Luck Knight (5e Class)

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Luck Knight[edit]

A Luck Knight is a warrior who relies heavily on luck, their own abilities and their allies in combat. They sharpen their confrontation's abilities in another battlefield called "luck based games" in order to squeeze out their unique ability of betting anything, even the strength and abilities of their rivals.

Quick Build

You can make a Luck Knight quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Strength or Intelligence. Second, choose the gambler or gambler variant(homebrew) background.

Class Features

As a Luck Knight you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Luck Knight level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Luck Knight level after 1st


Armor: Light armor, Medium armor, Heavy armor, and Shields
Weapons: Simple weapons and shortsword
Tools: any gaming set of your choice
Saving Throws: Charisma, Wisdom
Skills: Choose four from Deception, History, Insight, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of hand and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

Table: The Luck Knight

Level Proficiency
Features Lucky Coins
1st +2 Devil's bet, Lucky Coin, Manacasting 1
2nd +2 Borrow, Beginner's Luck 2
3rd +2 Playing field 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4
5th +3 Extra attack 5
6th +3 Playing field feature 6
7th +3 Veteran's Luck 7
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 8
9th +4 Gambler's Focus 9
10th +4 Playing Field Feature 10
11th +4 All-Stat 11
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Lucky Punch 12
13th +5 Lucky Man 13
14th +5 Survivors Vitality 14
15th +5 Absolute Luck 15
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 16
17th +6 Explosive Dice 17
18th +6 Sneak Peek 18
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 19
20th +6 Lucky Coin 666 Jackpot 20

Devil's bet[edit]

Starting at level 1, a Luck Knight has the ability to bet almost anything they want; including class features, spells, stats and even promises. This cannot be used to bet Feats or Racial Features. When betting, each person offers one eligible feature, stat, spell, or promise; And Both persons must have at least 3 Intelligence and agree to the terms. Negotiating terms normally takes a minute, but can also be Initiated in a rush by the Luck Knight by spending either an Action or Bonus Action, the recipient can either agree or disagree outright or spend a reaction to offer additional terms; hereafter the Luck Knight can agree, disagree, or spend a reaction to propose a counter-offer; If this counter-offer is not accepted, the attempt to initiate a bet fails but either creature can attempt to reopen negotiations with an Action or Bonus Action.

When a Luck Knight gets involved in a bet, a little black devil is summoned in order to keep the bet rewards and cheats at bay; And If any people involved in the bet cheats, the devil will either smash one hand of the cheater or hit their head with a Warhammer, dealing 2d8 Damage per Proficiency Modifier of the cheater.

If a feature gained through this feature references your level in a class other than Luck Knight, you may treat half of your levels in Luck Knight as your levels in the respective class.

When betting stats participants shall only bring to the table 1 Score Point at a time and Ability scores increased in this way cannot exceed 20. Whether they lose or win, A Luck Knight can only initiate a Devils Bet with a person once unless the results of the bet are later overturned. If the Luck Knight ever reaches 0 hit points and falls unconscious, the effects of all bets they initiated through the use of this feature are overturned, restoring features spells and stats to their original owners (so you better keep track of your actual stats).

Lucky Coin[edit]

Starting at level 1, a Luck Knight is able to materialized big golden coins in their hands. You get as many lucky coins as stated in the lucky coin column. If the user, as a bonus action, throws a coin and it lands on heads, it grants a buff to one chosen stat and then disappears. The buff can be given to a creature of your choice or to yourself. The buff lasts for 1 minute and you can affect the following stats:

Strength. You add your proficiency bonus to your Strength score and you get proficiency with strength saving throws.

Dexterity. You add your proficiency bonus to your Dexterity score, thus increasing your AC, and you get proficiency with dexterity saving throws.

Constitution. You add your proficiency bonus to your Constitution score, increasing both your maximum and current hit points, and you get proficiency with constitution saving throws.

Intelligence. You add your proficiency bonus to your Intelligence score and you get proficiency with intelligence saving throws.

Wisdom. You add your proficiency bonus to your Wisdom score and you get advantage on wisdom saving throws.

Charisma. You add your proficiency bonus to your Charisma score and you get advantage on charisma saving throws.

Speed. You add 5 + 5 * Proficiency bonus feet to your movement speed and you are treated as having a fly speed equal to your walking speed, but must end your turns on the ground or begin falling.

Crit. Chance. The number needed to land a critical hit decreases by 1.

You are able to throw more than one coin at a time and their effects stack, the duration is based off the most recent coin flipped. Each coin can provide a different buff, and each that lands on heads gives you its respective benefits for the remaining duration. The temporary ability score improvement allows ability scores to go above 20. Similarly, If you had an existing buff from lucky coins and decide to throw more on a later turn, the benefits stack and the buff duration is reduced. You recover your Lucky coins after a Short Rest.


As a Luck Knight you learn no cantrips or spells as you level up. Instead, you get them through betting. After a Luck Knight learns spells through bets, they can be cast through expenditure of Mana.

A Luck Knight can store a maximum amount of Mana equal to their Intelligence Modifier multiplied by their level in this class. Cantrips do not consume Mana, Spells of 1st Level and Higher have a base Mana cost equal to 3 + Twice the Spell Level, and any Spell of a level greater than their Proficiency Bonus costs double. Mana Regenerates at rate equal to their Wisdom Modifier at the start of the Luck Knights turn in combat, and after a short rest.

Your spellcasting ability is Charisma. You use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. You use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Lucky Knight spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell Save DC = 8 + Your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma Modifier

Spell Attack modifier = Your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma Modifier


At level 2, the luck god handed you the magical ability to borrow features, cantrips and spells from your friends as an action. If they are not willing to lend the feature, cantrip or spell that you requested, you get none. You are only capable to keep one borrowed feature, cantrip or spell at a time and no longer than 8 hours. If you are in possession of a borrowed feature, cantrip or spell and borrow another, the one you had is automatilcally returned to their true owner, the same happens if 8 hours pass since you borrowed something.

Beginner's Luck[edit]

At level 2, gods of fortune have started keeping an eye over you, and whenever they see fit will offer their blessings. Whenever the Lucky Knight rolls a 1 on a die, it is replaced with the highest possible outcome instead. This triggers outside of the Luck Knights control, and can occur a number of times equal to their Charisma Modifier after a Long Rest.

Playing field[edit]

At 3rd level, you chose a playing field. Choose between Cheater, Card User, Chaotic Luck, Petalshine, and Chaoswalker; all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at level 3 and again at 6th and 10th level. Unless otherwise specified, these features cannot be offered in a Devils Bet.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra attack[edit]

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Veteran's Luck[edit]

At level 7 your experience has shown what may be the most exceptional feature of gamblers, simple and unadulterated good fortune. Beginners Luck will now trigger when rolling a 2 on a dice, and uses of the feature recover on a Short Rest.

Gambler's Focus[edit]

At Level 9, The Luck Knights focused mind has allowed them better concentration, but if concentration is lost, there is a risk. Whenever the Luck Knight begins concentrating on a Spell, they can choose to take a risk, if they do then for the duration of the spell their Mana Regeneration increases to be equal to their Wisdom Score instead of their Wisdom Modifier. However, if they lose concentration on the spell for any reason, the spell backfires dealing 2d8 Psychic Damage to the Luck Knight per level of the spell.


At level 11, your commitment to bets have resulted in unprecedented capacity and versatility. As long as all of your Stats are at least 20, and you are above 0 Hit Points, gain the following benefits.

- Add Your Strength Modifier to the first Damage Roll made each turn.

- Add Your Dexterity Modifier to the first Attack Roll made each turn.

- Regenerate HP equal to your Constitution Modifier at the end of your turn.

- Treat rolls on Ability Checks lower than your Intelligence Modifier to be equal to that number.

- Add your Wisdom Modifier to AC for the first attack made against you each Round.

- Add your Charisma Modifier to the first Saving throw made each Round.

Lucky Punch[edit]

At level 12, before making an unarmed strike, the Luck Knight can expend their Lucky Coins to empower their punch. If the unarmed strike hits, a slots reel appears above the creatures head, with one reel increasing the damage of the attack by 1d10 for every 2 Lucky Coins Spent. If all of your remaining Lucky Coins are spent as part of this attack, increase the damage of the reels to 1d10 per coin.

Lucky Man[edit]

At level 13 you get a passive skill that is triggered when you're facing an unavoidable critical attack. The first time after a Long Rest you would be subject to a critical hit, you instead avoid the attack entirely and simultaneously perform an attack or spell against the creature which triggered the use of this feature; This attack automatically hits and deals critical damage. You need to finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.

Survivors Vitality[edit]

The risk of losing everything ever present, you've made efforts to keep yourself alive and prevent yourself from falling unconscious. Beginning at 14th Level, if damage or an effect would bring you to Zero HP, you can remain standing even at Zero HP for a maximum number of rounds equal to your Constitution Modifier. You must still make death saves as normal, and are considered incapacitated, but do not fall unconscious and remain aware of your environment.

Absolute Luck[edit]

At level 15, you are used to feeling lucky, your good fortune beginning to surpass even those who once offered their blessings. Beginners Luck will now trigger when rolling a 3 on a dice, and one use of the feature recovers whenever they land a critical hit.

Explosive Dice[edit]

Beginning at level 17, your inhuman fortune can sometimes result in extraordinary feats beyond comprehension. Whenever rolling the maximum outcome on a dice other than a d20 or d100, roll an additional die which is one size larger, adding it to the total result. This can result in a chain reaction where several dice explode. (Die Sizes: d4 > d6 > d8 > d10 > d12 > d20)

Sneak Peek[edit]

Beginning at Level 18, you've developed creative liberties with regards to permissions regarding your powers. After killing a creature; the Luck Knight may temporarily borrow a Skill, Spell, or Feature from them as if they had willingly offered it relating to your Borrow feature. Only One thing can be borrowed in this way at a time, and anything Borrowed in this manner is lost 1 Minute after its acquisition.

Lucky Coin 666 Jackpot[edit]

At Level 20, the Lucky Knights mastery over fortune and their Lucky Coins is unmatched. As an action, the Lucky Knight can call upon all of their good fortune concentrating it into single empowered form where hundreds of lucky coins spill out from their body as an aura, warping causality and probabilities to ensure they are always victorious. While in the Jackpot Form, gain the following benefits.

- You are treated as Invisible after moving, which breaks after performing any Action, but resumes when moving again.

- At the end of each of your Turns, gain stacking benefits of each type of Lucky Coin buff landing on heads, without expending any.

- Your Actions cannot be predicted by Divination Spells and Similar Effects.

The Jackpot form lasts for 1 Minute, all Lucky Coin benefits from the form expire when the form ends, and the form cannot be entered again until after a long rest.

Playing Field[edit]


Those who strand from the hand of Lady Luck are those who cheat and create an advantageous outcome for themselves. Whether it may be through gaps in the rules stated or abruptly breaking them, those are the most despicable beings who go against the very own essence of luck based games but at the same time they are the ones who profit more from them.

Throw Practice

When you choose the cheater subclass at level 3, through practice you acquire a reliable way to throw coins so that they fall on heads reliably. As long as you have not moved this turn when flipping a coin you may reduce your speed to 0 until the end of your turn and Roll 1d10 instead; on a roll of 9 or lower, you get the desired outcome. Reduce the chances by 10% for each additional coin flipped after the first. For example; If flipping 3 Coins as part of the same action, you need to roll 7 or lower on the d10 for each coin.

This method of flipping coins is not caught by the Devil unless pointed out by another participant in the bet by a perception check opposed by your sleight of hand.

Devil Persuader

At level 6, you decide it would be a great idea to bribe your personal little devil to turn a blind eye whenever you decide to cheat while betting. You will have to continuously treat them to avoid being punished; after any Devils Bet you must pay the Devil an amount of Gold equal to 100 times your proficiency bonus or equal to 10% of any Gold awards you have earned that day (Whichever is higher). You may delay making payouts until you take a long rest, and if it is not paid by that time, all present debt is doubled and the Devil will not ignore your cheats.

As long as you have no debt, the Devil may be even willing to help you cheat and give you hints. The GM rolls 1d10 in secret when you begin a Devils Bet; on a roll of 7 or higher the Devil provides useful advice towards the bet, but on a roll of 1 the Devil provides deliberately deceptive advice. No matter what the advice is; If the player accepts useful advice they gain advantage on any rolls made during the bet, but if they accept deceptive advice they suffer disadvantage.

You can not bet this feature.

Treasured Sword of The Knights - The Seven Truths

At level 10, you and your little devil create a good bond after having spent so much time together, and thus, your little devil decides to hand you a great weapon to aid you, Treasured Sword of The Knights.

The weapon requires 16 strength to even wield it, and 20 strength to wield it without disadvantage. It is treated as a Magical Longsword with the Finesse Property when held in one hand, and the Heavy Property when held in two hands. The weapon deals 3d4 Slashing damage when held in one hand and 4d4 when held in two. If the Wielder ever deals maximum damage with this weapon, the weapon breaks and cannot be used until it is repaired with a DC 20 Smith's Tools Check over 8 Hours of Work.

While a Luck Knight is attuned to the weapon, it does not count against the limit of items they can have attuned, and the wielder can choose not to use of Beginners Luck and similar features.

If the wielder is also attuned to all other items granted by "The Seven Truths" features, it no longer breaks upon dealing maximum damage and provides advantage on all ability checks related to swords.

You can bet the sword but not the feature.

Card User[edit]

Cards are one of the most basic tools for the creation of luck based games, but there are those who see cards fit in another environments such as the battlefield. When they realice this fact, the luck god sees potential in them and hands some special abilities surrounding cards.

Cards of Many

When you choose the card user subclass at level 3, the luck god hands you an ornate Card Box the next time you fall asleep. Cards in the box contain features and spells that you have already seen either from allies or enemies; When you see a feature or spell which requires any type of action to perform, you may use your reaction to add that feature or spell as a card within your deck. The deck can hold up to Ten Cards, each card is assigned a number between 1 and 10, overwriting existing cards if needed.

As a bonus action you can expend a Lucky Coin which shines gold as it transforms into a card from your deck. Roll 1d10 to determine which card is drawn, and gain access to the feature or spell associated with the drawn card for 1 Minute, after which the card is lost from your deck. If you roll a number which does not have a feature assigned, you receive a blank card which provides no effect for the duration.

Lucky Three! Three Cards

At level 6, you can now spend up to 3 Lucky Coins when touching the Card Box to receive the same number of cards. Additionally, whenever you draw a Blank Card, at any time within the next minute you can throw it in place of a weapon attack. The Blank Card is a ranged weapon attack with 30/60 Range and deals no damage, but will impose misfortune on hostile creatures it hits, a creature suffering from misfortune has disadvantage on all attack rolls it makes for the next minute.

Jeweled Belt of the Third King - The Seven Truths

At level 10, your expertise with cards has been recognized by the Devil Overseeing you, and has offerred the Jeweled Belt as an award.

While wearing and attuned to this belt, any individual has immunity to mind-affecting spells and effects.

While a Luck Knight is attuned to the belt, it does not count against the limit of items they can have attuned, and the wielder does not lose uses of Lucky Coins whenever they land on tails or when drawing Blank Cards.

If the wielder is also attuned to all other items granted by "The Seven Truths" features, the wearer has advantage on saving throws against magical effects and resistance to the damage they cause.

You can bet the belt but not the feature.

Chaotic Luck[edit]

Luck is an amazing tool to persuade anyone into taking risks, but there are those who can't get enough of this adrenaline boost. Those Luck Knights devoting themselves wholly to the chaos find liberation as things start to get out of hand.

Gambling Addict

When you choose the chaotic luck subclass at level 3, you are unable to stop gambling. Whenever you roll for anything, you may instead flip a coin. If this coin lands on tails you get disillusioned and the action is treated as having rolled a 1, otherwise it is treated as the maximum roll for the die.

Coin Magic

At level 6, whenever you flip a lucky coin roll 1d4 and trigger the respective effect below:

1: Fire Tack. When the lucky coin lands on your hand, it reveals the outcome then springs in the direction of a creature of your choosing as it bursts into flames, dealing 1d4 fire damage.

2: Ice Spike. When the lucky coin lands on your hand, it reveals the outcome then springs in the direction of a creature of your choosing as it transforms into frost, deals 1 cold damage and reduces the creatures movement speed by half until the end of its next turn.

3: Stone Punch. When the luck coin lands on your hand, it reveals the outcome then springs in the direction of a creature of your choosing and multiplies its weight when it crashes into the creature. If the creature is medium-sized or smaller, it is pushed a 15 Feet away. If the creature is pushed into another obstacle, it receives 1d4 bludgeoning damage.

4: Poison Dart. When the luck coin lands on your hand, it reveals the outcome then springs in the direction of a creature of your choosing as it shapes narrower into a needle. If it hits, it deals 1 Piercing damage and inflicts the poisoned condition until the end of the creatures next turn.

Memory of Cintamani - The Seven Truths

At level 10, your embrace of fortune and gambles has granted you the notice of your Devil, offering The Memory of Cintamani; a crown adorned with a red jewel storing the wishes and desires of those who wear it.

While attuned to this crown, a creature is guaranteed all manner of comfort in life. As long as they are conscious, the wearer will never fail to find food, water, clothing or any other base need they may require in life; such needs are always met either by stumbling upon them by happenstance and good fortune, or by magically manifesting them before the wearer if needed.

When a Luck Knight is attuned it does not count against the limit of items they can have attuned, and if they fall unconscious as a result of hitting 0 Hit Points, they have a chance equal to 5% per level of the class of not having the effects of their ongoing bets overturned.

If the wielder is also attuned to all other items granted by "The Seven Truths" features; the wearer may cast Wish once, regaining the use of this feature at dawn.

You can bet the belt but not the feature.


Where some gamblers seek fortune at a game table, others take beauty and liberation in the chaos of nature. Such a Luck Knight calls upon the natural world to aid them, however it sees fit.

Flower Battle

When you choose the Petalshine subclass at level 3, aspects of your lucky coins change to suit the natural world. Whenever you would normally choose the benefit you hope to receive from a Lucky Coin, you may call upon nature, ensuring that you will receive a buff but roll 1d8 to determine the buff nature grants randomly as shown below, as the coin shifts to flower petals, spirits of nature grow from the earth to offer their blessing.

- 1 | Strength | Phoenix

- 2 | Dexterity | Rain Light

- 3 | Constitution| Boar

- 4 | Intelligence | Bush Warbler

- 5 | Wisdom | Crane & Sun

- 6 | Charisma | Butterflies

- 7 | Speed | Deer

- 8 | Crit Chance | Geese

Rain Light

At level 6, you may call upon the weathers, and can use an umbrella as a spellcasting focus and gain a +2 to AC while wielding it. As an Action while holding the umbrella, expend a number of Lucky Coins up to your proficiency bonus as winds spin around the umbrella to a mighty rain storm. A Giant Frog spirit appears in an adjacent space to guides you through the storm, and causes adjacent spaces to be considered difficult terrain.

For the storms duration, you can use a bonus action to fire lightning bolts using your bonus action, make a ranged spell attack dealing 1d8 lightning damage per lucky coin spent as part of the activation. Rain Light lasts for up to 10 Minutes or until you dismiss the storm.

Golden Plate Boots of the Fire Dragon - The Seven Truths

At level 10, your love of nature bears fruit, and the Devil following you sprouts a pair of boots for which to carry you across the very winds.

While attuned to these boots, a creature has their movement speed doubled and can hover in the air without falling or even jump off of it, they must land after benefitting from this feature again.

When a Luck Knight is attuned it does not count against the limit of items they can have attuned, and enemies have disadvantage with opportunity attacks against them.

If the wielder is also attuned to all other items granted by "The Seven Truths" features; the wearer has a fly speed equal to their land speed at all times.

You can bet the boots but not the feature.


The weave holds many secrets for those who study it, and many spellcasters dedicate their entire lives to master its control. Several others however, embrace the chaos of the weave, the only constant being the lack therof. Opening oneself to the entropy of the weave can grant great power, alongside great risk.

Entropy Mage

When you choose the Chaoswalker subclass at level 3, learn one first and one second level spell of your choosing from any spell list. Learn an additional spell at each odd numbered level in this class with a spell level no greater than your proficiency bonus.

Whenever you cast a spell using Mana, you may open your magic to the tides of chaos. If you do so, roll a Chaos Die which begins as 1d10; Upon rolling the maximum on the die, you cast the spell again with no additional action required. If it is a concentration spell, you concentrate on all instances of the spell at once.

If you roll a 1 on a Chaos Die, or if you cannot fill the requirements of casting an additional spell (Such as spending the mana or component cost), you burst in wild entropy; Triggering a Wild Magic surge for every Chaos Die rolled since your last Long Rest and then taking 1d10 Necrotic damage for every Surge caused.

The dice used for your Chaos Die and the damage suffered from wild entropy changes as you gain further levels in this class; 1d8 at 6th level, and 1d6 at 10th level.

Fields of Chaos

At level 6, as an Action you can open portals directly to the chaos of the weave exposing everyone around you to its entropy. For one minute, all creatures beginning their turn within 30 Feet of you trigger a Wild Surge.

You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, recovering uses of the feature upon a long rest.

Golden Plate Gauntlets of Fire Dragon - The Seven Truths

At level 10, the Devil following you has found amusement in the casting of the madman he follows and offers you a pair of Golden Gauntlets with which to help weave further Chaos into the world.

While attuned to these gauntlets, a creature has each of their attributes increased by 1.

When a Luck Knight is attuned it does not count against the limit of items they can have attuned, and can roll any chaos or wild surge effects twice; choosing which result they prefer.

If the wielder is also attuned to all other items granted by "The Seven Truths" features; the wearer gains additional power with weapons they wield increasing the reach of any attacks made by 5 Feet and allowing them to score a Critical Hit on a roll of 18 or 19.

You can bet the Gauntlets but not the feature.


The Wildknight is a mobile warrior who has harnessed the unpredictable power of chaotic fortune, using it to their advantage on the battlefield. Their attacks are a blend of martial prowess and unpredictable, chaotic magic.

Maneuvers of Chaos

When you choose the Wildknight subclass at level 3, you learn three maneuvers of your choice, which are detailed at the end of this subclass description. You learn two additional maneuvers at 6th level and another two at 10th level. Each time you learn new maneuvers, you can also replace one maneuver you know with a different one. Unless otherwise specified, maneuvers require an Action to perform.

If a maneuver calls for a Saving throw or Spell Attack, the DC is equal to your Spell Save DC.

Surge Dice: You have four Surge dice with which to power your maneuvers, which are d8s. A Surge die is expended when you use a maneuver. You regain all of your expended surge dice when you finish a short or long rest. You gain another Surge Die at 6th level and one more at 18th level.

Surge of Fortune

At level 6, whenever you roll a Surge Dice, you recover an equal amount of Mana. Additionally, when flipping Lucky coins, you can recover the use of a Surge Dice instead of gaining a temporary buff.

Golden Plate Suit of Fire Dragon - The Seven Truths

At level 10, the Devil following you has found inspiration from your war bound battle, and forges a suit of magical Plate armor for you to don.

The Armor requires 16 Intelligence to be considered proficient, and 20 intelligence to attune to it.

While attuned to the Armor, you gain resistance to fire damage and may add half of your Dexterity modifier to Armor Class even though it is Heavy Armor.

When a Luck Knight is attuned it does not count against the limit of items they can have attuned, and they can cast a Spell or perform a Maneuver in place of one of their Attacks made as part of the Attack Action.

If the wielder is also attuned to all other items granted by "The Seven Truths" features; any resistances the wearer has are upgraded to immunity as long as the source of the effect has a CR lower or equal to the wearers Level.

You can bet the Armor but not the feature.

Maneuver Options

Choco Bibi Teleport: Teleport yourself, and another creature of your choice that is 30 feet from you, to a location you know or are able to see within 10 feet times the roll on your Surge Die+Your proficiency bonus away from you.

Lime Healing Bubble: You can blast a lime-colored bubble of water to another creature of your choice that is 60 feet from you, which is then healed for an amount equal to the roll of your Surge Die multiplied by your proficiency bonus.

Holy Light: Expel a narrow beam of holy light at a creature within 120 Feet which deals radiant damage equal to the roll of your Surge Die multiplied by your proficiency bonus.

Immortal Barrier: Cast a 10 feet circular golden barrier made of hexagons lasting until the start of your next turn. The barrier provides total cover, but not concealment, from any effect from outside. You end your turn when you cast it.

Water Needle: Fire a number of high pressure water jets equal to a roll of your Surge Die. Make a ranged spell attack for each Jet, which ignores resistance and deals piercing damage equal to your proficiency bonus. Creatures hit by a jet lose Cold Resistance and are vulnerable to Cold damage until the start of your next turn.

Aqua Impact: Launch a powerful beam of water from your hand, affecting creatures in a 15 Foot wide Line extending 30 Feet. Creatures in the area must make a Dexterity save or take bludgeoning damage equal to the roll of your Surge Die multiplied by your proficiency bonus.

Hellfire: Begin gathering a growing ball of fire in your palm which can be powered further using bonus actions, and unleashed using an Action. Hellfire can be held for at most 1 Minute, after which it must be unleased. When Hellfire is unleashed, choose a point you can see within 120 Feet, any creatures within a 10 Foot Radius of that point must make a Dexterity Saving throw or suffer damage equal to the roll of your Surge Die multiplied by your proficiency bonus, or half as much damage if they pass the saving throw. Each time you use a bonus action to power up the ball of fire, increase the roll of your Surge Die by your Intelligence Modifier.

Hell Explosion: Unleash an explosion centered on yourself which knocks back enemies within 20 Feet to the edge of the explosion and deals fire damage to them equal to the roll of your Surge Die multiplied by your proficiency bonus unless they make a Strength saving throw.

Blazing Tiger: Conjure a Tiger made from a blazing pyre which appears in a 5 Foot space adjacent to you, and can be moved up to 30 Feet using a bonus action. The Tiger lasts for 1 Minute, and creatures that end their turn adjacent to the Tiger suffer fire damage to them equal to the roll of your Surge Die multiplied by your proficiency bonus.

Moonlight Slash: As part of this action you are able to make a weapon attack followed by a slash of brilliant light. Your weapon deals additional damage equal to a roll of your Surge Die, and the attack is made against all enemies in a 30 Foot line from your position.

Sword Dance Wave: Begin unleashing an onslaught of blade slashes in a 30 Foot Cone. Roll your Surge Die and make a number of Melee Weapon attacks against creatures within the Cone equal to the number rolled, no creature may be hit more than once by this effect.

Storm Rend: Open your palm as sharp winds begin rapidly swirling around your position. Any Creature ending their turn adjacent to you for the next minute takes slashing damage equal to the roll of your Surge Die multiplied by your proficiency bonus.

Tornado Spinning Slash: Roll a Surge Die and Make a Melee Weapon attack against every creature within reach of your weapon. Each attack deals additional damage equal to the roll of your Surge Die.

Lacerate: Get into a stance and attempt a slash that completely cuts off the form of a being from its concept. Roll a Surge Die, if it rolls higher than your Intelligence modifier, the maneuver fails. If it rolls equal or lower than your intelligence modifier, make a melee weapon attack against a creature you can see, multiplying the damage of the attack by the roll of your Surge Die.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Luck Knight class, you must meet these prerequisites: Charisma 13 and Wisdom 13

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Luck Knight class, you gain the following proficiencies: Light armor and one skill from the class’s skill list.

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