River Barge (5e Equipment)

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Cost: 40 gp (small) or 90 gp (large)
Weight: 1,200 lb. (small) or 3,000 lb. (large)
Carrying Capacity: 4,800 lbs (small) or 17,000 lb. (large)

A barge is a simple flat-bottomed boat for hauling goods along canals and rivers. They are not self-propelled and need to be towed or pushed: by towboat; or by draft animal on an adjacent towpath.

At a steady walking speed a horse can move 10 times as much weight in a boat as it can with a cart on a road.

AC: 13
Hit Points: 75 (small) or 110 (large)
Damage Threshold: 5
Dimensions: 20 feet long, 6 feet wide (small) or 30 feet long, 7 feet wide (large)

A large river barge


The following tables are for use with the Vehicle Construction Kit.[1]

Small River Barge[edit]

Slot Component Cost
1 Wood structure, frame 10 gp
2 Seating (1 poor seat for crew) 10 gp
3 Seating (1 poor seat for crew) 10 gp
4-19 Cargo hold (4,800 lbs)
20 Wooden structure, open 10 gp

Design Notes: Mass ii body (3 tons laden).

Large River Barge[edit]

Slot Component Cost
1 Wood structure, frame 30 gp
2 Seating (3 poor seats for crew) 30 gp
3-19 Cargo hold (17,000 lbs)
20 Wooden structure, open 30 gp

Design Notes: Mass iv body (10 tons laden).

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