Path of Blood (Shinobi World Supplement)

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Path of Blood[edit]

Those who walk this path possess the Ketsuryūgan, a powerful dōjutsu originally wielded by the Chinoike clan. It is capable of manipulating a person’s blood, among other strange and rare abilities.

Design Note: Jutsu from this path can only be cast while your Ketsuryūgan is active.

Basic Ketsuryūgan[edit]

At 3rd level, you awaken your Ketsuryūgan. As a bonus action, you can activate your Ketsuryūgan. You must have your Ketsuryūgan activated to perform certain Jutsu detailed later in this subclass. When you hit with an unarmed attack against a creature that is not a Construct or Elemental while your Ketsuryūgan is active, you may expend 1 chakra to make them attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are stunned until the end of their next turn.

When you take the search action while your Ketsuryūgan is active, you may also attempt a DC 13 Perception check to locate living creatures and magical effects within 60 feet. You see a faint outline around the detected chakra source and what school of magic or chakra nature the magical effect was created from, or one that the creature can use if any, can be discerned by you. This effect can penetrate most barriers, but is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.

At the end of each turn you have your Ketsuryūgan active, you must spend 1 chakra, or 2 if it was implanted.

At 10th level, you can activate and end your Ketsuryūgan as at will instead of a bonus action.

At 15th level, you have mastered maintaining your Ketsuryūgan. You must spend half as much chakra to keep your Ketsuryūgan active (rounded down).

Genjutsu Trap[edit]

At 7th level, you may learn any jutsu labeled as genjutsu that is not path-specific. While your Ketsuryūgan is active, you may make a genjutsu a visual genjutsu. A visual genjutsu has 100 ft. of range and only targets 1 creature whose eyes you can see that is not blinded. Additionally, you may spend 5 chakra to remove a creature's immunity to a condition caused by a visual genjutsu. You also gain the following jutsu:

Genjutsu: Ketsuryūgan

Cost: 10 chakra

Range: 100 feet

Duration: 1 minute

Jutsu Type: Genjutsu

As an action, one creature within range whose eyes you can see that is not blinded must a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they are trapped in a genjutsu in which they are trapped in a sea of blood with Ketsuryūgan in the sky above them for 1 minute, during which they are considered stunned. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success. You may use this as a reaction when the target uses an Illusion spell or genjutsu on you, causing the effect to fail on a failure unless they are immune to being stunned or incapacitated.

Enhanced Blood Manipulation[edit]

At 10th level, you gain greater control over your ability to control blood. As an action, you may spend 4 chakra to make an unarmed strike against a creature, granting 1 creature within 30 feet an amount of hit points equal to the damage dealt.

Additionally, you may spend 8 chakra to stabilize a creature that is at 0 hit points and is not a Construct or Elemental. Up to 72 hours after a creature has been effected by this, you may spend 3 chakra as an action to cause their eyes to become red and force them to either walk in a specific direction or harm themselve, and they gain the benefits of Genjutsu Trap. If they take 5 damage, they explode at the beginning of their next turn, causing all creatures in a radius to succeed a Dexterity saving throw, taking an amount of damage on a failure.

  • If the creature is Tiny, all creatures within 5 feet take 2d4 acid damage.
  • If the creature is Small, all creatures within 10 feet take 2d6 acid damage.
  • If the creature is Medium, all creatures within 10 feet take 2d8 acid damage.
  • If the creature is Large, all creatures within 15 feet take 2d10 acid damage.
  • If the creature is Huge, all creatures within 20 feet take 2d12 acid damage.
  • If the creature is Gargantuan, all creatures within 20 feet take 4d6 acid damage.

Complete Control[edit]

At 15th level, you can completely control another creature’s blood. You gain the following jutsu:

Exploding Human

Cost: 20 chakra

Range: Touch

Duration: 5 minutes

As an action, you may force another creature that is not a Construct or Elemental to attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a success, you regain half the chakra spent. On a failure, they become charmed. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success. If they are reduced to 0 hit points, they explode as per Enhanced Blood Manipulation.

Blood Transformation

Cost: 5 chakra

Range: Touch

As an action, you expand a creature by swelling their body with blood. An unwilling creature must fail a Wisdom saving throw to avoid this effect. Their size increases by 1 category, they have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws and attack rolls, and advantage on Constitution saving throws not related to the Ketsuryūgan. Additionally, creatures must attempt a Perception check to know that a creature under the effects of this jutsu is the same as them while not under its effects, unless they saw this jutsu being cast. They may end this effect by taking 3 damage that is not fire, cold, or bludgeoning.

Mastered Ketsuryūgan[edit]

At 20th level, you have mastered your dōjutsu. You may learn Magnet Style or Steel Style jutsu, your choice, as if they were Path of Blood Unique Jutsu. Additionally, you gain two jutsu that require Mastered Ketsuryūgan.

Path of Blood Unique Jutsu[edit]

Blood Dragon Ascension

Rrequirements: Mastered Ketsuryūgan

Cost: 10 chakra

Duration: Concentration, 1 minute

Range: 60 feet

As an action, you can form a dragon from the blood of a dead creature that is medium or larger. You can form and control up to 3 dragons at a time. Beyond being large, vulnerable to fire damage, immune to non-magical damage, not being able to move, and having 90 hit points and 18 AC, it has the same statistics as you. If you gained this action as part of Mastered Ketsuryūgan, you have advantage on checks to maintain concentration. It acts on your initiative and has the following actions:

  • Multiattack. It can make one bite attack and two claw attacks.
    • Bite deals 1d8 piercing damage
    • Claw deals 1d6 slashing damage
  • Grapple. The dragon uses the grapple attack. While grappled in this manner, a creature can not breathe.
  • Steam Breath (5-6 recharge). Every creature is a 30 ft cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, it takes 2d8 acid damage.
  • Self Destruct. The dragon can be sacrificed, ramming itself into a target at high speeds as a ranged spell attack. The target is pushed 40 ft away and takes 4d8 bludgeoning damage on a successful hit.

Chakra Ghost

Requirements: Basic Clone

Cost: 2 chakra per clone

Range: 40 ft. radius

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

As an action, you create a number of clones equal to your Intelligence modifier that are identical to you with their own chakra pathway system, blood, and other bodily functions traditional clones, even shadow clones, do not have. These clones can not leave this jutsu's range, are statistically identical to you, may move up to your movement speed on each of your turns but can not otherwise act, have a hit point maximum of 1, and can not be distinguished from you in any way, even magically, without destroying them. As a reaction when one of these clones is destroyed for 1 chakra points, you may form another clone anywhere within 15 ft. of the original. You may concentrate on any instance of this jutsu at a time.

You may grant a shadow clone these effects, save for the radius, time limit, and action restrictions, when you create it, but you do not regain the clone's base cost when it dissipates, and the reaction costs the clone's chakra.

*Artery Necrosis*

Requirements: Complete Control

Cost: 3 chakra

When you hit a creature that is not a Construct or Elemental while your Ketsuryūgan is active, you extract the iron from their blood, shredding their arteries and decomposing the blood in the process. The attack's damage type changes to acid, and they lose an equal number of maximum hit points.

*Dōjutsu Cancel*

Cost: 5 chakra

As an action, one creature with an active dojutsu within range must attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you divert the chakra away from their eyes by manipulating the tenketsu in their eyes away from their contact points, causing their dojutsu to deactivate.

*Blood Dragon Sea*

Cost: 8 chakra

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Jutsu Type: Genjutsu

As an action while a creature is under the effects of Genjutsu: Ketsuryūgan, you transform the bloody sea their mind is trapped in into seething dragons. At the end of each of your turns, you may spend 1 chakra to cause the dragons to thrash, causing the target to take 4d4 psychic damage.

*Blood Reading*

Cost: 5 chakra

Range: Touch

As an action, you read the information naturally carried in a creature's blood. One creature within range that is not a Construct or Elemental while your Ketsuryūgan is active must attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you learn how many hit points it has, any poisons, and any diseases, curses, conditions or other effects that are effecting them.

*Binding Ropes*

Cost: 4+ chakra

Range: 20 feet

Duration: 1 minute

As an action, use your own blood as a rope to ensnare a target creature. One creature within range that is not a Construct or Elemental while your Ketsuryūgan is active must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they become restrained. They may attempt a Strength saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.

In addition, when you cast this jutsu, you may target an additional creature for every 2 additional chakra spent.

*Heart Attack*

Requirements: Mastered Ketsuryūgan

Cost: 5 chakra

On a critical hit with an unarmed strike against a creature that is not a Construct or Elemental while your Ketsuryūgan is active, you attempt to stop their heart itself. They must attempt a saving throw of any ability of their choice except Charisma. On a failure, they take an additional 100 necrotic damage and are stunned until the beginning of their next turn. On a success, they take half as much damage. If you gained this jutsu as part of Mastered Ketsuryūgan, you deal twice as much damage.

*Subdermal Armor*

Cost: 3 chakra

Range: Touch

As a bonus action, you collect the iron in your blood, hardening your skin to steel. One creature within range gains a +3 bonus to their AC. You must spend 2 chakra at the end of each of your turns to maintain this effect.

*Iron Count*

Cost: 6 chakra and 2d6 hit points

Duration: 1 minute

As a bonus action or reaction, the user makes a single cut across their palm and proceeds to manipulate the iron content within the blood they bring forth. The level of iron is then multiplied extensively through chakra, allowing the user to mold the blood into a weapon, shield, Medium or smaller object, or create a blood wall that grants you three-quarters cover. If the object can not be held, such as the blood wall, it occupies the space it was created in.

Any weapons created by this jutsu gain all the base properties of a normal weapon but deals acid damage, and any creatures with an active Ketsuryūgan gains proficiency in them.

*Blood Chakra Siphon*

Requirements: Iron Count

Cost: 4 chakra and 1d8 hit points

As an action, you absorb the chakra within your targets body, making an attack roll with a weapon made using Iron Count. On hit, you deal the weapon's damage and loses 1d4 chakra.

*Ketsuryūgan Healing*

Range: Touch

Cost: 8+ chakra

As an action, you can influence red and white blood cells within yourself or a target creature's body, which drastically speeds up the healing process. One creature within range that is not a Construct or Elemental while your Ketsuryūgan is active spends and rolls 1 hit die and regains hit points equal to the roll + your Intelligence modifier.

In addition, you may spend every 2 additional chakra to use an additional hit die.

*Blood Dispersing Redirection*

Requirements: Ketsuryūgan Healing, Mastered Ketsuryūgan

Cost: 5 chakra

As a reaction when one creature within range that is not a Construct or Elemental regains hit points while your Ketsuryūgan is active, you rapidly redirect their blood, brining the healing to crucial areas while ignoring healthy areas. They regain twice as many hit points and must succeed a Constitution saving throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion. If you gained this jutsu as part of Mastered Ketsuryūgan, they have advantage on this saving throw.

*Marionette Self*

Requirements: Mastered Ketsuryūgan

Cost: 7-14 chakra

At will while your Ketsuryūgan is active, you manipulate your own blood like a puppet, ignoring the effects of any conditions you are suffering from, including being uncoincous from dropping to 0 hit points, or grant yourself a flying speed equal to your movement speed, or both for 10 additional chakra. These effects last until the end of your next turn. If you gained this jutsu as part of Mastered Ketsuryūgan, you do not have to spend additional chakra to incur both effects.


Cost: 3 chakra

Range: 15 feet

Duration: 1 hour

As a bonus action, you utilize one of the earliest manifestations of the Ketsuryūgan's power, causing the nose of one creature within range to bleed, dripping into their stomach. One creature within range that is not a Construct or Elemental while your Ketsuryūgan is active must attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are sick. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.

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