Astartes (5e Class)
Warhammer Space Marine[edit]
A Space marine walks down a hall as he blasts down the corridor with his heavy bolter enemies getting mowed down as he stands his ground, A battle brother makes final checks as he ignites his jump pack and flies into a tide of heretics, A squad leader checks around the corridor as he and his squad must take down a beholder guarding a relic
You want to become the best of humanity! you are more than human, you are their defender!
Creating a Warhammer Space Marine[edit]
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And they shall be my Space marines and they shall Know No Fear. |
Do you want to break into the enemy frontline as your brother's? Do you face the hoards of thirsting demons with faith and steel?
- Quick Build
You can make an Space Marine quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the soldier background. Third, choose Chainsword, Mark 2 armor, and Adventure's kit
Class Features
As a Warhammer Space Marine you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d12 per Warhammer Space Marine level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + Constitution modifier per Warhammer Space Marine level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: All armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: Tinkerer's tools
Saving Throws: Strength and Constitution
Skills: Pick 3 from Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Perception, Religion, Survival, and Stealth
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- 100 Rounds of ammunition for your chosen ranged weapon
- 1 martial ranged weapon and Combat Knife
- Mark 1 Thunder Armor
- (a) An adventurers pack or (b) An explorers pack
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4x10 gp in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features |
1st | +2 | Fighting style, Contempt, Parry, Self sustaining |
2nd | +2 | Carry A Big Gun, Fighting style |
3rd | +2 | Assigned Duty |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement |
5th | +3 | Extra Attack |
6th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement, Dodge Roll, Hold fast |
7th | +3 | Assigned Duty |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement |
9th | +4 | PROMOTION!, Fighting style |
10th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement, Assigned Duty, Emperor's Fury |
11th | +4 | Extra Attack |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement, Fighting style |
13th | +5 | Bulwark of Humanity |
14th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement, Champion Of Humanity |
15th | +5 | Assigned Duty |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement, Rapid Deployment |
17th | +6 | Brother's In Arms |
18th | +6 | Assigned Duty |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement, |
20th | +6 | Angel of Death, Extra Attack |
Fighting Style[edit]
As an Astarte's you're trained in most types of prevalent combat, but You've picked a favored style of combat. You gain 1 Fighting style at lvl 1, another at 9, and 12.
- Marksmanship
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.
- Two-Weapon fighting
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
- Defense
While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
- Heavy Weapon Prowess
When using a weapon with the heavy property you can use your reaction to brace, adding your proficiency bonus to your AC.
- Bulwark of faith
When a creature you can see hits an ally that is within 5 feet of you with an attack, you can use your reaction to take the attack in their stead.
- Fortified build
You gain advantage against any effects which would displace you or effects that would make you go prone.
- Combo fighter
+1 to attack and damage rolls when dual wielding a melee weapon and a ranged weapon in one hand.
As an Astarte's your hatred and faith give you the will to push through even the most gruesome of injuries. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points you gain your prof bonus + Str mod + level temp hit points you can have a maximum temp hp equal to half your max hp.
when an enemy makes an attack against you or you are forced to make a save, as reaction you can add your prof bonus to your AC or add your Str bonus to the save. if the enemy misses or you pass the save you can as part of that reaction make a single attack against them.
Self sustaining[edit]
You may spend 1 hour crafting 50 bolts or 25 energy cells from tinkerer's tools. You may only do this once per long rest. On a critical success, gain double the bolts or energy cells.
Carry A Big Gun[edit]
At level 2, you've been trained so that your reloads are basically done in nanoseconds. You ignore the reload property on ranged weapons except for weapons with the heavy property, they instead use a bonus action to reload. Bolters and bolt pistol's do not have the heavy property nor do bolter's have the two-handed property when you wield them. when using ranged weapons you can use your Str mod instead of dex for the attack and damage rolls
Assigned Duty[edit]
At level 3, you've been selected to train further in one of the following duties Assault, Vanguard, Scout, Devastator, Bulwark, Tactical, Apothecary, Librarian, Chaplain. Each of these duties will be what you specialize in and the role you provide to your Squad. you receive benefits at levels 7, 10, 15, 18,
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack[edit]
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 11th level in this class and to four when you reach 20th level in this class.
Dodge Roll[edit]
At level 6 your increased mobility and movement has granted you the ability to make quick turn movements as a bonus action you can take the dodge or the disengage action.
Hold fast[edit]
At 6th level your enhanced organs allow for you to push back against the harshest of pains. When you are subjected to an Effect that allows you to make a Strength or Constitution saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
At level 9 you've been promoted to sergeant and can lead your squad to greatness. You gain an aura that radiates from you up to 30ft choose one from below you may change auras as part of a short rest. you can only have one aura active at a time.
Aura of awareness
your allies add your str bonus to their perception and passive perception, while you have advantage on hearing, smelling, and seeing perception checks.
Aura of resistance your allies reduce damage by your str bonus, while you gain resistance to one of the following damage types piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning.
Aura of accuracy your allies add your str bonus to their attack rolls
Aura of assault your allies add your str bonus to their damage rolls
Emperor's Fury[edit]
At 13th level you've gained access to the rage of the Emperor's finest. As a bonus action for 1 minute you gain advantage on all attacks. During Emperor's Fury when you cause a creature to reach 0 hp or lower, you can choose to execute the creature and gain temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus + lvl + Str + CON modifier. You can use this ability once per long rest.
Champion of Humanity[edit]
At level 14 You are the best defense against the uncaring world that leaves humanity wanting, you are their bulwark against the nightmares and the foul beings of an uncaring world and you shall hold. When you reach half health you can as an action inspire your allies giving them a d12 inspiration die which only be used in combat. you regain use of this ability after a long rest.
Rapid Deployment[edit]
At level 16 As an action you can dash toward an enemy while taking an attack action. Each of your attack rolls during this turn are made with disadvantage.
Brothers In Arms[edit]
At level 17 your faith in your comrades pushes you and them into even greater heights of heroism; you can choose an additional aura from promotions to have active
Angel of Death[edit]
At level 20 you've become the very legend that populace speak of. You gain the ability to declare a Charge. You and up to 5 willing creatures within 30 feet of you can move up to their movement speed towards an enemy you choose and copy one action you take this turn. This is done on your turn and does not take away any actions from your allies turns.
For those in the company who wish to burn the skies and crash down with the fury of the emperor!
- Skies The Limit
At 3rd level you've been granted a jump pack by the chapter, you gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed, you can add your str mod to acrobatics and flight related dexterity checks.
- Flyby Driveby
At 3rd level when you make a ranged attack while flying you make it at advantage.
- Assault-Doctrine
At 7th level You've become fully trained within the rapid assault doctrine. after you take the attack action you can move 15ft as long as it's within 5ft of a hostile creature. this movement does not incur attack of opportunity
- Crashing Faith
At 10th level as an action can fly straight into the air and within your movement range crash down with thunderous fury, causing enemies within a 10ft radius of your point of impact to make a Dexterity save DC 8 + str mod + prof bonus or take 3d6 + str thunder damage and be knocked prone. At level 18 the enemies must also make a wisdom save DC 8 + str mod + prof bonus or become frightened of you.
- Screamin' Eagles
At level 15 you've gained enough experience in moving with a jump pack that you've picked up a few tricks. As a part of your parry reaction when you're targeted by attack or must make a save you can strafe left, right or backwards in a 20 ft line potentially escaping the reach of the triggering effect. If a creature is in that line, then they must succeed on a DC 8 + str mod + prof bonus constitution save or be knocked prone. Additionally, as a bonus action after impacting with Crashing Faith you can charge in a 30ft line to a target. You can make one melee attack against said creature. On a hit, this charging attack does an extra 2d6 damage and the creature must make a con save DC 8 + str mod + prof bonus or be stunned until the end of their next turn.
- Angel's Wings
At level 18 you've been "gifted" an Angelus Pattern Jump Pack which is a pair of ornately designed golden wings. All your maneuvers except for Screamin' Eagles double their range. The Angelus Pattern Jump Pack grants double your flight speed.
The close quarters combat champions of the chapter they are masters at fighting in aggressive closed spaces or in one against many situations
- Gunstrike
At 3rd level when you successfully hit with an attack made as part of your parry feature the target must make a str save DC 8 + str mod + prof bonus or be stunned until the end of their next turn. when you attack a stunned creature, it automatically counts as a crit.
- Grapple
At 3rd level you've been outfitted with a rapid grappling hook that allows you to as a bonus action fire it a point within 240ft of you and gain a 360-degree sphere of movement around said point. as part of the attack action, you may fire the grapple at a creature and roll a ranged attack against the creature's ac on hit if the creature is medium sized or larger you pull yourself toward them delivering a swift blow dealing 2d6 + str mod bludgeoning damage they then must make str save DC 8 + str mod + prof bonus.
At level 7
At level 10
At level 15
At level 18
As a devastator you are the heavy support the squad needs when you're in dire circumstances
- Backpack Feed Belt
At level 3, you gain a a backpack filled with ammunition for your heavy ranged weapons. You can, as a downtime action, attach a Heavy Ranged Weapon to the backpack feed. Doing so, the attached weapon loses the ammunition requirement but due to the weight of the weapon and the backpack you lose 5ft of movement speed. To change the attached weapon takes another downtime action and you can have only one weapon attached to your backpack
- Covering Fire
At level 7, as an action you can set a 30ft cone in a direction infront of you in which when an enemy enters or ends their turn in the cone, they must a dexterity save DC 8+your weapon accuracy. They take your weapon damage or half on a success. The area in the cone counts as difficult terrain
- The Mighty Bulwark
At level 10, when you hold fast you gain resistance to damage as long as you're stationary and have not been moved.
- Suppressing Fire
At level 15, as an action you can set a 30ft cone in a direction infront of you that counts as impassable terrain for enemies. doing this stops covering fire
- I'm The Heavy Weapon's Guy
At level 18, you have mastered heavy weapons. While wielding heavy ranged weapons you gain +2 to hit and +1 to damage
As a Bulwark you put the protection of your brothers over your own life and are armed with a shield and a melee weapon to do so.
- Your New Duty
At level 3,
- Gunstrike
At level 7, when you parry with a shield you gain an opportunity attack on your foe with your sidearm and on a successful parry and gun strike you can combo with 1 more strike from your melee weapon before ending your turn.
At level 10
At level 15
At level 18
- Gunstrike
At level 3
At level 7
At level 10
At level 15
At level 18
The guardians of the life of the chapter apothecaries are the medics who save the lives of the astartes
- Narthecium
At 3rd level,
At 7th level,
At 10th level,
At 15th level,
At 18th level,
You keep the faith and purity of your chapter alive and well, while also weeding out any heresy or doubt in your brothers thus is the purpose of the chaplain
- Badge of Office
At 3rd level, you have been chosen to become a chaplain for your chapter. To symbolize your new office, you've been given a Crozius Arcanum which is acts as a mace that does 1d6 + your wisdom mod of bludgeoning and 1d6 lighting damage. should your crozius ever be lost or destroyed you can remake one as part of a short rest. at 5th level the crozius counts as a magical weapon for resistances and immunities
- Voice of the Emperor
At 7th level, your Oratory skills are so superb that you gain proficiency in persuasion, intimidate, and religion. If already proficient double your proficiency bonus. As an action you may forces hostile creatures within 30 ft of you to make a wisdom save DC (8 + your wisdom mod + prof bonus)
At 10th level, you can have two auras active from the promotions feature. you also gain proficiency in lutes and guitars
- Faith is my Shield
At 15th, as a bonus action you can give 10+prof+Wis mod of temp hp to an ally. You have wis mod uses of this regained on a short rest
At 18th level, as an action you can mark a creature as a heretic for five minutes. As a bonus action when you've marked a target, you can dash towards them.
You didn't become a full brother like the rest, No those bubs can stick it out in the dirt whilst you take a more Subtle approach
- Stalker
At level 3, you've chosen to stay in the scout company of your chapter, you gain proficiency with light armor and Stealth
- Predator
At level 3, you can add you Str bonus to your dex skill checks.
- Blinding flash
At level 7, you gain your prof bonus charges of flash bangs these grenades have a radius of 30ft and as a bonus action can be thrown. Creatures within the radius must a DC 8+ your proficiency bonus + con or dex mod Con save or be blinded and deafened for 1 minute at the end of their turn they may remake the save to end both conditions. These charges return on a short or long rest.
- Tools for the job
At level 10, You've proven yourself to your chapter and have been granted access to better equipment. Your range attacks no longer break stealth and ignore long range disadvantage, you gain your prof bonus charges of melta bombs which deal 3d6 force and deal double damage to structures and objects. You gain all melta bombs back at the end of a short or long rest. Melta bombs can be attached as an action to objects and/or items and can be detonated remotely via a detonator as a bonus action
- I've seen this before
At level 15, You've learned to trust nothing at a first glance. As a bonus action you can choose to prone yourself and as an action go on overwatch, which lets you take an attack opportunity using a ranged weapon. While you're prone your sight range is increased to 120 ft and your passive perception gains +10.
- Never saw it coming
At level 18, You've become one of, if not, the best scout in the company and as recognition you've gained access to stealth field tech and your metla bombs have been replaced with Satchel charges, which do 6d8 fire and triple damage to structures and objects. The stealth field grants you effects of a ring of invisibility.
You've shown psychic potential and have been thrown into the librarium now after year's of training you step onto the battlefield to cause havoc with your powers
- Apprentice librarian
At level 3, You've been trained enough to do basic psyker disciplines. Gain the telepathic feat and the telekinetic feat and you use Intelligence for spellcasting.
- The Emperor's Tarot
At level 7, As any librarian of the chapter should, you have a pack of psychically attuned tarot cards which you can use to gleam future events and actions. you may spend 10 minutes to an hour of meditation to discern the future in which the DM can give a set of 4 cards to detail future events, up to the DM what that means.
- Psychic Smite
At level 10, you are trained enough to use a more difficult power, the iconic SMITE. As an action you can spend a spell slot and deal 1d10 + your int mod psychic damage to an enemy within 60ft of you. You can add additional d10 equal to the level of spell slot expended (i.e. 3rd level slot equals 3d10 damage).
- Telekinetic Barrier
At level 15, Another powerful technique has been revealed to you. As an action you can spend a spell slot to create a dome of psychic energy which surrounds a radius of 30ft around you and acts as 3/4 cover and has a base health of 100. You can spend a higher level of spell slot to add 50 more hp to the barrier. It requires concentration and it can stop/absorb damage from ranged, physical, and magical attacks and spells. creatures cannot enter the barrier once raised.
- Chief Librarian
At level 18, you've become the chief librarian of your chapter and have been gifted the right of keeping the relics of the chapter safe and secure. You gain one legendary item to protect with your life. Work with your DM to figure out what the weapon or item is and it's meaning to the chapter.
Librarian Spell List[edit]
You know all of the spells on the basic Eldritch knight spell list and gain spell slots as an eldritch knight
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Astartes class, you must meet these prerequisites: YOU DON'T
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies:
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