

Table: The Satan Spawn

Level Proficiency
Features Demonic Flame Points —Spell Slots per Spell Level—
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Demon Ancestry, Demon Weapon 0
2nd +2 Demonic Flame, Unearthly Strength, Spellcasting 2 2
3rd +2 Satan Spawn Archetype 3 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 3
5th +3 Extra Attack 5 4 2
6th +3 Demon Weapon Maneuvers, Archetype Feature 6 4 2
7th +3 Flame Heart 7 4 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Unearthly Leap 8 4 3
9th +4 Demonic Recuperation 9 4 3 2
10th +4 Satan Slash, Improved Demon Sight 10 4 3 2
11th +4 Spectral Awareness, Archetype Feature, Improved Demon Flame 11 4 3 3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Improved Demon Weapon 12 4 3 3
13th +5 13 4 3 3 1
14th +5 Satan Bomb 14 4 3 3 1
15th +5 15 4 3 3 2
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Improved Spectral Awareness 16 4 3 3 2
17th +6 Archetype Feature, Improved Demon Flame 17 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Improved Demon Weapon 18 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 19 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Satan Incarnate 20 4 3 3 3 2

Demon Ancestry[edit]

You are the child of an extremely powerful Demon, and it shows. You can telepathically speak with any Demon that you can see within 30 feet, while communicating this way you speak Abyssal. Whenever your Demon Weapon is sheathed, you have slightly pointed canines. When your Demon Weapon is drawn however, aside from being coated in flame, your ears grow long and pointed like an elf's, and your canines grow sharp and pronounced.

The gift of fire from your Demonic ancestry has given you control over fire. You know the Control Flames and Produce Flames Cantrips, and can cast them at will. Your Produce Flames will be the color depending on your archetype path. This ability also grants you resistance to fire damage.

Your heritage allows your eyes to see even if there is no light. You can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey. If you already had Darkvision, increase the range by 60 feet.

Demon Weapon[edit]

At 1st level, as the child of a powerful Demon in the material plane, your power is sealed inside of a melee weapon of your choice. At first level, you form a bond with a weapon, instantly, which contains your power. You are considered proficient with this weapon, and it is considered Magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances. This weapon is stored in an interdimensional portal (similar to the bag of holding) in your chest. You may put any weapon that matches the type of demon weapon you choose into your chest. The stats of that weapon now add to that of your demon weapon.

Weapon attack: 1d8+str Fire Damage: +2

Should your Demon Weapon ever break, you can spend 1 Demonic Flame Point to repair it for 1 minute. When you finish a long rest, your weapon will mystically repair itself.

Demonic Flame[edit]

At 2nd level you can use the power of your Demonic parent to your advantage. When you make an attack with your Demon Weapon, you can spend 1 or more Demonic Flame points to add 1d6 Fire damage to your attack per point spent, the damage increases to 1d8 at level 7 and 1d10 at level 11. Points used are regained on a short or long rest. Your total number of Demonic Flame Points increases as shown on the Satan Spawn table. The maximum amount of points you can spend to for damage is half your Satan Spawn level, rounded up.

Unearthly Strength[edit]

Your heritage has granted you unparalleled strength. Starting at 2nd level you are considered one size larger when calculating push, pull, drag, or carry weight. You also have advantage on any grapple checks and saves.


Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your Satan Spawn Spells, since the power of your magic relies on your ability to project your will into the world. You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when Setting the saving throw DC for a Satan Spawn spell you cast and when Making an Attack roll with one. You regain spells after taking a long rest.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.

Spell Attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.

Your weapon acts as a focus, you can only cast spells when your demonic weapon is drawn and your power unleashed. If sheathed you cannot cast any spells except the Control Flames and Produce Flames cantrips. You know spells equal to half your Wisdom modifier rounded up + your Satan Spawn Level (ex. If you have a Wisdom modifier of +2 at level 3, at level 3 you will know 4 spells in total).

Ability Score Increase[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack[edit]

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the attack action on your turn.

Demon Weapon Maneuvers[edit]

At 6th level your strength with your Demon Weapon has grown. At 6th level you gain one of three maneuvers. You can get one new maneuver at 12th level and 18th level. Your options are:

  • Improved Flame Damage: Whenever you spend at least one Demonic Flame point to add fire damage to your attack, you can add your Wisdom modifier to the damage.
  • Unnatural Reaction: Your weapon has granted you preternatural reflexes. When you are targeted by a thrown weapon or missile attack, you may spend your reaction and 2 Demonic Flame Points to attempt to deflect it. Roll a Dexterity save versus the enemy's attack roll. If successful, the damage you take is reduced by your Demonic Weapon damage die and your Satan Spawn level. Any leftover damage is carried into your HP.
  • Demonic Parry: Your weapon has developed from a mere blade to a defensive tool. When you are targeted by a melee weapon attack, you can spend your reaction and 2 Demonic Flame Points to try and parry it. The damage you take is reduced by your Demonic Weapon damage die and your Satan Spawn level. Any leftover damage is carried into your HP.
  • Flame Extend- When you make a melee weapon attack on your turn, you can expend 2 demonic flame points to increase your reach for that attack by 5 feet. If you hit, you add Demon Flame damage to the attack.
  • Demonic Reflection- When a creature misses you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the creature. If you hit, you can expend 1 Demonic Flame Point and add Demon Flame to the attack.
  • Scare Tactics- When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend 2 Demonic Flame Points to attempt to frighten the target. You add Demon Flame damage to the attack, and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it is frightened of you until the end of your next turn.
  • Demon Knockdown- When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend 3 Demonic Flame Points to attempt to knock the target down. You add Demon Flame damage to the attack, and if the target is Large or smaller, it must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you knock the target prone.

Flame Heart[edit]

At level 7, your mastery over your fire has grown. You are now immune to Fire damage and can add your Wisdom modifier to your attack and damage rolls with your Produce Flames Cantrip. In addition, your Control Flames also affects any fire within a 15 foot cube, rather then a 5 foot cube.

Unearthly Leap[edit]

Your Demonic heritage has given you superior athletic abilities. Starting at 8th level, you are considered proficient with the Athletics skill. If you already are proficient in it, double your proficiency modifier. You are also considered to be constantly under the effects of the Jump spell, and for 2 Demonic Flame points, you can increase the multiplier from three times to six times your normal jump height. This can be done a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier per long rest.

Demonic Recuperation[edit]

At 9th level thanks to the unholy blood flowing through your veins, your body recovers faster then most. For the cost of 2 Demonic Flame Points, you gain hit points equal to 2d10 + Constitution modifier per points spent. You can use this feature up to 3 times. This is halted for one turn if you are hit with an attack that deals Radiant damage, such as a Cleric's Guiding Bolt. Additionally, you can use this feature to recover any lost limbs, at the cost of 1 HD per limb. This can't be used again until you complete a long rest. This is done as a bonus action.

Satan Slash[edit]

At 10th level you focus all your power on your Demon Weapon and unleash a terrifying attack. At the cost of 6 Demonic Flame Points, you can engulf your Demon Weapon in flames and add 5d8 Fire damage in addition to the Weapon's normal damage. This damage ignores resistances, but not immunities, to fire damage. This can be done once per long rest.

Improved Demon Sight[edit]

At the 10th level your control over your demonic power becomes more proficient, your darkvision increases by 60ft and you can now see even through magical darkness.

Spectral Awareness[edit]

At 11th level you become proficient in Perception rolls. Additionally you can spend 1 Demonic Flame Point to gain advantage in a perception check.

Satan Bomb[edit]

At 14th level, as you continue to grow, so does your mastery over your demonic power. At 14th level, with the cost of 2 Demonic Flame Points per-blast, you focus your flames into your Demon Weapon, as you pierce the ground you produce a series of explosions per point spent. The Satan Bomb has a range of 60 feet. Anyone caught in the explosion must make a Dexterity Saving throw against your spell save DC or take 8d8 Fire damage on a failed save, and half as much on a successful one. The blast radius for each explosion is 10 feet. You cannot stack Satan Bomb on enemies; the explosions must be 15 feet apart. This can be done once per long rest.

Improved Demonic Recuperation[edit]

At 15th level, your demonic power and body have synced and strengthened, your Demonic Recuperation has increased to 3d12 per point and can use it an amount of times equal to your Wisdom modifier per long rest.

Satan Incarnate[edit]

At 20th level you have reached the height of your Demonic Power. At 20th level, you now gain Truesight out to 120 feet and can use an action to temporarily let your Demonic Power run wild. You transform for one minute, giving the following benefits:

  • Grow wings of flame from your back, granting you a fly speed of 60 feet.
  • Gain resistance to piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning from non-silvered weapons
  • Can use Satan Slash an amount of times equal to your Wisdom modifier
  • Satan Slash now treats immunities to fire damage as resistance
  • Can use any feature for half the normal Demonic Flame Point cost (rounded up)

When this form expires, you gain 3 levels of exhaustion as the act of drawing out that much demonic magic tapped your inner life force. This form can only be used once per day.

Path of the Blue Flame[edit]

A Satan Spawn that chooses the path of the Blue Flame are often those who prefer to charge into battle, wielding their demonic power up front and personal. If chosen your demonic flames become blue permanently unless specified.

Rage of the Damned

At 3rd level your anger taps into new depths of your sealed power. You can now spend Demonic Flame Points to gain these effects in combat and last until combat has ended. You can use 2 Rage of the Damned effects at a time, each of which lasts for 1 minute.

  • Enraged Damage:

At the cost of 2 demonic flame points, you can also reroll any damage roll choosing whichever is higher. You can only do this once per round.

  • Enraged Attacks:

At the cost of 2 demonic flame points, you can use your bonus action to make an off hand attack with your weapon.

  • Enraged Speed:

At the cost of 2 demonic flame points, you can now dash using a bonus action.

  • Enraged Strength:

At the cost of 1 demonic flame points, your unarmed strikes now deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage and 1d4 fire damage.

  • Enraged Barrage:

At the cost of 2 demonic flame points, you push past your limit and take one additional action on your turn. This can be done once per short rest.

Demonic Frenzy

At 6th level you can now tap into your demonic rage and trigger a demonic frenzy, your blue flames burn bright and your features take more of a demonic look. You can only achieve this form if you're below half health, at the cost of all your demonic flame points you go into a blind rage and gain all effects from Rage of the Damned. While in your frenzy you have disadvantage on all Wisdom rolls and must make a DC 10 Constitution save at the start of every turn, on a failed save you lose Frenzy and gain a level of exhaustion.

Unholy Might

At 11th level your attacks are titanic, and can cause massive damage. When you roll to attack, a roll of 18-20 is considered critical.

Hell's Rage

At 17th level you learn to control your anger and wield the power of your blue flames. You can now go into frenzy for half your demonic flame points and no longer required to make constitution checks, you do not suffer any levels of exhaustion once combat has completed. You cannot use Demonic Frenzy and Satan Incarnate together.

Path of the Red Flame[edit]

A Satan Spawn who chooses the path of the Red Flames are those who prioritize their demonic magical capabilities rather then relying on their strength alone. If chosen your demonic flames become a crimson red permanently unless specified.

Magic of the Damned

At 3rd level your focus and training has unlocked your demonic magic's potential. From now on you you gain access to a full spell table and spells from the Sorcerer spell list.

Dark Restoration

At 6th level you have learned how to use your Demonic power to regain some of your spell slots. During a short rest, you can meditate on your power to recover a number of spell slots equal to half your level, rounded down. If you are 11th level for instance, you can only recover 5 spell slots. The max spell slot that you can recover can't be above 5th.

Demonic Will

Due to your knowledge and practice, you have gained great power over your magic. Starting at 11th level, whenever you cast a spell that forces enemies to make a saving throw, you can spend 3 Demonic Flame Points to make them roll at disadvantage. Alternatively, if you cast a spell that has an area of affect (such as Sleep), you can choose to spend 2 Demonic Flame Points per person to give allies advantage against it. You can use this a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier per long rest

Hellish Mysticism

At 17th level, your mastery over your Demonic magic has grown exponentially. Pick 2 1st level spells and 1 2nd level spell that you already know. You may cast the first level spells at first level at will, without expanding a spell slot or material components. To use them at a higher level, you must still follow the normal spellcasting rules. You may cast the 2nd level spell that you chose as a 2nd level spell at will a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier per long rest. To cast higher then a 2nd level spell, or to cast it more often, you must follow normal spellcasting rules.

Path of the Green Flame[edit]

Those who walk the path of the Green Flame rely more on the bond that they have formed with a familiar than combat or magic. If the Path of the Blue Flame is akin to Barbarians, and Path of the Red Flame is akin to Sorcerers, then the Path of the Green Flame is akin to that of a Ranger and their animal companion. If chosen your demonic flames become an emerald green permanently unless specified.

Nature of the Damned

You make a contract with a demonic familiar that accompanies you on your adventures and adopts your demonic green flames. Choose a beast that is any size and has a challenge rating of 3 or lower. Your companion's form is altered to a Small version of the the chosen creature with a AC of 10 and half it's original hit points. As the Familiar's bonus action, it can transform into the regular form for 1d4 minutes and can only transform a limited amount of times as shown on the Path of the Green Flame table below. It can only attack when in it's larger form. The Familiar adds your proficiency bonus to the its AC, attack rolls and damage rolls, as well as to any saving throws and skills it is proficient in. You can add your proficiency saving throws to your chosen beast. In addition each time you level up, the familiar can roll 1d10 + Constitution modifier to add to its Hit Points or take the average (6) + Constitution modifier, same as the Satan Spawn.

Your companion acts independently of you, but will obey your commands best to its ability. In combat it rolls its own initiative and acts on its own turn. While your demonic familiar is within 30 feet of you can communicate using Demonic Communication. It also has an Intelligence score of 10 (unless it is already higher then 10) and can respond telepathically, but it cannot speak aloud. You can't have more than one demonic familiar at a time. Although the demonic familiar is infused with your demonic power, it is still a living animal, it rolls death save throws when its health reaches 0, upon failing the companion dies. It can be revived just as a character can be. If your demonic familiar dies you may spend 8 hours magically creating a demonic contract with another beast. However, this new familiar can be a challenge rating equal to half your proficiency bonus, rounded up.

Demonic Familiar Table
Satan Spawn Level Feature Transformation
3rd Contract 1
4th Ability Score Increase 1
5th Extra Attack 2
6th Demonic Flame Infusion 2
7th Ability Score Improvement 2
8th 3
9th Flame Bond 3
10th Ability Score Improvement 3
11th Extra Attack (2) 4
12th 4
13th Ability Score Improvement 4
14th Demon Sense 4
15th 4
16th Ability Score Improvement 5
17th 5
18th 5
19th Ability Score Improvement 5
20th Ever Lasting Form
Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level and again at 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, and the 19th level, the demonic familiar can increase one of their ability scores by 2, or two ability scores by 1. The beast can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, your demonic familiar can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the attack action on its turn. The number of attacks increase to three when the Satan Spawn reaches level 11.

Demonic Flame Infusion

At 6th level, the bond between the Satan Spawn and demonic familiar's bond grows beyond any normal friendship. On your turn the bond has become so strong that the beast is now coated in the same green flame as the Satan Spawn, this allows the companion to borrow and spend the Satan Spawn's demonic flame points to cast its own special abilities. You learn a special ability of your choice and again at the 11th and 16th level. See below for a list of special abilities.

Flame Bond

At 9th level, whenever you or your companion takes damage, you can halve the damage and split it between the Satan Spawn and Demonic Familiar.

Demon Sense

At 14th level, the Satan Spawn can use the spell Beast Sense at will on their demonic familiar and maintain the spell as long as the familiar remains with 100 feet of the Satan Spawn.

Ever Lasting Form

At 20th level, the power between you and your demonic familiar has grown at an exponential rate. The familiar can now transform and retain its Larger form without any limits.

Special Abilities[edit]

As your demonic familiar reaches level 6 and again at the 11th and 16th level it gains one of the abilities listed below. These abilities come with the cost of the Satan Spawn's demonic flame points, the special abilities can be changed whenever the Satan Spawn gains a new level, but they are otherwise set. Some abilities may require that the companion have a specific base form or the Satan Spawn be of a specific level before they can be chosen.

Level 6 Abilities[edit]

Demonic Combat [Cost: 1]: Whenever the familiar makes a successful melee weapon attack, it can expend one Demonic Flame Point and attempt to trip the target. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw against a DC of 8+ the familiars Strength or Dexterirty modifier+the familiars proficiency modifier. If the target fails, they are knocked prone. This ability works on creatures of a size equal to or smaller then the familiar.

Demonic Flame [Cost: 1]: The familiar has bared witness to your power and with time has learned to mimic it. You can spend 1 or more Demonic Flame points to add 1d6 Fire damage to its next attack per point spent, to a maximum of your Wisdom modifier.

Demonic Presence [Cost: 3]: The familiar becomes unsettling to its foes, gaining the Demonic Presence ability. The familiar can activate with the cost of 3 Demonic Flame points, the use of this ability takes its Attack action. Opponents within 30 feet of the familiar must make a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened. The DC of this save is equal to 8 + proficiency bonus + the your Wisdom modifier.

Level 11 Abilities[edit]

Breath Weapon [Cost: 6]: The familiar taps into the demonic flame and learns to exhale a cone or line of green fire. The familiar can breathe a 30-foot cone or 60-foot line that deals 1d6 points of damage per level of the Satan Spawn. Those caught in the flames can attempt a Dexterity saving throw for half damage. The DC is equal to 8+ proficiency bonus + familiars constitution modifier. By spending 2 more Demonic Flame points, the damage will ignore resistance and treat immunities as resistances. Once you use your breath weapon you must recharge before using it again, roll a 1d6 at the start of your turn, 4-6 will recharge your ability.

Moonlight [Cost: 5]: Moonlight shines directly on you and radiates with a radius of 30 feet. Every creature you choose within range heals 3d10+ your wisdom modifier hit points.

Spell Share [Cost: 2-8]: The familiar gains the ability to cast spells known by the Satan Spawn. The cost of spells are as follows, 1st Level 2 Demonic Flame points, 2nd level 4 Demonic Spell points, 3rd level 6 Demonic Flame points and 4th level 8 demonic flame points.

Level 16 Abilities[edit]

Demonic Resistance [Cost: 7]: The familiar is protected against magic, gaining spell resistance. It has advantage on saving throws against magical effects, this lasts up to 1 hour. This spell resistance does not apply to spells cast by the Satan Spawn.

Demon Gate [Cost: 6]: The familiar creates a hellish looking gate. This gate is 10 feet tall and 8 feet wide. This gate functions as the Teleport spell. This can only be done once per long rest. The familiar must have a Wisdom score of at least 14 to take this ability.

Together as One [Cost: 8]: As an action, the Satan Spawn can touch their Familiar and the two can merge forms. This transformation includes all of the Satan Spawn's gear. While merged in this way, the Satan Spawn is protected from harm and cannot be the target of spells of effects. All effects and spells currently targeting the Satan Spawn are suspended until the Satan Spawn emerges from the Familiar. While merged, abilities that cost Demonic Flame Points are halved for the duration.

The Satan Spawn can cast spells while inside the Familiar by taking control of the Familiar for the duration of the casting. Any material components used for these spells are taken from the summoner's gear, even though they are otherwise inaccessible. The Satan Spawn can direct all of the Familiar's actions while merged, can perccieve through is senses, and can speak through its voice.

A Satan Spawn can end this effect at any time as a bonus action. The Familiar emerges in a square adjacent to the Satan Spawn if available in its small form. If the Familiar is forced into its small form or can no longer stay within its base form, the Satan Spawn is immediately ejected, taking 4d6 points of force damage and is stunned for 1 minute.

Spell List[edit]

You know all of the spells on the basic spell list and additional spells based on your archetype. The color of any fire based spell you produce is the same as your archetype. You can also learn any spell that is not on this list as long as it creates, manipulates, or otherwise asserts control over fire and only if you have the spell slot for it.

1st Level

Burning Hands, Chromatic Orb (Can only be fire), Hellish Rebuke, Flash Sweat (Homebrew), Absorb Elements, Longstrider, Comprehend Languages, Disguise Self, Charm Person, "Command", "Chaos Orb" (Can only be fire)(Homebrew), "Fire Whip" (Homebrew),

2nd Level

Fiend Fire (homebrew), Flaming Sphere, Continual Flame, Scorching Ray, Heat Metal, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Enhance Ability, Knock, Enlarge/Reduce, Alter Self, Bound Weapon (homebrew), Suggestion, Spider Climb, Darkness, Flame Blade, Mirror Image, Flame Spiral (Homebrew),

3rd Level

Fireball, Lingering Flame, Pit of Flame (homebrew), Spirit Guardians, Protection from Energy, Haste, Animate Dead, Dispel Magic, Fear, Vampiric Touch, Clairvoyance, Melf's Minute Meteors, Bestow Curse, Remove Curse

4th Level

Conjure Minor Elementals (can only summon fire elementals), Wall of Fire, Sacrificial Summons (homebrew), Elemental Bane, Animate Flame (found in the (Not Really) Complete Tome of Spells), Dimension Door, Dominate Beast, Fire Shield, Fabricate

5th Level

Raise Dead, Conjure Elemental (can only be fire elementals), Geas, Dominate Person, Creation, Telekinesis, Immolation, Seeming, Modify Memory, Teleportation Circle, Animate Objects, Reincarnate, Permanency (homebrew), Chromatic Explosion (homebrew, fire only), Durnash's Flames (homebrew), Fallen Meteor (homebrew)


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Satan Spawn class, you must meet these prerequisites: you must have made some kind of deal with a Demon to be granted power, or be discovered to have been descended from a powerful Demon, such as one of the Demon Princes.

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Satan Spawn class, you gain the following proficiencies: 2 from Athletics, Perception, Arcana, Investigation, History, Survival, Religion, or Deception. You also gain proficiency in 1 martial weapon, which then becomes your Demon Weapon.

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