Feats and Boons (Shinobi World Supplement)

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Ninja Feats[edit]

These feats can be taken instead of an ability score increase, instead of a normal feat, or as the variant human free feat.

Nature Training

You have trained your body to understand another chakra nature. You gain 1 additional chakra nature, or one of its alternatives, as per the Chakra feature. If you take this feature before 2nd level, you gain the Chakra feature, your chakra point maximum is 2 + your Constitution modifier, and you may know 2 jutsu. Once you reach 2nd level, you have as many chakra points and known jutsu as shown on the Shinobi table. You may take this feat multiple times.

Powerful Source

Prerequisites: Strength or Constitution 13 or higher

Your might almost entirely fuels your chakra, unbalancing its physical energy to spiritual energy balance, but nevertheless filling your body with a sea of chakra. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your Strength or Constitution score increases by +1.
  • While not wearing armor or wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Strength modifier + your Proficiency bonus. You may spend 2 chakra as a free action to benefit from either a shield in addition to these benefits until the end of your next turn.
  • Your chakra counts as "heavy" chakra.

Mighty Vigor

Prerequisites: Powerful Source feat, Strength 18 or higher

Your unwavering confidence in your might has balanced your chakra, enhancing your strength with understanding and moderation, and allowing you to fuel the very limits of your life into your chakra. You gain the following benefits:

  • At will during your turn, you may decide whether your chakra counts as heavy chakra or not.
  • When you make an attack using Strength, you may spend 1 chakra or 1 hit point to deal half as much damage on a miss. This counts as a Strength saving throw for the sake of Brawn.
  • Choose two skills between Acrobatics, Stealth, Arcana, Animal Handling, and Intimidation. The two chosen skills use Strength as their ability.
  • When you cast a jutsu, you may spend a number of hit points equal to half its total cost to use Strength as your jutsu casting ability instead of Intelligence.
  • In other instances when your jutsu casting ability is referred to, you may spend 5 hit points to use Strength instead of Intelligence until the end of your next turn.

Fast as Lightning

Prerequisites: Dexterity or Intelligence 13 or higher

You have trained your speed almost exclusively, perfecting your stride and quickening your steps. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your Dexterity or Intelligence score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You can use the Dash action as a free action on your turn for 2 chakra.

Fast as Light

Prerequisites: Fast as Lightning feat, Dexterity 18 or higher

Your speed rivals the fastest shinobi, and with them the forces of nature. You gain the following benefits:

  • When a creature targeted by one of your jutsu benefits from Evasion, they take no damage on a success, but full damage on a failure.
  • When you cast a jutsu, you may use Dexterity as your jutsu casting ability instead of Intelligence. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your movement speed divided by 10, rounded down, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest. If your movement speed increases temporarily, these additional uses are counted separately and can only be used while you benefit from the increase.
  • When you make a reaction, you may spend 5 chakra points to regain your reaction, and may not do so again using this feature until the end of your turn.
  • In other instances when your jutsu casting ability is referred to, you may spend one of the above uses to use Dexterity instead of Intelligence until the end of your next turn.

Heavy Chakra

Prerequisites: Constitution or Strength 13 or higher

Through naturally compressing your chakra, you are able to store more chakra than your average shinobi. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your Constitution or Strength score increases by +1.
  • Your chakra point maximum increases by your proficiency bonus.
  • Your chakra counts as "heavy" chakra.

Overflowing Chakra

Prerequisites: Heavy Chakra feat, and Constitution 18 or higher

Through hard training and enduring experience in combat, you have learned how to fuel your Jutsu with copious amounts of Chakra, enhancing them to a point that the elements you weave could be considered as forces of nature. You gain the following benefits:

  • When determining the amount of chakra you have, you may add your Constitution modifier an additional time.
  • When you cast a jutsu, you may spend an additional amount of chakra equal to 1/4 of its total cost, rounded up (minimum 1), to use Constitution as your jutsu casting ability instead of Intelligence.
  • In other instances when your jutsu casting ability is referred to, you may spend 5 chakra to use Constitution instead of Intelligence until the end of your next turn.

Tempered Chakra

Prerequisites: Intelligence or Wisdom 13 or higher

You are well versed in limiting the amount of chakra you use. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your Intelligence or Wisdom score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • When determining how much chakra you have, you may replace your Constitution modifier with your Intelligence modifier.
  • You may add your proficiency bonus an additional time to Concentration checks for jutsu.

Masterful Chakra Control

Prerequisites: Tempered Chakra feat, Intelligence 18 or higher

You have mastered your chakra control to the point that even a small drop can have explosive results. You gain the following benefits:

  • When determining the amount of chakra you have, you may add your Intelligence modifier an additional time.
  • As a bonus action, you can reduce the chakra cost of the next jutsu you use before the end of the turn by an amount equal to your Intelligence modifier. The minimum chakra you can expend on a jutsu using this is 1. You may use this a number of times equal to 1/4 your shinobi level (rounded down, minimum 1), regaining all uses at the end of a long rest. You may not use this feature and Chakra Control on the same jutsu.

Perfected Seals

Prerequisites: Intelligence 16 or higher

You have sharpened your Ninjutsu to a razor-sharp edge, allowing your chakra to flow through you without limitations. If you do not have the Jonin feature, you gain its benefits. If you have the feature, or once you gain it, you gain the following benefits:

  • You are no longer required to weave hand seals to perform jutsu, allowing you to cast jutsu with no open hands. You do not gain this benefit while under the Restrained condition.
  • Any jutsu requiring hand seals that can be cast as an action can be cast as a bonus action at an additional cost of 3 chakra while you have two free hands.
  • Onlookers are now unable to notice you performing hand seals when done as a bonus action.
  • While grappling a creature, you can use their hands to complete a hand seal necessary to cast a jutsu. They must attempt a Dexterity or Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the chakra point cost for casting the Jutsu is split equally between you and the creature at the time of casting it. If a creature does not have any chakra points, the chakra cost is not reduced. This does not allow a creature to cast Hand Seal Jutsu after undergoing the effects of Reaper Death Seal. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain uses at the end of a long rest.

Zen Master

Prerequisites: Wisdom or Charisma 13 or higher

Rather than pure intellect or power, your chakra is fueled by a deep understanding of the very nature of the energy as a connecting force. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your Wisdom or Charisma score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You have a number of specialized chakra equal to your level. This chakra can only be spent to cause a creature to regain hit points or chakra points, and when another creature causes you to lose chakra, this chakra is lost first.

Ninshu Minister

Prerequisites: Zen Master feat, Wisdom 18 or higher

Your mastery of the mysticism of chakra has revealed to you the predecessor of ninjutsu, Ninshu, and with it its secrets. You gain the following benefits:

  • When you touch a creature or use Chakra Transfer Technique on a creature that you share a language with, you may communicate telepathically with them until the end of your next turn (9 seconds).
  • While you are telepathically communicating with a creature, you may cast jutsu and use features as if you were in their place. If a jutsu or feature would only target you when you use it, you may choose for it to target them as well until you are no longer telepathically communicating with them, a jutsu or feature cast in this way may not have a cost that exceeds twice your level.
  • When you cast a jutsu, you may use Wisdom as your jutsu casting ability instead of Intelligence. You may use this feature a number of times equal to the number of skills you have proficiency in, and you gain twice as many uses from skills you have expertise in, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest. If you temporarily gain proficiency or expertise in skills, these additional uses are counted separately and can only be used while you benefit from the increase.
  • In other instances when your jutsu casting ability is referred to, you may spend one of the above uses to use Wisdom instead of Intelligence until the end of your next turn.

Spiritual Adept

Prerequisites: Charisma or Wisdom 13 or higher

Your chakra is greatly powered by your confidence and power of soul, unbalancing its physical energy to spiritual energy balance, but nevertheless filling your body with a sea of chakra. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your Wisdom or Charisma score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.
  • When you finish a short rest (or 10 minutes if you are using the chakra regeneration variant rule), you can expend a number of hit die equal to your Charisma modifier. Roll the hit die and add your Charisma modifier to each die. You regain an amount of chakra equal to half the result.

Spiritual Powerhouse

Prerequisites: Spiritual Adept feat, Charisma 18 or higher

Your physical energy has almost entirely given way to your unwavering spiritual energy. You gain the following benefits:

Sensor Nin

Prerequisites: Wisdom 16 or higher, Proficiency in Perception

When you take the search action, you may also attempt a DC 14 Arcana check to locate living creatures and magical effects within 60 feet. You see a faint outline around the detected chakra source and what school of magic or chakra nature the magical effect was created from, or one that the creature can use if any, can be discerned by you. This effect can penetrate most barriers, but is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt. If you already have chakra sense, its range increases by 30 feet and its penetration increases by its initial value (minimum 1 inch). You may take this feat multiple times, increasing its Wisdom requirement by +2 each time you take it.

Absorption Nin

Prerequisites: Constitution 14 or higher, Intelligence 14 or higher

You not only have the mental aptitude to understand absorption jutsu, but the physical ability to perform them. When you gain a jutsu, you may instead learn one Chakra Absorbing Jutsu.

Barrier Nin

Prerequisites: Intelligence 16 or higher

Through thorough study and dedication you were able to understand the theories of Fūinjutsu. When you gain a jutsu, you may instead learn one Fuinjutsu.

Perfect Chakra Thief

Prerequisites: Intelligence 14 or higher, the ability to absorb chakra

You master one form of chakra that is not native to you. Choose between the Path of the Beast, Cursed, Star, or Sage. You gain that subclass's first feature, but none of the subclass features gained in this way grant you the ability to gain their special type of chakra. You may take this feat multiple times, gaining the next feature of one of the above subclasses you have already chosen, or the first feature in one you have not chosen. Your Shinobi level must be equal or higher than a feature's level requirement to gain it in this manner.

Jutsu Mastery Feats[edit]

Body Flicker Master

Prerequisites: Dexterity 18 or higher, the ability to cast Body Flicker

When you cast Body Flicker, you can take the attack action as a free action on the same turn you cast it.

Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu Master

Prerequisites: The ability to cast Shadow Clone

  • The amount of shadow clones you can have at a time is no longer limited to 5.
  • Creating shadow clones only costs 2 chakra per clone. However, they only start with 2 chakra.
  • When creating a shadow clone, you can expend additional chakra to give one of the clones 3 additional hit points per chakra point spent, you can't give a clone more hit points than your current hit points. You can do this for as many clones as you wish.

Summoning Master

Prerequisites: Intelligence or Wisdom 16 or higher, the ability to cast Summoning Jutsu

You are extremely adept at summoning. The chakra cost is halved whenever you cast Summoning Jutsu.

Multi-Summoning Jutsu Master

Prerequisites: The ability to cast Summoning Jutsu.

  • You may summon any number of creatures on a single use of the Summoning Jutsu. Summoned creatures must have at least 5 feet between one another.
  • Creatures may be summoned up to 30 feet from you.

Impure World Reincarnation Master

Prerequisites: The ability to cast Impure World Reincarnation

  • The amount of creatures you can have resurrected by Impure World Reincarnation at a time is no longer limited to 5.
  • When you control a creature using Impure World Reincarnation, you act with them on their turn instead of your own.
  • This does not grant early use of Impure World Reincarnation.

Gentle Fist Expert

Prerequisites: Taijutsu

While you likely lack the Byakugan, careful training has allowed you to effectively memorize the human chakra network layout. You may learn any Path of Sight Unique Jutsu that has the Focused Byakugan or Gentle step features as a requirement or no requirement as long as you meet their respective levels, and you may spend 3 additional chakra to cast them without having a Byakugan active.

Ferocious Fist Expert

Prerequisites: Taijutsu

While you may not have the training of a taijutsu master able to open the Eight Gates, with relentless commitment, you have developed the opposite fighting style to the Gentle Fist. You gain the Ferocious Fist feature, and you may learn any Path of Youth Unique Jutsu that has the 1st, 2nd or 3rd gate as a requirement as long as you meet their respective levels, and you may spend 3 additional chakra to cast them without having the required gate active.

Hand-to-Hand Expert

Prerequisites: 8th level Shinobi, 15 Strength or Constitution

Rather than mastering fancy techniques, you have mastered how to deal direct damage. As a bonus action for 2 chakra, or at will for 5 chakra, you may grant yourself one of the following benefits until the beginning of your next turn, you use a jutsu, you wear armor, or you wield a shield or weapon:

  • You gain a +2 bonus to AC.
  • You gain a +2 bonus to your attack rolls.
  • You gain a +4 bonus to damage rolls.
Taijutsu Expert

Prerequisites: 8th level Shinobi, 15 Dexterity, the ability to cast at least one taijutsu

Through constant training in the combat arts, performing taijutsu has become second nature to you, granting you the following benefits:

  • All taijutsu have their chakra cost reduced by 3 (minimum of 1).
  • You can make an unarmed strike as a bonus action. This does not increase the amount of attacks performed when using the basic taijutsu technique.
  • Choose one Taijutsu that has a base cost of 4 or lower. You have fully mastered this jutsu. Its base cost is reduced to 0 for you.
Genjutsu Expert

Prerequisites: 8th level Shinobi, 15 Wisdom or Charisma, the ability to cast at least one genjutsu

Your training allows you to manipulate the core of a creature's psyche with expert subtlety. You gain the following:

  • Your Intelligence or Wisdom score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • As a bonus action for 1 chakra while you have a creature in a genjutsu, you can deal a number of psychic damage to it equal to your level + your Intelligence modifier, this can only be used on the same creature once per turn.
  • When you cast a genjutsu that fails to affect the target, you regain half the chakra spent.
Ninjutsu Expert

Prerequisites: 8th level Shinobi, 15 Intelligence, the ability to cast at least one jutsu that is not genjutsu, taijutsu, bukijutsu, fuinjutsu, chakra absorbing jutsu, or path unique jutsu (referred to as "ninjutsu" within this feat).

Manipulating chakra outside of your body has become as easy as forming it within you. You gain the following:

  • Your Dexterity or Intelligence score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • When you cast a ninjutsu, you may spend 1 chakra to cast it as if you had one more point of affinity (minimum of 1 point) or to add your unarmed strike's damage die to one of its damage rolls.
  • If a ninjutsu requires a ninjutsu that you know, it counts as half as much for the sake of how many jutsu you may know.

Elemental Adept

Select a nature that is not Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu which you have affinity with at least 3 times. When you cast a jutsu that deals the nature's primary damage type, it ignores resistance, and when you roll a 1 on a damage die you may treat it as a 2.

You can select this feat multiple times as long as you meet the prerequisite. Each time you do so, you must choose a different damage type.

Shinobi Path Feats[edit]


Prerequisites: Constitution 15 or higher

You have trained your body and mind to be more resilient to pain. When a subclass feature causes you to lose hit points, but not maximum hit points, or take damage by using or maintaining it, you may decrease the reduction by your Shinobi level + your Constitution modifier. You can use this feature as many times as your Constitution modifier, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest.

Advanced Curse of Hatred

Requirements: Path of Hatred

You have trained tirelessly to cultivate your personal Curse of Hatred, unlocking the depths of your Sharingan's power at the cost of your physical wellbeing. You gain 1 additional Mangekyō ability, and either your maximum hit dice decrease by 2, your movement speed decreases by 5 ft., or your chakra point maximum decreases by 5. This does not grant early access to the Mangekyō feature. Each time you take this feat, you must choose which Sharingan gains this feature. Any individual Sharingan can not have more than 1 more Mangekyō ability than any other Sharingan you have. Creatures that implant a Sharingan that has more than 1 Mangekyō ability must take this feat to gain access to its additional features, or otherwise gain another Mangekyō ability (such as from the Mangekyō Master boon). You may take this feat multiple times.

Ninja of Prophecy

Requirements: Path of the Exalted

You have trained tirelessly with your Rinnegan, making your power resemble the Sage of Six Paths even more than it already did, but at the cost of a portion of your own life. You gain 1 additional Rinnegan Mastered ability, and you must gain any 2 of the following (you may take the same one twice): your maximum hit dice decrease by 2, your movement speed decreases by 10 ft., or your chakra point maximum decreases by 5. This does not grant early access to the Rinnegan Mastered feature. Creatures that implant a Rinnegan that has more than 1 Rinnegan Mastered ability must take this feat to gain access to its additional features, or otherwise gain another Rinnegan Mastered ability (such as from the Sagely Rinnegan feature). You may take this feat multiple times.

Supreme Chakra Sense

Requirements: At least one Rinnegan or Tenseigan, and Intelligence 18 or higher

Your mastery of your ancient dojutsu has allowed your chakra to reach every nook and cranny of its chakra network. You gain a truesight range equal to your Rinnegan or Tenseigan's chakra sense range.

Partial Second Stage

Requirements: Diversified Second Stage and Constitution 16 or higher

You’ve mastered your cursed mark to the point of being able to partially bring out its power without having to suffer the usual side effects. As a bonus action, you gain the effects and Jutsu of your Diversified Second Stage, but not those of Cursed Mark or Second Stage, for an amount of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier. You may use this feature an amount of times equal to your Constitution modifier, regaining all uses at the end of a short or long rest.

Overwhelming Swarms

Requirements: Path of the Insect-Nin

Your swarms fly in tight, thick swarms. When you create a swarm of insects, it has an additional number of hit points equal to your proficiency bonus. When you combine two swarms using Massive Swarms, you may forgo increasing a swarm's size to cause any area within the swarm to becomeheavily obscured. You may take this feat multiple times.

Numerous Swarms

Requirements: Path of the Insect-Nin

Your body is packed full of insects, allowing you to spend minimal chakra to release them. The minimum number of chakra you must spend to create a swarm is halved (minimum 1). As a reaction immediately before you would take damage, you may move up to 5 ft. and create a swarm where you were, spending chakra as normal and causing the swarm to take the damage instead unless you would still be a valid target.

Student of Many Masters

Your training encompasses more than one teacher. You gain the first feature from a non-implantable path. If you gain this feat multiple times, you may take either the next feature or the first feature of another non-implantable path. You may take this feat multiple times.

Jinchuriki Feats[edit]

These feats can only be taken by those who have a specific Bijuu sealed inside them.

Solid Cloak

Requirements: Shukaku's Jinchuriki

While in Initial Release, Tailed Release or Bijuu Chakra Mode, your chakra cloak bolsters itself with nearby sand and other soils, granting you +2 AC.

Claw Creation

Requirements: Matatabi's Jinchuriki

Even without tapping into your Tailed Beast's chakra, you are able to manifest a portion of its natural ability. While you have at least 1 chakra, your unarmed strikes gain an additional 10 feet of reach.

Coral Palm

Requirements: Isobu's Jinchuriki

You are able to produce chakra-sapping coral on contact with another creature. As part of any successful unarmed strike while in Tailed Release or Bijuu Chakra Mode, the targets movement speed is reduced by 5 feet until the end of their next turn.

Lava Style Infusion

Requirements: Son Gokū's Jinchuriki

You are able to manifest your Tailed Beast's mastery of lava. You gain Lava Style Chakra Mode, even if you can not use Lava Style. This counts as both a Path of the Beast Unique Jutsu and Lava Style jutsu for the sake of affinity.

Vapor Style Infusion

Requirements: Kokuō's Jinchuriki

You are able to manifest your Tailed Beast's ability to produce steam. You gain Vapor Style: Unrivaled Strength, even if you can not use Vapor Style. This counts as both a Path of the Beast Unique Jutsu and Vapor Style jutsu for the sake of affinity.

Slippery Cloak

Requirements: Saiken's Jinchuriki

While in Tailed Release or Bijuu Chakra Mode, your cloak takes a bluish hue, and you may add your proficiency bonus an additional time on grappling checks, can squeeze through spaces twice as small, and you do not suffer the penalties of squeezing into a space one size smaller than you.

Flying Jinchuriki

Requirements: Chōmei's Jinchuriki

While in Initial Release, Tailed Release, or Bijuu Chakra Mode, you can sprout a pair of wings on your back as a bonus action, granting you a flying speed equal to your movement speed. You must spend 1 chakra at the beginning of each of your turns to maintain this effect.

Ink Production

Requirements: Gyūki's Jinchuriki

You are able to produce reasonable amounts of squid ink from your hands and mouth. As a ranged spell attack for 1 chakra, you can attempt to launch ink into the eyes of a creature within 30 ft. On a hit, they are blinded until the beginning of your next turn.

Strongest Jinchuriki

Requirements: Kurama's Jinchuriki

You are able to draw even deeper from your Tailed Beast's massive chakra reserves. You gain 1 additional use of Hidden Chakra, which is also regained at the end of a long rest.

Negative Emotion Sense

Requirements: Kurama's or Zero-Tails’s Jinchuriki

When you take the search action while Tailed Release, Tailed Beast Mode or Bijuu Chakra Mode is active, you may also attempt a DC 15 Charisma saving throw to locate living creatures that are evil or are hostile toward another creature within 120 feet. You learn their location that moment and whether they are evil or hostile. This effect can penetrate most barriers, but is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt. Additionally, this counts as chakra sense for anything that would effect traditional chakra sense.

Vessel of Vessels

Prerequisites: The Gedo Mazo's Jinchuriki

You automatically succeed the Constitution saving throw of Jinchūriki extraction, and doing so no longer paralyzes you or reduces your hit points to 0.

Negative Emotion Absorption

Prerequisites: Zero-Tails’s Jinchuriki

While there is a creature with the frightened condition within 45 feet of you, you regain 1 chakra point at the beginning of each of your turns. This can happen multiple times on a single turn with multiple frightened creatures.

Reptilian Cloak

Prerequisites: Nine-Tailed Clone's Jinchuriki

Your red chakra covers your skin in small snakes, creating the appearance of reptilian scales wrapped around you. While in Initial Release, Tailed Release or Bijuu Chakra Mode, you gain an additional 5 ft. of reach. You may forgo this bonus at the beginning of each of your turns to grant yourself temporary hit points equal to your shinobi level.

Curse of Sōma

Prerequisites: Sōma’s Jinchuriki

While in Initial Release, Tailed Release, or Bijuu Chakra Mode, you gain the following jutsu that count as Path of the Beast Unique Jutsu for the sake of affinity.

Memory Wiping Jutsu
Cost: 6+ Chakra
Range: 150 feet
One creature within 20 ft. (in which this counts as an attack for the sake of features like Extra Attack, or every creature within 10 ft. for 6 additional chakra (in which this is used as an action), must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, their Intelligence score decreases by 1 as a portion of their memories are erased. If this reduces their Intelligence score to 0, the creature dies instantly. A creature regains 1 point of their Intelligence score at the end of a long rest.

Otherworldly Tendrils

Prerequisites: Moryo's Jinchuriki

While in Initial Release, Tailed Release, or Bijuu Chakra Mode, your reach increases by 5 feet, but you lose a number of hit points equal to chakra lost from upkeeping your release, and you gain the following jutsu that count as Path of the Beast Unique Jutsu for the sake of affinity.

Raise Ghost Army
Cost: 10 Chakra
Duration: 1 minute (concentration)
As an action, you create one ghost soldier anywhere within your reach that is controlled by you. Any conditions that affect you are applied to any ghost soldiers created by this jutsu. Any ghost soldiers created in this way disappear when this jutsu ends.

Roen's Absorption

Prerequisites: Roen's Jinchuriki

You may immediately fail your Red Chakra saving throw to gain your next Path of the Beast subclass feature for 1 minute. While in Initial Release, Tailed Release, or Bijuu Chakra Mode, you gain the following jutsu:

Roen's Absorption
As a bonus action, make an unarmed strike against one creature within your reach + 10 feet. On a hit, they lose chakra points equal to the number of red chakra you gain at the end of each of your turns, and you regain an equal number of chakra points.

Breath of the Genryu

Prerequisites: Genryu's Jinchuriki

While in Tailed Release, or Bijuu Chakra Mode, you gain the effects of your Genryu's variant, as well as the Genryu Breath jutsu, which counts as Path of the Beast Unique Jutsu for the sake of affinity and uses your jutsu saving throw DC and damage bonus.

Genryu Breath
Cost: 3 Chakra
Range: 25 foot cone

Every creature within range must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d8 damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. The damage type dealt by this jutsu is determined by your Genryu's variant.

Karma Feats[edit]

These feats can only be taken by those who have a specific Otsutsuki's Karma. Any jutsu gained by these feats count as Path of Succession Unique Jutsu.

Thief's Karma

Requirements: Momoshiki's Karma

While your Karma is active, you gain crooked horns that sprout from your eyebrows and the following jutsu:

Reign of the High Emperor
Cost: 5 chakra
As a reaction, when you are targeted by a spell or Jutsu that deals damage that is not taijutsu, you absorb it with one hand, and, as a bonus action on a subsequent turn, cast it with your other hand. If the spell would have hit creatures other than you, they are also not affected. The spell or Jutsu uses the spell attack modifier and save DC of the original caster. When you roll for damage, you can increase the damage die by 1 for every additional chakra spent.

Warrior's Karma

Requirements: Kinshiki's Karma

While your Karma is active, you gain a single sweeping horn across your forehead and the following jutsu:

You may create up to 3 weapons out of red chakra as an action. They have +2 to attack and damage rolls, and they deal force damage. If you make more than 3 weapons, any earlier weapons are destroyed.

Traveler's Karma

Requirements: Urashiki's Karma

While your Karma is active, you gain forehead protector-like horns that sprout from your temples and the following jutsu:

Temporal Rewind
Cost: 7 chakra
As a free action on your turn, you experience the next six seconds and then revert time. You gain advantage on any attack rolls and saving throws you make until the beginning of your next turn.

Lord's Karma

Requirements: Isshiki's Karma

While your Karma is active, you gain a single round horn that wraps around the back of your head and the following jutsu:

Cost: 5 chakra
Range: 60 ft.
Duration: 1 minute
As an action, you may shrink up to a 20 ft. square object to an imperceptibly tiny size. You may end this effect as a bonus action, upon which any creatures occupying the same space as a shrunk object must attempt a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d8 bludgeoning damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. You may shrink yourself as well, granting you a +10 bonus to Stealth checks and Dexterity saving throws, but doing so halves his movement speeds. Any creatures or objects contained within the object are shrunk as well, with other creatures suffering the same movement speed penalty you do, and become unshrunk when the original item does, even if it is no longer contained within it. If a shrunk object or creature unshrinks when it contains an unshrunk object, the unshrunk object does not change size.
Cost: 2 chakra
When you use Sukunahikona, you also store the shrunk item within an extradimensional space where time doesn't flow, though creatures can still move. Sukunahikona can effect these objects indefinitely. You may only end the effects of this jutsu on up to two object as an action, upon which you may make a thrown attack with a range of 20/40 ft. regardless of the weight or size of the object. On a hit, the target takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage in addition to the attack's normal damage.

Lady's Karma

Requirements: Kaguya's Karma

While your Karma is active, you gain rabbit ear-like horns and the following jutsu:

All-Killing Ash Bones
Range: 15/30 feet
Cost: 60 Chakra
You produce a spike of hardened bone that fires from your body with frightening speed as a ranged spell attack. On a hit, creatures take 350 force damage. This damage overcomes resistance and immunity. Creatures killed by this jutsu can only be resurrected by true resurrection as they and all non-magical objects they are wearing are reduced to atoms. This jutsu's cost is halved if you have the Rinne Sharingan.
Yomotsu Hirasaka
Range: 30ft feet
Cost: 8 Chakra
As part of another action, you open a portal just large enough to fit your hands, feet, or head through. You may use said action from anywhere within range. This jutsu's cost is halved if you have the Rinne Sharingan.

Sadist's Karma

Requirements: Jashin's Karma

While your Karma is active, you gain two impish horns and the following jutsu:

Curse Technique: True Death Controlling Possessed Blood
Cost: 5 chakra
Duration: 1 minute
As a bonus action on the same turn as dealing damage to a creature using a melee attack, you consume their blood, covering your body in an array of black markings. This does not work against Constructs or Undead. For this jutsu's, any damage dealt to you deals equal damage to the creature whose blood you consumed.

Ninja Epic Boons[edit]

The following are Epic Boons exclusively intended to work with this class. Dōjutsu granted by Ninja Epic Boons can be implanted in the same manner as Ninja Path Dōjutsu. A DM may also consider giving limited access to another sub-class in place of a boon.

Dōjutsu Master

Requirements: At least one implanted dōjutsu path

Your implanted dōjutsu are not limited by implantation. You can gain all dōjutsu path features from implanted dōjutsu in the same manner as you would if you had chosen it at 3rd level.

Perfect Vessel

Requirements: At least one implanted chakra path

You have mastered the manipulation of foreign chakra within you. You can gain all chakra path features from implanted subclasses as if you had taken them at 3rd level.

Universal Biology

Requirements: At least one implanted biology path

Your body is unusually acceptant to foreign DNA. You can gain all biology path features from implanted subclasses as if you had taken them at 3rd level.

Manual Dōjutsu

You manifest or implant a rare, clanless Dōjutsu once used by a child named Yome that enables you to manually dilate your pupils. Once per turn, you can change your eyes into one of three modes. You can only move up or down one mode per turn.

  • Mode 1: Your pupils are dilated. You have disadvantage against being blinded. You gain 60 feet of Darkvision and can double your proficiency bonus in Perception and Investigation checks using sight.
  • Mode 2: Your eyesight is normal.
  • Mode 3: Your pupils are contracted. You have immunity against being blinded. You lose all Darkvision and any bonuses to Perception and Investigation checks using sight is halved.


You manifest or implant a clanless Dōjutsu most notably used by a child named Ranmaru. You have advantage against features granted by other Dōjutsu. Features granted by other Dōjutsu that grant advantage to the user do not do so when used against you. When you take the search action, you may also attempt a DC 18 Arcana check to locate living creatures and magical effects within 30 feet. You see a faint outline around the detected chakra source and what school of magic or chakra nature the magical effect was created from, or one that the creature can use if any, can be discerned by you. This effect can penetrate most barriers, but is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt. Additionally, you may take Path of Blood unique jutsu as if you had the subclass.

Elderly Master

You have aged quite a bit, but that hasn't slowed you down much. Your hit dice and chakra point maximums are halved, and you only gain further hit dice and chakra points on even levels. Any increase to your hit dice or chakra point maximum after those solely from gaining levels (i.e. from features, feats, or boons) are counted after this halving, and are not affected. Additionally, your Wisdom and Charisma increase by a total of +4.

Dōjutsu-Acceptant Biology

You gain a portion of cells capable of having multiple Dōjutsu implanted in it. The number of Dōjutsu it can have implanted is determined by the DM. These act as any other implanted Dōjutsu, save for one thing. When using an ability reliant on a Dōjutsu, you can permanently sacrifice one to negate any downsides, such as damage, chakra loss, exhaustion, blindness, or other conditions. Unless the implanted Dōjutsu already had its own unique ability, such as a Mangekyō ability or Rinnegan Mastered feature, they gain the feature you have already chosen.

Earth Grudge Fear

Your body has been infused with threadlike cells. Your maximum hit points are divided by 4 (rounded up), and every time you’re maximum hit points are permanently increased, the amount is divided by 4 (minimum 1). When you are within 5 ft. of a humanoid that has 0 hit points and has been dead for no more than 30 seconds (5 rounds), you may steal its heart and store it inside your body as an action to a maximum equal to your Constitution mod. Any time you are reduced to 0 hit points or your hit point maximum is reduced to 0, you may sacrifice a heart to return to your hit points and their maximum to their initial maximum. Additionally, you may sacrifice 1 heart when you make 1 shadow clone to make its hit point maximum equal to your own. You may also reattach the limb of a creature you can touch as an action for 1 chakra point.

Iwagakure Kinjutsu

Your body has been imbued with mouths on your palms and chest. As an action, you may kneed a handful of clay into an empowered explosive clay for 8 chakra. You may have up to 3 pieces of empowered clay at a time. Any empowered clay created above this limit becomes mundane clay after 1 minute. You may spend 1 piece of empowered clay when you use an Explosive Style jutsu to double its range or damage, halve its cost, grant a creature disadvantage against its saving throw, or grant yourself advantage on its attack roll. You may only spend 1 piece of empowered clay on each jutsu.

Heart Implantation

Only creatures with the fabrication clan boon can gain this boon. Your false body has been bolstered with the still-beating heart of a living person. The implantation process is incredibly delicate and modifies every cell in your body, and can not simply be done with Earth Grudge Fear or traditional heart transplantation. You no longer take damage from spending chakra on ninjutsu. When you cast Earth Golem, you may create an Akuta instead of an earth golem.

Jashin Immortality

Through constantly being experimented upon by the Jashin religion, you have gained a form of immortality or being killed instantly. You can not be killed by any means other than starvation. When you take damage not explicitly targeted at your neck, you do not lose hit points. This does not extend to any form of clones. All of your current and future hit dice are reduced to d4, and if you are reduced to 0 hit points, you are paralyzed, save for being able to speak, and you are reduced to a head. You can return to full hit points by having your head sewn to a headless body, including your own, using leatherworker's tools, weaver's tools, or Earth Grudge Fear. You can only be sewn to a humanoid body, and you replace your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores with those of the body you are sewn into and gain its racial features.

Strongest Shield

One of the most selective abilities in the shinobi world, only the Third Raikage has been known to have enhanced his body so far that his body could truly be considered unbreakable, through means unknown. You gain +5 damage reduction and damage threshold. Whenever you would add your Dexterity modifier to a jutsu or your AC, you may instead add your Strength modifier.

Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan

Prerequisites: Mangekyō Sharingan

By transplanting the Mangekyō Sharingan of another person biologically close to you, such as a sibling or parent, you master the final evolution of a normal Sharingan. You gain 2 additional Mangekyō abilities and you have advantage on the Constitution Saving throw when using an ability and you no longer gain gradual blindness} levels from your Mangekyō. You also lose any gradual blindness} levels gained from your Mangekyō.

Rinnegan Manifestation

Prerequisites: Susano'o or Indra's Reincarnation, and God of Shinobi or Asura's Reincarnation; or Six Paths Power.

You awaken the ultimate power of the Sharingan by combining it with the second half of the Sage of Six Paths genetics, reverting it to its Primordial form. Every time you gain a level, or every time you gain 50,000 experience if you can not level further, you gain a Path of the Exalted feature in the same order as listed as long as you reach the level requirements for said features. Additionally, your levels of gradual blindness are reduced to 0 when you gain this boon. In order to use, but not maintain, features from either subclass, you must be using that dōjutsu. You may switch dōjutsu as a bonus action.

Tomoe Rinnegan

Requirements: Rinnegan Manifestation

One of your Rinnegan gains three Sharingan-like tomoe across its three inner rings. As an action while your Rinnegan is active, you may manifest these tomoe, allowing you to benefit from your Sharingan in addition to your Rinnegan and use half of your Mangekyo jutsu. At the end of each turn you have your Tomoe Rinnegan active, you must spend 2 chakra, or 4 if it was implanted. If you gain this boon a second time, this boon's chakra upkeep cost is halved, and you gain the other half of your Mangekyo jutsu.

Rinne Sharingan

Prerequisites: Ten-Tails' Jinchuriki

You tap into the power of the Ten-Tails, awakening the ultimate dōjutsu as a third eye in your forehead. You may benefit from your Rinnegan's previous Sharingan features even if it was implanted, you no longer have to switch between dōjutsu as outlined in Rinnegan Manifestation, you may gain features from both dōjutsu paths as if you had the Dōjutsu Master feat, and you automatically succeed the Constitution saving throw from using a Mangekyō ability.

Tenseigan Evolution

Prerequisites: Mastered Byakugan and Indra's Reincarnation, God of Shinobi, or Asura's Reincarnation; or Six Paths Power.

You evolve your Byakugan into something not even the ascendant Ōtsutsuki have created. Every time you gain a level, or every time you gain 50,000 experience if you can not level further, you gain a Path of the Celestial feature in the same order as listed. In order to use, but not maintain, features from either subclass, you must be using that dōjutsu. You may switch dōjutsu as a bonus action.

Blank Tenseigan

Requirements: Tenseigan Evolution

The pale sight of your Byakugan still shines through your Tenseigan. As an action while your Tenseigan is active, you may cause its glowing petals to fade, allowing you to benefit from your Byakugan in addition to your Tenseigan. At the end of each turn you have your Blank Tenseigan active, you must spend 2 chakra, or 4 if it was implanted. If you gain this boon a second time, the chakra upkeep cost of this boon and Tenseigan Chakra Mode is halved.

Tensei Byakugan

Prerequisites: Reibi, Soma, Satori, and Moryo's jinchuriki, Tenseigan Chakra Mode

Merging with the power of the false tailed beasts, you awaken an ultimate dōjutsu as a third eye in your forehead. You may benefit from your Tenseigan's previous Byakugan features even if it was implanted, you no longer have to switch between dōjutsu as outlined in Tenseigan Evolution, you may gain features from both dōjutsu paths as if you had the Dōjutsu Master feat, and Tenseigan Chakra Mode's chakra upkeep cost is reduced to 0 for the first minute you use it, regaining use at the end of your next long rest.

Jogan Awakening

Prerequisites: Mystic Safety Bell Seal: Release and Indra's Reincarnation, God of Shinobi, or Asura's Reincarnation; or Six Paths Power.

You undo the inherent human limiters on your Haraigan, revealing the Jogan buried deep underneath its arrays. Every time you gain a level, or every time you gain 50,000 experience if you can not level further, you gain a Path of Clarity feature in the same order as listed. In order to use, but not maintain, features from either subclass, you must be using that dōjutsu. You may switch dōjutsu as a bonus action.

Arrayed Jogan

Requirements: Jogan Awakening

The strength of your Jogan can be powered through your Haraigan's arrays without limiting its original power. As an action while your Jogan is active, you may overlay your Haraigan's pattern over it, allowing you to benefit from your Haraigan in addition to your Jogan. At the end of each turn you have your Arreyed Jogan active, you must spend 2 chakra, or 4 if it was implanted. If you gain this boon a second time, Mastered Jogan does not cost chakra, and you may spend 1 chakra to regain your bonus action after using it.

Harai Jogan

Prerequisites: at least 3 non-dojutsu implantable paths, Senrigan Clairvoyance or Reflection Shinjutsu.

Empowering your own vitality, and this your Jogan, with the power of multiple unique chakra and DNA signatures, you awaken an ultimate dōjutsu as a third eye in your forehead. You may benefit from your Jogan's previous Haraigan features even if it was implanted, you no longer have to switch between dōjutsu as outlined in Jogan Awakening, you may gain features from both dōjutsu paths as if you had the Dōjutsu Master feat, and you gain the 23rd and 27th level Path of Clairvoyance features you did not take.

Six Paths Sage Mode

Requirements: Sage Mode, Susano'o or Rinnegan Mastered or Indra's Reincarnation, and God of Shinobi or Asura's Reincarnation; or Six Paths Power.

Your Sage Mode now combines three forms of energy: natural energy, chakra, and Six Paths chakra, refining its effects on the human body to perfection, removing any visual effects beyond plus-shaped pupils. While in Sage Mode, you gain the following:

  • You gain 30 feet of Truesight, and your chakra sense range doubles.
  • You deal an additional 1d10 damage with unarmed strikes (2d10 total).
  • You gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed.
  • You gain a damage threshold of 30.
  • You may use Sage Art once without spending exclusively or additional senjutsu chakra (recharge 5-6).
Outer Path Sage Mode

Requirements: Sage Mode, Mastered Byakugan or Mastered Tenseigan, and Osteomancer or Mastered Truth-Seeking Orbs; or Six Paths Power.

Your Sage Mode now combines three forms of energy: natural energy, chakra, and Six Paths chakra, amplifying its effects to near uncontrollable levels, turning your skin to scales with several protruding growths. While in Sage Mode, you gain the following:

  • You gain 30 feet of Truesight.
  • Your unarmed strikes gain an additional +15 ft. of reach.
  • You may change your size category as a bonus action, and the organization of your space may be in any shape (i.e. if you are Large, you may be a 10 x 10 ft. cube, a 20 x 5 ft. line, etc.)
  • When you use a jutsu that deals damage, you may spend 10 additional chakra to force the target to make an additional Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, they can not use any features from any Dōjutsu and become blinded for 1 hour. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the blinded condition on a success, and regaining use of their Dōjutsu on two consecutive successes.

Indra's Reincarnation

The soul of the Sage of Six Paths' eldest son, an absolute prodigy, inhabits your body. Only one person may have this boon at a time, excluding unique circumstances such as resurrection. At the end of a long rest a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, you may gain one of the following permanently:

  • You gain one chakra nature or alternative of your choice.
  • You gain one path feature you have the level and implantation requirements for.
  • You gain two skill proficiencies of your choice.
  • You may add half your proficiency bonus to one saving throw of your choice. If you take this benefit twice for the same saving throw, you gain proficiency in it instead.
Asura's Reincarnation

The soul of the Sage of Six Paths successor, best known for his gradual growth, inhabits your body. Only one person may have this boon at a time, excluding unique circumstances such as resurrection. Your maximum chakra increases by an additional 2 points every time you gain a level. This counts for levels you have already attained as well.

Six Paths: Kunitsukami

Requirements: Six Paths Sage Mode

While in Sage Mode, you gain a flying speed equal to twice your movement speed. Additionally, you may increase your size by up to 2 size categories of your original or Huge, whichever is greater, as an action. If you are using a variant rule that enables leveling past 20th level, this is a feat or a Path feature.

Six Paths Power

You have been granted a mass of chakra of unimaginable power, typically from eating the fruit of the God Tree or being granted a portion of the Sage of Six Paths' power. You gain 50 additional points of chakra, which are counted separately from your normal chakra and are not regained when your normal chakra would be. If you fulfill another boon's requirements with Six Paths Power, not including the Ōtsutsuki boon, you do not benefit from it while you have 0 Six Paths Power chakra points.


Requirements: Six Paths Power

Your Six Paths Power is not something as paltry as power taken or gifted, it is a fundamental part of you; the core of your being. As a bonus action for 5 chakra not granted by the Six Paths Power boon, you may regain 50 Six Paths Power chakra points.

Rainbow Chakra

Your chakra has been enhanced by the seven-colored light generated by the treasure of the Land of Snow. When you cast a jutsu, you may make it a Rainbow Jutsu, which costs half as much chakra or ignores immunity and resistance. You may only cast one Rainbow Jutsu, regaining 1/14th of a use at noon each day.

Stone of Gelel

After having an incredibly rare, blue stone implanted in your body. You no longer age, your chakra maximum increases by 5, and once per turn you may spend 1 chakra to regain hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. You may gain this boon more than once, increasing your maximum chakra points by 3 and hit points regained by 2 per additional stone.

Crescent Moon Chakra

Your chakra has been enhanced by the mysterious rays the moon casts over the Land of the Moon. When you cast a jutsu, you may make it a Crescent Moon Jutsu, which costs half as much chakra or also targets all objects within 60 feet of any targets and deals twice as much damage to objects. You may only cast one Crescent Moon Jutsu, regaining 1/14th of a use at midnight each day.

Sealed Dojutsu

Requirements: At least 1 dojutsu path

The power of your dojutsu was sealed inside a memento, such as a small bell. While holding this memento, your dojutsu is always active and you do not need to spend chakra to maintain, but you must spend twice as much chakra to use any other features and jutsu granted by the path.

Path Mutation

You manifest a heavily mutated variant of a path. Choose any one feature from an implantable path. If the feature would require another feature to be active, it does not. If the feature would cause you to gain or lose additional hit points, chakra points, or another resource, the base this addition is to counts as 1.

Lasting Form

Requirements: Constitution of at least 18

If a class feature or jutsu requires you to use chakra or hit points to maintain, it gets reduced by your constitution modifier (minimum 1) as your body is naturally resistant to the strain.

Clan Boons[edit]

Clans represent the traits of heritage that manifest themselves most fully in a particular shinobi. At character creation, players may take a clan boon in place of a variant human's feat selection, otherwise they should be treated as Epic Boons. No clan that grants bonuses to subclass features or jutsu require you to take that subclass or jutsu, but also do not grant early or automatic use of said feature or jutsu. If a clan boon allows you to gain a subclass without implantation, said subclass can not be gained without the clan or implantation.

(1) Aburame Clan

You hail from one of the most well-known insect keeper clans in the world. When you gain the Hive Body feature, you may create swarms for a minimum of 2 chakra.

(2) Akado Clan

You hail from a clan of talented shinobi, though not talented enough to receive wide-spread recognition. You gain a number of jutsu equal to your Intelligence modifier. These jutsu may not be from kekkei genkai you do not have the component natures of, a path you do not have levels in, or Yin-Yang Style.

(3) Akebino Clan

You hail from the most powerful Kabutowari wielder in the history of the Hidden Mist Village. Damage rolls with battleaxes and warhammers gain a +1 bonus, and the maximum AC penalty you can incur with Kabutowari gains a +2 bonus.

(4) Akimichi Clan

You hail from the progenitors of the Path of the Body. When you gain the Storage feature, you may store an additional 1/2 a day's worth of food, which may be consumed as an action to regain 1/2 of your level chakra points. You may do this once, regaining use at the end of a short rest.

(5) Akitsuki Clan

You hail from a clan of non-shinobi forced to act as a channel for Sōma's curse. If you fail the saving throw for Sōma's Memory Wiping Blast, you become its jinchuriki, though it continues to exist outside of you. Additionally, when you gain a chakra nature, you may instead increase the saving throw DC of your Path of the Beast unique jutsu by +1 (+3 maximum).

(6) Amachi Clan

You hail from a clan of scientists with a genius for understanding the ways of water. You gain affinity in Water Style jutsu, and you may have Affinity in Water Style a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. If you start with this clan, you do not choose a nature at 2nd level, not including choosing Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu.

(7) Asura Clan

You hail from the ancient predecessors of the Uzumaki and Senju clans, stemming from Asura Ōtsutsuki. You may choose the Path of Vitality at 3rd level, and you are not limited by implantation if you are implanting vital DNA. Additionally your chakra point maximum increases by your proficiency bonus.

(8) B Clan

You hail from the clan of Gyūki's jinchuriki. You are not limited by implantation if you are implanting a tailed beast, and the chakra lost and red chakra gained from maintaining your jinchuriki forms is halved (rounded down).

(9) Biwa Clan

You hail from a clan of loner opportunists who gained notoriety from Juzo Biwa. Chose one weapon you are in possession of. Attack rolls with this weapon gain a +1 bonus during initiative. This increases to +2 if no other friendly creatures have rolled initiative. This only applies to the single weapon chosen, you can only change the weapon chosen over a long rest if the first one is destroyed.

(10) Bunpuku Clan

You hail from one of the pioneers of jinchuriki creation. You gain the Barrier Nin feat, and you gain affinity in Fuinjutsu, and you may have Affinity in Fuinjutsu a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. If you start with this clan, you do not choose any natures at 2nd level.

(11) Chinoike Clan

You hail from the progenitors of the Path of Blood, feared for their history of supposed cannibalism. You may choose this subclass at 3rd level, and you are not limited by dōjutsu implantation if you are implanting a Ketsuryūgan. Additionally, you gain proficiency in Intimidation.

(12) Cursed Clan

You hail from the progenitors of the Path of the Cursed, whose bouts of rage are known to only subside in the presence of strong emotional connection. You may choose this subclass at 3rd level, and you are not limited by implantation if you are implanting a Cursed Mark. Choose 1 friendly creature to be your "tamer". While they are within 30 feet of you and you can see or hear them, you can not gain the berserk condition, and they may end this condition on you at will by touching you.

(13) Darui Clan

You hail from the clan of the Sixth Raikage. You gain use of Storm Style as a nature. If you start with this clan, you do not choose a nature at 2nd level, not including choosing Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu, and you do not gain use of Water or Lightning Style.

(14) Deidara Clan

You hail from a clan of explosive artists. You gain use of Explosive Style as a nature. If you start with this clan, you do not choose a nature at 2nd level, not including choosing Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu, and you do not gain use of Earth and Lightning Style.

(15) Dual Dojutsu Clan

You are the child of two clans gifted with dojutsu. Choose two dojutsu paths. You may choose the first subclass at 3rd level, and you are not limited by dōjutsu implantation if you are implanting it, but it is only present in one of your eyes. Your second chosen path counts as having been implanted in your other eye. You may only gain 1 between the Paths of the Path of the Exalted and Path of the Celestial, and it must be your implanted path.

(16) Fabrication

Rather than biologically descending from a specific group of people, your biology has been artificially constructed from the ground up, typically by Orochimaru or the post-war Stone Village. Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1 or one ability score of your choice increases by 2. When you spend chakra or an equivalent currency, you take an equal amount of damage.

(17) Fūma Clan

You hail from a clan of skilled weapon makers and users. When you make a thrown weapon attack, you may replace its damage dice with your unarmed strike's damage dice.

(18) Fūma Clan (Land of Sound)

You hail from a clan of skilled bowmen. You are proficient in martial ranged weapons.

(19) Funato Clan

You descend from Araumi's bloodline, carrying its connection to the mythical Power of the Sea Dragon. You gain one benefit of Power of the Dragon in relation to Water Style.

(20) Fushin Clan

You hail from a clan of Kekkei Genkai users from the Mist. You gain use in Wind Style jutsu, and may learn Typhoon Style jutsu as if they were Wind Style after you gain affinity in Wind Style, and creatures with the Path of the Assassin are still affected by all aspects of the jutsu. If you start with this clan, you do not choose a nature at 2nd level, not including choosing Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu.

(21) Guren Clan

You hail from a small clan of shinobi from the Land of Sound that were nearly destroyed before the creation of the Hidden Sound Village. You gain use of Crystal Style as a nature. If you start with this clan, you do not choose a nature at 2nd level, not including choosing Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu, and you do not gain use of Water or Lightning Style.

(22) Hachiya Clan

You hail from a clan of Mist shinobi with an unimpressive record on paper, but are an invaluable benefit to field logistics. Water Characters, Hidden Mist, and Water Style Bullet: Orca have their costs halved, rounded up.

(23) Hagoromo Clan

You hail from a clan of shinobi that once allied themselves with the Uchiha clan, not to be confused with the successors of the Sage of Six Paths. You gain proficiency in martial melee weapons.

(24) Haido Clan

You hail from a clan from the far away Land of Gelel. You gain use of Plasma Style as a nature. If you start with this clan, you do not choose a nature at 2nd level, not including choosing Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu, and you do not gain use of Fire or Lightning Style.

(25) Hamura Clan

You descend from the Sage of the Outer Path himself, most likely living at some point on the moon. You can telepathically enter a creature's dreams so long as you have seen them at least once, but you can only communicate with them. This also grants you the ability to telepathically communicate with creatures within 250 feet. Additionally, if you implant a Byakugan, it becomes a Tenseigan as per Tenseigan Manifestation. If you gain Dream-Speak, the distance of your telepathy is doubled.

(26) Hamura Clan Reborn

You hail from the progenitors of the Path of the Celestial, and the union of the Hamura Clan and the Hyuga Clan. You may choose this subclass at 3rd level, and you are not limited by dōjutsu implantation if you are implanting a Tenseigan. Additionally, you are immune to the effects of extreme cold and altitude.

(27) Han Clan

You hail from a clan known for harboring Kokuō due to their kinship in ninjutsu. You gain use of Vapor Style as a nature. If you start with this clan, you do not choose a nature at 2nd level, not including choosing Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu, and you do not gain use in their components.

(28) Hanzo Clan

You hail from a clan that adapted to implanted venom sacks of black salamanders. You gain immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition, and Ninja Art: Poison Fog counts as a Path Unique Jutsu for any path you take. If a creature breaths within 15 ft. of you for 1 continuous minute while you are not wearing a gas mask or similar equipment, they suffer the effects of Ninja Art: Poison Fog. When you suffer a critical hit, you lose the benefits of this clan boon and are paralyzed until the end of your next turn. If you are wearing a gas mask or similar equipment, you do not become paralyzed.

(29) Haruno Clan

You hail from a clan with latent skill in medical ninjutsu. When you gain the Healing Jutsu feature, you may spend up to three times your Shinobi level.

(30) Hashirama Clan

Through unknown means, you bear the unique genetics of the First Hokage, a feat not even his own children bore. You may choose the Path of Vitality at 3rd level, and you are not limited by implantation if you are implanting vital DNA. Additionally, you gain proficiency in Nature.

(31) Hatake Clan

You hail from one of the greatest shinobi clans of all time, despite lacking any hidden or overwhelming abilities. You gain 1 non-Kekkei Genkai jutsu of your choice, even if you do not meet the nature requirements of it.

(32) Haze Clan

You hail from one of the Land of Haze's exclusive clans, and as such have inherited one of the rarest kinjutsu in the world. At 2nd level gain one Haze Ninja Art: Forbidden Technique of your choice.

(33) Hiruko Clan

You hail from the clan of ability thieves. You gain use of Shade Style as a nature. If you start with this clan, you do not choose a nature at 2nd level, not including choosing Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu, and you do not gain use of Water or Lightning Style.

(34) Hōki Clan

You hail from a line of matrilineal medical-nin and information gatherers known as the "people who work behind the scenes". When you restore hit points with jutsu, the target regains twice as many hit points but you have disadvantage on attack rolls and creatures have advantage on any saving throws you cause.

(35) Hoshi Clan

You hail from a clan of shinobi mutated by a Star that fell to Earth. You may choose the Path of the Star at 3rd level, and you are not limited by implantation if you are implanting Star chakra. Additionally, immediately after the end of a long rest, you gain purple chakra equal to twice your Constitution modifier (minimum 2).

(36) Hoshigaki Clan

You hail from a clan of fishlike shinobi. You can breathe in water, and have a swimming speed equal to your movement speed.

(37) Hōzuki Clan

You hail from a clan of pale shinobi known to have numerous Water Style Hiden. Hydrification Jutsu and Instant Water have their costs halved, rounded up.

(38) Hyūga Clan

You hail from the progenitors of the Path of Sight, and were effectively born into royalty. You may choose this subclass at 3rd level, and you are not limited by dōjutsu implantation if you are implanting a Byakugan. Additionally, whenever you roll a 1 when rolling for damage on an unarmed strike, you may instead count the roll as a 2.

(39) Iburi Clan

You hail from a clan that once dwelt in secluded caves due to fear of their own power. When you fall to half your maximum hit points, you are affected by Smoke's Curse. You may not end this effect as a bonus action, and it only ends if you are raised above half your maximum hit points, or if you succeed a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw as an action.

(40) Inuzuka Clan

You hail from one of the progenitors of the Path of the Beast-Nin. When you use Two-Headed Beast, your Strength score increases by +4 to a maximum of 24 as well. Alternatively, when you gain Second Companion, you gain a third companion that acts identically to the second.

(41) Jiraiya Clan

You hail from a clan originating from a man whose destiny was tied with the toads of Mount Myōboku. The cost of using the Summoning Jutsu is halved, rounded up.

(42) Jūgo Clan

You hail from the last remaining branch of the Cursed Clan. When you use Curse Mark, the amount of maximum hit points lost is halved, rounded up, but you must choose Founder's Curse as your Diversified Second Stage. Additionally, you are not limited by implantation if you are implanting a Cursed Mark.

(43) Kagero Clan

You hail from a heavily modified offshoot of the Land of Sound's Fuma clan. You gain Antlion Ninja Arts: Ephemeral. While Antlion Ninja Arts: Ephemeral is active, you may cast Plasma Laser for 15 chakra regardless of if you know said jutsu.

(44) Kaguya Clan

You hail from a clan of bloodthirsty warriors distantly descended from Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. You may choose the Path of Suffering at 3rd level, and you are not limited by implantation if you are implanting Shikotsumyaku DNA. Additionally, you gain proficiency in Intimidation.

(45) Kaku Clan

You hail from a clan of shinobi known for two things: going rogue in order to steal powerful tools, and bearing their clan name as a suffix. At will, you may spend chakra to store an equal number of chakra points within your skin. You may have up to four times your Intelligence modifier chakra points stored in this way at a time. Whenever an item would require you to spend chakra points, this stored chakra is spent first. This chakra cannot be spent in any other way.

(46) Kamizuru Clan

You hail from one of the most well-known insect keeper clans in the world, rumored to be the same clan as the First Tsuchikage. When you gain the Hive Body feature, you may spend 5 chakra to create 1 day's worth of food in honey for up to 4 Medium creatures.

(47) Karatachi Clan

You hail from the bloodline of the Fourth Mizukage, known for their ruthlessness and fits of blood rage. As a bonus action or when you drop to half your hit points, your melee attacks deal twice as much damage, you may not cast jutsu, and you become berserk for 1 minute. You may use this once, regaining use at the end of a long rest.

(48) Kawaki Clan

You hail from the clan of the 7th Hokage's adopted son. You may choose the Path of Succession at 3rd level, and you are not limited by implantation if you are implanting a Karma Seal. Additionally the cost to maintain your karma is halved.

(49) Kazekage Clan

You hail from the bloodline of the Fourth and Fifth Kazekage. You gain affinity in Wind Style jutsu, and you may have Affinity in Wind Style a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. If you start with this clan, you do not choose a nature at 2nd level, not including choosing Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu.

(50) Kazuma Clan

You come from a clan of shinobi that attempted to recreate Hashirama Senju's Wood Style, though they received much different results. You gain use of Mud Style as a nature. If you start with this clan, you do not choose a nature at 2nd level, not including choosing Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu, and you do not gain use of Water or Earth Style.

(51) Kedōin Clan

You hail from a clan of master infiltrators. As a bonus action for 2 chakra points, you may change the appearance of your face and the sound of your voice to any humanoid you have seen and heard for 1 minute.

(52) Kidomaru Clan

You hail from a near-extinct clan of spider-like people. You gain two additional sets of arms. These arms cannot wield shields or weapons with the heavy property. Additionally, you gain a climbing speed equal to your movement speed.

(53) Kodon Clan

You hail from a clan of master drug makers. The time and cost of crafting consumable items is halved, rounded up.

(54) Kohaku Clan

You hail from a clan historically allied with the Hidden Leaf Village capable of surviving by the tiniest string of life. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you may instead drop to 1 hit point. After doing so, you cannot cast jutsu until you return to maximum hit points, and you cannot do so again until the end of a long rest.

(55) Kumanoi Clan

You hail from a clan of master weapon makers. The time and cost of crafting items that deal damage is halved, rounded down.

(56) Kon Clan

You hail from a near-extinct clan of parasitic shinobi. While touching a willing creature, you may enter their body. Your movement speed drops to 0 and you occupy their space. When either you or your host gains a condition, you both do, and when either would take damage, you may choose if you or your host takes damage. When you and your host are targeted by a saving throw, you may choose if you or your host makes the saving throw. When you are targeted by an attack, you use your host's AC, and you may spend 2 chakra to grant the attacker disadvantage.

(57) Konjiki Clan

You hail from a clan of kekkei genkai-wielding shinobi from the Land of Rock. You gain use of Steel Style as a nature. If you start with this clan, you do not choose a nature at 2nd level, not including choosing Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu, and you do not gain use of Earth or Yang Style.

(58) Kurama Clan

You hail from a clan of master genjutsu users. You gain affinity in Yin Style jutsu, and you may have Affinity in Yin Style a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. If you start with this clan, you do not choose a nature at 2nd level, not including choosing Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu.

(59) Kurama Clan Prodigy

You are a member of the Kurama clan born once every few generations. When you drop to half of your maximum hit points, and again when you drop to 1/4 of your maximum hit points, you must attempt a cha saving throw with a DC equal to your jutsu saving throw DC. On a failure, your melee attacks deal twice as much damage, creatures affected by your Yin Style jutsu or Genjutsu take 2d4 psychic damage at the end of each of their turns, you become berserk save for being able to cast jutsu in place of making an attack, and you lose 1 chakra at the end of each of your turns. This ends if you can not maintain your chakra, or if you retry the saving throw as a bonus action, ending it on a success.

(60) Kuriarare Clan

Your clan has a history of reveling in physical torture, particularly crucifixion. Once per turn when you deal damage to a restrained creature, you may also make an unarmed strike against them.

(61) Kurosuki Clan

You are a descendant of a small clan known for putting their entire purpose in life into another person. Choose 1 friendly creature to be your "meaning". While you are within 5 feet of your meaning, they take half as much damage from all sources, and you take half as much damage as you reduced. You can never change which creature is your meaning.

(62) Kurogane Clan

You come from a clan of diligent swordsmen from the Land of Iron. When you make an attack of opportunity with a melee weapon, you may spend 1 chakra to gain a +1 bonus to your critical threshold or attack roll for that attack.

(63) Lee Clan

You hail from a clan of master taijutsu users. You gain affinity in Taijutsu, and you may have Affinity in Taijutsu a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. If you start with this clan, you do not gain chakra natures at 2nd level, and instead must take the alternate options detailed in Chakra.

(64) Might Clan

You hail from a clan of taijutsu masters best known for their keen development of taijutsu, rather than outright usage. Any Taijutsu you cast have their costs halved, rounded down, but the cost of any other jutsu is doubled.

(65) Mitarashi Clan

You hail from a clan of snake experts. Blinding Snake Glare Spell allows you to have a number of creatures grappled equal to your Strength or Dexterity modifier at any time + 1 (minimum 2), and you have a number of uses of Many Hidden Shadow Snake Hands equal to your Intelligence modifier instead of your Wisdom modifier.

(66) Momochi Clan

You hail from a clan of dangerous outcasts. When a creature is affected by Killer Intent, you may sacrifice a number of chakra when they attempt their Charisma saving throw to grant them an equal penalty.

(67) Munashi Clan

You hail from a clan that revels in the violence of explosions. When you use an explosive seal or a jutsu that requires explosive seals as components or requisite jutsu, you may double one of its ranges or duration. If such a jutsu has a range of touch, you may increase its range to 15 feet. You may do so a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest.

(68) Morino Clan

You come from a small clan of expert genjutsu-using interrogators. You automatically detect Illusion spells and genjutsu. As a reaction when a creature you can see attempts a saving throw to resist becoming frightened, you may grant them disadvantage. You may use this feature a number of times equal to half your Charisma modifier (rounded down), regaining all uses at the end of a long rest.

(69) Nadeshiko Clan

You hail from an isolated village near the Mist known for their legendary Wind Style nintaijutsu. If you gain affinity in taijutsu, you may learn Nadeshiko-Style jutsu as if they were taijutsu.

(70) Namikaze Clan

You hail from a clan of yellow flashes. Starting from 1st level, your movement speed increases by +5 ft. every 4th level while you are not wearing armor or a shield, effectively making your Unarmored Movement increase every other level, or every time you gain 50,000 experience if you cannot level further.

(71) Nara Clan

You hail from the progenitors of the Path of the Shadow. When you cast or maintain a Path of the Shadow jutsu, you may reduce its cost by your proficiency bonus (minimum 0). You may use this feature a number of times equal to the number of skills you have proficiency in, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest.

(72) Nohara Clan

You hail from a minor clan of the Leaf Village known for sacrificing themselves for the greater good. As a reaction when a creature within half your movement speed is the only creature targeted by an attack, you may take their place, becoming targeted instead, and move them 5 feet to a place not targeted. You reduce the damage by 1d6 + your Constitution modifier and take the rest of the damage.

(73) Nojo Clan

You hail from a small clan of shinobi from the Land of Vegetables who have historically used their jutsu to propagate their village's namesake. You gain affinity in Yang Style jutsu, and you may have Affinity in Yang Style a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. If you start with this clan, you do not choose a nature at 2nd level, not including choosing Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu.

(74) Oniyuzu Clan

You hail from a no-nonsense clan of assassins from the Mist. When you gain Killing Intent feature, you may use Intelligence instead of Charisma when determining how many uses of the feature you have.

(75) Onomichi Clan

You hail from a branch clan of the Hozuki clan, more closely related to Gengetsu than Suigetsu, best known for their fierceness with a blade. Your melee weapon attacks gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, but you lose 1 chakra point at the end of each turn you make a melee weapon attack on. You lose this bonus while you have 0 chakra points.

(76) Orochimaru Clan

You hail from a clan of incredibly scarce, incredibly pale, snake-like shinobi. You may choose the Path of the Snake at 3rd level, and you are not limited by implantation if you are implanting snakelike DNA. Additionally, when you make a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution check, but not a saving throw, you may spend 3 chakra points to replace the used ability with your Intelligence.

(77) Ōtsutsuki Clan

You hail from a spacefaring clan that progenerated chakra itself. You may choose the Path of the Exalted, Path of Succession, or Path of Clarity at 3rd level, and you are not limited by implantation if you are implanting a Karma Seal, Rinnegan, or Jogan. If you gain the Six Paths Power boon, you may gain a subclass you did not take from this clan as if you had taken it at 3rd level instead of chakra.

(78) Pakura Clan

You hail from the same clan as one of the Hidden Sand Village's greatest heroes. You gain use of Scorch Style as a nature. If you start with this clan, you do not choose a nature at 2nd level, not including choosing Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu, and you do not gain use of Fire or Wind Style.

(79) Raikage Clan

You hail from an extremely selective lineage of nigh-immortal shinobi held as royalty in the Hidden Cloud Village. You gain affinity in Lightning Style jutsu, and you may have Affinity in Lightning Style a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. If you start with this clan, you do not choose a nature at 2nd level, not including choosing Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu.

(80) Ringo Clan

You hail from a clan of sharp-teethed hunters, incredibly skilled in kenjutsu but cursed by an incurable disease. Your maximum hit dice are decreased by 2, minimum 1 (i.e. you do not gain additional hit dice at 2nd or 3rd level), and you gain two of the following (you may choose one twice):

  • When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your Dexterity modifier to the damage of the second attack.
  • Your maximum chakra points increases by 3. If you take this option twice, it increases by a total of 5.
  • Your movement speed increases by 5 feet.

(81) Roran Clan

You hail from a clan that acts as the hereditary rulers of the kingdom of Roran, whose chakra is inextricably tied to the the Ryumyaku Source that lies in the heart of their kingdom. When you regain chakra from chakra absorbing jutsu, you also gain heavy chakra equal to your Intelligence modifier.

(82) Ryu Clan

You hail from a small clan of horned people blessed by the power of the five Genryu. You gain red chakra points equal to twice your proficiency bonus equal to half your maximum chakra, whichever is lower. This chakra is regained at the end of a long rest.

(83) Sarutobi Clan

You hail from a clan of the Hidden Leaf Village's greatest defenders, both physically and ideologically. You gain affinity in Fire Style jutsu, and you may have Affinity in Fire Style a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. If you start with this clan, you do not choose a nature at 2nd level, not including choosing Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu.

(84) Senju Clan

You hail from one of the founding clans of the Hidden Leaf Village best known for their wide, unspecialized knowledge. You gain 1 additional chakra nature at 2nd level, but you can not gain affinity in any chakra nature as an alternative to gaining a chakra nature.

(85) Senka Clan

You hail from a small clan of shinobi skilled in stealing and improving techniques without use of scroll theft or the Sharingan. When you create a Shadow Clone, its items carry over any magical properties, but any equipment the clones have with charges, such as magic items, share the initial item's charges.

(86) Shiin Clan

You hail from a clan now ruled by Orochimaru once known for their high ideals and determination, despite their small stature. Your size is reduced by 1 size category to a minimum of Small, you have advantage against being charmed or frightened.

(87) Shimura Clan

You hail from one of the Hidden Leaf Village's earliest clans, best known for their pride and tendency to die on the battlefield. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you may immediately take a turn before the effects of being at 0 hit points occur, rounded down.

(88) Shinki Clan

You hail from a small clan of powerful, wandering shinobi from the Land of Wind. You gain use of Magnet Style as a nature. If you start with this clan, you do not choose a nature at 2nd level, not including choosing Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu, and you do not gain use of Wind or Lightning Style.

(89) Shion Clan

You hail from the progenitors of the Path of the Future. You may choose this subclass at 3rd level, and you are not limited by dōjutsu implantation if you are implanting a Haraigan. Additionally, you gain proficiency in History.

(90) Shirogane Clan

You hail from a clan of forbidden puppetmasters from the Land of Wind who became international criminals after their human-puppet experiments came to light. The chakra cost of your puppet's innate features (i.e. the ones listed on their creature page) are halved, rounded down. If a feature can only be used a certain number of times per day, you may spend 3 hours with the puppet and a humanoid corpse to allow it to be usable for a number of chakra points equal to 9 / its number of uses.

(91) Suikazan/Fuefuki Clan

You hail from a clan of shinobi once bred solely for innate physical strength at the cost of horrible disfiguration. You may replace Dexterity with Strength when calculating your AC, your Strength score increases by +2 or Silent Killing Jutsu works with attacks using your Strength modifier, but you have disadvantage on any d20 rolls you would add your Charisma modifier to.

(92) Taketori Clan

You hail from a clan of negotiators best known for their alliance with the Hyūga Clan. You have advantage on any skill checks involving Charisma, as well as Dexterity (Stealth) checks, but you have disadvantage on attack rolls and creatures have advantage on any saving throws you cause.

(93) Tenro Clan

You hail from a clan of beast-nin inspired by the Three-Heads. When you use Two-Headed Beast, you may spend 5 additional chakra to apply your Path of the Beast-Nin unique jutsu Affinity bonus to your unarmed strike attack and damage rolls, and AC until the feature ends.

(94) Terumi Clan

You hail from the clan of the Fifth Mizukage. You gain Lava Style as a nature. If you start with this clan, you do not choose a nature at 2nd level, not including choosing Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu, and you do not gain use in their components.

(95) Tsuchi Clan

You hail from the stalwart founders and defenders of the Hidden Stone Village. You gain affinity in Earth Style jutsu, and you may have Affinity in Earth Style a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. If you start with this clan, you do not choose a nature at 2nd level, not including choosing Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu.

(96) Tsuchigumo Clan

You come from a clan known for producing numerous dangerous kinjutsu. You gain a number of fuinjutsu or chakra absorbing jutsu equal to your Intelligence modifier. These jutsu count as basic ninjutsu for the sake of affinity, and you may forgo one of these jutsu to decrease the cost of one jutsu gained in this way by 5 chakra points (minimum 1).

(97) Tsumiki Clan

You descend from a clan of medical-nin naturally able to apply a strange curse. When a creature becomes paralyzed by a jutsu you cast, every creature within 5 ft. of the creature including the creature themself must attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take your unarmed strikes' damage as they are caught in an explosion. On a success, they take half as much damage.

(98) Tsunade Clan

You hail from a clan originating from the greatest shinobi in medical ninjutsu history. You may add your Constitution modifier to your maximum Mystic Palm Jutsu dice pool, and you lose half as many chakra points to maintain Mitotic Regeneration Jutsu. Additionally, you gain proficiency in Medicine.

(99) Tsurushi Clan

You hail from a clan of rubbery shinobi. Your reach increases by +5 feet, and you count as 1 size smaller when squeezing.

(100) Uchiha Clan

You hail from the progenitors of the Path of Hatred. You may choose this subclass at 3rd level, and you are not limited by dōjutsu implantation if you are implanting a Sharingan. At the beginning of your turn while you have any dojutsu active, you may spend 1 chakra to gain a +1 bonus to your attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throw DCs until the end of your turn.

(101) Umino Clan

You hail from a clan of great teachers and comrades. As an action, any creatures of your choice that can see or hear you may add 1d4 to any one d20 roll within the next 10 minutes. You may do this a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest.

(102) Uzumaki Clan

You hail from a clan distantly related to Asura and Hashirama Senju, known for their physical resilience. You gain the following benefits:

  • You automatically succeed on the saving throw incurred by tailed beast extraction, but still suffer the aftereffects.
  • Your chakra point maximum increases by twice your proficiency bonus.

(103) Yakushi Clan

You hail from a clan of medical nin with expertise in genetic modification, rather than healing. Choose one biology path. If you gain this path, you are not limited by implantation. Additionally, you gain proficiency in Medicine.

(104) Yamanaka Clan

You hail from the progenitors of the Path of the Mind. When a creature makes a Charisma saving throw against your Mind Body Switch jutsu, you may spend chakra to grant them an equal penalty to the saving throw to a maximum of your proficiency bonus.

(105) Yanagikage Clan

You hail from a clan that is skilled in wielding hidden weapons. You may draw a weapon as part of making an attack.

(106) Yūhi Clan

You hail from a clan known for their skilled genjutsu use. When you cast a genjutsu that fails to affect the target, you regain half the chakra spent. If you gain the Genjutsu Expert feat, you may learn path unique genjutsu without taking their prerequisite path.

(107) Yoimura Clan

You hail from a clan cursed with fading memories. Your Intelligence score decreases by -2, but you may take any one Ninja Feat or Shinobi Path Feat regardless of its level or ability score requirements.

(108) Yota Clan

You hail from a clan of traveling shinobi naturally capable of controlling the weather. As a ritual for 1 hour, you may cast Control Weather without components or spell slots.

(109) Yotsuki Clan

You hail from a clan of Hidden Cloud Village shinobi known for their unbreakable pride in their allies. Your Intelligence and Wisdom scores decrease by a total of -3, and your Constitution and Charisma increase by a total of +3.

(110) Yuki Clan

You hail from a clan of persecuted Kekkei Genkai users. You gain use of Ice Style as a nature. If you start with this clan, you do not choose a nature at 2nd level, not including choosing Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu, and you do not gain use of Water or Wind Style.

(111) Zetsu Clan

Your very existence was molded by Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. Your type is plant instead of humanoid, you must choose Path of Mutation at 3rd level, and you may use Constitution as your casting ability for any Path of Mutation features and unique jutsu.

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