Mechanical Water Coolering (5e Equipment)
Ring, Very Rare (Attunement required, with added properties for Artificers, Barbarians, or Fighters) This silver-blue ring takes inspiration from the elemental plane of water and in the complexity of the plane Mechanus. It was created with the purpose to multiply one's physical abilities by overclocking their biology, and drowning their drawbacks, very literally. The ring has intricate gear patterns in its metal, and has a gem that will glow a light blue when placed around the finger of an Artificer, a pale red for a Barbarian, a lime green for a Fighter, and deep blue for all other classes. Installation Protocol MKNus. When Attunement starts with this item, mechanical pipes, wires and magic pierces your flesh and bones, entering and setting itself throughout your body like veins and nerves. To attune to this item, you must be wearing it on your finger and take the Utilise Magic Item Action. Take 35 piercing damages that cannot be reduced by any means, magical or not, and you are instantaneously attuned to the ring. This ring cannot be removed from your finger, unless you spend 1 hour to un-attune to the ring, hour during which the mechanical pipes and wires are extracted painfully, you take 10 necrotic damage every ten minutes. You are still considered attune to this item even after death, and it takes a 1 hour ritual performed by another creature on your body to un-attune the ring from your corpse. System N1rvaN4. This property has a maximum of 6 charges. You can activate the System N1rvaN4 by using your Bonus Action. This property automatically stops after 8 hour has passed, or all charges are expended. During that time, you gain the following benefits:
To regain all expended charges, you must empty the water cooling system from the ring and refill it with 30 gallons of water. Then after 8 hours, all charges are recharged. As a Bonus Action after all charges are expended, you can also empty 5 gallons of boiling water from the ring in a 10 foot cone in front of you. All creatures in the cone must succeed on a dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 fire damage. Code: Parai's intellect. Only an Artificer can use this property. This property adds 4 charges to the maximum charge count in System N1rvaN4, and can use those same charges to full this code. Code: Parai's Intellect is a passive ability that grant you the following benefits:
To regain all expended charges, it takes 50 gallons of water instead of 30 to supply the ring's cooling system. The fire damage becomes lightning damage, and 3d6 instead of 2d6 due to the increase in power from your intellect. Code: Hexton's Power. Only a Fighter can use this property. Code: Hexton's Power is a passive ability that grant you the following benefits:
Needs to be reworded, clarify and balanced in many ways. Unfinished and in progress. |
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