5e Magical Rings

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Magic Rings, Featured and Quality

These artifacts have been vetted through the Featured Articles or Quality Articles process and are suitable for any normal campaign.

Magic Ring Rarity

Magic Rings

Magic Ring Rarity
Abacus Ring of Storage legendary
Adamantine Ring very rare
Allfather's Ring Unique
Apprentice Ring of Blasting uncommon
Apprentice Ring of Distance common
Arcane Blood Ring very rare
Arcane Ring rare
Arsenal Ring very rare
Beauty Ring legendary
Blessed Ring of Power Legendary
Bloodthirst Ring rare
Boomering very rare
Brimstone Ring
Broken Ring of Libra very rare
Caster's Guard uncommon
Champion's Ring very rare
Circlet of Monstrous Dominance legendary
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring uncommon
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring very rare
Craag's 5 Sided Circle legendary
Crackle and Burn very rare
Crux of Mysteries Unique
Curse of Akatosh very rare
Cursed Ring of Power Legendary
Darksteel Ingot legendary
Das Kinder Mallet uncommon
Demonic Chained Rings rare
Disposable Ring of Protection uncommon
Dual Rings of Symmetry rare
Dusty Ring uncommon
Earrings of Improved Healing uncommon
Efreeti Soul Ring very rare
Elemental Control Ring rare
Energy Conduit Rings Legendary
Fire Ring very rare
Gooey Gooey Chocolate Chip Cookie Ring rare
Greater Ring of Crystal Growth Legendary
Green Lantern Ring Legendary
Hearrings rare
Inelul Magilor Nebuni legendary
Lesser Ring of Crystal Growth common
Lesser Ring of the Lycanthrope rare
Lucii Ring of Old legendary
Metallurgist's Ring uncommon
Minor Ring of Dexterous Strength rare
Monkey Ring rare
Mood Ring uncommon
Moon Lord's Ring very rare
Moon Ring rare
Murderer's Beloved very rare
Night's Whispers very rare
No Evil legendary
Obsidian Ring of Power legendary
Ol Fortuna Legendary
Paired Rings of Illusion uncommon
Paired Twisted Rings uncommon
Poisonsoak Ring uncommon
Potent Novice's Ring of Spellcasting rare
Pure Elementium Band very rare
Quickstrike Ring very rare
Raven Ring rare
Ray Gun Ring rare
Re-equip Ring uncommon (5 points),rare (10 points),very rare (15 points),or legendary (20 points)
Reckless Ring of Magic rare
Requip Band uncommon
Requip Ring uncommon
Rin g of Perfectiveness Rare
Ring of Accuracy uncommon
Ring of Action Saving legendary
Ring of Alter Self uncommon
Ring of Ancient Magic rare
Ring of Anti-Magic Legendary
Ring of Arcane Focus very rare
Ring of Arcanum rarity varies
Ring of Armored Strength very rare
Ring of Ash very rare
Ring of Attraction rare
Ring of Attunement very rare
Ring of Awareness rare
Ring of Balance very rare
Ring of Bhaal's hate very rare
Ring of Binding Very Rare
Ring of Blackrock uncommon
Ring of Borrowing Rare
Ring of Bravery uncommon
Ring of Charges legendary
Ring of Charismatic Combat rare
Ring of Crushing rare
Ring of Crystal Growth very rare
Ring of Cure Wounds uncommon
Ring of Dark Vision uncommon
Ring of Death legendary
Ring of death stopping Legendary
Ring of Deception uncommon
Ring of Devil Sight very rare
Ring of Dexterous Strength very rare
Ring of Disrobing very rare
Ring of Ducks uncommon
Ring of Earthly Movement rare
Ring of Endless Ammunition very rare
Ring of Evil very rare
Ring of Extra Action legendary
Ring of Famine legendary
Ring of Finding uncommon
Ring of Fire rare
Ring of Fire Bolts common
Ring of Flame Jump legendary
Ring of Focus uncommon
Ring of Frost and Ice legendary
Ring of Gaia Legendary
Ring of Gnomekind rare
Ring of Haste uncommon
Ring of Healing rare
Ring of Hold Person rare
Ring of Homunculi rare
Ring of Hostile Projection rare
Ring of Humankind common
Ring of Immense Charisma very rare
Ring of Impenetrable Defense rare
Ring of Incredible Strength uncommon or rare
Ring of Infinite Souls legendary
Ring of Interception very rare
Ring of Keys rare
Ring of Khajiiti legendary
Ring of Knowledge rare
Ring of Last Stand rare
Ring of Linguistic Transmutation Rare
Ring of Magic Amplification Unique
Ring of Magical Prowess Very Rare
Ring of Magical Resistance rarity varies
Ring of Menace uncommon
Ring of Meta Gaming legendary
Ring of Minor Speed uncommon
Ring of Mirror Image Rare
Ring of Misfortune, Variant uncommon
Ring of Mistwood Unique
Ring of Misty Step very rare
Ring of Myrkul very rare
Ring of Namira legendary
Ring of Nature rare
Ring of Nightmare legendary
Ring of Pallet Stunning Uncommon
Ring of Petrification very rare
Ring of Photosynthesis Common
Ring of Pleh common
Ring of Plentiful Technique legendary
Ring of Precision very rare
Ring of Radiance uncommon
Ring of Rage rare
Ring of Resizing rarity varies
Ring of Resurrection legendary
Ring of Shadows rare
Ring of Shielding rare
Ring of Shroud uncommon
Ring of Sirens very rare
Ring of Smiting rare
Ring of Sorcerous Energy Very Rare
Ring of Spider Climbing uncommon
Ring of Steel Protection rare
Ring of Strong Technique very rare
Ring of Stun Removal legendary
Ring of Subtlety Unique
Ring of Superiority very rare
Ring of Supreme Magical Resistance legendary
Ring of Supreme Nature legendary
Ring of Sustenance rare
Ring of Sustenance, Variant rare
Ring of Swiftness legendary
Ring of the Adept Linguist common
Ring of the Ant uncommon
Ring of the Barbarian uncommon
Ring of the Courageous Lion uncommon
Ring of the Evil Eye rare
Ring of the Goat uncommon
Ring of the Hidden Shadow very rare
Ring of the Invincible legendary
Ring of the King's Gates, Variant legendary
Ring of the Kings Gates legendary
Ring of the Mage very rare
Ring of the Mage, Variant rare
Ring of the Moon rare
Ring of the Mystic Hand rare
Ring of the Ocean's Choke rare
Ring of the Raven King rare
Ring of the Silver Blade very rare
Ring of the Slaver legendary
Ring of the Sneak Thief uncommon
Ring of the Spectral Blade uncommon
Ring of the Summoner very rare
Ring of the Sun-Walker rare
Ring of the Tree Whisperer rare
Ring of the Tressym Trio Rare
Ring of the Undead very rare
Ring of the Warrior legendary
Ring of Three Walnuts Rare
Ring of Thunder Amplification uncommon
Ring of Tongues legendary
Ring of Tricks very rare
Ring of True Appearence very rare
Ring of War legendary
Ring of Wardrobe Rare
Ring of Weapon Projection rare
Ring of Weapon Storage uncommon
Ring of Wild Shape rare
Ring of Wild Speech rare
Ring of Wisdom uncommon
Ring of Witchery uncommon
Ring of Wizardry rarity varies
Ring of Yinni very rare
Rings of Di Lee Suun legendary
Rings of Mylott Very Rare
Rings of Oblivion legendary
Saint's Ring very rare
Serenity Circlet Unique
Signet of Elemental Novicery rare
Spell Ring Uncommon
Spell Soul Ring very rare
Split Soul Ring Unique
Strength of a Lion very rare
Subplus very rare
Sun Lord's Ring very rare
Sun Ring rare
Sunder Ring rare
Sunlight Ring rare
Surge Ring very rare
Swiss Army Ring uncommon
The Just Dance rare
The One Ring, Variant Legendary
The Ring of Second Life Very rare
The Ring of Teleportation legendary
Thrice Blessed Loop rare
Tombstone Ring legendary
Umbral Band rare
Underfoot Ring rare
Unyielding Ring of Yinni legendary
Wardrobe Ring rare
Whip Master's Ring rare
WormWood Ring legendary

Incomplete Rings

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