Path of the Sage (Shinobi World Supplement)

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Path of the Sage[edit]

While many high-ranking shinobi have acquired Sage Mode, very few have been able to truly master the primordial technique. Those that do are often among the most terrifying shinobi to ever live. While the following can be used as a subclass, a DM may also want to use the following features as epic boons.

Partial Sage Mode[edit]

At 3rd level, you've began to learn the teachings of a wise master who knows about natural chakra. Pick one creature to be your Sage Creature, which taught you how to learn Sage Mode. This creature can be changed when you meet another creature with the same ability.

When you gain the Summoning Jutsu, this creature automatically becomes one of your summons.

As a full turn action, you may meditate to combine natural energy with your chakra, becoming prone and blind until the beginning of your next turn, and transforming a number of chakra equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) + 1 into an equal number of senjutsu chakra points.

You can spend senjutsu chakra as if it were normal chakra, and you may spend normal and senjutsu chakra on the same jutsu. You may have a number of senjutsu equal to your chakra point maximum. Any senjutsu chakra is lost at the end of a short or long rest.

As an action, you may enter Sage Mode, granting you the following:

  • You may take the search action as a bonus action. When you take the search action, you may also attempt a DC 14 Arcana check to locate living creatures and magical effects within 30 feet. You see a faint outline around the detected chakra source and what school of magic or chakra nature the magical effect was created from, or one that the creature can use if any, can be discerned by you. This effect can penetrate most barriers, but is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.
  • Your non-jutsu melee attacks deal an additional 1d10 damage.
  • You gain a +1 bonus to your AC.
  • You gain one Sage Creature Effect based on your summons type while in Sage Mode (those with the “Passive” tag are also active outside of Sage Mode).
  • At the end of each of your turns, 2 senjutsu chakra becomes an equal amount of normal chakra.

If you have no senjutsu chakra, or if you end this form as an action, this form ends.

Sage Art[edit]

At 7th level, by deepening your knowledge about natural chakra, you've learned how to infuse jutsu with senjutsu. When your jutsu's cost is completely fulfilled by senjutsu chakra, or you spend an additional amount of senjutsu chakra equal to 1/4 of its cost, you may do one of the following:

  • Double the jutsu's range, damage, or healing.
  • Grant a creature disadvantage against any 1 saving throw it incurs.
  • Grant yourself advantage on any 1 saving throw it incurs.
  • Grant yourself advantage on its attack roll.

Sage Kata[edit]

At 10th level, you've grown so much in the path of the sages natural energy now surrounds you when in Sage Mod. While Sage Mode is active, you gain an additional 5 ft. of reach and your unarmed strikes gain a +1 to their attack and damage rolls.

Additionally, when you meditate, you transform a number of normal chakra equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) + 1 into twice as much senjutsu chakra points. Finally, at the end of each of your turns during Sage Mode, 2 senjutsu chakra becomes half as much normal chakra.

Passive Meditation[edit]

At 15th level, your mastery of natural energy allows you to gather it with ease. As an action, you can meditate at a reduced efficiency, transforming a number of normal chakra equal to half your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 0) + 1 into twice as many senjutsu chakra points. You must be able to gain senjutsu chakra by meditating normally to gain this feature.

Alternate Feature: Clone Meditation[edit]

At 15th level, you may have your shadow clones meditate as well. When a clone is dispelled while meditating, any chakra they would have returned to you is automatically converted into senjutsu chakra.

If you have creatures controlled by Path of the Exalted, you may have them meditate as well. Each of these creatures that are meditating transform 1 chakra into 1 senjutsu chakra at the beginning of each of your turns.

Alternate Feature: Sage Artist[edit]

At 15th level, your mastery in applying natural energy to ninjutsu surpasses your ability to add it to your own body. When you cast a Sage Art, you may meditate immediately before as a bonus action instead of as a full-turn action. Any senjutsu chakra gained from this form of meditation is converted back into normal chakra immediately after the Sage Art is cast, or immediately if you do not immediately cast a Sage Art.

Alternate Feature: Lasting Nature[edit]

At 15th level, you can mold your senjutsu chakra to leech natural energy from its surroundings on its own. When you cast a Sage Art, you may choose to double the jutsu's duration as the feature's effect. If two jutsu you cast under this effect come within 30 feet of each other, you must choose one to dispel.

If this occurs with your jutsu and another creature's jutsu, you must both make a jutsu attack roll. The jutsu of the creature with the lower roll is dispelled.

Alternate Feature: Sage Acolyte[edit]

At 15th level, you have learned the ways of senjutsu from many masters. You gain one additional Sage Creature effect while Sage Mode is active.

Perfected Sage Mode[edit]

At 20th level, you have mastered Sage Mode. While you are in Sage Mode, you gain the following in addition to the effects of Partial Sage Mode:

  • You gain proficiency, or expertise if you already have proficiency, in 2 saving throws of your choice while in Sage Mode. You may change which 2 saving throws are as a full turn action.
  • Your chakra sense range doubles.
  • Your attack and damage rolls gain a +1 bonus.
  • Your AC gains a +2 bonus (+3 total).
  • You gain 1 additional Sage Creature effect.

Senjutsu Master[edit]

At 23rd level, your understanding of natural energy is on par with the sage creatures themselves. You can meditate as an action, transforming a number of normal chakra equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) + 1 into twice as much senjutsu chakra points. If you have Passive Meditation, using that feature can be done as a bonus action.

Alternate Feature: Unnatural Senjutsu[edit]

At 23rd level, you forgo the old masters' teachings, forging a new, four-way combination of chakra. When you meditate to create senjutsu chakra, you may convert red, black, purple, and specialized chakra into red, black, purple, and specialized senjutsu chakra. These special kinds of senjutsu chakra count as both their prior form of chakra and senjutsu chakra, and you may negate any effects of possessing or spending this special kinds of senjutsu chakra, including but not limited to saving throws for having more red or black chakra than normal chakra, not being able to spend red chakra with normal chakra, needing to spend black chakra in proportion to normal chakra, and only being able to spend specialized chakra on jutsu of a particular nature. When special senjutsu chakra would be converted into normal chakra, such as at the end of each of your turns, it is instead converted back into its non-senjutsu special chakra.

Sage Creature Effects[edit]

Aberration. You gain a darkvision of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, it increases by 60 feet.

Beast (Passive). You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight, hearing or smell. Also, you are able to communicate with animals

Celestial. You gain resistance to radiant damage.

Dragon. You gain a flying speed equal to half your movement speed.

Elemental. You gain resistance to one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, psychic, or thunder damage.

Fey. You gain advantage against being charmed, and Jutsus or spells can't put you to sleep.

Fiend (Passive). You gain proficiency in Intimidation, or expertise if already proficient.

Giant (Passive). You are immune to the effects of extreme heat, cold, and altitude. Additionally, while in Sage Mode you become one size larger.

Monstrosity. You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons.

Ooze (Passive). You count as 1 additional size smaller while squeezing, and have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks to escape grapples.

Plant (Passive). Your daily food requirement is halved.

Undead. You gain resistance to necrotic damage, and add your proficiency bonus in death saving throws.

Campaign Setting Sage Creature Effects

Toads of Mount Myuboku. Your body is covered warts, your hands and feet become webbed like a frog, and your leg muscles become coiled like a frog. Your movement speed and swimming speed increases by +10 ft., and your jump distances increase by +20 ft.

Refined Toads of Mount Myuboku. Your eyes gain orange, flower petal-like pigmentation and toad-like pupils, and your body radiates forceful senjutsu. If the target's passive Arcana is lower than 13, your attacks have advantage.

Natural Toads of Mount Myuboku Your eyes gain red, tear-like pigmentation and toad-like pupils. Your AC increases by +1.

*Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest*. You gain a round marking on your forehead with a dot in its centre. As a reaction when you cause yourself to lose hit points or chakra points, you may reduce the amount you lose by 1d4 + 1.

Refined Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest. Your eyes gain black pigmentation around your eyes that extends to your ears, as well as an additional round marking on your forehead with a dot in its centre. Any jutsu with a range that is not touch has its range increased by +10 ft. and gains your Sage Mode's bonus damage.

*Natural Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest*. Your eyes are covered in bands of black pigment. As a reaction when you lose hit points or chakra points from any source other than yourself, you may reduce the amount you lose by 1d4 + 1.

*Snakes of Ryūchi Cave*. Your body becomes a pale white, and your lower eyelids gain a swipe of purple pigment. Your reach increases by +10 ft.

*Refined Snakes of Ryūchi Cave*. Your eyes gain a solid purple stripe across your face. Any jutsu you cast has its chakra cost reduced by -1 (minimum 1).

*Natural Snakes of Ryūchi Cave*. Your upper and lower lips gain fanglike purple pigment near the corner of your mouth that extends to your jaw and cheekbones. Any jutsu you use has a bonus to its damage rolls equal to your proficisncy bonus. If your jutsu makes multiple attack rolls, this damage bonus is divided equally between all attack rolls.

*Monkeys of Saiyuki Valley*. Most of your body is covered in thick white fur, and you sprout a thick tail. You gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed, but you may only be a number of feet from any object or willing or grappled creature capable of carrying your weight equal to your reach.

*Refined Monkeys of Saiyuki Valley*. The top half of your face is covered in red pigment that fades past your eyelids, and the whites of your eyes turn pitch black. You may forgo your action to take two additional bonus actions.

*Natural Monkeys of Saiyuki Valley*. Your nose is flanked by wings of black pigment that spread across your cheeks, with dots of the same pigment descending in a line from the bridge of your nose to your top lip's medial cleft. When a creature you can see uses a feature that spends a currency while your Sage Mode is active, you may copy it as a reaction. You may use the feature in the exact same manner, as long as you meet any prerequisites, using the One Currency System variant rule if it uses any resources other than chakra. You may have a number of these features memorized at a time equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). You may only use memorized features while your Sage Mode is active.

*Wolves of Okuriokami Oasis*. Your teeth and claws grow far longer and sharper, and your back hunches over with a furry ridge. You are immune to the effects of the prone condition, and while you are grappling a creature, you may cause one unarmed strike attack you make against them on each of your turns to count as a bite attack, dealing twice as much damage.

*Refined Wolves of Okuriokami Oasis*. Your eyes are surrounded by pinkish diamonds of pigment angling from the bridge of your nose to your temples before sweeping down into fangs. Your movement speed increases by +5 feet, and you gain a +1 bonus to any d20 rolls you add your Dexterity modifier to.

*Natural Wolves of Okuriokami Oasis*. Black pigment circles your eyes before sweeping down your cheeks at a growing angle, creating the illusion of a snout. You know the direction, but not exact location, of every creature within twice your movement speed.

Path of the Sage Unique Jutsu[edit]

Adamantine Seal: Monkey Yang Suppression

Cost: 3 Chakra

Range: 60 feet

As action, you focus your chakra into a massive, red, ape-like fist that wraps around the target. One creature within range must attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they become restrained. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success, and taking 1d4 bludgeoning damage on a failure. You must spend 3 chakra at the end of each of your turns to maintain this jutsu.

This counts as Fuinjutsu for the sake of any features that would effect Fuinjutsu.

Sage Art: Amphibian Technique

Cost: 10 senjutsu chakra

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

As an action, you attach yourself to the shoulder of one creature at least 1 size category larger than you that you can touch. For the sake of this jutsu, every creature attached to or within the host must also be willing (i.e. parasites, bijuu, etc.).

This jutsu can be ended as an action by you or your host, and automatically ends when your host drops to 0 hit points. You occupy the creature's space and move when they move, and your movement speed becomes 0 until you end this jutsu. You can access your host's chakra, and they can access yours. When you would be targeted by an effect, your host may choose to be targeted instead. Two creatures can occupy one creature's space, and they count as half as much for every size category difference above one (i.e. one Small creature and two Tiny creatures can occupy one Medium creature's space).

Frog Call

Cost: 5 chakra

Range: 30 ft. line

All creatures within range must attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d4 thunder damage are stunned until the beginning of their next turn. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not stunned.

This also activates any traps within the area, including seals such as those created by Basic Ninjutsu.

Fighting Tongue Bind

Cost: 8 chakra

As an action, you extend your tongue out of your throat, transforming it until it resembles a snake. Your reach is increased by 15 ft., may sense any invisible creatures within your reach so long as they produce a smell, and you can not breath until this jutsu ends.

This jutsu ends if you become unconscious or you end this as a bonus action.

Fighting Tongue Slash

Requirements: Fighting Tongue Bind

Cost: 4 chakra

As an action, while Fighting Tongue Bind is active, your reach is doubled and you make a single unarmed strike, which deals twice as much damage on a hit. This lasts until the end of your turn and causes Fighting Tongue Bind to end at the same time.

Whip of Love

Requirements: Fighting Tongue Bind

Cost: 2 chakra

When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike while Fighting Tongue Bind is active, they must attempt a Dexterity saving throw as you coil your extended tongue around them and throw them to the ground. On a failure, they take 1d4 bludgeoning damage, are knocked prone, and are moved 10 feet in a direction of your choice. On a success, they take half as much damage.

Demonic Illusion: Gamarinsho

Cost: 10 senjutsu chakra

Range: 30 ft. radius

As an action, you and one other creature capable of using Partial Sage Mode within 15 feet that is not incapacitated that uses their reaction begin singing a sound-based genjutsu. While within range during this song, creatures actively know you are targeting them with genjutsu. After 1 minute, if all of these conditions have remained true, any non-deafened creatures within range must attempt an Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, they are unconcious for 1 minute.

*Mastered Gamarinsho: Polyphonic Melody*

Requirements: Demonic Illusion: Gamarinsho

Cost: 20 senjutsu chakra

Range: 30 ft. radius

You have mastered the art of producing both songs of Gamarinsho, producing both at once. As an action, you begin singing a sound-based genjutsu. While within range during this song, creatures actively know you are targeting them with genjutsu. After 1 minute, if you did not become incapacitated during this time, any non-deafened creatures within range must attempt an Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, they are unconcious for 1 minute.

Genjutsu Kiss

Cost: 5 senjutsu chakra

Jutsu Type: Genjutsu

As an action, you cover your lips in a senjutsu-laden genjutsu and kiss one creature within your reach. The target must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, everything around them becomes lightly obscured to them as they are covered in a pink fog with various hearts floating about it, and any creature they see has your face. If an area they can see would already be lightly obscured, it is instead heavily obscured.

The target may attempt a Intelligence saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.

Sage Art: Goemon

Cost: 10 Senjutsu chakra

Range: 60-foot line.

As an action, you cover the area in one of the following:

Oil. Until the end of your next turn, the next source of fire damage to enter the targeted area has its range doubled and target's this jutsu's range as well.

Wind. Until the end of your next turn, the next source of fire damage to enter the targeted area has its damage doubled and target's this jutsu's range as well.

Fire. all creatures within this line must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d8 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.

Sage Art: Kebari Senbon

Requirements: Wild Lion's Mane

Cost: 8 Senjutsu chakra

Range: 60 feet

As an action while Wild Lion's Mane is active, one creature of your choice takes 4d6 slashing or piercing damage.

Secret Treasure of the Toads

Requirements: Healing Seal, Sealing Seal

Cost: 1-20 senjutsu chakra

Material Component: Requires Ink or calligrapher's tools to draw the seal

Casting Time: 1 hour

Duration: 12 hours + 2 for every 2 senjutsu spent

You draw a healing seal on your chosen surface then infuse it with your Chakra. When another creature touches this seal, or if you use this on yourself as an action, the creature gains an equal number of senjutsu chakra that was stored within the seal.

Sealing Technique: Frog Suppression

Cost: 12 Chakra

Range: 60 feet

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

As action, you erect four 5 ft. square, 15 ft. tall pillars that produce a 30 ft. cube of electricity centered on one point within range. If a creature attempts to move through the wall, they must attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d6 lightning damage and are moved 15 ft. toward the center of the cube. On a success, they take half as much damage and move through the cube. Each pillar has 25 hit points, and melee attacks against them cause the attacker to make the same saving throw. If at least 1 pillar is destroyed, this jutsu ends.

This counts as Fuinjutsu for the sake of any features that would effect Fuinjutsu.

Starchy Syrup Gun

Cost: 7 chakra

Range: 30/60 feet

As an action, you launch a senjutsu-infused ball of spit. Make a ranged spell attack against one creature within range. On a hit, they are restrained for 1 minute. The target or a creature touching them may attempt a Strength saving throw as an action, ending this effect early on a success.

Toad Sword Beheading

Cost: 2 senjutsu chakra

Jutsu Type: Bukijutsu

Immediately before you make a melee weapon attack, you let senjutsu run wild in your legs, transforming them into powerful toad legs and launching yourself at the target, turning forward momentum into slashing potential, flying up to 30 feet. For every 5 feet of this movement you do not move, the attack deals an additional 1 damage.

Toad Smoke

Cost: 4 chakra

Range: 40 ft. radius

You create a cloud of natural smoke around you that radiates from your skin. For any creature that doesn't have levels in the Path of the Assassin, this area is considered heavily obscured beyond 10 feet. As a bonus action for 2 chakra, you may create a denser area of smoke that occupies one 5 ft. are within the cloud that appears like you while heavily obscured that has 5 hit points.

You must spend 2 chakra at the end of each of your turns to maintain this jutsu.

Toad Spying

Requirements: Summoning Jutsu

Cost: 4 chakra

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

As an action, you link your vision with one creature you have summoned. You can see, hear, and receive any other sensory information as if you were in their place in addition to your normal senses.

You must spend 1 chakra at the end of each of their turns to maintain this effect.

Transformation: Adamantine Staff

Requirements: Basic Ninjutsu

Cost: 5 chakra

As an action, you become a simple, two-handed, finesse weapon taking the form of a thick metal staff tipped with gold. Any creature wielding you can make attacks with it, gaining a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, an additional 15 ft. of reach, and using your unarmed strike's damage die on a hit unless their unarmed strike damage die is higher. You can spend your action in this form to end this effect, increase this weapon's reach by +5 ft. until the beginning of your next turn for every 2 chakra spent, or use any jutsu that requires this jutsu, and you can not take other form of action or move.

Adamantine Prison Wall

Requirements: Transformation: Adamantine Staff

Cost: 5 chakra

As an action while Transformation: Adamantine Staff is active, you become a 30 ft. hollow cube centered on where the staff was. This cage is made of the same materials as your staff form. Creatures can see and hear through this cube, and Tiny creatures can pass through its walls. The cage uses your hit points and AC, and is resistant to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage.

Adamantine Monkey Dance

Requirements: Transformation: Adamantine Staff

Cost: 2 chakra

As a bonus action immediately after you use Transformation: Adamantine Staff, you time your energy and the drop off your staff form to launch yourself at one point within your movement speed, making an unarmed strike against one target within your reach immediately afterword.

Adamantine Technique: Cranium Crusher

Requirements: Transformation: Adamantine Staff

Cost: 2 chakra

As a bonus action while Transformation: Adamantine Staff is active, you compress your weight down on every hit. Until the beginning of your next turn, creatures take 1 additional point of damage on a hit with your staff form for every 5 ft. of reach beyond the target.

Fangs of the Monkey King

Requirements: Transformation: Adamantine Staff

Cost: 5 chakra

As a bonus action while Transformation: Adamantine Staff is active, you focus your chakra to partially remain transformed while you manifest your upper body from the end of your staff form, taking one action of your choice that you would not normally be able to make in your staff form as if you where anywhere within your wielder's reach.

*Adamantine Sage Arms*

Cost: 8 Chakra

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 minute

As an action, one creature you touch sprouts up to 4 additional arms. These arms are fully prehensile and act exactly as their existing arms do. While a creature has these arms, they gain an additional reaction which they may only use to impose disadvantage on one attack against them.

*Rolled Scroll Toad*

Cost: 10 senjutsu chakra

As an action, you utilize your bestial chakra to transform yourself into a small animal, though the strain of this jutsu is greatly taxing. You become a Tiny version of your sage creature, though your statistics do not change, and you become unconcious until you end this jutsu at will. When you cast this jutsu, you may be swallowed by one willing creature within 5 feet of you, granting you full cover against anything outside of the creature, and your senjutsu protects you and the creature from any negative effects like stomach acid or intestine capacity. If you end this jutsu while swallowed, you appear anywhere within 5 feet of the creature.

*Sage Levitation*

Cost: 1 senjutsu chakra

As an action, you focus senjutsu chakra into the world around you, manifesting a tiny fragment of Six Paths Sage Mode's power. You gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed.

You must spend 1 senjutsu chakra at the end of each of your turns to maintain this effect.

*Sage Nature Record Reading*

Cost: 18 senjutsu chakra

As an action, you commune with the natural energy's memory of what happened within it. You can ask the energy up to five questions. The energy knows the combined knowledge every creature that died in the area up to 10 years ago. Answers are usually repetitive, cryptic, or contradictory due to similar overlapping memories, and the energy is only able to communicate in visual images without text that appear vividly in your mind.

*Unfurled Scroll Toad*

Cost: 5 chakra

As an action, you convert a large section of your body into a 5 foot square of paper. This paper has your AC and 5 hit points, and when it takes damage, you take an equal amount of damage. Each time you cast this jutsu, an additional 5 foot square is attached to the previous page if it is also connected to you. As a bonus action, you may retract the paper into yourself, and you may unfurl any created pages by casting this jutsu again. While retracted, these pages can never be accessed by any creatures other than you.

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