Rippersled (5e Equipment)

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Cost: 17,500 gp
Weight: 500 lb
Speed: 120 ft (Travel Pace 12 miles per hour (288 miles per day))
Strength: 16
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 12

Whether they be of dwarven, gnomish, or Gondian design, rippersleds are highly mobile vehicles used to quickly traverse frozen tundras. They are powered by an internal combustion engine fueled by valine oil, the loud sound of which results in their namesake. The front of the sled is propelled along ice and snow by a spinning blade-like chain.

Damage Immunites poison, psychic

Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious

Size: Large
AC: 19 (15 while motionless)
Hit Points: 95 (damage threshold 8)
Crew and Passengers: 1 driver, 1 passenger

Handling. The rippersled is a fickle vehicle to pilot. It has two speeds, half speed (1 ft. - 60 ft) and full speed (61 ft. - 120 ft.).

Acceleration. The rippersled can only move up to half speed on a turn, unless it has spent the previous turn using its full movement to move at half speed, upon which it can move up to full speed.

Deceleration. If moving at full speed, the rippersled must spend a turn using all its movement to move at half speed before it can stop.

Turning. The rippersled must move a minimum amount of feet in order to make one 90 degree turn: at least 30 feet at half speed, and at least 60 feet at full speed. The pilot can attempt to reduce this turning radius by attempting a (DC 15 at half speed, 20 at full speed) Dexterity (land vehicles) check, reducing it to a minimum of 15 feet.

Ripping Ram. While moving at full speed, any creature within the rippersled's path of travel must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, moving to an unoccupied space within 5 feet on a success and taking 4d12 bludgeoning damage and 4d12 slashing damage on a failure. Creatures of Medium or smaller size that fail the save are knocked prone, while larger creatures and objects cause the rippersled to take the bludgeoning damage and lose all of its speed for the rest of the turn.

Terrain Restriction. The rippersled ignores difficult terrain caused by ice and snow. However, it treats all other terrain as difficult terrain and is restricted to half speed while traveling through it. The pilot has disadvantage on ability checks made to drive the rippersled while traveling through difficult terrain.

Fuel Consumption. The rippersled will run for 48 hours on one pint (a full fuel tank) of valine oil (3 hours per ounce). Refueling the rippersled takes 1 minute.

Noisy. The rippersled emits a loud ripping sound while active, audible to up to 1 mile away. Creatures within 20 feet of the rippersled have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.

Low Center of Gravity. The rippersled has advantage on saving throws against being knocked prone. If it does fall prone, it can't right itself and is incapacitated until flipped upright.

Action Stations[edit]

Pilot Seat (Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half Cover). Drive and steer the rippersled. The rippersled requires the Use an Object action with a specific ignition key to start so it can be piloted.

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