Elemental Samurai (5e Class)

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Elemental Samurai[edit]

Noble warriors, with a fierce spirit and a refined technique, elemental samurai are the guardians of an ancient empire, all but forgotten. Formerly, they were part of a single clan, the Sun Clan, and fought against barbarian hordes who repeatedly swarmed the walls that protected the empire, fending off their assaults in a never-ending state of war. With the defeat of the empire at the hands of the endless horde, the noble houses scattered throughout the continent, fleeing from persecution and searching for a new place to settle. With these refugee caravans, the surviving sun samurai abandoned their former traditions and loyalties, and shifted to protect what remain of their culture and tradition.

The former members of the empire reorganized in new territories, and adopted names that reflected the land that welcomed and nurtured them. Four major groups of refugees from the Sun Empire have abandoned their traditions, creating new ones suited to their new homes. The first group traveled far and wide, and being the first group to escape the destruction of the Sun Empire, was the one who encountered the most remote land to settle, the ruins of an ancient giant city, built on top of floating islands. This group became the Cloud Clan. The second group fled to the depths of the forests, and settled in villages by the coursing river, forming the River Clan. The third group migrated to a small island, where a restless volcano towered above them, sure that the fiery mountain would scare their enemies from approaching, and they became the Volcano Clan. Finally, the fourth group is the one formed by those who decided to not flee, but to stay and to fight, they guaranteed the safe escape of the rest of the survivors. Using secret paths in mountain caves, and building hideouts on mountains, were they prepare and launch guerrilla attacks. They are the Mountain Clan.

Now, centuries after the formation of the clans, they are known by the collective moniker of Elemental Samurais, warriors who fight to protect their homeland, using natural knowledge, martial prowess and the attunement they have fostered with the elements that make their new lands.

Elemental Fighting Styles[edit]

Elemental samurais of each clan adopted a martial tradition, based on the elements associated with the lands they now inhabit. The elemental martial traditions have two aspects: the external and internal. The internal determines how the samurai body interprets that element, how the element can be mimicked with the confines of one's body. Mountain samurais adopt solid stances and train their endurance and resistance, to embody the mountains they live in. Cloud samurais attempt to conquer the skies, by fighting using long jumps, swift strikes and erratic movement, swirling and twirling their bodies like a leaf in the wind. Water samurais are adaptable, and reshape their fighting style to match each situation and opponent. Finally, Volcanic samurais use their passions and anger to unleash a sudden barrage of strikes, mimicking the eruption of a volcano.

The external aspect is the mastery over the elements, using the samurai's spiritual power. Each clan mastered a set of supernatural abilities that were related to the element they live in harmony with. Elemental samurais are trained in meditation techniques that help them to attune to the element they strive to embody. Doing so, they learn how to manifest its true power, by magically controlling air, fire, water and earth.

The combination of internal and external domain over the elements create the true mastery over the elemental styles, that are the core aspect of the elemental samurai traditions. With the capacity of the aspects of elemental fighting, an elemental samurai can effectively protect the lands of their clan, as they become almost invincible while fighting in their clan's territories.

Creating an Elemental Samurai[edit]

When creating an elemental samurai, ask yourself how you became an Elemental Samurai. Are you a direct descendant of the ancient Imperial Guard, and the blood of the ancient sun samurai run through your veins? Or are you the descendant of a member of a lower caste, that have fought to protect the survivors of the fallen sun empire, and participated in the creation of your elemental style? Elemental samurais often have strong ties with their past and heritage, and take great pride on deeds of ancestors - or shame of their misdeeds.

What is your elemental clan, and how does it reflect on your personality? Are you an angry and intense member of the fire clan, or is your passion a slow and cold burn? Do you have the calm and temperance of a mountain, or the fury and uncertainty of a landslide? Are you inconstant as the flowing river, or do you have the calm and serene of a clear lake? Do you have the soothing presence of a breeze, or the mighty rage of a typhoon? Although the elements are typically associated to a specific set of emotions, one must remember that the elements are as mutable and inconstant as their wielders.

Finally, why have you decided to join an adventuring group? Do you expect to travel to the ruins of the ancient Sun Empire, to discover powerful relics, or just to better understand the history of your people? Are you looking to hone your techniques by putting them to the test against mighty enemies? Maybe you are traveling at service of your people, in hopes to forge relations with other societies, or to identify potential threats to your kind. There are multiple reasons that cause an elemental samurai to abandon their clans in search for adventure, sometimes for duty, other for desire, but an elemental samurai won't abandon their duty as the guardian of their clans without a strong reason to do so.

Quick Build

You can create an elemental samurai quickly by following these suggestions. First, choose either Strength or Dexterity as your primary ability score. Look at the weapons used by each clan before you take this decision. Mountain samurais often prefer Strength based weapons, while Cloud samurai favor Dexterity. Volcano and River can choose either of them. Second, choose Constitution as your second highest ability score, since lasting in the battle is as important as defeating the enemy, and Wisdom, that affects many of the samurai stances and their connection with the elements. Finally, choose Outlander as your background.

Class Features

As a elemental samurai you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per elemental samurai level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per elemental samurai level after 1st


Armor: All armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: Calligrapher's supplies
Saving Throws: Strength, Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Persuasion and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

Table: The elemental samurai

Level Proficiency
1st +2 Ancestral Weapons, Clan
2nd +2 Clan Stance
3rd +2 Fighting Spirit, Higher Education
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Extra Attack
6th +3 Magic Ancestral Weapons, Clan Feature
7th +3 Elegant Courtier
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Honorable Challenge
10th +4 Tireless Spirit, Environmental Attunement
11th +4 Clan Feature
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Relentless Soul
14th +5 Clan Feature
15th +5 Rapid Strike
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Rapid Strike
18th +6 Strength Before Death, Clan Feature
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Perfected Spirit

Ancestral Weapons[edit]

Starting at 1st level, you bear a set of weapons characteristic of your clan: a shortsword and a longsword. You gain two additional ancestral weapons, plus one each time your proficiency bonus raises in 1. You choose your additional ancestral weapons from the list of ancestral weapons available to your clan, as shown on the "Ancestral Weapon" feature of each clan.

When you fight with your ancestral weapons, you add a bonus of +2 to your attack rolls with it. This bonus is not cumulative with that granted by fighting styles. In addition, each type of weapon have specific benefits, depending on your chosen clan.

To turn a weapon in an ancestral weapon, you must meditate for 1 hour with that weapon, which can be done over the course of a short or a long rest. You can't have more ancestral weapons than your maximum. To turn another weapon in an ancestral weapon, you must first break your bond with one of your current ancestral weapons, over the course of an hour.

If you lose or break an ancestral weapon, you can't bond with an ancestral weapons for the next 24 hours, and lose all the benefits of this feature until you finish a long rest.

Finally, you can engage in two-weapon fighting when wielding a longsword in one hand and a shortsword in the other.


All elemental samurai receive specialized training in form with the teachings of different clans. At 1st level, you have been trained in the ways of a certain clan: The cloud clan, mountain clan, river clan, or volcano clan. Alternatively, you are a sun ronin, still upholding the ways of your ancient kingdom, or part of the elusive moon sect, whose techniques are shrouded in secrecy. Your choice grants you features at 1st level, and again at 2th, 6th, 14th, and 18th level.

Clan Stance[edit]

Starting at 2nd level, you can assume the combat stance of your clan. Assuming a stance requires a bonus action, and the stance lasts for 1 minute, or until you are incapacitated.

You can't assume a stance while concentrating on a spell, and you are unable to cast spells while the stance is active. You can assume your stance a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all uses after finishing a long rest.

Fighting Spirit[edit]

Starting at 3rd level, your intensity in battle can shield you and help you strike true. As a bonus action on your turn, you can give yourself advantage on all weapon attack rolls until the end of your turn. When you do so, you also gain temporary hit points equal to your Elemental Samurai level (minimum of 5).

You can use this feature three times. You regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Higher Education[edit]

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: History, Insight, Performance, or Persuasion. Alternatively, you learn one language of your choice.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack[edit]

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Magic Ancestral Weapons[edit]

At 6th level, you extend your spiritual power into your ancestral weapons. Your attacks with your ancestral weapons count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Elegant Courtier[edit]

Starting at 7th level, your discipline and attention to detail allow you to excel in social situations. Whenever you make a Charisma check, you gain a bonus to the check equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Your self-control also causes you to gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws. If you already have this proficiency, you instead gain proficiency in Intelligence or Charisma saving throws instead..

Honorable Challenge[edit]

At 9th level, your can challenge your opponents to an honorable duel. As an action, you can make a Charisma (Persuasion) check contested by a creature's Wisdom (Insight) check. The creature must be able to hear you, and the two of you must share a language.

If you succeed on the check and the creature is hostile to you, it has disadvantage on attack rolls against targets other than you and can't make opportunity attacks against targets other than you. This effect lasts for 1 minute, until one of your companions attacks the target or affects it with a spell, or until you and the target are more than 60 feet apart.

Tireless Spirit[edit]

Starting at 10th level, when you roll initiative and have no uses of Fighting Spirit remaining, you regain one use.

Environmental Attunement[edit]

At 10th level, you can attune to the element you have connection with, asking questions to the elemental spirits that inhabit the land. You can cast commune with nature, as a ritual.

In addition, when you are in an area correspondent to your Environmental Adaptation feature (shown in each subclass), you gain knowledge of up to five facts of your choice, instead of three, as they relate to the area.

Relentless Soul[edit]

At 13th level, you refuse to die. You have advantage on Death Saving throws, and if both dice would cause you to succeed on the Death Saving Throw, you gain two successes.

Also, if you succeed three times consecutively on death saving throws, you regain 1 hit point when you are stabilized.

Rapid Strike[edit]

Starting at 15th level, you learn to trade accuracy for swift strikes. If you take the Attack action on your turn and have advantage on an attack roll against against one of the targets, you may forgo the advantage for that roll to make an additional weapon attack against that target, as part of the same action. You can do so no more than once per turn.

Strength Before Death[edit]

Starting at 17th level, your fighting spirit can delay the grasp of death. If you take damage that reduces you to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to delay falling unconscious, and you can immediately take an extra turn. While you have 0 hit points during that extra turn, taking damage causes death saving throw failures as normal. When the extra turn ends, you fall unconscious if you still have 0 hit points.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Perfected Spirit[edit]

When you reach the 20th level, you can use your Fighting Spirit feature at will.

Elemental Samurai Clans[edit]

Clans of elemental samurai have a great connection to the region they have been built onto. Each clan has developed a special set of martial techniques, who draw inspiration from the element available on the region. Some special techniques can even exert control over that element, allowing the elemental samurai to perform supernatural techniques.

Cloud Clan[edit]

Soft and delicate, the samurai of the cloud clan appear to be elegant and refined even for samurai standards. An enemy who mistakes this appearance by weakness, however, have made the last mistake of his life. The delicacy of the technique is carried on in the use of their weapons, and they can move quickly and strike swiftly, being some of the fastest warriors in existence.

The wind clan was built by a nation of nomads, and their settlements were raised on top of floating islands, that was on an ancient past, the home of cloud giants. The incredibly tall homes of the giants now work as vertical cities for members of the cloud clan, that could create prosperous communities, due to the safety brought by the difficulty in accessing their lands.

The technique of the cloud samurai was created by masters who learn how to move like the wind by feeling its erratic and fast movements. They learn to swirl with it, spinning and whirling like dancers. Training their ability to move by using high jumps, moving upwards in the high towers of giants, and learning how to reduce the impact of falls by rolling with it.

Masters of these styles can control the winds themselves, and some can even ride magical clouds through the sky, which makes the charge of an army of cloud samurais an equally beautiful and terrifying sight to behold.

Ancestral Weapon

At 1st level, you can choose the following weapons as ancestral weapons: quarterstaff, javelin, shortbow, scimitar, longbow, whip, rapier and hand crossbow.

In addition, when you hit a creature with an attack with an ancestral weapon, you can use your reaction to disengage and move up to 15 feet to any direction of your choice. This movement is considered a short movement by flight, that require you to end your movement on the ground.

Finally, you can use your Dexterity, rather than your Strength, for attacks and damage rolls when wielding your ancestral weapon.

Environmental Adaptation

At 1st level, your Strength modifier is considered equal to 10 + twice your proficiency bonus, if it is lower, to calculate jump distances and to make checks for jump. In addition, you gain the following benefits:

  • Any fall damage you take is reduced by an amount equal to five times your level in this class.
  • You treat areas heavily obscured by mist, fog or clouds as lightly obscured, and you ignore areas lightly obscured by the same sources.
  • Your movement cannot be reduced by wind speed, and you have advantage on saving throws to avoid the effects of wind (magical or otherwise).
  • if you can look at the sky, you can predict the weather conditions in a mile of radius for the next four hours.
Wind Stance

At 2nd level, You can spend an use of your Clan Stance feature to assume the stance of the wind. For the next minute, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.
  • You gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed. You must end your movement on the ground, or you fall.
  • You have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks and Dexterity saving throws.
  • You have a bonus to escape any type of non-magical grapple or restraint equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1)
Wind Guide

At 6th level, you gain the ability to subtly control the weather around you.

  • If it is sunny, you can use an action to make a 20-foot-radius-sphere of shade centered around you. You can end this effect as a free action.
  • If it is raining, you can use an action to cause the rain to stop falling in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on you. You can end this effect as a free action.
  • If it is windy, you can use a bonus action each round to choose the direction that the wind blows in a 100-foot-radius sphere centered on you. The wind blows in that direction until the end of your next turn. This feature doesn't alter the speed of the wind.
Aerial Dash

At 6th level, you can use your bonus action to gain the benefits of the Dash and Disengage action.When you do so, you gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed, that lasts until the end of your turn.

You can't use this ability while indoors, unless there's blowing wind in a moderate or higher speed (such as magical wind from a spell of 2nd-level or higher).

Swift Strikes

At 11th level, you gain the ability to jump and move trough the battlefield like wind. When you use the Attack action, you can fly up to 15 feet before each attack. This movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.

If you attack at least two different creatures with the action, you can make one additional attack with it against a third creature.

Air Bending

At 14th level, you can use hand movements to control the winds. You can cast gust of wind and warding wind at will while outdoors, without spending a spell slot. You can cast these spells even when you are on the wind stance.

In addition, you can spend one use of your Wind Stance to cast Wind Wall or Control Winds. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for any of these spells.

Cloud Rider

At 18th level, you can use your action to gather the air around you to summon a dense cloud, that you can ride. The cloud has the properties of a carpet of flying, and the size (and correspondent capacity and flying speed) of your choice, determined whenever you summon it.

You can command the cloud once per turn, without using an action, and can dismiss the cloud as an action on your turn. Only creatures and objects allowed by you can stand on the cloud.

In addition, you become immune to thunder and fall damage.

Mountain Clan[edit]

Most samurai are refined warriors, people of culture and poise. For this reason, meeting a mountain samurai may seem shocking at first. These warriors are often brutish and rude, and can sometimes be easily mistaken for barbarians. Spending some time with them, however, will reveal the true nature of these warriors, and the strict code of conduct and honor, and especially the discipline they show, who is on pair, if not higher,than that of most samurais.

It is said that the clan of mountain was built after a savage war that had led the clan to the brink of destruction, forcing them to flee to hideouts on the mountains. There, they have rebuilt their society and culture, while the masters of the blade from that clan have honed techniques that use the mountain as a source of inspiration and power.

The techniques of a mountain samurai require lots of strength and endurance. During their training, they must spend hours in lower stances, to build endurance and stability, while being constantly beaten by their masters to build rock-hard bones and thicken their skin. They train their muscles by lifting heavy stones, and working on forges and mines, and most of the time the weapons wielded by mountain samurai are their own creation.

Masters of this style have a deep connection to the soil, and can exert control over it, bending the earth to hinder the movement of their enemies. They are also capable of great endurance, and there are some who claim to have seen swords break in contact with the body of mountain samurai.

Ancestral Weapon

At 1st level, you can choose the following weapons as ancestral weapons: club, greatclub, quarterstaff, maul, mace, morningstar and flail.

In addition, once per turn when you hit a creature of Large size or lower with an ancestral weapon, you can push the target 5 feet. On a critical hit with an ancestral weapon, the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier) or be stunned until the end of its next turn.

You also, you learn the shillelagh and magic stone cantrips. The thrown stones enchanted by this cantrip are considered ancestral weapons.

Finally, you gain proficiency with the smith's tools, and spend half the time and resources to forge mundane and magical weapons from your Ancestral Weapon type.

Environmental Adaptation

At 1st level, when you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to mountains, your proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill that you’re proficient in.

In addition, you gain the following benefits:

  • You ignore difficult terrain in mountains.
  • You have advantage on initiative rolls when fighting on a mountain.
  • On your first turn during combat while in a mountain, you have advantage on attack rolls against creatures that have not yet acted.
Mountain Stance

At 2nd level, you can spend an use of your Clan Stance feature to assume the solid stance of the mountain, using a bonus action. For the next minute, you gain the following benefits:

  • You gain a bonus to your AC to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1)
  • The area within 10 feet of you is considered difficult terrain to hostile creatures.
  • You have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks
  • You gain a bonus to any check made to Shove or resist the shove of a creature equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1)
Earthen Walking

At 6th level, you gain a burrowing and climb speed equal to your movement speed. In addition, you ignore difficult terrain from non-magical sources, or difficult terrain that affects the earth or soil, magical or otherwise.

Control Soil

At 11th level, the earth beneath your feet follow your commands. If you haven't moved on your turn, you can use your bonus action to cause the area in the ground within 30 feet to become difficult terrain for your enemies, until the start of your next turn.

Your movement speed is reduced to 0 when you do so, until the start of your next turn.

Earthen Resilience

At 14th level, you can’t be stunned, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, or poisoned. In addition, you are immune to poison damage.

Adamantine Bones

Starting at 18th level, you gain resistance to slashing, piercing and bludgeoning damage.

River Clan[edit]

Living inside deep jungles, in villages covered by dense foliage, the founders of the River Clan have used rivers as a source of nourishment and transportation for generations. After the fall of the Sun Empire, the forests were a natural choice as a place for outpost. Being led by hunters and survivalists, refugees from the empire found in the banks of rivers a new life, and a place to make a stand against the pursuing hordes.

River samurai are sometimes seen as less honorable than other clans, due to their willingness to use tactics sometimes considered dirty or unfair for survival. They are specialized in skirmishes, being taught by the coursing river to be adaptable and in constant flow, changing and reshaping as water with each situation. This is what has made the River Clan flourish and survive for many years, and it is not a lack of honor, but a strong drive to survive.

The river technique reflects this adaptability, which makes river samurais tricky and unpredictable opponents. They swirl around their opponents, attacking and retreating constantly, grappling and wrestling their targets with a plethora of weapons, and changing between them with great speed. More than one attacker have found their end due to mistaking an unarmed river samurai for a helpless one, since these samurai are notorious unarmed combatants. A river samurai is never unarmed and always has a trick up his sleeve.

Ancestral Weapon

At 1st level, you can choose the following weapons as ancestral weapons: javelin, spear, light crossbow, rapier, heavy crossbow, blowgun, pike and trident.

In addition, you can draw a weapon as part of the attack you make, without spending an action, and stow that weapon right after you hit or miss your target. Finally, when you take the Attack action and make an attack with an ancestral weapon, you can use your bonus action to Shove or Grapple the target.

Finally, your ability to adapt extend to using your body as a weapon. Your unarmed strikes are considered ancestral weapons, and you roll a 1d6 for unarmed strikes (or 1d8 if you have both hands free), instead of the normal damage.

Environmental Adaptation

At 1st level, when you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to riverside areas your proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill that you’re proficient in.

In addition, you gain the following benefits:

  • You gain a swimming speed equal to your movement speed.
  • Your Constitution is considered 20 (+5) for the purposes of holding your breath while underwater.
  • You gain proficiency in Vehicles (Sea), and add twice your proficiency bonus in checks with it.
  • You have no disadvantage on melee attack rolls due to being submerged.
Water Stance

At 2nd level, you can flow and adapt like water. You can spend an use of your Clan Stance feature to assume the water stance for the next minute, gaining the following benefits:

  • When you hit a creature, you can push the creature to an unoccupied space within 10 feet of you, or knock the creature prone.
  • You can roll with the strikes. As a reaction, you can reduce the damage you take from an attack to half.
  • You have advantage on any contested ability checks.
  • You have a bonus to any skill check you don't have proficiency equal to half your Wisdom modifier rounded down (minimum of +1)
Watery Bond

At 6th level, you have a profound attunement with water. You can cast Water Walk and Water Breathing as rituals.

In addition, whenever you are within 10 feet of a large body of water (pond size or larger), you can use your action to control that water and summon a tidal wave (as the tidal wave spell). The spell is always cast on the area of the body of water, and Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Once you do so, you can't do it again until you finish a short or a long rest. Also, the water used by this feature don't vanish.

Versatile Combat

At 11th level, your strategy is as flexible as water. When you take the Attack action, you can take the Dash, Disengage, Hide or make an ability check that require an action, using a bonus action instead.

In addition, while you are in your water stance, no attack made against you can have advantage, and no attack, ability check or save made by you can have disadvantage.

Font of Life

At 14th level, your body can take full benefit of the healing and soothing properties of water. You gain a pool of healing equal to your 3 x your Elemental Samurai level. As a bonus action, you can drink water, and spend any amount of points from that pool, regaining the same amount of hit points.

You can also spend 6 points from this pool to end a poison or disease affecting you. Finally, you can spend 15 points from the pool to end one level of exhaustion.

If you are at least partially submerged, you can use this feature at the start of your turn, without taking an action.

Once your pool is depleted, you must finish a long rest before filling it up again. You can also spend a hit die during a short rest. Roll it, your pool replenishes a number of points equal to the number rolled plus your Wisdom modifier. You can't have more points on the pool than your maximum.

Watery Defense

At 18th level, you also gain the ability to defend yourself by momentarily assuming a water-like form. As a reaction when you are hit by an attack and take bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage from it, you can quarter the damage taken, and then you can move up to 30 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.

You also become immune to fire and poison damage.

Volcano Clan[edit]

A huge active volcano was part of the landscape of the Sun Empire, visible from the shore, across the ocean, as a constant reminder of the threat looming outside the imperial walls. With the fall of the empire, that island was an unlikely place for anyone seeking refuge, and it's for this very reason that the founders of the volcano clan have chosen to inhabit. Their pursuers had thought nature itself would take care of the refugees.

Members of the volcano clan, however, manage to thrive. Under the furious might of the volcano, and nearby a now hostile place, conquered by barbarian hordes, members of the volcano clan lived in fear for their destruction by either fire or blade. They lived with anger. Anger for their lost homes, anger for their current situation, and they used this anger, channeled it into their dangerous training.

Volcano samurais use their emotions as fuel for their abilities, channeling their anger in each strike. Some see volcano samurais as nothing more than mindless ravagers, who lost their minds in grief and hate. But the truth is far from that. Rage does fill the hearts of volcano samurais, but this rage is tamed, directed and controlled. If they use their rage, they can avoid being used by it.

The style of the volcano clan is like fire: devastating, destructive, and all-consuming. Volcano samurais erupt with the sudden rage of a volcano, and reduce their enemies to ashes with furious and quick strikes. Being forged in an inhospitable environment, they are fearless, turning what was once fear into a drive to win and live another day.

Ancestral Weapon

At 1st level, you can choose the following weapons as ancestral weapons: dagger, spear, light hammer, scimitar, warhammer, halberd, battleaxe and glaive.

In addition, once per turn when you hit a creature with an ancestral weapon, you can force that creature and another within 5 feet of your target to make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier) or cause 1d8 fire damage.

Finally, you gain proficiency with the smith's tools, and spend half the time and resources to forge mundane and magical weapons from your Ancestral Weapon type.

Environmental Adaptation

At 1st level, you are immune to the effects of extreme heat. In addition, you gain the following benefits:

  • You are resistant to fire damage.
  • When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
  • You can start a fire if you have any flammable objects, without the need for a tinder box.
Fire Stance

At 2nd level, you can burn with the intensity and passion of fire. You can spend a use of your Clan Stance feature to assume the fire stance. You gain the following benefits:

  • You cause additional damage with your melee weapon attacks equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1)
  • Your movement speed increases in 10 feet.
  • You have advantage on saving throws against the charmed and frightened conditions.
  • You gain advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks.
Fiery Rush

At 6th level, you can use your action to rush forward in a mighty charge. As an action, you can move 30 feet, without provoking opportunity attacks, and you can move trough spaces occupied by hostile creatures (but not end your movement on them).

You can make one attack against each creature of your choice in your path.

Burning Blade

At 11th level, you can awaken the power of fire with your spirit. You cause additional fire damage with your ancestral weapons equal to 1d8 fire on a hit.

In addition, while you are in your Fire Stance, the flames glow a bright blue, instead of orange, shedding a blue glow in a 10-foot radius (dim light). You can cause the additional damage of that stance to be fire, instead of the normal type of damage, and any fire damage you cause during that stance ignore resistance, and treat immunity as resistance.

Wrathful Rebuke

At 14th level, you burn with the intense and furious rage of a volcano. When you take damage from an attack, you can use your reaction to move up to half your movement speed towards the creature and make a single melee weapon attack.

If you are in your Fire Stance, you can instead force a creature within 30 feet to make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.

Volcano Eruption

When you reach the 18th level, you can command the lava running beneath the earth to erupt. As an action, choose a point on the ground you can see within 120 feet. A fountain of lava erupts in a 20-foot cube centered on that point for a minute. Each creature in the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw of (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier).

A creature takes 8d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. In addition, the ground in that area becomes difficult terrain, and bright hot with flames.

When a creature enters the area of lava for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, it falls prone. Any creature who start its turn in an area of lava takes 4d6 fire damage. A creature who moves into or within the area also takes 4d6 fire damage for each 5 feet it travels.

Any creature who start its turn within 10 feet of a space covered in lava must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or take 2d6 fire damage. Also, any flammable objects that aren't held inside the area covered in lava, or within 10 feet of it, ignite and burst in flames.

Any creature in the area of lava on the last turn of its duration is trapped on the solidified lava. A trapped creature can use an action to make a Strength check against the Volcano Eruption save DC to break free.

You are immune to all effects of your volcanic eruption. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Sun Ronin[edit]

Samurais from the sun clan went extinct, having either been killed during the raids that fell the Sun Empire, or abandoned their traditions at the dawn of the elemental clans. There are, however, those who persevere. The sun ronin are scattered, roaming the world in a desperate attempt to find purpose. Some helplessly seek living members of the imperial family, in hopes to restore the former glory of the Sun Empire. Others, live to uphold the values and philosophies of the sun tradition, accepting the fact that the age of the Sun has passed, but with the knowledge that the morals and honor of the former Sun Guard is still valuable today. And some, just preserve the martial techniques of the Sun Guard and use for their own means, living as sell-swords, and often hiding the source of their martial techniques.

Sun ronins derive their technique from the sun. Internally, they mimic the sun's watchful gaze, a constant eye in the sky, the sentinel who patrols the whole world, in an eternal vigilance. They are, first and foremost, guardians and sentinels, and almost nothing passes unnoticed to the gaze of a sun samurai. They also adopt the main function of the sun, that of offering nourishment, heat and protection from the elements and from the darkness. Sun ronins often still act as guardians, protecting those who can't protect themselves, being a source of hope, a light that dispel the shadows of the helpless and downtrodden.

Ancestral Weapon

At 1st level, you can choose the following weapons as ancestral weapons: dagger, spear, quarterstaff, glaive, greatsword, lance, halberd and longbow.

In addition, once per turn, you can use your bonus action to give yourself advantage on the next attack roll you make with an ancestral weapon until the end of your turn.

Finally, when you are in an area of sunlight, and wielding an ancestral weapon that has a blade, you can throw light on the eyes of a creature. As an action, you force a creature within 30 feet to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, that creature is blinded until the end of its next turn..

Environmental Adaptation

At 1st level, when you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check in an area of bright light, or whenever there's sun light visible, your proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill that you’re proficient in.

In addition, you gain the following benefits:

  • You can't be surprised in areas of bright light, or were the sun light is visible.
  • You have advantage on initiative rolls when in an area of bright light, or with visible sun light.
  • On your first turn during combat while in an area of bright light, or with visible sunlight, you have advantage on attack rolls against creatures that have not yet acted.
Sun Stance

At 2nd level, you can spend an use of your Clan Stance feature to assume the vigilant stance of the sun, using a bonus action. For the next minute, you gain the following benefits:

  • You can see invisible or heavily obscured creatures up to a range of 10 feet.
  • You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
  • You are immune to the frightened condition, and have advantage on saving throws against spells from the illusion school.
Internal Sun

At 6th level, you can cause the power of the sun to glow inside you. As an action while wielding an ancestral weapon, you can cast daylight, or branding smite centered on the weapon.

You can use this feature once, and gain the ability to do so again when you complete a long rest. You can use this feature twice between rests at 9th level, and three times at 11th level.

Solar Strike

At 11th level, when you are wielding a weapon that is bathed in sunlight, you cause additional damage equal to you Wisdom modifier on a hit. The damage is radiant.

Aura of Radiance

At 14th level, while wielding your Ancestral Weapon, you can shed an aura of radiance, that sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius, and dim light for another 20 feet.

Any creature invisible or disguised by a spell or magical effect must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier, or it loses the invisibility or magical disguise.

In addition, you can sense any creature hidden or invisible in the radius of this aura, without relying on sight.

Vigilant Strike

At 18th level, you learn how to punish those who dare strike your allies. Whenever a creature within your reach or range to hit make an attack against a friendly creature, you can use your reaction to attempt to prevent that attack.

Make an attack roll. On a hit in addition to the attacks normal effects, you cause your target's attack to miss.

Moon Sect[edit]

The fall of the Sun Empire was a great shock to many around the world. The Sun Samurai, shamed and wounded, had no choice but to settle in new lands and create new styles of fighting. Though some of them, still in shock at the fall of their old ways, swore a different oath. They abandoned light and honor for darkness and justice. They did not settle, instead periodically changing their hiding places. They only acredin the dark of night. Even when in light, it's as if shade follows their steps. They respect the principles of other samurai, but are painfully aware of their shortcomings. They believe that the world is like the night sky, and only those with the strongest conviction will shine like the moon.

It's exceptionally hard to notice a samurai of the moon sect. They have a learnt talent to pass by unnoticed and merge into crowds. Even in what's supposed to be clear sun light, many moon sect samurai fool most into believing they are nothing but tarnished commoners.

Samurais of the moon sect strike like predators in the darkness. Using the element of surprise and the guise of darkness to aid them. They relish fighting in the dark, and, worse comes to worst, will create their own. Their fighting style is very opportunistic, taking advantage of any chinks in an opponent's defense. They are cool-headed, but they have a burning will to win, over all else.

Ancestral Weapon

At 1st level, you can choose the following weapons as ancestral weapons: dagger, quarterstaff, rapier, scimitar, hand crossbow, light crossbow, and blowgun.

As a bonus action when you make an attack with a weapon, but before you roll to hit, you may make your attack score a critical on 19-20 for the next attack roll. If your attack would already score a critical on a 19-20, you may make it score a critical on a 18-20 instead.

Finally, when you are in a heavily obscured area and you make a weapon attack against a creature within 30 ft. of you, you can use your bonus action to make the creature appear as a white shadow in the dark, and give off dim-light in a 5 foot radius, making them visible to all creatures within 60 feet.

Environmental Adaptation

At 1st level, when you make an Dexterity or Wisdom check in an area of darkness, or dim-light without sunlight, your proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill that you’re proficient in.

In addition, you gain the following benefits:

  • You can see normally in darkness.
  • You have advantage on Initiative rolls when in an area of darkness, or dim-light without sunlight.
  • On your first turn during combat while in an area of bright light, or without visible sunlight, your critical hit range is increased to 19-20.
  • Whenever a creature makes a perception check against you, you count as being lightly obscured in bright light and heavily obscured in dim light.
Moon Stance

At 2nd level, you can spend an use of your Clan Stance feature to assume the duplicitous stance of the moon, using a bonus action. For the next minute, you gain the following benefits:

  • When you are in darkness and score a critical hit with a weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
  • You can see through non-magical darkness up to a range of 60 feet.
  • You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks
  • Your shadow can move unnaturally, you can make a weapon attack roll against you have disadvantage.
Cloaking Shade

At 6th level, you can cause the power of the sun to glow inside you. As an action while wielding an ancestral weapon, you can cast darkness. The spell is cast at a level equal to half your Elemental Samurai level (rounded down). Whenever you cast darkness this way, you may choose to reduce the spell's area to 10 or 5 feet.

You can use this feature once, and gain the ability to do so again when you complete a long rest. You can use this feature twice between rests at 9th level, and three times at 11th level.

Additionally, whenever you are in dim-light or darkness, creatures have disadvantage on opportunity attacks against you.

Strike of Shadows

At 11th level, whenever you are in darkness and score a critical hit with a weapon roll, you can immediately make another attack, without using an action.

In addition, whenever you end your turn in an area of darkness, you can take the Hide action without using an action, even if you are in plain sight.

Eerie Atmosphere

At 14th level, while you are within darkness, you can teleport up to your movement speed to an unoccupied space that you can see that is also covered in darkness, instead of moving normally.

Additionally, when in darkness, even creatures with blindsight or truesight can only vaguely sense you after making a Wisdom (Perception) check (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier).

Darkness Strike

At 18th level, whenever you are in darkness and score a critical against a creature, it must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, double the damage of your attack against the creature.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the elemental samurai class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Strength, 13 Wisdom.

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the elemental samurai class, you gain the following proficiencies: light armor, medium armor, simple weapons, and martial weapons.

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