Bestiary (Maztica Supplement)

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Maztica's Monsters[edit]

Name Type CR__ Description
Ahuizotl Aberration CR 5 Taking the form of something like a large howler monkey, ahuizotl are horrid creatures that use their powers of impersonation to draw creatures, especially humanoids, to the edge of lakes in order to slowly drown them.
Bacar Monstrosity CR 1 Ants shaped by the combined might of pluma and hishna, bacar are strong warriors created to defend the abandoned city of Ixtzul in Far Payit, but have since spread to become a genuine threat to the rest of the peninsula.
Bacar Queen Monstrosity CR 2 Psionic overlords that command and enhance all bacars in their colony.
Chac Elemental CR 0.5 ½ While often visually confused with werejaguars, chacs are elusive spirits with a great degree of control over water, especially rain.
Cipactli, Adult Dragon CR 7 Wingless lesser dragons that rule the lakes of the Valley of Nexal.
Cipactli, Young Dragon CR 3 Vulnerable hatchlings that scavenge from the remains of adult cipactli.
Couatl Celestial CR 4 Peaceful spirits from the Elemental Plane of Air have their densest population in Maztica's jungles, where they are commonly seen flitting between branches.
Coyotlwere Humanoids CR 0.5 ½ In the Sands of Itzcala, it isn't uncommon to be followed by pairs or trios of upright coyotes. While they are typically non-aggressive, they're liable to steal food from an unattended pouch, and a starving coyotlwere might have no other choice than to raise its claws against travelers.
Hakuna Monstrosity CR 7 A subspecies of liondrake, hakuna are black-scaled ambush predators, hiding in shadowed rivers and lake beds in wait for packs of travelers, young rain dragons, and cipactli.
Harpy Monstrosity CR 1 Maztican harpies typically have much larger, darker eyes and deeper commissures. Rather than using their song to lure prey, they tend to act as ambush predators, lying in wait in low tree branches or high above desert sands.
Jaguar Lord Aberration CR 5 Appearing as a large approximation of a jaguar, jaguar lords are social parasites, using trickery, deception, and sometimes hishna to gain control over a tribe of tabaxi.
Kamatlan Monstrosity CR 4 Born from the cloaks of Zaltec's fallen jaguar knights on the Night of Wailing, the jaguar-like kamatlan is a fierce guardian of untouched Maztica.
Kelpie Plant CR 2 Following the Twelfth Serôs War in 1369 DR, the Year of the Gauntlet, a large population of kelpies appeared in the Uzit Lagoon and slowly spread to all corners of the Maztican coastline, though there are still only a few of the solitary creatures in a given area.
Plumazotl Monstrosity CR 1 An affront to the gods; new life created by humans, plumazotl are avian shape changers with a natural affinity for pluma.
Rhaumbusun Monstrosity CR 0.5 ¼ A distant, lesser relative of the basilisk, rhaumbusi roam Maztica's plains and deserts in small, territorial groups.
Sandlings Elemental CR 0.5 ¼ While native to the Elemental Plane of Earth, large numbers of sandlings have made Maztica's deserts and mountains their homes, where they act as unwitting traps to anyone who would so brazenly walk upon them.
Lesser Seawolf Monstrosity CR 0.5 ½ Along Maztica's eastern coast, seawolves are a constant nuisance for anglers and whalers.
Greater Seawolf Monstrosity CR 2 While their lesser brethren are more likely to chase their prey inland somewhat, greater seawolves are more likely to eat humanoid prey whole.
Selkie Humanoid CR 0.5 ½ Along Maztica's northern coasts, such as near Trythosford and New Waterdeep, selkies are occasionally seen surfacing, though this typically seems to be curious young from further north than signs of a true lair.
Treant Plant CR 9 Maztica's "kings of the forest" are less hostile to those who enter their territory, but typically expect some form of gift for their graciousness.
Werecats Humanoid CR 4 A variety of ailourothropes are native to Maztica, and typically live as solitary hunters. Werecougars make their homes in and around the Borderlands Range of Northern Maztica, where most live in small, secluded homes. Werejaguars of Far Payit, especially the Narabutan Jungle, typically build their homes on the edges of small lakes.


A coiling tlalocoatl, source

Maztica lacks any type of traditional dragon. In their place, the tlalocoatl, sometimes called rain dragons, rain serpents, or Maztican dragons by outsiders, are the apex predators within Maztican ecology. At the core of their nature, each tlalocoatl is a priest of Azul, and share his bloodthirsty, unpredictable nature. It is also only with Azul's permission that a rain dragon can lay its eggs.
Tlalocoatl are two-headed serpents that use magic to fly, rather than a pair of wings like most dragons. On one end of their body is a jaguar head capable of exhaling a cloud of scalding steam, while the other end bears a serpent's head capable of exhaling a stream of ice crystals or injecting a victim with a deadly toxin. When combined, a rain dragon's breath weapons become a steam of water dense enough to flood a small area, or in some cases cause it to rain.
Due to their priestly status and personal rain powers, rain dragons are often worshiped as minor gods in drought-stricken citystates. Such communities often sacrifice cocoa beans, turquoise, and jade to satiate the hunger of the rain dragon. In dire circumstances, these sacrifices may become magic items, humans, or chacna.

Post-Sundering Tlalocoatl. Prior to the Spellplague, rain dragons grew slowly, only reaching adulthood in the final third of their lifespan, which only lasted about 700 years. Following the end of the Spellplague and the Second Sundering, which returned Maztica to Toril after a hundred-year banishment to Abeir, rain dragons gained the eternal lifespan of true dragons, though exactly why is unknown.

Name Type CR__ Description
Tlalocoatl, Ancient Dragon CR 21
Tlalocoatl, Adult Dragon CR 16
Tlalocoatl, Young Dragon CR 9
Tlalocoatl, Wyrmling Dragon CR 3

Chosen of Zaltec[edit]

During the Night of Wailing, as Qotal guided civilians out of Nexal, Zaltec's chosen people fought tooth and nail to keep Cordell's forces from breaching its walls. As defeat closed in around them, a wave of red light emanated from the Pyramid of Zaltec, imbuing anyone still in the city with Zaltec's might. While the invasion was ultimately successful in crushing the city, it was the presence of these transformed Nexalans that kept the city forever out of the invader's hands.
Even the least in Zaltec's eyes, civilians who had never seen combat or sacrificed the blood of another, were gifted strength and bloodlust exceeding most humans, to the point of resembling Faerûnian orcs, while his Jaguar Knights received the size and strength of an ogre. The bravest and most veteran Jaguar Knights, many of whom had lead the charge against Cordell's forces and had fallen first, were raised from the dead as jagre, the lords of Jagre Nexal.
Before the Night of Wailing, many Nexalan priests belonged to the secretive Cult of the Viperhand who worshiped Zaltec under the leadership of the Ancient Ones, a coven of powerful drow spellcasters. When Cordell's forces breached Nexal's walls, numerous wards and illusions failed, allowing Lolth to gaze upon their irreverence. The Ancient Ones themselves were cursed into driders, while their priests became the dreaded viperhands.

Name Type CR__ Description
Jagre Champion Giant CR 9
Drider Ancient One Monstrosity CR 7
Jagre Giant CR 5
Viperhand Monstrosity CR 3
Ogre Giant CR 2
Orc Humanoid CR 1/2

Sea Cults[edit]

Maztica's coastal towns are in constant danger of invasions from seafolk that have aligned themselves with evil powers of the undersea realm.


Off the eastern coast of Maztica, on the northern edge of the Gulf of Zaltec, lies Itzcatli, a sahuagin kingdom. Like most sahuagin, they worship Sekolah the Great Shark, though they do so through one of his aspects; Ayohtlicue the Shark Mother. While their Laws of Battle restricts conflict to the occasional fishing boat that strays too close to a baron's village, Ayohtlicue demands many so-called "Wild Hunts" that suspend this doctrine in favor of bloodshed.

Name Type CR__ Description
Sahuagin Humanoid CR 0.5 ½
Sahuagin Coral Smasher Humanoid CR 1
Sahuagin Priestess Humanoid CR 2
Shell Shark Monstrosity CR 2
Sahuagin Champion Humanoid CR 3
Sahuagin Hatchling Swarm Humanoid CR 3
Sahuagin Deep Diver Humanoid CR 4
Sahuagin Baron Humanoid CR 5
Sahuagin High Priestess Humanoid CR 5
Sahuagin Wave Shaper Humanoid CR 5
Giant shark Beast CR 5
Sahuagin Blade Master Humanoid CR 6


Off the western coast of Maztica, south of the Bay of Kolan, deep beneath the waves of the Western Sea, lies the Sea of Corynactis, a deep sea realm of Dagon, The Demon Lord of the Darkened Depths. While the main focus of its populace is invading their rival kingdom, As'arem in the Sea of Fallen Stars, many of its shalarin use coastline raids to hone their skills and attempt to earn favor with Dagon through slaughter.

Name Type CR__ Description
Shalarin Provider Humanoid CR 0.5 ½
Shalarin Scholar Humanoid CR 1
Shalarin Seeker Humanoid CR 2
Shalarin Protector Humanoid CR 3
Shalarin Arcane Humanoid CR 4
Shalarin Judge Humanoid CR 6
Wastrilith Fiend CR 13
Juvenile Kraken Monstrosity CR 14
Kraken Monstrosity CR 23

Scorpion Tribes[edit]

The Lopango Peninsula is largely dominated by the tlincalli, a race of large, superstitious scorpion-folk. Their tribes are strictly organized, with squads of six lead by a diviner constantly patrolling the surface above and tunnels into their hive-cities. These subterranean chasms are like an inversion of the cities on the surface: rather than pyramids, great four-sided slopes mark major sites, while segmented pits dug into the ground of the chasm act as their homes.
Tlincalli society is built upon a communal caste structure. At the bottom of this hierarchy are the enslaved commonfolk (elves, humans, dwarves, and halflings) that engage in manual labor such as mining, foraging, various crafts, and in some cases acting as a food supply, though unlike most slaves they do not belong to any one tlincalli, they are a public resource of the colony. Above them are the general tlincalli population, who train to be warriors, scouts, and hunters. Above the general populace is the diviners who either act as military or religious leaders, and make up about a fifth of the population. The highest caste is the swarmlords, poison-oozing titans who metamorphose from one in five diviners who are treated less like kings and more like holy war beasts.

Name Type CR__ Description
Tlincalli Swarmlord Monstrosity CR 10
Tlincalli Diviner Monstrosity CR 7
Tlincalli Monstrosity CR 5

Miscellaneous Creatures[edit]

Name Type CR__ Description
Antelope Beast CR 0 Pronghorn antelopes graze along the Borderland Range of Northern Maztica, making up abundant herds.
Bison Beast CR 1 Large herds of bison occasionally pass into Maztica via the Borderlands Range.
Blood Hawk Beast CR ⅛ Wide-winged blood hawks can be found in both the Sands of Itzcala and the House of Tezca, where they prey on rodents, lizards, smaller birds, and carrion. They have also been known to attack travelers for gemstones to adorn their nests with.
Capybara Beast CR ⅛ Maztica's largest roden, capybaras are a common food source for humanoids, leeches, and jungle predators.
Condor Beast CR ⅛ Condors dot the mountains and cliffs of Maztica, and while they are not as numerous and much more solitary than blood hawks, their powerful wings and beaks can often make up for their shortcomings.
Crocodile Beast CR 0.5 ½ Pods of crocodiles can be found in parts of most of Maztica's lakes and rivers.
Giant Crocodile Beast CR 5 While not nearly as populous as their smaller counterparts, a giant crocodile can sometimes best even hakuna in battle.
Cougar Beast CR 0.5 ¼ Packs of cougars roam Maztica's hills and mountains for antelopes, but often won't hesitate to predate humanoids.
Giant Ant Lion Beast CR 5 Found rarely across Maztica's planes, most commonly near the Borderlands Range, giant and lions set large pit traps to ambush their prey.
Giant Hornet Beast CR 0.5 ½ Various mountains and hills in Maztica are blighted by the massive subterranean hives dug by giant hornets, and it isn't uncommon for a former giant hornet hive to become home to another danger.
Itzmti Beast CR 0.5 ¼ Lurking in the murk of swamps and on the trunks of forests in Central and Eastern Maztica, as well as the Far Payit peninsula, the red-scaled, dragon-like Itzmi are hunted very often for their abundant meat and hides.
Minotaur Lizard Beast CR 2 Big, dumb, aggressive lizards often take refuge in giant hornet nests, sometimes even working in groups to clear out such a nest in a voracious war.
Monkey Beast CR 0 Bearded monkeys are native to New Nexal, while howler monkeys are native to the Far Payit peninsula.
Jackal Beast CR 0 Various species of wild dog inhabit Maztica, from the coyotes of the Sands of Itzcala to Lopango's bush dogs.
Jaguar Beast CR 1 The tree-dwelling jaguar is an almost universal symbol of danger and fear across Maztica, and are revered as Zaltec's chosen beast.
Large Bird Beast CR ⅛ Maztica hosts many species of large bird, from the northern snow goose, to the majestic storks and flamingos of Far Payit, to the wild turkeys of Kultaka and Huacli, to the colorful peacocks of Kolan.
Leech Beast CR 0 Nearly every natural source of water in Maztica has leeches.
Giant Leech Beast CR 0.5 ¼ Maztican giant leeches typically suck the blood of minotaur lizards, giant crocodiles, and hakuna, leaving smaller prey, like humanoids, alone. Due to their size and sluggishness, they are a regular food source for coastal humanoids and giant hornets.
Lizard Beast CR 0 Lizards are a common sight across Maztica, and any house will inevitably have a lizard infestation at some point.
Mountain Goat Beast CR ⅛ The thick fur and long horns of Maztican mountain goats are greatly valued by the people of the Borderlands and the predators of the plains they descend to graze upon.
Ocelot Beast CR 0 Small, lanky wildcats can be found across Maztica.
Parrot Beast CR 0 The bright colors of parrots are a fairly common sight in Maztica's jungles
Porcupine Beast CR 0 Nocturnal, arboreal rodents, porcupines are set apart by their quills, though Maztican Nachtal porcupines have shorter quills than southern Faerûn's crested porcupines.
Giant Porcupine Beast CR 0.5 ¼ While smaller Nachtal porcupines typically climb trees to forage leaves, berries, and bark for food, giant porcupines are a natural rival of giant hornets and minotaur lizards, and likewise fight for territory in former giant hornet nests.
Quipper Beast CR 0 The quippers found in some of Maztica's rivers are typically well fed on a diet of less carnivorous fish, but a quipper that hasn't eaten recently might still take a bite out of an adventurer's ankle.
Swarm of Quippers Beast CR 1 In large groups, quippers can sometimes over-hunt their part of the river, forcing them to attack anything that stops to drink from their territory.
Red Wolf Beast CR 1 Originally thought to be a hybrid of wolves and foxes, the packs great red-furred wolves that span from Huacli to Payit are a persistent threat to travelers.
Skunk Beast CR 0 Spotted skunks are one of the more populous species on Maztica's plains, hills, and forests.
Spider Beast CR 0 While spiders make all reaches of Maztica their home, they rarely bite humans unless compelled to.
Giant Wolf Spider Beast CR 0.5 ¼ Unlike other species of giant spider, the smaller giant wolf spider primarily hunts on creatures roughly the size of most humanoids.
Giant Spider Beast CR 1 Giant spiders regularly set traps for giant hornets at the mouths of their nests, though if a humanoid were to get stuck in its web it wouldn't have a reason not to eat them too.
Swarm of Insects Beast CR 2 In the dense jungles of Maztica, dense swarms of insects are a constant annoyance at best, and a blood-draining death sentence at worst. The oil of the black cohosh is typically used as an insect repellent to ward off such things.
Tapir Beast CR 0.5 ¼ Tapir are wide, forest-dwelling beasts that many of Maztica's predators prey on, and some of its peoples use as mounts and beasts of burden.
Vulture Beast CR 0 Vultures typically follow the predators of Maztica's deserts, awaiting the remains of their hunts.
Giant Vulture Beast CR 1 Unlike their smaller counterparts, the rare giant vulture flies across any of Maztica's skies in search of fallen rain dragons and hakuna.

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