AIE-486H Heavy Machine Gun (5e Equipment)

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AIE-486H Heavy Machine Gun

Martial Ranged Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
AIE-486H Heavy Machine Gun Uncommon 2d10 piercing 20 lbs. Ammunition (range 60/240), reload (200 shots), heavy, two-handed, stabilizing, special

The AIE-486H Heavy Machine Gun fires a belt of 7.62 rifle rounds. While typically found mounted in many UNSC facilities and vehicles, particularly strong combatants have been known to carry them into combat.

Burst Fire Every attack with this weapon uses 10 rounds.

Cumbersome Wielders not wearing a variation of Mjolnir armor or a Strength score of 20 can not move on the same turn they make an attack with this weapon. Reloading this weapon takes an action.

(2 votes)

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The UNSC HMG, [source].
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