Alchemist of Transmutation (5e Class)
Transmutation Alchemist
Transmutation alchemists are individuals capable of studying and practicing alchemy. As the craft of alchemy requires a full understanding of chemistry, physics and ancient alchemical theory, alchemists are closer to scientists than magicians, but the ability to perform alchemy is also tied to an inherent talent for manipulating matter and energy, so not all people can become competent alchemists merely by studying.
Creating an Alchemist
An alchemist is one who harnesses the elements to do his will. How did you learn alchemy? What are your specialties? Are you a fiery alchemist with a burning passion? Or a resolute alchemist with an earthy background? Do you make weapons out of your element? Or do you simply use it in powerful, explosive blasts? These are just some of the questions an alchemist should ask himself
- Quick Build
You can make a transmutation alchemist quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution and then Dexterity. Second, choose the guild artisan background. Third, choose equipment choice (a) leather armor, (b) any simple weapon, and then (a) explorer's pack.
Class Features
As a Transmutation Alchemist you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Transmutation Alchemist level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Transmutation Alchemist level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: light armor, medium armor, shields
Weapons: All simple weapons, One martial weapons of your choice
Tools: Alchemist's supplies
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence.
Skills: Choose three skills from Arcana, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Perception, Investigation, Nature, and Religion.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) Leather armor or (b) Hide armor
- (a) Any simple ranged weapon (and 20 Ammunition for it) or (b) Any martial ranged weapon if Proficient (and 20 Ammunition for it)
- (a) A wooden shield or (b) Any 2 simple melee weapon
- (a) Any simple melee weapon or (b) Any martial melee weapon if Proficient
- (a) A Explorer's pack and Alchemist Supplies or (b) A scholar's pack and Alchemist Supplies
Way of the Alchemist
As an alchemist, you gain a set of special features.
Transmutation Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Transmutation Attack Modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Alchemic Stamina You use alchemic stamina to fuel your transmutation circles. You must have the specified amount of alchemic stamina left to activate a Transmutation Circle. Your alchemist of transmutation level determines the amount of alchemic stamina you have, as shown in the Alchemic Stamina column of the alchemist of transmutation table. You regain expended alchemic stamina after finishing a short rest or long rest.
Transmutation Circle
Alchemists manifest their powers through the use of transmutation circles. To make a circle of a specific element requires the presence of the element within 60 feet of the circle. Using a circle is an action. Some circles can be further empowered by overloading it with extra alchemical stamina. Circles come in varying sizes. The size of the circle determines its base cost as well as its time to use.
Size | Base cost | Action to use |
Small | 0 - 2 | 1 Action |
Medium | 3 - 5 | 1 Action |
Large | 5 - 8 | 1 Action & 1 Bonus Action |
Special | Varies | Entire Turn |
Transmutation Circles All damage types unless otherwise stated for each element:
- Water: cold (water, snow)
- Earth: bludgeoning (rocks, sand, dirt)
- Fire: fire (flames)
- Air: slashing (wind, clouds)
- Electricity: lightning (lightning)
- Metal: piercing (metal)
- Organic: poison (vines, wood, plantlife)
Small Circles
Alchemist Weapon
Metal, Earth, Water (Ice), Organic Element
Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous (Permanent until Dispelled)
Base Stamina Cost: 1
An alchemist is never without a weapon, as long as he has his mind.
You create a weapon out of a chosen element that takes the shape of any weapon you are proficient in. You use your Intelligence modifier instead of Strength or Dexterity for attack rolls and damage. Ranged weapons made this way, ignore the loading action. The type of damage done is determined by the element used. Add an additional 1d6 to the base damage of the weapon at 5th Level, 2d6 at 11th Level, and 3d6 at 17th Level. (A Weapon made this way may be broken [and therefore dispelled] by the Mold Earth Cantrip.)
Any Element
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 0
You use your alchemic knowledge to do large repairs on an object.
You repair any big holes, cracks, blemishes, etc. on an object. You can restore magic to an item and only repair it form. You must use an appropriate element such as metal or fire for a weapon or even organic for wooden shield. You may restore mend an object with a separate element, not used to repair it normally, but -1 from what it would add to a minimum of 1 (ex. Your Longsword now does 1d8-1 Damage, you shield only gives +1 AC, etc.)
Water, Air, Organic Element
Range: Self (15 foot Line)
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 1
You shoot a whip out of your hand, wrapping your target in it.
You may attempt a grapple against a creature within range. At the end of each of its turns, the creature is pulled 5 feet towards you.
Overload: Increase the distance by an extra 5 feet for every 2 extra alchemical stamina points that you invest when activating this transmutation.
Metal, Earth Element
Range: 30 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 1
You cause the very ground underneath a creature to shoot up to 15 feet.
Any creature in the space affected must make a Dexterity saving throw, or receive 1d6 damage and be pushed 5 feet away. If the creature is flying, it is knocked prone instead.
Overload: You may increase the damage die by 1d6 for every 3 Alchemical Stamina, to a limit of 21 Total Alchemical Stamina (7d6 Extra).
Any Element
Range: 5 foot space within 30 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 2
You manipulate an element to move to a specified space.
You cause an element to move from one space to another. Any creature completely on top of, or inside of, the element moved is moved with it. The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
Overload: You may increase the area affected by 5 feet for every 4 extra alchemical stamina points that you invest when activating this transmutation. This may be used to a limit of 20 Alchemical Stamina (25 Feet Extra).
Air Element
Range: Self or Touch
Duration: Concentration up to 1 Minute
Base Stamina Cost: 0
You create a bubble of air.
The creature affected can breathe where, normally, they would not be able to.
Overload: Increase the number of creatures affected by 1 for every 2 extra alchemical stamina points that you invest when activating this transmutation.
Alchemical Ward
Any Element
Range: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 30 Seconds
Base Stamina Cost: 0
Nature's Fury means nothing to you.
The damage dealt to you by an element chosen is reduced by 1d6, this increases to 2d6 at 5th Level, 3d6 at 11th level, and 4d6 at 17th level
Overload: Increase the damage reduced by 1d4 for every 2 extra alchemical stamina points that you invest when activating this transmutation, to a limit of 20 Alchemical Stamina (10d4 Extra).
Alchemic Healing
‘’Organic Element’’
Range: Self or Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 1
You use alchemy to change the elements around a creature's injuries into that creature's cells. A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d4 + your Intelligence modifier.
Overload: The healing increases by 1d4, for every 3 alchemical stamina to a limit of 30 Alchemical Stamina (10d4 Extra).
Imitate Spell
Any Element
Range: As Spell
Duration As Spell
Base Stamina Cost Special
You can cast spells from the transmutation or evocation type by using points of alchemical stamina. At level 1 you can cast cantrips for 2 alchemical stamina, at level 2 you gain access to 1st level spells for 3 alchemical stamina, at level 5 you get access to 2nd level spells for 4 alchemical stamina, at 9th level you get access to 3rd level spells for 5 alchemical stamina, at 13th you get access to 4th level spells for 6 alchemical stamina, and at 17th level you get access to 5th level spells for 7 alchemical stamina. (Spells should be within Reason)
Infuse Magic
Any Element
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Base Stamina Cost Special
You gain access to this Small Circle Transmutation at 3rd level. The Alchemical Stamina which it cost to use 'Imitate Spell' is Doubled for 'Evocation' and 'Transmutation' Spells (The 'Necromancy' Spells, granted by the Living Puppet Subclass are Triple the cost of normally casting it). When doing this Transmutation Circle, you draw the 'Imitate Spell' Circle on the Object, before modifying the Circle to contain the spell within the object, this requires Alchemist Supplies' as well as a DC 15 Dex Check, or the Transmutation Circle Fails. You may only imbue two items this way, unless otherwise stated, this turns into three items at 7th level, and into four items at 11th level.
When it comes to the spell chosen, if it has multiple effects, only one may be chosen to be imbued into the item. When you attempt to add a new spell effect to that item if that item has already been imbued it will automatically fail, unless otherwise stated. Starting at 5th level, if the spell has multiple effects, it may be imbued into an item with two total effects from the spell. At 8th level, if the spell has mutliple effects, it may be imbued into an item with a total of three of its effects. An item that has been infused with magic may only be used once per day, this goes to twice per day at 6th level, three times per day at 10th level, four times per day at 15th level (The Spell imbued may be reused upon Dawn).
Medium Circles
Small Elemental Burst
Fire, Water, Electricity Element
Range: 5ft Cone
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 3
You shoot energy all around you.
Every creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw or receive 1d8 damage. A creature that passes its saving throw receives half damage.
Overload: Increase the damage dealt by 1d8 for every 2 extra alchemical stamina points that you invest when activating this transmutation, to a limit of 20 Alchemical Stamina (10d8 Extra).
Wind Press
Air Element
Range: Self (5ft Cube)
Duration: Concentration up to 30 Seconds
Base Stamina Cost: 3
You force air flow to shoot downwards all around you.
Each creature (other than you) in the affected area cannot breath and begins suffocating. Every creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone.
Overload: Increase the distance by an extra 5 feet for every 2 extra alchemical stamina points that you invest when activating this transmutation. This extends to a limit of 10 Alchemical Stamina (25 Feet Extra).
Percise Blast of Alchemy
Any Type
Range: 5 Foot Cone
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 3
You attack a creature with a precise blast of Alchemy. Make a ranged attack against a creature using your Transmutation Attack Modifier for the attack roll. On a hit, it deals 1d8 (Damage Type decided by Transmutation) + your Intelligence modifier.
Overload: The damage increases by 1d8, for every 3 alchemical stamina, extending to a limit of 27 Alchemical Stamina (9d8 Extra).
Large Elemental Burst
Any Type
Range: 20 Foot Cone
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 5
You attack a creature (Or multiple creatures) with a large blast of Alchemy. Creatures within the 20 foot cone must roll a (Fire Type: Dexterity; Water Type: Constitution; Earth Type: Constitution, Dexterity, or Strength; Air Type: Constitution or Dexterity; Electricity Type: Dexterity; Organic Type: Constitution or Dexterity) Saving Throw, or take 1d6 (Damage Type decided by Transmutation) + your Intelligence modifier.
Overload: The damage increases by 1d6, for every 2 alchemical stamina, to a maximum of 20 Alchemical Stamina (10d6 Extra).
Alchemic Armour
Air, or Earth Element
Range: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 30 Seconds (5 Turns)
Extra Stamina Cost: 4
You become resistant to two of these three types of damage: Piercing, Bludgeoning, or Slashing damage.
Large Circles
Air Walk
Air Element
Range: Self or Touch
Duration: Concentration up to 30 Seconds
Base Stamina Cost: 5
You cause the creature to feel lighter than air.
Increase the speed of the creature by 10 feet.
Overload: Increase the speed by an extra 5 feet for every 5 extra alchemical stamina points that you invest when activating this transmutation. The extends to a limit of 25 Alchemical Stamina (25 Feet Extra).
Organic Element
Range: Self (30 foot Line)
Duration: Concentration up to 30 Seconds
Base Stamina Cost: 6
Vines sprout up instantly tangling the creatures.
Every creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw or be restrained. On a successful save the creature is instead poisoned until the end of its next turn. The affected creatures can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turn to end the restrained condition.
Crumble Terrain
Metal, Earth Element
Range: Self (30 foot Cone)
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 6
You break the ground in front of you.
You make the area become difficult terrain.
Overload: Increase the area affected by an extra 10 feet for every 6 extra alchemical stamina points that you invest when activating this transmutation. To a limt of 12 Alchemical Stamina (20 Feet Extra).
Metal, Earth Element
Range: Self (30 foot Line)
Duration: Concentration up to 30 Seconds
Base Stamina Cost: 7
You cause the ground to encapsulate a creature.
Every creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw or be restrained. On a successful save the creature is knocked prone instead. The affected creatures can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turn to end the restrained condition.
Immense Wind Pressure
Air Element
Range: Self (15ft Cube)
Duration: Concentration up to 30 Seconds
Base Stamina Cost: 6
You force air flow to shoot downwards all around you.
Each creature (other than you) in the affected area cannot breath and begins suffocating. Every creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone.
Overload: Increase the distance by an extra 5 feet for every 3 extra alchemical stamina points that you invest when activating this transmutation. To a limit of 21 Alchemical Stamina (35 Feet Extra).
Elemental Ray
Any Element
Range: 40 foot line
Duration: instant
Base Stamina Cost: 8
You cause a ray of energy to shoot from your palms.
Creatures hit by this ray take 1d10 of the damage type of the element chosen. This damage increases to 2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 9, and 4d10 at level 17.
Overload: Increase the damage by 1d4 for every 4 extra alchemical stamina points that you invest when activating this transmutation.
Special Circles
Chimera Creation
Organic Element
Range: Touch
Duration: 24 Hours
Base Stamina Cost 25
You gain access to this transmutation at 13th level, and require a 'Philosopher's Stone' in order to do this Transmutation Circle. You may attempt to make your own chimera (You may only have 1 Chimera at a Time). The chimera appearance is determined by the DM and the Alchemist. You must have two living creatures touching the Transmutation Circle, and the two creatures combine. (A Chimera cannot be used to make another Chimera)
Each Ability Score of this Chimera is equal to one-half of the sum of the Ability Scores of the creatures. (Say one creature has 11 Intelligence, the other has 13. The Chimera has 12). The two creatures used are called components. Each component must have a CR less than, or equal to one fourth your level (Level 10-11th: CR 2; Level 12-15: CR 3; Level 16-19: CR 4; Level 20: CR 5). The resulting Chimera's hit points are equal the sum of its component parts. The size of this chimera is equal to the size of the largest creature used. The chimera has all of the natural weapons of its components (I.E. Bite, Tail, Claw, etc. This doesn't include things like Fire Breath). The creature can at maximum have one ability from each of it's components [I.E. damage resistances/immunities (If it gets one resistance/immunity it gets all, same goes for condition immunities and languages), condition immunities, languages, Frightful Presence, Fire Breath, etc.]. The Chimera is not proficient in any Saving Throws. The AC of the resulting Chimera is equal to half the sum of the two components' AC (Rounded Down) +1 (Say one had an AC of 13, the other had 15, the resulting AC would be (1/2) x (13+15) +1, which totals out to 15). Once the transmutation is over and the Chimera is made, it must roll an Intelligence Save against your Transmutation Save DC, on a failure, it becomes indefinitely charmed by you, and will follow your command, on a success, the creature becomes immediately hostile toward you.
The Chimera rolls its own initiative in combat and has it's own turn, but is controlled by the DM or the Alchemist. In order to make the creature do something, you must use your bonus action to command the creature, and on its turn, it must follow your command if it can.
Metal, Earth Element
Range: Self (35ft Cone)
Duration: Concentration up to 30 Seconds
Base Stamina Cost: 12
You cause the ground to form different forms of artillery all around you
You must be at least 10th level when performing this transmutation. The area within a 10ft line forms into three cannons (All cannons deal 3d12 damage and are inaccurate). From the side the canons are facing, every creature within a 35ft Cone must make a dexterity save or be hit with a cannonball. Creatures who make their save drop prone, and it is possible to have avoided the damage by already being prone.
Overload: Increase the width of the line of cannons and their distance by 5ft every 5 alchemical stamina that you invest when activating this transmutation. This may go to a limit of 15 Alchemical Stamina (15 Feet Extra).
Alchemical Origin
All alchemists draw their energy from a specific source. At 1st level, you choose a source to draw your alchemy from. Choose between Living Puppet, Tectonic, and Xing, detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at the 3rd level, and again at the 5th, and 9th levels.
Alchemical Study
At 2nd level, you gain Affinity to one of the following: Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Electricity, Metal, or Organic (Plants), this class feature is selected again at 5th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 20th level.
- Affinity Level You can pick the same Alchemical Study more than once thus allowing bonuses on transmutations with the element and lowering the base maintain DC when using the element. When first chosen the Affinity Level starts at Minor and increases with each time chosen.
- Minor - Add your transmutation attack modifier to the attack roll. (For the 'Alchemical Weapon' Transmutation, this is halved, and rounded up.)
- Lesser - Increase the base range by 50%.
- Moderate - Increase the base duration by 50%.
- Greater - Half the amount of Alchemic Stamina needed for the base Transmutation Circle cost rounded down.
- Perfect - Half the amount of Alchemic Stamina needed to Overload it rounded down.
Law of Equivalent Exchange
When you reach 2nd level, you may now use alchemy to transform anything excluding sentient beings to their base elements. Though in order for a transmutation to succeed, an equal or greater amount of the source material must be present to fuel the reaction. If enough of the source material is not present, however, the reaction fails. You can only manipulate (10 x Alchemist Level x Proficency Bonus) pounds.
You also gain access to an additional Transmutation Circle:
Manipulate Element
Any Element
Circle Type: Medium Circle
Range: Self (20ft Cube)
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 5
'You use transmutation to manipulate the shape or the form of elements
You can raise walls, make pits, etc. You manipulate an element of your choice which you may lower, raise, or move at a specified place. Though you may only change a number of pounds as allowed by the class feature 'Law of Equivalent Exchange', and may not exceed this limit. You may also transmute a item into another type of item, as long as the basic makeup of that initial material is the same (ex. Iron to Steel, Iron & Aluminum to Concrete, Water to Ice, etc.). When using this Transmutation Circle, one may also use the Mold Earth Cantrip. This may be used for other additional actions, but must be spoken about with your DM beforehand.
Combat Alchemy
At 3rd level, when you use an Action to activate/create a Transmutation Circle class feature, you may activate a circle up to Medium size as a bonus action.
Ability Score Increase
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Magical Transmutation
At 4th level, your Transmutation now counts as Magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage
Transmutation Etching
When you reach 5th level, you may permanently etch a transmutation circle onto a weapon, an article of clothing, or your body. The Circle must have a defined element and must be small. When inscribing such an Etching on your body, it must take up a Hand, Foot, or a quarter of a Limb. You do not have to respect the equivalence formula. This Circle uses only one Transumatation Circle, which you pick when making it. This type of Small Transmutation may be used as a Reaction, or Bonus Action.
Transmutation Modification
Starting at 6th level, and again at 9th, 13th, and 18th level, you gain the ability to enhance the use of a Transmutation Circle in ways other than overloading it. The additional cost is determined after any overloading. Small circles are counted as costing 1 alchemical stamina for the additional cost. All costs are rounded up. Gain the effect of one of the following:
Modification | Additional Cost of Use | Effect |
Rapid Transmutation | 1/2 The Transmutation Circles Cost | The time required to activate a spell is halved (Action -> bonus action, bonus action -> Free Action) |
Alchemic Recycling | 1/2 The Transmutation Circles Cost | You can reuse the same Transmutation Circle again as a bonus action. |
Empowered Transmutation | 1/2 The Transmutation Circles Cost | You double the range, or duration, of the circle. |
Deadly Transmutation | The Transmutation Circles Cost | You deal 2x the normal amount of damage. |
Transmutation Trap | 1 Point Per Turn | The circle is not activated until a creature moves onto a designated space within 30 feet. |
Planned Transmutation | 2 Points | Chose a number of creatures in the effects of your Transmutation Circle. Those creatures automatically pass their saving throws, and take no damage. |
Brutal Transmutation | 3 Points | Reroll an amount of damage dice equal to your Intelligence modifier that come up as a 1. |
Alchemic Meditation
At 7th Level you can spend an action to meditate. You regain Alchemy Points equal to half your alchemist of transmutation level. You can do this once, and gain the ability to do so again after a long rest. At 14th level, you can use this ability twice before taking a long rest.
The Philosopher's Stone
At 10th level, you gain access to an additional Transmutation Circle.
The Philosopher's Stone
Circle Type: Special Circle
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 30
You gain this at 10th level, this Transmutation Circle takes 7 Days (Minimum) to draw. This Circle can be anywhere from 50ft (7 days) to 5000ft (700 days). When activated all creatures within this circle with HP less than or equal to 30 instantly die, and in the middle of the circle, a Red Stone appears, the Philosopher's Stone, created from the souls of those killed. When holding this Philosopher's Stone, you can use it to power your alchemy.
When you have successfully created the 'Philosophers Stone' through this method, you may add The Philosopher's Stone to your inventory. The Size of this Circle increases to a Maximum of 50000ft (7000 days) at the 17th level.
Basic Human Transmutation
At 13th level, you have begun studies into the field of Human Transmutation as all Alchemists of Transmutation eventually do. Through your basic studies of Human Transmutation, you may bolster a Humanoids Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution Score. Though you may also deconstruct and reconstruct humanoids using the surrounding environment. In order to do so, you must perform a Transmutation Circle, as such below:
Human Transmutation
Range: Self (10ft)
Duration: Instantaneous (Last till next Long Rest)
Base Stamina Cost: Special
You cause the creature to feel physically stronger, faster, or more durable.
This ritual allows one to withdraw the strength, dexterity, or constitution and give it to another creature. The initial cost to set up the ritual is 15 Alchemical Stamina, this includes picking a target humanoid to withdraw points (Min 3) from, and another creature who will gain points (Max 20), you must also pick between Str, Dex, or Con before the ritual. You may use yourself as either target, as well as any being you control as either target. In order to begin the ritual it cost an additional 5 Alchemical Stamina, withdrawing 2 Points of Str, Dex, or Con from one target, and bestowing it to another which lasts 1 Hour. This ritual cost an additional 5 Alchemical Stamina per 2 Points taken from an Str, Dex, or Con, as well as increasing the length of the ritual by 1 Hour. The target that is being withdrawn from takes 1d6 Necrotic Damage per 2 Points taken from Str, Dex, or Con.
This Transmutation may be made Permanent by Sacrificing a Philosopher's Stone which contains at least 20 Alchemical Stamina. The Stone does not need to be attuned in order to do this Transmutation, as it will be destroyed in the process.
Deconstruction Transmutation
Range: Self (30ft Circle)
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: Special
You gain the ability to deconstruct creatures.
You are able to attempt to deconstruct someone within a 30ft Circle of you, using 0 Alchemical Stamina. The target must make a dexterity saving throw against your Transmutation DC, on a failure the target takes (1/2*Alchemical Level)d6 necrotic damage, if the target fails this damage may also be concentrated onto one limb. The Alchemist is also given an amount of Temporary Hit Points equal to the damage on a failure. On a successful save, nothing happens. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, all uses of this ability are refreshed after a long rest.
Reconstruction Transmutation
Range: Self (30ft Circle)
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: Special
You gain the ability to reconstruct creatures.
You are able to attempt to reconstruct someone within a 30ft Circle of you, using 0 Alchemical Stamina. The target is healed for (1/2*Alchemical Level)d6, and may repair specific limbs this way as well. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, all uses of this ability are refreshed after a long rest.
Increased Stamina Rejuvenation
At 15th level, you gain the ability to do as such, once per day (Must tell your DM ahead of time). During a short or long rest, you regain the maximum alchemical stamina for your level (Max Stamina + Current Stamina), if you gain more alchemical stamina than your maximum, then any stamina over your maximum becomes 'Temporary Alchemical Stamina'. This 'Temporary Alchemical Stamina', like Temporary Hit-Points, will go away if you take a short or long rest. When it comes to using Temporary Alchemical Stamina, you use it first before any of your actual alchemical stamina.
Advanced Soul Alchemy
At 18th level, you have finished off most of your studies of Human Transmutation, with this comes two very advanced transmutations able to be performed. You may also use your own alchemical stamina to activate one of the following transmutations as an action instead of a normal transmutation circle. Through the use of such alchemy you are able to tamper with the human soul, via these transmutation circles:
Range: Touch
Duration: Ritual, Concentration up to 1 Hour
Base Stamina Cost: Special
You may resurrect someone through illegal alchemy.
Through the sacrifice of a Philosopher's Stone with at least 75 Alchemical Stamina, you may perform a transmutation which returns the soul of a dead humanoid to its body, which also restores the body of the dead humanoid. The transmutation takes 1 hour in order to perform, and may also be done over half of a short rest, or a long rest. You are not able to use this feature on a creature/person which has been dead for more than 3 hours. (Upon using this, your Philosopher's Stone is consumed)
Soul Transmutation
Range: Self or Touch (30ft Circle)
Duration: Concentration up to 1 Hour
Base Stamina Cost: Special
You are able to transmute souls from one creature to another.
Through the sacrifice of a Philosopher's Stone with at least 100, you may perform a transmutation that may move a soul, the creature does not have to be willing in order to do as such. In this way, you may take a soul from its body and move it to another body, or you can take a soul from a body (such as warforged, or so forth), and move it to its original body. The creature is no longer afflicted by anything that afflicted its former body unless it is something connected to one's soul. If the creature is taken from a body that did not need to and put into a body that needs to it can now die of old age, it needs to eat, sleep, and breathe as well (this also works the other way around). Though when one's soul is translated they do not lose any knowledge they had (ex. Wizard still knows Spells, Sorcerer can no longer Cast, Warlock can cast, etc.)
Completed Alchemical Study
At 20th level, you have finished all the studying on your type of alchemy that you can. You are able to pick an additional subclass other than the one you've already chosen. Any Special Circles that you are able to use, are also 5 Alchemical Stamina less than they would normally be. You may also gain two additional attunement slots which may only be used for the Philosopher's Stone, or any Magical Item which would otherwise increase your alchemy (DM Discretion for what items are Alchemical).
Living Puppet Alchemy
A Person which creates constructs to fight for them through Alchemical means, using Earth, Metal, or Organic Alchemy.
- Creating A Construct
Upon choosing this subclass, you are able to create a construct that has the challenge rating equal to your transmutation alchemist level divided by two (rounded down). The Construct created may only be made out of the Earth, Metal, or Organic (Plantlife) Element. You may only ever have 1 Construct created at one time, and if you attempt to create a construct while at your maximum, it will die. Though Constructs created this way do not have 'Magical Resistance', and have an Intelligence of 2.
In order to create the construct, you must have 150 Pounds (Small), or 300 Pounds (Medium) of the type of Alchemical Element you wish to use (May Bypass the 'Law of Equivalent Exchange' for this only). As well as its Maximum Hit Points being equal to however many of your Hit Points you sacrifice upon creation of the Construct. (Requirements may vary depending on DM Decision) You may also heal your constructs through the use of the 'Mend' Transmutation for 1d8 Hitpoints.
Modification | Base Stamina Cost | Effect |
Construct Creation | Half of current Max Stamina, & 12 Hours | A Construct is created! |
Construct Destruction | 5 | A Construct is destroyed by its creator! |
- Lesser Flesh Construct Creation
At 1st level, you are also able to create another type of Construct if you possess the Body of one Medium-Sized Creature. You may create a 'Zombie' as the creature gains Immunity to the Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, and Poisoned Conditions.
- Improved Cursed Alchemy
At 3rd level, you may also use 'Necromancy' Spells for your 'Imitate Spell' Transmutation Circle. Though Necromancy Spells cost an additional 2 Base Alchemical Stamina on top of normal cost to 'Imitate Spell'.
- Magically Improved Construct
At 3rd level, if you make a Construct that would normally have Magical Resistance, while it could not formerly have that Magical Resistance, it now can have that Magical Resistance.
- Construct Melding
At 5th level, you may use the Hide Action, to hide within one of your constructs that is equal to your size or bigger, and if it is Humanoid in shape. If you are in combat when hiding in a Construct, you do not take damage, unless it exceeds the Constructs Hit Points. Once the Construct Dies, you are completely exposed, and no longer are hidden. You may also take your actions to do the Constructs actions instead.
- Improved Command of Constructs
At 5th level, you are now able to create up to 2 Constructs at one time. These Constructs may be of either the same type of Construct, or may be a different type of Construct.
- Moderate Flesh Construct Creation
At 9th level, you have begun dabbling into Alchemy that no man should have. You gain the ability to create a 'Lesser Flesh Golem' through the sacrifice of either two Medium-Sized Creatures, or five Small-Sized Creatures (This construct is always of Medium-Size). This type of Construct does have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage to nonmagical attacks, and any magical weapon may overcome this. This type of Construct also has double the amount of Hit Points that you dedicate to making it.
- Monsterous Alchemy
At 15th level, you have furthered your study of Constructs, which have given you tips on how to control more Constructs, you may now create up to 3 Constructs at one time. You have also gained the ability to create a Monstrosity out of 1 of your Constructs, though new body parts and appendages will be needed (as determined by DM). You may only have 1 Monstrosity created at a time, which counts towards your limit of constructs.
Tectonic Alchemy
A Person which uses energy granted to them from tectonic shits and geothermal currents, which help your alchemy
- Tetonic Transmutation
At 1st level, you gain two additional Transmutation Circle that only those of the Tectonic Alchemist Subclass are able to use:
Earth's Empowerment
Earth, Metal, or Electric Element
Circle Type: Small Circle
Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous/Reaction
Base Stamina Cost: 1
An alchemist of the Earth shall not lose as long as they dedicate themselves to Alchemy.
You now have advantage on the next Constitution, Dexterity, or Strength Saving Throw of your choice.
Elemental Bullet
Any Element
Circle Type: Small Circle
Range: 40ft
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 0
Many Solidiers use Bullets, why can't an Alchemist?
You send a Bullet 40ft in a Direction of your choosing, roll to attack, and on a hit the Bullet deals 1d4 + Intelligence Mod Damage (Damage Type Specified by Element used)
- Dedication to Alchemy
At 3rd level, you gain two additional Affinity Levels, from the Alchemical Study feature.
- Transmutation Imbued Strike
At 3rd level, after spending the needed time to use a Transmutation Circle instead of activating it you may concentrate it into your weapon, releasing it in the next melee or ranged attack. Your type of damage changes to the type of transmutation circle used. You may also increase the damage by 1d4, for each point of alchemical stamina spent to put the transmutation into your weapon, as well as increasing it by 1d4 for an additional point of alchemical stamina.
- Military Experience
At 5th level, you are now Proficient in Heavy Armor, and in Martial Weapons.
- Practiced Transmutation Drawer
At 5th level, when you activate a transmutation circle, you gain the ability to activate an additional transmutation circle for a total of two transmutation circles per action. This increases to a total of three transmutation circles at 15th level.
- Additional Modifications
At 9th level, you gain the following Transmutation Modifications only available to an alchemist of transmutation with the Tectonic Alchemist subclass:
Modification | Additional Cost of Use | Effect |
Marking Transmutation. | 1 | Choose one creature targeted by the transmutation. You gain advantage against that creature on your next transmutation attack. |
Earth Transmutation | 1 | The Element that would normally be used is instead replaced by the Earth Element, dealing its damage instead. |
- Improved Tectonic Alchemy
At 9th level, Cantrips, 1st-level, and 2nd-level spells of the 'Evocation' & 'Transmutation' type that have to do with the Earth no longer cost any alchemical stamina in order to cast, any spells not affected cost 1 less alchemical stamina.
- Earthen Command
At 15th level, you gain another Transmutation Circle, which is specifically for the Tectonic Alchemist subclass:
Earthen Control
Any Element
Circle Type: Special Circle
Range: Self (150ft Circle)
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 20
Control over the Energy of the Earth, as granted by the Earth
With this Transmutation used, you are able to control Terrain within 120ft, making it 'Magical Difficult Terrain'. This terrain may not be overcome by anything aside from specific spells, such as 'Wish', & 'Antimagic Field'. When Elementals come within range of this Terrain, they must make a Wisdom Saving Throw with a DC of 25. Upon an Elemental failing the Saving Throw, they become charmed by you, and cannot attack members of your party without your permission, though if attacked they will use Self-Defense. If the Elemental succeeds then nothing happens.
If you do not wish to take up a large piece of land you are able to attempt to exert Earthen Control over an Elemental for 5 base alchemical stamina. As the elemental must make a Wisdom Save against your Tansmutation DC, on a failure they are charmed, and cannot attack your or your party without your permission unless they are attacked, then they will do so in self-defense. If the Elemental succeeds, then nothing will happen.
Xing Alkahestry
This type of alchemist uses the flow of energy inside the planet and the tides to power your alchemy.
- Transmutation Transistor
At 1st level, you are able to turn a small item (Such as a weapon, piece of ammunition, or wondrous item) into a Transistor. Upon an item becoming a Transistor it gains a Range (30/90), so that it might be thrown. The Transistor can be planted or thrown as a Bonus Action. You start at 2 Transistors, this then improves to 3 Transistors at 5th level, then to 4 Transistors at 9th level, and 5 Transistors at 13th level.
- Transistor Charge
At 1st level, in order to use a Transistor for Transmutation Circles, it must have at least 1 Charge available. A Transistor starts with 3 Charges, and gains an additional Charge at the 5th, 9th, 13th, 17th, 20th level. The Transistor gains 1d2 Charges upon the Alchemist taking a Short or Long Rest. The use of a Charge activates a Transmutation Circle at the Transistor location instead of your own (if previously thrown or planted as a bonus action). A Transistor has a Maximum of 5 Charges at 1st level, and goes up to 10 Charges by 20th level.
- Alkahestry Chi-Repair
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to boost a creature's energy, by aiding a creature's Chi Points, as you gain access to two Transmutation Circle which only a Xing Alkahestry subclass may use:
Alkahestry Chi-Repair
‘’Organic Element’’
Circle Type: Special Circle
Range: Self or Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 1
You use alkahestry to repair one's Chi, by touching the creature's Chi-Points. The creature you touch gains a number of hit points equal to 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier. Any Hit Points that go over a creature's hit point maximum will become Temporary Hit Points.
Overload: The healing increases by 1d6, for every 3 alchemical stamina. (This improves to 2 alchemical stamina at 7th level, and 1 alchemical stamina at 11th level.) You may only improve this to 4d6 Extra at 3rd level, 6d6 Extra at 7th level, and 8d6 Extra at 11th level.
Alkahestry Limb Restoration
‘’Organic Element’’
Circle Type: Special Circle
Range: Self or Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 30
You gain the ability to use alkahestry in order to repair one's limb, though it requires the severed limb to be held to the stump, with the alkahestry stitching it back together as long as the person using alkahestry has 10 Pounds of Organic Element. The limb must have not been severed less than 30 days ago, or the circle fails.
- Martial Proficiency
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the 'Acrobatics' skill, as gaining proficiency in 'Shortswords' which may be used as a Transistor. Your unarmed strikes also change, dealing 1d4 + dex bludgeoning damage on a hit.
- Alkahestry Weapon Study
At 5th level, your study of the blade, as well as of alkahestry improves, thereby increasing how well you can summon a weapon. When you use the 'Alchemist Weapon' transmutation circle, the weapon instead becomes a +1 version of the weapon created. The weapon improves to a +2 at the 11th level.
- Alkahestry Exlixir
At 5th level, whenever you awake from a long rest you may produce a single 'Alkahestry Elixir' in an empty flask that you touch, as long as you have Alchemist Supplies, upon doing as such, you must roll on the table below. This improves from 1 elixir to 2 elixirs at 12th level, and to 3 elixirs at 17th level. Though you can create additional Alkahestry Elixirs by sacrificing 5 alchemical stamina, when you create an elixir this way, you may pick the elixir's effect. Any Elixir that you create in this way, lasts until it is drunk, or until your next long rest. As a bonus action, your or another creature may drink the 'Alkahestry Elixir'.
d4 | Name | Effect |
1 | Stamina Regeneration | The Drinker gains 5 Movement Speed (and 5 alchemical stamina if a Alchemist). |
2 | Resilience | The Drinker gains +1 AC for the next 60 Minutes. |
3 | Complete Improvement | The Drinker can roll 1d4 and add the number rolled to every attack roll, and saving throw they make for the next 5 Minutes. |
4 | Chi-Repair | The Drinker gains temporary hit points equal to 3d6 + Intelligence Mod. |
- Additional Modifications
At 9th level, you gain modifications only available for Xing Alkahestry subclass:
Modification | Additional cost of use | Effect |
Transistor Resonance. | 1/2 The transmutation circles cost per transistor | Activate a circle at multiple transistors. |
Transistor Recall. | 10 | Any previously thrown or planted Transistors reappear on your person. |
- Improved Alkahestry Chi
At 9th level, Cantrips, 1st-level, and 2nd-level spells of the 'Evocation' and 'Transmutation' type that have to do with healing no longer cost any alchemical stamina in order to cast, any spells not affected cost 1 less alchemical stamina.
- Transition Gate
At 15th level, you gain the ability to transport either a creature or object of Small to Medium Size between you can one of your transistors as an action, this increases to Large at the 17th level.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the transmutational alchemist class, you must meet these prerequisites: Intelligence 15.
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the transmutational alchemist class, you gain the following proficiencies: alchemist's supplies.
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