Z-110 Boltshot (5e Equipment)

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Z-110 Boltshot

Martial Ranged Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Z-110 Boltshot Legendary 2d6 Radiant 6 lbs. Ionized Canisters,(range 35/60), reload (10 shots), (24 shots if modified), light, special

Z-110 Boltshot is one of the few remaining weapons from the Forerunner hegemony. It is deadly in CQC and obliterates infantry units, though its rarity, inaccessibility, and rare ammo, means that one may never see it in their lifetime.

"Shotgun In a Pocket". This weapon can be charged to fire a shotgun blast at a range of (5/10), doing 5d4 damage. This takes 5 Ionized Canisters to fire/use. To use this weapon, take an action to charge it first, then use it next turn. If the ability is not used on your next turn, the charge goes away.

Forerunner Flexibility. This weapon can be modified from its original base design into a more modern promethean design with 150 gold worth of ancient Forerunner material. This design changes the weapon to a range (20/40), 3d6 damage output, and each attack with this weapon uses three Ionized Canisters- becoming a Burst Fire weapon, this design doesn't come with the charged shotgun ability ("Shotgun In A Pocket"). This weapon now gains advantage on every attack hitting within normal range, as the projectiles now track enemies.

Small Armament. When making an attack against an enemy within 5 feet, you do not have disadvantage.

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