Path of Hatred (Shinobi World Supplement)

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Path of Hatred[edit]

The Sharingan is a Dōjutsu that is acquired through emotions, not power. Whether needing the power to protect others, or having so much hate that you will kill all in your way to get what you want, the Sharingan is acquired through these immense emotions. The Sharingan allows the user to see seconds into the future, allowing them to interpret actions before they are made.

Design Note: Jutsu from this path can only be cast while your Sharingan is active.


At 3rd level, you acquire the power of the Sharingan alongside its foresigh abilities, and can now activate or deactivate it as a bonus action for 1 chakra. Your Sharingan starts out with 1 tomoe (eye dots), which grants you a +1 bonus to AC, advantage on Wisdom and Dexterity saving throws, and advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that are related to sight.

When you take the search action while your Sharingan is active, you may also attempt a DC 13 Perception check to locate living creatures and magical effects within 60 feet. You see a faint outline around the detected chakra source and what school of magic or chakra nature the magical effect was created from, or one that the creature can use if any, can be discerned by you. This effect can penetrate most barriers, but is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.

In addition, you automatically detect Illusion spells and genjutsu and have advantage on saving throws against them.

Finally, after a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of +0) pass that you have your Sharingan active, you must spend 1 chakra at the end of your turn. If the Sharingan was implanted into you, the cost is increased to 2 and you must spend it at the end of each of your turns.

At 10th level, you can activate and deactivate your Sharingan as a free action instead of as a bonus action.

At 15th level, you have mastered your traditional Sharingan. You must spend half as much chakra to keep your Sharingan active (rounded down).

Visual Genjutsu[edit]

At 7th level, by surviving battles and facing hardship, you unlock the second tomoe of your Sharingan alongside another one of its abilities: Visual Genjutsu. While your Sharingan is active, the bonus to your AC is increased to +2.

While your Sharingan is active, you may make a genjutsu a visual genjutsu with no action required. A visual genjutsu has its range increased to 100 ft. unless its already higher, and only targets 1 creature whose eyes you can see that is not blinded. Additionally, you may spend 5 chakra to remove a creature's immunity to a condition caused by a visual genjutsu.

Finally, you may learn any jutsu labeled as genjutsu that is not path-specific.


At 10th level, you have gained the third and final tomoe, now finally being able to replicate the movements and jutsu of your opponents. While your Sharingan is active, the bonus to your AC increases to +3. Also, as a reaction, you can impose disadvantage on one attack against you. You have a number of uses for this feature equal to 1 + your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +0). You regain all uses at the end of a short or long rest.

In addition, you learn how to copy the actions of others. When a creature you can see uses a feature, a spell, a Jutsu, or something of the like while your Sharingan is active, you may copy it as a reaction. You may use the feature in the exact same manner, as long as you meet any prerequisites, using the One Currency System variant rule if it uses any resources other than chakra. If the feature is a class feature that must be activated in some way but does not have limited uses (i.e. making an Extra Attack, moving more than their standard movement speed using Unarmored Movement, or adding Foe Slayer's damage), you may use it in the same manner for an amount of chakra equal to twice the level it was gained at. You can not gain features with a limited number of uses that don't use a standard currency, features that are always active, or features from creatures.

You may have a number of these features memorized at a time equal to your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1). You may only use memorized features while your Sharingan is active.

Alternate Feature: Jutsu Analysis[edit]

At 10th level, you have gained the third and final tomoe, now finally being able to completely read the jutsu of your opponents. While your Sharingan is active, the bonus to your AC increases to +3.

When a creature you can see within 100 feet of you uses a hand seal jutsu, you may analyze it as a reaction. You learn the jutsu's nature, cost, range, and effects. You may spend 5 chakra to copy the jutsu if you have its requirements. At the end of each long rest, you may prepare a number of copied jutsu equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1), allowing you to cast it until the end of your next long rest. You may increase this maximum by 2 as a Chakra Nature Alternative or Advanced Training.

Alternatively, when you analyze the jutsu of a creature within your reach, you may interrupt them for 2 chakra, making an unarmed strike against them. On a hit, the jutsu fails and they spend 1/4 of the jutsu's chakra.

If you are using the Naruto: Shinobi (5e Class)#Opposing Jutsu variant rule, if you can cast the jutsu you analyzed, you may cast it as an opposing jutsu as part of the same reaction, and your jutsu counts as being from a nature that is strong against the original jutsu.


Design Note: To gain this feature you have to witness someone close to you die by unnatural means (Examples: A fellow party member, a follower, a close friend, a spouse, a long time pet). After said event happens, you unlock the Mangekyō Sharingan.

At 15th level, being stated to be simply a legend by some, you have awakened the powers of the Mangekyō Sharingan. Instead of having a red background with a black circle, your Sharingan changes into a form unique to each person, normally in the shape of a pinwheel in some way.

The Mangekyō allows its owner to utilize special jutsu unique to their eyes. You gain two of the Unique Jutsu described below while Sharingan is active. two of the special Jutsu listed below while your Sharingan is active.

After using a jutsu granted by Mangekyō Sharingan, you must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, your eyes begin to bleed, you take 3d4 psychic damage, and you gain 1 level of gradual blindness. For every other failure of this saving throw before a long rest, you gain 1 level of exhaustion. The DC on this saving throw increases by 1 every time you succeed it, and resets at the end of a long rest.

These jutsu can not be used while you are blinded or have 25 levels of gradual blindness.

Unique Jutsu[edit]


Cost: 8 chakra

As a bonus action, you focus your eye on a single point in your field of vision within 60 feet, creating black flames. Anything flammable near it will be engulfed in black flame. The flame never stops burning unless stopped by you, magical means that exclusively stop fires, your Sharingan ends, or the object it is burning is completely destroyed. If you use this on a creature, it must make a Dexterity saving throw. If it fails, it takes 2d10 fire damage and at the start of its turns it takes 1d10 fire damage. Amaterasu can only affect one creature at a time.


Requirements: Amaterasu

You gain the Blaze Style nature, even if you did not meet its nature requirements. You may cast Blaze Style jutsu as a Mangekyō ability, halving the jutsu's cost and forcing you to make Mangekyō's Constitution saving throw. Gaining Blaze Style in this way does not count towards things like Random Natures and Kekkei Genkai Limit or Fewer Kekkei Genkai.


Requirements: Amaterasu

Cost: 2 chakra

Rather than manipulating the black flames of Amaterasu, your other eye amplifies them. When you cast Amaterasu, you duplicate its flames, causing it to deal twice as much damage. If they succeed, they still take 1d10 fire damage at the end of each of their turns for 1 minute, during which you are concentrating, unless they have Evasion. Amaterasu can only affect one creature at a time.


Cost: 8 chakra

Jutsu Type: Genjutsu

One of the most powerful genjutsu in the world, Tsukuyomi can be cast as a Visual Genjutsu as an action. The target must attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are trapped in a genjutsu in which you control their perception and the flow of time up to one one-hundred-billionth of real time, but only for an instant. They are paralyzed until the beginning of their turn, and you may choose to force them to gain up to 3 levels of exhaustion. This can not increase a creature's exhaustion above 3 levels.

Tsukuyomi Mode

Requirements: Tsukuyomi

Cost: 10 chakra

Jutsu Type: Genjutsu

As an action, you breach the upper bounds of what can be defined as genjutsu, manifesting a microcosm of Tsukuyomi's power in the physical world, slowing anything within a small range. All creatures within 15 ft. of you must spend twice as much movement, have disadvantage on Dexterity checks and saving throws you incur, and your attacks against them have advantage; and you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and attack rolls against you have disadvantage. When you use a Visual Genjutsu while this is active, any creatures in a 15 ft. radius are automatically targeted as well regardless of if you can see their eyes. You must spend 3 chakra or attempt Mangekyō's saving throw at the beginning of each of your turns to continue this effect.


Cost: 8 chakra, 100 Kotoamatsukami charges

Jutsu Type: Genjutsu

As an action, you cast a genjutsu that subtly manipulates the target’s mind, leaving them unaware they are being controlled. You must give a detailed order to the affected target. The target now follows said order, believing that they came up with your order by their own volition.

Creatures cannot notice the target is under Genjutsu unless they have a way to see their Chakra system (such as by having a Byakugan. A creature that noticed the Genjutsu can take the help action, making a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell Save DC.

You have a maximum number of charges equal to 100 x the number of times you have taken this jutsu. Each time you regain chakra points, you regain an equal number of charges for this feature. If you implant an eye with this jutsu, you regain half as many charges (rounded up), and you do not gain charges from chakra regained as part of a rest. Creatures with the Acceptant Biology ignore the detriments caused by implantation, and regain twice as much charges at the end of every rest.


Requirements: Kotoamatsukami

Cost: 6+ chakra

Range: 100 feet

Jutsu Type: Genjutsu

As an action, when a creature you have under the effects of Kotoamatsukami is within range, you may force them to attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are trapped in a genjutsu in which your mangekyo assaults them from the sky, the creature takes the damage of one attack you can make as psychic damage (no other effects of the attack but damage are applied) as though they failed or were hit, with you spending the necessary resources to make the attack if it requires any (i.e. uses regained at the end of a long rest, recharging features, chakra, spell slots) this counts as discernment for the sake of half damage.

Long-Range Kamui

Cost: 8 chakra

As an action, you can target an up to 15 ft. radius sphere up to 100 ft. from you, but more than 10 ft. from you, that you can see with a portal to the Kamui Dimension. Any creatures within the sphere must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they are pulled into the pocket dimension. On a success, they take 6d6 force damage as their matter stretches supernaturally attempting to enter Kamui. If the target has Evasion or is bigger than the portal, they take the damage on a failure, and take no damage on a success, and creatures with Evasion are only pulled into the dimension if they fail by 10.

Short-Range Kamui

Requirements: Long-Range Kamui

Cost: 2-20 chakra

As an action, you slowly transfer yourself into your pocket dimension. If you have not moved and maintained concentration at the beginning of your next turn, you enter your pocket dimension. Additionally, you may spend 4 additional chakra when you use this jutsu to force one creature within your reach to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they transfer into your pocket dimension when you do unless they are no longer within your reach. You may spend 5 additional chakra when you cast this jutsu to not be transferred into your dimension with them, and 9 additional chakra after to have this jutsu's effects occur instantaneously rather than at the beginning of your next turn.

Additionally, as a bonus action, you can summon anything from the dimension to an empty space up to 15 ft. from you. Any creatures within 5 feet of the object may attempt a Dexterity saving throw, exiting the dimension along with it on a success. If you are summoning yourself while you are within Kamui, you may spend 5 chakra to travel to an unoccupied space up to 10 miles from where you entered Kamui in a direction of your choice.

Object Manipulation

Cost: 4 chakra

Range: 100 feet

Duration: 1 minute

As an action, bonus action, or free action after gaining this jutsu, you may touch an object, putting a unique seal on it that lasts until the unsealing technique is used on it for 6 chakra, or you undo it at will.

As an action, you may use this jutsu, activating your Mangekyō in order to manipulate any marked objects within range that weigh no more than a combined 100 pounds. You may move them a number of feet up to your movement speed on each of your turns, and may use them as if you were wielding them in an additional hand.

*Final Spacetime*

Requirements: Object Manipulation

Cost: 4 chakra

As an action, you tear open a massive, swirling portal. You and any creatures within a 15 foot radius of you, as well as any objects they are wearing or holding, are teleport to an unoccupied space up to 10 miles from where you cast this jutsu in a single direction of your choice.


Cost: 4 chakra

Jutsu Type: Genjutsu

As a reaction when a creature within 100 feet that you can see takes an action or bonus action, it must succeed a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, it hallucinates, slightly shifting its speech and movements. The action or bonus action fails, having no effect. If it was a spell, the target loses one spell slot of the level below the spell (minimum of 1st level), or the target loses one use of the spell if it doesn't use spell slots. If it uses chakra or ki, it loses half of the cost.

*Mass Disorientation*

Cost: 6 chakra

Range: 100 foot radius

Jutsu Type: Genjutsu

As an action, you release a blast of genjutsu from your Mangekyō. Every creature within range must attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are incapacitated until the beginning of your next turn. On a success, they take a number of points of psychic damage equal to your Intelligence modifier + the number of level of gradual blindness you have.

Complete-Body Susano'o

Prerequisites: Must have 12 - your Intelligence modifier or more levels of Susano'o mastery.

Design Note: This counts as two Mangekyō abilities for your limit.

As part of your action when you summon your Skeletal or Humanoid Susano'o, as part of your bonus action when you summon your Armored Susano'o, or as a bonus action while your Armored Susano'o is active, your Susano'o rises from the ground, towering over all those around you, making you gain the following benefits for your Susano'o's duration:

  • You may make 2 additional attacks when you take the attack action.
  • You gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed + 30 feet.
  • You gain 75 temporary hit points.

Additionally, you may give a creature that you can touch other than yourself the benefits of Susano'o instead, though you must fulfill Susano'o's chakra cost. Only 1 creature may benefit from your Susano'o at a time. Its weapons are still your Susano'o weapons. This Mangekyō ability is not lost if its original owner loses their Sharingan, is blinded, or has 25 levels of gradual blindness. This does not grant early use of Susano'o.

Additional Picking. If you gain this jutsu more than once, such as from EMS or by implanting 2 additional Sharingan with Dōjutsu-Acceptant Biology, the temporary hit points granted from this feature increases by +15 and your size category increases by 1.

Additional Nature

You gain use of an additional basic chakra nature, access to one other Path's unique jutsu nature, or one chakra nature that must be unlocked by a feat of your choice. This nature can fulfill one of the requirements for a Kekkei Genkai. You may cast jutsu of this nature as a Mangekyō ability, halving the jutsu's cost and forcing you to make Mangekyō's Constitution saving throw.

Alternate Feature: Experienced Sharingan[edit]

At 15th level, you’ve survived many battles with your ordinary sharingan, to the point you can safely say you’ve learned all tricks it could offer you. You gain the feature you didn’t choose at 10th level. You only count as having one of the features for the sake of the AC bonus.


Finally at 20th level, you have attained the pinnacle of power from your Mangekyō Sharingan, the Susano'o. This form allows you to cover yourself in a protective aura. When first acquired, you can only utilize the Skeletal Form of your Susano’o. Also, you can use your Intelligence modifier for Susano'o weapons, unarmed strikes and grapples instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier. Finally, you must spend 2 chakra points at the end of each of your turns to keep your Susano'o active.

Each time you summon your Susano'o, you must make a Constitution saving throw with the same effects as Mangekyō. If you lose your Sharingan, you are still able to use Susano'o. While Susano'o is active, you may summon it again as a bonus action or reaction to being the target of an attack, losing the benefits of the initial use, and regaining all of its benefits.

All temporary hit point increases are listed as totals, and do not stack with temporary hit points granted by previous forms.

Susano’o Mastery. The first time after each long rest that you summon your Susano'o, you gain 1 level of Susano'o Mastery. Once you reach 7 - your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 0) levels, you gain Humanoid Susano'o. Once you reach 9 - your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 0) levels, you gain Armored Susano'o.

Susano’o Forms

Skeletal Susano'o. As an action, you activate Susano'o as a skeletal structure. Your size increases by 1 category to a minimum of Large, you gain 30 temporary hit points, your unarmed strikes deal 2d10 magical bludgeoning damage with a reach of 10 ft., and if you hit with a melee weapon attack, you can use a bonus action to attempt to grapple the target with advantage. While grappling a creature in this way, you can attempt to crush them as an action. They must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d6 magical bludgeoning damage and become restrained until the beginning of your next turn. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not restrained.

Humanoid Susano'o. As part of your action when you summon your Skeletal Susano'o, or as a bonus action while Skeletal Susano'o is active, your Susano'o is covered in chakra resembling exposed musculature. Your size increases by 1 additional category to a minimum of Huge, you gain 45 temporary hit points and one Susano'o Weapon of your choice. You are placed at the center of the Susano'o's head and cannot be pulled from it. You can allow creatures of your choice into it, causing any attacks that would target them to target you instead, however, the creature cannot affect anything outside of it from within. If you and another creature are both occupying your Susano'o, they may contribute the benefits of any feature that has a duration and would target themselves, such as Second Stage or Sage Mode, to your Susano'o instead. When you move by any means, you may choose to cause all creatures within your space to move in the exact same manner.

Armored Susano'o. As part of your action when you summon your Skeletal Susano'o, or as part of your bonus action when you summon your Humanoid Susano'o, or as a bonus action, while your Humanoid Susano'o is active, your Susano'o dons a masked suit of armor. Your reach with any weapon is increased by 10 ft. (15 ft. total for weapons without the reach property), you gain 1 additional Susano'o weapon of your choice, and you gain 60 temporary hit points.

Susano'o Weapons

Whenever a feature grants you a Susano'o weapon, you gain one of the following weapons described below. If you are disarmed of one of your Susano'o weapons, they dissipate when you deactivate your Susano'o. You have proficiency in all of your Susano'o weapons, and they gain the finesse property if they did not have it already. Your Susano'o weapons deal the primary damage type of one Chakra Nature you know, and count as Oversized.

The following weapons are available:

  • Any two-handed melee weapon. This Susano'o weapon gains an additional 10 feet of reach, its base damage die roll is doubled, and you may add your ability modifier to its damage twice instead of once.
  • Any two-handed ranged weapon. This Susano'o weapon has disadvantage at a range of 20 ft. or closer, has 30 pieces of ammunition that may be regained as a bonus action for 1 chakra, and its short and long ranges are doubled. You may add your ability modifier to its damage three times instead of once.
  • Any two light melee weapons. This Susano'o weapon gains an additional 5 feet of reach. If you take the Attack action and only make attacks with these weapons, you may take the attack action as a bonus action on the same turn, but may only make attacks with these weapons during this attack action.
  • Any two light ranged weapons. This Susano'o weapon has disadvantage at a range of 20 ft. or closer, has 30 pieces of ammunition that may be regained as a bonus action for 1 chakra. If you take the Attack action and only make attacks with these weapons, you may take the attack action as a bonus action on the same turn, but may only make attacks with these weapons during this attack action.
  • Any one-handed melee weapon. This Susano'o weapon gains an additional 5 feet of reach, and you may add your ability modifier to its damage three times instead of once.
  • Any one-handed ranged weapons. This Susano'o weapon has disadvantage at a range of 10 ft. or closer, has 30 pieces of ammunition that may be regained as a bonus action for 1 chakra, and you may add your ability modifier to its damage three times instead of once.
  • 30 light thrown weapons. This Susano'o weapon has disadvantage at a range of 10 ft. or closer, its close range is doubled, and you may regain all thrown weapons as an action for 1 chakra. As a bonus action immediately after a hit with this weapon, you may use one of your Mangekyō unique jutsu if it would only affect the hit creature.
  • 15 non-light thrown weapons. This Susano'o weapon has disadvantage at a range of 15 ft. or closer, its close range is doubled, you may add your ability modifier to its damage twice instead of once, and you may regain all thrown weapons as an action for 1 chakra.

Alternate Feature: Mastered Sharingan[edit]

Prerequisites: To pick this feature, you must have the Experienced Sharingan feature.

Finally at 20th level, you have completely mastered your ordinary sharingan. While your Sharingan is active, the AC bonus is increased to a +4. In addition, half of this bonus is added to Dexterity and Wisdom checks and saving throws while the Sharingan is active.

If you were to take more features from this path via advanced training, you must start from the Mangekyō feature and pick the features that follow.

Mangekyō Master[edit]

At 23rd level, you have unlocked the depths of your Sharingan's power through careful, lengthy training. You gain one additional unique jutsu granted by the Mangekyō feature. When you gain this feature, you must choose which Sharingan gains this jutsu. Any individual Sharingan can not have more than 1 more Mangekyō ability than any other Sharingan you have.

Creatures that implant a Sharingan that has more than 1 Mangekyō ability must have this feature to gain access to its additional features, or otherwise gain another Mangekyō ability (such as from the Advanced Path of Hatred Feat).

Alternate Feature: Blindness Resistance[edit]

At 23rd level, due to how much you utilized your Mangekyō abilities, your eyes have grown resistant to the side effects that come alongside it. You are considered proficient in Constitution saving throws when making saves against gradual blindness caused by your Mangekyō. If you are already proficient, you instead add your Constitution modifier twice to the save.

Indra Susano'o[edit]

At 27th level, your visual prowess rivals even its originators. As an action while your Susano'o is active, you may lift its armor to reveal a human figure cloaked in blazing chakra, taking a nature transformation of your choice. Until you end this feature as a bonus action or Susano'o ends, jutsu of one nature of your choice that you cast deal twice as much damage, your flying speed increases by 60 ft., and you must spend 4 additional chakra at the end of each of your turns.

Path of Hatred Unique Jutsu[edit]

Uchiha Return

Cost: 9 chakra

Range: 5 feet

Requirements: War Fan, Wind Style

This jutsu counts as a Wind Style jutsu. As a reaction while your Sharingan is active when a creature uses a jutsu or spell within 5 feet that is not taijutsu, you must make a jutsu attack roll against the caster's jutsu/spell save DC. On a success, you use your Sharingan to analyze it, block it with your war fan, reconstitute the chakra into Wind Style, and redirect it in their direction. They must attempt a Dexterity saving throw, taking full damage of the jutsu/spell on a failure, or half as much on a success.


Requirements: 10th level

Duration: Instantaneous

You apply a Kinjutsu, or forbidden Jutsu, to yourself known as the Izanagi. As a reaction when you would die, you retroactively shape reality into a genjutsu, reappearing anywhere within 15 feet of your original position at full hit points with any previously missing limbs or organs. This causes the used Sharingan to go blind permanently (i.e. If you used your left Sharingan, your left eye becomes blind).

Having the Acceptant Biology feature allows you to use this as an action, making it automatically activate when you are reduced to 0 hit points within 10 minutes.


Requirements: 10th level

Range: 30 feet

Duration:1 minute

As an action, you apply the Izanagi's sister jutsu to a creature of your choice, hereafter referred to as T. Within this duration, you must designate one event on three turns. This does not require any kind of action, but must be as complex as "T attacks with X weapon to Y effect in Z space" or "You say x to T as Y comes into view in Z space". You must then replicate each event in order within the duration. If this is done successfully, the used Sharingan to go blind, and T is paralyzed as they relive the looping events established in genjutsu in real-time. The only way they can be released is if you release them or if they fulfill a preset, achievable circumstance you set.

Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes

Requirements: 7th level

Cost: 10 chakra

Jutsu Type: Genjutsu

As an action while a creature is under the effects of a genjutsu cast by you, you cause an additional illusion of large stakes being driven through their body, turning any genjutsu into an effective torture technique. The target takes 3d8 psychic damage.

Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth

Requirements: 7th level

Range: 40 feet

Cost: An amount chakra equal to 1.5x the Jutsu or 5x the Level of the Spell Slot

Jutsu Type: Genjutsu

As a reaction when you are targeted by genjutsu or an illusion spell that doesn’t have multiple targets, you decipher it with your Sharingan and reflect it back on them. They are subject to the spell or genjutsu's effect using the same save DC or attack roll.

Kamui Phasing

Requirements: Short-Range Kamui from the 15th level Mangekyō feature

Cost: 2 chakra

As a bonus action or reaction to being targeted by an effect, including attacks, you make your body and all items you are carrying intangible. You must spend 3 chakra at the beginning of each of your turns to continue this effect. During this time, you can not be targeted by any effect, you can pass through objects, and must spend 5 chakra to take an action, 2 chakra to take a bonus action, and you can not take reactions, and your body appears in Kamui, your body becomes tangible only for the instance you're taking those actions. Creatures within Kamui can affect you normally. Initiating this jutsu and using a jutsu while it is active counts as using a Mangekyō ability.

Kamui Protection

Requirements: Long-Range Kamui from the 15th level Mangekyō feature

Cost: 3 chakra

Range: 100 feet

As a reaction when a creature within range would take damage that is not self-inflicted or psychic damage from a ranged or spell attack, you quickly open a small portal around the source of the damage. Make a Dexterity saving throw. If your saving throw is higher than the attack roll, the attack fails as its damaging element is sent to the Kamui Dimension. If you use this jutsu against an attack targeting a creature using Kamui Phasing, it instead causes the jutsu to target them regardless of the effects of Kamui Phasing. Using this jutsu counts as using a Mangekyō ability.

Kamui: Swift

Requirements: Kamui Protection

Cost: 3 chakra

As a bonus action no later than the end of your turn after you used Kamui Protection on a ranged attack, you re-open your portal fast enough that it can only manifest directly in front of your eye, allowing the projectile to continue its path in the physical world. You remake the attack using your Intelligence modifier, but the attack otherwise acts identically to before you used Kamui Protection on it, including the distance it traveled for the sake of its range.

Kamui Synchronization

Requirements: Long-Range Kamui and Short-Range Kamui from the 15th level Mangekyō feature

Cost: 5 chakra (as reaction), 30 chakra (to create a portal)

As a reaction to a creature teleporting or creating a portal in any way, you synchronize your Kamui with their jutsu and teleport alongside them to their destination, be it on your current plane of existence or another. Using this jutsu counts as using a Mangekyō ability.

Additionally, as an action for 30 chakra, you create an opening to a location that you have visited before, even if it is on another plane of existence. This rip in space opens instantly and stays open until the end of your next turn, or for 6 seconds if outside of combat, allowing you and any other creatures to travel across existence itself.

Susano'o: Tsukumo

Requirements: Susano'o

Cost: 15 chakra

Range: 15 ft. wide, 60 ft. long line

As an action while your Susano'o is active, its chest opens like a gate, or you point the tip of your Susano'o weapon if you are using Complete Body — Susano'o, firing a barrage of needles chakra needles. Each creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d8 magical piercing damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.

Susano'o: Welcome

Requirements: Susano'o

Cost: 4 chakra

As a reaction immediately before you take damage from a creature within your reach while your Susano'o is not active, you summon your Skeletal Susano'o. If your Susano'o is not destroyed by the attack's damage, you may make a single unarmed strike against the creature.

Yasaka Magatama

Requirements: Susano'o

Cost: 15 chakra

Range: 60 ft.

You create a bundle of tomoe-shaped chakra beads in your Susano'o's hands. You may make up to 3 ranged spell attacks. On a hit, they take 3d8 force damage. On a miss, they take half as much damage. This effect is treated as a Dexterity or Constitution saving throw for the sake of Evasion and Endurance.

Hurricane Thunderclap — Majestic Attire Sword Stroke

Requirements: Susano'o

Cost: 2 chakra

Jutsu Type: Bukijutsu

As part of an attack with your Susano'o's weapon, you funnel chakra into the the attack, causing it to leave a trail of smoke in its wake. The attack counts as a jutsu, allowing it to benefit from Affinity.

Evil Disturbance Waltz

Requirements: Susano'o

Cost: 8 chakra

As an action immediately before you use a damaging jutsu, or as a reaction when a willing creature within your reach uses a damaging jutsu, while Susano'o is active, you intercept it, infusing it within your weapon. The jutsu fails, and you make a single attack with your Susano'o weapon. On a hit, they take the damage and any effects the jutsu would have caused on a hit, failure, or automatically in addition to your Susano'o weapon's damage.

*Tempestuous God of Valor*

Requirements: Susano'o

Cost: 2 chakra

As a bonus action while your Susano'o is active, you compress its chakra down to a simple suit of armor. Your size category returns to normal and you lose your Susano'o's and its weapons' reach and range bonuses, but the chakra you must spend at the end of each of your turns to maintain your Susano'o, and Indra Susano'o if you have it, is halved until this jutsu ends, and reduced to 0 on the turn that you use this jutsu. This jutsu ends when Susano'o ends, and you may end this jutsu as a bonus action.

Kamui Amplification

Cost: 20 Chakra

Requirements: Long-Range Kamui, Susano'o

When you use a jutsu that targets a single creature and deals damage, you imbue the jutsu with the power of Kamui. When they take damage, except from a successful save or missed hit, they must attempt two additional Dexterity saving throws. If they fail both, their heart or other incredibly vital organ is transported to the Kamui dimension, killing them instantly. If they only succeed one, their maximum hit points are halved. Using this jutsu counts as using a Mangekyō ability.

*Amaterasu Amplification*

Cost: 10 Chakra

Requirements: Kagutsuchi or Hinokagutsuchi, Susano'o

When you use a jutsu that targets a single creature and deals damage, you cloak the jutsu in black flames. They must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d10 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage and at the start of each of their turn for 1 minute. Amaterasu can only affect one creature at a time. Using this jutsu counts as using a Mangekyō ability.

*Tsukuyomi Amplification*

Cost: 10 Chakra

Requirements: Tsukuyomi Mode, Susano'o

When you use a jutsu that targets a single creature and deals damage, you sew Tsukuyomi into the movement of its chakra. When they take damage, except from a successful save, missed hit, or automatic damage, they are paralyzed until the beginning of their turn, and you may choose to force them to gain up to 3 levels of exhaustion. This can not increase a creature's exhaustion above 3 levels. Using this jutsu counts as using a Mangekyō ability.

*Kotoamatsukami Amplification*

Cost: 10 Chakra

Requirements: At least two instances of Kotoamatsukami, Susano'o

When you use a jutsu that targets a single creature and deals damage, you drain the target's vitality to refuel Kotoamatsukami. When they take damage, except from a successful save, missed hit, or automatic damage, you regain a number of Kotoamatsukami charges equal to half the damage dealt. Using this jutsu counts as using a Mangekyō ability.

*Manipulation Amplification*

Cost: 10 Chakra

Requirements: Final Spacetime, Susano'o

Duration: Concentration, indefinitely

When you use a jutsu that targets a single creature and deals damage, you open a portal to restrain them. When they take damage, they must attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they become restrained. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, no longer being restrained on a success. If they are restrained for at least 1 consecutive minute, you may cause them to be teleport to an unoccupied space up to 10 miles from where you cast this jutsu in a single direction of your choice as an action. Using this jutsu counts as using a Mangekyō ability.

*Disorientation Amplification*

Cost: 10 Chakra

Requirements: Mass Disorientation, Susano'o

When you use a jutsu that targets a single creature and deals damage, you cause the chakra used to linger in the target, painfully paralyzing them. When they take damage, they must attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are incapacitated until the beginning of your next turn and take psychic damage equal to twice your spellcasting modifier. On a success, they take half as much damage. Using this jutsu counts as using a Mangekyō ability.

Indra's Arrow

Requirements: Indra Susano'o

Range: 90 ft. x 15 ft. line

Cost: 35 chakra

While Indra Susano'o is active, you focus all of your supreme visual prowess into a single jutsu through your Susano'o's weapon, firing a bolt of pure, unbridled nature transformation. All creatures within range must succeed a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 30d12 damage of a type you can deal with another jutsu you know. On a success, they take half as much. This damage is not multiplied by Indra Susano'o.

*Mangekyō Ability Storage*

Cost: 5 chakra

Duration: 24 hours

When you effect another creature you can touch with one of your Mangekyō jutsu, you may store it within their eyes. The jutsu's normal effects are forgone. When up to three conditions you set are met, they automatically use the jutsu, using your jutsu save DC and attack roll and forgoing its chakra cost and Mangekyō saving throw. This can not target the creature using the jutsu in this way. A creature may only have one Mangekyō jutsu stored at a time. Should a second ability be stored, they target the closest creature with the first stored jutsu.

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