Path of Specialization (Shinobi World Supplement)

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Path of Specialization[edit]

Fundamentally, your move set doesn’t differ all that much from your average shinobi. However, through unrivaled training in one specific form of jutsu, you have refined the art of casting jutsu, hopefully placing your name among the legends.

Gifted User[edit]

At 3rd level, you gain affinity in one jutsu nature you can use of your choice. If you already had affinity in it, you gain affinity in one of the elements which compose the nature if it is a Kekkei Genkai, or gain one of the effects of forgoing gaining a jutsu nature as detailed under Chakra.

Additionally, you may choose 1 jutsu from the selected nature to become your signature jutsu. When you cast your signature jutsu, you may choose one of the following:

  • You gain advantage on its attack roll.
  • You gain advantage on its saving throws.
  • The target gains disadvantage on its saving throws.
  • Its range increases by 10 ft so long as its range is not touch.
  • The chakra cost is reduced by your spellcasting ability modifier (rounded down, the cost having a minimum of 1 chakra).
  • The chakra upkeep cost is reduced by half your spellcasting modifier (rounded up, the upkeep cost having a minimum of 1 chakra).
  • Its damage die increases by 1 stage (d4 > d6 > d8 > d10 > d12), to a maximum of d12s.

You may swap your signature jutsu at the end of a long rest.

Improved Technique[edit]

At 7th level, through pushing yourself further, you push your technique a stage further as well. Choose one of the following options listed below:

  • Dexterity: the target is blinded for 1 minute and takes an additional 1d8 thunder damage.
  • Constitution: the target is poisoned for 1 minute and takes an additional 1d8 poison damage.
  • Wisdom: the target is frightened for 1 minute and takes an additional 1d8 piercing damage.

When a creature is targeted by your signature jutsu, they must make a saving throw using the ability listed in your chosen option, suffering the listed effect on a failure.

The target may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect early on a success. On a success, creatures take half as much damage and are not effected by the condition.

Advanced Stratagem[edit]

Also at 7th level, when you use your signature jutsu, you may change its damage type the primary damage type of its nature, or that of one of its component natures if it is a Kekkei Genkai. Alternatively, you may choose a primary damage type that does not correspond with its nature or component natures, but doing so removes your affinity bonus.

Alternate Feature: Power of the Dragon[edit]

At 7th level, in place of Improved Technique or Advanced Stratagem, you have submerged yourself deep within your element, gaining some level of innate manipulation of it. You gain one of the following benefits:

  • You gain resistance to damage from a jutsu of your Gifted User nature, as well as from sources made of the nature's material (i.e. a stone for Earth Style, a metal sword for Steel Style, a non-plant body for Yang Style, etc.). If you have resistance, you may gain immunity instead. If you have immunity to this damage, you may gain immunity to any other effects such a jutsu or damage source causes instead. You may not gain this benefit for Yin-Yang Style, Basic Ninjutsu or Taijutsu.
  • If you have the above benefit, you may cause any jutsu of your Gifted User's nature cast within 30 feet of you to fail as a reaction for half as much chakra as the jutsu's cost. Specialized Chakra counts as twice as much for this jutsu.
  • You can move through your Gifted User nature's material in any direction without any penalties using your movement speed.
  • You may breath your Gifted User nature's material as if it were normal air.
  • As a bonus action, any difficult terrain within 30 ft. of you made of your Gifted User nature's material of your choice becomes normal terrain and ends any effects on it that would be ended by a strong wind.

When you gain a feature from this path after 7th level, you may forgo it to gain one of this feature's benefits instead.

Expanding Horizons[edit]

At 10th level, through arduous work, you are granted the ability to select another signature jutsu. This signature jutsu can benefit from previous features, however the improved technique effect must be different from your first signature jutsu. Additionally, your first signature jutsu gains a +2 bonus to its attack roll or DC.

Specialized Chakra[edit]

At 15th level, excessive usage of your signature style has amalgamated into a separate pool of chakra. You have a number of specialized chakra equal to 1/4th your maximum chakra points. This chakra is based on the nature you took affinity in at 3rd level. You may only use this chakra on your nature's jutsu, or this subclass's features.

As a bonus action, you may begin exuding dangerous chakra from your body up to a number of feet equal to the amount of chakra spent at the beginning of each subsequent turn times 5. This effect ends if you stop spending chakra. Any creatures that end their turn in this area take 1d6 of the nature's primary damage type. Any attacks made against you by creatures inside this area have disadvantage, and if you are subject to a saving throw caused by a creature inside this area, you have advantage.

Effortless Efficiency[edit]

At 15th level, your tireless effort and practice on your very first Signature Jutsu has made casting this jutsu effortless. You may use your first signature jutsu as a bonus action on your turn. If you can already cast it as a bonus action, you may cast it as a free action instead.

Godlike Specialization[edit]

At 20th level, you have pushed your specialization to the very pinnacle, going above most if not all predecessors before you. Each of your specialized nature’s jutsu benefit from Signature Jutsu. Damage die increases from this may exceed d12s.

Also, one other nature you have is subject to this subclass's features, save for not gaining an additional Specialized Chakra pool and not being able to draw from your specialized chakra pool. Finally, your chakra aura's range is doubled, and your specialized chakra pool becomes 1/2 instead of 1/4.

Path of Specialization Unique Jutsu[edit]

Bisecting Claw

Cost: 5 chakra

Duration: 1 minute

As an action, you form a large, two pronged claw from your nature's element. For this jutsu's duration, you gain a light melee weapon that deals your unarmed strike damage with a damage type of your Gifted User element's primary damage type. Every attack with this weapon attacks every creature within 5 feet of the wielder. You may only have 1 weapon created by a Path of Specialization unique jutsu at a time, and if another creature wields this weapon, it still uses your attack and damage roll bonuses. This weapon has your AC and 25 hit points.

Single Claw Bisection

Requirements: Bisecting Claw

Cost: 5 chakra

When a creature you can see makes an attack with a Bisecting Claw, you collapse both claws around a single target. The attack has advantage and its critical threshold increases by 2 (i.e. 20 → 18-20 → 16-20), but it no longer targets every creature within 5 feet.

Elemental Harpoon

Cost: 5 chakra

Duration: 1 minute

As an action, you form a long spear from your nature's element. For this jutsu's duration, you gain a two-handed melee weapon that deals your unarmed strike damage with a damage type of your Gifted User element's primary damage type and has 15 feet of reach. You may only have 1 weapon created by a Path of Specialization unique jutsu at a time, and if another creature wields this weapon, it still uses your attack and damage roll bonuses. This weapon has your AC and 25 hit points.

Harpoon Awaken

Requirements: Elemental Harpoon

Cost: 5 chakra

As an action while your Elemental Harpoon is not being wielded by a creature, you take control of it. You can see and hear through your spear and make attacks with it as if you were wielding it, and the spear gains a movement speed equal to half your movement speed. This lasts until the end of your next turn.

Elemental Great Bow

Cost: 5 chakra

Duration: 1 minute

As an action, you form a complex shortbow from your nature's element. For this jutsu's duration, you gain a two-handed ranged weapon that deals your unarmed strike damage with a damage type of your Gifted User element's primary damage type with a range of 100/400 feet and has 30 pieces of ammunition that may be regained as a bonus action for 1 chakra. You may only have 1 weapon created by a Path of Specialization unique jutsu at a time, and if another creature wields this weapon, it still uses your attack and damage roll bonuses. This weapon has your AC and 25 hit points.

Elemental Great Bow Echolocation

Requirements: Elemental Great Bow

Cost: 5 chakra

When you take the search action while you are wielding your Elemental Great Bow, you pluck at its myriad of strings, gaining an auditory map of your surroundings. You gain 60 feet of blindsight until the end of your next turn.

Blood Conversion

Requirements: Specialized Chakra

As an action, you make a single unarmed strike against a creature that is not a construct, undead, ooze, or elemental within your reach. If the unarmed strike hits, you regain a number of specialized chakra points equal to their proficiency bonus as you convert their chakra into your own, a creature can only be affected by this once per long rest.

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