5e Fighter Classes

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Fighter classes tend to have themes focused on the use of martial weapons and/or the use of martial prowess and skill. They typically have little to no spellcasting ability.

Fighter Classes[edit]

Classes based on the fighter archetype.
Name Summary Spellcasting Hit Die
(SETTING NOT FULLY DEVELOPED) MC Origins: Veteran Grizzled Warrior that utilizes their uncanny accuracy and battle stances to get an edge against their enemies. 10
Aetherborn Aether. A magical energy that bears life giving energies. When utilized, Aether can be used to heal or empower yourself or your allies. Control these energies and show your enemies the power they squander. third 10
Animated Armor 10
Arcane Fighter A warrior that enhances his martial prowess with arcane magic. half 10
Archer Those with unrivaled accuracy with ranged weapons. 8
Archer, 2nd Variant Masters or ranged weapons, archers take down their enemies with accuracy and power from a distance. 8
Archer, Variant Those with unrivaled accuracy with ranged weapons. 8
Armed Infantry, Variant A soldier with access to firearms. 10
Artonian Warrior 10
Attacker A specialist in quick and devastating strikes in combat 10
Banisher A fighter focused in temporaly removing enemies from the battlefield. 10
Basic Fighter A basic fighter in the style of OD&D 10
Battle Alchemist Warp the battlefield to your every desire. 10
Battle Hedgehog A warrior who uses their spiky armor to protect themselves and hurt their foes. 10
Battle Master 8
Binate Duelist An experienced warrior, wielding two weapons with the skill most will never reach with one 8
Black Blooded Vicious Virus in the bloodstream that has been weaponized. 8
Blackblade Devoted warriors who dedicate themselves to the mastery of a magical sword known as an aterius. 10
Blade Dancer A fighter who uses their Dances, creating devastating combos 10
Blade Master A warrior who pursues perfection on the combat with blades. 10
Blade Master, Variant A warrior with an inseparable bond to their blade. 10
Blade Savant A mystical fighter that can tap into arcane energies 8
Bladedancer 10
Blademaster, Stance and Combo A martial melee class that uses stances and successive attacks to build combo points to unleash stronger and stronger attacks. 10
Bladescribe 10
Blood Mystic 8
Body Guard, Whole Hog Huge walls of meat separating foes form the people they were hired to protect. 12
Bodyguard One bound to duty of the guard 10
Bright Lord A Strong, warm, merciful fighter imbued with powers generated from their own good energies. third 10
Bullet Saint A bullet saint is a paragon of firearm combat, able to dish out powerful damage with multiple firearms at their disposal. Bullet saints follow a creed of almost worship of guns. It's their unshaken belief in their partners that gives them power. 8
Bulwark Towering shields of muscle and metal 12
Caster Breaker Caster breakers are warriors specialized in defeating spellcasters and destroying magic items. They rely on quick wits, fast reflexes, sturdy fortitude and a mighty will to protect themselves from the twisted corruption that is Magic. 12
Chain Warrior A fighter that has traded the skills for multiple chances at attack for the ability to chain more attacks as long as one can successfully hit. This class also incorporates lightning abilities into the attacks using the spear as a way to aim it. Abilities are tied to the number of your chain attack. 10
Champion of the Blade A legendary warrior who will be known throughout the ages but what legacy will they leave 10
Combat Specialist A warrior that relies on their own martial prowess and combat experience. 10
Combat Tactician Fighters who use their battlefield knowledge to complete the mission. 10
Cosmic Swordsman Guardians who call upon the powers of the cosmos for power 10
Critical Warrior Precise warriors, who emphasize great precision on their attacks as a means to defeat their enemies. 10
Crucifix Semi-Immortal soldier that specializes in reanimating itself and continuing battle by leaching life force from his enemies or using their expanded internal reserves 4
Cryo Fighter
Dark Knight, Pure Martial Variant Individuals that harness the power of Darkness. 10
Defender Masters of defense that protect their allies with nothing more than a shield. 12
Demon's Embodiment a cultist that uses demons for power third 12
Doom Knight Cursed warriors, servants of an evil entity, doom knights are the emissaries of darkness and bringers of destruction and death. This class is a variant of the Fighter class. 10
Dragon Blade A swordmaster that fights with deadly grace, skill, and power 10
Dragon Fighter, Variant A swordmaster that fights with deadly grace, skill, and power 12
Dragon King The power of dragons flow within you, invigorating your body and granting you draconic abilities like no other. 12
Dragoon Lancer Skillful warriors, that use powerful leaps and mastery with spears to defeat the strongest beasts in existence: the mighty dragons. 10
Dueler A warrior who specializes in duels to the death. 10
Elemental Warrior The Elemental Warrior is a skillful soldier, mating elemental power with perfectly with their chosen weapon. 10
Elemental Warrior, Variant half 10
Exiled Knight The Exiled Knight is a martial class specializing in survival, defense, and unmatched skill with their blade, honed during their exile from society. 10
Fencer An ultra-basic melee focused class 10
Fighter Swordsmaster A Fighter Swordmaster is a warrior specialized in the use of swords in fighting. A core class meant to be used with the fighter subclasses. 10
Fighter, Alternative Variant fighters switched with rogues 10
Fighter, Switched Variant fighters switched with rogues 10
Fighter, Switched Variant 1 fighters switched with rogues 10
Frozen One The frozen one is a warrior able to control the power of cold and frost. 10
Furious Blade 12
General, Variant Legendary commanders, and masters of battle. 8
Ghoul King Incarnate, Variant 3 Living in different worlds is chaotic, but someone who lives in both worlds has a better perspective of both sides of the coin. 10
Gladiator, Variant 10
God Winter The God Winter is a warrior able to control the power of cold. 10
Gravattack Master of the cosmos, bending the very fabric of gravity to crush foes and defend the natural order. 10
Gravity Warrior This indomitable warrior wields and manipulates the force of gravity. 10
Guardian, Fighter Variant A walking bastion that holds foes at bay while more offensive classes wipe them from the face of the earth. This is a variant of the fighter class. 10
Halberdier A halberdier is a devoted spearman whose first duty is the protection of those in his jurisdiction. A core class meant to be used with the fighter subclasses. 10
Holy Fighter Warriors blessed by the gods, using these divine gifts to defeat the forces of evil. 10
Ice Warrior A combatant capable of controlling ice with magic. 10
Ironclad Soldiers with demonic strength 10
Juggernaut A strong warrior who blocks attacks, traps enemies, and taunts foes. 12
Knife Master Knife masters are fighters specialized in the use of knives, honing the art of close combat. 10
Knife Master, Variant Knife masters are fighters specialized in the use of knives, honing the art of close combat. 8
Labrys Knight A hardened warrior, wielding two battle axes with the skill most will never reach with one 12
Lament of Pure Ice The Lament of Pure Ice are people born from winter entities on the day where the earthly plane converges with the ice plane giving birth to a child of the frost itself 12
Lance Master A warrior specialized in the use of spears, lances and similar polearms 10
Last Samurai The last of your clan, what will you make of yourself? 8
Legionnaire Soldiers who rely on standard combat prowess in battle, rather than magic or maneuvers. 10
Martial Dancer A performaer that learned to wield a blade in a unique way. 10
Martial Warden 12
Meatshield it's your job to defend and haemorrhage hit points so buckle up 12
Meteor Knight The Meteor Knight is a heavily armed combatant, who moves through enemy lines with ease. 10
Meteor Knight, Variant The Meteor Knight is a heavily armed combatant, who moves through enemy lines with ease. 10
Myrmidon Warrior Warriors chosen by the gods, inspired by the legendary hero Achilles. This class is a Fighter variant, meant to work with the core Fighter subclasses. 10
Noble Knight A warrior who has taken vows of chivalry, now roaming land in pursuit of glory 10
Reaper of Souls, Variant 1d4
Regent A Knight who took an oath to follow Agravain's beliefs 12
Regent, Variant A Knight who took an oath to follow Agravain's beliefs 12
Right Hand Man Right hand man are great swordsman, willing to die in order to protect their captains. 12
Robotic Protector 12
Rogue, Alternative Variant Rouge switch with strength focus fighter. 8
Rune Knight You use runes etched into the environment and your armor to lay hidden traps for would be perpetrators. 12
Runic Master A master of runes 10
Self-Annihilator 10
Sentinel One bound to duty of the guard 12
Sergeant Fighters who drive their inner potential that can be competed with spells. 10
Shadow Walker II A warrior that uses their internal shadow to cast spells. 8
Shielder As the name implies, shielder's specialize in protecting themselves and those around them. 10
Siege Warrior A melee combatant specialized in mass skirmishes, war and siege battles. 10
Silent Flame A unassuming sorcerer that can seal flames inside objects and/or creatures and detonate them at opportune times. 8
Slinger These men and women make masterful use of the humble Sling, raining death upon their enemies with stones or lead bullets. 10
Sohei 8
Steelbracer A warrior that uses its supreme martial tecniques to absorb hits with their strength instead of their vitality and tactically move between enemy lines 8
Strider A deadly hunter, a killer of men, with no morals but those he chooses for himself, and an endless debt to Death itself. 10
Sword Demon Devastating swordsmen that skirt the line of darkness. 10
Sword Saint, Variant Sword Saints are unrivaled under the heavens when it comes to melee combat. They boast such martial prowess and speed when in Focus, that they can blitz any enemy and turn any blow directed at them, and woe is any enemy that faces their unparalleled sword skills in bloody combat. 10
Swordfighter A martial melee class that uses stances and successive attacks to build combo points to unleash stronger and stronger attacks. 8
Swordplayer 10
Swordsman, 2nd Variant Warriors specialized in swordsmanship and its art. 10
Trailblazer 10
Universe Hopping Rogue-Like Rogue Like Universe hopper who picked up new skills on their travels. 10
Vampire Knight 12
Vandar A fighter who uses both weapons and magic. 10
Viking Raider Viking raiders are terrible and merciless pirate in the North Sea. This class is a Barbarian Variant, and is meant to work with the official Barbarian subclasses. 12
Water Archon 12
Weapon Master The Weapon Master is a skillful soldier who handles weapons as if it were an extension of their body. 10
Zephyr A fighter who uses the power of wind to enhance their movements and attacks. 10
Zombie You were dead, but you're getting better. 8

Fighter Mashup Classes[edit]

Mashup classes with multiple themes, one of which is the fighter archetype.
Name Summary Spellcasting Hit Die
Abyss Knight A fighter who exchanged its soul to gain demonic powers. 10
Alcoholic An somewhat self-sustaining DPS with evenly distributed benefits and negatives. 10
Ali'di Crystal Mage The Ali'di are masters of utilizing crystals to enhance natural magical abilities, and now you are too. Your skills lie in the resonance of a specific type of crystal that pulses with energy. 8
Animated Blade A (balanced) class focused on attacking with levitating weapons, not limited to swords. 8
Arcane Blade Arcane blades merge combat ability and elemental magic to defeat their enemies, casting spells and empowering their bodies using the power of mana. 8
Arcane Ranger A mixture of ranger/fighter and wizard half 10
Arcane Thrower A user of vast skill in throwing weapons embedded with elemental power. half 8
Arcane Warrior Arcane warriors are durable melee fighters who have potent spellcasting abilities. full 8
Arcane Warrior, Variant Arcane warriors are durable melee fighters who use their spellcasting abilities to amplify their capabilities. half 8
Armamancer 1d6
Armed Infantry A soldier with access to simple firearms. 10
Army Master A class that is a mix of a Bard and a Fighter 10
Artillery-man Relentless and versatile soldiers who protect the people and are experts with firearms. 10
Atronarch To consume Magic is your one desire as this wound in the weave, and you will wield steel and arcane power alike to get it. 8
Aura Magister Aura Magisters use ancient magics to control the powers of holy life and the grimness of death. full 8
Aura Magus Aura Magus use psionic magic to control life and death around them. full 8
Bandit Don't see any problem with relieving people of their gold. 1d10
Barebones A man set on showing the world how far he can go with only his body and some quick wits. 12
Bastion Bastion are warriors, trained in defensive tactics to protect their allies in the battlefield. 10
Battlemage Mages who uses arcane magic to augment their martial prowess. half 8
Battlemage, Variant A magic-wielding combatant that uses the weave of raw arcane energy to enhance their martial capabilities half 10
Battlesmith A weapons smith that forges their own powerful equipment to augment their combat abilities 10
Behemoth What barbarians and fighters wish they could be. 10
Black Knight A knight imprisoned onto a cursed suit of armor, that acts as a second skin and a vessel to its soul. 10
Blacksmith 10
Blade Singer A graceful fighter that mesmerizes foes with a mix of magic and swordplay. 10
Bladecaster A martial warrior who wields arcane power to augment his own prowess half 8
Blademaster A warrior specialized in using blades on melee combats. 10
Blink Mage A whimsical being with no attachment to any physical place. 8
Blood Knight A bloodthirsty warrior, fighting and killing for the glory of the blood god, gaining benefit as the blood sheds from either themself or their foes. 10
Blood Knight, Variant A bloodthirsty warrior, fighting and killing for the glory of the sinister entity, gaining benefit as the blood sheds from either the self or the enemies. 12
Channeller A martial spellcaster that can Infuse spells into their weapons to deal massive burst damage. half 10
Chaos Knight A warrior capable of channeling the power of the primordial chaos in combat. 10
Chrono Knight A class Who trains in manipulating time and arcane magic to carry out this will of there council or to seek the future they see half 10
Combat Butler A loyal and diligent servant, making sure that the needs of its masters is fulfilled and its security is assured. 10
Corsair The corsair is a vicious pirate under the service of a patron, deadly and intimidating, capable of shooting or cutting an enemy's head clear off without hesitation. Not for the faint of heart. 10
Creator Soul Holders of almost godlike power. Capable of manipulating aspects of the universe to create powerful "constructs". 8
Creator Soul, Variant Holders of almost godlike power. Capable of manipulating aspects of the universe to create powerful "constructs". 8
Daring Swashbuckler A whimsically roguish martial class, en garde! 10
Dark Knight, Variant Individuals that harness the power of Darkness. half 10
Demon's Spearmen An adventurer who was pulled from his home and warped by time spent in the abyss. Serving Demon lords as a polearm weilding guard you gain mastery of the weapons. 10
Devil User Rebalanced A rebalance of the original Devil User class, based on the manga series Chainsaw Man. 12
Divine Knight Divine Knights are capable of utilizing Holy or Unholy magic with their sword skill abilities to wreak havoc among the battlefield. 10
Draconic Knight A Warrior with the blood of a Dragon. third 12
Draconic Knight, Variant A Warrior with the blood of a Dragon. fourth 12
Dragon Kin Those who's ancestry can be traced back to the dragons, similar to sorcerers, but unlike sorcerers who use their ancestry for magic the Dragonkin use it for strength. Warriors who's skin is as hard as armor and who's teeth are as sharp as daggers. Those are not mere mooks but true dragonkin who make their ancestors proud! 10
Dragon Knight Warriors utilizing dragon cohorts to decimate their opposition. 10
Dragon Knight, 3rd Variant Knights utilizing dragon cohorts to decimate their opposition. half 10
Dragonslayer A warrior cursed by a glowing sigil on their chest, that drains their life force to increase their physical capabilities. 12
Elemental Fighter Elemental fighters are warriors capable of channeling the power of the elemental planes to enhance their own martial abilities. 8
Elemental Samurai Noble and disciplined warriors, devoted to their clans, who draw powers and techniques from the elements common on the regions their clans are located. Combatants specialized in using the environment and elements found on those environments to crush their enemies. 8
Elocationer Melee glass cannon that won't stay down. 4
Empowered Born with a special power known as the Spark, you bring enemies to their knees and allies from their graves. 10
Enkindler A Dark Souls inspired class. Burn your enemies alive. three-quarters 10
Fencing Magician Fencing Magicians are wizards who have learned the art of fencing. half 8
Fist Dealer A powerful unarmed brawler, who strives for power trough whatever means necessary 10
Flowing Blade Slice Enemies to Pieces 10
Force-User, Variant 10
Frost Bringer One touched by the the Plane of Ice, bound with great power. 10
Furry Clad in cursed fursuits, these savage warriors are animals in their minds and abilities. 10
Gear Wielder 10
God Saiyan A powerful saiyan choose by the god 10
God's Descendant 10
Gravekeeper 10
Gravitation Manipulator A class focused on using weight manipulating magic to enhance their melee fighting ability through either control or agility. half 10
Guard Justice bringers with a craving for coffee and doughnuts 8
Guarded Fighter A commoner not quite adept at fighting, accompanied by their skilled fighter of a guard. 6
Hassan Become the most lethal of assassins by learning from the heritage of the greatest assassins to come before you 8
Hawk's Ronin A very good Warrior, with Rogue/Ranger aspects, but if you want a full Fighter, You also have come to the right place. 10
Heavyweight Boxer Beefy brawlers who fight for fame and glory. 12
Hitokiri A swordsman sent out by an important or powerful figure for the express purpose of assassinating others. 10
Hitokiri, Variant A swordsman sent out by an important or powerful figure for the express purpose of assassinating others. 10
Hunter of Artemis One of many female followers of the Greek goddess Artemis, whom follows her values, or wanders whilst linked to the wilderness. half 10
Iai Swordsman A swordsman capable of drawing their blade with incredible speed. 10
Kensei A swordsman who’s skill in the sword is unmatched bolstering themselves with ki. 10
Knight Warriors of nobility and valor who fight for either their lady's hand or for fame and honor. 10
Legendary Hero As a Legendary Hero, you gain the following features. half 1d8
Lifedrinker Creatures of mystique and unholy wonder that move in the night and feed on unsuspecting victims. 10
Lodestar A noble swordsman who relies on speed and on their allies in battle. 10
Luchador Honor, Family, Tradition. That is the Way of the Luchador: the masked wrestlers of Hispanic origin. 12
Mage, Variant A caster of arcane magic, used by wise scholars and chaotic enigmas alike. They are capable of prodigious potential and great change. full 6
Mageblade, Variant A magical warrior who focuses arcane energy into combat. half 8
Magebow A quick witted mage who uses a magic bow half 8
Magus A master of magic and weapons, but not as proficient as your average wizard or fighter. three-quarters 8
Magus of the Weave A master of magic and weapons, but not as proficient as your average wizard or fighter. three-quarters 8
Marrow Knight Individuals with special armor made of their own bones which grants them a variety of magical abilities. half 12
Marshal A battlefield commander experienced in inspiring and ordering their companions 10
Masked Hunter Hunters wielding a knife and a bow, sacrificing lives for eldritch creatures. 8
Master of the Arcane Sword A warrior specialized in a way of combat that blends the use of mundane weapon techniques with arcane magic. half 10
Mech Pilot, Variant 8
Mechmaster A warrior who uses the sheer force of a mech to assist the needs of themselves and others in a fight. 10
Memory Warden 10
Mystic Knight Mystic Knights are fighters who adapt magic to empower themselves and protect their allies. half 8
Nordic Warrior A warrior that comes from the north, protected by magical runes and by the gods themselves, and imbued with lust for pleasure, adventure and war. 10
Oathbreaker A paladin that has forsaken their oath and their deity. It is their will alone that drives them now. 10
Occultist Warlocks who have decided to abandonded their deals and try to use what is left of their deal. half 10
ODST A soldier with unbreakable will jump from orbit into the battlefield they are the epitome of shock troops 10
Pit Fighter, Soulbeast Variant A person fighting for perhaps glory at victory, plenty of money to be won or were pressed into participating into Illegal Pit Fights 12
Plague *Dies in bubonic* 10
Possessed A creature destined to have a monster reside within itself. 6
Predator Deadly,Strong,and stealthy 12
Saboteur Saboteurs are blessed combatants who take blessings from light and dark celestials or deities. 10
Sanguimancy You are no normal caster. What other achieve by various difficult methods you reach by utilizing the essence of life itself. full 12
Senshi A disciplined warrior, devoted to a path and master in the art of combat. 10
Shieldbruiser 10
Sky Heir Sky heir are warriors chosen by the stars. 10
Soldier A modern combatant. 10
Soldier, 2nd Variant A martial combatant. 10
Soldier, Variant A modern combatant. 10
Soulknife Never caught unarmed, the soulknife is the literal interpretation of using the power of the soul as a weapon. 8
Stitchpunk A gruesome second cousin to surgeons who uses surgical knowledge for many helpful and harmful purposes. 10
Storm Reincarnation Warrior capable of using storm and lightning powers. 8
Sword Soul-Eating 10
Technical Brawler Beat em down 'n' good, using any means necessary! 8
The Augmenter 10
Timeskip 8
Trapped Dragon Dragons cursed to appear in humanoid form, these mighty warriors retain some of their draconic visage and use it against foes. 12
Valkyrie The beautiful battle warriors descend from Asgard to collect the souls of fallen soldiers. 10
Vampyre Knight You are one of the last descendants of old these Vampyre's use their blood to empower them selves and show true fear. half 10
War Priest, Variant A divine warrior that manipulates radiant energy to assist friends or harm foes. half 10
War's Champion 12
War's Champion, Variant 12
War-smith A weapon maker who is both an crafter and a warrior. 10
Warpriest A divine warrior that manipulates radiant energy to assist friends or harm foes. half 10
Warrior Poet 10
Werewolf Hybrids between humanoids and wolves, the werewolf is a legendary monster from gothic horror 8
Werewolf, Variant 2 Hybrids between humanoids and wolves, the werewolf is a legendary monster from gothic horror 8
Zoner 12

Fighter Classes Based on Existing Fiction[edit]

Fighter classes which are based on characters or archetypes from other works of fiction.
Name Summary Spellcasting Hit Die
3rd Generation Pyrokinetic A class that allows the user to generate and manipulate their own flames 6
Allogene Genshin Impact Vision Holder, Variant. Your ambitions have been recognized by the gods 8
Allomancer An allomancer consumes and burns a specific kind of metal in order to fuel various magical abilities. 8
Apostle In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control; even over his own will. 10
Avatar (Last Airbender) 8
Black Blood A vicious virus in the bloodstream has been weaponized and known to cause a special kind of madness. 12
Black Blood, Variant A vicious virus in the bloodstream has been weaponized and known to cause a special kind of madness. 12
Black Blood, Variant 2 A vicious virus in the bloodstream has been weaponized and known to cause a special kind of madness. 12
Black Swordsman Battered, bloodied, and scarred, these warriors fight in a world of magic and monsters with nothing but their own humanity. 12
Bloodborne Hunter A mysterious hunter who has mastered their own blood to perform unnatural feats. 8
Bloodborne Hunter Variant
Cave-Guard Guards from Tribe of Rushing Water from Warriors Cat 12
Combatant Mage (Black Clover Supplement) 10
Commandment of Piety Powerful demonic warriors who will destroy everything while offering piety 10
Dark Knight, 2nd Variant 10
Dark Slayer 10
Devil Hunter, 2nd Variant Style on your enemies, Devil May Cry style. 10
Devil Hunter, 3rd Variant Style on your enemies, Devil May Cry style. 12
Devil Hunter, Variant Style on your enemies, Devil May Cry style. 10
Doom Slayer, 3rd Variant 12
Doom Slayer, 4th Variant For those who want to rip and tear. 12
DoomSlayer, 5th Variant Rip and Tear, Until it is done 12
Dragonsmith A warrior with a size-changing dragon and nifty smithy skills third 10
Dragoon (Legend of Dragoon) Warriors bound to the spirits of dragons, able to invoke the elemental power of dragons to conjure magic and transform into a hybrid dragon form, known as the Dragoon form. 10
Earth Bender Earth Benders are tough, resilient, and will stand their ground, no matter what. 8
Electrification A quirk designed to shock your opponents. 8
Fixer (Project Moon Supplement) 10
Fudou Style Martial Arts You are a warrior who uses the wind. 10
Ghoul King Incarnate Living in different worlds is chaotic, but someone who lives in both worlds has a better perspective of both sides of the coin. 10
Ghoul King Incarnate, 2nd Variant Living in different worlds is chaotic, but someone who lives in both worlds has a better perspective of both sides of the coin. 10
Ghoul King Incarnate, Variant Living in different worlds is chaotic, but someone who lives in both worlds has a better perspective of both sides of the coin. 10
Greatcoat 10
Gungeoneer A dungeon delver who uses their wit and intellect to dip dive and dodgeroll through traps and enemies. 10
Gunlance Wielder 10
Hand of the Kraken A religious warrior that summons tentacles to control the battlefield. half 12
Heroic Adventurer Heroic Adventurer 10
Heroic Adventurer, Variant Heroic Adventurer 10
Hunter, 2nd Variant A mysterious hunter who has mastered their own blood to perform unnatural feats. 8
Huntsman/Huntress, Variant A highly customizable warrior who protects people and slays monsters. Based on the show RWBY. 10
Hyrule: Fighter You are a master of traditional combat. Few can match your training and talent on the battlefield. 10
Kiwami Heat Kiwami Heat focuses on fighting with unarmed strikes but handled weapons are welcomed. 8
Magical Girl If you wished you could be a character from the anime "Puella Magi Madoka Magica", then this class is for you. 8
Magical Girl, Variant Wield the power of a magical girl to face witches. 8
Mandalorian A group of people native to the planet Mandalore, and wear special armor made of a substance called Beskar. 10
Maverick Hunter A buster-wielding agent dedicated to the destruction of gone-maverick reploids. 8
Monsterbound A class that allows the user to take on a more feral fighting style with the assistance of a monster companion 10
Overdrive User 10
Overlord Magician The ultimate Magician with Powerful spells full 8
Prey-Hunter Aggressive fighter class based on Prey-Hunter tribe in warrior books 10
Quincy A secret, long-forgotten organization of humans hell-bent on slaying the undead instead of purifying them. 8
Quincy, 2nd Variant A secret, long-forgotten organization of humans hell-bent on slaying the undead instead of purifying them. 8
Quirk User A person whose unique power has 10
Ranger of the North A Ranger of the North is a warrior who is trained rigorously, sometimes for years, before they are considered ready to venture beyond the wall. Until then, they do small work, training, of course, or standing watch on the wall. Tending the flames in the braziers that are used for warmth, polishing swords, working the kitchens, and many other things. After they are finished with their training is when they become a force to be reckoned with. After their training, they go beyond the wall, scouting, making maps, and hunting. Sometimes, they go on hunts for parties of wildlings whom are planning to go over the wall and raid, and most times, they do not come back. Scarcely is a ranger who survives one who is not greatly skilled. 10
Rebel Corps Soldier A soldier who uses their will to aid the rebellion in any way they can. 8
Red Dragon Emperor 12
Ruined King 8
Solipsistic Master A warrior who draws power from oneself 8
Soul Reaper, Variant A being made out of spiritual energy made to purify evil souls and protect the world of the living. 10
Spawn They call me by many names, demon, monster, nephilim... but I only respond to one name, Spawn 12
Spawn of The Power Superhuman with energy manipulation powers. 10
Spirit Walker, 2nd Variant 10
The Scout Scout from Tf2 10
Tokyo Ghoul, 3rd Variant Living in different worlds is chaotic, but someone who lives in both worlds has a better perspective of both sides of the coin. 10
UltraKiller You are a machine built for one singular purpose HIGH OCTANE DEATH your lows will be the deepest pits of despair, but your highs will be so tall not even the heavens can reach. 4
Warframe Moving quickly around the battlefield, the Warframes strike with both their weapons and the own powers. 8
Warrior of the Sun Blessed by divine radiance, your power increases based on the sun's location in the sky 12
White Dragon Emperor 12
Wuju Bladesman A fast attacker with diverse speed techniques. 8

Fighter April Fools Classes[edit]

Fighter classes with a more comedic twist.
Name Summary Spellcasting Hit Die
Bud Light Knight, Variant A warrior in service to a kingdom that uses the power of Bud Light to attack their enemies and help their allies. 10
Emperor, the False Archfiend Version Emperor are people that are born to great things. 10
Fire King Masters of defense that protect their allies with nothing more than a shield. 12
Kid Adventurer A child-like adventurer capable of fighting against magical entities with only a sword 10
Waifu All of the best Waifus in one place! (kind of...) 8

Incomplete Fighter Classes[edit]

Fighter classes with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.

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