Combifist (5e Equipment)

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Simple Melee Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Combifist Very Rare 3d8 slashing + 3d6 bludgeoning + 3d6 lightning 6 lb. glove, light, special

Some psycho thought that combining chainfist users weren't killing things fast enough by slashing them, so he had the great idea to mash up chainfist, ultra fist and plasma claw. The result was the Combifist, one of the strongest melee weapons on the market.

A Combifist runs for two hours on theree energy cells.

Special. Combifists, if worn on both hands, count as medium partial armor, granting you a +2 bonus to AC. Partial armor only grants its AC bonus if you are wearing light or no armor. If you are wearing only one piece of partial armor, you are still considered to be wearing your base armor type (e.g. no armor or light armor). Otherwise the heaviest type of partial armor you are wearing is considered to be the type are wearing (e.g. medium or heavy armor).

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