3.5e Intermediate Deities

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Intermediate deities without an improving, reviewing, or removing template present.
Name Alignment Clergy Alignments Domains Favored Weapon
Abyzol Chaotic Neutral Chaotic Good, Chaotic Evil, True Neutral Chaos, Luck, Destruction Greataxe
Acalaccog Lawful Evil Any Nongood Plant, Creation, Dementation, Trickery, Charm Club
Adonai, Variant Lawful Good Lawful Good Good, Sun, Nobility, Glory Longsword
Aelathar the Eternal Equilibrium True Neutral Neutral Evil, Neutral Good, Neutral Balance, Air, Fire, Good, Earth, Water, Evil, Magic. Quarterstaff
Aggran Lawful Good Lawful Good, Neutral Good Earth, Good, Law, Creation Warhammer, Two-handed Swords
Akulta Neutral Good Chaotic Good, Lawful Good, Neutral Good Good, Healing, Plant Mace
Alten Thorngage (Doomblades) Lawful Evil Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil Commerce, Destruction, Domination, Doomblade, Evil, Fire, Greed, Law, Madness, Mind, Planning, Rune, Shadow, Tyranny, Winter Kukri
Anubis Lawful Neutral Any Mummification, Hound, Patience Ankh Staff
Anyon True Neutral Any Strength, earth, war Hammer
Apollyon Chaotic Neutral Any Non-Good Chaos, Strength, Retribution, Spell, War. Bastard Sword
Arachne Chaotic Good Chaotic Good Only Chaos, Good, Trickery, Spider Longsword
Aranae Chaotic Neutral Chaotic Neutral Chaos, Trickery, Spider, drow Dagger
Arceus Lawful Neutral Any Good Nature (Animals, Plants) Unarmed Strike
Aruman Good Any War, Protection, Destruction, Strength Greatsword
Ashana Chaotic Evil Chaotic Evil Death, Evil, Chaos, Pestilence, Suffering. A scythe.
Ashera Lawful neutral Lawful good, lawful neutral, lawful evil Law, magic, healing, knowledge Quarterstaff
Astar True Neutral Any except chaotic evil and lawful good Creation, Magic Scythe
Astor Neutral Evil Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil Evil, Magic, Strength Any Mace.
Astreus Chaotic Neutral Any Chaotic Air, Chaos, Liberation, Weather Bow
Athalas chaotic good Chaotic - Lawful Good No defined Domains Fire Breath, Draconic Magic; In Elven form- Twin Dragonforge Warblades
Auralis Lawful Neutral Anybody who is not evil can be his follower. Air Domain,Cold Domain,Storm Domain ,Weather Domain Glaive
Awknawk Chaotic Good Chaotic Good Bird, Good, Liberation, Luck Rapier
Aëlan Lawful Good Lawful Good or Neutral Good. Good, Healing, Law, Healing, Plant, Luck and Protection. Short Sword
Aërkaan Chaotic Good Any Good and Chaotic Neutral. Law, Good, Animal and Air. Dagger
Bannocks Neutral Good Lawful Good, Neutral Good Good, Protection, Strength Spears and reach weapons.
Basilus Neutral Any neutral Darkness, Destruction, Earth, Strength Warhammer
Bestia Chaotic Neutral CN, CE, CG, N Hunt, Animal, Archery, Plant Longbow, Light Crossbow, Sling, Shortbow, Spear
Biblios Neutral Good Neutral Good, Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral Knowledge, Magic, Mind, Rune Book/Scrolls
Blaine Neutral Good Cannot be Evil or Chaotic Glory, Good, Knowledge, Travel Falchion, Scimitar
Boreal Chaotic Evil Chaotic Evil Ice, Storms, Water, Destruction, Evil, Chaos. A two-handed hammer called Froststrike.
Caladon Neutral Any Charm, Knowledge, and Magic Dagger
Cannux Chaotic Neutral CG, NG, CE, NE, CN Water, Luck, Chaos, Trickery, Destruction, Healing Kukri
Cassia Chaotic Evil Any evil, chaotic Evil, Chaos Whip
Cen Lawful Good Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral Good, Healing, Law, Protection, Sun Rapier and Crossbow (any).
Cernunnos Chaotic Neutral Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, True Neutral Animals, Forests, Hunting, Chaos, Night
Crawky Neutral Neutral Alchemical, Artifice, Knowledge, Mind Pens, Pencils, and Chalk
Cruku Lawful Good Lawful Good Community, Protection, Healing, Creation Light Crossbow
Da'Tarran Thunderhoof Chaotic Neutral Any Chaotic Strength, War, Luck, and Death Greataxe
Dagon Chaotic Evil Any nonlawful, nongood Water, Evil, Chaos, Madness, Knowledge, Blackwater, Entropy Harpoon
Dark Moon Dralúa
Dark Neko Chaotic evil Any evil Cat, Death, Chaos, Evil Yarn garrote
Dark Sun Drasol
Dauphin Neutral Chaotic Neutral Chaos, Generative, Water, Weather Whip
Dave, Glorious Golden Emperor of Mankind CN, TN CN, TN illusion, magic, luck, trickery, war Glaive
Dom Minos Lawful Evil Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil and Neutral Evil Domination, Evil, Law, Tyranny, War Composite Longbow
Draekon Wargrim Chaotic Neutral Any War, Destruction, Chaos The Overwhelming Hammer
Drakeal Chaotic evil Immortality Darkness, necromancy, death, and fear. The undead.
Dujunar Chaotic Evil Chaotic Evil Outlaw, Madness, Destruction, Travel Battleaxe
Elgos Lawful Neutral Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral Knowledge, Mind, Law Quarterstaff
Entil Chaotic good Any Good, healing, magic Handaxe.
Feylgara Neutral Evil LE, NE, CE, N Earth, Artifice, Evil, Rune Warhammer, Greatclub, Dwarven_Urgrosh, Gnome Hooked Hammer, Heavy Pick, Light Pick
Fifi'denckum Neutral Any non-evil. Plant, Sun, Water. Fifi'denckum's domains grant their practitioners abilities relating plants (plant domain) and life (sun, water). Any spear.
First Pharaoh Lawful Good LG, NG, CG, CN Good, Law, Fire, Magic, Spells, Death Longsword
Fizletop Numbrains Chaotic Neutral. Chaotic Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Evil Animal, Chaos, Artifice, Madness Gnomish Hooked Hammer
Flaccien Lawful Evil Lawful Evil Death, Evil, Destruction, Law, War Flail/Mace
Frasia Lawful Good All Good SRD:Nobility Domain Greatsword
Fuffles the Pink Bunny Chaotic Evil NE, CE Chaos, Death, Destruction Whip
Gar Chaotic Good Chaotic Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Neutral Chaos, Good, Fire, Sun, War, Glory, Liberation Warhammer
Gebbyblybyb True Neutral Any Healing, Space, Spectrum Morning Star
Geburah Chaotic Neutral Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, True Neutral, and Chaotic Evil Chaos, Animal, Luck, Strength, Travel, Weather Spear
Glomvier Lawful Good Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good, Knowledge, Law, Luck, Protection, Strength. Lance/Longsword
Gnothos Neutral Evil NE, LE, CE Evil, Knowledge, Darkness, Insanity dagger (often called a scalpel)
Gora Neutral Evil with Chaotic Evil tendancies. any non - good Darkness, Evil, Strength, Travel, Trickery any
Gorth Chaotic Evil Any Chaotic Chaos, Destruction, Evil Whip
Gregorlaxis Lawful Evil Lawful Evil or Neutral Evil, Lawful Neutral Magic, Death, Knowledge, Scalykind Daggers
Grkafsldewa Neutral Evil Mostly lawful Evil Evil, Healing, Pain (BoVD), Torture Spiked Chain
Hallend Chaotic Good NG, CG, CN Air, Storm, Chaos, Good, War Light Repeating Crossbow or Scimitar
Hextor Lawful Evil Destruction, Domination, Evil, Law, War
Hümmier Chaotic Good Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Nuetral Good, Neutral War, Strength, Nature Great Club
Illuminati Order Lawful Evil Lawful Evil, or Neutral Evil Madness, Curse , Evil

Destruction , Law

Inti the Unconquered Sun Neutral Any neutral Sun, War, Fire Heavy mace
Iona, Shield of the Divine Lawful Good Any Good Law, Good, Protection, and War Scythe
Ireul Lawful Evil Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Evil. Evil, Law, Darkness, Madness, Dream, Illusion*, Hatred* Heavy Pick
Isis Neutral Good LG, NG, CG, N Scalykind, Protection, Guardian, Community Glaive, Scimitar, Short Sword, Bolas, Whip
Iskandar Neutral Good Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, True Neutral Good, Healing, Luck, Protection, Travel, Community Quarterstaff
Israfel Chaotic Good Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Good. Good, Chaos, Luck, Travel, Artifice, Bird, Song Scimitar
Itemsale Goldbringer Neutral Neutral Charm, Shifter, Travel, Trickery Heavy Crossbow
Ivelios neutral good good, true neutral (rare) Dream, war, oracle, Nobility, Destiny, protection, knowledge, good & Renewal mercurial greatsword
Jonasriel the Twice-Reborn
Judge Jag Lawful Neutral Lawful Neutral Law, Sun, Moon Longsword/Katana
Kalarish Chaotic Neutral CN, CG, NG, TN Blood, Death, Rebirth Scythe
Kaw Rawkara Neutral Good Neutral Good Word, Song, Charm, Illusion Ray
Kazael Lawful Evil Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, Lawful Evil Darkness, Evil, Tyranny Daggers
Keldelon Good Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Good and Chaotic Good Charm Domain Light Mace
Kira Lawful Neutral Any non-chaotic Law, Death, Good, Evil Scythe
Kmurrek Lawful Neutral Lawful Neutral Glory, Strength, War, Wrath Greatsword
Koras Neutral Any Strength Staff or Spear
Kun Neutral Any Alignment Air, Magic, Travel, [SRD:Healing Domain (Cleric Domain)|Healing]], Knowledge favweap=Quarterstaff
Lady Fortune Chaotic Neutral No lawful. Luck, Chaos,Trickery Throwing Knife
Lady Nocrat Chaotic Evil Any Evil Animal, Chaos, Death, Evil, Fire Nekoid (Fist claw weapon same stats as Kama)
Lakh Ankh Chaotic Good Any except for lawful evil Frog, Water, Protection, Healing, Luck Flail
Lemniscate Chaotic Neutral Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Good, True Neutral Chaos, Animal, Earth, Plant, Protection, Weather Longbow
Lipdiop Lawful Good Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral Destruction, Fire, Glory, War Maul
Liwet True Neutral True Neutral, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral Fire, Magic, Strength, Artifice, Creation Warhammer
Lord of Death Neutral Evil Any Evil, True Neutral Death, Evil, Knowledge, Magic, DeathboundLM, HungerLM, UndeathLM. Scythe
Lyrian Lawful good Lawful good, Neutral good, Chaotic good, Lawful neutral Good, Knowledge, Law, Luck, Magic Quarterstaff
Lysandra Chaotic Neutral None Charm, Passion Chained Whip
Ma'ae Chaotic Evil Any Chaotic or evil. Fear, Chaos Rapier
Makantar Neutral Evil Any Destruction, Survival Chainblade
Maëlân Chaotic Good Any Good Chaos, Good, Healing, Magic, Protection, Strength, Sun and War Longsword
Mekrii Lawful Evil Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil Evil, Law, Magic, Scalykind Simple Melee Weapons.
Mencipiumentis Chaotic Evil Any Evil Strength, Fire, Illusion, Psychic Energies Undecided
Mengar Chaotic Evil Chaotic Evil. War, Wrath, Chaos and Evil. A double-headed axe.
Miclantecuhtli Lawful Neutral Lawful Neutral Law, Death, Knowledge and Magic Macuahuitl
Molor Chaotic Neutral Any Non-Lawful Luck, Magic, Travel, Trickery Heavy Mace
Myriela Lawful Good Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral Audacity, Glory, Good, Healing, Knowledge, Law, War "The Old One-Two" (two-bladed sword)
Myál Neutral Good Any Good, True Neutral. Animal, Good, Healing, Protection, Water. Shortbow
Nanelz Chaotic Neutral Within one step; Chaotic Neutral (High Priestess) Creation, Darkness, Water, Weather Lance, Whip.
Nezok The Traveller Moral Good, ethical Nuetral Moral Good, Ethical Nuetral Moral good, Ethical Nuetral Any Hammer
Norilil Lawful Evil C/G, C/N, C/E, N, N/E, L/N and L/E Trickery, Fame, Beauty, and Deception Dagger
Nril, Variant Lawful Neutral Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral Air, Death, Destruction, Fire, Law, War Bastard Sword
Nycellon Chaotic Neutral Non lawful Chaos, Plants, Animals, Trickery, Destruction Spiked Chain
Nyomai Lawful Evil any Moon, Night, Darkness Tanto
Ondory Lawful Good Any non-evil Sun, Glory, Travel, Competition, Mysticism, Planning Greatsword
Opococo and Jiji Lawful Neutral Any Death, Protection, and Law None
Ormet Chaotic Neutral Any Alignment Water, Trickery, Luck, Animal Dagger
Paagrio Lawful Evil Lawful Evil, or one step away Darkness, Destruction, Law, Strength Greataxe
Parya Neutral Good any non - evil Artifice, Community, Creation, Good, Healing, Plant, Sun any weapon also used as a peaceful tool, such as a scythe or hand axe.
Picos chaotic neutral any chaotic, predominantly neutral sea, water, luck trident; net; dagger [fishing/diving knife]
Plasm Chaotic Neutral Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil Artifice, Creation, Fire, Chaos Spear
Princess Luna Chaotic Good Any Good, Any Chaotic Animals*, Trickery, Darkness Halberd
Puonpai the Abomination Chaotic Evil Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Neutral Evil, Chaos, Darkness, Madness, Plant any
Quetzalcóatl Lawful Neutral Lawful Neutral Knowledge, Law, Strength and Sun
Ranoth Lawful Evil Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil Air, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Hunger, Tyrant, War Bastard Sword or Natural Weapons
Raum Chaotic Evil Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil Evil, Chaos, Death, Luck, Trickery, Charm, Darkness Dagger
Raven Lord Lawful Evil LN, N, LE, NE Death, Darkness, Law, Destruction Hand-scythe (kama with a new name, basically)
Razakel Chaotic Evil Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil Evil, Chaos, Magic, Creation, Madness, Deathbound*, Hunger* Flail
Rensophia Neutral Any Non-Evil Artifice, Magic, Strength, War Heavy Flail
Robyn neutral good Neutral Good, Chaotic Good Good, Maddness, Trickery Dagger
Ryomai Neutral Good any Moon, Night, Light a Naginata
Sal'Goroth Lawful Evil Lawful Evil and Neutral Evil Death Evil Trickery Dagger
Schtilmat Chaotic Neutral Any Non-Lawful (for exceptions see 'Dogma') Charm, Trickery, Luck, Madness, Magic, Mind Lance "HEE-HEE!" *POKE*
Sekolah Lawful Evil Evil, Law, Strength, War
Shilah Chaotic Evil Any alignment that is not Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral Knowledge, Magic, Darkness, Torture, Outlaw A wand or a shortsword
Shraal Neutral Good Any Good, True Neutral Good, Healing, Protection, Travel and Water. Trident
Slaanesh Chaotic Neutral Any Chaotic Chaos, Charm, Gluttony, Liberation, Lust, Sloth (Note that some of these domains are found only in the Appendix of the Spell Compendium) Scimitar
Slippum Chaotic Neutral Chaotic Neutral, True Neutral Travel Oil Vial fire bombs. A vial of oil with rope sticking out of the top. Acts as a Molotov cocktail when lit.
Sonoren Neutral Any Chaotic Knowledge, Magic, Weather, Rune, Charm Staff
Sovellis Chaotic Good Must be within one step of CG (CN, NG) Knowledge, Magic Longbow
Sunigeb Chaotic Good Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral Chaos, Good, Magic, Travel Dagger
Sylvus Chaotic Neutral. CN, CG, NG. Forest, Plant, Animal, Trickery. A longbow.
Tannasg Neutral Evil Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil, Lawful Evil Darkness*, Pain*, Strength, Trickery, War Spiked Chain
Tash Chaotic Evil, with Lawful Evil tendancies any chaos, death, destruction, evil, war scimitar, spear
Tectum True Neutral Any Healing, Knowledge, Magic, Mechanus (Manual of the Planes), and Protection Quarterstaff
Teknos lawful neutral any lawful, predmoniantly lawful neutral rapier
Terennas Lawful Neutral with Lawful Evil tendancies. True Neutral or Lawful Neutral Death, Law, Repose scythe or quarterstaff
Thaël Lawful Good Any Good and Lawful Neutral Law, Good, Destruction, Plant, Animal, Travel and Earth. Warhammer
The Faceless One true neutral none Changeling, Trickery, Community sap
Think Tank True Neutral Any Alignment Knowledge, Magic, Construct, Time Travel, Space Crowbar
Thor Chaotic Good CG, CN, NG. Good, Protection, Storm, Strength, and War. Warhammer
Thrun Chaotic Good Chaotic Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Neutral Chaos, Good, Fire, Strength, Travel, Trickery, War and Sun. Greataxe
Tremblequake Earthshaker Chaotic Evil Chaotic Evil Destruction, Earth, Rune, Fire Two-Bladed Sword
Tzxank Chaotic Evil Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil Chaos, Death, Evil, Fire, Trickery Lance
Uljid Neutral Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil Animal, Earth, Knowledge, Luck, Plant, Trickery A single weapon.
Ursara Lawful Evil None Law, Tyranny Chain
Vabamot Lawful Evil Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil, or Lawful Neutral Artifice, Earth, Evil, Law, Scalykind dagger
Vain Lawful Evil Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, (while Chaotic Evil clergy worship him, he ignores them) Death, Evil, Law, Knowledge Quarterstaff
Vanguard Lawful Neutral LG, N, LE, LN Pact(SpC), Rune, Law Light Hammer, Trident
Veti Chaotic Neutral Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil Chaos, Strength, War Warhammer
Vidarr Chaotic Good Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral Chaos, Endurance, Good, Retribution, Strength, Wrath Broadsword and Waraxe
Vok Lawful Evil LE, NE, LN Creation, Fire, Artifice, Knowledge Longspear, Greataxe, Trident, Heavy Pick, Kukri
Yalanvel Lawful Evil Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil Violation, Law, Trickery, Evil, Fire, Magic Shortsword
Yodexhe Neutral Evil All Evil. Death, Shadow, Destruction, Evil A Scythe called Deathreaper.
Zacharael True Neutral True Neutral, Neutral Good, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral, and Lawful Neutral. Knowledge, Magic, Travel, Rune, Balance* Lance
Zarathustra Lawful Neutral Lawful, see description Strength, Time, Travel, Liberation, Mind "Übermensch" (quarterstaff)
Zeruel Chaotic Good Chaotic Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Neutral, and sometimes martial Lawful Good Chaos, Good, Destruction, Magic, Strength, War, Courage* Glaive
Zyzyx Lawful Neutral Any lawful, or true neutral Artifice, Earth, Law, Strength, Spectrum Fist
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