5e Futuristic Weapons

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This list of homebrew content includes futuristic weapons made on D&D Wiki. "Futuristic weapons" are only possible with technology that is not available even in modern reality. Any weapons herein are in the realm of science fiction. Weapons that are feasible with present-day, real-world technology might be considered modern weapons instead. This list excludes magic weapons and any pages with maintenance templates.

The weapons herein are so far beyond the technology of a typical D&D campaign that costs are not shown. These weapons should usually be treated as rare and priceless as magic items, but in specific campaigns these items may be considered "mundane" and have relevant costs listed.

Simple Melee Weapons[edit]

Simple Melee Weapons Rarity Damage Weight Properties
Anti-Robot Wand Common 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. light, reload (50 strikes), special
Chainfist Uncommon 3d8 slashing 4 lb. glove, light, special
Chainsaw, UAC Uncommon 3d4 slashing 9 lb. Chained damage (4), reload (50 charges), heavy, two-handed
Combifist Very Rare Special 15 lb. glove, heavy, special, expensive
Laser Punch Gun Common 1 bludgeoning plus 3d6 radiant 1 lb. Glove, hidden, light, reload (10 shots)
Plasma Punch Gun Common 1 bludgeoning plus 3d6 lightning 1 lb. Glove, hidden, light, reload (10 shots)
Starcraft Plasma Charged Combat Knife Common 1d4 piercing+2d4 elemental 4 lb Light, finesse
Ultra Blade Gauntlet Common 1d12 piercing 5 lbs. Light, hidden
Ultra Fist Uncommon 3d6 bludgeoning 1 lb. Finesse, glove, light, special
Vibroknife 75 gp 2d4 Slashing 1.25 lb. Finesse, Light

Simple Ranged Weapons[edit]

Simple Ranged Weapons Rarity Damage Weight Properties
'Dirty' Laser Rifle Rare 6d8 fire 8 lb. Ammunition (range 60/240), loading, two-handed, irradiated, special
Blaster Carbine 425 credits 3d6 force 5 0.5 ½ lb. Ammunition (range 80/320), two-handed
Blaster Pistol 150 Gold 3d4 Force 2.5 lb. light, reload 20, range 50/200
Idiot-Proof Pistol 750gp 1d12 piercing 1 lb. Ammunition (range 30/90), Reload (6 shots)
Phosphor Blast Pistol Rare 1d12 Fire 8 lb. Light, Ammunition (6), Blast (10ft),Range 60/90, Special
Phosphor Pistol Uncommon 1d10 Fire 3 lb. Light, Ammunition (6), Range 30/90, Special
Pistol, UAC Common 2d6 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (range 50/150), reload (12 shots)
Shotgun, Combat 3d6 piercing 7 lb. Ammunition (range 30/90), two-handed

Martial Melee Weapons[edit]

Martial Melee Weapons Rarity Damage Weight Properties
Chain-axe Uncommon 3d8 slashing 8 lb Versitile (4d8)
Chainsword Uncommon 4d6 slashing 4 lb. Ammunition, reload (30 strikes)
Dual Laser Scythe Uncommon 2d6 slashing, 1d6 radiant 7 lb. Finesse, versatile (2d8/1d8)
Energy Sword Very Rare 3d12 force 3 lbs. light, Disarming, special (can use 10 times, then needs 2 hours of charging)
Energy Sword, Variant Uncommon 2d6 radiant damage 3 lbs. light, finesse
Gravity Hammer Uncommon 2d6 force 19 lb. Reload (25 strikes), heavy, reach, special, two-handed
Gravity Saber Rare 2d10 slashing 3 lb. Light, Versatile(3d8), Finesse, Special
Grenade, Spike Uncommon 1d8 slashing 4 lbs. Thrown (30/60), light, special
Guardian Spear Very Rare 3d10 slashing/ 4d6 force, Ranged 5d8 Piercing 50 lb. Heavy, Two-Handed, Reach 15ft, Ammunition (100), Range (160/320) ,Special
Heavy Chainsword Rare 6d6 slashing 8 lb. Reload (20 strikes), Heavy, Two-Handed
Hyperdense Battleaxe Very Rare 5d8 Slashing 4,000 lb. Versatile (5d10)
Hyperdense Greataxe Very Rare 5d12 Slashing 7,000 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Hyperdense Greatsword Very Rare 10d6 Slashing 6,000 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Hyperdense Longsword Very Rare 5d8 Slashing 3,000 lb. Versatile (5d10)
Hyperdense Shortsword Very Rare 5d6 Slashing 2,000 lb. Finesse, light
Laser Sword Common 1d10 radiant 1 lb. finesse, reload (50 strikes)
Lightning Claw Rare 4d6 slashing 2d12 lightning 35 lb. Heavy, Armor Piercing (-1), glove
Lightsaber Very Rare (major tier) 2d12 radiant 2 lb Finesse, light
Lightsaber, Double-Bladed Rare 2d12 radiant 2 lb finesse, double weapon (2d12), two-handed
Ma'Tok Staff Rare 1d8 bludgeoning, ranged 2d12 radiant 10 lb. Heavy, Ammunition (range 100/300), Two-Handed
Mech Gauntlet Common 1d8 slashing piercing/ 1d4 bludgeoning + 1d4 piercing 5 lb. Glove, Light, Ammunition (range 30/60 ft.), Special
Monofilament Wire Rare 2d6 slashing 1 lb. Two-Handed, Finesse, double weapon (2d6)
Monowire Whip Uncommon 2d6 slashing 1 lb. Finesse, reach
Plasma Claw Rare 3d6 lightning 1 lb. Finesse, glove, light, special
Power Gauntlet Uncommon 1 bludgeoning plus 2d8 force 25 lb. Glove, Heavy
Power Scythe Very Rare 3d8 slashing 25 lb. Heavy, Two-handed, Reach, Special, Reload (40 strikes)
Retractable Wrist Blade Uncommon 2d4 piercing or 1d8 slashing 0.5 lb. Finesse, glove, Hidden, light, special
Robot Sword Common 2d4 slashing 2 lb. Special, Versatile (1d10)
Rocket Hammer Common 2d8 bludgeoning 2 lb. Reload (50 strikes), versatile (2d10)
Rocket Maul Uncommon 2d12 bludgeoning 10 lb. Heavy, reload (50 strikes), two-handed
Scorpion Whip Very Rare 2d8 slashing 10 lb. Finesse, reach, special
Shock Blade Common 2d8 lightning 6 lb.
Type-1 Energy Sword (Halo Supplement) Rare 2d12 radiant damage 3 lbs. light, finesse, plasma cartridge
Type-2 Gravity Hammer (Halo Supplement) Rare 3d12 bludgeoning 3 lbs. two-handed, heavy, plasma cartridge, special
Vibroblade Common 2d8 slashing 8lbs. Light, finesse

Martial Ranged Weapons[edit]

Martial Ranged Weapons Rarity Damage Weight Properties
Adrathic Pistol Very Rare 4d8 radiant 18 lb. Ammunition (Range 80/320), reload (12), disintegrate
Adrathic Repeater Very Rare 4d8 radiant 32 lb. Ammunition (range 60/240), reload (12), burst (4), rapid (4), disintegrate, heavy, two-handed
Adrathic Rifle Very Rare 5d8 radiant 25 lb. Ammunition (range 100/400), reload (6), two-handed, disintegrate
AIE-486H Heavy Machine Gun Uncommon 2d10 piercing 20 lbs. Ammunition (range 60/240), reload (200 shots), heavy, two-handed, stabilizing, special
Antimatter Rifle
Astral Cannon Very rare 8d6 radiant 10 lb. Ammunition (range 300/900), reload (3 shots), heavy, two-handed, special
Baragwin Heavy Repeating Blaster Legendary 3d8 fire 32 lb. Ammunition (ranged 60/300), reload (30), heavy, two-handed, upgradeable
Beam Rifle Rare 5d12 Radiant 20 lb. Ammunition (range 2,000/8,000), armor piercing (-4), heavy, reload (10 shots), special, two-handed
Black Ray Rifle Rare 1d6 Lightning 20 lb. Ammunition (range 120/600), loading, special
Blaster Launcher Rare 5d12 fire 3 lb. Heavy, ammunition (range 15/45), loading, two-handed
Bolt Pistol Rare 3d8 piercing 5 lb. Ammunition (range 50/150), heavy, reload (10 shots)
Bolter Rare 4d8 piercing 15 lb. Ammunition (range 80/240), heavy, reload (30 shots), short burst (2), two-handed.
Bowcaster 1500 credits 1d10 radiant 11 lb. Ammunition (range 50/200), reload (4), two-handed
BR55 Battle Rifle Uncommon 2d8 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 150/300), reload (36 shots), scope (225), special
Cable's BFG Uncommon 1d6 piercing 10 lb. Ammunition (range 200/600), Heavy, reload (30 shots), short burst (3), two-handed
Carnivore Pistol Rare 3d6 radiant 2 lb. Ammunition (range 60/180), special (50 shots)
Carnivore Rifle Rare 3d8 radiant 3 lb. Ammunition (range 300/900), special (100 shots), two-handed
Combi-bolter Rare 8d8 piercing 30lb Ammunition (range 80/240), heavy, two-handed, reload (60 shots), short burst (5)
CQS48 Bulldog (Halo Supplement) Uncommon 2d6 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 40/120), reload (8 shots), two-handed, special
Cruciform Auto-gun Rare 2d4 Piercing 200 lb. Ammunition (range 30/90), Reload (200 shots), Heavy, Deployable, Special
DC-15S Carbine Blaster Rare 2d8 Radiant 3 lbs. Ammunition (Range 100/300), Reload (100 shots), short burs (2), Special
Devastator Very Rare See text 150 lb. Heavy, Oversized, Special, Two-handed
Disintegrator Pistol Legendary 10d6 force 2 lb. Ammunition (range 100/300), reload (50 shots)
Disintegrator Rifle Legendary 10d8 force 7 lb. Ammunition (range 500/1,500), reload (20 shots), two-handed
Disruptor (Halo Supplement) Common 1d8 lightning 10 lbs. Range (30/120), light, plasma cartridge, special
Doomcannon Uncommon 2d8 Necrotic 20 lb. Heavy, two-handed, special, ammunition (range 100/300), loading
Dur-24 Wrist Laser Rare 3d8 radiant 1 lb. Ammunition (range 60/120), Finesse, glove, light, reload (50), special
E-11 Blaster Rifle Rare 3d8 radiant 6 lb. Ammunition (range 120/360), reload (100), two-handed
Element Gun Rare 3d6 fire/cold/lightning damage 1 lbs. Ammunition (30/120), light, reload (20 shots)
Energy Cell
Excruciator Pistol Rare 3d6 psychic 1 lb. Ammunition (range 60/180), light, reload (20 shots), special
Excruciator Rifle Rare 3d8 psychic 3 lb. Ammunition (range 120/360), reload (50 shots), two-handed, special
Fission Pistol Uncommon 4d4 Lightning 3 lb. Ammunition (range 60/320), light, volatile
Fragrance Bazooka Rare 5d4 Thunder 10 lb. Ammunition (range 60/120), Reload (5 shots), two-handed, special
Fragrance Gauntlets Rare Special 8 lb. Ammunition (range 15ft cone), Finesse, Light, loading, Special, Glove, Reload (5 shots)
Galvanic Carbine 1000 gp 3d6 Force 3 lb. Two-handed, ammuniton (30), range 500/1500, Armor Piercing (2)
Galvanic Rifle 5000 gp 3d8 Force 6 lb. Two-handed, ammuniton (15), range 1000/3000, Armor Piercing (4)
Gatling Icer Very Rare 6d6 cold 50 lb. Ammunition (Range 400/1,200), Burst Fire, Reload (100 shots), Two-Handed, Special
Gauss Cannon 5d10 piercing 8 lb. Ammunition (range 120/360), armor piercing (-2), reload (4 shots), two-handed, heavy
Grenade, EMP Uncommon Special 0.5 ½ lb. Thrown (60 ft.), light, special
Grenade, Plasma Uncommon Special 0.5 ½ lb. Thrown (60 ft.), light, special
Guardian Spear, Variant Very Rare 4d8 piercing, 4d10 slashing 35 lb. Ammunition (range 100/400), reload (20), reach, two-handed, special
H-165 Forward Observer Module Legendary 20d6 fire damage / 20d6 bludgeoning 10 lbs. Special
Hand-Held Missile Launcher Very Rare 8d8 bludgeoning + 8d8 fire 8 lb. Ammunition (range 1,200/3600), armor piercing (-5), reload (4 shots), special, two-handed
Heavy Flamer Uncommon 4d8 fire 20 lb. Heavy, Range (15/60), Two-Handed
Ice Launcher 30 CR 1d4 bludgeoning 1,5 lb (680 g). Ammunition, Range(80/320), Two-handed, Reload(1-10 shots), Special.
Icer Pistol Rare 3d6 cold 2 lb. Ammunition (range 60/180), Light, Reload (20 shots), Special
Icer Rifle Rare 3d8 cold 3 lb. Ammunition (Range 120/360), Reload (40 shots), Two-Handed, Special
Inferno Pistol Rare 1d8 Piercing and 1d10 Fire damage 10 lb. Light, Reload (6), Range 30/120
Knocking Gun Uncommon 1 Piercing 1 lb. Ammunition (Range 40/120), Light, short burst (1), reload (6 shots), Special
Knocking Gun, Delicate Type Rare 1 Piercing 1 lb. Ammunition (Range 20/60), Light, reload (3 shots), Special
Knocking Rifle Uncommon 2d6 Piercing 2 lb. Ammunition (Range 60/180), Light, reload (12 shots), Special
Laser Chaingun Rare 3d4 radiant 15 lb. Ammunition (range 100/300), burst fire, reload (100 shots), two-handed
Laser Pistol
Laser Pulse Rifle Rare 3d8 radiant 9 lb. Ammunition (range 300/900), burst fire, reload (100 shots), short burst (3), two-handed
Laser Rifle
Lasgun Uncommon 3d4 radiant 12 lb. Ammunition (range 80/240), heavy, short burst (3), reload (30 shots), two-handed
Laspistol Uncommon 2d4 radiant 4 lbs. Light, Ammunition (range 30/120), short burst(2), reload (15 shots)
Lazer Bolt Action Rifle Rare 4d10 radiant 15 lb. Ammunition (range 120/300), heavy, two-handed, loading
Lightning Gun Rare 3d6 lightning 3 lb. Ammunition (Range 120/360), Reload (50 shots), Two-Handed, Special
Long-Las 205 gp 3d6 Radiant 15 lb. Two-handed, ammuniton (30), range 500/1500, Heavy
M41A Pulse Rifle MK2 Uncommon 3d6 piercing 11 lb. Ammunition (range 80/200), reload (40 shots), burst fire
M45 Shotgun (Halo Supplement) Uncommon 3d6 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 30/90), reload (5 shots), two-handed, special
M57 Pilum Uncommon 3d6 bludgeoning 25 lbs. Ammunition (range 30/150), reload (2 shots), heavy, scope (75), special
M6 Grindell/Galilean Nonlinear Rifle Legendary 10d10 Radiant 45 lbs. Ammunition (range 150/200), Reload (4 shots), Heavy, Special
M68 Gauss Cannon Rare 3d8 lightning 20 lbs. Ammunition (range 1,000/2,000), reload (1 shot), heavy, two-handed, special
M6C PDW Common 1d8 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 45/180), reload (12 shots), light, special
M6D Magnum Uncommon 2d6 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 60/180), scope (90), reload (12 shots)
M7 SMG Common 2d4 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 45/90), reload (60 shots), light, special
M90 Shotgun (Halo Supplement) Uncommon 3d4 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 20/100), reload (12 shots), two-handed, special
MA5B Assault Rifle Uncommon 2d8 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 45/180), reload (60 shots), two handed, special
Machine Pistol, Super Uncommon 2d8 piercing 2 lb. Ammunition (range 100/300), burst fire, reload (50 shots), short burst (2 shots)
Magnetic Repulsion Rifle Common 1d10 piercing 9 lb. Ammunition (range 120/360 ft.), two-handed
Malorian Arms 3516 Legendary 4d6 piercing 7 lb. Ammunition (range 80/320), reload (10), light, smart.
MM9 Mini Concussion Rocket Launcher Rare depands on the missile 1 lb. Ammunition (range 60/120), Finesse, glove, light, reload, special
Phaser Pistol Rare 6d6 force 3 lb. Ammunition (range 100/300), reload (50 shots)
Phaser Rifle Rare 6d8 force 7 lb. Ammunition (range 500/1,500), reload (20 shots), two-handed
Phosphor Blast Carbine Legendary 4d6 Fire 15 lb. Two Handed, Ammunition (20), Short burst (3), Blast 15ft, Range 90/280, Special
Phosphor Serpenta Very Rare 2d10 fire 7 lb. Light, Range 80/220, Ammunition (12), Special
Phosphor Torch Legendary 6d8 fire 40 lb. Heavy, Two handed, Ammunition (4), Range 40ft cone, Special
Plasma Launcher Rare 6d8 lightning 15 lb. Ammunition (range 400/1,200), heavy, reload (4 shots), two-handed, special
Plasma Pistol Rare 3d6 lightning 2 lb. Ammunition (range 60/180), reload (50 shots)
Plasma Pulse Rifle Rare 3d8 lightning 9 lb. Ammunition (range 300/900), burst fire, reload (100 shots), short burst (3), two-handed
Plasma Rifle Rare 3d8 lightning 7 lb. Ammunition (range 300/900), reload (100 shots), two-handed
Precision Bolt Rifle Uncommon 2d8 piercing 9 lb. Ammunition (range 80/240), reload (60 shots), short burst (2), two-handed
Radium Carbine Legendary 3d6 Necrotic 6 lb. Two-Handed, Burst fire, Short burst (3), Ammunition (40), Range 80/260, Special
Radium Jezzail Legendary 6d8 Necrotic 30 lb. Heavy, Two-Handed, Ammunition (4), Range 1000/3000, Special
Radium Pistol Very Rare 2d6 necrotic 8 lb. Light, Ammunitions (6), Range 30/90, Special
Railgun Common 2d6 piercing 3 lb. Heavy, Special, Ammunition (range 30/120), Loading
Railgun Rifle Rare 6d8 force 7 lb. Ammunition (range 60/1000), Overheating (5e Variant Rule) 1, Charging (5e Variant Rule) (1d8), Special
Recharging Plasma Pistol Common 1d10 lightning 2 lb. Ammunition (range 40/120), recharge (4 shots)
S.C Magnum Revolver Rare 2d10 force/ 1d4 piercing 1 lb. Ammunition (range 60/120), Light, recharge (300 shots), silenced
Sci-fi Laser Gun Rare 2d6 force 5 lb. Ammunition (range 45/120), recharge (6 shots)
Shock Rifle (Halo Supplement) Uncommon 3d6 lightning 10 lbs. Range (45/135), two-handed, heavy, plasma cartridge, special
Shoulder Mounted Railgun Rare 3d12 piercing 85 lb. Heavy, ammunition (range 160/600), loading, misfire (1)
Smart Rifle Rare 4d8 piercing 7 lb. Ammunition (range 400/1,200), burst fire, reload (100 shots), short burst (4), two-handed
Sniper Rifle System 99C-Series 2 Anti-Matériel Rare 3d8 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 100/1,000), reload (4 shots), heavy, two-handed, scope (750), special
Sonic Disruptor Very Rare 3d10 thunder 4 lb. Ammunition (range 60/180), reload (30 shots), special
SPNKR Rocket Launcher Uncommon 3d8 bludgeoning 25 lbs. Ammunition (range 60/150), reload (2 shots), heavy, two-handed, special
Starcraft c-10 Rifle Rare 4d8 piercing 20 lb Ammunition (range 140/480), heavy, two-handed, short burst (3), reload (15 shots)
Starcraft C-14 Rifle Very Rare 4d6 piercing 50 lb Ammunition (range 80/240), heavy, two-handed, short burst (4), burst fire, reload (500 shots)
Starcraft C-20A Rifle Rare 3d8 piercing 25 lb Ammunition (range 120/300), heavy, two-handed, reload (24 shots), special
Starcraft Chain Gun Rare 5d8 piercing 80 lb Ammunition (range 40/90), heavy, two-handed, short burst (5), reload (750 shots), special
Starcraft Hellfire Shotgun Rare 2d6 piercing and 2d6 fire 10 lb. Ammunition (range 35/60), reload (10 shots), burst fire, two-handed, special
Starcraft t2 Firestorm Flamethrower Rare 5d6 fire 23 lb. Ammunition (range 60/110), heavy, reload (4 shot), two-handed, special
Starcraft t3 Hellfire Flamethrower Very Rare 6d6 fire 27 lb. Ammunition (range 40/90), heavy, reload (3 shot), two-handed, special
Starcraft Tier 1 C-140 Flamethrower Rare 4d6 fire 27 lb. Ammunition (range 120/220), heavy, reload (5 shots), two-handed, special
StarCraft Wrist Cannon Rare 4d8 piercing 30 lb Ammunition (range 60/180), reload (5 shots)
Transuranic Arquebus Legendary 10d10 Force 50 lb. Heavy, Two-Handed, Range 1000/3000, armor piercing (-3), stabilizing, reload (3), Special
Type-25 Brute Shot (Halo Supplement) Very Rare 2d6 fire and 2d6 bludgeoning 20 lbs. Ammunition (range 30/60), reload (5 shots), two-handed, heavy, special
Type-25 Directed Energy Pistol Common 1d4 lightning 10 lbs. Range (20/120), light, plasma cartridge
Type-25 Plasma Rifle Uncommon 2d8 lightning 10 lbs. Range (60/240), plasma cartridge, special
Type-33 Fuel Rod Cannon Very Rare 6d8 fire 25 lbs. Ammunition (range 60/150), reload (5 shots), two-handed, heavy, special
Type-33 Needler Uncommon 1 piercing 10 lbs. Range (30/60), reload (20 shots), special
Type-33b Assault Cannon Very Rare 3d12 Fire 25 lbs. Ammunition (range 60/150), reload (10 shots), heavy, special
Type-50 Beam Sniper Rare 3d8 lightning 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 150/300), plasma cartridge, heavy, two-handed, special
Type-51 Carbine Uncommon 2d8 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 150/300), 2-handed, plasma cartridges
Type-52 Mauler (Halo Supplement) Uncommon 2d6 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 20/80), reload (5 shots), light, special
Volkite Caliver 15,000 gp 3d8 Fire 30 lb. Two-handed, heavy, ammuniton (20), range 80/260, burst (6), rapid (6) special
Volkite Charger 10,000gp 2d12 Fire 35 lb. Two-handed, heavy, ammuniton (30), range 60/240, Short burst(2), Rapid 2, special
Volkite Serpenta 5,000gp 2d8 Fire 15 lb. Light, ammuniton (15), range 40/200, special
Whipcord Thrower Uncommon 1d6 piercing 1 lb. Ammunition (50/100), Finesse, glove, light, special
Whistling Bird Very Rare 3d6 piercing 0.5 lb. Ammunition (range 120), Finesse, glove, light, reload (10), special
Wide-Bore Laser Rifle Rare 6d8 radiant 15 lb. Heavy, Reload (10 shots), Two-Handed, Special
Yautja Bow Uncommon 2d6 Piercing 5 lb. Heavy, Two-Handed, Ammunition (range 200/800)
Z-110 Boltshot Legendary 2d6 Radiant 6 lbs. Ionized Canisters,(range 35/60), reload (10 shots), (24 shots if modified), light, special
Z-130 Suppresser Legendary 3d8 Radiant 14 lbs. Light Mass Charges,(range 50/200), light
Z-180 Scattershot Legendary 3d6 Radiant 15 lbs. Ionized Canisters,(range 30/70), reload (5 shots), two-handed, special
Z-250 Lightrifle Legendary 2d8 Radiant 29 lbs. Light Mass Charges,(range 80/350), heavy, special
Z-750 Binary Rifle Legendary 3d10 Radiant 35 lbs. Ionized Canisters,(range 100/1000), reload (2 shots), two-handed, cumbersome, special
Zat'nik'tel Rare 2d8 lightning 3 lb. Light, Ammunition (30/120), Special
ZX Miniature Flame Projector Rare 2d8 fire 1 lb. Ammunition (range 15ft cone), Finesse, glove, light, reload (20), special


Ammunition Rarity Weight
Alloy Flechette (4) Rare 1 lb.
Cosmic Energy Cell
Energy Cell
Energy Pack, UAC Rare 2 lb.
Fragrance Containers
Missile (4)
Pistol Magazine, UAC Common 1 lb.
Plasma Cartridge
Power Cell, UAC Uncommon 1/2 lb.
Power Pack
Railgun Round
Rifle Bullets Uncommon varies
RPG, UAC Uncommon 1 lb.
Shotgun Shells (4)
Type-12A anti-personnel rocket
Type-12B capsule
Web Cartridge

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