Fallen Skiff (5e Equipment)
Cost: 6000lbs of raw scrap and electronics The Fallen Skiff is a troop carrier utilized by the Fallen. It's armed with a multitude of weapons and can used for the transportation of vehicles and and large items Size: huge Actions[edit]
the skiff makes three shock cannon shots and one of the following other actions Shock Cannon: Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 100/300 ft., one target. Hit: 35 (8d6) lightning/piercing damage. Drop Mines The skiff drops shock grenades in a 30x20 ft cube creatures caught in the area must pass a Dex save DC16 or take 36 lightning damage or half on success Hot Drop The skiff drops off it's cargo be it troops, vehicles, or leadership. Transmat Creatures and items within 100ft can be teleported back into the skiff. (creatures and items must be equipped with a transmat beacon before they can transmated. fallen and their vehicles count as always equipped with such beacon.) Cloak the skiff becomes invisible Blink the skiff teleports any where within 30ft |
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