Rings of Oblivion (5e Equipment)
Ring, legendary (requires attunement) The rings of oblivion are two rings; one of creation and one of destruction. The ring of creation is a stainless silver and blue ring whereas the ring of destruction is a stainless black and red ring. Both of these rings have 3 charges and regain 1d4-1 charges at dawn.
The ring of destruction allows the wearer to cast Disintegrate using one charge. Using Disintegrate this way instantly disintegrates the targeted creature or object. When both of these rings come together on a single user that is attuned to both rings, they are able to cast Oblivion. Oblivion creates a ball of absolute chaos. When a creature comes in contact with this ball of chaos, they must make a DC 12 saving throw using their highest mental stat or be erased completely. To use this ability, it costs one charge from both rings to cast. |
Ring of creation
Ring of destruction
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