Basic Ninjutsu (Shinobi World Supplement)
Basic Ninjutsu[edit]
The fundamentals of all nature-infused ninjutsu, basic ninjutsu molds the raw chakra of a shinobi outside or inside their body.
Hand Seal Jutsu[edit]
Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu
Cost: 1 chakra per weapon
Requirements: Shuriken Jutsu
When you use the shuriken jutsu, you may spend chakra to instantly create a copy of the weapon thrown. This weapon disappears at the end of your turn.
Explosive Seal
Cost: 1+ Chakra
Casting Time: 60 seconds plus 10 for every 2 chakra spent (stacks with damage cost)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 minute + 1 for every additional chakra spent (stacks with damage cost)
Material Component: Requires Ink or calligrapher's tools to draw the seal
You draw an explosive seal on your chosen surface, then infuse it with chakra. The seal explodes after 1 minute of being placed, unless triggered by you as a bonus action. The seal can also be given a condition (such as being touched or a creature coming within 20 ft. of it) after which it will explode.
Any creature within 20 ft. of the seal when it detonates must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d6 fire damage and are pushed back 10 feet. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn't pushed back. A creature touching the seal as it detonates must make a Constitution saving throw at disadvantage instead of a Dexterity saving throw. You may increase the damage this jutsu deals by 1d6 for every 2 chakra spent to a maximum of 4d6
Exploding Flame Formation
Requirements: Explosive Seal
Cost: 3 chakra
Range: 30 feet
When you detonate an explosive seal you created within range, you slam your hand into the ground, causing the seals to wrap around your target. You may move the seal up to 10 ft., and any creatures targeted by it must attempt a Strength saving throw instead of a Dexterity or Constitution saving throw.
Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags
Requirements: Explosive Seal
Cost: 2 chakra
One creature of your choice that is controlled or charmed by you, including yourself, has their movement speed halved as they begin to exude explosive tag formulas. At the beginning of each of their turn until the creature is reduced to 0 hit points or ends this effect as an action, all creatures in a 10 foot radius of the creature, including the creature themselves, must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 3d6 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.
Cost: 1+ chakra
Duration: 1 hour per chakra point spent
As an action, you transform into a person, creature or non-magical object you have seen before or have a basic idea of, and become identical visibly to that image. Creatures must make an Investigation check against your save DC to notice that you aren't what you appear to be. If it saw you performing the Jutsu, it automatically succeeds. Your statistics remain the same. You can not become a light source, armor, tool, vehicle, or a creature with a different size category and you can not recreate a magical effect. You may undo this transformation as a bonus action.
When you gain the Ninja Speed feature, if you transform into a creature with a swimming or flying speed, you gain the speed up to your movement speed, however you do not gain any of the other characteristics of the creature, and are unable to use the Ninja Speed feature.
Combined Transformation
Requirements: Transformation
Cost: 10 chakra
Duration: Concentration, 1 minute per 10 chakra spent.
When you cast Transformation while touching a willing creature, you and the creature become a single creature or object. You are the largest creature's size category, and the combined creature has the best of either creature's features, proficiencies, and proficiency bonus and must maintain concentration to keep this active. The combined creature acts on your turn, and any damage it takes is dealt to whichever component creature has the highest hit points. A combined creature cannot combine with another creature.
Body Flicker
Cost: 3 chakra
As an action, your movement speed doubles until the beginning of your next turn. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Basic Clone
Cost: 3 chakra
Requirements: Body Flicker
Among the most basic jutsu taught to shinobi, the effects of this jutsu are more akin to afterimages than true clones. As a bonus action, any creature that can see you must attempt an Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, attacks against you have disadvantage, and you have advantage on any saving throws they force you to attempt. On a success, they are no longer effected by this jutsu until it is recast. Creatures with blindsight, truesight, or that can sense magic or chakra have advantage on this saving throw, they may reroll this saving throw at the end of each of their turns. You must spend 1 chakra at the end of each of your turns to maintain this effect.
Paralysis Seal
Cost: 2+ Chakra
Casting Time: 60 seconds + 10 for every 2 chakra spent (stacks with range cost)
Range: Touch + 2 chakra for every additional 5 feet (can exceed duration limit in additional chakra)
Duration: 12 seconds + 2 chakra for every additional 6 seconds up to 1 minute (stacks with range cost)
Material Component: Requires Ink or calligrapher's tools to draw the seal
You draw a paralysis seal on your chosen surface then infuse it with Chakra. The seal triggers when it is touched or when you trigger it as a bonus action. The seal can also be given a condition (such as being touched or a creature coming within 20 ft. of it) after which it will be triggered. When triggered, each creature other than you within range must pass a Constitution saving throw or be stunned for the seal's duration. A creature touching the seal as it triggers must make a Constitution saving throw at disadvantage. At the end of each of its turns, the affected creature can make another Constitution saving throw. On a success, the creature is no longer affected by the seal. A creature under the effects of multiple seals makes saves on all of them at the end of each turn.
Smoke Seal
Cost: 4+ Chakra
Casting Time: 60 seconds plus 10 for every 2 chakra spent
Range: Touch
Material Component: Requires Ink or calligrapher's tools to draw the seal
You draw a smoke seal on your chosen surface, then infuse it with your chakra. As a bonus action, you may detonate the seal, causing a 20 ft. radius cloud of green smoke to appear centered on the tag that lasts for 1 minute. For any creature within this area it is considered heavily obscured beyond 5 ft.
Healing Seal
Cost: 1+ Chakra
Casting Time: 60 seconds plus 10 for every 2 chakra spent (stacks with healing cost)
Range: Touch
Material Component: Requires Ink or calligrapher's tools to draw the seal
You draw a healing seal on your chosen surface then infuse it with your Chakra. As a bonus action, you may cause one creature touching your seal receives healing pulse of chakra. When activated, each chosen creature within range regains for 1d6 hit points. You may cause any creature targeted by this jutsu to regain an additional 1d6 hit points for every 2 additional chakra spent to a maximum of 4d6.
Cost 3+ Chakra
As a reaction, when you are hit by an attack and would take damage, you can lower the damage by 1d10 + Shinobi Level and teleport up to 15 ft. in any direction to an unoccupied space during which you take the Hide action. A log or other generic object is left in your place and you take any left-over damage from that attack. You can add an additional 1d10 per chakra point spent over the initial cost.
Shadow Clone
Cost: 4+ chakra per clone
As an action, you create up to three clones. Each clone created in this way counts as a different casting of this jutsu, but still only requires one action. Each clone has 5 hit points and the chakra spent creating it (this applies to things that would reduce the cost), a clone cannot have more chakra than your chakra point maximum divided by the number of clones (you included). The clones can take actions as normal, but do not benefit from the Extra Attack feature and can not take an action or bonus action on the turn they are created. You control them and they act on the same initiative as you. They last until they are reduced to 0 hit points, they expend all of their chakra, you dismiss them at will, or you fall unconscious. If the clone still has chakra when it dissipates, you regain any remaining chakra from the clone - 4 (minimum 0). Each clone is otherwise identical to you, including equipment, features, and any effects affecting you when you create the clone. You may choose if they benefit from any path features affecting you. Any effects with a limited number of uses, such as features that regain uses after a long or short rest or magic items with charges, are shared between all clones and you. If an effect would cause a clone to gain at least 1 level of exhaustion, including at the end of the effect's duration, the effect fails and the clone automatically dissipates. When a shadow clone dissipates, the main body receives any memories it has acquired as if it experienced it itself.
Clone Great Explosion
Requirements: Shadow Clone
Cost: 1 chakra
When you create a shadow clone, you may grant it a short timer, after which it explodes. This clone can exist for up to 4 rounds, as determined when you create it. It is most suggested to keep track of this with a d4. At the end of this clone's final turn, or when it is destroyed by any means other than being dispelled, every creature within 5 ft. of the clone must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they takes 2d8 fire damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. This also causes you to not regain the base chakra spent to create the clone.
Sealing Seal
Cost: 5+ Chakra
Casting Time: 60 seconds plus 10 for every 2 chakra spent (stacks with duration cost)
Duration: 1 minute + 1 for every 2 chakra spent
Material Component: Requires Ink or calligrapher's tools to draw the seal
You draw a sealing seal on your chosen surface then infuse it with your Chakra. The seal activates once touched. A creature touched by this seal must pass an Intelligence saving throw or lose the ability to cast spells or spend any resource (such as Ki, Chakra, Psi etc.) for 1 minute + 1 for every 2 additional chakra spent. They may attempt a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns after their first, ending this effect early on a success.
Summoning Jutsu
Cost: An amount of chakra equal to three times the CR of the creature (minimum of 1), or twice the creature's level or CR if using PECR
You gain the ability to form contracts with creatures in order for you to summon them to assist you in combat.
You make a contract with a creature of your choice that isn't a humanoid. For the purpose of this contract, you have the ability to speak with the creature you wish to try and form the contract with. You may form contracts with a number of creatures equal to twice your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). If you form a contract with a creature above this threshold, you must choose one creature to end your contract with.
As an action, you form the correct seals, take some of your own blood (often by biting the thumb), and place your hand on the ground. When done, your selected summon appears in the space you were in or a space within 5 ft. of you. The creature returns to where it was when it was summoned after 1 minute, when it is dismissed as an action or when it dismisses itself as an action.
If the creature is of size category Large or higher, it appears in the spot where you were standing and you are teleported on top of it. For instance, if you form a contract with a young red dragon or storm giant, you would be placed on the dragons back, the storm giants shoulder, or beside your summon.
Summoning: Quick Beheading
Requirements: Summoning Jutsu
Cost: 10 chakra
When you summon a creature using Summoning Jutsu, you accelerate it during the teleportation, allowing it to take one action the moment it is summoned.
Summoning: Food Cart Destroyer
Requirements: Summoning: Quick Beheading
Cost: 10 chakra
When you summon a creature using Summoning: Quick Beheading, you not only accelerate it, but summon the creature above the target. The chosen space the creature is summoned in can be occupied by a creature with a size category smaller than the summon. The action the summon takes must be able to deal damage to this creature, and the summon has advantage if it is an attack roll or skill check, and the target has disadvantage on any saving throws the action causes. Regardless of if the action succeeds, the target is moved to the closest open space.
*Wicked Summoning Shield*
Requirements: Summoning Jutsu
Cost: 6 chakra and 5 hit points
This jutsu has ended more than one summoning contract, either as a result of death or distrust. As a reaction immediately before you would take damage, you quickly form your summoning seal, using the Summoning Jutsu while taking more damage than necessary in your rush. The summoned creature must be at least 1 size category larger than you. You summon it around yourself, effectively making the summon swallow you, causing it to automatically take the damage instead. If the creature does not have unique rules for swallowing creatures, you are blinded, restrained, and gain full cover from effects outside of the creature. The creature may regurgitate you as an action. If the creature dies while you are swallowed by it, you are no longer restrained.
Empty Cicada Shell
Cost: 3+ chakra
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 1 minute
As a bonus action, you lace your voice with chakra, causing any sound you speak to come from one location of your choice within range until this jutsu ends. You may move the location it comes from to any other location within range instantly as a bonus action. If the location is no longer within 60 ft., this jutsu does not function until it is moved. You may increase this jutsu's range by 15 ft. or its duration by 1 minute for every 2 additional chakra points.
Range: 5 mile radius
Cost: 100 chakra
You release a massive blast of pure chakra. Every creature within range must succeed a Constitution saving throw with disadvantage. On a failure, they take 20d10 force damage. On a success, they take half as much.
Sannin Mode
Cost: 12 chakra
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
As an action, you temporarily focus your chakra and mind into the legend of the Sannin, deepening your talent for a moment. Choose a number of jutsu you do not know, but have the nature of, equal to the number of natures you know. You can not change the chosen jutsu, but may choose a new one when you gain a new chakra nature. For the duration of this jutsu, you may cast these jutsu, their costs are halved, and you may roll an additional damage die with these jutsu.
Destruction of Evil Seal
Cost: 1 chakra
Range: 15 feet
As an action, you form a simple seal somewhere between fuinjutsu and chakra absorption, but simple enough for any shinobi to master. One creature within range loses 1 special chakra point of your choice.
Tracking Technique
Cost: 7 chakra
As a bonus action, you imbue your eyes with chakra, allowing them to pick up on the faintest trace of a creature and causing your pupils to glow a bright yellow. Until the end of your turn, you can see invisible creatures and have advantage on Survival checks.
Non-Hand Seal Jutsu[edit]
Basic Ninjutsu Technique
Cost: 1 chakra
Duration: 10 minutes
As a bonus action, you gain the ability to move across any liquid surface— such as water, acid, mud, snow, quicksand, or lava— as if it were harmless solid ground (creatures crossing molten lava can still take damage from the heat).
If you cast this Jutsu while submerged in a liquid, the Jutsu carries you to the surface of the liquid at a rate of 60 feet per round.
Rope Escape
Cost: 6 chakra
When you attempt a saving throw or skill check to remove an object from your person, including escaping the restrained condition from a physical restraint, you automatically roll a 20 as you enhance your ability to reach for the object, often extending fingers and dislocating joints with little repercussions.
Cloak of Invisibility
Cost: 5 chakra
Duration: 1 minute
Components: 1 piece of cloth
As an action, you cover the cloth in a layer of chakra, causing its surface to resemble one environment of your choice (i.e. forest, marsh, desert, mountains, tundra, urban, etc.). While still and covered by this cloak within said environment, you have advantage on Stealth checks.
Shuriken Jutsu
Cost: 1-3 chakra
Jutsu Type: Bukijutsu
As an action, you increase your throwing speed, throwing multiple thrown weapons. You make an additional thrown weapon for every chakra point spent on this jutsu. Only the first attack that hits adds your Dexterity or Strength modifier to damage (minimum 1). All additional thrown attacks deal +1 piercing damage as their damage modifier, thrown weapons taken out for the purposes of this Jutsu all count as one free action.
Flying Nail Mist Soaring
Requirements: Shuriken Jutsu
Cost: 3 Chakra
Range: 30 feet
As an action while you have a light thrown weapon in your mouth, you manipulate your chakra to launch it with more force than your mouth would be able to, allowing you to make a thrown attack with the weapon. This jutsu can be used even if the user is restrained or incapacitated, but not unconscious.
Torpedo Nails
Requirements: Shuriken Jutsu
Cost: 5 Chakra
Duration: 1 minute
As a bonus action immediately after you do not hit a creature with a light thrown weapon that doesn't deal bludgeoning damage, you use chakra to cause it to land sharp end up. Chose an unoccupied 5 ft. area of one surface within 5 ft. of the weapon, even if you made a thrown attack with it. When a creature takes the search action, they may attempt a Perception check to locate the weapon. If a creature that has not located the weapon passes through the area targeted by this jutsu, they must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, their movement speed drops to 0 as the weapon holds them to the ground until they use their action to end this effect or this jutsu ends. As a bonus action while this is effecting a creature, you may end this jutsu to automatically deal the weapon's damage to the creature. A creature that has located this jutsu's weapon may end this jutsu as an action while touching it.
Chakra Transfer Technique
Cost: 1+ chakra
Range: Touch
The first developed ninjutsu ever, created back when it was still the pseudo-religion Ninshu, you transfer chakra from your network directly into another's, often with a bluish glow that becomes brighter with volume. You give a willing creature within range a number of chakra points equal to the chakra points spent. This chakra can extend above the target's maximum, and you may grant them the ability to cast 1 jutsu that you know until they lose any chakra you granted them, but they must spend at least 1 chakra you granted them on this jutsu. A creature may only learn 1 jutsu in this way from any single creature. The target loses 1 chakra point gained above their maximum in this way at the end of each of their turns, and all chakra gained in this way at the end of a short or long rest.
Chakra Suppression
Cost: 0+ chakra
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
As an action, you suppress your chakra, making yourself far more difficult to detect. Until this jutsu ends, you can not be sensed by chakra sense, but you can not cast jutsu. You may end this jutsu early as an action. When you cast this jutsu, you may spend 3 additional chakra to target one additional willing creature you can touch with this jutsu.
*Jutsu Transfer Technique*
Requirements: Chakra Transfer Technique
Cost: 2 chakra
As a bonus while you are concentrating on or spending chakra to maintain a jutsu, you transfer control of the molded chakra to one willing creature within your reach. The jutsu counts as having been cast by them for the sake of concentration checks, and they spend the jutsu's maintenance cost instead of you. They may transfer control of the jutsu back to you as a bonus action or reaction to taking damage.
Hidden Jutsu: Stone Needles
Cost: 8 chakra
Duration 1 minute
Requirements: Shuriken Jutsu
As a bonus action after you hit a creature with an attack from the Shuriken Jutsu, the target must attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they take the weapon's damage an additional time and are paralyzed for one minute. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not paralyzed. A creature may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect early on a success.
Cost: 10 chakra
Range: Touch
The Rasengan is a spinning ball of chakra formed and held in your palm. As an action, you thrusts your hand into the target. Make a melee spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 2d10 + your Intelligence modifier bludgeoning plus 2d10 force damage. The target must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed 20 feet away. The target has a mark on its body in the shape of multiple swirls scratching its skin.
Giant Rasengan
Requirements: Rasengan
Cost: 12+ chakra
Range: 10 foot radius
The edge of this jutsu's range is 5 feet from you. As an action, you make a melee spell attack against every creature in range. On a hit, they take 2d10 + your Intelligence modifier bludgeoning plus 3d10 force damage. The targets must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed 20 feet away. You may spend 5 additional chakra to increase this jutsu's range by 5 feet and its force damage by 1d10.
Planetary Rasengan
Requirements: Rasengan
Cost: 25 chakra
Range: 15 feet
On your next turn, as an action, you make a ranged spell attack with a large Rasengan surrounded by 3 smaller Rasengan. On a hit, you deal 12d10 + your Intelligence modifier force damage. The target must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed away 60 feet away.
Compression Rasengan
Requirements: Rasengan
Cost: 12-20 chakra
Range: Touch
Creating a Rasengan in one hand, the user covers it with their other hand, compressing it into a fraction of the size with the same level of force. As an action, you thrust your hand into the target. Make a melee spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 4d10 + your Intelligence modifier force damage. This jutsu has a +2 bonus to its attack roll and damage that increases by +1 for every 2 additional chakra spent. The target must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed 20 feet away.
Twin Rasengan
Requirements: Rasengan
Cost: 10+ chakra
Range: Touch
With intense training, a shinobi is capable of forming a Rasengan in each of their hands. As an action, you thrust your hand into the target. Make a melee spell attack. The target takes 3d10 + your Intelligence modifier force damage and they are pushed 5 ft. from you. For every 5 additional chakra spent, you may make 1 additional attack up to the number of hands you have.
Requirements: Rasengan
Cost: 30 chakra
Range: 60 ft.
The predecessor of the Rasengan, the user creates a barrier filled with swirling spheres of chakra. Make 4 ranged spell attacks. On a hit, the target takes 2d10 + your Intelligence modifier bludgeoning + 2d10 force damage. The target must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed 20 feet away. If all attacks hit, the target is paralyzed for 1 minute. They may attempt a Strength saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.
Rasengan: Flash
Requirements: Rasengan
Cost: 10 chakra
Range: 40 ft. line
You master the Rasengan for what it truly is; a false Tailed Beast Ball. Make a melee spell attack against every target in range. On a hit, the target takes 2d8 + your Intelligence modifier bludgeoning plus 2d8 force damage. The target must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed 10 feet away.
*Rasengan: Flare*
Requirements: Rasengan
Cost: 10 chakra
Range: 60 feet
As a reaction, when you are targeted by a feature, jutsu or attack, you may choose to shoot a less dense but brighter rasengan at the creature's face aiming to disrupt their effect, forcing them to roll a Wisdom saving throw. On failure, they do not use the effect and exhaust the resources that they used.
*Thrown Rasengan*
Requirements: Rasengan
Cost: 10 chakra
Range: 30/60 ft.
Just like its predecessor, a Rasengan can be thrown with enough practice. Make a melee spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 2d8 + your Intelligence modifier bludgeoning plus 2d8 force damage. The target must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed 20 feet away.
*Continuous Thrown Rasengan*
Requirements: Rasengan
Cost: 5+ chakra
Range: 30/60 ft.
You throw a barrage of low-power Rasengan. Make a melee spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 2d4 + your Intelligence modifier bludgeoning plus 2d4 force damage. The target must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed 10 feet away. You may make 1 additional attack every 3 additional chakra spent. This cost increases by 1 for every additional attack made.
Wild Lion's Mane
Duration: 1 hour
Cost: 5 chakra
You are immune to one instance of the restrained condition that is not from genjutsu each round.
Needle Jizō
Requirements: Wild Lion's Mane
Cost: 2 chakra
As a reaction when you are injured by a creature within 5 ft. of you while Wild Lion's Mane is active, they take 1d6 slashing damage.
Transparent Escape Jutsu
Cost: 6 Chakra
As an action, you cover yourself in a layer of chakra that appears as anything on the other side of you, becoming invisible until the end of your next turn.
Sexy Jutsu
Cost: 2 chakra
Range: 10 ft.
Prerequisites: Transformation
As an action, you cast a variant of the Transformation jutsu in order to catch your target off guard. They must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d4 psychic damage as their nose leaks blood and they are stunned until the end of their turn.
Body Elimination Jutsu
Cost: 5 chakra
Range: Touch
As an action, you touch a creature that has 1 or fewer hit points, enveloping their body in blue, fire-like chakra. If the creature was alive, they are killed instantly. After 24 seconds (4 rounds), the body is completely reduced to ash.
*Anti Dojutsu Jutsu*
Cost: 2 chakra
When you activate this Jutsu, for the duration, as a bonus action for 2 chakra or at will for 5 chakra, when you affect a creature with a Dojutsu active, you may ignore any positive effect from the Dojutsu which affects the target's AC, grants them advantage on saving throws or grants you disadvantage on attack rolls (such as additional AC, having advantage against saving throws, attack negation, disadvantage on attack rolls, etc) you must spend 1 chakra at the end of each of your turns to keep this active.
One's Own Life Reincarnation
Cost: 70 chakra
The caster weaves a massive amount of chakra just in time to save a creature that has been dead for no longer than 24 seconds (4 rounds), the creature is no longer dead and is restored to its maximum hit points. Alternatively, you can target a creature that has been dead for more than 24 seconds but no more than 72 hours. But you are instantly killed after casting the jutsu. This jutsu's cost is not halved by narrative jutsu.
Cost: 12 chakra
After you form a Rasengan you may mold it in to a cylindrical two ended dagger with the cutting power coming from the Rasengans spinning motion this attack does 1d12 piercing damage, 1d8 slashing damage + 1d4 bludgeoning damage + 1d4 force damage
*Rasengan: Wrathful Burst*
Chakra Cost: 8 (base)
'Range: Melee
prerequisites needs rassengan and an ac of 10 or more
Duration: Instantaneous
- In this variant of the Rasengan, you channel your inner rage and hatred into the technique. As you focuses your negative emotions, the Rasengan grows in power, but at a cost: the more damage you take, the more you can fuel it. This version of Rasengan is capable of devastating opponents but damages you in the process, reducing chakra efficiency in exchange for raw, destructive force.
- As an action, you charge the Wrathful Burst in your hand, drawing power from your anger and pain. Make a melee ninjutsu attack against a creature within 5 feet. On a hit, the target takes 6d10 force damage.
- Anger extraction Mechanic:You may choose to take 2d6 damage (necrotic or psychic damage, your choice) to increase the damage of the Rasengan by an equal amount. This effect can be repeated up to 3 times, but each instance of self-damage increases the chakra cost by 2 for every additional time you use this feature after 2 uses. The total amount of self-damage cannot exceed 6d6.
- Anger Surge:Upon hitting with this technique, all creatures within 10 feet of the target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 13) or be frightened of you until the end of your next turn. This effect manifests as the overwhelming aura of your anger, briefly stifling those around you.
Chidori-Rasengan: Thunderous Cataclysm
Chakra Cost: 12
Requirements: Rasengan and either chidori or lightning release
Range: Melee
Duration: Instantaneous
You focus both Chidori and Rasengan into a single, powerful technique. You first form the Chidori around your hand, running the crackling lightning up your forearm. Then, you condense the Rasengan into the palm of your hand, using the immense energy of both to coat the Rasengan with a deadly layer of piercing lightning. As you strike, the Chidori pierces deep into the target, followed by the explosive force of the Rasengan.
As an action, you create a Chidori in one hand and form the Rasengan in your other hand. You thrust the Chidori down to coat the Rasengan. Upon impact, make a melee ninjutsu attack roll against a creature within 5 feet. On a hit, the target takes 8d10 lightning damage from the piercing force of the Chidori, and the Rasengan explodes, dealing 6d10 force damage. The target must then succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 15) or be pushed 10 feet away and knocked prone.
Electric Overload: The piercing lightning of the Chidori causes muscles to seize. For the next minute, the target takes 1d6 lightning damage at the start of each of its turns. Explosion Aftermath: Any creature within 5 feet of the target when the Rasengan explodes takes 3d8 force damage.
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