Gunmen Pilot Variant (5e Class)
Gunmen Pilot[edit]
mech pilots from tengen toppa gurren lagann
Creating a Gunmen Pilot[edit]
When making a Gunman Pilot, think about what village you came from, whether you came from underground or from the surface and how long you have been there and what village you were a part of on the surface or are you from before the catastrophe that "Ended the world"?
- Quick Build
You can make a gunmen pilot quickly by following these suggestions. First, charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by constitution.
Class Features
As a Gunmen pilot you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Gunmen pilot level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Gunmen pilot level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: nothing
Weapons: Simple Melee and Martial Melee Weapons, gunfire weapons or simple range and martial range weapons.
Tools: Smith’s tools, Tinker's tools
Saving Throws: charisma and constitution
Skills: Any three
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) Commoner clothes or or (b) Ragged Clothes
- (a) One Martial Weapon or or (b) Two Simple Weapons
- A drill necklace
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features |
1st | +2 | Spiral power and Fighting spirit, Unarmored Defense, Don't underestimate me, who the hell do you think I am? |
2nd | +2 | Gundem |
3rd | +2 | Gunmen control, Spiral Destiny |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement, Spiral Upgrades |
5th | +3 | Spiral Determination willpower |
6th | +3 | spiral destiny, gunmen drill |
7th | +3 | Extra Attack |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement, Spiral Upgrades |
9th | +4 | "This is the real spirit of men!" Cannonball |
10th | +4 | spiral destiny, Gunmen evolution |
11th | +4 | spiral weapon |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement, Spiral Upgrades, “our journey will reach heaven, wherever it is” |
13th | +5 | “this is my drill” |
14th | +5 | "Manly Combining!", Gunmen evolution |
15th | +5 | spiral destiny spiral weapon |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement, Spiral Upgrades |
17th | +6 | GIGA... DRILL... MMAXIMUMM!!! |
18th | +6 | spiral destiny |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement, Spiral Upgrades |
20th | +6 | “the drill is my soul” |
Spiral power and Fighting spirit[edit]
Beginning at 1rd level two powerful energy start to manifest in you- first your fighting spirit, your survival instinct, what gives you strength not to give up, which is calculated as your constitution score + your proficiency bonus. and second your spiral power, your reproductive instinct, what allows you to evolve and become stronger, which is calculated as your charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus. These two statistics will be fundamental for almost all the features of this class
Unarmored Defense[edit]
Beginning at 1rd level, while not wearing armor your AC equals 10 + charisma Modifier + constitution Modifier. This is not removed while using shields.
Don't underestimate me, who the hell do you think I am?[edit]
Beginning at 1rd level, in your turn, you can use a bonus action to heal yourself with a 1d4 for every point of spiral power you have, this healing can be applied in yourself or in your gunmen. After doing this action you will not be able to do it again until you take a short rest.
Beginning at 2rd level, your spiral power and your fighting spirit manifests in a gunmen, you character hears a voice that calls him and gets a medium size gunmen (or a size equal to yours if you are a larger creature) You can enter inside the mecha which has the following characteristics
- At all times you know psychically where exactly your gunmen is.
- Only you can make the gunmen do actions, being inside them
- entering the gunmen costs a move action
- When you are inside the gunmen you can choose at any time to close or open it to allow other creatures to enter.
- Up to 3 medium size creatures and one tiny size creature can enter to your gunmen (although if there are 3 medium size or more creatures in the gunmen it has disadvantage in atack rolls)
- If the gunmen is closed, a creature can make a Strength check against your Constitution save to open it, in which case it will remain open until your next turn.
- Although the gunmen counts as medium size, they count as a larger size when taking actions to move it, carry it or anything related to its weight.
- has temporary hit points equal to half your maximum hit points + your fighting spirit + your spiral power
- All damage taken by the gunmen is applied to you, although your Hit points cannot drop below one-third because of this.
- It has a 1 of damage threshold equal for every 4 point of fighting spirit.
- The gunmen has a movement speed equal to your own, but will sink to the bottom of a body of water if submerged, so be careful, it is not waterproof at all, it will fill to the brim with water within a round!
- The AC of the base equal to you fighting spirit -4 and cannot exceed 20 on its own (if it can with upgrades and equipment)
- The gunmen can attack with its own fists, which deal 1d8 Bludgeoning.
- Their attacks have no Proficiency, however, they have a bonus equal to half your spiral power, and this bonus cannot be less than your proficiency bonus.
- Their level is the same as yours, although this only affects the proficiency bonus
- Your gunmen's abilities are the same as yours, except for strength, dexterity and constitution, which add half of your spiral power, although they have a maximum of 20.
- The gunmen in general is not a living creature, however it runs on life energy, so it is not an object either. It is immune to the Frightened, Deafened, Exhaustion, Poisoned, Unconscious and Charmed conditions, however, if you are inside *of it, you have advantage against all conditions listed above except Unconscious. If you already have any of these altered states, the gunmen will be affected in the same way.
- It is immune to Psychic damage, so you take it instead.
- You may exit it as a free action.
- When your gunmen's temporary Hit points reaches 0, they will break down and will be unable to move, until you take a short rest after which they will recover all their temporary Hit points.
Gunmen control[edit]
At your level 3 you gain more control of your gunmen and they gain the following characteristics.
- Your gunmen can use your standard action to run, jump, or fly three times as much as you would normally run (normally this action travels up to 180 feet, but your running speed or your gunmen's speed increases the speed of this action as well) . Although you can fly doing this, you are not able to fly or maintain flight without spending a standard action.
- You can spend an additional action to call your gunmen and have them come towards you, it will take a number of turns depending on the gunmen's speed and the distance between them, (the gunmen's speed is their movement speed plus their running speed every 6 seconds unless you have other movement actions)
Spiral Destiny[edit]
At 3rd level, you chose a Spiral Destiny. Choose between the subclasses listed below, detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at level 3 and again at level 6, 10, 15 and 18.
Spiral Upgrades[edit]
you gain a spiral improvement, which are listed at the bottom of the class.
Spiral Determination[edit]
At level 5, your eyes begin to glow a glistening green, or red if you are the and you may access a way of determination that raises your power to the limit! As a free action, you may gain advantage for free on your turn when making an attack. You can use this feature an amount of times equal to half of your spiral power. This feature can be used several times per turn, depending on the amount of attacks you have. Every attack you use at advantage uses up one use of this feature. Uses of this feature refuel after a Short Rest.
Starting at level 5, your willpower can overcome any fear or insecurity. When you are going to make a wisdom saving throw against fear, charm, or hypnosis, you can instead make a constitution saving throw.
gunmen drill[edit]
At level 6 you are able to bring out the full potential of your gunmen, gaining the following characteristics
- You can transform any part of your gunmen's body into a drill allowing them to dig into dirt and stone at half their movement speed.
- You can spend a bonus action before making an attack to transform your fists into drills, increasing your attack by +1 for every 3 points of spiral power in your attack and increasing it by 1d4 additional damage for every 2 points of spiral power you have. In addition to transforming your damage into piercing, you can only activate this ability once per turn.
Extra Attack[edit]
Beginning at 7th level whenever you take the Attack action on your turn you can attack twice, instead of once.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Spiral Upgrades[edit]
you gain a spiral improvement, which are listed at the bottom of the class.
"This is the real spirit of men!" Cannonball[edit]
Starting at 9th level, when you take your jump or fly action you can spend your entire turn on a move attack. in a straight line movement that can travel the same distance as your jump action, when you collide with an enemy who is at least 20 feet from your starting position. You can deal damage equal to twice the attack dice with your weapon or unarmed plus the added damage of the drill attack, you can pass through earth, stone and steel, although each of these will count as twice as many feet to travel as it occupies ( unless you can dig faster than half your movement), also, this attack can affect multiple enemies if they are in the same straight line, passing through an enemy will count as twice as many feet to travel as it occupies and to be able to Attacking an enemy you must be able to completely pass through them until you end up within 5 feet of them.
Gunmen evolution[edit]
At level 10 your spiral power and fighting spirit reach such a point that your gundem evolves, now while using your gunmen you can take a free action to make a larger version of your mecha appear that gains the following additional characteristics to those it already has the original gunmen.
- The gunmen is now large size (or one size larger than the original gunmen) occupying a space of 10 feet x 10 feet
- Now it becomes impossible to open the gundam against your will
- Your gunmen gain an additional amount of temporal hit point equal to twice your fighting spirit while you have this transformation; this bonus only activates once per short rest.
- Your character will no longer receive the same damage as the gunmen after half their Hit points.
- Gunmen's speed increases by 10 feet from normal speed
- The gunmen's fist attack becomes 1d10
- your drill attacks become magic piercing.
- Your gunmen's strength, dexterity and constitution stats are now equal to those stats of your character plus half of your spiral power, having a maximum of 22 in each ability.
- When the temporary hit points of your gunmen reach 0, it is destroyed and leaves the original gunmen, which starts to have an amount of temporary Hit points equal to your fighting spirit (or less if you had less before transforming) after this it does not You will be able to use this evolution again until a long rest.
- You can untransform your gunmen at any time as a free action,
spiral weapon[edit]
Starting at level 11, when your gunmen is evolved, you can manifest a weapon from your will (they become 2 at level 15). Choose a non-magical weapon to be your spiral weapon. In addition to all the characteristics of the weapon, it also becomes large and therefore increases its damage die by one level (if it has 1d10 it goes to 1d12, if it has 1d12 it goes to 2d8 , etc...), if it is a ranged weapon it gains an additional +10 feet of range. You can choose a shield instead of a weapon. The chosen weapon or shield can also benefit from the gunmen drill attribute. you have proficiency with the weapon you have summoned (the latter can be discussed with the master)
Spiral Upgrades[edit]
you gain a spiral improvement, which are listed at the bottom of the class.
“our journey will reach heaven, wherever it is”[edit]
Starting at level 12 your gundem becomes capable of flying at the same speed as your movement speed even underwater, in addition to that while your gunmen is evolved it completely isolates you, allowing anyone inside to be without the need for oxygen.
“this is my drill”[edit]
when you are about to attack, you can transform your attack into a magical piercing attack that uses your charisma as an attack ability and deals 1d8 damage for each point of spiral power and has no damage bonus, you can activate this ability even if you do not use your gunmen Once this ability is activated you cannot use it again until 24 hours have passed and you have taken a long rest.
"Manly Combining!"[edit]
Continuing at level 10, your soul has begun to merge with your drill necklace, and it gives a powerful idea. You're gonna combine!... but with what? When you find a creature of the Construct typing and a size equal to or larger than yours, you can contest a spíral power check vs Constitution saving throw with you original gunmen or take over the creature's body. You gain disadvantage in this save if the creature is gargantua. When a creature has been taken over, you now control the creature through the Gunmen. In addition, immunities from the creature's sheet are turned into resistances. The creature gains these benefits: (It is advised to create a separate sheet for this, as it is another creature, and you somewhat are just upgrading it.)
Physical Attributes
Armor Class: Take the Construct's
Hit Points: Take the Construct's + your fighting spirit
Speed: Take the Construct's
Size: Take the Construct's
abilities Strength: Add +2 to Construct's already existing stat.
Dexterity: Add +2 to Construct's already existing stat.
Constitution: Add +2 to Construct's already existing stat.
Intelligence: Take the Construct's
Wisdom: Take the Construct's
Charisma: Take the Construct's
Saving Throws
Take the Construct's and add to it strength, dexterity and constitution
Damage Vulnerabilities
Take the Constructs
Damage Resistances
Take the Construct's
Damage Immunities
All turned into resistances, but stay the same as the Construct's.
Condition Immunities
Take from Gunman's
Take the Construct's, but add the same sights you have.
Take your own.
Both from you and the Construct's
Both from you and the Construct's
Legendary Action
Take the Construct's Heavily up to DM's transgression.
Your spiral weapons have a damage that depends on their size, if the construct is large, they act like those of the first evolution, if it is huge it takes the weapons of the second evolution, and if it is a larger size it increases one level of damage to the weapons of the second evolution by size above huge.
However, if you come in contact with another mech user you may also combine with them and act on the same turn, acting similarly to “Twin Headed Gunman” but if you contact with another Gunman Pilot In addition to that, obtain the following benefits.
- Not only do they fuse their original gunmen but they can also access their evolutions
- The size of the fusion is one size larger than the largest gundem of the 2, this also affects the weapons. If you cannot increase more categories of size, the fusion increases the squares it occupies by 5X5, your weapon increases one level of damage, your melee attack range increases by 5 feet, and your speed and ranged weapon attack range increases by 10 feet.
- You can access each user's spiral weapons.
- You get all the spiral upgreads from the original gunmen, however these cannot be stacked if they both have the same spiral upgread.
- The temporary Hit points points of the fusion are the result of the sum of the Hit points of both gunmen in the evolutions they use
- The strength, dexterity and constitution abilities become equal to the same ability but for the player within the fusion who has the highest said ability +2, this sum ignores any limit.
- The spiral power and fighting spirit of the fusion becomes the sum of the spiral power of both
- actions that can only be done once per rest are spent on both
- When the Hit points of the fusion reaches 0 the two defuse and both act as if they had lost their first evolution. After that they will not be able to fuse again until a long rest.
- At level 20 you can not only fuse with another gunmen pilot but you can do so with an unlimited number of them.
This last fusion mechanic must be discussed with the master before being integrated into the game, and he can perfectly modify, adjust or delete any aspect of this rule if he sees fit.
Gunmen evolution[edit]
Starting at level 14 you are able to obtain a new evolution above the previous one, while you evolve your gunmen you can make an even larger version of the evolution of your gunmen that gains the following additional characteristics to those that the original gunmen already has and its evolution
- The gunmen are now huge in size (or one size larger than the first evolution of your gunmen) occupying a space of 15 feet x 15 feet
- The additional Hit points bonus from the first evolution can also be applied to this one.
- Your character no longer receives the damage that the gunmen receive
- Your Gunman gains resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing.
- It has a damage reduction equal to it's threshold, however only acts after receiving damage.
- Gunmen's speed increases by 10 feet from normal speed
- The gunmen's fist attack becomes 2d8
- All your weapons increase their damage by one level (if it was 1d10 it goes to 1d12, if it is 2d8 it goes to 1d20 etc...)
- You gain proficiency on Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity saving throws.
- When the temporary Hit points of your gunmen reaches 0, it is destroyed and leaves the previous transformation, which begins to have an amount of temporary Hit points equal to your fighting spirit (or less if you had less before transforming) after this you will not be able to return. to use this evolution until a long rest.
- You can untransform your gunmen at any time as a free action.
Spiral Upgrades[edit]
you gain a spiral improvement, which are listed at the bottom of the class.
You channel together Spiral Power all around your body, getting ready for the perfect counter attack! once per long break, For a full action to begin readying an offensive defensive onslaught. Your Gunman is covered in a large amount of huge drills that surround its body. During this time your Gunman is considered Petrified for 2 turns. Once the 2 turns are up, all damage sustained is redirected into a big attack with a radius of 60 ft around you in a circle, as a giant explosion erupts from your Gunman. Every creature within a 60 ft radius of you must make a DC 26 Dexterity saving throw or take all damage you have suffered in piercing damage, half on a success This attack and it's damage cannot be reduced, evaded, avoided or neglected in any way.
Spiral Upgrades[edit]
you gain a spiral improvement, which are listed at the bottom of the class.
“the drill is my soul”[edit]
Upon reaching level 20, your will power, your soul, and your destiny have all become an intertwining spiral. Through the friends you've met and enemies you've encountered, you have come a long way leading to this point. but now, the drill of your soul is capable of piercing the heavens. When making your drill attack your attack bonus becomes +1 for every 2 points of spiral power and you now have one damage die for each point of spiral power and you can make this attack even if you are outside your gunmen , and when using “this is my drill” you double the attack bonus, the number of damage dice and the damage dice become 1d10 and nowm if the attack was successful, his damage cannot be reduced, evaded, avoided or neglected in any way.
Spiral Destiny[edit]
At 3 level, you chose a Spiral Destiny. Choose between The Destiny of the Digger and Spiral Upgrades, both detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at level 3 and again at 6, 10, 15 and 18.
The Destiny of the Digger[edit]
You are one who has lived your life under your village's influences, obsessed with digging holes to grow the size of your village with no question about it, no clear reason other than your ancestors did it before you, nothing more and nothing less, almost as if you were a puppet, bound to a string. One day, something popped into your head, something came clear, it was the idea that you were doing all this for no reason at all, and you felt like you were a person that could do more than just dig.
- Digger's Dirty Nose
Starting at level 3 you get the first benefit of “gunmen drill”
- You can transform any part of your gunmen's body into a drill allowing them to dig into dirt and stone at half their movement speed.
however, you dig at the same speed that your movement speed. and you can also dig in every non magical metal.
- “Your cowardice is what will save my life at some point.”
Starting at level 6 you know that escaping from a fight is the best way to face it, from now on you can use a bonus or movement action to quickly create a bunker on the floor with your drill that gives you three quarters cover, this action does not causes attack of opportunity. Additionally, if you did not spend your move action on your previous turn and an ally within 15 feet is about to receive a melee attack, you can as a reaction action make a dexterity save against the enemy's attack to grab your ally and move him away. him and you 30 feet from the enemy by negating the enemy's damage (or halving it for the 2 if it cannot be denied), moving out of an enemy's melee range during this action does not cause an attack of opportunity.
- “a drill, a very good weapon for you”
Starting at level 10, your gunmen's drill pierces more than anyone else's. When you make your "This is the real spirit of men! Cannonball” attack, you do not lose any extra movement when passing through structures or enemies. In addition, If you crash into any structure 10 x 10 feet (or 5 x 5 feet larger than your gunmen) or larger, you can spend 10 feet of movement to redirect the attack in any direction, even being able to attack a row of enemies twice, only you can redirect once per turn.
- “Just who the hell do you think we are!?”
Starting at level 15 you are no longer the cowardly little boy you were before, you have matured and thanks to everyone who surrounded you through thick and thin, once per short rest you can take a standard action to make a motivational speech, You make a Charisma check with a DC of 15, and if you succeed, all your allies gain a bonus equal to your Charisma to Attack and Damage, as well as becoming immune to Frightened and Exhaustion. for a number of turns equal to half of your spiral power. In addition to that you become immune to frightened.
- “We'll break through time and space!”
Starting at level 18 you know that your drill can pierce everything in its path. once per long rest, you can take your move action and your bonus action to pierce space, time, and dimensions, teleporting your gunmen and anyone inside to a location you want regardless of the distance they travel. if you have to go through magical structures or barriers or even if you are in another dimension, universe or plane. To do this you have to know the place and have been there without any roll. but if you don't know the place but there is a person or object that you knew personally in this place, you can make a roll of 1d20 + your spiral power with a CD of 25, If you fail this roll, nothing will happen and you can try again in a minute. You can also use a bonus action instead to teleport your gundem directly to where you are, without needing any roll, and entering it.
The Destiny of the Blood Brother[edit]
You were never one to take others for your leader, always a strong, independent lad or las who took no crap from anything or anyone! As much as you would love to admit how absolutely badass you are, you've been punished for your impudence on multiple occasions by your chieftain, but all that punishment and all those responsibilities will soon come to an end!
- “When they ask for the pinnacle of manhood, that's me.”
Starting at level 3, once per short rest in the middle of combat you can exit your gunmen and, as long as at least one enemy is able to see you, make an introduction of yourself, spending your entire turn giving advantage to any enemy that tries to attack you. if for your next turn you did not receive any damage you gain 2 spiral power until the end of the combat.
- "Believe in the my, who believes in you."
By using a bonus action, at level 6, you can inspire your teammates with very motivational words and they take it to heart. As a free action for one round, your selected ally gets a plus equal to your charisma to any one saving throw, check rolls, attack rolls and damage rolls. You can only inspire one teammate and a time, since it costs a bonus action to use.
- “believe in the you that believe in yourself”
At 10th level you really become a figure to follow, once per short rest you can spend a standard action on an ally within 5 feet to give them a motivating blow (literally) and that person gains advantage on all their attack rolls and temporary hit point equal to your fighting spirit, as well as becoming immune to the scared and tired state. for a number of turns equal to half your spiral power. In addition to that you become immune to the frightened state.
- “just who the hell… DO YOU THINK I AM!!!?”
Starting at level 15, once per short rest, when your hit points (or those of your gunman) reach 0, you can stand up next to your gunman in his first evolution, gaining both he and your character a number of temporary hit points equal to your fighting spirit + your spiral power, this temporary Hit points disappears as soon as the fight ends.
- “certain kill! giga… drill… BREAKER!!!”
Starting at level 18 if you find yourself under the states of “just who the hell… DO YOU THINK I AM!!!?” and your hit points are at 0, you can take an action that consumes your entire turn and deals piercing magic damage equal to your “this is my drill” attack plus one dice per spiral level. This attack and it's damage cannot be reduced, evaded, avoided or neglected in any way. After making this attack, you lose all of your temporary hit points and gain two death saving throw fails.
Spiral Upgrades[edit]
Spiral upgrades are feats that you may add onto your Gunman, and some to yourself! When taking these, you can extend your soul's power, and go far beyond the heavens! can be obtained every 4 levels or can be negotiated with the DM!
"It's a place for Manly Souls.”[edit]
You have grown very fond of your home and places you can call home! When in a place you have taken a minimum of 3 long rests in with no hostile presences nearby or in range to worry about, you gain a +2 to Wisdom and a +1 to Constitution.
"I can't just stand around while you get yourself killed!”[edit]
You have to make hard choices in the heat of battle! As a reaction when you pick up this feat, you may move half your movement speed to take the hit for an ally. Taking damage in this manner reduces the damage by 1d6 + your Constitution modifier.
Laser Finger Gunman[edit]
When taking this feat, your Gunman's fingers become equipped with tiny laser chambers! You gain the following benefits:
Little Laser Finger: Your Gunman can make an attack with an action to fire a tiny laser from one of it's fingers. The attack uses your Gunman's Dexterity and is proficient with it. The damage this attack deals is equal to your gunmen's fist damage dace + Your Gunmen's Dexterity mod Radiant Damage.
Buzz Off!: Your Gunman's fists can fire someone's away when grappling them. The opponent must make a DC 8 + Your Gunman's Strength mod + proficiency bonus saving throw when grapple or be let go and pushed 20 feet away
Big Arm Gunman[edit]
When taking this feat, your Gunman's arms become extremely large, large enough to hold it off the ground and can turn it's feet prehensile! You gain the following benefits:
Monkey Feet: Your Gunman's feet can only use light weapons to attack.
Upper Strength: Your Gunman gains a climbing speed equal to it's movement speed.
Spring Palms: Your Gunman can jump an additional 10 feet.
"Having eyes in front also let's you see the backs of the people walking ahead of you."[edit]
You can't help but never want to be left behind, and you'll do anything to not be! When you see an ally take the disengage or dash action, as a reaction you can move 15 feet to move with them. Moving in this way, you cannot be targeted for opportunity attacks, however this movement is subtracted from your movement in your next turn.
new generation gunmen[edit]
Your gunmen is a new modern model, it has far fewer weak points and is faster, but is considerably less robust.
Upgraded Jets: Your speed increases by 10 feet
Advanced Armor: You gain +2 AC
Refined Gunmen: your gunmen have a -2 to their maximum strength (although they cannot go below 20)
Twin Headed Gunman[edit]
Prerequisites: 8th Level Gunman Pilot
When taking this feat, your Gunman gains two heads instead of one, and rocket powered fits on chains to boot! You gain the following benefits:
Duel Decker: A player can hop inside you Gunman and help you control it, when two characters are inside for each attack or saving roll both players roll dice and keep the best result, similar to an advantage roll.
Ranged Rebel: The Gunman's unarmed strike range is increased by 15.
Fierce Shogun Gunman[edit]
Prerequisites: 8th Level Gunman Pilot, Gunman Melee Weapon
When taking this feat, your Gunman can take matters into its own hands with a longer range of it's weapon! You gain the following benefits:
Merit Slasher: Gunman's melee weapon range is increased by 10.
Ranged Rebel: You can increase your Gunman's melee weapon range by an additional 10 as a bonus action. This ends at the end of your turn.
Speed Dino Gunman[edit]
Prerequisites: 8th Level Gunman Pilot
When taking this feat, your Gunman's arms become smaller as the legs become bigger and it's head becomes larger with big sharp jaws! You gain the following benefits:
Mini Mits: Your Gunman's hands can only use light weapons to attack, but can hold weapons in it's mouth.
Crushing Chops: Your Gunman can make it's unarmed strikes with it's mouth and can grapple people. The opponent must make a DC 8 + Your Gunman's Dexterity mod + proficiency bonus saving throw or become grappled.
Quick Claws: Your Gunman can move an additional 10 feet and allies can ride on top of your Gunman.
Quad Arm Gunman[edit]
Prerequisites: 8th Level Gunman Pilot
When taking this feat, your Gunman gains an additional two arms that can be used to attack! You gain the following benefits:
Many Hand Firsthand: It can hold two additional light weapons or one additional heavy weapon. Being able to use two-handed weapons as duals.
Quick Draw: You can use your bonus action to make an unarmed attack with your gunmen that acts as a dual weapon attack.
Tank Head Gunman[edit]
Prerequisites: 8th Level Gunman Pilot, Gunman Ranged Weapon, 16 in Gunman Dexterity
When taking this feat, your Gunman integrates a ranged weapon into it's head for maximum advantage! You gain the following benefits:
Look! No hands!: It can hold a weapon while still having the ranged weapon on its head.
Bullet Brains: The ranged weapon on it's head can be used to make an extra attack or reload all shots as a bonus action.
Spiral Beam[edit]
Prerequisites: 12th Level Gunman Pilot
You are able to manifest your spiral power into a powerful beam, when you go to do your “this is my drill” ability you can instead replace it with a range piercing magic attack, similar, but that attacks with a range of a number of squares equal to your fighting spirit.
Prerequisites: To qualify for multiclassing into the Mech Pilot class, you must meet these prerequisites: 14 charisma, 14 constitution
Proficiencies: When you multiclass into the Mech Pilot class, you gain the following proficiencies: Simple weapons, marcial weapons, Smith’s tools and Tinker's tools.
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