SPNKR Rocket Launcher (5e Equipment)

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SPNKR Rocket Launcher

Martial Ranged Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
SPNKR Rocket Launcher Uncommon 3d8 bludgeoning 25 lbs. Ammunition (range 60/150), reload (2 shots), heavy, two-handed, special

Misriah Armory’s SPNKR Rocket Launcher fires 102mm Shaped Rockets and is considered one of the most powerful weapons a UNSC soldier can wield. Despite being considered outdated by the time the Covenant War began, its robust nature kept it as a favorite of both soldiers and quartermasters, leading to it remaining in use until long after the Covenant War. It was eventually replaced with the M57 Pilum.

High Explosive. Each attack with this weapon targets all creatures within 15 ft. of the target. For every 5 ft. these "secondary targets" are from the initial target, they take one less damage die. On a miss, targets take half as much damage unless they are benefitting from cover.

Targeting System. Attack rolls with this weapon have advantage against vehicles that are not invisible.

Cumbersome. Wielders not wearing a variation of Mjolnir armor or a Strength score of 20 can not move on the same turn they make an attack with this weapon. Reloading this weapon takes an action.

(2 votes)

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An SPNKR, [source].
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