Ring of Sorcerous Energy (5e Equipment)

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Ring, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)

This amazing product was made by the one and only WackTech™ Studios. Have you ever thought, "Man those stupid sorcerers and their Metamagic."? Well, NOW YOU CAN BE STUPID TOO!

Metamagic Once attuned you can the following benefits. You get Sorcery Points and metamagic known corresponding with your level, one first level ability from a sorcerous origin of your choice, one skill proficiency from the sorcerer class and the ability to use more than one metamagic on a spell IF you have the sorcery points for it.

If you attune to this item without having the ability to cast spells, you are able to use metamagic with spells casted from other magic items by bounding this to said magic item. Once this is bound to an item it cannot be unbounded by anything short of a wish spell. You use your class's spellcasting modifier when using this, if you do not have one use charisma, this also counts for any metamagic that tells you to use your Charisma modifier.

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