Skelecopter (5e Equipment)

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Cost: Uncommon
Weight: 350 lbs.
Speed: 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (top speed 60 mph or 530 ft.) (requires at least one mile of continuous straight travel to reach top speed)
Carrying Capacity: 200 lbs.
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 15

The invention of a devious Necromancer, a Skelecopter is an aerial vehicle made up of animated skeletons, exploiting their lack of flesh to stretch and tear to instead spin as fast as possible with blades in hand, generating sufficient lift to carry a pilot and a safe enclosure (also made of animated skeletons). A typical Skelecopter is made up of thirteen skeletons animated by a single necromancer, two for landing gear, four for a floor, four for a frame, one for a tail, and one each for the main and tail propellors.

Size: Large
AC: 13
Hit Points: 169 (damage threshold 5)
Crew and Passengers: 1 driver, or one driver and one passenger if both are small.

(2 votes)

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